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2. Operation Hey Mackey! - Whole Foods, Oakland
6 days ago
John Mackey, the CEO of Whole Foods has argued that American workers do not deserve a health care system. We believe that heath care should be affordable for everyone, not just rich people.  So Mr. Mackey, this video is for you!

Performance by the Brass Liberation Orchestra

Filmed by Adelaide Chen, Matt Dibble, Regan Brashear, Cassidy Friedman, and Jamie LeJeune

Edited by Jamie LeJeune and Cassidy Friedman

This video is owned by its producers. Media organizations wishing to obtain a clip of this video, contact video journalist Cassidy Friedman at or 415.717.1485

For a written account of the event, check out



  • Tim O'Brien 5 days ago
    awesome action!
  • ChristieLili 4 days ago
    Who are all these people shopping at Whole Foods in the middle of the day? There are no children, so they aren't stay at home moms. When do they work? And if they don't work, how can they afford to shop at Whole Foods? Here's an idea, get a job and pay for your own health care. I mean, I love a good protest, but if you're so concerned, put that much energy into doing something that will actually help people.
  • Jamie LeJeune 3 days ago
    FYI the protest began at 6:11pm, well after normal business hours. It was timed so that we could all participate in the protest, even those of us with 9 to 5 gigs.
  • CAMMMO 11 hours ago
    @ChristieLili - I'm guessing they are called students. And I would like to help you stumble through your day. They are not shopping there. They are protesting there. It doesn't cost any money to protest. There actually are children with the protesters in this video (4:15). Either you didn't watch the whole thing or you don't know what children are. So some may be stay at home parents. And protesting is one of the most effective agents of social change. Are you an employee of Mackey's, like Mike Laursen? If so, you're really not pulling your weight. He's posting like a mad man, and you are just showing your ignorance. Step it up.
  • Tom W. 4 days ago
    Christie: I don't shop at Whole Foods (too expensive), but the question "when do they work?" is ridiculous. I work midnights, as do many people. And likewise many others also work afternoon shifts. Do you really believe that everyone is confined to a 9 to 5 shift? I support health care for everyone just as I support the other things in life that allow for each person to live with dignity; just as I support the things that allow us all to fulfill our creative potential.

    And what's this bullshit about "I love a good protest?"
  • Mark Freeman 3 days ago
    Love the video! Attaway to get a message across. But why no address attached to send a note to Mackey?
  • Jacob Roberts 3 days ago
    Nice work.
  • parisLA 3 days ago
    Great action! You should run a petition to @WholeFoods and swarm them with tweets!
  • Brent Burk 3 days ago
    So because he listed 10 ways to make healthcare cheaper you guys invest your time to do things like this?

    And how can healthcare be a "right." That means you have a right to the doctor's labor, you have the right to everyone who works at the hospital's labor, you have a right to all the medicines produced by labor. Healthcare isn't free, and it can never be free so long as scarcity exist in the world. Last I checked, healthcare still exist in the world of scarcity.
  • Neahle Madden 3 days ago
    Few people work 7 days/week in this century. Many, (approx. 40%) students, self-employed, health and safety workers, young parents , etc, have flex hours, evening or night shifts! Ya got a rigid 19th century outlook there! Hey, here's the problem; got job, but can't afford very high premiums quoted and even if I could, still couldn't pay deductible 1st; then co-pay 2nd, for actual CARE, with limits set.
  • Neahle Madden 3 days ago
    Forgot to add: if the only indusrialized, wealthiest nation cannot afford Healthcare for its people when ALL others can, many with much lower GNP, gotta ask why. When 20,000 people die every year due to lack of care that is ok because they are poor, aging, underemployed or unemployed or suffer recission by price-gouging insurers?
    As a nurse, I donate LOTS of time to teaching basics of preventive care in my community: most professionals do. It would be a retention/recruitment bonus to have a single-payer system in place. Last I checked, Asia and many parts of Africa as well as Europe have found providing care, impoving and saving lives actually leads to betterment economically. But that is beside the point. I hope you never grow old, develop a chronic condition, have a major accident or use much healthcare. Then you can pay your unused premiums and be happy. If any of those things do happen to you: look out! Bankruptcy looms.
  • Obo Agboghidi 3 days ago
    PB&J;, a highway and a doctor appointment are completely different. A construction is giving a service to the city and the city handles who drives on the road. A doctor is giving a service to their customer.
  • Elam 3 days ago
    White people.....
  • Mike Laursen 3 days ago
    Umm, first of all, Mackey's editorial was published in the Wall Street Journal, not the Washington Journal. The only Washington Journal is a show on C-SPAN.

    The mis-cite calls into question whether any of these protestors read what Mackey had to say. He certainly did not say that "American workers do not deserve a health care system." In fact, his editorial gave several suggestions for reforming the American health care system.
  • Simon Lvov 3 days ago
    What a bunch of brainless suckers! They applaud a charlatan who is trying to entrench status quo by calling it "change", and mock an honest person who is trying to find a real solution for a real problem.
  • CAMMMO 11 hours ago
    Simon- you're such a maverick (wink, wink)
  • Mike Laursen 2 days ago
    re: "Mackey's "solutions" are not solutions at all and have been thoroughly and thoughtfully rebutted here..."

    I don't know what to say. If you think that was a thorough and thoughtful rebuttal rather than a bunch of offhand dismissals, facile cliches, and barely-related tangents then there's no hope of getting you to think openly.
  • Mike Laursen 2 days ago
    re: "Still, it wouldn't bother me if Mackey believed what he wrote, but I don't think he does...not for a minute."

    I can assure you he believes what he wrote. It's entirely consistent with things he has said in his past, and his entire life's story in which he started out as a good American liberal but became more libertarian as he dealt day to day with the real-life problems of running an organic grocery chain.

    And here's what's going to really grind on you: Joel Salatin, hero of the Omnivore's Dilemma, and Trader Joe's founder, Joe Coulombe, are even more hardcore libertarians than John Mackey.
  • j.r. 2 days ago
    this is awesome. it blows my mind that john mackey can create this facade of healthy living but still not support poor americans right to receive adequate health treatment.

    anyone who does not support universal health care has not, or have a loved one fallen ill and have to go through the circus which is American health care.

    my girlfriend is a whole foods employee who has also had to deal with the poor health insurance that the company offers. it is a never ending headache of insurance companies trying to make her pay thousands for her treatments even though she had ta health plan through whole foods.

    she has also filled me in on union busting meetings that whole foods management requires employees to attend. in such meetings they are fed bold lies about how greedy unions will take their dues and never help them out. other meetings they have try to persuade employees to give up certain elements of their own health coverage.

    any google on john mackey will show you that he holds his personal interests far above the well being of the american worker. (check out what he did to wild oats markets. trash talked them personally on yahoo stock message boards in a attempt to lower their value. then bought them out, promised Wild Oats employees whole foods jobs then BLACKLISTED any wild oats employees from working at Whole Foods. after the buy out/
  • Bruce Majors 2 days ago
    Of course, these pudgy unwashed little sows are the ones who greedily want to destroy my healthcare to pay for the "free" but limited veterinary care their hog farmer overlords will give them in their pens until he is ready for their slaughter.

    Anyone who has read Mackey's piece on how to improve health care and how Odumba's lies about this are the same as his lies about Afghanistan and everything else knows that you are just ignorant cannon fodder who have to dance because you cannot think.

    I am sure stripper poles are in your future, airheads that you are.
  • CAMMMO 11 hours ago
    What branch of the military did you serve in? I'm guessing the Army, and I'm guessing you never made Sgt. I infer this from your personal attacks on young liberal Americans. It stinks of frustration at a life unfulfilled.
  • Mike Laursen 2 days ago
    re: "my girlfriend is a whole foods employee who has also had to deal with the poor health insurance that the company offers."

    Please say more. Whole Foods is known for having one of the best health care plans around. Why isn't it so for your girlfriend? Please give details.
  • yankhadenuf 2 days ago
    HSA's are a joke. The whole idea is to get you to forget to apply for your refund of your out of pocket expenses. Who remembers to apply for their Best Buy rebates? I rest my case.

    If Mackey were sincere, which of course he is not, he would get rid of high deductible insurance corporations in his company, and go with public option health insurance or Single Payer Universal Healthcare for all.
  • Mike Laursen 1 day ago
    I believe you're referring to health care reimbursement accounts, and I agree that the yearly forfeiture rule is a joke. I think that HSA (health care saving accounts) do not have this rule. But it's beside the point. The stupid rule could be changed; it doesn't invalidate the basic concept of health care savings accounts.

    As for what Mackey has no problem with, go look up the actual details of the Whole Foods employee health care options. They are very generous.
  • yankhadenuf 1 day ago
    High deductibles are a joke. The message is, stay sick and don't waste insurance money on doctors.

    And Mackey knows very well that a hodge podge patchwork of "free market ideas" are no real solution to everyone's healthcare needs. He is just trying to smell like a rose on Wall Street, but he had a brain fart instead.
  • Mike Laursen 1 day ago
    yankhadenuf, please define the word, "insurance", for me. I'm curious what you think it means.

    And, I can assure you, Mackey genuinely believes that his "hodge podge" of free market ideas are part of a solution to everyone's health care needs. Furthermore, your offhand dismissal of his ideas does not constitute intelligent debate on the topic.
  • CAMMMO 11 hours ago
    @ChristieLili - I'm guessing they are called students. And I would like to help you stumble through your day. They are not shopping there. They are protesting there. It doesn't cost any money to protest. There actually are children with the protesters in this video (4:15). Either you didn't watch the whole thing or you don't know what children are. So some may be stay at home parents. And protesting is one of the most effective agents of social change. Are you an employee of Mackey's, like Mike Laursen? If so, you're really not pulling your weight. He's posting like a mad man, and you are just showing your ignorance. Step it up.
  • Mike Laursen 3 hours ago
    I'm not a Whole Foods employee. Just someone interested in upholding intelligent, civil discourse about government, and the right of free speech. Admittedly, disgusted at the way the Left at the Right try to get all of the rest of us to take sides in their battles with plenty of dishonesty and bad ideas flowing from both sides.

    As for the actual protest, I thought it was kinda cute. A little long, though. The point is that they are criticizing some guy for trying to engage in constructive criticism of the Obama administration's health care reform plan, just as Obama himself asked him to do.
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