I've been getting more and more into early more simple hard sounds from Detroit and Chicago - and on that vein here is another tape from the collection I got from Chris Low. It's a particularly good run through the acid house scene. The standout track here that I don't remember hearing before, mostly because of the robotic girly voice in it, is Confusion's Revenge by Armando.
Enjoy. Chris volunteered the following tracklisting but I haven't checked it through.
part 1: - download
1) the acid life - farley jackmaster funk (house)
...2) confusion's revenge - armando (jack trax) [DOWNLOAD]
3) land of confusion - armando (westbrook)
3) this is acid - maurice joshua (trax)
4) hot hands - hula (trax)
5) as acid turns - liddell townsell (trax)
6) born to freak - steve poindexter (muzique)
7) computer madness - steve poindexter (muzique)
8) machines - laurent x (house nation)
9) fingers - the juice - or may be "Ecstacy" (hot mix 5)
10) dj #1 - acid houz (dance mania)
11) The M rules - MD connection (musique)
12) some white label
13) Hous Mon - Acid warp (underground house)
14) can't for the life of me remember what this track is!
15) cool & dry - jack frost (trax)
16) downfall - armando (warehouse)
17) can't for the life of me remember what this track is!
part 2: - download
1) 20 below - dj pierre (jack trax)
2) phuture jacks - phuture (trax)
3) think this is either jack frost or the porch monkeys, pretty sure it's on Trax or Housetime Records anyway
4) this sounds like a Larry heard track, maybe something off the Hot Mix 'Acid LP' might be called 'hot coals'?
5) magic fingers - 3-2-6 (dance mania)
6) box energy - dj pierre (trax)
7) 'art of acid' maybe?? - otherwise not sure.
8) 151 - armando (warehouse)
9) 151 (remix) - armando (warehouse)
10) climax - black trax (niteclub)
11) acid trax - phuture (trax)
12) slam - phuture (trax)
13) pfantasy girl - pfantasy club (SRO)
14) the creator - pfantasy club (jack trax)See more
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