Gary Younge | The Nation

Gary Younge

Author Bios

Gary Younge


Gary Younge, the Alfred Knobler Journalism Fellow at The Nation Institute, is the New York correspondent for the Guardian and the author of No Place Like Home: A Black Briton's Journey Through the Deep South (Mississippi) and Stranger in a Strange Land: Travels in the Disunited States (New Press). He is also a contributor to The Notion.


News and Features

Why is Haley Barbour so eager to turn Mississippi into a civil rights tourist attraction?

When Obama can't convince American conservatives of verifiable facts, what hope does he have of convincing them to support his policies?

Its partisans may be in search of political purpose, but that shouldn't make liberals complacent.

It's not hard to understand why Americans want to forget all about Afghanistan. But remembering the war would demand a necessary reckoning.

In the George W. Bush years, there was little political capital in scapegoating Muslims. Now, apparently, there's a lot.

What can the World Cup teach us about national identity and belonging?

EU countries traded democracy for prosperity. These days, they're missing it.

British voters are taking a hard look at the Conservative Party, and they don't like what they see.

A tour of Tea Party Nation reveals an all-white movement moving further right from their Bush-era social agendas and into a growing anti-establishment populism.




So much for freedom of speech, let alone thought.

The play My Name Is Rachel Corrie, directed in London by actor Alan Rickman anddue to open in New York City in March,

The play adapts the diaries of the 23-year-old woman from Seattle who wasmurdered inRafah in 2003, when she was deliberately run down by anIsraeli Defense Forces bulldozer. Rachel had traveled to the Gaza Strip during the last intifada as an activist for the International Solidarity Movement.