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IMDb > Shadow on the Earth (1988) (TV)

Shadow on the Earth (1988) (TV) More at IMDbPro »


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6.6/10   14 votes
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Chris Bernard
David Kane (writer)
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Release Date:
19 September 1988 (UK) more
Two brothers growing up in a small Scottish mining town become convinced the albino man living in their street is an alien... more | add synopsis
Plot Keywords:
2 wins more
User Comments:
Subtle and memorable more


  (Cast overview, first billed only)
Sam Hickman ... Billy Wilson
Billy Hartman ... Jim Wilson
Billy McElhaney ... Eddie Brogan
Gerry Slevin ... Grandad Wilson
Sheila Grier ... Bunty Wilson
Andrew Barr ... Flint
Craig Smith ... Alex Wilson
Dale Martin ... Sammy Brogan
Andrew Dallmeyer ... Mr. Morris
Steven McNicoll ... Derek Brogan
Kate Sandison ... Alice Johnson
Bridget McCann ... Mrs. Stone
Laura Elizabeth Smith ... Mary Davidson
Billy Marr ... Eric Grady
Robert Patterson ... Bus Conductor
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Filming Locations:
Scotland, UK
BBC Screenplay more


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1 out of 1 people found the following comment useful.
Subtle and memorable, 7 May 2006
Author: Drew Campbell from Scotland

I saw this only once, on its original broadcast, but it has stayed with me. It's a beautiful, simple evocation of childhood set in 1950s working-class Scotland, particularly good on the strangeness of the grown-ups' world seen through the eyes of the little boy (main character). There are several outstanding sequences - the little boy listening to his Communist-supporting father decry the Royal family as "...parasites", and his teacher's horror when he innocently repeats this. Also when the mother and neighbours set up a show with the children on the back courts - wonderfully observed. The albino man does seem strange and alien to the boys and the paranoia evoked by the 'red menace', translated as 'invaders from outer space' by the wee boys, captures the period perfectly, as well as saying something about how our ideas and opinions get formed. Great performances all round too. Well worth seeing - I'd love to see this out on DVD.

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