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New website will map cuts and challenge OsbornomicsNew website will map cuts and challenge Osbornomics

25 Oct 2010: Things will be a little quieter here over the next month, while we help to launch an exciting new project

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New Schools Network: Gove releases business plan (minus the figures)New Schools Network: Gove releases business plan (minus the figures)

15 Oct 2010: FoI response highlights contradictions – and hypocrisy – of government's assault on quangos and claims of transparency

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‘We don’t have a blueprint’‘We don’t have a blueprint’

5 Oct 2010: Interview with Paul Mackney, a driving spirit behind the recently launched Coalition of Resistance against cuts and privatisation

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Information Commissioner tells Gove to respond to our FoI requests

28 Sep 2010: Information Commissioner tells DfE to respond to our questions within 10 days

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Will Hutton’s pay review: the missing questions

13 Sep 2010: The public sector fair pay review needs to look at pay in private companies contracted by the state

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DfE not so keen on transparency after all

9 Sep 2010: The Department for Education is now 35 days' late replying to my Freedom of Information request on "free schools" and the New Schools Network

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They want lower taxes but love free museums!

8 Sep 2010: Tea Party backers and climate change deniers are flocking to London courtesy of the TPA

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“Bright ideas to cut budget from the British Public”

24 Aug 2010: Hilarious Taiwanese animation satiricising Spending Challenge

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