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woman in the Gambia

Time will tell

Dawn Starin hopes that one day the women of the Gambia will escape the horrors of female genital mutilation.


Are public service cuts justified?

Banker Dan Mobley goes head to head with tax justice campaigner John Christensen.

Time will tell

Dawn Starin hopes that one day the women of the Gambia will escape the horror of female genital mutilation.

Guilty secrets

In strictly segregated Yemeni society, child sexual abuse is kept well-hidden. Glen Johnson hears the harrowing testimony of a survivor.

Silence can speak a thousand words

Saharawis protest on the streets of Western Sahara.

Interview with Robert Fisk: we preach democracy yet befriend dictators

We only have ourselves to blame for the Middle East’s cynicism, says Robert Fisk.

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Fat-cats, tax and useful numbers

As the rich pig-out on austerity, others are gearing up for action

Enforced disappearances in the Philippines: A mother speaks

It’s the hope that dies last. But are the guilty ones ready to admit their crimes and give their victims the very thing they had taken away – their freedom?

Don't shoot the clowns!

Author Jo Wilding explains why the new stage adaptation of her book is so important to ordinary Iraqis.

A breath of fresh air

After 35 days of curfew, residents in Palhalan in North Kashmir get a taste of freedom. 

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  • Cover of The No-Nonsense Guide to Religion

    The No-Nonsense Guide to Religion

    Symon Hill's No-Nonsense Guide to Religion tries to explain what religion means, how we relate to it, how it was created and how it affects us culturally, politically and spiritually today.

    23 Jul 2010
  • Cover of One World Greeting Cards 2011

    One World Greeting Cards 2011

    Beautiful, full-colour images taken from the One World Calendar feature on the cover of these blank-interior greeting cards.

    5 May 2010
  • Cover of Wildlife in Danger Calendar 2011

    Wildlife in Danger Calendar 2011

    This new calendar embraces the whole of the natural world – not just cute mammals: insects, plants, reptiles, trees, fish, birds, corals…

    5 May 2010

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New Internationalist Magazine Issue 436

If you would like to know something about what's actually going on, rather than what people would like you to think was going on, then read the New Internationalist.

– Emma Thompson –

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