The prophet debunked

March 2, 2010
By FN Brill

Trotsky. A Biography. By Robert Service. Macmillan. 624pp. £25. Were Trotsky alive today, he would have the editors of this book shot. It is riddled with irritating errors. Round brackets close square; names change spelling; weird sentences like the idea that Russian radicals “took the bits of Marxism they disliked and discarded the rest” slip...
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Afghanistan War: Dope and Hope

February 27, 2010

Victor Ivanov , head of Russia’s federal drug control agency , said at least 30,000 people died in Russia every year from heroin, 90% of it from Afghanistan. Russia is believed to have around five million drug addicts, half of whom are addicted to heroin. He accused Nato of not doing enough to curb the production...
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Demonizing “Socialism”

February 24, 2010
By FN Brill

The Republican faction of the US Capitalist Party has been trying to build a populist movement around an ignorant fear of “Socialism”. According to these folks, “Socialism” is fascism because of the Nazi’s “National Socialism”. And Socialism is totalitarian because the nationalist movements around Stalinism used the world “socialism” for the state capitalism used...
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Socialist Guide to Marx’s Capital (3. Labor Theory of Value)

February 22, 2010

We have seen, then, that capitalism is no different from any other form of society insofar as wealth must be produced through the productive activities of human beings. This goes without saying, for without such wealth production no society (or the people living in it) could continue to exist for very long. The key difference...
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After Copenhagen, Then What?

February 22, 2010
By SPCanada

The Copenhagen Conference on climate change is over and done, the fourteenth in the last two decades since Kyoto. What did this latest one accomplish? Fifteen thousand delegates from one hundred and ninety-three UN members attended. It was generally agreed that the earth’s average temperature rise be kept at no more than two degrees....
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The Rich Get Richer

February 21, 2010
By FN Brill
The Rich Get Richer

The percentage of the total national income that went to the top 400 families in the USA tripled, from .52 percent in 1992 to 1.59 in 2007.The top income earners received a total income of $138 billion in 2007. This figure is larger than the yearly output of most of the world’s countries, and...
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Capitalism and Michael Moore

February 20, 2010

Like Michael Moore’s other films, ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’, is brilliant in its way, hard-hitting and funny. He strips away the lies and hypocrisy of “public relations” propaganda to expose the ruthless predators who dominate our society and profit from the misery of working people. And at the same time he makes us laugh. So...
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Poverty on course to continue

February 18, 2010

Halving global poverty by 2015 is one of United Nations’ eight Millennium Development Goals . “Even before the onset of the current global financial and economic crisis, the world had not been on track to meet MDG 1 by 2015…Now the crisis is making attainment of that goal even more elusive,” said a UN Department...
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Beyond Capitalism

February 17, 2010

Attempts to reform capitalism, whether through parliament or dictatorship, have failed. This leaves conscious majority revolution as the only way forward. Long before capitalism had emerged as the dominant social order and imposed its exploitive social conditions on the working class that it had created there arose within the minds of human beings the dream...
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They’re not the world…

February 16, 2010
By FN Brill

A classic subversion of “We are the world” by the Houston band Culturcide. As Utah Phillips said, “Change the words so they make more sense.”
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Capitalism Must Go

February 15, 2010

(SPGB election manifesto) These elections are taking place in the middle of the biggest economic and financial crisis since the 1930s. In a world that has the potential to produce enough food, clothes, housing and the other amenities of life for all, factories are closing down, workers are being laid off, unemployment is growing, houses...
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Industrial Unionism

February 14, 2010

The SPGB case against socialist industrial unions : As the trade union movement stands to-day it is still craft and sectarian in outlook, still mainly pro-capitalist, even where the workers are organised on the basis of industry.The struggle on the economic held under capitalism has to be, and is, carried on by socialists and non-socialists...
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1 in 4 Americans is employed to keep fellow citizens in line

February 13, 2010
By FN Brill

An interesting article in the Santa Fe Reader. From a liberal “radical”  on the consequences of income disparity… Bowles offers a key reason why this is so. “Inequality breeds conflict, and conflict breeds wasted resources,” he says. In short, in a very unequal society, the people at the top have to spend a lot of time and...
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Zeitgeist – The Machine inside the Ghost

February 12, 2010

Enthusiasm continues apace for the online movie-cum-movement phenomenon Zeitgeist, with its articulate, clean-cut and photogenic presenter Peter Joseph touring even harder than Bob Dylan, it seems, to bring word to the world about the ‘resource-based economy’ idea which sounds so new to everyone else and so uncannily like socialism to us. Socialists should applaud...
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Land of the Free

February 11, 2010

The United States of America has the biggest prison population in the world and the highest rate of prisoners per capita of all countries. China, with one-party rule and a population that is 4.5 times larger than the US population, has 30% fewer total prisoners than the US. China’s per capita rate is a...
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Taken to the cleaners

February 9, 2010

A non-toxic spray invisible to the human eye that protects almost any surface against dirt and bacteria. The spray is a form of “liquid glass” and is harmless to living things and the wider environment. It is being touted as one of the most important, environmentally-friendly products to emerge from the field of nanotechnology,...
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American Public Opinion and the S-Word

February 7, 2010
By Stefan

In April 2009, interviewers working for the Rasmussen agency asked 1,000 people: ‘Which is a better system – capitalism or socialism?’ 53 percent said capitalism, 20 percent socialism, and 27 percent were not sure. Although ‘capitalism’ came out the clear winner, commentators were shocked that almost half the respondents failed to give the ‘correct’...
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The market versus cooperation

February 6, 2010

A neighbour goes on holiday and another keeps her greenhouse watered. Then he goes away and she willingly feeds and waters his cat. The local school recruits volunteers from the community for a reading programme to benefit the students. A rota of parents run extra-curricular sports options. An army of volunteers delivers regular meals...
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Who bailed out the bankers?

February 4, 2010

People are angry at the banks. They blame them for causing the crisis. They blame them for having to be bailed out and then still paying their top people obscene bonuses. They see them as producing nothing, just making money out of shuffling money around. Some of these criticisms are justified. Some are not. Banks...
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