Rogues Gallery #3

Posted in Pictures, escapism, ideas.... on June 24, 2010 by theroguetrooper

Le chat !!!


Josh Homme

Skinheads in Marbella

Autumn sunset at the Lagoon.

Goed lad


I’m the chairman of the bored !!!!

This is England !

Rogues Gallery #2

Posted in Comment, Pictures, ideas.... with tags , , , , , , , on May 31, 2010 by theroguetrooper

By birth.  Nature points to the soldiers of life the place where they have to fight for it. Blas Infante

In keeping with tradition

Durutti – 15 September 1932 Barcelona sums up the challenge thrown down by the anarchists:

‘The Republican-Socialists need to understand this and so we’ll say it very clearly: either the Republic resolves the peasants and industrial workers’ problems or the people will do so on their own. But can the Republic resolve those and other pressing problems? We don’t want to deceive anyone and will reply firmly, so that the entire working class hears us: neither the Republic nor any political regime of the sort – with or without the Socialists – will ever resolve the workers’ problems. A system based on private property and the authority of power cannot live without slaves. And if the workers want to be dignified, to live freely and control their own destinies, then they shouldn’t wait for the government to give them their liberty. Economic and political freedom is not something given; it has to be taken. It depends on you, the workers listening to me, whether you’ll continue being modern slaves or free men! You must decide!’

Nerja Mayo 2010

What borders? love it !!

Normal Service Has Resumed

Posted in Comment, ideas.... with tags , , , , , , , on May 30, 2010 by theroguetrooper

So Mr David Laws has resigned his cabinet post as chief secretary to the treasury on the back of revelations he has been using tax-payers’ money (£40,000) to pay rent to his partner. 

Mr Clegg has backed Mr. Law’s claim that the secrecy over his domestic and financial arrangements was motivated by the desire to “keep his private life private”.  How fitting Mr. Clegg.  Was it not you who  took the moral high ground over the whole expenses scandal and is it not your partner in crime Mr. Cameron who promised us the people a new era of politics?  So now we know what some of us knew all along.  You have nothing but contempt for ordinary people.  You believe it is your divine right to rule this land; you pour out your sanctimonious drivel about us all being in this together.  You sit in your privileged comfort telling us it is time once again to tighten our belts and that just over the hill is the Promised Land.

Let us flip the coin here.  Mr. Duncan-Smith is busy creating welfare reform at a time when many of us face the very real possibility of long periods of unemployment coupled with the added bonus of picking up leaves in the local park to qualify for the measly and humiliating handout.  Let’s create for a minute a hypothetical young family facing their first period of unemployment.  Let’s suppose it is the month of August and little Joe is about to start school.  Under the new “free school” system Joe is not only required to wear a uniform, he also has to have a sport’s kit selected by the school and a school bag.   Young Joe’s dad being a proud young man cannot make the “new couples’ benefit” money stretch to the whole kit Joe needs for school and even though he knows it is wrong he takes a few days work “on the side” decorating his former bosses new extension.  His former boss made him redundant when his bank would not extend the company overdraft.  Anyway Joe’s young dad gets £120 cash in hand for three days work.  He agonises over declaring these “earnings” but decides it is a one-off and Joe needs things for school.

Six weeks pass and Joe’s dad receives a letter from the benefit’s office fraud investigators requesting he attend the local benefit’s office for an interview under caution.  Unable to lie Joe’s dad admits he did a few days work for his former boss but that he had no choice as he needed the money for his son who was starting at the new “free school”.   Joe’s dad is charged with benefit fraud and his name appears in the local paper under the headline “Dole Cheat Caught out in Benefit’s Sting”.

Now let’s return to Mr. David Laws.  Mr. Cameron has described him as a “good and honorable man” whilst Mr. Duncan-Smith describes him as a “thoroughly decent person” Mr.  Clegg believes Mr. Laws is a man of “integrity”.

The truth however is this.  Mr. Laws got caught out and has shown contempt for both the rules and the people who put their trust in him.  It is more than clear that it is one rule for them and another for us.  If these damming revelations had not surfaced Mr. Laws would have no doubt continued in his role as chief secretary to the treasury more than happy to work out ever more insidious ways to slash public spending under the veneer of protecting the economy.  Next time you read about a benefit cheat just remember Mr. Laws and all the other poly-trickers who have quietly been fiddling their expenses.  So much for a new era of politics and regaining the public trust.


Posted in Comment, ideas.... with tags , , on May 13, 2010 by theroguetrooper

When I was a kid we only had one bin.  The binmen would come round once a week, walk down the entry, open the back gate and take the bin to the  wagon.  They would empty it and bring it back down the entry and put it back where it was.  They would then close the gate and be on their way.


So I have spent more than half my life trying to work out anarchism.  Godwin, Kropotkin, Malatesta, Vaneigim, Johnny Rotten and Penny Rimbaud. I love you all but the binmen give the clearest example of how it works.  Be clear about what you are doing, do it well and do it with respect.

Unlucky 13

Posted in Comment, ideas...., squat with tags , , , on May 13, 2010 by theroguetrooper

13th May 2010, the day the real managerialists assumed control.
Souless grey career politicians.
No heart, no beat, no emotion, no soul.
Endless grey calculations designed to fool the populace there is a purpose.
What purpose is this?
Privelige, wealth and power.
And so it bothers me,
You cannot see this? Or is it you don’t want to?

You smile, I don’t. 
I remember, how can I forget?
Did you think I wouldn’t?
Are you really that arrogant in your fresh pressed shirt?
Not a line of worry, not a tooth nor hair out of place.
You never had to try, it all just came.
I never knew the great world you saw.

So we are in debt!
I wonder why?
Oh yes your chum, you know the one you don’t agree with,
yeah him, you are like him.
He was a phoney as well.
He said something about changing things,
thats it! He saw a brave new world
once we sorted out the mess the other bloke left.
Then I remembered.

Remember the guy with the moustache and the beret?
Yeah him.
Your mate you know the other guy,
the one you don’t agree with.
Well he didn’t like him, and his mate…
well he liked him even less
Something to do with oil it was…
and Arabs

Then they got the Arabs confused with some of the Muslims
anyway it all got out of hand
and they went to war,
well they had to, they said
do or die it was, something to do with civilizations
and it cost money
loads of fuckin money
and while all this was going on his mates who worked in the banks were having a fuckin ball
putting bets on left, right and in the middle they were.
Living the dream man
every fuckin one of them.

One of the bets didnt come, then another, then another.
Suddenly we are owing big money and people aren’t happy
so you Mr Cool, you come along.
You tell us you have a plan,
it’s gonna be tough you say.
You tell us you will make some sacrifices as well.
And who are we to argue?

Anyway I have an idea and,look, before you shoot me down in flames…
You know those nuclear missiles and power stations you say we need?
Well lets fuck them off.
You cannot use the missiles, they cost a fortune and we cannot afford them.
The power stations are fine…when they work
Remember Chernobyl?
Anyway, sorry,I’m getting a bit mixed up.
Oh yeah that debt we have.
If we dont buy the new missiles
and if we fuck the reactors off…

we wont be in debt any longer
and anyway it was your aunty Maggie who said we should be prepared to make sacrifices.

Rogues Gallery #1

Posted in Uncategorized on May 3, 2010 by theroguetrooper


Welcome to the rogues gallery, it’s just a collection of pictures.  I like them, some of them I have taken, others I have stumbled across.

Took this one on a mobile phone one night we were on our way to the now legendary Dragon on Berry Street in Liverpool to dj.  For me it kinda sums up a particular period in time.  A whole scene was born in one of the smallest venue’s in the city.  Week in week out a collection of dj’s and punters wore big smiles in one of the most non-threatening and happening environments around.  Happy days indeed.

A bubble in Barcelona, simple as that really.

Robots have metal hearts, be wary of vocational training.  A world populated by competent functionaries is a dying world.  Taken in a toilet in Barcelona.

Ten days in the sun and the bracelets become appealing

Catch the pigeon.  Nerja, Spain.

Inside Te Kuilp, Amsterdam

Graffiti, Amsterdam supplied by Doris Cakes

Chymera, Amsterdam, a great place to visit.

Grafitti discourse. Amsterdam.

In honour of one squat. 25 years. Spuistraat, Amsterdam.


Right wingers be on your guard we are still here, there and everywhere !!!!!

No explanation required!!!

Well it isnt is it?

The inside of a carrier bag believe it or not.

Simply because it is colourful

Autumn sunset. Marbella. Spain

Sunset, Marbella Old Town.

Midsummer. Norris Green. Liverpool.

Mr. Spud

What you lookin’ at?

West Derby Cemetry. Taken April 2010

Modern Technology eh?

Think about it…………..

Posted in Comment, Gordon Brown, ideas.... with tags , , , , , on April 29, 2010 by theroguetrooper

Ok, so is this the only way that we have? C’mon people we are better than this aren’t we? Turn ya telly off, don’t watch three men debate corruption, stagnation and fear. Bill Hicks was right it’s a choice between fear and love. You help me and I’ll help you. Dead simple.  Those men would have us believe they are interested in our welfare.  Gordon Brown proved yesterday that is utter nonsense.  The imaged has cracked, we thank you Gordon in our own way.  The only thing that separates Gordon from David, Nick and Nick is that he got caught.  Gordon gave us an insight into how they really see us.  They view us with contempt, some know this, some don’t want to admit it and some simply do not believe it.  But, this the truth.  We are nothing but commodities, numbers, percentages, performance indicators and gullible.  How many times do we have to watch scandal, be sold lies and ripped off before we do it for ourselves?

Bird Song

Posted in Comment, Speakers Corner, ideas...., squat with tags , , , , on April 26, 2010 by theroguetrooper

Monday evening we get in from the first day of the weeks work, the dog wants a walk, the sun is out and it is cool.  Once all the errands are done we take to the garden to take in the last hour or so of sunshine.  In doing so we miss the early evening news, we enjoy a beer, the dog brings a ball, and the cat skulks off to a corner as the indica sets in.

In the near distance you can hear the last of the rush hour traffic making its way up and down the East Lancs road.  Cars pull up in the street outside, the music is scouse, funky, donk and the odd bit of that stuff they call r’n’b.  People are chattin’ on mobiles in the street outside and dogs are barkin’.  Early evening chaos you might say.

Straight up out of the blue a blackbird breaks into song just over the back there.   Every other sound begins to merge into a distant rumble, the bird song takes over.  We listen; it takes over, just for a minute it takes over.  It’s beautiful.

 It got me thinkin’…. as long as the birds are singing we are still ok, let’s make it count.

Indica All Stars – Open Our Eyes

Posted in Comment, Music, Uncategorized with tags , , , on April 25, 2010 by theroguetrooper

Okay, before we know it May 6th will have come and gone.  A new man will have the keys to number 10 and as we all now know this will be either Cameron or Clegg.  Both of these men are born of privelige and while they may seem to be able to connect with you do not be fooled, they are schooled to play modern media.  Neither of these men face the daily struggles most of have to put up with and they are never likely to so why vote for them?  What in all honesty do they have in common with any of us.  I simply do not believe they want to govern the uk for your or my benefit !!!!

With this in mind todays post comes from Indica All Stars with the excellent Open Our Eyes released in 1990 on the very excellent Wau Mr Modo records.  As the title says “Open Our Eyes”…………NUFF SAID


Link to zip file


House Element

Posted in Music, deep house mix with tags , , , , on April 19, 2010 by theroguetrooper

To paraphrase a certain Mr Clegg this mix does exactley what it says on the tin.  You get an hour of some quality deep house tunes. 

Recorded shortly after a bbq on Saturday afternoon it was born out of explaining some ideas around mixing music to my good mate Mr. Dave.  The original plan was to record a thirty minute mix with the aim being Mr Dave could take a copy and give it a listen and give him some food for thought, in relation to his own development in the art of mixing music.  The thirty minute mark came and went and the end result is this.  I decided to post it in case anyone out there fancies a listen…..

follow the link below

house element :: 17::04::2008

1.   bas armo – it moves me so much
2.   kruse & neurnberg - margin call (aki bergen remix)
3.   motor city soul – deliver me (kruse & neurnberg remix)
4.   karol xvii & mb valence – go deepest (original version)
5.   geddes – the scene
6.   lukas greenberg – the green
7.   lukas greenberg feat. nica brooke – fears on me (dub)
8.   hernan cattaneo, soundexile - sonification
9.   atnarko – deep (jay west remix)
10.  kruse & neurnberg (?)
11.  sparkhouse - in between

recorded  17::04::2010 @ lovebunker


make tea not war

love & peas
