Tendance Coatesy

Left Socialist Blog

Carla Bruni in the Comics.

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Who cannot be moved to tears of joy as Carla weds Sarko?

Fighting Religious Obscurantism.

From Libération’s article on this new gem - Here.

More in the Huffington Post – Here.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 30, 2010 at 10:26 am

Posted in Culture, French Politics

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Counterfire and the Coalition of Resistance: a critical analysis.

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Is this the Way Forward?

Counterfire, the Coalition of Resistance and John Rees.

“At last, when the Duchess saw that no patterns would do her any good in the framing of her world; she resolved to make a world of her own invention, and this world was composed of sensitive and rational self-moving matter; indeed, it was composed only of the rational, which is the subtlest and purest degree of matter..”

(The Blazing World Margaret Cavendish. 1666)

The Coalition of Resistance (CoR) is holding a conference on the 27th of November. It was set up to “organise a broad movement of active resistance to the Con-Dem government’s budget intentions.” In view of the Cabinet’s massive reductions in state spending its task now is to “Oppose cuts and privatisation in our workplaces, community and welfare services”. Its role in making opposition effective is to “Support the development of a national co-ordinating coalition of resistance.” Apart from a list of left-wing signatures, it has received support from the Communist Party of Britain’s ‘People’s Charter’.Already there has been controversy about this “co-ordination”. Some on the left support different initiatives, such as the National Shop Stewards’ Network, others are relucant to commit to such a “cordination” outside the official labour movement.

Exactly what the Coalition of Resistance (CoR) owes to a small network called Counterfire is a matter of conjecture. Clearly the group hosts the CoR’s site. Counterfire’s best-known figures are John Rees, late of the Socialist Workers Party, and currently still influential, and his partner, another ex-SWPer, Lindsey German, in the Stop the War Coalition (StWC). The reasons for their departure from the SWP are of some interest to the inner Leftist Trainspotter, but largely personality and tactically based, have only a limited relevance here. The SWP’s present activity, with the Right to Work campaign, has its own difficulties. In this case, the Counterfire network is small, which has led, it is said, a few small left groups to feel that they can work with the CoR with interference. What is more important, however,  is regardless of their strength, is these leaders’ political practice, from the Socialist Alliance to the StWC, and their present stand.

From United Fronts to Coalitions.

John Rees has recently written of the importance of political “experience” in “the struggle itself.” Equally significant is “theoretical experience.” (1) As any visitor to the Counterfire site can see it is full of reports, of varying quality, on international and British “mobilisations” and mass movements. For Rees, an enduring issue is that any large-scale protest (whether industrial or social) shows “uneven consciousness in the working class movement”. Workers have a “dual consciousness”, both of being “of subordination”, which creates a sense of acceptance of capitalism, and a good feeling that they “have the right to control” their work The two meet in ‘reformism “a particular amalgam of good sense and common sense” To deal with this he defended the view that this means that the left should build the united front “to maximise the unity of the working class in struggle, and at the same time give revolutionaries and reformists the chance to discuss their wider differences.” Yet it must be based on “separation on matters of principle such as reform and revolution. We cannot properly determine those immediate issues on which we can unite unless we also properly, and organisationally, separate over matters of principle.” (2) Read the rest of this entry »

Written by Andrew Coates

October 29, 2010 at 11:03 am

Big Questions for Suffolk Council, And Some More.

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Jeremy Pembroke and Friend.

The East Anglian Daily Times asks some important questions about Suffolk County Council’s Plans to Divest its services.

The Daily says that it is “neutral” about the changes. But the very fact of putting such a list forward – including many very awkward topics – is unlikely to please Tory Council leader Jeremy Pembroke and whatever her title is, Anthea Hill.

We would like to increase their disconfort by adding a few comments of our own.

(from Here.)


1. Impact on vulnerable people.

Has Suffolk County Council thought through all the implications of its new strategic direction, especially for the most vulnerable people?

Given the County says that we all have to shoulder our own responsibilities this is a very sensitive issue. Who is going to shoulder the vulnerables’  repsonsibilities? What exactly is proposed to do with  existing support services – that is are there not just transfers of agencies to private hands but service charge rises and cuts envisaged?

2. Local government’s moral and legal responsibilities.

Has it done this in the context also of other impacts over the next two/three years – e.g. reduced personal income, loss of employment, reduced welfare and housing benefits?

Does Suffolk County Council think that people will realistically be able to make the ‘choices’ and ‘take control’ of their circumstances in the way it proposes?

See previous point. Does the Council see the way forward for a transfer of responsibility to families and carers? In which case what support is to be given – and taken away?

3. Linking things together.

Has Suffolk County Council a clear plan for linking together the changes proposed and their timescales?

This is a hard one for the County, which anyone who cares to look can rapidly find an answer: they have announced things in dribs and drabs. The Tory Local Government Blog had the list of ‘first wave’ transfers up before the County put it on their site. Their plans at present remain in a shambles – at least from what we see from the outside.

Good one EADT!

4. Leadership capacity.

Does Suffolk County Council have the general leadership knowledge, experience and capacity for the scale and pace of changes proposed – and their implications, including unanticipated events?

Well, we know the answer to that one….

How will the council build support for what is proposed?

Answer: confusing people by sending out mixed messages. Making extreme free-market statements, than slightly backtracking.  Prevaricating. Letting it seem that the worst will never happen.

The old Strategy.

First  make a really hard-line set of right-wing  proposals.

Then some slight compromises .

People will think that a good-old British compromise has been reached.

5. Suffolk’s local economy.

What quantity of services does Suffolk County Council anticipate being provided by organisations which are not currently part of the Suffolk local economy?

More to the point who are these organisations? What information do electors have about them? How much are their CEOs and top-staff paid?

6. Suffolk County Council and the NHS.

Excellent point.

7. External advice and feedback.

What advice is SCC taking from others nationally or regionally about the changes proposed?

Let’s be frank. What free-market Think Tanks and ideologues are involved?

What has been the feedback received so far?

8. ‘Pro-active and wide-ranging engagement’

On 23 September Suffolk County Council agreed formally that there ‘should be pro-active and wide-ranging engagement across Suffolk to establish whether the key new strategic direction proposals find favour with the communities we all represent before moving forward to implementation; and the findings from this engagement be reported back to full council at its meeting on 2 December.’

What pro-active and wide-ranging engagement has there been so far with…..

We know the answer: no-one, nowhere….nothing, nothing and nothing.

The Suffolk Conservatives can barely be bothered to talk about this. Even Eager Tory Toadies Like BridgeWard News spends more of his time on Benedict’s Cycling Stunt than engaging on these issues.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 28, 2010 at 10:30 am

Rampant May 68 in France?

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 Annick Coupé, spokesperson of the  l’Union syndicale Solidaires (close to the NPA), * says,

Beaucoup de commentateurs ont employé l’expression ”mai rampant”, c’est la référence à ce qui s’est passé en Italie dans les années 1967-1968, où il y a eu quasiment en permanence des mobilisations sociales sous diverses formes : grèves, manifestations, occupations… qui étaient impulsées à la base et qui regroupaient aussi bien des syndicalistes que des jeunes.

Many commentators have used the expression “rampant May”, referring to the events that took place in Italy between 1967 – 68 (in English the more significant period, 1968 – 9 in Italy is sometimes called the Hot autumn), where there was a near permanent round of diverse social mobilisations, demonstrations, occupations…which grouped together the grass-roots of the trade unions as well as young people.

Effectivement, aujourd’hui, des salariés, des jeunes, des précaires, des chômeurs se retrouvent au niveau local et se mobilisent ensemble depuis plusieurs semaines. Les liens qui se sont constitués sont des liens interprofessionnels et intergénérationnels et ne vont pas s’arrêter. T

Today, in effect, employees, young people, those in precarious jobs, the unemployed have locally found themselves organising together – between generations and they will not be halted.

La colère sociale reste très forte et l’idée que ce gouvernement est au service d’une minorité reste très présente. Il faudra donc continuer à se mobiliser dans les semaines et les mois qui viennent. Mais évidemment, personne ne peut dire ni décider comment cette colère va continuer à s’exprimer dans l’avenir.

 Anger at a the idea that this government can act on behalf of a minority remains present and intense. We will have to continue to mobilise in the weeks and months to come. But obviously nobody can say, or decide, how this rage will continue, or be expressed in the future.

(From Le Monde Here.)

To me this looks close to saying that this particular battle is nearly over.

*Solidaires claims 90000 members, in 45 federations ou national unions, according to professional sectors, (SUD-Rail, SUD-Education, SUD-Aérien…

Written by Andrew Coates

October 27, 2010 at 4:15 pm

French Upheaval, Beginning of the End? Or More Mobilisations?

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Not Kicked Out Yet.

The revolt against Sarkozy’s pension plans continues.

For the moment.

The Nouvel Observateur says that this is the “Decisive Day for the Pension Reforms” (Here)

 le vote définitif du texte mardi 26 octobre au Sénat et mercredi à l’Assemblée nationale, tandis que les étudiants sont appelés de nouveau à manifester. De leurs côtés, les syndicats se veulent rassurants et affirment que le mouvement ”continuera” et “prendra d’autres formes”.

The definitive vote of the text (of the Pension Reform Law) takes place today in the Senate, and on Wednesday in the National Assembly. STudents are called again to demonstrate. On their side the unions say they are confident and state that the movement will “continue” and “take other forms”.

Students are out in force in France today. (Direct reports Here.)

7 out of 12 refineries remains blocked, but workers have voted to return to work.  There is solidarity action from Belgium workers.  against Total. The SNCF disruption has halted. In the waste collection strike, rubbish is being collected again.

One thing is clear. If there are two more Days of Action to come (one is this Thursday) ‘other forms’ of action are unlikely to involve a General Strike. The centre-right L’Express suggests this form of words mean a move towards ‘the end’ of the conflict (Here). There is talk of the CFDT negotiating with the Bosses’ union over youth employment.

What it means is that in effect the revolt has reached a limit in its present form.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 26, 2010 at 11:34 am

French Police ‘Infiltrated Demos’ to Cause Trouble.

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Were Agent-Provocateurs Involved as Well?

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the Parti de Gauche, alleges,

 que des policiers avaient des «consignes» pour «infiltrer» et «jeter des pierres» dans les manifestations sur les retraites.

That Police had orders to ‘infiltrate’ and ‘throw stones’ during demonstrations against the raising of the Pension Age.

A police union has called for  Mélenchon to be prosecuted for these claims. (More Here.) (More from Toulouse Here).

Mélenchon says he has a picture of one such incident on his Blog.

The Blog is now undergoing ‘maintainance’.

Update. Blog now available.

The key section begins, “J’en reviens aux casseurs et aux mystères qui les entourent.” – “I turn back to the ‘casseurs’ and the mysteries surrounding them.”

The Picture is one we have already published:

Written by Andrew Coates

October 25, 2010 at 12:10 pm

Suffolk County Council Divestment, Opposition Grows.

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Jermey Pembroke Encloses Suffolk Common Services.

Divestment, Suffolk County’s Tories and Managers favoruite word, means privatising. It will led to most of the Council’s services  being run by commercial companies, so-called ‘social’ enterprises, and, in some cases, helped by a staff of volunteers.

On the last point the free-market seems to run into difficulties. A few well-heeled Parish/Town councils (Southwold)  are ready to taker over running public institutions (such as Libraries) as a hobby. Most are not. Some Voluntary organisations are said to be willing, others are not. All are wary in the absence of funding.

An important article in Paul Geater’s Evening Star column this Friday indicates rapidly eroding enthusiasm for these plans.

Geater asks ”What is behind the county changes?” He says that the county the County has exaggerated the reduction in tis income – really exaggerated it. “This week the Country council learned it is going to have the money it gets from government grant cut by 7,1 % every year for the next four years.” With compound interest that means 26% cut. ButtSuffolk get only £216 million of its £520 non-school budget from the government. This means that “in bald figures the loss of government grant will be £56 million over four years or 11% of the budget.”

So with a cut of just 11% why is going for “the most radical restructuring of services ever seen in this country” ? 

Geater asks “is it being driven by an ideological dive to be seen as the most radical county in the county.”

In Tendance Coatey’s view,  Suffolk is to be an experiment. It is probably inspired by national Free-market think-tanks, and certainly aided directly by the national Conservative Party.

The plan is to make everyone into market-players. The end is that communities, through councils, will have to compete for services. Business and other ‘providers’, will be able to run their concerns free from outside democratic supervision. They will become political players with more power than voters. Communities will compete for services, through offering packages including their voluntary and individual resources.  Tight budget controls will mean that only those able to pay extra for what are now County responsibilities will get a decent level of provision (for everything from Home Helps, Retirement Care, to Libraries). Bargian basement level services will be offered to the poor.

They will restore traditional authority to business friends, and the knights and ladies of the Shire. . This is not ‘radical’: it is reactionary.


A new campaign “Suffolk coalition for public services” has been set up by trades unionists and they are planning a protest march through the town at the end of the month.

Organiser Roger Mackay said: “The Tory Coalition’s Comprehensive Spending Review has made it absolutely clear that the proposed cuts in the public sector are an attack based on ideology rather than economic need.

“To claim that cutting half a million jobs is good for the country is neither fair nor true.

“Unemployment is an economic drain on the country, but even more devastating for the individuals concerned and their families.

“Even the Treasury has predicted that the cuts will lead to at least 500,000 public sector job losses and between 600,000 and 700,000 in the private sector over the next four years.

“In Suffolk the projected 28per cent cut could mean 7,500 public sector and 8,500 private sector jobs over the same period.”

The coalition is planning a protest march on November 27 from Suffolk County Council’s headquarters at Endeavour House.

More Here.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 24, 2010 at 10:58 am

Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste: Coming Congress Debates.

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Megaphone Still Shouting?  

The Nouveau parti anticapitaliste (NPA) will have its Congress on the 10th, 11th and 12th of December.  This will be the occasion for the two-year old party to draw a balance-sheet of its own activities. In the super-heated atmosphere of the revolt against President Sarkozy’s pension reforms, they will try to set out a strategy for the French anti-capitalist left.

French politics, for historical, cultural and political reasons (beginning with 1789), has substantial importance for British socialists. While not attempting to take a ‘line’ (though one cannot avoid critical remarks), some description of  debates on the French left, of which the NPA’s are only one aspect, can be useful for our political development. That is, they are in the context of a Europe-wide wave of financial stringency, the growth of the privatising market-state (accelerated by cuts), and efforts in many countries to create serious socialist alternatives.

NPA’s  Foundation.

The NPA originates in the Fourth International’s French party, the Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire (LCR). In 2007 their Presidential candidate, Olivier Besancenot got 1,498, 581 votes in the first round of the elections. Following this, and in line with the (still resonating) wave of ‘anti-globalisation’ protests worldwide it was decided to launch a new party. This would open up the old LCR to changed conditions. A handful of tiny left groups joined, with a much larger number of individual recruits. Committees were set up to prepare the way for what is now the Nouveau parti anticapitaliste. One third of its members come from the LCR, and 45% of National Political Committee.

Since its formation in 2008 the NPA has defined itself, as a “une gauche de combat, anticapitaliste, internationaliste, antiraciste, écologiste, féministe, révoltée par toutes les discriminations “ that aims for a “transformation révolutionnaire de la société” based on a “nouvelle perspective socialiste démocratique pour le xxie siècle” en mettant fin à l’économie de marché”.

There is little point in putting the same words in their English form.

The party did not attain its target of 10,000 members, gaining 9,123 (still three times that of the LCR). It began to have an enhanced role in French political life, partly because of the articulate freshness of its ‘Postie’ Spokesperson, Olivier Besancenot, but also because it was a genuine player on the left. However media stardom did not lead to electoral success. In the of 2009 European Elections the NPA, largely standing alone, got 4,98% and no Euro Deputies.

More Electoral Set-Backs.

The Regional Elections of 2010 saw a further disappointment. The NPA refused agreements with anyone who would later align (under the French two round electoral system) with the ‘social liberal’ left, the Socialists. This was later modified to allow some local agreements with the left of the PS Front de Gauche (FdG) and other left forces.

The FdG combined the ex-Socialist, Parti de Gauche (PdG), the Parti Communiste Français (PCF) and a small current that had left the NPA, the Gauche Unitaire. They succeed in getting well over the 5% hurdle and won seats.

For the NPA’s 21 Lists an average score of 3,40% was seen as “not good “.

It was revealing that their 14 go-it-alone one had 2,85%. Those allied in 3 areas with the Parti de Gauche got between 4 and 5%. Three unitary lists (including the Parti de Gauche and others) for over 5%. (8,59 % en Languedoc-Roussillon and 13,13 % in Limousin). In the latter list the PS refused to align with them for the second tour of the election, because of the NPA’s presence. They kept the List going and scored 19,10% of the vote, resulting in two NPA candidates’ election.

For the second round of these elections the NPA called for unity against Sarkozy and for a “third social round” around mass movement opposing the raising of the pension age.

The NPA’s refusal of a national alliance with the FdG has been criticised on the left. It has been accused of refusing to put “les mains dans le cambouis” – get its hands dirty. That is, making alliances with the Front de Gauche (Parti de Gauche, Parti Communiste Français and Gauche Unitaire plus smaller allies). Such agreements are a key part of politics. The LCR has always been noted as a genuine partner in campaigns and social movements. The contradiction between this and their present stand has not passed without notice. This has been a major topic in its internal debates. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by Andrew Coates

October 22, 2010 at 10:32 am

Spending Review: Under 35s to Live in Rabbit Hutches.

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Future Under-35s Accommodation.

Okay I made that headline up. But only just.

The item that stuck out in the Spending Review (though there’s plenty else to get annoyed about) is this.

From Inside Housing, Here.

The government has announced further plans to cut housing benefit payments in the comprehensive spending review.

From 2012, single people under 35 will be paid a shared room rate rather than a rate for a full flat.

The shared room rate is lower than all other housing benefit payments and is currently paid to claimants under 25. It is based on the amount of rent charged for a single room with shared use of the rest of a house.

The government expects raising the age at which the shared room rate can be paid will save £215 million by 2014/15.

Announcing the change, which comes on top of savings announced in the emergency Budget and at the Conservative party conference, chancellor George Osborne said: ‘This will ensure that housing benefit rules reflect the housing expectations of people of a similar age not on benefits.’

Today’s review also revealed a cap on benefits for out-of-work single people of £18,200. This follows the announcement of a £26,000 cap for workless families at the Tory party conference two weeks ago, and will be administered in the same way, with housing benefit being cut up to the cap.

Campbell Robb, chief executive of Shelter, said: ‘The combined worry of cuts to housing benefit and the slashing of the affordable house building subsidy, coupled with the absence of a long-term strategy, will be devastating for the housing aspirations of thousands of young people consigned to increasing costs and bringing up their families in an insecure private rented sector.

‘The chancellor acknowledged this generational shift in housing aspiration for under 35s in his speech.’

This comes after this, (Inside Housing here),

Local housing allowance will be limited to between £280 and £400 a week depending on house size and housing benefit will be reduced by 10 per cent if a claimant has claimed jobseeker’s allowance for 12 months.

So, under-35s will face restrictions on how they live, and forced to share (at least in terms of their benefits).

 At the same time anyone on the Dole for more than 12 months will have top fork out an extra %10 of the rent – which could be anything from a  tenner a week upwards. That’s off their £64 JSA.

They think of everything to help us, these Liberals and Tories!

Written by Andrew Coates

October 21, 2010 at 10:29 am

France: Violence, Les Casseurs Make An Entry.

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French Police and their Hard Men.

There are increasing reports of violent incidents in France.  ‘Casseurs’ (literally, breakers, smashers), determined to fight the police, sack shops and burn vehicles, have appeared on the fringes of lycèen marches. This morning Lyons was the theatre of clashes. There are continuing incidents in the Parisian banlieue, notably in Nanterre (here).

No one doubts that  disaffected, and often opportunistically vandalising, youth are capable of this on their own back. .

But one always wonders, when this happens, just how convenient it is for Sakozy, for this to happen.

Picture shows the kind of people the French state has working for it in these conditions.


(Hat-Tip FMR)

Written by Andrew Coates

October 20, 2010 at 3:41 pm

Last of the Pabolites. Utopie-Critique

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This interesting journal is the home of the last of the Paboites. It contains articles on self-management, radical socialist republicanism and a host of other criticial Marxist contributions. Highly recommended. Utopie-Critique seems one of the most interesting left publications around.

Sommaire Utopie Critique N°45 Convertir en PDF Version imprimable Suggérer par mail
Par Utopie Critique   


Written by Andrew Coates

September 20, 2008 at 10:37 am

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French Socialists

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L'hebdo des socialistes


I will post on this in detail later but it seems that the Parti Socialiste Francais is in a real state: no enthusiasm, no deeply-felt ideology, or clear platform of any kind, a collapse around its central spine, and just the everlasting battle between the ‘elephants’ for leadership in the coming Party Congress.

Written by Andrew Coates

September 23, 2008 at 12:05 pm

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Lutte Ouvriere Expels ‘the Spark’.

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 22 septembre 2008
Lutte Ouvriere has expelled ”l’Enticelle’ (the Spark), its permanent faction. Reports state that this is due to the faction’s closeness to the LCR’s project of a New Anti-Capitalist Party. It is believed the people affected number a few dozen at most. Given LO’s regime – they are compared to ’soldier  monks’ – this is a sign of an even tighter internal grip on members. Obviously the attraction of the LCR-led new party (which has had enormous publicity in the French media and seems to have had genuine resonance amongst a wide swathe of people) is being resisted by pulling up the drawbridge.



     Réunis en conférence nationale, le 21 septembre 2008, pour examiner les relations entre la majorité de Lutte Ouvrière et la fraction L’Étincelle, les militants ont voté à une majorité de 97,3 % la motion suivante :
     ”Le constat qui s’impose est que la Fraction L’Étincelle s’est, depuis sa création, de plus en plus éloignée de la majorité de Lutte Ouvrière, au point de constituer aujourd’hui une organisation complètement indépendante et autonome n’ayant plus aucun lien politique avec Lutte Ouvrière.
     Pendant toutes ces années, elle n’a pour ainsi dire jamais accepté de soumettre ses projets, non seulement à une discussion véritable, mais à un vote pouvant décider d’une attitude commune. Elle a toujours confondu « informer » les instances de Lutte Ouvrière avec débattre et décider en commun.
     En dernier lieu, avant les élections municipales, elle a décidé unilatéralement de soutenir et de participer à des listes de la LCR et surtout de soutenir, à Wattrelos, des dissidents n’ayant plus rien à voir avec Lutte Ouvrière. C’est son refus affirmé de respecter la décision prise par la majorité qui a amené celle-ci à la suspendre jusqu’à ce qu’une décision statutaire puisse être prise à leur propos.
     A cela s’est ajoutée leur participation à la construction d’un NPA, ce qui les place non seulement en dehors mais très loin de Lutte Ouvrière.
     L’existence d’une fraction faisant partie de Lutte Ouvrière est donc une fiction depuis déjà longtemps, et il est temps d’entériner cet état de choses.”
     Ce vote décide en conséquence la fin de toute relation entre Lutte Ouvrière et le groupe nommé jusqu’à présent Fraction Lutte Ouvrière – L’Étincelle.


The reply by L’Étincelle is here, which describes LO’s drawbridge strategy (replie sur soi), criticises their alliance in some municpalities with the Parti Socialiste, and refers (rather obliquely) to exploring the possibility of a new left party (that is, the Besancenot project) :



22 septembre 2008

 Après avoir suspendu la Fraction l’Etincelle de Lutte Ouvrière, le parti d’Arlette Laguiller l’a exclue ce dimanche 21 septembre lors d’une conférence nationale extraordinaire convoquée tout exprès deux mois avant le congrès annuel de décembre prochain qui devait débattre de cette suspension ainsi que des orientations politiques de l’organisation. De toute évidence la direction de LO ne pouvait supporter ni les critiques concernant sa politique de soutien à l’union de la gauche et au PS lors des dernières municipales ni surtout le débat sur le bilan de cette politique désastreuse : d’une part LO n’a absolument pas obtenu le nombre d’élus escomptés de la petite place qui lui avait été consentie sur les listes du PS, du PC ou des deux contre son soutien à des programmes et des politiques qui n’étaient pas les siens ; d’autre part cette politique opportuniste a terni auprès d’un certain nombre de ses partisans et de travailleurs l’image de rigueur et de fermeté qu’elle avait gagné à juste titre par sa politique antérieure.

Les raisons invoquées pour l’exclusion de la Fraction sont soit un prétexte grossier (reproche d’une alliance passée avec la LCR aux municipales à Agen alors que la majorité de LO s’est retrouvée dans d’autres villes sur des listes avec la même LCR, ou encore d’avoir refusé que à Wattrelos des conseillers municipaux sortants LO, proches de la Fraction, soient écartés pour ne pas accepter la nouvelle alliance électorale avec le PS), soit la démonstration du repli sur soi et de la frilosité politique actuelle de Lutte Ouvrière (accusation d’avoir entrepris d’explorer avec d’autres courants d’extrême gauche les possibilités de construire un Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste proposé par Olivier Besancenot).

L’exclusion ne change évidemment ni l’activité, ni la politique ni les orientations fondamentales de la Fraction l’Etincelle de Lutte Ouvrière qui milite pour la construction d’un parti communiste prolétarien révolutionnaire, l’implantation du courant trotskiste dans la classe ouvrière et le développement d’un mouvement d’ensemble des salariés, nécessaire pour s’opposer aux attaques redoublées du patronat et du gouvernement contre le monde du travail et les classes populaires.

I can’t say I see much immediate future for LO – the ‘eternal candidate’ for  French Presidential elections will not re-present herself (she has been in eclipse anyway) and its Marxism is, to say the least, a kind of unappealling dogmatism. Their full members – real cadres – are enormously dedicated and have to be given credit for that. But faced with Olivier Besancenot they have lost much of their popular attraction. As Krivine (love to name drop!)  finished a sentence of mine at the Conway Hall May Event: I was describing to him how I found the LCR’s video clips of their campaigning moving and how in them “les gens etaient ….” (people in them were)  he popped in the obvious word  - “normaux” (normal). Quite.

See: Lutte Ouvriere in Wikipedia (English).











Written by Andrew Coates

September 24, 2008 at 9:44 am

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That Brown Speech.

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Rex)So it’s all hard-working families again (Guardian). Plenty of the predicted hysterical aplause, delegates in a willing-state-of-believing, the nerves frayed. Shame about the Srah being dragged into the public psycodrama, she came across as a pleasant enough sort. New Labour relies ever more heavily on the Hunting of the Snark  device of saying things three times so they must be true: witness repetition about having made Britian fairer and life being better for ordinary folk. Not to mention the references about progress in ending child poverty, and shameless sentiment to helping deal with the injustices facing the world’s poor.

Or maybe not, since I barely listened to it all.

Some questions:

  • If Brown is ending poverty how is that unemployed people without children will not get a penny to help them cope with massive fuel price-rises?
  • We all know – even a babe in a buggy must be partly aware – that Brown loves, absolutely loves, hard-working families. But what of us drink-sodden idlers? Eh? How is Brown going to deal with unemployed anyway? How is his New Deal Deal scheme – an open prison for many of those on it, a business opportunity for those private and ‘voluntary’ bodies cashing in on it – going to deal with a rising dole queue?  How will the Minisiter of Work and Pensions – undoubtably one of the most repellent creatures in the Cabinet - introduce his forthcoming legislation to bring in forced labour – workfare – when there is growing unemployment?
  • If Brown believes in fairness how is it that he is pledged to introduce yet more repressive social legislation to busy the Courts and fill the Gaols – this time against the sex trade?
  • If Brown believes in ending world injustice what are his plans for Iraq and Afghanistan? I don’t have an easy answer even remotely to offer, but surely Mr Brown  who plans to finish off the planet’s poverty could at least start by looking at these lands’s problems. From him till now: motus.
  • Apart from a few feeble criticisms of the kind of shark-toothed (do sharks have teeth or fangs?) City types, what are Brown and Darling going to do about the Rich? In Coatesy’s view doing nothing is not an option. Where are the public trials for profiteering, the lengthy sentences, the permanent loss of civic rights?

Written by Andrew Coates

September 24, 2008 at 11:51 am

Terror and Consent. The Wars for the Twenty-First Century. Philip Bobbitt.

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Phillip Bobbitt has already made a name for himself, in the realms of high politics, and Academies closely chained to Power in the West, as the author of The Shield of Achilles (2002). This described the replacement of nation-states (jealously sovereign, territory-bound, responsible for its citizens’ well-being) by market-states (inter-linked at all levels, enabling people to produce wealth, not redistributing it, guaranteeing protection and human rights). Economically this change-over resulted (rather vaguely) from the kind of ‘connectivity’, networking of finance and information, and contracting out of state activities, readers of globalisation literature are only too familiar with. Constitutionally, and above all, militarily (Bobbitt’s fortes), the market-state appeared to give priority to new criteria of legality. Weapons of mass destruction, mass abuses of human rights, from ethnic cleansing to residual totalitarian regimes   destroyed the case for recognising the sovereignty of every state. The new technologies of war (extending the planetary reach of armed force) made possible targeted interventions to correct these abuses. As Gopal Balakrishnan remarks (Algorithms of War New Left Review. No 23. 2003) “In Bobbit’s terms, the American regime is the detonator of an expanding legal universe of market-state, bursting asunder an old international order based on the nominal recognition of the sovereignty of all nation-states.”(P 25) A world in which, Balakrishnan observes, Bobbitt foresaw looming threats to the “new constitutional order.”


A few years later, post post 9/11, and the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, these menaces have taken definite shape. Above all in terrorism.  In Terror and Consent (2008)  “The looming combination of a global terrorist network, weapons of mass destruction, and the heightening vulnerability of enormous numbers of civilians emphatically require a basic transformation of the conventional wisdom in international security.”(P 5) Just as the market-state works in tandem with “global, networked, decentralised, and devolved” instruments so its opponents (a nebulous category in the book) have their own international vision, and reply on equally transnational link-ups, outsourcing and incentivising (translation: providing incentives per piece of work, rather than permanently). Terrorist organisations are the most dangerous of these enemies of the market-states; “Terrorism will become a far more important security issue because market state terrorists, unlike their twentieth century predecessors, would actually use WMD against civilians.”(P 9)


Terrorism and Consent is centred on the war on terror. Bobbitt has no time for those who claim that terrorism is a method not an object. There are networked, non-state, organisations, such as Al-Qaeda, using extreme violence against civilians for political ends, which amount to the same thing: pretty real entities with pretty real murderous acts. So,


A war against terror makes sense, as an idea, because terrorism has become more warlike, and war is becoming indistinguishable from counterinsurgency and counter terrorism operations…. the war aim of the U.S and the U.K. is to preserve states of consent by protecting civilians, and this means that the Wars against terror will pursue three intertwined objectives; to pre-empt twenty-first century market state terrorism, to prevent WMD proliferation when these weapons would be used for compellance rather than deterrence, and to prevent or mitigate genocide, ethnic cleansing, and the human rights consequences of civilian catastrophes. (P 236)


Let us hold in suspension numerous doubts about this analysis. These range from the obvious: the Islamicist doctrines of Jihadists merit a study of their own. To piece together this network you have to have in common not just terror but a common ideological basis. Support is needed in the frustrated sections of pious Moslem bourgeoisies. An ability to secure a social base around a project of a restored Caliphate which rejects the creeping – or ‘consensual’ – repressive moral order of such as the Muslim Brotherhood’s affiliates. What sections of these classes, and in what nations, does Al-Qaeda appeal to, and why. Or the less clear: if terrorism is a kind of necessary doppelgänger of market-states’ military structures, and a reaction to their monopoly of violence, it seems at times to function in Terror and Consent as a Manichean devil: the darkness produced by the light. Human rights will thus always produce human wrongs.


The important point here however lies elsewhere. Bobbitt’s book is not a disinterested academic study: it is full of words of power. He asserts that the UN must become a  “claviger and steward”. That is a club and a guardian, not a (Achilles) shield to stand behind. The point at which this weapon is wielded is the crucial one. Bobbitt has doubts about the results of existing US policies, and “lawless behaviour in its penal colonies”.  But note the word, “pre-empt.” Both candidates for the US presidential elections have taken Bobbit’s ideas seriously. Both equivocate on exactly what this term means. Does it signify yet more armed interventions, notably to pre-empt Iranian development of weapons of mass destruction? Does it imply anything about the crisis unfolding in Pakistan, where Islamicist groups swarm and terrorist atrocities have reached a new peak?


Perhaps it is the latter difficulty that indicates just how shallow Bobbitt can be. He fails to offer any indication of Pakistan; the hurricane-eye of modern Jihadism can repair its nation. The problems there are so deep, from the religious exclusive nature of the state, its military-as-ruling-class, to its economic failures, that to talk of ‘terrorism’ in general without delving into this is frankly ridiculous.


Ahmed Rashid’s Descent into Chaos. (2008) is a searing commentary on the nature of the ‘war on terrorism’. He – from a liberal position informed by human rights  - describes how the US began waging the war on terrorism by rejecting the Geneva Convention, “denying justice at home, undermining the U.S. Constitution, and then pressuring its allies to do the same set in motion a devastating denial of civilised instincts. America’s example had the most impact in Afghanistan, where no legal system existed; in Pakistan, ruled by a military dictatorship; and in central Asia, where the world’s most repressive dictatorships flourished. By following America’s lead in promoting or condoning disappearances, torture, and secret jails, these countries found their path to democracy and their struggle against Islamic extremism set back by decades.”(P 293) So much then for the market-state’s (the US Template at any rate) ability to uphold the rule of universal law and supersede obsolete doctrines of sovereignty. 


It is not only the principles of democratic Constitutions and Treaties that are disregarded, or people’s most basic rights violated. The legacy is one of overwhelming social disaster, “The enormous cost of these wars has crippled the Untied States and world economies, the military deployments have shattered the U.S. and British armies, and the death and destruction have bled civilian populations and worsened the humanitarian crisis for neighbouring countries.”(P 401)


If this is the legacy of pre-emption and humanitarian intervention is it any wonder than many people are hostile to both of them?  And worry about any future American leader who clings to these doctrines? If Bobbitt leaves us with anything it is that a serious human rights left should have no truck with the wanton use of power in disregard of basic principles. A left that took such values seriously would be fighting the terrorism of Islamicist Jihadism by building amongst these populations to fight oppression and exploitation, to build real democracy. Support the world’s superpowers, in the guise of humanitarian interventions, or the removal of tyrants such as Saddam. This position is visibly weakening even amongst those ‘muscular liberals’ who saw this, with all their reservations, as at least a step in the right direction. 


Written by Andrew Coates

September 25, 2008 at 10:48 am


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Weekly Worker versus the AWL: should people take sides?


The Debate of the Decade, Mosover versus Matgamna, (or ‘M/M’) will be held (according to the latest Weekly Worker, hot off the Memory Stick) on October the 12th.  Perhaps this is the moment to post the following comments.


It is without the slightest qualm about the fact that the Tendance Coatesy is almost entirely  irrelevant to the whole debate that I enter to the fray – or put my toes gingerly into it. These are some points of a very recent E-Mail correspondence – initiated by Martin Thomas of the AWL, with some bearing on the Historic M/M Encounter:  



Coatesey: “the debate with Machover. There are serious points
 made on both sides.
 But I am really not the person to take sides.”



AWL, “Apart from the taking-sides-in-debate question, there is the question of
basic truthfulness. As you say, “the stuff about driving the AWL out of
the workers’ movement is frankly silly – possibly worse”; but it is in
its turn based on something else “frankly silly – possibly worse”, i.e.
the lie that Sean “excused” Israeli nuclear-bombing of Iran.
If straightforward lies like this go little-challenged (“not the person
to take sides”) and become widespread in diluted versions, then the
whole currency of ideas on the left is debased. We had the same
experience with the Healyite WRP, though they never went in for lies as
gross as the WW.


The WW construes it into positive advocacy of an Israeli attack,
constructs a technical argument that nothing short of a full-scale
nuclear-armed attack could dent Iran’s nuclear programme, and
“deduces” that Sean is “excusing” a nuclear attack on Iran.
Then they follow up with the wild stuff about driving the AWL out of
the labour movement.

In the same way as we tried to rally people when the Healy WRP ranted
against us in similar style, we want to encourage people who are
within earshot of the WW to voice a protest.

 What do you think?”


A good point.


Now we have some clarity: the CPGB’s Mark Fisher’s latest (this week) contribution to the furore:



To clarify the point about ‘driving out’ the AWL made by Peter Manson, Mark Fisher cites the original:  “We shall strive to defeat the ideas of first campism and seek to drive them out of the workers’ movement. Hence we not only fight the AWL minnows, but the rightwing and Blairite parasites who dominate the Labour Party, the TUC and many trade unions. Of course, that does not mean witch-hunting the AWL (as they accuse us of wanting to do). We are against proscribed lists, bureaucratic bans, etc. But, yes, because we recognise that the AWL’s politics represent alien, reactionary, antiworking class ideas in our movement and have a terrible and treacherous logic, it is quite right to clear out those leaders who insist on upholding them” (Weekly Worker September 4).

Moshé Machover (who holds some similar views on the Middle East and has been a fierce critic of the AWL’s leading figure) and Matgamna will debate in London... Mark Fisher concludes, “I can assure the AWL that CPGB comrades will be very much in evidence at the October 12 debate (assuming the AWL finally agrees to it), will make their views of Matgamna’s scab, pro-imperialist line very explicit, ill record the proceedings for wider dissemination and will write an extensive report for

the following issue of our paper.”


Now, I broadly sympathise with the CPGB on many issues. The fact is that Matgamna’s written opinions on Israel are open to question, and not only by the virulent anti-Zionist. But the tone of the whole exchange is, well, hard to justify. Does the heat of the polemic means it’s fine calling him a ‘scab’? It should be said that in response the AWL has used its full share and more of ‘ripe’ expressions and its most famous Web supporter (a certain JD) has engaged in, let us politely say, in somewhat fruity language in attacking the CPGB. 


Far be it from me to put my oar in. Coatesim is famous in the movement for its loathing of sectarianism, specifically, revisionists, backsliders, anti-Coatesite elements, queasy quisling quacks and slobbering hyenas of the international bourgeoisie dressed up in wolf’s clothing. But chaps, and indeed chapettes, isn’t this going it a bit far?




Written by Andrew Coates

September 25, 2008 at 2:26 pm

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Charlie Hebdo.

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 Charlie Hebdo should be Veiled!

The Danish Mohammed cartoons – unpublished by an allegedly ‘Islamophobic’ British media – were reprinted in France by the weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. With many of France’s finest radical cartoonists contributing their own designs, notably the front page. That,  by leftist Cabu,  had Mohammed saying, “C’est dur d’être aimé par des cons” (it’s hard being loved by prats). Such  is now the title of a just released documentary on the trial of Charlie Hebdo that resulted. The charges were brought by the Conseil Francais du Culte Musulman, In contrast to the British liberal and left’s pandering to religious community leaders, in France almost the entire left, from liberals to Marxists, backed Charlie’s freedom of expression. I haven’t seen the film, though no doubt there will be ways through the Web to get hold of it.  


Unfortunately my anticipated pleasure is already spoilt by the ructions of the present Chief Editor of Charlie, Philippe Val. This man does a frequent early morning ‘thought for the day’ (chronique) on France Inter, the most-listened to French Public radio station. Now it is well-known that self-styled ‘social democrat’ Val is a ferocious ‘anti-totalitarian’ and backer of humanitarian interventions left-right-and-centre and whether-they-like-it-or-not. He showed his own commitment to absolute free-speech by recently sacking much-loved cartoonist Siné (here) amid allegations (hotly disputed) of anti-semitism (more).


This morning Val was in full-throttle: mud-slinging at the French Socialists for voting against continuing to send French troops to assist with the occupation of Afghanistan. Peppering his rant with laboured ‘satirical’ remarks, with a simpering France-Inter type sniggering in the background, he declared it was Western Troops or the Taliban.  No mention of the corrupt, piously Islamic, violent, torturing, forces clustering around the Kabul regime, the attrocities of the occupying forces, or indeed the failure of the occupation to achieve a secular democracy. That much of the inability to deal with the Taliban stems from a long-standing complicity of the US with the Pakistan army and its intelligence services is beyond question. So, a result, rather than unbending support for the the Carrying On Up the Kyber we are faced with plenty of doubts. The Left in the French National Assembly is therefore justified in seeking alternative ways to encourage nation building and liberty in Afghanistan.

Charlie: good cartoonists, shame about the Editor.

Written by Andrew Coates

September 26, 2008 at 10:29 am

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Breaking the Conventions of the Left.

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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.* The world’s financial institutions are in chaos, Marx gets cited everywhere, and capitalism looks shaky. Time for a socialist revival? In fact the left faces a profound dilemma. Despite all this  the main political choice in the UK, for the foreseeable future, will be between centre-of-right Gordon Brown’s responsible capitalism, and David Cameron’s, right-of-centre sensible free-market.

Any attempt to break out of this impasse is welcome. Last week’s Manchester Convention of the Left attracted around 300 participants. Their ambition: to define a working platform for co-operation between all sections of the left, from Greens, Left Labour, social movements, Communists to Marxists. This was, and is, despite reservations, a good beginning. The call-back meeting in November should, it is to be hoped, take into account the views of a larger swathe of the left than made its way to Manchester.


These are some reflections, largely about the democratic demands of the left:

  • The Convention appeared to accept the ‘break-up of Britain’ principle. That is that the UK is a ‘prison of the peoples’ and that it is progressive to form independent states, notably Scotland and Wales (Ireland’s Unity remains controversial). It is said that there were calls for an English parliament as well. The basis for this view, and its use in the Charter 88 campaign (who?), supported in previous left gathering (Chesterfield Conferences) by Convention sponsors, the main writers of Red Pepper, is open to serious question (The Break-Up of Tom Nairn). Such small nations are vulnerable to competitive tendering (lowest bid on social conditions and taxes) for investment and business on the global market. They encourage the growth of a political and administrative class who existence depends on accentuating differences between nations. Finally, they split working class and popular unity, notably by the kind of incessant squabbling about constitutional rights and the division of resources between devolved or breaking-up lands. This can be witnessed in Catalonia and, most viciously, in the Flemish nationalists’ demands on Belgium.
  • In place of the Break-up of Britain we should aim for a European Social Republic.  That is, one that unites peoples around the class demands of raised welfare and labour rights (equally set out), and democratic devolution within a common political structure. A host of demands of the Convention, from measures to control finance to taxation, need (at least) European-wide implementation to be realistic. Furthermore as capital internationalises ownership, such as the French EDF’s take-over of British nuclear, we need a European strategy, in and against the state to build a new Continental pattern of socially owned, and democratically managed, industries. Obviously this would be premised on introducing democratic principles, a massive task, to transform the existing European Union. Nevertheless, such an aim, a minimum democratic platform (in traditional socialist language) could serve as a launch-pad for an outward-looking movement to confront the real problems of capitalism. Real internationalism is not about general calls for solidarity with those in other countries fighting against exploitation and oppression: it means constructing real mechanisms – in our case in Europe within a revolutionised EU – with political and economic clout to do so.  
  • No democratic strategy for the left can ignore the importance of secularism. The Conservatives have ditched an already discredited multiculturalism, for Britishness, as has Brown, though both still stick to the ‘diversity’ agenda (empowering ‘community leaders’)  that has encouraged ethnic, communal and, above all, religious reaction. A secular programme, based on a complete removal of religious privilege from the state and education, and an anti-racism that unites people rather than encourages difference, is more than ever urgently needed. In particular no form, however ‘anti-imperialist’ (in appearance), of Islamicism is an ally of the left, though the SWP and Galloway’s Respect (the latter most fervently) seems to think it is. The Convention showed no sign of confronting these issues, and indeed continued the path of encouraging reactionary religious ideology with its acceptance of the chief culprits.

* So much better than that ‘between a rock and hard place’ don’t you think?

Written by Andrew Coates

September 27, 2008 at 9:51 am

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The Camerons are Coming.

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 ”A Future Conservative Britain”.

Michael Grove takes a leaf out of French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s book by Inviting key Blairites into a future Tory Cabinet. This news, part of the build-up to next week’s Conservative Conference,illustrates how, like the resident of the Élysée ,  David Cameron out-steps his opponents by co-opting the most self-seeking amongst them. No doubt figures like James Purnell (the Minister for Forced Work) and Andrew Adonois (Selling off Education) are much further to the right than, say, the Gallic Minister Foreign Minister and former Socialist, Bernard Kouchner. But the Conservative Party gathering of the power, and attention-seeking clans, already experimented with green gestures and the wooing of the Goldsmith Boy,  or, in London by Johnson’s liberal advisers, such as Rosie Boycott, is mustering.


The Conservatives’ strategy is taking root largely because there is so much in Brown’s legacy to fertilise it. Not least is New Labour’s creation of a vast para-state – private contractors or ‘partnership’ arrangements- which are institutional supports for even further privatisation.  What is there to fear from Tory plans to get those on the Dole into chain-gangs? Purnell already intends  quasi-Workhouse conditions (forced labour, minimum benefits, constant surveillance) for the unemployed. They even agree on making the workless sweep the streets. Both want to reward handsomely the companies with overseeing the job. This similarity can be extended right across social policy, and governance. What are the differences? Cameron wants to be an ‘architect of choice’ , not a statist, Brown has had to admit that the State is the decider of last resort when the present financial crisis broke. Does this mean that the Tories will oppose this? Sarkozy in Paris now hails a positive role for the State. It is probable that they will, as with their Cabinet plans above, take notice of this, and, if in power, follow suit.


Many British voters, a massive chunk of them, have abandoned faith in the Labour government. They are looking for an excuse to vote Tory. Unfortunately there is no other political pole of attraction able to draw them away. Cameron’s team are free to perfect their vote-winning strategy and PR. Hence the big marquee Tory trend. Hence the fuzzy liberal edge: many of them oppose the harshest anti-terror legislation (for the moment) and their hearts bleed over civil rights. They are against multi-culturalist ‘excess’, but back diversity and tolerance. And Greenery. Especially Greenery. Though no liberalism for criminals, the work-shy and the wrong kind of migrants.  Soft words for soft liberals, hard words for hard rightists, all wrapped up in ‘libertarian paternalism’.

It’s working.

Written by Andrew Coates

September 28, 2008 at 10:56 am

The Tories’ Local Laboratories.

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“Tory Municipal Leader.”

The shape of a future Conservative government is emerging. Some of its contours can be seen in Tory-led local councils. Obviously there are major differences between a party in a position to legislate and one which is largely confined to administration. Particularly as Municipal powers have famously shrunk – a  process begun by Margaret Thatcher herself. But there are plenty of signs in the Town Halls to indicate the direction they will take. Better guides than this week’s Birmingham Tory Conference.

Ipswich, Suffolk, is a fairly typical-untypical town, a very urban district in a rural county. It is predominantly working class . After decades of Labour control it is now run by a Conservative-Liberal  Coalition (or the Junta). Despite the local Liberals’ claim to be on the centre-left (the Lib-Dem Council Group Leader Andrew Cann, is the son of the former Labour M.P. Jamie Cann, and therein lies a bitter tale, or so he likes to tell it) there is no doubt that the administration has a clear class bias. It is for those who elect it (Ipswich’s minority Middle Class, the constituency that votes the most). While not overtly hostile to the Working class, it has no time for the undeserving poor, or the “riff raff” as a prominent Tory Councillor calls us. The Tory Leader, Liz, is a bit of a Fluffy with a Spikey edge. Not surprisingly it’s the latter that runs the show. The real power in this Alliance lies in the hands of a certain John Carnall, a free-market Tory, whose main objective is to reduce Council Tax. His long-term goal is: the Council pared-down to a contractor for private service providers (a return to the job-stocking Victorian Municipality that did much to thwart Ipswich’s entry into the Twentieth Century). To this aim some community resources are hived off (Cinema, Foundry Road Resource Centre now in the charge, nominally, of the ‘voluntary’ sector), the International Community Centre threatened with closure, some closed, Ipswich Buses (Council owned) are squeezed of resources and made ripe for privatisation, and a host of measures are taken to favour the comfortably off (the jewel being the new tea-rooms in St Lawrence Church). Not much by national standards of course. The legacy of one of the last social democratic (and generally decent, anti-privatising)  local Labour administrations is too heavy to cast off in a couple of years. It’s coming though.  

 However, and this gives a clue to how a Cameron Cabinet would operate, the local Tories recognise not only the need to appease Liberal Councillors, but to attract the wrong-headed voters who thought that Clegg’s party was to the left of Labour and who now need convincing to cross a Ballot Paper for the Tories (in this case their singularly unattractive prospective Candidate, the son of John Gummer). Hence there are, (what could be better to win over the worthy and well-meaning?), expanding spending on culture. New galleries in the Old Town Hall, and arts-exhibition centres in medieval churches. A welcome for the East of England Dance Centre. That keeps the chattered up classes quiet, and indulges the pretensions of the Tory Councillor in charge of this. Her nibs, Judy Terry, is at the moment even relatively calm (though she does tend to go off the rails: she has been obliged to undergo a special training course on ‘bullying’). Go for some old fashioned moral panics clamp down on street prostitution (a cross-party project), and anti-social behaviour, drinking in public (without the slightest effect), and the vital issue of litter. Next, however, do not ruffle any liberal feathers too much: go for the  multi-cultural/Britishness Cameron mix, fair-trade, and green awareness. Much of this is the Right’s own gesture politics, a lot of it is about the essential: winning support, dampening down fears of a reactionary clamp-down while still, er, clamping down.


This strategy of paternalistic liberalism was much in evidence at the local Community Fair I attended on Saturday: loads of rozzers(Community Police), Councillors, the Labour MP Chris Mole, and voluntary groups, gay, ethnic, social campaigns, and the usual crowd of us activists and social ‘entrepreneurs’. About the only group missing (or not very visible) were local Christian or other religious proselytisers  who have been encouraged in Ipswich (as elsewhere), by local politicians of many stripes anxious to give ‘faith communities’ a greater Say over how the rest of us should live our lives. One scene struck: there was the Tory Mayor David Halle chatting in a friendly way to a SWP member staffing the Love Music Hate Racism stall. And some star out of Big Brother, though not, alas,  George Galloway.

I should underline that the Swoppie, she still is a ‘Tory hater’.   But I can’t help feeling that, amongst all the other aspects of such events, one that the Conservatives are ardently pursuing is an outreach programme to assuage the feelings of sensitive liberals.

Written by Andrew Coates

September 29, 2008 at 10:31 am

Capitalising on the State.

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Count Orlock, a well-known example of vampire fiction, from the 1922 film Nosferatu

“New-Look Tory Candidate.”


The Tories have got a glossy make-over. Why not the Left? Panic strikes the stock-markets, banks are going for  a Burton, and recession peaks over the horizon. Socialist economists surely have something to say. But one area, where left explanations have been strong in the not-so-distant past, the state, dominates attempts to grapple with the market’s utter failure. Congress rejected the Bush bail-out plan partly because of a horror of public, apparently socialist, intervention in capitalism. Gordon Brown sees his role as the embodiment of the collective capitalist to make it work smoothly. Is there not a space for an anti-capitalist, in and against, the state, left strategy to pose an alternative?


In the 1970s Marxist discussion on the state reached a crescendo around the Miliband- Poulantzas debate. This centred on left criticisms of pluralism (sociological, the theory that the state was made of up of multiple and conflicting pressure groups). Miliband claimed demonstrated empirically that business dominated. Poultazas concurred but made this a structural feature of the capitalist state. Much ink was spilled, and many undergraduates disputed, a further argument over the  relative autonomy of the state, a political arrangement with room to manoeuvre to ensure the economy worked, exploitation continued, and the working class was subordinated to the existing order.


This discussion became rather pointless when Thatcher, and other free-marketeers across the planet,  came to power. She declared that the state should aggresively serve capitalism, strengthed its market underpinning, and dragooned the population behind this. Enterprirse culture was a centrla part of its ‘ideological apparatus’. Exit relative autonomy. State theory gradually ebbed away, replaced by discussion about the economy, post-Fordism, post-modernism, and, latterly, globalisation. If the state had become a ‘market state’ whose objective was to prepare its citizens for market competition with only a minimal safety net left of the welfare state, then this too obvious to need much theorising. A few individuals, notably the always interesting Bob Jessop, continued to plough their state-centred furrow. Jessop has synthesised Poulantzas’ last works (which conceived of states as a ‘condensation’ of complex class conflicts, with Foucault’s account of the meshing of surveillance techniques and ‘mico’ power), with post-Fordism and theories of globalisation (finance and capital flows). However this research has become largely academic even for academics.


Perhaps not for much longer. First signs of its relevance were in the growth in the importance of a social group Poulantzas identified as the ‘new petty bourgeoisie’, the managerial, clerical and state functionaries whose numbers, post-Second World War, kept expanding. Leaving abstract categories aside (about their ‘unproductive/productive nature in Marxist theory) this is clearly a social group that rose enormously with the information technology switch-over. Most significantly a minority within the new ‘petty’ bourgeoisie became not so small. Market states gave birth to a full blown para-state capitalist class, exploiting the hiving-off of public functions, making profit out of tax -guaranteed revenue. It is now one of the chief drags on New Labour, a source of incompetent second-rate public provision, and financial abuse. This layer, now wooed by the Conservatives, is an underlying cause of the crumbling of Brown’s popularity.


Secondly, the early Poulantzas tended to consider, in a very traditional Marxist fashion, that the state in the West existed to automatically guarantee capitalism’s survival. Can we say this now? Is the gulf  between its deregulation role (a kind of regulation of markets in itself) and clumsy attempts to come to grips with the banking crisis not signs that it is not able to do this at present?  If hard-right American Congress members scupper rescue plans for the market what of the theory of the state as the ‘collective committee of the bourgeoisie’ . In any case the State, notably the US one, doesn’t seem to be doing a good job in saving the market.


Why is this. It is in the ideas of the latter Poulatzas that, perhaps, answers could be explored: how compteition between the state’s interests, banks, finance, and other ‘factions’ of capital develop, how its administrative technology evolves (or fails to adapt), how the state can be vulnerable to pressure. We can see here that the market state is clearly not fit for purpose if he has fostered the present mess. This gap in the market lets open room for new proposals.  For the left the issue is, how it could be shaped in an alternative direction, maybe even to a new society, where banking and stock-market crises are, well, not there. That’s another half-forgotten debate due for revival: the transition to socialism.

Written by Andrew Coates

September 30, 2008 at 10:27 am

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Tories’ Libertarian Paternalism: Working on the Chain-Gang.

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Don’t Demonise us Tories !

Just in case you thought that all the Tories had become fluffy  social liberals here’s Chris Grayling the shadow work and pensions secretary speaking against the ‘something for nothing’ Welfare State (Here):


And for those who don’t manage to find work and claim jobseeker’s allowance for more than two years, we’ll introduce a year-long community work programme to get them back into the work habit.

“No one benefits from sitting at home on benefits doing nothing.”

Grayling said the chaos in the economy should not distract from the social problems facing the UK and added that he had learned from the success of welfare schemes in New York during the downturn after the dot-com bubble burst.

Empty bottles await collection from outside the International Convention Centre during the Conservative party conference

Setting an example: “Let’s party: Empty bottles of alcohol await collection outside Birmingham’s International Convention Centre during the Conservative Party conference.” (Daily Mail  Ist of October).



Written by Andrew Coates

October 1, 2008 at 10:25 am

Curious Support for New Anti-Capitalists.

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Interesting case of someone claiming to be on the left who’s not learned anything from his own experience, the misery he casued, and history. Who refuses to condemn or regret his past acts:

ACTION DIRECTE (the French violent ultra-leftist group|): Nouvel Observateur 1st of October. They refer to Rousillan, one of its historic leaders, convicted for murder, now in ‘semi-liberty’.


Jean-Marc Rouillan

“Jean-Marc Rouillan, le cofondateur d’Action Directe aujourd’hui en semi-liberté, laisse entendre qu’il ne nourrit aucun regret pour l’assassinat du patron de Renault Georges Besse et s’explique sur son engagement auprès d’Olivier Besancenot, dans une interview à L’Express à paraître jeudi 2 octobre.”
Interrogé sur l’assassinat de Georges Besse le 17 novembre 1986.

Apart from not having any regrets about killling Georges Besse he was asked about the LCR’s new anti-capitalist party, which he has expressed sympathy for:

“Au sujet de l’intention qu’il a exprimée d’adhérer au Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste qui doit voir le jour fin janvier 2009 pour prendre la succession de la LCR d’Olivier Besancenot, Jean-Marc Rouillan évoque son besoin de se réapproprier “vingt ans d’histoire de ce pays” en rencontrant “des gens d’origines et d’obédiences extrêmement différentes”.
“Je peux faire peur à beaucoup de monde… A notre première rencontre, j’ai prévenu Besancenot : ‘ma présence peut faire du bordel. Réfléchissez, vous pouvez dire non’… Il m’a dit que c’était réfléchi et qu’ils étaient d’accord”.


He admitted then, that his support for the new anti-capitalist party could cause fear amongst many people, make trouble (to say the least!) but then claims Besancenot was fine with his adhesion. Still there’s a silver-lining for sanity,
“Au sujet du nom du futur parti, aujourd’hui en débat, il estime que si le mot “révolution” en était absent “ce serait une démission”, vouant cette formation à n’être qu’un “petit parti électoral”.
Dans ces conditions, “à plus ou moins longue échéance, je serais naturellement éliminé de ce processus”, confie-t-il, soulignant: “Pas besoin d’envoyer une lettre de démission”.”

So, the new anti-capitalist party is not revolutionary enough. And he won’t try to join up when the (revolution-less named) party is born.The curious point here is why did Besancenot ever speak to this man who has such a misguided violent past? Roullin it should be noted was originally a ‘marxist-leninist’ (spontex as we say, Maoist sponteneist), very far from the LCR’s Trotskyism.  

Written by Andrew Coates

October 1, 2008 at 12:08 pm

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The French Alternatifs.

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Action Directe‘s Jean-Marc Roullian is grabbing the French headlines. Besancenot’s Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste, might have a little contretemps. Apart from what he said, or rather didn’t say, about his involvement in ‘armed struggle’ how can they explain that Rouillan had joined them in the first place?  

The convicted terrorist, a Bourbon who has forgotten nothing and learnt not a jot, lays claim to the revolutionary legacy of May 68. The nearest Action Directe came to mass action was during the first half of the 1980s with its squat in the Parisian 18ème Arrondisment. At the same time the left of the French left had its own activity in the area, linking up the LCR, some former Marxist-Leninists (Parti pour une Alternative Communiste), the PSU, and the Fédération pour une Gauche Alternative. Their politics were expressed in various united campaigns (defending Greenpeace after the Rainbow Warrior for example), and an electoral bloc in Paris, called The Alternative, which received 0.26% of the vote in 1986.

It was from the PSU and FGA, through a complex, not to say, convoluted, political process that the French federal organisation called the Alternatifs emerged. The organisation’s politics are a historical enrichment of the French current of ‘autogestion’ (self-management) – with roots in the Parti socialiste unifié, (itself influenced in this respect by Britain’s C.D.H.Cole and the 50s Bevanites). Another input was the tradition known as ‘Pabloism’, which rallied around the objective of the “self-managed republic”. This fused with the social movements that arose in post-69 politics (feminism, gay rights, anti-racism). The Alternatifs have a very strong ecological commitment. They criticise the official French Green party (les Verts) for their compromises with the French Socialist party in government, and their embrace of the liberal and ‘humanitarian’ interventionist policies of such as Daniel Cohen-Bendit. The  Alternatifs illustrate the kind of grass-roots politics and authentic radicalism which stands in contrast to the managerial fuzziness of the bulk of the British green leadership.  They have around 800 members and 50 local councillors. During last year’s Presidential elections they largely backed José Bové and criticised what many considered the LCR Majority’s candidate, Besancenot,  for putting their own interests first.  As one can imagine the Alternatifs tend to be more than sceptical about the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste.


In the UK the self-serving interests of most of the left organisations (none of which have a stake in popularising this tradition)  have meant this important political current has been largely ignored (except for one figure, whom modesty forbids me to name). The affinity, say, between green politics anti-capitalism and secular social republicanism is, however, important in France. There are ideological, cultural and individual cross-overs between the Alterntifs and the Ligue’s Minority current (Christian Picquet and Léonce Aguirre), as well as some parts of the Parti Socialiste (which stand for a ‘Social Republic’ and self-management).  The Alternatifs’ criticisms of liberal globalisation are untainted by the ulterior motives of the oldstyle Leninists.  Better investigate their politics than the failed ones of Action Directe.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 2, 2008 at 12:57 pm

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LCR Statement on Rouillan

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Logo de la LCR


This is taken from the LCR site:


La LCR est en désaccord avec les déclarations récentes de J.M.Rouillan, publiées dans le prochain numéro de l’Express.

Ayant purgé sa peine, il a bien le droit à l’engagement politique. Il a demandé son adhésion au NPA. Du point de vue de la LCR, il avait sa place dans ce nouveau parti à partir du moment où il renonçait à ses actions du passé.

La LCR dénonce enfin une opération politique visant à tenter de criminaliser le NPA au moment où les préoccupations principales des français, de la population tournent autour de la crise économique et de ses conséquences et au moment où les réponses politiques du NPA rentrent de plus en plus en écho avec ces préoccupations.

Le 1er octobre 2008.


“The LCR disagrees with the recent statements of Monsieur Rouillon, published in the latest issue of L’Express. Having finished his prison sentence he has the right to be politically active. He asked to join the NPA (new anti-capitalist party). For the LCR he has his place in the party from the moment that he renounces his past activites.

Finally, the LCR denounces a politically motivated stunt: an attempt to criminalise the NAP at the very moment when the people are preoccupied with the effects of the capitalist crisis and the political responses of the NPA have found a widening echo amongst the population. “


This response itself is pretty blatant at avoiding the point everyone is asking: why on earth accept dealings with a man who is well-known, indeed hyper-well-known, for not abandoning his ‘ideals’ and the violent means to implement them that Action Directe used.


I am not overly moralistic about this. The folly of AD was pretty small beer (though hardly for its victims, naturally). But let’s not forget that some are still defending the cause (here) . More seriously the AD contributed to a criminal complaisance towards all types of ‘anti-imperialism’ (abandoning democratic class politics in the process). European leftist armed-struggle has largely (Spain excepted) disappeared. But the  devastating legacy of romanticising violent ‘anti-imperialism’ can be seen in those who ally with, apologise for,  or tolerate in any shape or form, Jihadism.

Just from the Nouvel Observateur Site:

La question du jour

Action Directe : Jean-Marc Rouillan ne regrette pas l’assassinat du PDG de Renault

il doit s’excuser (he must apologise)
il doit quitter la LCR (he must leave the LCR)
il doit retourner en prison (he must go back to Prison)

c’est son droit (it’s his right – to say that)




Nombre de votants : 2208 Votez !

Voir les résultats Les autres questions

Written by Andrew Coates

October 2, 2008 at 2:50 pm

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Rouillan Back Full-time in Prison

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Rouillan privé de sa semi-liberté

Dès le lendemain de la diffusion d’une interview dans laquelle il laissait entendre qu’il n’éprouvait pas de regret pour l’assassinat en 1986 du PDG de Renault, le cofondateur d’Action directe a été privé de son régime de semi-liberté. (from here)

“The morning after an interview, in which he gave the impression that he did not regret the 1986 murder of the Renault CO, the co-founder of Action Directe’s partial liberty (he. under Court licence. works during the day for a Printer’s) has been revoked.”

Amongst the LCR rank-and-file there seems heated  discussion (from some) as to whether they have given in to “respectabilité bourgeoise” by criticising “armed struggle”.  It is said though, as noted here, that Rouillan is “incorrigible.” I still ask how on earth is this political error corrected by skirting around the whole issue of revolution?  This was, and I cede to no-one in my dislike for him, Cohen-Bendit’s point.

I might be one of the few on the left to think this an awkward question. But does the NPA seriously think that a revolutionary violent struggle is either going to happen in France, and is it, in any case, desirable?

Yeah, all those the previous ones have been such blood-free democratic successes in building socialism.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 3, 2008 at 10:39 am

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Besancenot: Mobilise for Jean-Marc Rouillan

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Action Directe’s Journal, early ‘eighties. Curiously,  this was available in French kiosks.

L\'Internationale - numéro 4 - février 1984.jpg


Since no-one else on the British left (of which more below) seems to be blogging about this, here is the latest:


Besancenot calls for a ‘unitary campaign’ to defend Rouillon.


Olivier Besancenot a dénoncé, vendredi 3 octobre, la réincarcération de Jean-Marc Rouillan, et appelé à une “mobilisation unitaire” contre ce qu’il considère comme une “double peine”, précisant que le cofondateur d’Action directe est membre à Marseille d’un comité local pour la construction du NPA.

(Besancenot has denounced, Friday October the 3rd, sending Jean-Marc Roullianbackto Prison and called for a ‘unitary moblisation’ against what he considers to be a ‘double sentence’. He specified that the confounder of Action Directe is a member, in Marseille, of a local committee for the construction of the NPA (new anti-capitalist party).

“Jean-Marc Rouillan est incarcéré de nouveau, ce qui est absolument révoltant, puisqu’il a purgé sa peine”, a affirmé à l’AFP le porte-parole de la LCR.

(‘Jean-Marc Rouillan is back in Prison, which is completely revolting, as he has served his sentence’ affirmed the Principal Speaker of the LCR)

“Légalement, il a le droit de sortir et il n’y a rien qui justifie le fait qu’il retourne en prison, si ce n’est un acharnement judiciaire de la part de l’Etat” qui invoque “non pas ce qu’il a fait, mais ce qu’il a dit et même sous-entendu”, ajoute Olivier Besancenot.
“L’heure pour nous est à une mobilisation unitaire de toute la gauche sur la question de la liberté d’expression pour défendre les libertés démocratiques”, et pour que “la loi soit respectée”.


(Legally he has the right to go out, and nothing justifies the fact that he is going back to gaol, other than a relentless use of the judiciary by the State.  (This measure) is based not on what he did, or even said, but what he implied.The time has come for a unitary mobilisation of the left to defend free speech and democratic freedoms in order that the law be respected.”  (Nouvel Observateur).

I leave it to those with a legal background to judge much of this. However it is noteworthy that, firstly,  Besancenot is taking a risky, ‘double or quits’, strategy by publicly standing up for Rouillan. I am not at all sure that it is wise to pursue the claims of the convicted AD founder so far. Obviously some of the French left will be embarrassed, and the Ligue have put them in a spot because of their long history of supporting the legal rights of such ‘armed struggle’ prisoners when the state has been heavy-handed with them (though the less said about Sartre etc and the RAF prisoners  many would say…the better). Even so many would not have much sympathy for AD in any shape or form.


Secondly, we are still unsure about how far the LCR differs not just from the strategy of AD but political violence as such. On the former, I recall a complete divorce between AD and all the French left. So if the LCR opposes, completely,  AD’s past activities what is meant by Besancenot’s call? The ’co-founder’ of AD doesn’t help matters. His present position remains ambiguous: what is being defended by Rouillan is not just ‘words’ but words and silences relating to actionsWill the LCR elaborate on their judgement about the latter? By no means everyone feels inclined to accept the whispered hint, that somewhere somehow, AD members have, may be, might in some fashion, face up to their actions. Or on what basis, regarding their stand on political violence, might the Ligue disagree with Rouillan, agreee to disagree, or what?


Finally, it will be interesting to see the reaction of the British left, if any, to this. I have always had the impression that there is a distorting prism at work here: people see the French left through the lens of our left (giving importance, for example, to insignificant grouplets like the SWP’s French sympathisers, or any other, however minuscule, faction aligned with UK organisations). Here we are dealing with something that doesn’t fit easily into any of these people’s schema (including mine). But which has become extremely important in real French politics. Not to mention wider implications (about ‘revolution’ and the left). Well, for the UK left’s response, I’m waiting….

Written by Andrew Coates

October 3, 2008 at 7:19 pm

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MacShane Shows the Way!

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Nil desperandum.

Mandelson is coming back to British politics. Denis MacShane (of the Henry Jackson Society and here) and very former Minister of State for Europe is due to lecture France. About his and New Labour’s successes and the future of the European left (here). 

We’re saved!

Prochain débat : lundi 13 octobre 2008 à 20 h 30 sur le thème
“Gauches européennes : quel avenir face à la crise ?”

Avec :

  • François Hollande, premier secrétaire du PS
  • Jean-Pierre Jouyet, secrétaire d’Etat chargé des affaires européennes
  • Denis MacShane, député travailliste britanique

Are you’re going (and who isn’t )? It’s worth remembering that a few years back MacShane made an indelible impression on French left-wing opponents of the Referendum on the European Constitutional Treaty. He called them the ‘con-tres’. A no doubt drôle play on the words ‘con’ and ‘contres’ (against, that is). Unfortunately MacShane’s wit went down less well amongst Socialist Party ‘non’ backers than expected. I wonder why ?

Written by Andrew Coates

October 3, 2008 at 9:48 pm

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Hats off to Mandelson!

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It’s not often that we at Tendance Coatesy disagree with the esteemed comrades at Stroppy Blog. Yet is this fair? Is it just? Describing the return of Peter Mandelson to British Politics as Business Minister in these terms? “Back again like a bad penny, a blast from the Blairite past.”

It’s this kind of sour reaction that has got the British left a bad name.

Peter, as we at the Tendance call Mr Mandelson, stands on the world stage like a colossus. A Prince amongst darkness. His achievements in the British Labour Party speak for themselves.  As European Commissioner for Trade he has certainly made his mark. A People Person, he will find a warm welcome amongst his colleagues.

Now is not the time for leftist shilly-shallying. Let’s roll up our sleeves. Get down to Business. For Britain, for Gordon Brown, for Labour, there’s a job to be done.

Well done Peter!

Written by Andrew Coates

October 4, 2008 at 9:25 am

Blunkett to Stage Come-Back: Tendance Coatesy Salutes!

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“David Blunkett and Patriotic Friend.”

Good News always comes doubly: Blunkett looks set to return to Cabinet as Mandy wrecks Miliband’s leadership bid (Mail on Sunday).

Tendance Coatesy has had its differences, with former Home Secretary, and all round good-natured, working-class, Sheffield-lad-made-extremely-good, David Blunkett.

Hence the threatening letter which comrade Blunkett sent us, menacing legal proceedings were it suggested that the Man brimming with Blunt Commonsense had spoken utter reactionary gibberish at some public meeting (details lost in the mists of time).  True it’s value has depreciated over the years as many (how many? we shall never total them all) similar communications have been sent out to all who cross the Man of the People, Mr David Blunkett.

Some may ask, rudely, why a laughing-stock, a grasping right-wing pillock, and an enemy of all progressive humanity, should be sought, or be seeking, a position, under Gordon Brown. Ian Bone may have made, in impolite terms, suggestions about the ex-Secretary of State for Work and Pension’s alleged weakness for pecuniary reward, and asked why he was such as “fecking greedy bastard”. Others point to his toadying to right-wing toffs, and his own private welfare-state. Then there is his overweening dippy vanity.  Is this the man for the job of getting Gordon re-elected, and dealing with approaching State bankruptcy?

Frankly, do we need to pose such questions?

We at the Tendance are rolling up our sleeves  and learning to love Peter. David, though a hard-case, will make good our word of law.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 5, 2008 at 8:06 pm

Debates of the Decade.

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Two Debates of the Decade, one after another:

First there is this:
“Iran and the left – a public debate between Sean Matgamna and Moshe Machover.
Start: 12 Oct 2008 – 5:15pm - 7:15pm

The Lucas Arms, 245a Grays Inn Road, Kings Cross.

A joint Workers’ Liberty-Campaign for a Marxist Party event.”

Then there is the Paris Debate with Denis MacShane the following day.

Crowds are assured for the London event. Dave Osler is “turning up outside the pub with a sleeping bag the night before, just to be assured of a place.” Sparks are certain to fly – though if they will shed any light is not certain. Jim Denham is rumoured to be descending from the West Midlands in a tank (gas fueled) to lend support to Sean Matgamna. The CPGB, marshalled to back Moshe Machover, are accused of synthesising enriched uranium.

No doubt the kitsch left will whinge if cde Denham obliterates Sommer’s Town and the CPGB (Provisional) CC. But does not he have the right to self-defence? Are the claims that The Weekly Worker is manufacturing uranium only for civil purposes to be taken seriously, eh?

The next day in Paris  will be a unique opportunity of another kind. It will be the occasion to hear MacShane, one of the European Left’s giants, speak the mellifluous French he learnt in Geneva from a Swiss Yodeler Professeur. Oh, and say something or other.


Not to be missed: neither.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 6, 2008 at 4:48 pm

Lend me Ten Pounds and I’ll Buy Ye a Drink.

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Bankers’ Confidence.

Maybe I am terminally thick. Or just terminal. But this plan to buy up the UK banks to restore confidence in lending strikes me as a wee bit odd.

I mean.


‘Mad’ Timmy Palfry asks me to lend him a tenner pretty regularly. He’ll give it back in the morning.


Now as the chances of him doing this are about as sure as the Orwell Estuary turning into pea-soup, I politely decline.


Is Gordon Brown saying that I should trust Timmy?

Written by Andrew Coates

October 8, 2008 at 12:49 pm

A Must Read: Mike Marqusee.

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“Mike’s Favourite Marxist Practice.”

A must-read in the run-up for the Debate of the Decade:

Mike Marqusee, If I am not for Myself: Journey of an Anti-Zionist Jew (Verso 2008).
Mike stands out on the British Left in a) being American and b) liking Cricket as much as CLR James. He has also found time to,  amongst other things, being the brilliant editor of Labour Briefing, and writing a string of excellent books on such varied subjects as Mohammad Ali, the Labour Party, Bob Dylan and, er cricket. He is also from a Jewish background, (hence the book) something I personally was unaware of, which just goes to show how far Coatesism is interested in the whole subject of Israel and indeed Jewishness.
The centre of the book is an account of Mike’s grandad,  Ed Morand. who is captured in the kind of heart-felt prose he obviously deserves. He was an activist in the New York Labor Party, which (and believe me I really didn’t know this) had City councillors and a real presence in the US in the late ‘thirties. Another part of the autobiography which I found showed light on something I was unaware of is Mike’s description of his break with his family over Israel.
This seems to be a big question. No doubt this book is at Sean Matgmana’s bedside as I write.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 9, 2008 at 10:53 am

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Stalinist liars and petty bourgeois poseurs.

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Just thought I’d post this latest pensée of the gas-fueled Jim Denham (pictured above).


Re CPGB et al: “ Stalinist liars and petty bourgeois poseurs.”


Now remind me why most of the left Ioathes the AWL and all of its works?

Written by Andrew Coates

October 9, 2008 at 12:32 pm

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Iceland: Stop Screwing My Bird.

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Those of us who are North London echt will grasp this.


But don’t it really get on your bleeding tits that Gordon Brown is picking on Iceland (and Birds, famous national dish, Puffin Pie)  to blame for the collapse of international capitalism?


I mean what have them there lot done to him.


My sister visited Iceland. Once.


For the duration, the entire Troll population went into voluntary political exile.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 10, 2008 at 11:08 am

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Ian Bone

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Just on the subject of plugging books (done Mike’s), here is another must read, Bash the Rich.

Ian is something of a hero of mine: a fellow enemy of ponce David Blunkett.


The history of how Class War came to be, and, notably, the stuff about his Cardiff activities..well, top class. The book is one of the best written, witty, and all-round can’t-put-down stuff I’ve seen in a long time.  My mate Steve, and my matette Sarah, rave about it.


I was interested to read that his dad was a bitter lefty Scot – like mine.

Give my regards to Tom.



Written by Andrew Coates

October 11, 2008 at 10:28 am

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In Defence of Iceland.

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Zenobia makes the point that it’s all a question of who has money in Iceland  in this financial débâcle. To read the British press, and hear the media, one would think that the Icelandic Folk are some kind of hereditary enemy of us English. Last night on Channel Four there was some Trustafarian given prime-time telly space to whingeing about her Nana losing loads-a-dosh in an Iceland bank.


I would like to point out the following points about Iceland:


1) It has one of the most brilliant and good-looking populations in the world (see above).


2) Its people are, generally speaking,  left-wing.


3) It stood by Blighty in the Second World War.


Now in Coatesy’s reckoning these are strong pluses.

Obviously not for Gordon Brown who is now on a doomed mission to save global capitalism and crush the Icelandic economy.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 12, 2008 at 10:35 am

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Remind Me Again of Why the Left Loathes, really Loathes, the AWL?

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Sean of the AWL pictured on  a good day.


From what I take to be an AWLer (Okay it’s Jim), ,


“we have the most liberal, tolerant and multicultural society in the Middle East – the state of Israel.”


The rest of the post is devoted to saying nice things about Julie Burchill.


Vomit…I nearly did.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 13, 2008 at 11:44 am

Posted in Britain, Left

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Brown Goes Europe

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 It’s all go with international capitalism showing what a useless load actually run the show.

The French and the rest of the European media, dripping with sarcasm, seems to accept that Brown’s ‘plan’ to save global finance, is going to work.

Dave, on his Blog,  recently featured a necessary re-reading, Galbraith’s book on the Great Crash.


I submit my own recommended reading on the present crisis (above).

Written by Andrew Coates

October 15, 2008 at 1:26 pm

Posted in Labour Government, Left

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Coates Goes Roofie

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Mass unemployment is returning.


Brown thinks the way to solve this problem (after he’s done with the rest of the world and the solar system and a few more galaxies en plus) .


His latest plan is get us work-shy lazy-lubbers to toil  repairing the roofs of houses, and do insulation work,  to , er save, energy.



MInd you he’s not going to pay us to do it.



Picture of Coatesy hard at work insulating houses below,






ERr he’s not visible. He’s  down the local Wetherspoon’s.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 16, 2008 at 11:20 am

Besancenot in Le Monde

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I am not going to link this because I feel that reading hard-copy is important (get mine from my local newsagent in Ipswich so it can’t be that difficult to find elsewhere).

There was an important interview with Olivier Besancenot in Le Monde yesterday.


On the economic crisis. It expresses the view that faced with the obvious (bleeding obvious) failure of capitalism the left may be coming out of its doldrums and seeing new possibilities.


A must read.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 18, 2008 at 11:46 am

Posted in Left, Marxism, Uncategorized

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Obama and the Wetherspoon’s Underground.

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Tendance Coatesy HQ.

Tendance Coatesy is not noted for its interest in America, its politics, well, frankly its culture (apart from Buffy and the Simpsons). Hey?

Nevertheless the allegation that American Presidential Candidate Obama was a member of the Wetherspoon’s Underground has been brought to our attention. Or he was best mates with one of the founders.

 This heroic comrade deserves all our support from now on!

Written by Andrew Coates

October 19, 2008 at 11:19 am

Posted in International, War

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Another Reason to Loathe the AWL.

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Sean M on an even better day.

Well there is the little matter of their ‘merger’ with Labour Briefing, which strangely does not figure on the Wikipdeia entry on the AWL (though I note that most of their ‘unity’ campaigns and mergers do). As Sean no doubt does not recall, I was one of the principal LB comrades to back this move.  The Bash though had reservations. 

Bitterness, ashes and tears.


Ô  sweet memories!



The comrades are still waiting for the dosh, Sean.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 20, 2008 at 3:07 pm

Posted in AWL, Left, Marxism, Sectarianism

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Slime Monsters and the AWL.

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AWL cadre in training.


Mike  Macnair provides a pretty cogent explanation of the AWL’s history. That its background is from some American variety of Trotskyism that no-one in Europe (apart from the UK) gives a toss about.


However on the interests of furthering historical materialism there is a more profound, dialectical, and materialist, explanation.


The AWL is actually a movement of primeval slime monsters which was spawned in the Bayou in the Deep South.

Every three years they feel the urge to mate and propagate their kind. To this end they assume forms resembling human beings (very briefly). And get us innocent lefties ensnared in their ways.


When the horrible truth is revealed the victims of these unseemly copulations turn on the monsters and attempt to slay them (as seen in the CPGB/Weekly Worker).

Written by Andrew Coates

October 23, 2008 at 11:58 am

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Palin, Sarah: the Mark Thatcher Connection

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Sarah Palin and Mark Thatcher?


You’d betta believe it.


The hockey mum from some deep-freezer is said, by reliable sources, to have a secret love-nest with the UK’s most popular neo-conservative.


This makes her victory in the US Presidentials certain.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 24, 2008 at 11:20 am

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On the Greenstein Affair.

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There is a post by Mickey on Harry’s Place alleging acts of violence by comrade Tony Greenstein at some obscure ‘anti-Zionist’ event.


Let me point out two salient points about Comrade Greenstein.


One, if (as one of the posters at Harry’s pointed out) he has the political electoral weight of a gnat, he is also a thoroughly decent activist who does work for the popular masses, which the Harry’s Place types don’t give him credit for.


The second is that he is engaged in the extremely dodgy ‘don’t buy yid (aka boycott Israel) campaign of his madder anti-Zionist mates.


When challenged on the latter he regularly throws wobblies.


Above is a photo of Comrade Greenstein’s Hove Rest Home, from which he normally goes to shoot seagulls with his blunderbuss.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 25, 2008 at 3:17 pm

Posted in Britain, Left, Sectarianism

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Badiou on Renegacy.

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« Vive le marxisme-léninisme et le maoïsme »

Affiche chinoise avec Marx, Engels, Lénine, Staline et Mao ; légende : « Vive le marxisme-léninisme et le maoïsme »


Badiou on Renegacy.

There is an article in the latest NLR  and interview with Alain Badiou on the history of French Maoism trying to explain why a certain level of French Maoists has become, as he puts it, like Doriot, (now that is a pretty strong comparison to say the least) and moved from left to hard-right.


A few points.

Badiou makes the distinction between ordinary members of the Gauche prolétarienne and other ‘Maoist groups’, who who have, by in large remained on the the left, and the careers of the likes of Glucksman and BHL. This is of course true, (having known a few ex-GP members myself) . However he offers absolutely no self-critique for the idiotic ideology he himself still half-believes in, so-called Marxism-Leninism.


Not that most people can grasp a word of the philosophical gibberish he utters (and I say that in a kinda caring way).


Furthermore he makes some imbecile side-swipes against French secularist left republicans. Who are the true anti-racist French left. Unlike his pitiful group of mates, the modestly entitled : l’organisation politique


Oh well that’s New Left Review these days for you.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 26, 2008 at 11:56 am

Posted in Left, Marxism, Secularism

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Prescott Paradox.

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Telephone call to chez Coatesy a few years back. From John Prescott.


Thought of it when I watched Prescott on Class on the telly last night.


Instant connection. Real row (we were both half-cut) but real contact. Liked the bloke immensely.


Watching the telly last night I had to strive to resolve two things about John. First, he was an utter class traitor in aligning with Blair, someone, and I say this politely, who is and was a despicable piece of cack. Second, that Prescott is the kinda bloke you’d get on well with. A real class conscious geezer.


It warmed the cockles of me heart that all the Henley Regatta crew hated him with venom. And that he got on well with some young birds from a London Housing Estate. Instantly.


So how is a bloke you’d trust your life blood with, become the ally of that them there Blair?


I out it down to ambition.


Pure naked ambition.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 28, 2008 at 12:50 pm

On James P. Cannon and Slime.

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 Genesis of Cannonism.

What is the enduring fascination of one of the most repulsive figures in the history of the Trotskyist movement, James P. Cannon ?


He ran some organisation in the US which had the distinction of being one of the most unsuccessful political movements in the history of the planet. One that spawned renegades a minute. As a legacy his organisational practices left a legacy of hate and bitterness that survives to this day.


He wrote Prison Diaries (Letters from Prison) which far from rivalling Gramsci would be well considered a candidate for the Mills and Boon collection. My favourite is a bit where he mentions his a-readin’ Aris-tootle (as I believe Americans pronounce the name).


Oh and he didn’t like my mate Michel Pablo (Rapitis).


But the AWL consider him some paragon.

Mind you Higgins put them and all Cannon’s mates in their place on that one.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 29, 2008 at 12:53 pm

Defend Foreign Extremists!

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 Our Future Constitution

Plans to ban ‘foreign extemists’ from the UK are rightly condemned by notable democrats, such as George Galloway and his influential Islamicist/Radio Show/Iranian/Footy/ Spankers’ Telly Party Respect (George since we are such old mates I take the liberty of attributing your denunciation before you wrote it).

Tendance Coatesy has always been a defender of free speech.


The plight of Islamicists in this country, suffering under the iron heel of international imperialist monopoly globalised neo-liberal capitalism has been brought to our attention, as indeed it has has been to all class conscious leftists.


Liberty of expression is very important.


Therefore Tendance Coatesy stands for the very seductive teaching of Islamicism to be broadcast every day directly into every living room.


Surely with ideas such as killing all gays, and feminists, trade unionists, Jews, Secularists, Socialists, Communists, non-Muslims, these views need constant exposure?

Written by Andrew Coates

October 29, 2008 at 3:52 pm

Posted in Britain, Islam, Left, Marxism, Religion, Secularism

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Liberate the Rossites!

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Poor old Ross.

It is rare that Tendance Coatesy disagrees with our normally sage mentor, David Osler.


But this really is an outrageous act of class treachery. Comrade Dave has backed the imperialist-Zionist pre-nuke strike attack on Jonathan Ross and some other geezer whose name I forget.


The fact  that pompous tossers on the Socialist Unity site have joined in the rush to condemn should have alerted our beloved comrade Dave.


Yet, no. He has rushed like a Garadene swine into the sea of despondency.


As Marx explained in Wages Prices and Profit, a labourer is worthy of his hire. The fact that Ross only has to scratch his arse to get a few hundred quid, is surely a just reward for his toil.


Now he faces a life of exile, persecution, ashes and sackcloth.


An international campaign to back to the two latest victims of Imperialist brutality is as I speak being launched.


Please give generously: C/O the Vaults Ipswich.

Written by Andrew Coates

October 31, 2008 at 12:47 pm

Posted in Britain, Capitalism, Left, Marxism

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Don’t buy Yid? Er buy me a Bagel.

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 Coatesy’s Lunch.

The campaign waged by certain elements on the Left to ‘Boycott Israel’ really sticks in my craw.


It is so totally misconceived I hardly know where to begin.


But here I start: it panders to the anti-Semitic ideology of the far-right racist Islamicists who in point of fact began their own ’campaign’ to boycott Israel  some time back. It will not succeed in giving a drop of support to the legitimate demands of the Palestinians, for it will focus attention not on politics but on gestures. Finally, the whole thing stinks of the don’t buy Yid campaigns of the Nazi scum.


Tendance Coatesy is a historic friend of the Jewish people (Not the state of Israel, very obviously).

 It is also a friend of the oppressed peoples of the world, in this case the Palestinians. Who we know suffer.


So, it is not going to countenance this farcical ‘campaign’ any longer.


The last time it came up at our Trades Council it was the Socialist Party who said it was a load of cack.

Well if it comes round again they’ll get me leading the charge,

Written by Andrew Coates

November 1, 2008 at 12:24 pm

Posted in Israel, Left, Marxism, Sectarianism, Secularism

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‘Boycotting Jews’ in Action.

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Sans commentaire.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 1, 2008 at 5:09 pm

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We’re a Jolly Ploughman.

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Now as an old lefty with a bit of an Irish in me (me Dad’s middle name was Kelly) I recall a certain Rebel song about a Jolly Ploughman.


I wonder if Mr Wetherspoon knows that his guest ale has this connotation.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 2, 2008 at 11:58 am

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Ultra-Left Binge: Weekly Worker.

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CPGB (Provisional Committee) Editorial Meeting

The Weekly Worker is undergoing one of its periodic ultra-left binges.


Apart from calling not to vote for comrade Obama, it published some drivel about Action DIrecte. Saying they were some kind of class heroes.


I have some news for you in the CPGB. I know rather a lot more about AD (and perso stuff, like they tried to recruit me,  just to cite one minor example)  than you do, and can honestly say, that that the bloke in question Jean-Marc Rouillan, is a class A nutter and can go and se faire foutre.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 3, 2008 at 12:40 pm

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Coatesy Goes Obama Mania.

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 Am I not a Man and Brother?

It’s been said before, many a time, (and by me, but hey I like repetition) but there is an immense hope growing amongst the popular masses of the world that Obama will win today.


Us European leftists no doubt feel that he will still carry on the imperialist politics of the US and will not abolish capitalism. Tendance Coatesy is about as far from empathy with American politics as you can get. On these and just about every other issue.


But I do know a few things.


Firstly the fact is that Obama is better than a doddering old fool and some far-right Christo cretin (who’d sell her grandmother for tuppence) who are standing against him. He is apparently a fairly decent bloke.


Secondly the fact that he is mixed race. There are at lot of feelings on this. Mine is: I like the African-American people.They are our mates.  It will be an historic victory for all progressive peoples of the world if a mixed race type gets to be President.


Finally when I see the bleeding poor people in the US queuing up to vote for him I feel a shiver of real emotion.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 4, 2008 at 12:39 pm

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Hail to the Chief!

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It has been my deepest wish that Obama was elected. Now he has got elected!

 Hail to the Chief!

We know that he is not going to change the world towards socialism. But as the American Communist Party put it in the Morning Star yesterday, he is a force for progress, and if they can create a movement on the ground he will be susceptible to pressure from the left.


As a Marxist obviously I regard him as a lackey of neo-Liberalism and imperialism. But, blimey, as a human being I am filled with joy,


The fact that he is mixed race (and clearly a progressive in the broad sense)  is an historic advance of such magnitude that it makes my heart bleed.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 5, 2008 at 2:03 pm

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Rejoice Ye Starvlings!

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Still on a high about Obama winning.


Watching on the telly last night after my T & G Branch Meeting I was deeply moved.


The Republican Party slave-drivers with their bullwhips are cowed, the popular masses of the world are rejoicing, and the Islamicist reactionary filth are in mortal fear.


Let’s savour the moment, before we get back to our critical Marxist analysis of the politics here.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 6, 2008 at 12:10 pm

SNP: a Wee Greet (not)

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Scots Tosser.

The Glenrothes by-election victory of the Labour candidate should give pause for reflection for the Scots ‘left’ nationalists. Solidarity got less votes than the ultimate’ Brit’ candidate, UKIP, Kris Seunarine, UKIP: 117,Louise McLeary, Solidarity: 87 ) and the Scottish Socialist Party got joke candidate ballots, Morag Balfour, SSP: 212.  In fact they looked like a bunch of tossers.

Main point,  the SNP has got well and truly shafted by the Labour candidate Lindsay Roy, Labour: 19,946 Peter Grant, SNP: 13,209 (Labour majority: 6,737).


Could it be that the kenspeckle cretinism of a political project for an  ’independent’ Scotland, home of kelpies, mists, tattie scones and tartan social democracy, finally free from the horrid imperialist ‘Brits’ is now seen as a load of cack?


We realise that nationalists, whether of the ‘left’ or the right, are usually impervious to reason.


But surely even they must recognise that the global financial crisis is proof positive of the global nature of the most fundamental parts of capitalism, which you cannot escape by denouncing UKANIA? That an international left response is needed? Beginning with a United European Left in a Europe-wide Social Republic.  Not some retreat to your ain folk and the kaleyard.

Small wonder after the Bank of Scotland went into crisis and so on and so forth people lost interest in the SNP. This is a  party whose leader is so vain he sniffs his own armpits to get high. They equally failed to turn to ‘left’ versions of the same nationalism.

They voted for safe-pair-of-hands, Banker Gordon. Full stop.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 7, 2008 at 1:58 pm

Tom Nairn: An Obituary.

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Model of Future Nairn Home.

Pasted: Tom Nairn is an expert on globalisation, nationalism, British institutions and Scotland. He is professorof globalisation at the Globalism Research Centre, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. His many books include Global Matrix: Nationalism, Globalism and State- terrorism (2005), The Enchanted Glass: Britain and its monarchy (1994) and After Britain (2000).


As a main man in New Left Review, and the split from the Scottish Labour Party that joined the SNP (aka Alex Salmond), he is also one of the central people responsible for the pathetic delusion that the SNP are some kind of progressive force.


He is also a first rate Scottish nationalist tosser. As expounded here.

I’m, as a Marxist Internationalist,  just enjoying his misery today.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 8, 2008 at 2:16 pm

Jean-Luc Mélenchon Leaves Parti Socialiste

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Halycon Days in the Parti Socialiste

The French  Parti Socialiste  is in a mess. This weekend, before their national conference the vote was, frankly, pathetic. Ségolène Royal’s Motion (one only the most dedicated can even be bothered to read) at their congrès de Reims won. The left got a respectable score (19% for the Benoît Hamon platform). The various rights still hold significant power (not least the Mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoë). But frankly the whole direction of the socialists is awry. Are they really for an alliance with the centre, are they becoming social liberals?

 Who really cares?

 The most significant for me is the resignation of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Elected senator. All round lefty, and pole of all the alliances on the left.


 What Party is he going to align himself with? Le Monde yesterday (Print edition) said that he admired Die Linke. Will he go with the new anti-capitalist Party of Besancenot? I have my doubts there.

Former Lambertist, but evolved in a direction not too far from Coatesy (Republican Socialist), he is apparently a bit offy but not too bad a bloke. Politically I suspect he could not hack the way the Parti Socialiste has gone, and the type of quivering liberal free market politics it has got itself involved with.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 9, 2008 at 2:46 pm

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Rodents of the World Unite!

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 The Most Oppressed Species on the Planet. 

This is a Guest Post by Revolutionary Rodents React-Back.

The Oxford Animal Laboratory is up and running. The first animals moved in were mice, and rodents will make up 98% of the inhabitants.

First they came for the mice, then for us rats!


As a pillar of neo-liberal imperialist capitalist exploitation this so-called Laboratory (more like concentration camp) is backed by such bogus neo-liberal imperialist gangs as the Pro-test group.


Centuries of suffering under the capitalist boot  have left us rats with a ‘bad reputation’and like all oppressed groups get called vicious names, such as ‘vermin’, and ‘pests’ not to mention the verb ‘to rat on someone’. We were blamed for the Black Death and Bubonic Plague (in reality caused by a feudal coterie, early so-called ‘scientists’ and animal testers, and this myth blaming us created by the usual alliance of ‘rationalist’ Enlightenment figures and other racists).  The memory of the old ‘rat-catcher’ is still fresh in our minds as we rise up to fight for equality and our rights.


We are glad to hear that the Green Party has recently backed the struggle of rodents. In pursuit of equal opportunities the SWP has elected several rats to its leadership. Respect (Renewal) is now led by a rat (though Comrade Galloway we have political differences about your role trying to make alliances with cats by dressing up as a feline).


Forward to true animal liberation! Defend the excluded. Fight imperialist science!

Written by Andrew Coates

November 12, 2008 at 3:49 pm

Ca suffit comme ça! Jean-Luc Mélenchon et Marc Dolez

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For a Real Republic!

Mélenchon’s New site: http://www.casuffitcommeca.fr/

This describes their call for a new party and appeals for support.


I can’t help being reminded of the doomed split of  Jean-Pierre Chevènement, sénateur du Territoire de Belfort, président du Mouvement Républicain et Citoyen (MRC), from the PS, also on a ‘republican’ line. That was way back of course. And mind you I like Jean-Luc much much better. He is definitely a socialist.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 12, 2008 at 5:28 pm

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Parti Socialiste at Reims: After the Vote, the Battle Commences

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Royal in an Exalted mood.

The Parti Socialist’s congrès de Reims opens tomorrow. The party membership votes, sorted by motion, which determine the composition of the national leadership, have been cast and counted. But all is not decided. The PS is descending in an orgy of in-fighting as the rivals of Ségolène Royal search all means to beat her off from assuming real control of the Party.


It will be a sad weekend for the European Left to see a party, which still has a strong Left (though it lost half its votes this year round) centre on a personality clash. The ideas of Royal, which offer some way of synthesising participative (though not self-management) democracy and classical social democracy would be more deserving of debate were it not for her desire for an alliance with the Centre party of F. Bayrou. Who is a smug toss-pot, or gentleman farmer as they say in French.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 13, 2008 at 6:28 pm

Puff for New Interventions and Chartist.

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 Weekly Worker Sub-Editors Discuss French Politics.

New Interventions is a brilliant Socialist discussion journal. The latest issue has a particularly interesting article by Paul Flewers on the Soviet Union. A real forum for the left it is growing in importance. This Review is very internationalist. C’est très recommandé…


The Other is Chartist. Ultimate (with the Briefing) rampart of the left of the Labour Party and other democratic socialist forces.


Us liquidationist Pabloites, who back the the er, liquidationists in the LCR (Picquet), plus the other sneerers and nay-sayers of the ultra-left binge of the Ligue and the Weekly Worker,  not to mention having at least understanding for Jean-Luc Mélenchon et Marc Dolez, have, naturally, associations with both journals.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 14, 2008 at 2:16 pm

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Obama Against Gay Marriage.

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Obama’s Tootsies.

It had to come. It has come: Obama stands on feet of clay.


His opposition to Gay marriage is becoming an issue.


Coatesy feels very strongly in favour of gay rights, or LGBT rights as we very correct people always call them. We are particularly in favour of what we in the UK call ‘civil partnerships’. We once saw a film on the telly about an American woman whose female partner died. All the property and assets were in the partner’s name. A profoundly loving relationship they had made no formal documents to show joint contributions. After the death the family of her beloved came, took the house, and turfed the poor woman onto the street.


We asked a local gay activist who is Labour Councillor about this. He said that he knew of a number of cases where this had happened in England, and that was one of the principal reasons for civil partnerships, though naturally an open declaration of love was somewhat of a factor as well.


Shame on you Obama.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 15, 2008 at 10:36 am

Posted in Gay Rights, Left, Obama

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Parti Socialiste: Dégringolade

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Latest news, despite the dominance of Royal’s Motion she has failed to draw under her wing the other competing tendencies (which together outnumber her). Tout sauf Ségolène (anyone but Royal) seems to be a pretty dominant mood amongst them. The whole charade is having the effect of winding down/ruining the party and the tumble  (dégringolade) of its support. Even the British Guardian is commenting (in a relatively well-informed piece, that misses out mention of Jean-Luc Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s resignation) on the looming disaster and basket case that is the PS.

On the Mélenchon, it is reported the Parti Communiste wants negotiations with him for an electoral alliance for the European elections, and that some prominent other social-republican leftists have joined up with him, as well as people from ‘anti-liberal’ collectives.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 15, 2008 at 1:33 pm

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Besancenot Lurks.

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 Besancenot Gives a Lesson.

Hovering in the background to the Parti Socialiste Congress (unfolding in all its misery)  is the rather visible presence of Olivier Besancenot. Him of the Ligue communiste révolutionnaire and the nouveau parti anticapitaliste. The Rhinoceros in Le Living who’s turned up with attitude.

Opinion polls give him between 11% and 12% of the vote in a future Presidential contest. Given that the Parti Socialiste’s potential candidates only get mid-20s% voting intentions this is a lot.


I am writing some stuff in more detail about this but here are some preliminary observations.


Before I get the usual accusations against our proud tradition of liquidationism, I would like to point out that I have an extremely long connection with the Ligue, going back to my IMG Cell in Central London in the mid-1970s where two members were French; one is still an active member of the ISG. Culturally and politically I have been, since adolescence, close to the LCR (though closeness does not mean sameness). As I was saying to Krivine in May (this is not made up), at the Conway Hall May event, I was very impressed by the NPA’s ability attract ‘normal’ people (one can see clips of this on the LCR’s site) who were outside the milieu the far-left normally comes from. He was visibly glowing.


That was not all we chatted about. Actually if anyone’s interested, this is the first time I’ve mentioned it publicly (which shows how much it affected me),  we spent most of our conversation  talking about the tragic death of our dear comrade and beloved friend Maurice Najman.

But let’s face facts.

Fine, they’ve got around 11,000 card-holders (maybe more). They have workers (the PS by contrast is estimated to have around 5% of its membership who are working class). But, but but. The NPA runs against the grain of unity amongst the left: it is launched on its own and brooks no opposition from the Left. Its attitude towards the left of the PS, and those who have broken from the PS (such as MÉLENCHON)  shows just how far they are inflating their own sense of self-important  donneurs de leçons (‘lesson givers’). The PCF have accused Besancenot of sectarianism. Given that they are world-class experts in this I think their judgement must be given weight.


Let’s not forget that the structure of French Presidential elections (two rounds) is designed for the voters to ‘dream’ for their ideal candidate, and then (second round) vote for the real one. Somehow I do not think that Besancenot is going to get far towards that.


Naturally there’s always the revolution!

Written by Andrew Coates

November 16, 2008 at 12:22 pm

Posted in LCR, Marxism

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PS: Nothing Decided. Paris is surely a Mess!

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 Has Known Better Days.

Parti Socialiste Congress. Nothing really decided. No synthesis (agreed platform). No agreement on the leadership. Hate in the gut.

Ce sera donc aux militants de trancher puisque les chefs ont été incapables de s’entendre. Le congrès de Reims s’est achevé, dimanche 16 novembre, sans que l’on puisse deviner qui succédera à François Hollande à la tête du PS. (Le Monde)

It will be the activists who decide, since the leaders are incapable of reaching an agreement. The Congress of Reims has finished, on Sunday the 16th of November, without anyone being sure who will succeed  François Holland at the head of the PS.


What a bleeding Mess!

Written by Andrew Coates

November 17, 2008 at 11:19 am

Defend the AWL.

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Readers of this Blog may have got the (correct) impression that Tendance Coatesy loathes the AWL. But here is a good reason to stand in their defence. Like a rock.


Something called  David Ellis has been making these accusations on Stroppy Blog:Gravatar VP [Volatire's Priest and a mate] is simply a useful arse hole for the AWL and Jim Denham is paid by their wealthy Zionist supporters to propagandise for the Zionist cause. Clive is a prick and Janine is autistic.”

He also has opinions about Israel (no doubt also on the 9/11 ‘myth’ and those Jews who were ‘absent’ from the Twin Towers). Apparently it is building the biggest concentration camp in history (naturally the ‘myth’ of the Shoah  is another one these wise guys wish to demolish).


Which gives a sick taste in my mouth.


Apparently the creature is a member of the Galloway Respect.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 17, 2008 at 3:12 pm

Posted in AWL, Jews, Left, Marxism, Sectarianism

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Ségolène Royal on France-Inter.

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 Members will Decide.

This morning I listened to Ségolène Royal on France-Inter. In the run-up to the direct vote (by the membership of the PS) for General Secretary (Premier secrétaire) or one could say, the Parti Socialiste Chair, she will be standing against Martine Aubry. At times Royal sounded like a wounded animal. She did however declare that she will stand up for the victims of capitalism, was for socialism, and (this repeated) that she was a staunch defender of La laïcité (secularism). Very ambiguous about an alliance with Modem François Bayrou  though. Still it was so obviously heart-felt and genuine that even a political opponent ( I would count myself amongst them) would have been touched. She admitted that there a “front” against her, notably endorsed by ‘social-liberal’ Mayor of Paris,  Bertrand Delanoé. I would put it no lower, but there is obviously an element of bullying against her.


These are terrible times for the Parti Socialiste.


Were I a member I would  say vote Benoît Hamon.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 18, 2008 at 10:58 am

Posted in Left, Secularism

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Don’t criminalise the Sex Trade!

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The English Collective of Prostitutes showed true love in our hour of need.

Ipswich Trades Council  has worked with this group. As hardened leftists we are well aware of the background of the Kings Cross Women’s Centre (now relocated to Kilburn).  However it must be said that they have treated us with great respect. The two young and wonderful anarchist women who  organised the Ipswich Reclaim the Night demo say the same.  I need not say why Ipswich comrades are involved in the issue.


Plans to criminalise the buying of sex, are now afoot. The influence of scum like Julie Bindel, in the media and other reactionaries is well known. But…

“Public opinion is increasingly hostile to repressive policies that force prostitution underground, and make it less safe for sex workers. 


o        In February, the Safety First Coalition with MPs and Peers defeated government attempts to “rehabilitate” sex workers and increase arrests. 

o        On 14 November, the IQ2 debate at the Royal Geographical Society defeated “It is Wrong to Pay for Sex “by 449 to 203.

o        The Communications Workers Union has voted for decriminalisation.

o        Long established women’s organisations are canvassing their members.

o        Lapdancers handed into Downing Street a 3,000-strong petition against tightening licensing laws.

o        Internationally, New Zealand’s five-year review showed decriminalisation is a success. In US, the historical election that voted Barrack Obama as president by a landslide, was also memorable in San Francisco for Proposition K to decriminalise prostitution in the city. Prop K got 43% of the votes – astonishing given that its sex-worker-led campaign had no funding, and that the police, District Attorney and Mayor used their position to misinform and scare voters. 


Workers don’t benefit from criminalisation.The ECP has been inundated by women who have been raided, arrested and charged, and face imprisonment for running safe, discrete premises where no coercion is taking place. Anti-trafficking legislation is being used to justify these raids. Who will support families hit by recession when mothers and daughters who sell sex are imprisoned? How can women who want to get out of prostitution find another job if they have a criminal record?


Pimps, violent men and “rehabilitation” projects benefit. Pimps are attracted by any illegal economy. Violent men know that illegal workers can’t report violence or exploitation. And more anti-prostitution projects will be funded to “save” the rest of us.


Why are resources wasted on policing consenting sex when most rapists are getting away with it? Why are anti-trafficking laws used to deport women? 


Sex workers want rights, not charity. We want safety, not prison.

Listen to the workers, not the preachers.






 The spine of the oppressed rises with this call.




Written by Andrew Coates

November 19, 2008 at 11:05 am

Posted in Britain, Feminism, Left, Marxism

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When the Victory of Communism Comes.

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Symbol of Hope and Freedom.


When the the Red flag flutters from Capitol Hill, Big Ben and the  Élysée. When we can have a decent pint of real ale in Mecca, and the capitalist roaders have been expelled from the Kremlin and Beijing.

When true human liberty is established. And there is an equal association of the producers and all human kind.

When every pauvre hères stands upright, and the capitalist crooks, racists, and religious bigots are cowed.

Just a Thursday dream, eh?

Written by Andrew Coates

November 20, 2008 at 1:11 pm

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Parti Socialiste: Totale Verklopps.

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Socialist Party Maître Penseur  at work.

Actually I thought I’d just made the word Verklopps up. Though I found when Googling that it has an existence in German.


But it seems to me that the Parti Socialiste is in such a mess that something needs making up.


There will be a second round in the election of their General Secretary. The fight between Martine Aubry, Benoît Hamon et Ségolène Royal has been reduced to one between the two women.


Bienvenue  à la misère!

Written by Andrew Coates

November 21, 2008 at 12:22 pm

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To the Glory of the Working Class.

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 Every propeller is straining in Defence of the Working Class.

Getting on my tits.


This association  made by people between the BNP and the English working class.


The working class is full of people who are anti-racist, violently anti-racist I would say. The English labour movement is one of the prime vectors of anti-racism. The toffs think we lot (I am intelligentsia but closely aligned) are thick and chavs. I ask: who are the blokes and blokettes who stand up for socialism when shove comes to push? Answer: the working class.


Its political formation in Chartism was led by Irish men. My own mates are a group of mixed Caribbean, Irish, Bengalis, Londoners, oh and a few Ipswich and Suffolk  lads. We talk about such political subjects as food (in fact our main topic), birds, films, what we saw on the telly, football (well there I couldn’t give a toss about football), ancient philosophy (I am not making this up), and politics. Yesterday in the pub one very working class bloke said to me how pleased he was to see that the BNP got their comeuppance when after the publication of their membership list someone shoved a Molotov cocktail up their arses. We really do not like racists.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 22, 2008 at 5:49 pm

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Aubry: PS Winner by 42 Votes

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 Martine Aubry looking very Christian.

Socailist Party. election of First Secretary. I seem to be rather alone on this but it is one of the most important events for the European Left. Anyway, “Il y a eu une avance très faible, mais une avance pour Martine Aubry de 42 voix”.  That is Martine won by a sliver of 42. Bad looser Royal says this:


Ségolène Royal ne s’avoue pas vaincue et réclame un vote “clair”

PARIS – Ségolène Royal a refusé de s’avouer vaincue, après l’annonce de la courte victoire de Martine Aubry dans la course à la tête du Parti socialiste.


That is, she refuses to accept defeat. In fact she is calling for another vote. There are plenty of allegations circulating that votes went ‘missing’ and that the ballot boxes got interfered with.

They don’t make stuff like this up.


Written by Andrew Coates

November 23, 2008 at 11:53 am

Plug for La Commune

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 Que les réacs crèvent !

It is very encouraging to see that a  new group is now standing up for self-management, workers’ control and communism from below.  The Commune has produced an excellent magazine and web-site. I notice that an old mucker of mine, Terry Liddle, has an article in it. All tip-top material.


Personally I thought our tendency, for self-management, had all but died. Ken Coates sent me a reprint of articles on workers’ control about three years back and I felt that it was but of historic interest.


My own first contact with this current came from when I was about fourteen and used to buy stuff from Collet’s in Charing Cross Road. From the Institute for Workers’ Control. And Solidarity. I left school at sixteen and did a string of manual and clerical jobs where these ideas (that is, we should be in charge not the bosses) had great appeal. When still a teenager and back in part-time in education I was very closely involved with the Portuguese Workers’ Co-ordinating Committee (actually I was a student organiser when it became the Campaign to defend the Portuguese working class) many of whose members were supporters of the MES (Movimento de Esquerda Socialista), a ‘centrist’ organisation which stood for democratic self-managed socialism during the Carnation Revolution.


Centrist, for those of us who are on the left, means a democratic Marxist, disliked by Troskyistsand right-wing social democrats alike. Our heritage lies in the Independent Labour Party, Austro-Marxism, the independent Russian Marxists, the Spanish POUM and the French PSU. In some ways (on this subject of workers’ power) we are similar to the ‘left-communists’


I have been involved with the self-management tendency in France (FGA/PSU and the ‘Pabloites’). When I came back to Britain, the ‘centrist’ group the Socialist Society (I was on their Steering Committee). Noticed a few embers glowing, mainly around the anarchist left. Red Pepper does have the occasional article, (though since it published a few articles grovelling to the Islamicists I have don’t have much time for it). Not much in general.


As I say I really though our lot had died out in the UK.


Apparently Dave Broder and his mates are doing sterling work.


Vive La Commune!

Written by Andrew Coates

November 24, 2008 at 11:41 am

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Shocked and Stunned: French Parti Socialiste Members.

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La Tristesse.

From le Monde today, the unfolding débâcle that is the French Parti Socialiste and its failure to  settle on a new First Secretary clearly (this will be formally resolved by the Party shortly but I have a feeling that it won’t end there). Just one example, 40 federations are already the subject of legal actions.


Les militants du PS, choqués, ne voient pas d’issue à la crise.

Members of the PS, shocked, don’t see an end to the crisis.

Grande tristesse, grosse frustration”

 Great sadness, great frustration.

There is talk of an open split in the Party.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 24, 2008 at 4:25 pm

Less than Four votes separate the PS candidates. Allegedly.

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Julien Dray, former leading LCR member, then of the Gauche Socialiste, now lieutenant of Ségolène Royal.

From le Monde:

Selon le “royaliste” Peillon, plus que quatre voix séparent les deux candidates.

According to the ‘royalist’ Peillon (Euro-deputy) less than four votes separate the two candidates.

From  Libération

Les partisans de Ségolène Royal posent un ultimatum à la commission de récolement, menaçant de saisir la justice et d’appeler à une manif devant le siège du PS si la commission ne se saisit pas de certains cas litigieux.

 The supporters of Ségolène Royal have laid down an ultimation to the (PS) control committee, threatening to to go to the courts and have called for a demonstration outside the PS HQ if it does not deal with the votes that are in doubt.

In principle the Commision will make a decision today.

I realise the British left is more interested in its own internal obsessions, like whether George Galloway will appear as a Panto Dame ‘Kitty’ this year, the fate of the various left ‘unity’ groupings (all strangely rather separate) or where the the CPGB/AWL battles are leading.  But I think that the vicious internal quarrels of one of the most important social democratic parties in the world, that contains an important socialist minority, merit some attention.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 25, 2008 at 11:16 am

French Parti Socialiste on E-Bay.

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In the light of Aubry’s short victory, endorsed last night by the PS, in an atmosphere said to be like the ‘Supreme Soviet’ (by Le Monde) today’s  Nouvel Observateur carries this story which casts doubt on the Head Command:

“Un internaute a mis en vente le Parti socialiste sur ebay.fr, l’annonce faisant état d’un parti “peu utilisé” mais vendu “sans capitaine”. Le prix a déjà atteint 10 millions d’euros mais la livraison est offerte.”


Someone has put the Parti Socialiste up for sale on ebay.fr. The ad stated that it was little used and up for offer however ‘without a captain’. The price has already got up to 10 millions but the delivery is included.

More comment about the PS (in French and from a while back)  which gives reasons why she is not universally loved.


Written by Andrew Coates

November 26, 2008 at 5:13 pm

So Farewell then John Rees.

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 John Rees with Friends.

It is with great sorrow that we learn of the SWP’s decision to dismiss Comrade John Rees  (and here) from its Central Committee. The pro-imperialists and globalising liquidators  may have criticised his alliance with the murdering clerical fascists of al-sadar (see above photo), his role in destroying the Socialist Alliance in order to huddle up with huckster Kitty Galloway, Islamicist communalists, businessmen, and his personal obnoxious arrogance. We say: nay, nay, thrice nay!

Tendance Coatesy’s Court Poet, Emily Thribbs (aged eight) immediately penned this moving ode in commemoration of one of the great leaders of the International Proletariat.


So Farewell then to John Rees?

“Ress, the most unhappy of men,

Wither the whistling Swoppie tend his line?

Live and take comfort. Thou hast left behind

Powers, that wish for thee: smog, dirt and spit

There’s not a breath of the flatulent wind

That will forget thee; thou hast great allies,

Thy friends are exhalations, agonies,

And goatee beards”

Written by Andrew Coates

November 27, 2008 at 12:05 pm

Sarkozy Nous Voilà!

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This fantastic satire, with acid sarcasm, sends shivers down yer spine. It is to remind us what the real class enemy is like.

Here Sarkozy takes the place of Pétain, following the famous song Maréchal, nous voilà!! It was an anthem of the Vichy regime. The fascist French daily Présent takes its name from a line in this chant.


The music was stolen from Casimir Oberfeld who was murdered in Auswitch – because he was Jewish.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 27, 2008 at 3:21 pm

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Indian Communists Condemn Mumbai Attack.

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 There is no image for this post: it is too painful.

 Communist Party of India (Marxist)



November 27, 2008 

Press Statement 

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement: 

On Terrorist Strike in Mumbai 

The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) expresses its deep shock and outrage at the multiple attacks in Mumbai city which have led to the loss of more than a hundred lives and injuries to many. These attacks targeting a railway station, hotels and other places by groups of heavily armed men accompanied by explosions, bear the hallmark of a carefully planned terrorist strike.

 The country expects the government and the security agencies to uncover the full scope of this nefarious attack and the forces behind it. Given the recurring and widespread pattern of terrorist attacks occurring in the country, the Central Government has to assure the people that concerted efforts are being made to tackle the problem.

 The immediate need is for the people to face this grim situation with fortitude and foil any sectarian attempts to exploit the situation. The entire country expresses its solidarity with the people of Mumbai in this difficult situation.

 The Polit Bureau conveys its heartfelt sympathy to all those who have lost their loved ones including the police personnel who have died.  The loss of Hemant Karkare, the brave officer who was heading the Maharashtra Anti Terrorism Squad and other police officials is especially grievous.

Simple, dignified and to the point.


[I wonder how long it will be before some British liberal Islamophile or 'anti-imperialist' will come out with a comment 'understanding' why these creatures attacked the beloved people of Mumbai. Suggestions: US oppression of Muslims, European oppression of Muslims, British oppression of Muslims, India's oppression of Muslims, Zionist oppression of Muslims.]

[Note added to Note. I spoke too soon. Tariq Ali has already been at work finding ‘reasons’ for mass murder. With explanations at hand for the Mumbai attack he pontificates that“It’s hardlty a secret that there has been much anger”within the poorest sections of the Muslim community against the systematic discrimation and acts of violence (in India.)”.

Tariq since you speak all tongues and are an expert on every country on the globe, and their politics, as well as those of a few planets outside the solar system, you’ll get this expression in French that sums up your stand, ‘tout comprendre, c’est tout pardonner’. Roughly to ‘to say you have ‘understanding’ for something, is to excuse it.’

Written by Andrew Coates

November 28, 2008 at 4:58 pm

Gramsci: Death Bed Conversion to Catholicism?

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Gramsci is Buried in the Protestant Cemetery (for all non-Catholics in fact) in Rome (I have visited his grave).

‘Revelations’ that Gramsci converted to Catholicism  on his death-bed (here) have been made. This claim surfaced through the mouth of Luigi de Magistris, a former Apostolic Penitentiary Archbishop. This week on the Vatican Radio he made the assertion that the Italian Communist Party leader returned to the faith of his childhood before dying.


This (similar claims were made in the late sixties) has been vigorously denied by the Philosopher and ex-Parliamentary deputy Beppe Vacca, President of the Gramsci Institute. “None of the numerous documents, published or unpublished, about the last hours of Antonio Gramsci give any support to the suggestion that he was converted”. (le Monde) There is no proof (here). Apperently there aren’t any journalists on the Times who know much about Gramsci or who can read French* well enough to include these statements in their piss-poor report on the matter.

Most secular people would have thought that the Catholic Church, indeed any Church, had given up that little trick about last-moment confessions and dying sinners embracing the faith, in, well, say the late Victorian era.


Obviously not.


* Added following day: or Italian. Story here rigorously exposing the falsity of the claim.

Written by Andrew Coates

November 29, 2008 at 11:14 am

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Robert Hue leaves Parti Communiste National Council.

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After John Rees another Dodgy Beardy who brought Failure in his Wake.

From Libération:

 ”L’ancien leader du Parti communiste français Robert Hue a annoncé dans une lettre à la secrétaire nationale du PCF, Marie-George Buffet, qu’il quittait le Conseil national (parlement) du parti, et entendait prendre prochainement une “initiative”.”

The former leader of the French Communist party Robert Hue has stated in a letter to the National Secretary of the PCF, Marie-George Buffet, that he has resigned from the National Council (Parlement) of the party and intends shortly to take an ‘initiative’.

Robert Hue was in charge of the PCF (1994 – 2001) during its most dramatic period of decline. From a national force capable of getting in 1969 21,5% in the Presidential election, and even in 1981, obtaining 15% ,  to his own score of 8,6% as Candidate in 1995 , to, finally, 3,37% in 2002. Party membership went from 200,000 in 1998 to 138,000 in 2001.


Hue has always given me the creeps.


Perhaps that because his beard resembles a bit Raymond’s, the psycopath in the film, The Vanishing.


The Question everyone on the Left is asking: what is it about Beards?

Written by Andrew Coates

November 30, 2008 at 11:46 am

Tariq Ali: Renegade or Patrician Pillock?

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Back to the Sixties: Ali with Kindred Spirit.

‘The East is Green’ announced Tariq Ali in New Left Review 38 (2006). Now we have news that he has definitely passed over the the Green side, praising the Taliban and Hamas.

In NLR (after some vile comments calling the Iraqi Kurds the ‘Gurkhas of the invador’) he described the present rise of Islamism, from the Middle East to Iran,

“A radical wind is blowing from the allies and shacks of the latter-day wretched of the earth, surrounded by the fabulous oil wealth. The limits of this radicalism, so long as it is captured by the Koran, are clear enough. The impulses of charity and solidarity are infinitely better than those of imperial greed and comprador submission, but so long they offer as what they offer is social amelioration rather than reconstruction, then they are are sooner or latter liable to recuperation by the existing order .”

What they need is someone resembling Simon Bolivar,  a Morales, a Chávez .

Put simply, come back 1960s third-worldism. Fanon was right. On one side stand the ‘wretched of the earth’, in this case the Muslim masses bound by ‘solidarity and charity’. On the other ‘imperial greed’. Ali helpfully notes that the Qu’ran has ‘limits’ (surely not!). But in any case a great leader is needed, a Helmsman perhaps, to steer the masses away from the ‘existing order’.  

This dérive, as we say, has not drifted away. Imtiaz Baloch reports an Ali speech made  In Toronto, Canada,  on November the 14th this year.  All began well, with Ali sagely giving the usual round-up of the world conflict between imperialism and the oppressed,  offering his opinions on the US elections, many many other lands, the situation in South Asia, and no doubt the price of milk in Sainsbury’s.

Then doubt began to surface in Baloch’s mind,

He also managed to present one dramatized case of forcible disappearance of a Pakistani citizen Aafia Siddiquiin US custody for alleged links with Al-Qaida.

Speaking of torture, Tariq Ali slammed Hasni Mobarak’s Egypt, but a kept a complete silence on the brutal practices of torture by the Islamic Republic of Iran where thousands of progressive activists have been tortured and hanged publicly.

He praised Sheikh Nasarullah’s Hezbollah in Lebanon as “heroic”, conveniently forgetting to mention this group’s ideological, financial, and military support from the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria.
The two states, one theocratic and the other a dictatorship – both infamous for brutally repressing their own people including torture and murder of communists.

Then the ‘bombshell’. Talking of Afghanistan,

Instead of denouncing the atrocities carried out by the Taliban, the beheadings and the throwing of acid on the faces of schoolgirls, Tariq Ali eulogized the neo-Taliban as an indigenous movement representing Pashtun nationalism.

Baloch comments,

The old Left and the neo-Taliban have bonded into a new friendship with a common cause – Bush-bashing, for which, Islamic populist sentimentalism, state and strong army have become important tools of the trade. Today, it is not surprising to see former Marxists collude with Jihadis, but to see Tariq Ali in that role was a huge let down.

Now much of Baloch’s post is taken up with discussion of  Balochistan and Ali’s denial of its right to self-determination. Tendance Coatesy is not capable of judging this cause (unlike Ali we do not have the patrician desire to be a a Universal Pundit), except to back the comrades fight for democratic rights to the hilt.

Once upon a time Ali denounced the clash of fundementalisms:  neo-liberalism-imperialism, and Islamisim. Now he has found virtue in the latter, a mask (as Fanon might have put it) for the legitimate aspirations of the world’s oppressed, or maybe (as he gets ever more doting towards his new found friends) the vehicle of the wretched that will bring down the US and its comprador allies.

Is this a case of the ‘eternal return’? Further back sixties ‘fightin’ man’ Ali indulged himself fully in the romance of third-worldism, in which class was obscured by a fog of rhetoric, and national liberation over-rode democracy and socialism.

Today democracy and socialism have been shown, in the most forceful manner, to be indissolubly linked. In all its various forms Islamism is a enemy of democracy, and the movements Ali now admires are its most brutal opponent. Every Islamist party or faction, from ‘moderates’ to jihadists,  is led by the pious Islamic bourgeoisie, and represent this class interest. It aims to destroy class solidarity in favour of the united community of the believers in a capitalist theocracy. While ‘consensual’ oppression may be the declared aim of some, no type of Islamism has ever liberated anyone. These forces are opposed by the entire progressive left. From the gaols of Tehran to the killing fields of Sudan, the masses of the world cry out for democracy, an end to Islamic oppression and racism. Without being in the slightest emotional Tendance Coatesy says that the bloody corpses of our fallen comrades scream out for justiceagainst their Qu’ranic inspired foe.


Apparently their voices haven’t reached Ali’s chocolate box village of Sweffling in Norfolk.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 1, 2008 at 11:43 am

Workfare: Slouching Roughly Towards the Workhouse.

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Workfare Has A Long History of Success.

The BBC Reports today that the Wednesday’s Queen’s Speech will contain Welfare ‘reform’ measures and that, “Almost everyone on benefits would have to prepare themselves for work or face sanctions under proposals in a report commissioned by the government. ” and that, “unemployed people should do a 9-5 day looking for work or doing community work, to tackle joblessness.”

A central issue is: how exactly will these the workfare proposals be organised?

We know that Gordon Brown’s words about prioritising ‘hard-working’ people and families are not mere rhetoric (he has a tendresse for those who sweat it out in order to rake money off the backs of the poor). Now he intends to force the unemployed (of all categories, including the disabled and lone parents) to piss around all day staring at the ever-decreasing pool of job vacancies, and filling in application forms asking questions about your sexuality and religious beliefs. Or do ‘community’ stuff and  work bloody hard, be it for a pittance.

Compass has published a declaration (here) against the Government’s new welfare ‘reform’ measures. This follows the National Conference of Trades Councils which passed a resolution (here) earlier this year (originally from Ipswich and District TUC). It noted that existing New Deal programmes were rife with exploitation, riddled with the potential for bullying, that the private companies and ‘voluntary’ bodies offering them made large profits while offering a very variable level of training (often of no value whatsoever) and that work ‘placements’ were open to abuse by employers who used them as as a source of free labour. The Trades Councils called for (notably): the end of compulsion in existing schemes, a decent level of pay for any work undertaken, full workers’ rights for those on such schemes, independent tribunals to supervise the system, and the creation of real jobs.

It seems (see Compass) that our concerns are being heeded by a growing section of the labour movement and the left.

Already Income Support is explicitly based on the Poor Law criterion of ‘least eligibility’. That is, the standard of living on the Dole is worse than that of the worst possible employment. A blitz on Incapacity Benefit claimants is already causing great distress and cuts in benefits as they are aligned to the same principle.

It will get worse. If the government presses ahead (and there is no reason at present to think otherwise) we will see (at a time of rising unemployment) massive amounts of money transferred to an already multi-million pound cluster of businesses engaged in ‘training’ and obliging people to take up ‘placements’ (three months work of a kind for Dole plus £15 a week). I am not an expert on single-parents and Incapacity Benefit, but it is certain that many people’s lives will be made worse as they come under close inspection by these bodies. In future no doubt they will supervise the gangs of the out-of-work made to carry out tasks previously undertaken by those sentenced by the Courts to do Community Service. The existing period of ‘placements’ will be extended indefinitely. Services offered by existing public bodies (such as the notorious ‘cleaning the streets’ proposals) will be done on the cheap. Without any rights, bullying and intimidation will relentlessly expand. This will undermine the existing pay and conditions of public sector workers. Finally, since the ‘reform’ contains ‘tough love’ clauses about cutting off benefits to those who do no comply, there will be a growth in absolute destitution.

Are Gordon Brown’s New Poor Laws a reasonable answer to mass unemployment.


I think not.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 2, 2008 at 11:18 am

Gordon Brown’s Mentor.

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Brown’s Mentor with Unemployed Trainees.

Much has been made claiming that the Government’s Welfare ‘reforms’ (to be announced today in the Queen’s Speech), are inspired by Nordic social democracy. Like bleeding hell they are. In these lands the benefits and genuine training would make the average UK doley, disabled and lone parent, weep (though Denmark has its vicious liberal market side, no doubt the bit Brown likes). But in general this reference is sand in the eyes of Labour supporters, to make them feel better (not that sand in your peepers  makes you feel anything but irritation).

There are two real inspirations.

The first lies in Brown’s idea of making social policy fit a ‘market state’.Instead of welfare to support people in tough times (a ‘safe home’) , which encourages you to go out an explore the world in security, this entails endless ‘training’ to ‘equip’ you to compete in the market economy. The fact that the training offered is patently incapable of teaching more than basic literacy and numeracy (no doubt useful for workless bankers), is passed over. To make this system function all benefits have to be set at the lowest possible level, as an ‘incentive’ to find employment. The clearest proof of this is that there are no payment increases whatsoever in the pipe-line to compensate the out-of-work on JSA for the massive gas and electricity rises underway.

The second is more colourful. Tendance Coatesy can exclusively reveal the identity of the Cabinet Adviser (pictured above) behind the latest welfare legislation. He is Deputy Dawg of Houndstown Texas. We talked to him in his home town last week. His own ‘Workfare Program’, affectionately known as the ‘Chain Gang’, has, in his own words,  reduced the number of “criters lazin’ round town.” From picking cotton, to cleaning the sidewalk, to shining honest citizens’ shoes, a variety of skills are learnt. Not forgetting diversity issues Dawg has made sure that “them colored folks” are fully participating. Indeed they make up over 50% of the intake (an encouraging figure since African-Americans are only 5% of the population of Houndstown). The dedicated Deputy is the source for the bright idea of using lie-detectors to sniff out false benefit claims. he has further ideas, “Old Sparkey is a sure way to keepthem mean varmits on their toes.” He looks wistful, “But while my lille Buddy Parnell likes the idea some of them tree-huggers are agin it.”

There are plans for the Deputy to produce a new series of his evergreen cartoons, broadcasting this example, to be shown in Schools and Job Centres.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 3, 2008 at 11:16 am

Review: Strange Fruit Indeed.

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Strange Fruit. Why Both Sides are Wrong in the Race Debate. Kenan Malik Oneworld 2008.


Kenan Malik has a mixed reputation. He is best known for his criticisms of race ‘realism’ (or bluntly – racism), conventional multiculturalism, and his defence of the scientific traditions of the Enlightenment against cultural relativism. Whatever their stand on this, to some on the left he may as well have scarlet letters branded on his breast reading Living Marxism. To others however, who have long developed a parallel critical stand on these issues, his writings are stimulating and always worth reading. Though, sometimes, he can seriously irritate.


Proving he has not lost the capacity to annoy, Strange Fruit begins with a contestable claim. That, “racial talk today is as likely to come out of the mouths of liberal antiracists as of reactionary racial scientists. The affirmation of difference, which once was at the heart of racial science, has become a key plank of the anti-racist outlook.”(P 5) While ‘difference’ remains a popular principle amongst a certain kind of leftist (public employees and academics), and the idea that people should replace fear of the Other with Respect, is still a liberal hobby-horse, it seems that its high-water mark has passed. Equality and rationality are coming back into fashion. Malik’s book therefore raises reservations, above all on the claim that “Antiracism has become an irrational, anti-scientific philosophy”. (P 6) A growing number of anti-racists are, as some have long been, opposed to precisely the relativist and romantic ideas of race and culture that Malik so forcefully attacks. 


The core of Strange Fruit is its discussion of the role of genetics of race-thinking. Classic old style racism has continued in the belief that our genes show profound differences in humans, and there are still psuedo-scientific studies claiming differences of intelligence. He demolishes these (largely socio-biological) theories  by a clear overview of the Human Genome project, and other elements such as discoveries about the distribution (mixed everywhere) of blood groups. Clearly race is not a scientific category in any real sense, it is a cultural one. Unfortunately as Malik demonstrates for many (the givers of courses in ‘diversity’ are a notorious case) identity is seen as a “genetic heritage, inextricably linking race, culture and belonging.”(P 63) The world is divided into distinct blocks of different human kinds, Diversity against Unity.


Where does this come from? Why pit these against each other? One source is a would-be radical assault on ‘rationality’ and ‘Euro-centeredness’. The notion that science and rationality are bureaucratic monsters (Foucault’s power-making-truth machine) has played a part. That there is something particularly obnoxious in European civilisation that smothers other societies.  That, in particular, the Enlightenment annihilated the cultural worth of non-Europeans. That it denied any merit to Non-European thought, making its science the sole criterion of knowledge.  That it was racist. Even (to the kind of theorist who finds even Cloud Cuckoo Land a bit too mundane) that it is ultimately linked to the Holocaust.


Malik tackles the assertion that the Enlightenment is to blame for racialism. Obviously real race-ideology derives from its opponents: the Counter-Enlightenment (Gobineau to cite but one). He points out that its universalist principles offered ‘civilisation’ even to those from cultures which were at present deemed (from their 18thcentury vantage point) as primitive or barbarian. Equal worth and capacity were the essence of the human condition, only circumstances marred them. He divides the Enlightenment (following Jonathan Israel), rather schematically into radicals and conservatives “whether reason reigned supreme in human affairs, as the radicals insisted, or whether reason had to be limited by faith and tradition, the mainstream view.” (P 88) Malik puts Kant in the latter category, even though the author of What is Enlightenment? answered his own question as: it meant above all the use of your own reason with no deference to authority. Diderot, hard to classify, has a cautious strain but was very anti-colonialist. And so it goes..


His claim that “toleration, personal freedom, democracy, racial equality, sexual emancipation and the universal right to knowledge” comes from the Radical Enlightenment. (P 89) equally needs some needs qualifications. These would bring him down from the world of ideas to that of politics, supremely those of the French Revolution. There he would have been able to explore the beginnings of social institutions that put these into practice, the barriers faced by the radicals, their heroism and their shameful defeat. He would consider the brilliant Olympe de Gouges, the feminist pioneer, guillotined for her pains, the paradoxes of the anti-Slavery founder of the Société des Amis des Noirs, Abbé Grégoire (Anti-racist but anti-regional French languages), and the philosophe turned politician, Condorcet.  This might have shaped the direction of Strange Fruit away from the ideological heavens, and hells,  to the politics which play the decisive role in the present power of multiculturalism (from a state desire to incorporate ethnic groups to the interests of self-appointed ‘community leaders’). Not to mention the occasions when politicians play the ‘race card’.


There is a great deal of interest in Malik’s outline of how UNESCO’s attempt to confront racism after the Second World War, and cultural anthropologists wish to reject assumptions of Western superiority ended up approaching a relativism so pure it cannot even stand for basic scientific rationality. Enter ‘science’ of every kind of magic and alternative gibberish. Authenticity (a modern invention) leads to worshiping one’s (race-cultural) roots. The volkish notion of culture at its heart lent support for the notorious case of human remains, ‘Kennewick Man’ in the US. Discovered in Washington State these ancient bones, of enormous antiquity,  appear to be of no known human group, but were claimed by the local Native Americans as their own and tried to prevent scientific research on their origin.  In this case even the dead are instructed that they had “to bear a particular culture.”(P 177)


Another jump and we find Mailk baldly claiming that that the New Left adopted similar ideas, dropping the working class for new agencies in splintered cultural identities, each fighting its own oppressions. This may be true for some of the wilder forms of the US left, and remains a truism amongst the dying embers of post-modernism and such sects as the British Socialist Action (Ken Livingstone’s bag-people). But Malik would here again have benefited from having a wider political background than British groupuscules: these opinions are, and have always been, ultra-minority amongst most of the European left which has always tried to unite class movements and those of the oppressed (objectively oppressed that is, not by their ‘identity’ being thwarted). Cultural assertions have an importance nevertheless. Languages, like species, should be allowed to flourish and die without being suppressed or starved of oxygen. There is no contradiction between supporting, say, regional languages, which bear a culture that, to cite but literature and poetry which is unique, and standing for universal rights (equality before the law). The universalistic argument was made effectively long ago (by Saint Augustine in On Christian Doctrine) that while some judgements and tastes are properly relative (dress, family arrangements) some maxims are without exception. Augustine sharply cited the key test of the exceptions’ rule, “Treat others as you would be treated yourself.” Secularism which Malik unfortunately does not discuss, could be said to be an extended working out of this basic principle. Which itself deserves discussing within the broader context of a Marxist approach to ‘identity’ (what of nationality by the way? Malik barely mentions this) that links it to class and political forms, hey, let’s just call them states.


Malik only touches on Marxism in the vaguest terms, referring to its stand on human liberation, opposition to class exploitation, and positive attitude towards reason. But he does call for a return to the fight  for, ”humanism and reason.”(P 288)



Many of us have never abandoned it.




Written by Andrew Coates

December 4, 2008 at 1:34 pm

French Ultra Left Faces Unhinged Repression: Tarnac Affair.

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Dangerous Stuff.

The French Political Police (okay, the  La Direction centrale du renseignement intérieur ) has developed an obsession with what it calls ‘ideological terrorism’. The arrests of nine young people at Tarnac (Corrèze) andParis, which have caused a national scandal, form part of what the DCRI calls the “return of Action Directe and the RAF”.

They stand accused of criminal association in connection with a terrorist enterprise. Specifically five of them are charged with having sabotaged TGV rail tracks on the 7th of November. The Paris Public Prosecutor, Jean-Claude Marin, has not hesitated to describe this as “armed struggle”. That is despite having no proof of this ‘project’ nor having found a single real weapon They did find  ’engines explosives’. Nevertheless that word generally (though not always)  designates, in French,  not bombs designed to kill but to cause damage. Like their British counterparts in similar circumstances the Prosecution has refused to divulge all the information which led to the arrests on the grounds that to do so  would affect  national security.

The basis for these claims lies in a wider thesis: that after the collapse of the French Communist Party (PCF) radicals would increasingly find turn to violent methods of opposition. The criminologue Alain Bauer, a self-styled ‘expert’ on political extremism, played a significant part in creating this climate.  On the Internet site of the Fnac (Paris’s biggest bookshop)  and  Amazon.com he discovered  L’insurrection qui vient (éd. la Fabrique). Claiming to foresee a strategy in  this text which resembled that of Action Directe he bought forty copies and sent them off to the head of the French police. In other words, here are people plotting a new wave of armed struggle, in a short time they will be acting on their words.

This annoymous work, produced by an ‘invisible committee’, has been clearly attributed by the Police to Julien Coupat, the principal accused in ’ l’affaire de Tarnac’. So it was a but a matter of when the opportunity cropped up before the Police went for him. Police raids discovered anarchist literature and (as mentioned) small explosive devices.  (Based on le Monde)

On the alleged sabotage the French Fédération Anarchiste comments,

Que sont quelques caténaires arrachées (parmi 27 000 actes de malveillances recensées par la SNCF pour la seule année 2007) causant le retard de quelques dizaines de trains 

It was a few catenaries (don’t ask me – I don’t know what this word means in English either) ripped up (amongst 27,000 acts of vandalism listed by the French Train Service for 2007 alone) which caused delays for a few dozen trains. 

At present, of the nine people arrested on the 11th of  November at  Tarnac (Corrèze) and  Paris, only two remain in prison, Julien Coupat  34 ans, considered as the group’s leader and Yldune, 25, his companion.  Both face charges of having deliberately damaged rail lines (Here) The actual shape of the trial will become clear in the coming weeks. 

Tendance Coatesy has no time whatsoever for any form of terrorism, and is not too fond of ‘autonomes’ in general either. But there is something about this whole affair, and the French state’s role in it, that stinks. To begin with the charge, that these people form an « association de malfaiteurs en vue d’une entreprise terroriste » (a criminal  association  with terrorist  objectives), is ambiguous, to say the least. Next, the central accusation, of sabotage, may or may not be true. But by whom and for what reason?  On the first question nothing is at all clear. On the second,  if these acts were committed for political reasons  I would strongly suppose that they were a gesture of solidarity with something or other (rather a futile one I would say, like autonomism and anarchism generally). Sabotage of course is said to derive from the ‘sabots’ (clogs) which 19th century trade unionists put on rail tracks and the symbolism is obvious to all. However, and it’s a big however, the main evidence for the prosecution lies in this accusation of  ’ideological terrorism’. That is from reading ‘between the lines’ of anarchist and autonomist literature. This is quite a step to take. Unlike, say, Jihadist material, which urges the murder of all Kufers and contains detailed instructions on killing, the ultra-left does not revel in massacre, or even advocate what is conventionally called individual or elitist terrorism. This was one of their big differences with, say the Italian ‘armed struggle’. So, we say: halt this farce of a trial and end the repression!

Written by Andrew Coates

December 5, 2008 at 12:05 pm

Hilary Wainwright Goes Localist: Why the Left Is Barely Fighting Workfare.

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From Popular Democracy to Parish Pump Politics. 


Today the Sunday Times  leads with the much pre-publicised news that James Purnell is to introduce a ‘shake up’ of the Welfare State. This includes plans to turf the jobless onto the street if they live in large houses, allow companies to profit from getting the long-term unemployed into work, introduce a rigorous ‘medical testing’ procedure for the disabled (on the 1st World War Conscription template), make the long-term unemployed carry out ‘workfare’ (US style), and to make ’welfare mothers’ (charming expression) work.  

Now it has been a source of wonder to myself, and the few comrades who have been agitating about this looming threat for many months now (such as the brilliant Louise and the Sheffield Welfare Action Network), why the left and the labour movement has not moved heaven and earth to set up a mass campaign against these moves. Still, at least, the labour movement has begun to build its forces to oppose them now, the greatest attack on democracy and the welfare state since it was founded, as the excellent initiative by Compass  powerfully demonstrates. But from the famous social movements (apart from those very directly concerned) barely a peep.

I suggest that one reason is that the part of the left which is capable of organising grass-roots campaigns has been caught up in nationalist and localist hallucinations. That it sees its future in the ‘break up of Britain’ rather than a united fight-backs across the land. That it lost the ability to campaign on class issues outside of  the  the unions. It has become obsessed with a dead-end retreat to its patch, its nation (Scottish, Welsh, Cornish, English) its soil (‘green politics’). That it considers, as Hilary Wainwright puts it,  that “a left that is based on a recognition of national and regional autonomy and creativity” is the way forward.

Here is the sad evidence. Hilary Wainwright ‘s Editorial in the October/November issue of Red Pepper (which is the Heimat of this trend).

Where the left is having an impact is where it is part of – and has helped to create – initiatives that reach beyond itself, to challenge the political class with a vision of a radical and egalitarian democracy. This is invariably a vision that is not explicitly socialist. Look at the Convention for Scottish Independence, Plaid Cymru’s coalition-building work in Wales or the broad-based coalition to save democracy in the NUS. Look too at the movements in support of Barack Obama in the US.

Let’s leave aside the fact that the Convention for Scottish Independence endorsed the project of a venal  party, the SNP, which is in thrall to the bankers, Edinburgh businessmen, is planning to flog off large part of public forests to private firms, and is full of smug self-satisfied right-wing gits. That Plaid is weak reed which has a valuable role in defending its culture, and language, but has  done little else. That both are, er nationalists. That Obama is, well for the left what is Obama? The essential is the simple fact is there is no radical egalitarian democracy when you split people on national grounds. Full stop.

She continues,

In the UK, Europe’s most centralised and executive-dominated of political systems, the loyalties and sense of rights associated with place are an important base of this democratic challenge. This is obvious in the nations of the UK but it applies also to English cities.

This particular fantasy, that UK centralisation is a major source of our woes, goes against the reality that all European countries, without exception, and with wildly differing constitutional and administrative structures, have suffered from neo-liberalism, mass unemployment and the massive economic crisis and quasi-slump unfolding as I write. Europe’s  economies are dominated by,wait for it, centralised transnational corporations. And many are pretty politically centralised as well. Or hasn’t she heard of how the French state retains control despite ‘decentralisation’, to cite but one case. Quoi qu’il en soit, it is not ‘centralisation’ that is the problem in itself. Many social policies would be better centralised on a Europe-wide basis, on the principle of raising Welfare standards to the highest level offered. Decentralisation all to often leads to a beggar-thy-neighbour polity, as the consequences of Catalan and Northern Italian and Flemish nationalism clearly demonstrate. The real difficulty is the lack of  radical democracy at the base, and ensuring means to communicate deliberations and decisions to any level, local, national or trans-Continental, or Planetary.

As national political structures crack and lose their authority, initiatives from Scotland, Wales and the English cities and regions will have the chance to break through, setting a new kind of example, stimulating a new direction for debate and developing their own international links.

The importance of place is not as a romantic retreat for the left. On the contrary, it offers a base for creating a left that is sufficiently rooted to be effective and a source of autonomy from the Westminster/Whitehall rootless elite. More immediately it provides the basis for the cross-party kind of left politics that must surely be the way to avoid the Tory dystopia that hovers ominously on the horizon   

So now we have it. The common folk of this country are there underneath the iron heel of centralised UKANIA.  Truly as Hilary’s forerunner, G.K.Chesterton said, The People of England have not Spoken Yet. When they do, their authentic voices (drowning out the Man from Whitehall and the Metropolitan elite) will  emerge and they will explode into political creativity. The ‘rooted’ (in place) left will flower.  Cross-party radical politics will bloom. Hilary Wainwright will become a MP under Proportional Representation.

Of course this is not a ‘romantic retreat’. And the dog ate my Communist Manifesto. Maybe all this will come to pass….. But there is another possibility: look at Holyrood. Local cliques and local bosses are just as bad, if not worse, than national ones. This dream too could end in tears.


In the meantime James Purnell’s steel-capped boot will be firmly placed on the throats of single mothers, the disabled and the unemployed.


Written by Andrew Coates

December 7, 2008 at 11:58 am

Bye Bye Arlette, Wotcha Nathalie

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Even Nathalie doesn’t actually read LO’s terminally boring  paper.


Changing of the Guard at Lutte ouvrière.  Just announced (here) Nathalie Arthaud, 38 ans, will be the organisation’s porte-parole (public spokesperson, and eventual candidate). She faces stiff competition in the shape of Olivier Besancenot. Described as an « Arlette bis » (second Arlette) it remains to be seen if she will halt the decline in the Party’s fortunes.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 9, 2008 at 1:06 pm

Milton: Herald of Freedom

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Would that Thou wert Alive Today

John Milton (1608-1674),was a wonderful poet and a voice which, across the centuries, still sounds in the cause of freedom. Today is the anniversary of his birth.

True, many of his ideas were of the time. It would take a Quentin Skinner to unravel all his philosophical, cultural and political references, deeply embedded as he was in the unfolding of the English Revolution. His paean of praise to ‘unlicensed printing’ – liberty of expression – was hemmed in by his virulent anti-Catholicism. But his very courage in defending freedom of thought echoes throughout the ages.

Milton’s poetry, above all Paradise Lost, has made a deep impression for centuries. For us leftists perhaps lines such as Satan’s pledge to have “courage never to submit or yield”, to “eternal war, irreconcilable to our grand Foe”, and that it were “Better to reign in hell than serve in heav’n” rest dear to our hearts.

This extract from the densely argued prose poem, Areopagitica (1644), in defence of free-expression, remains a thunderous riposte to every would-be censor, political tyrant or religious bigot (Priest, Imam, Rabbi), on the planet.

“Truth indeed came once into the world with her divine Master, and was a perfect shape most glorious to look on; but when ascended, and his apostles after him were laid to asleep, then straight arose a wicked race of deceivers, who, as that story goes of the Egyptian Typhon, who with his conspirators, how they dealt with the good Osiris, took the virgin Truth, hewed her lovely form into a thousand pieces, and scattered them to the four winds. From that time ever since, the sad friends of truth, such as durst appear, imitating the careful search that is made for the mangled body of Osiris, went up an down gathering up limb and limb still as they could find them. We have not yet found them all, Lords and Commons, nor ever shall we do, till her Master’s second coming; he shall bring together every joint and members, and shall mould them into an immortal feature of loveliness and perfection. Suffer not these licensing prohibition to stand at every place of opportunity forbidding and disturbing them that continue seeking, that continue to out obsequies to the torn body of our martyred saint.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 9, 2008 at 2:38 pm

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Welfare Reform: Purnell, Nous Voilà!

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“I would Prefer Not to.”

“Family, Work, Country.”
(Marshall Gordon Brown’s Device)


“It is the duty of the workless Bloke,
to toil and serve the Gentlefolk.”
(Labour jingle)


And Blokettes.”
(Harriet Harman)


 Now we have it. The White Paper on Welfare Reform (Here ), and  James Purnell everywhere. With the media  indulging him by  interviews with people saying, “make the idle break rocks” (strangely no show for the out-of-work who’d done existing worthless New Deal schemes – I wonder why..).  How folk love to tell others how to live their lives!

 A few points.

Firstly, if we are forced to labour for our benefits, why won’t we get the rate for the job? Or the same rights as other workers? Why indeed is this described as a punishment, “mandatory community service” (BBC site’s words) ? Are the unemployed criminals?

Secondly, Purnell is fond of obscuring the above issue. He tried to claim this was all some kind of Scandinavian plan (the better to hoodwink Labour supporters). That failed. Now watch out for references to pre-1st World War socialists who talked of all having to labour (those who do not work shall not eat). Reservation: I didn’t  know that Keir Hardie and, say, Blatchford wanted the workless to toil, at below any conceivable market wage, at the behest of their supervisors’ whims, for the benefit of  employers and (in this case) Lord and Lady Bountiful (that is, a tranche of the ‘voluntary’ sector which no more recognises workers’ rights than the worst bosses)? Anyway, if these figures are such an authority, why not adopt Hardie’s teetotalism. (Note to self: shouldn’t have said that, some health fanatics in the Cabinet would no doubt like to).

Thirdly, these measures will affect some of the most vulnerable people in society. Much will be said about lone parents and the disabled. Hell knows they will suffer. But one group which I estimate will get little attention are those with psychological problems. These ‘invisible’ incapacities can be crippling. But they vary, as people go ‘up and down’, sometimes able to cope, sometimes utterly devastated.

I speak with some bitterness about this. A friend, Chris (I’m sure he won’t mind me citing his name), that I met about four years ago, is one of them. Despite a long history of mental difficulties (euphemism), he was obliged, as a former regional newspaper reporter, to do the New Deal. This alone brought about a collapse: he spent his time filling in literally hundreds of job applications, writing reports, and badgering the patently ill-equipped staff at the ‘training’ body charged with him.

Chris once gave me a cassette recording of a Radio programme about idleness, in Praise of it, that is. He reckoned that his role model was Bartelby the Scriviner. This is a character of a  short story by Herman Melville. Bartleby, the Clerk of the tale, gradually refuses to do anything at all. He retreats completely not just from social life and work, but from everything. And fades away. His motto, when asked to do anything was “I would prefer not to.”

To no-one’s surprise Chris disappeared at one point and tried to live as a hermit in Rendlesham forest.


These are the people Purnell wants out cleaning the streets and other types of ‘community service’  under the watchful eye of his army of overseers.


Written by Andrew Coates

December 10, 2008 at 11:17 am

Campaign For a Marxist Party: Letter from A-Near.

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 Our Glorious Past. Our Spendid Future?

 In the Weekly Worker  ‘Mary Godwin’, reports.

“The Campaign for a Marxist Party has been disbanded. This is a necessary step backwards, if we are to go forward on a serious basis in 2009. The 2008 annual general meeting, held in London on December 6, agreed a motion proposed by the national committee to dissolve the campaign. As the motion explains, some members of the CMP intend to establish a committee in the new year with the aim of promoting the study of Marxism and the unity of Marxists as Marxists. Not the unity of Marxists in yet another crazy halfway house project. ”

It is hard to envisage exactly how this initiative could have succeeded. Being a Marxist, in the sense the CMP at least publicly defined it on ocassion, is a matter of defining oneself as a Marxist.  Or rather not. The actual principles of the CMP are as follows,

1. We are in favour of a planned, democratic socialist society and against the market.

2. Socialism will be achieved in a single step when the working class seizes power over society; there are no intermediate ‘democratic’ or other ‘stages’.

3. The campaign is against the destructive incubus of Stalinism and will seek to make clear the counterrevolutionary and anti-human nature of the Stalinist regimes and parties. Stalinism was responsible for mass slaughter, brutal incarceration and the atomisation of the people of the countries under its control. In addition the Stalinists were responsible for the most cynical and costly betrayals of the working class everywhere from Germany to South Africa – no party which has as its aim the liberation of humanity can do other than condemn the Stalinist current and seek to undo the damage done to Marxism by it.

Let me point out that this excludes any conceptualisation of the ‘transition to socialism’ – a rich lode of theory, developed by figures such as Nicos Poulantzas and Charles Bettelheim. It condemns not just Stalinism, but left Eurocommunism, a variety of ‘centrist’ organisations and Marxisant social democracy, and market socialists who consider themselves Marxist inspired (cf Marx on co-operatives). Without serious analysis to boot. It puts beyond the pale those who consider that a lengthy radical democratic class struggle in the social relations of production and the state are conditions for the introduction of socialism (communism in fact). That those who believe these reconfigurations and transformations are a process not a “single step” are outside the fold. No doubt the fact that the CMP’s definition embraces the SPGB is a step in some direction or other, but not in my view a particularly positive one.

Furthermore though its criticism of Stalinism is welcome the assertion’s relation to the actually existing world’s left is unclear. Only, say, isolated lunatics in the Stalin Society, who don’t have the current to run a torch bulb,  would own up to being Stalinists. But what is meant by  Stalinism in the CMP’s list of principles? Given that the reform-minded South African Communist Party is gracelessly (not to say, obscenely) lumped together with Mass Terror in the Soviet Union we can assume it’s a pretty wide category, covering parties from the Official Communist (Comintern) tradition and later ‘Maoist’ organisations.  Given such origins the assumption appears to be  that such an  ”incubus” does not die. So what remains of it? Does it equally live on in some fashion in amongst Orthodox Communists who are, very partially,  critical of Stalin, such as the Communist Party of Britain (Brezhnevites), The Parti Communiste Français, the entire Marxist-Leninist movement, the Dutch Socialistische Partij , which was M-L  at its origins (one of Europe’s most important left groups) Italy’s Partito della Rifondazione Comunista  (part of which has a Stalinist background) , the Communist Party of India (Marxist)  and Die Linke’s PDS (ex-Communist) wing.  To name but a few. Opps and the CPGB’s own background itself…..

Another issue is defining exactly what Marxism is. It can be strongly argued that its heart is Historical Materialism (the explanatory concepts that unravel how the capitalist mode of production and social formations operate). Its essential couple is the political practice of working class parties inspired by the broad stream of Marxist writing and debate (though by no means exclusively: truth needs no brand-name) to advance a strategy of transforming capitalist social relations into a communist mode of production. But obviously beyond the generalities there is both the vast ‘continent of history’ (as Althusser said) to study and a whole new strategic debate about the means to create present-day Marxist parties.  The whole area is so rich and complex, as any reader of the main Marxist academic theoretical journal, Historical Materialism, can see, that there is definitely a need for a ‘study’ group – to say the least – that can relate these conceptual innovations to real politics. In my own opinion this would require breaking with the nostalgia for nationalism and past left movement’s (prevalent in the UK). It would be grounded on a grasp of the neo-liberal regime of accumulation (and crisis) the ‘market state’,. Instead of the Trotskyist or Leninist party form this would mean a mass political force, spiraling across countries like the helix on a snail’s shell. A minimum programme would advance the objective of European Social Republic; a maximum, Democratic (Self-Managed) Communism.

But I digress.

The Democratic Socialist Alliance  has vented its anger at this dissolution. The principal opposition to the CPGB/Weekly Worker has come from the Trotskyist Tendency.  John Pearson rails against “CPGB hijackers” who have unleashed a torrent of “lies, smears, abuse and character assassination”. Now whether they are right or wrong, such in-fighting is highly unpleasant and justifies the wariness many felt at the CMP’s inception (aware of this potential from long years of left activism).

The Weekly Worker notes the statements of Comrade Macnair from the national committee.

“He said we have to recognise that the CMP has failed. Partly because in the current objective conditions the farcical results of the attempt to act as a proto-party discredits the idea of a Marxist party; and partly because of the profound political differences between the DSA minority and the CPGB, which make it impossible for the two groups to work together in such an organisation.”

So that’s it. The differences do seem pretty severe. I can’t say that the CPGB’s principal opponents use of the strident name, Trotskyist Tendency, inspires much affection. It appears to raise a mental drawbridge that doesn’t seem likely to be lowered for some time. Meanwhile, then,  study is always welcome and sometimes calming. Perhaps both sides can have their own groups to do this. But in practical terms I shall continue to back ‘mass’ initiatives, campaigning against the Destruction of the Welfare State and broader movements that are attempting to create a real left presence, such as the Campaign for a New Workers’ Party. My own template remains: The First International. That is a combination of workers’ organisations, oppressed groups, and intellectuals, which began to combine theory and action. But then again that had quite a few bouts of in-fighting….


Written by Andrew Coates

December 11, 2008 at 12:15 pm

Appeal for Another Europe.

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Will the Appeal link up with these Forces?

Appeal for Another Europe: French List for the 2009 Euro-Elections.

This will have wider implications for the European Left.

Les politiques de l’Union européenne ont lourdement contribué à la crise financière, économique, sociale, écologique et démocratique. Elles ont sur nos vies des effets désastreux.
Plus que jamais, il est nécessaire de remettre en cause cette Europe libérale et de construire autrement l’Europe, avec les Européens, et pour eux. En 2005, les peuples français et néerlandais avaient rejeté, par référendum, le traité constitutionnel européen (TCE), sur la base de leur expérience, et après un très large débat sur le contenu et les conséquences de ce traité.

The policies of the European Union have heavily contributed to the economic, social, ecological , democratic, and financial crises. They have had a devastating effect on our lives. More than ever we have to put into question the  neo-liberal Europe, and construct, through other means, another Europe, by Europeans and for them. In 2005 the French and Dutch people rejected the European Constitutional Treaty, on the basis of their experience and after a broad debate on the content and consequences of that Treaty.

Un projet d’Europe sociale, écologiste, démocratique et de paix, c’est-à-dire de coopération et non de concurrence entre les peuples, en Europe comme dans le monde, avec les changements des institutions et des traités internationaux que cela implique. Avec une harmonisation des droits par le haut, favorisant une meilleure répartition des richesses.

We need a project for a social, ecological, democratic and peaceful Europe, based on co-operation not competition between the peoples, with all the institutional changes and new international treaties that this implies. With equality of rights brought up to the highest level, to encourage a better distribution of wealth.

.. alors qu’au sein du Parti socialiste dominent les forces favorables au traité de Lisbonne et à l’Europe libérale, dont la crise montre la nocivité et l’échec.
Pour sortir de cette impasse et rendre possibles d’autres choix, nous appelons toutes les forces de la gauche de transformation sociale et écologiste à faire front commun.

Inside the Socialist Party those who favour the Lisbon Treaty and a neo-Liberal Europe, are in charge. The crisis shows how noxious these policies are. To get out of this dead-end and to make way for other strategies, we appeal to the whole radical and ecological left to come together in a common front.

That is for a national united French Left List for the 2009 European Elections.

Jean-Jacques Boislaroussie, responsable des Alternatifs ;
Patrick Braouezec, député (PCF) de Seine-Saint-Denis ;
Marc Dolez, député du Nord, cofondateur du Parti de gauche ;
Annie Ernaux, écrivain ;
Jacques Généreux, économiste ;
Susan George, présidente d’honneur d’Attac France ;
Robert Guédiguian, cinéaste ;
Gérard Mauger, sociologue ;
Michel Onfray, philosophe ;
Christian Picquet, membre du courant Unir de la LCR ;
Yves Salesse, responsable des Collectifs unitaires ;
Denis Sieffert, directeur de Politis.

For more Information see: Politis and compare the programme with the interesting Platform of the European left.

Reflecting on this: perhaps a political log-jam on the Left is being broken in France. This Appeal is signed by a broad range of figures, from ‘altermondialistes’ (‘anti/other-globalisation), greens, alternatives (self-management left), Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s Parti de Gauche, anti-liberal collectives (from the ‘Non’ campaign in 2005), the independent  left weekly Politis, the Parti Communiste Français, the famous atheist writer, Michel Onfray,  and last, but not least, Christophe Picquet of the ‘Unite’ tendency of the Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire.

Apparently the so-called ‘liquidationists‘ (that is,  the independent-minded democratic and republican left, like Picquet) are well on the way to building a campaign of practical unity. One awaits the PCF’s response to the Appeal, which may be favourable. As with others from the galaxy of left of the Socialist Party ex-Communist, Republican left and alternatives, initiatives, clubs and associations now expanding exponentially. Meanwhile it will be interesting to see how the LCR reacts to this call. Do they intend to ride alone when they found the Nouveau parti anti-capitaliste (NPA)? or co-operate? I have heard strong indications, from good authority, ordinary LCR members, that the number of supporters who will join the NPA is far lower than the 11,000 claimed. More in the range of 6,000. That may weigh on their decision.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 12, 2008 at 12:22 pm

Spokesman: Ken Coates For the European Left Initiatives.

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Just a quick note: Ken Coates has sent out a mailing to his contacts (got it this morning) with material about the new French Left Party (blogged below) and Die Linke.  The documents inside include an article by Oskar Lafontaine (Left Parties Everywhere) , and an English translation of a speech the German Socialist gave to the French Parti de Gauche initiative. Another print-out is the programme for the Euro-elections by the European Left (Link). He ends by asking, “Will there be an answering response to the developments on the Continent?”

The Spokesman (100) has a special issue, he announces, dedicated to the subject. Nothing as yet on the  Bertrand Russell Foundation site about the latest developments. (Here)

Written by Andrew Coates

December 13, 2008 at 10:54 am

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Support for a Common Front with Mélenchon in the Euro-Elections Grows in French Communist Party.

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PCF: Still Searching for a Reason for its Existence?

Last weekend the Parti Communiste Français (PCF)  held its Congrès. 900 delegates, representing  its 130,000 members, debated the Party’s future. With only 1,93% of votes in last year’s French Presidential elections, and its Parliamentary representation down to 19, the PCF faces a serious crisis. Nevertheless the Conference gave its support to the Head of the reigning team led by Marie-George Buffet, at 67,72% of ballots cast. The organisation now faces the task of implementing their new ‘common basis’ – which calls for a profound transformation of PCF structures enthused by campaigning and radical energy.

Though one must comment that this document does not exactly shine with clarity and rigorous analysis. Thus:a key principle is that faced with a deep economic and political crisis, the PCF and the left have to open up to «des chemins concrets aux politiques de changement transformatrices » (concrete paths to the policies of transformative change). So be it.

The ‘Communistes unitaires’, who advocate alliances with the radical anti-globalisation Left (though wary of  the LCR’s project of a New Anti-Capitalist Party, NPA)  got 16,38% for their List for the PCF National Council. Despite earlier accusations of a purge directed against them they will be represented on this body on a proportional basis.  The ‘orthodox’ currents (there are no formal tendencies in the PCF), got 10,26% and 5,62%. The ‘Unitaries’ accused Buffet, despite her announced intention to run the Party on a ‘collegial’ basis, of forcing through over her critics’ heads, concessions to these remnants of classic French Official Communists. The former Communist Chief, Robert Hue, is setting up his own group outwith (calling it a party would be too kind) and  has distanced himself from any alliance with radical forces to the left of the Parti Socialiste (here).

Libération reports today that  Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s appeal for a common left front for the 2009 European elections was heavily applauded on Saturday by the delegates. (Libération) This adds to the already significant forces aligned for this new initiative. It hardly needs emphasising that the PCF’s membership dwarfs any other group’s on the radical left, and with its links with the union federation the CGT (looser than in the past it is true), it remains a force within the working class movement. Considerably more, to say the least, than the NPA, for all Olivier Besancenot’s undoubted popular appeal.

If the alliance for the European Elections succeeds (even if only in drawing in the left) we will see further evidence of  a Continent-wide trend towards a new radical democratic left pole. That is neither ‘third way’ capitalism, failing social democracy, Gordon Brown’s Workhouse and Market State, the Green alliances of vain self-seeking liberals and harmless cranks, or maximalist Trotskyism.

Or so Tendance Coatesy says in its most jargon ridden moments.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 15, 2008 at 11:51 am

Political Personality of the Year: Nominate Purnell and Mandelson Now!

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It’s Time to Back James and Mandy.

It’s that time of year again. Channel Four has issued the call for its Annual Political Awards (here).  It is appropriate that us commoners will not be the ones to vote on all the much-coveted prizes, that’s for our betters to decide, but we can make Nominations and cast our ballots for the Channel 4 News Political Impact Award 2009.

James Purnell  is the obvious first choice. A tireless campaigner against fecklessness, idleness and sloth,  he is slated to make a compulsory impact on the lives of millions of people. Charming, well-spoken, with a background at the ‘coal face’ of advising, and Corporate Planning, an expert on Private Equity and Venture Capital, this former Parliamentary dogsbody is well-placed to sort out the problems of mass unemployment. Nominate this worthy successor to Sir William Beveridge now.

Peter Mandelson  (Baron Mandelson). Already running in the category of  Politician’s Politician. But Mandy would not say no to an extra prize, would he? With a few new E-Mail addresses (easy-peasy on Hot Mail) we can get him in the above race. His Baronship  could squeeze out any competition to James Purnell.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 16, 2008 at 12:40 pm

New Parti de Gauche: Policies in Question.

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 Who Ate all the Greens’ Pies?

This morning on France-Inter Daniel Cohen-Bendit was the political invite of the day. He waffled about his success in convincing the, shrinking,  French Parti Vert (Dominique Voynet, Presidential candidate in  2007 got 1,57% of the vote in the First Round) to set up a broad list for the European Elections. This campaign has drawn in José Bové (who should have known better) and a motley crew of liberals, self-publicists (the telly presenter, Hulot) pure ecologists and the kind of people Danny works with in his capacity as leading figure in the  European Parliament Green Group – otherwise known as snotty self-important believers in marrying Greenery and the market. The Ecology Manifesto for next year’s election campaign centres on: ” la mutation écologique et sociale comme colonne vertébrale de la communauté de destin des peuples européens, l’Europe deviendrait le moteur d’un nouveau foyer de civilisation.” (ecological and social change, as the backbone of the European community of fate.  Europe will become the new home of civilisation. N.B. it reads as badly in French as this so don’t blame my lousy translation).

So it was with no surprise that one heard Danny le rouge arrogantly dismiss criticism. The Interviewer put it to him that Jean-Luc Mélenchon  described him as “centre right”. With his customary finesse, or bumptuous bile, he opined that “je m’en fous” ( couldn’t give a toss) about what Mélenchon says about anything. Then the dagger went in: these people are “Eurosceptics” and we are far a real democratic Europe.

Danny, hard as it to admit it, has a point.

There are important political difficulties about the Parti de Gauche project. Samy Johnsua in the LCR’s Rouge  has, quite rightly, pointed to a number of ambiguities. There is the question of the PG’s acceptance of the possibility of a post-electoral agreement with the Parti Socialiste – something for reasons of their own, a desire for utter purity perhaps, the LCR rejects. Then there are more fundamental disagreements. These concern the attempt to join together a ‘going beyond’ capitalism with an acceptance of the mixed economy, and the PG’s support for representative democracy. Personally I have no problem with either: a minimum programme must recognise that the first priority is to reestablish a commanding public sector, but let a large swathe of commercial  enterprises co-exist with this, while introducing measures for self-management and direct (internal) consumer power in both sectors. On the other area it is important to support reforms in representative democracy, but direct democracy is best  a local, limited, arrangement in the first instance. The idea of reconstructing the state on a soviet model is frankly ludicrous (and anti-democratic since it excludes non-workers). So unless the LCR is proposing to bring everything, up to hot chestnut sellers, under social ownership, and replace the Assemblée National with a new series of Communes, I suggest they shut up on this.

However, there remains a very vexing issue: a social Europe can’t be built without having a positive programme outlining how to replace it. Otherwise you simply break it up back into strongly sovereign capitalist states – even more at the mercy of the world market and its financial flows. That is the aim of the Sovereigntist (Euro-sceptic nationalist left, such as France’s Lambertists, the Parti Ouvrier Independent - their current name in case you’d missed that one). Or as Johnsua puts it, we ought to say,  ”non au nom d’un repli sur les frontières nationales, mais d’une ouverture internationaliste, européenne et mondiale” (a no to  retrenching inside national borders, instead an internationalist opening, European and worldwide).

Quite right comrade.

In fact one can say that the choice between campaigning for a social Europe and the nationalist retreat to (old or new) State Fortresses should be confronted by every section of the European Left, including in the U.K.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 17, 2008 at 12:47 pm

SWP: The Spirit of Sects.

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“ Yesterday upon a Site,

I saw a Line that that wasn’t Right,

It wasn’t right  again Today,

I wish that Line would go away!”

                  Emily Thribbs (aged eight).

This extract is from a Tendance Coatey forthcoming Magnum Opus,

On the Spirit of Sects.

“Those who have the least character to spare can least afford to part with their good word to others; a losing cause is always the most divided against itself.”
 On Jealousy and the Spirit of Party. Richard Hazlitt.


Political factionalism is, intrinsically, no more damaging or a threat to social order than cabals in golf-clubs, cliques in 18th Century coffee-shops or feuds in football. On condition, naturally, that their supporters are not armed, or bent on inflicting violent physical damage on their opponents. For all of Hazlitt’s dismissal, I would think it more appropriate to praise people’s ability to find fault with others while sticking with their own group, to split, to gossip, to fight, to reconcile, and to weigh everything up to the light of their own party’s standpoint. The nature of factionalism lies in the springs of decision-making and the dialectic of loyalties and side-switching – or betrayals from another viewpoint. A person without a party, or more precisely a faction, is a person without any political ability. To be deeply immersed in politics is to take sides. A person above factions is the worst enemy of democracy, someone who refuses to take her opponents seriously enough to dislike them, a reconciler who cannot in reality admit contradiction at all. The worst political sectarians are those who claim to loathe all sectarians.” 
Naturally a major source of this great work’s research is the Socialist Unity site. This has offered the highly entertaining spectacle of Respect tearing itself apart, the rise of the MP for Woolies, George Galloway (unaccountably not performing as Puss-in-Boots at Thogmorton Pier), and the delightful scene of the SWP ripping itself to shreds.


Here are some random comments.

From Neil Davidson’s analysis of the crisis in the SWP. Is there a difficulty in that the core SWP membership is composed, amongst some fine individuals, of waifs, strays and it is led by sociopaths? Apparently not:  “the party is full of extremely talented individuals.”

“The problem is rather that there seems to be a limit beyond which the Party is unable to grow.”

Build the Party.

“We are the only real revolutionary party in Britain, but let us not be so complacent as to imagine that other forces, with superficially plausible arguments and strategies, will not seek to take advantage of a new upsurge, if we are not there to put our arguments.”

Note to self: Must Recognise that the SWP is the only real revolutionary Party in Britain.

Davidson concludes with a Timely Warning: one response to our (SWP’s) crisis may be “that our internal discussions may find their way into the websites and publications of the sectarian left, once rightly described by George Lichtheim as “tiny ferocious creatures devouring each other in a drop of water””.

Further note to self: must not devour any more little angry creatures this morning.

Then we turn to an old favourite, Chris Harman, “Underlying the discontent is a clear sense that the CC failed to prevent some of its members making mistakes in the building of Respect, in dealing with Galloway’s decisions to smash it if it did not suit his own purposes, and then in coping with the aftermath of the split.”

Galloway, poor much-defamed man, simply wanted a well-paid stage in which to parade his ego. It was cruel to have tried to deny him that pleasure. The SWP was rightly punished. It has now, nevertheless, learnt its lesson:

“We need a unified CC, capable of acting decisively. That is the only way the party can respond to sudden changes in the objective circumstances as the crisis develops—and it is the only way the party as a whole can judge whether the leadership is responding correctly.”

Get rid of the Opposition! Remove the Spavined Splitters! Unity, Unity, what Benefits are due to thy name!

Written by Andrew Coates

December 18, 2008 at 12:03 pm

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Ex-Leader of French Socialist Left Under Police Investigation.

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Who’s Got an Account to Settle with Dray?

A Rough Guide To  How French Politics Work (Part 227).

Julien Dray, former Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire student activist and until recently a leading figure on the French Socialist Party Left,  (Gauche Socialiste) is under police invesitagation (here). The Socialist M.P. (deputy) for  l’Essonne was visited by the Police at his Paris home this Friday. It is alleged that a total of 351.017 euros was paid to his funds, from bank accounts belonging to the association of  Les Parrains (sponsors) de SOS Racisme and from the Fédération indépendante et démocratique lycéenne (Fidl) – a secondary school student union. That this is a case of money-laundering. The affair has been marked by a  series of leaks to the Media which have led Dray’s lawyers to protest that the Deputy has nothing to hide, and that these reports undermine the presumption of innocence. (Le Monde)

Observers of the French left will note that there are long-standing cases of the anti-racist organisation, SOS-Racisme, being used by the Parti Socialiste. That there is an equally lengthy history of French student and lycéen associations being tapped as a source of cash by Parti Socialiste politicians who have emerged from that background (one a few years back  in particular involved ex-Lambertists). And that there is a big mobilisation underway of secondary-school students against Sarkozy plans to ‘reform’ the education system, which accusations against the unions organising them might weaken.

Not to mention the fact that Julien Dray’s decision to throw in his lot with Ségolène Royal has not made him universally popular.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 20, 2008 at 10:41 am

Secularist Sunday Notes.

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Radio Four’s interminable religious programme Sunday this morning was more than the usual pile of cretinous cack-handed cackling. There was a bloke defending Rowan Williams criticism of ”unbridled capitalism”  and a vision of a market society based on social justice, free of exploitation. Whatever. An Islamic banker claiming that the Qu’ranic based rules would have prevented the global financial crisis  and that the rentier states that follow them are saving the West’s economies. It’s hard to see why there are still people who haven’t recognised that religion is there to feed the hungry, end poverty and stuff our faces with gold.

No-one who’s a major player on the god-botherer front, apart from some admirable Methodists, seems to have got round to criticising the Purnell ‘reforms’ of the Welfare State. These will leave millions on shrinking benefits languish in the limbo of half-cocked ‘training’ schemes, or in obligatory ‘voluntary’ labour, exploited by razor-tooth usurers (the proposed private providers of the ‘Social Fund’).  I notice that Catholics are more vexed at the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill than this assault on human rights. Still you must give them a prize for consistency. The Vatican has always been concerned with human life, come what may. One only has to look at the role the Catholic clergy  of Rwanda played in the genocide to see how far they are willing to stretch an arm and a limb (and skulls, fingers and torsos) to see this carried out.

Meanwhile Spain is witnessing the biggest confrontation between secularists and the Church since the 1930s. The issue at present dividing the country (after tussles over ending the Catholics’ privileged tax regime, same-sex marriage, euthanasia and other ethical subjects)  is Civic Education. That is the José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero government’s attempt to introduce universal school courses (with no exceptions for the massively subsidised Catholic private sector) explaining equality, democracy and human rights – not to the taste of those crusty old Cathos. Where they have been, with admirable determination, introduced into confessional schools, the ecclesiastical have incited parents to boycott the lessons.

Honi soit qui mal y pense!

Written by Andrew Coates

December 21, 2008 at 12:58 pm

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Callinicos, SWP: Chief Big Heap?

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SWP Maître à Penseur.

“Blackmail”, “recklessness and unaccountability”  “the unrelenting struggle of an undeniably talented comrade to shield himself for being held to account for the mistakes he has made”. John Rees is well put in his place by the SWP’s leading theoretician and international Marxist leader, Alex Callinicos.

Why does he stoop so (or rave) to conquer? Here’s a man who’s led a sheltered academic life, who produces readable and sometimes stimulating tomes on subjects such as Postmodernism (1991: Against Postmodernism: a Marxist critique (Cambridge: Polity Press). Marxist historical research (1995: Theories and narratives(Cambridge: Polity Press) political theories of Justice and Equality (Rawls, communitarianism etc), 2000: Equality (Themes for the 21st Century)(Cambridge: Polity Press). a substantial critique of Blair, Mandelson,  and Gidden’s ideological pretentions 2 002: Against the Third Way (Cambridge: Polity Press). and some engaging, if largely off -the-wall, wishful thinking, anti-globalisation stuff, 2003: An anti-Capitalist manifesto (Cambridge: Polity Press). 

Most people would be satisfied with that. They would have no wish to be (as the Weekly Worker calls them) Philosopher Kings. Not so Callinicos! He truly seems to think that his position at the head of  the band of waifs and strays he represents makes him an organic intellectual. The chap sees no reason to limit his good advice to the theoretical sphere. He is, or at least, thinks he is, engaged in real politics, albeit of a curious kind in which he considers himself a Delphic Oracle for the World’s Left.

So, he has seen fit for a long time to criticise Le Monde Diplomatique and the ATTAC movement, no doubt on the justified grounds that they told his lot to piss off when they tried to do a bit of entryism. More recently Callinicos has scolded the French left for its failure to adopt the successful SWP approach to Islamicism. He denounces the embrace of militant secularism and republicanism by many of them (Marxists, Muslims and Religion: Anglo-French Attitudes Historical Materialism. Vol 16. No.2. 2008). Written before his own comrades attacked the de facto Respect alliance with right-wing Islamicists, he defends the record of that body (though does not explicitly cite their dealings with the Jamaat-I-Islami in the East End, and the Moslem Brotherhood and its satellites  in the StWC’s campaigning). In another recent case Callinicos has taken upon himself to offer rulings to the Fourth International (LCR variety) on their(admittedly cretinous) support for the Sinistra Critica during the last Italian elections. No doubt Besancenot is waiting with bated breath for the next tonne of SWP’s comradely instructions on how to build the Nouveau parti anti-capitaliste (NPA).

Now the Trotskyist tradition has long dealt in what one might called divination  by necromancy: calling up the dead spirits of Trotsky and Lenin to settle disputes. But Callinicos has his peculiarly obnoxious addition to an already revolting practice: he shrouds the results in bile.  According to reliable accounts AC  resembles Charles Hawtry’s character in Carry on Cowboy: the mild mannered Indian Chief Big Heap. After a few glasses of firewater, total transformation: CBH  is ready to massacre the palefaces!

So, one minute Callinicos is all gentle theoretical musings; the next, after a stiff draught of Party-Line,  it’s: Shoot the slavering hyenas!! 

Just a point: the Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire has for many years made the main lines of its  internal discussions available to anyone interested. The Web forum associated with them (Forum marxiste révolutionnaire) posts wide-ranging discussions, from virulently critical to hard-line supportive, of its politics. Apparently it is beyond the wit, or the intention, of the SWP to permit such freedom. So we rely on ‘leaked’ documents on the Socialist Unity site.  And oracles.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 22, 2008 at 1:33 pm

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Christmas Comes Cassoulet.

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Tendance Marxist Christmas: all the Ingredients Made by Workers!


Tendance Coatesy is celebrating the festive season for a few days. We will be plotting, thinking of the next snide and uncalled for attack on the glory that is  Britain’s Government and certain elements on the British left, not to mention any other left groups around in the Solar System and beyond.

 Look on our works ye mighty, and, if it’s not too much trouble, despair.

Que la fête commence!

Written by Andrew Coates

December 24, 2008 at 11:17 am

Posted in Left, Sectarianism

Darfur: the Easily Forgotten War

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Wrong Skin Colour?

I post on this for one simple reason: the Israeli attack on Gaza, wholly unjustified,  will obscure the far greater war crimes being carried out by the Sudanese Islamicists against the people of Darfur. The janjaweed militas can be compared to the Hutu murderers, and indeed to Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge.

I realise that for a certain type of European the dislike of Israel is paramount. For all Islamicists it is an article of faith that the  Tel Aviv State is a monstrous aberration that must be wiped from the map. For certain leftists, to their shame, ‘Zionism’ is a word describing some kind of nest of conspiracies.

I have only the words on this clavier to condemn the killings in Gaza.

Would that a few more would do something to alleviate the suffering of the people of Darfur.

But they are black, and perhaps count for little.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 28, 2008 at 11:47 am

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Praise for Human Rights Activists.

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And at Last Comes the Age of Kant!

Kant said somewhere that he was not sure of the existence of god, but that of one thing he was certain: he knew that there were people of good will. There truly are good people in this world. Here are some.


Praise be to them!

Written by Andrew Coates

December 29, 2008 at 12:30 pm

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Awami League Wins Landslide in Bangladesh.

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Bangladeshis say NO to Galloway-style Politics!

Good news, really good news, comrades. The secular left-leaning (backed by the Left bloc) Awami League has won a landslide victory in the Bangladesh General Elections. 

The grand alliance has clinched two-thirds majority with 261 seats compared to the BNP-led four-party alliance’s 30, down from 217 in 2001.

The cause of the peoples is not yet dead!


The fascist organisation, Jamaat-e-Islami, a central ally of Galloway’s Respect in East London, got the following result:

Jamaat-e-Islami, the BNP’s key ally in the four-party alliance, has seen its once-proud seat tally plummet from 17 in 2001 to a humiliating two, in what appears to be a wholesale rejection of the party by the voters.


Funny I don’t see a mention of this on the Respect Renewal site.

Written by Andrew Coates

December 30, 2008 at 12:57 pm

Posted in Islam, Islamism, Racism

Jamaat Condemens.

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 Is it Diversity Training Again?

LAHORE, Dec 29: Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Qazi Hussain Ahmad has said that Israeli bombing on Gaza and massacre of Palestinians is shaking Ummah’s conscience but the delay in calling meetings of OIC and Arab League is the worst betrayal with the innocent blood of Palestinian Muslims.


George Galloway  concurs: “We stand in solidarity with the protests called by diverse groups across Britain.”

It is true that every socialist and leftist should be against the Israeli actions. They are frankly unpardonable.

Just a point though but Galloway’s mates in the Jammat seem to think that there are no such people as Palestinian atheists, or indeed Christians.


Diversity? Problem sorted!

Written by Andrew Coates

December 31, 2008 at 5:20 pm

Tommy Sheridan and Big Brother: Exposed!

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Sheridan and a Fellow Media Star.

I thought Ian Bone was, well, like taking the piss when he announced on his Blog  that Tommy Sheridan was going to be on celeb Big Brother. Turns out it’s bleeding true!

Apparently though oor Tommy has a few issues with the Polis to sort out while he performs (here).

I wonder what other non-UK European lefties who inhabit the Blogsophere think of the Tartan Tosser winding up on the same the path as Kitty Galloway.

What was the Burn’s line about a parcel of rouges in a nation?

Here is some of it here (I cut the anti-English cack):

“What force or guile could not subdue
Thro’ many warlike ages
Is wrought now by a coward few
For hireling traitor’s wages.”

Well said my good man.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 2, 2009 at 11:24 am

Why I Shall Not Be Demonstrating Today.

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They Murder our Comrades.

The Israeli assault on Gaza should be condemned by all progressive humanity. I have few words to express my feelings when I saw the Channel Four broadcast with a Palestinian woman showing how she was reading her children the story of Cinderella when the bombs fell. That is a reality.

I cannot demonstrate against ‘Zionism’ today because I will not and will never align myself with Hamas, and its British Islamist supporters.



Written by Andrew Coates

January 3, 2009 at 11:42 am

Posted in Islamism

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Parti Socialiste: Self-destruction Spiral.

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 From Chartist, just published. (It is from the Print-Edition not the reduced On-Line one).



 “Psychodrama”, “Sadness”, even “the Night of the Long Knives”. Words that crop up in the wake of the French Parti Socialiste’s (PS) November Reims Conference. The fight for the key post of General Secretary, which ended as a duel between Ségèlone Royal and Martine Aubry, was extraordinarily vicious. When the initial results came to a difference of 42 votes (in Aubry’s favour) there were threats of legal challenges to alleged fraud, even a demonstration outside the Party’s HQ. A final party Commission decision, taken in an atmosphere described as that of the Supreme Soviet, was reached on the 26th of November gave Aubry victory with an advance of 102 ballots (134 790 had been cast). Royal accepted defeat but announced that her “battle will continue” (Le Monde 27.11.2008). The new leader, Mayor of Lille, now faces an uphill task to rebuild Socialist confidence, and prepare for the 2012 Presidential elections.


How have the Socialists found themselves in such a mess? The roots lie in the disastrous score PS leader, and former Prime Minister, Lionel Jospin, got in the 2002 Presidential contest with Jacques Chirac. Jospin was eliminated in the first round with only 16%, which led to a run-off between far-right Le Pen and the Gaullist – the latter won the Presidency comfortably. In 2007 Ségolène Royal did much better, with 25, 87%. She lost however in the second round to Nicolas Sarkozy: 46,94% to 53,06%. Proving himself an adroit politician Sarkozy toned down his hard-line image by recruiting centre-left ministers (such as Bernard Kouchner), and several women of a North African background. Initially a neo-liberal the President has proved flexible enough to denounce ‘laissez faire’ capitalism during the recent crisis. While the Socialists have done well in local elections they have been unable to mount a serious national challenge. While their traditional rivals on the left, such as the Parti Communist Français (PCF) have declined to electoral insignificance, a new rival, Olivier Besancenot’s Nouveau Parti Anti-capitaliste (NPA), has made its mark. The Trotskyist ‘postie’ scored up to 12% voting intentions in opinion polls (roughly half a PS candidate’s).


The run-up to the Reims Congress revealed a vacuum at the heart of the Socialists. It exacerbated their long-standing tendency to split around personalities (the famous ‘elephants’ of the party). The future shape and of the party divided these figures. In 2006 there were measures to recruit ‘supporters’ at a reduced subscription rate (not too dissimilar to some Labour proposals), which resulted in 100,000 new members. This formed the base of Royal’s support. But while the PS has backing amongst the working class (24% in the Presidentials first round) a major weakness of the organisation is that less than 5% of its adherents are blue-collar workers. Indeed apart from support amongst public employees it is hard to identify exactly any definite class stratum supporting them. Ignoring this problem Royal wants to recruit on an even looser basis, and make decisions by internal referendums rather than through the traditional highly structured sections (branches).  Hence an underlying clash has emerged between two conceptions of the party: Aubry has repeatedly accused Royal of wanting to transform the PS into a “party of supporters” (Le Monde 18.11.08).  A pop-star style rally in September of 4,000 of her admirers at the Zénith stadium increased this suspicion. Doubts about the ex-Presidential candidate increased when she appeared to advocate an alliance with the centrist party, the MoDems of François Bayrou.


Ideological divisions have declined. The new PS Declaration of Principles in April 2008 talked of democratic socialism in terms of the heritage of the Enlightenment, defined themselves primarily as republicans, though admitted a ‘critique of capitalism’. This blotted out, almost without debate, the Socialists’ own (largely verbal) references to class struggle and a rupture with capitalism. A flurry of books by leading PS figures this year, such as Mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoë began to talk of being ‘social-liberals’ rather than socialists (Aubry noticeably attacked this, considering her moderate socialism was democratic and needed no extra qualification). Recent criticisms of finance capitalism have not seriously reconnected the PS with its left heritage.


The Socialists’ central body, the Conseil National, is proportionally elected, on the basis of votes for ‘motions’: platforms of its different ‘currents’. This year their content was more than usually opaque. A Kremlinologist would feel at home. All proposed some form of state intervention to make France more egalitarian, ecological plans, anti-poverty measures, and international financial regulation. Benoît Hamon (motion, Reconquêtes), who called for some strong state economic intervention and resented the party’s left, won 18,52% This encouraged the former Young Socialist Leader to stand in the first round for Party secretary where he got 22,6%. He eventually backed Aubry. However the left had halved its support. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, one of its historic leaders, resigned on the eve of Congress. He asserted that the PS had lost all sense of direction and was drifting towards becoming a party of the centre-left. He announced his intention to set up a new left party, based on the German Die Linke, that would try for a common platform with the non-PS in next year’s European elections. (Le Monde. 14.11.2008).

The task now is to integrate Royal’s backers into Party positions. All the signs are that the Aubry-Royal clash is far from over. There appears to be a degree of mutual loathing between the two camps that is unlikely to dissipate. Added to the burning sauce is the enmity between Royal and her former partner, outgoing PS General Secretary, François Holland. It is a measure of the Socialists’ confusion that the supporters of each include personalities from every side: Ségolène’s lieutenants include Pellion, from the right, and Dray, a former Trotskyist (LCR) student leader. Aubry, who is pro-European, is backed by those who actively campaigned for a ‘Non’ vote in the vote on the European Constitutional project, such as former P.M. Laurent Fabius, as well as the social democratic ‘Second Left’ leader (a current she has been close to) Michel Rocard. Not to mention Hamon and the ‘hard left’ Henri Emmannuelli.


Such a political kaleidoscope may bedazzle the activists. It blinds the electorate. This at a time when Sarkozy is taking personal control of the State, and subordinating the public media to his will. At one point, at the start of new millennium, it seemed as if the Parti Socialiste would offer a way of combining a degree of left-wing principle with practical progressive reforms. Now the worst features of the old SFIO (the PS’s predecessor) – clans, naked power struggles, high-flown rhetoric and low blows – appear to have been revived. Alternative democratic socialist voices are splintered in a variety of parties of which Mélenchon’s is but one. This can only strengthen the hand of those calling for Besancenot’s maximalist programme.






Written by Andrew Coates

January 4, 2009 at 12:48 pm

Why I Have Mixed Feelings About the Anti-War Demos.

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I Could Never be on a Demo with Them.


(apart from the fact that I have physically fought Khominists in the streets of Paris).


Israel’s Attack on Gaza: this revolts. Respected comrades, such as Modernity, Dave Broder and Enty, have expresed their views, elsewhere and on this Blog . Posted extensively   on the Blogosphere, views are so numerous no-one can keep abreast of them. Still: very valuable thoughts.


Saw Bianca Jagger on the telly on Saturday. Since she is one of the doughtiest fighters for human rights in the world, she almost convinced  me it was right to stand at the front of the pro-Palestinian demo with likes of Galloway.

With the racist supporters of Hamas?

Lobby and Dave make the weighty point that if we do not fight the attack through the demos that were organised, what else do we do?


One of the ideas of Blogging is that we sail out views. We  try to respond to these whatever is said.

When I checked the Blog last afternoon in Ipswich Library a mate of mine, a black guy (not that that’s totally relevant execept he dresses with Dreadlocks and so forth) very militant during the attack on Iraq, saw me. Came over and was staring at the Site. Said, “Yes, That’s exactly why I’m hesitating about joining these movements: I can’t stand these anti-gay, anti-women Islamists  - in fact I hate their guts (and he added something about dope and beer of less political interest).

I was at a loss what to say.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 5, 2009 at 1:39 pm

Posted in Israel, Jews

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Don’t Bother with Big Brother: Gail to Sheridan.

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A Real Working Class Hero with one of Tommy’s Ain Folk.

From the Scotsman, today,

 Don’t Bother with Big Brother ye puir auld numpty ! (quote with some elaboration)


“(Gail Sheridan’s encouraging words to her husband before he entered the Celebrity BB house)
TOMMY Sheridan was warned against taking part in the latest series of Celebrity Big Brother, by his wife.

Gail Sheridan told the former MSP he was at risk of being deliberately misrepresented by the show’s producers, adding that his political beliefs might win him few fans among viewers.”

There I was hoping Tommy’d do a Rab C. Nesbitt and down some swallies in public (like Rab he’s taken the Pledge they say but those who watched the BBC Documentary on Rab know how long that lasts) and grab a few luscious ladies. All we get is some poncing around in a lefty-T Shirt and a few words of ..er, of what?

More amusing seeing that LA Rapper (whatever his name is)  getting totally out of his depth and telling  Terry Christian that he had a thick accent!

Written by Andrew Coates

January 6, 2009 at 2:21 pm

Ipswich Port: Gateway to Hell. Brits Thinks Animals More Important than, er, Everything Else.

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Cuddly Green Ian Bone’s Comrades?

Ipswich Port: Gateway to Hell (today EADT and Evening Star). Everything you need to know about animal rights’ protesters is in this story. The Evening Star reports (here). Bear in mind, these are yer fluffy lot, who don’t (‘in principle’) go in for writing hundreds of letters to neighbours accusing animal researchers of being paedophiles,  and bring misery to some fine scientists, and their families.

Apparently our town’s port may (or may not) be allowing the export of live animals. The local animal rights lot are such incompetents that they once had a demo outside the Co-Op for the old canards, despite the fact that store doesn’t sell delicious duck. So who can judge, as yet?

Now maybe Mary’s Little Lamb,  may dread a sea voyage. Maybe Veronica the Veal likes ‘em. I neither know nor care. Nor about animals, raised by farmers, to die, dying. As if I could even compare that to scenes of horror we see on the telly every night and the plight of the human victims. That brings  to all our eyes something really important about human existence and what we should be fighting for, or rather against.

All I know is that with what’s happening in Gaza, Central Africa (the one that always gets ignored by the left), Iraq, and Afghanistan, not to mention Latin America, and indeed our own Land of Gradgrind and the Workhouse, might have thought of other priorities than standing in the Whertsead Road screaming hysterically about the plight of a few beasts.

I didn’t  notice any well-known ‘anarchist’ faces in the paper, or their mates the Greens, but they may well have been there.  The harmless cranks of the so-called East Anglian Social Forum will be lending their backing. or some of them. No doubt. Even Ian Bone, in his dotage, has taken to loving fury creatures (okay in his case he loathes Upper Class Hunters but he has posted somewhere, if I could be arsed to find it, joining some animal rights’ demo in London).

Here’s to me tea of foie gras and chips!

Written by Andrew Coates

January 8, 2009 at 2:07 pm

Un journaliste viré (kicked out) d’une conférence (lecture) de Tariq Ramadan

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Is this most boring duplicituous book ever written about Islam’s Founder?

LIBERTÉ DE LA PRESSE -Hier soir, un journaliste de la Voix du Nord, Lakhdar Belaïd, a été éjecté d’une conférence publique à la mosquée de Lille-Sud sous les yeux de ses confrères. Tariq Ramadan s’y exprimait surla Palestine. Le recteur de la mosquée, Amar Lasfar, a justifié ce geste devant l’assemblée en l’accusant d’avoir écrit «des mensonges», et précisant que «tout journaliste qui joue de la sorte avec nous, nous saurons lui dire que nos portes ne lui sont pas ouvertes» (Libération: 8.1.2009, read more here)


“Press Freedom. Yesterday a journalist of the Voix du Nord, Lakhdar Belaïd, was ejected, in the presence of his journalist colleagues,  from a Public Lecture  at the Southern Lille Mosque given by Tariq Ramadan on Palestine. The Head of the Mosque justified this act in front of the audience by saying the reporter had written ‘lies’, and that “any journalist who plays around with us should know that our doors are not open to him.”

Tariq Ramadan is presented in Britain as the voice of reasonable Islam. A pompous and fairly unreadable one (as anyone who has glanced at his portentous writings knows). His website, written in American, is on a par. This figure is lauded by those seeking  a progressive Isalmicism (on the grounds that Ramadan has vaguely criticised the financial crisis of globalisation and calls for something called ‘justice’ – not explained in detail). Oh and he calls for some moratorium on Sharia punishments (not their abolition Nota Bene).

He also  associates with people who take such exception to a journalist who has upset the Mosque, that they take it upon themsleves to prevent him from doing his job. Because, apparently, he wrote something which they didn’t like and they consider him a ‘social-traître ’(needs no translating).  I wonder if many democratic organisations would fling out a journalist from their public meetings on such grounds?

Will Ramadan stand up for that journalist’s write to report in liberty? Or will it be taken that Mosques have a special right to hold public events and only allow reporting that is favourable to them?

Written by Andrew Coates

January 9, 2009 at 12:58 pm

Posted in Islamism, Secularism

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New Left Review Shall be Beaten on its Interlingual Internationalism.

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 Tendance Coatesy Manifesto.

The latest issue of New Left Review contains a review article by something which has long claimed to be a Marxist, Fredric Jameson. No doubt a decent geezer, kind to his geese, but this ill-written piece contains more idiomatic German phases and  words, without translation, than the normal chippie user can grasp. 

As an internationalist organisation with deep roots in the expanding multi-disciplinary, anti-colonial, feminist and gender studies  that are leading  the proletariat to victory, we would like to point out certain polices of Tendance Coatesy. All members must have:


  • Fluency in Hittite (old Kingdom).
  • A Degree in Natural Science.
  • Composed a Poem in Attic Greek.


One hopes that these levels of achievement will be shared by the revolutionary working class. In the meantime: New Left Review:  you ain’t even started on the level!

Written by Andrew Coates

January 10, 2009 at 2:09 pm

Posted in Sectarianism

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Why I am Glad I did not Demonstrate with Hamas Yesterday.

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No Comment.

I was talking to my sister on the phone early last night. Subject comes up: what are we to do about our opposition to the Israeli attacks on Gaza. I said I feel very strongly that the Israeli actions are wrong,politically,  and on the most basic level of humanity. But who are our allies? Who do we defend? Should we participate, come what may, with reactionary religious forces in the name of a greater cause? I have had this kind of discussion with  a bloke I really admire, David Rosenberg (of the Jewish Socialists’ Group), before, and I gave the same argument to me Blister that I gave to him in May:  I could absolutely never never demonstrate with Hamas.

David said that they had to be there on these marches. I dissented.

Too bloody right was I: see pics and reports on Harry’s Place today.

The filth who marched with these obscene anti-Semitic banners, which were not torn down and ripped into shreds (as they would have been in most European Capitals – by the left) should be shunned by all progressive humanity. Those who wallow in the SWP calling on ‘Zionists’ to “Go back to New York” are racist scum.

Opposition to Israel’s actions, profound and based on respected arguments made by some of the best people on the planet, Bianca Jagger to the fore, is mired forever by association with this.


Is David having second thoughts?

Written by Andrew Coates

January 11, 2009 at 1:06 pm

Posted in Islamism, Israel, Jews

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Street-Fighting Anti-Zionist Man.

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Would these Comrades have Fought for Islamicists?

 There is loads to say, so much space to say it in.

On the Saturday Demo against the Israel attack on Gaza that is. There is a ‘report’ on the Commune site which fair stirs the hackles of an ageing street-fighting man. Behind the chant of  “Allahu Akbar” they marched, “ This spirit of international solidarity, structured by religion though it is, is nonetheless stronger than that held by any other component of British society.” (Or in other words a sense that being a Muslim  is more important than any other identity).

Apparently they got a bit of a mob up, some fisty-cuffs with the coppers, did a bit of shop trashing, really puffed up in front of the Polis, and, hey bébé, there was somethink goin down in Paris at the same time a bit like this.

This shows that, “The movement continues.  The militant demonstrators yesterday drew a line in the gravel, as well in their own hearts. We know which side of that line we are on.”

Soit. You are backers of the enemies of the real Paris Commune. That stood for militant secularism.

The Communards would spit on the face of those who work with the Islamists.


Or so I bloody well think.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 12, 2009 at 5:51 pm

Posted in Anarchism, Islamism, Secularism

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East Anglian Stuff: Towards the End of the EADT.

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A Heimat under Threat.

I realise that on the scale of things this is minor. But for us East Anglians (not always by birth,but by naturalisation)  this News is pretty bad:

Plans to cut about 20 jobs at the two main daily newspapers for Suffolk have been announced.

Editorial and photographic jobs will go at the East Anglian Daily Times, which covers Suffolk and north Essex, and the Evening Star.

These papers play a very important part in our part of the world.  They are, dare say I, an absolute stem of our being. They have figured in my life: reporting my resignation from the Labour Party, the deaths of loved ones (giving a full page to one of them, Anthea), and more recently devoting two pages to Lee Chadwick, a Communist in Leiston(married to artist Paxton) and a family friend. Oh, and giving my photo and quotes on the big Feb anti-Invasion of Iraq Demo. When I went to a funeral of a beloved person a few years back the EADT had a stringer listing the names of those attending. Any other East Anglian could give you tales like these: it is so much part of our lives that we forget to mention it.

No longer. Except the forgetting.

The paper risks becoming such a shadow that it simply fades away.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 13, 2009 at 12:41 pm

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French Left: Reservations about Demos on the Israeli Assault in Gaza. .

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Don’t Touch My Mate!  Does this Apply to Gaza?


There are reservations about the marches held against the Israeli brutal actions in France as well as in the UK.

Dominique Sopo, President of SOS-racisme (one of France’s leading anti-racist organisations)  (Libèration,) “

En soi, cela ne me gêne pas d’organiser des manifestations selon les opinions de chacun sur ce conflit. Mais il serait mieux d’organiser des manifestations unitaires sous des mots d’ordre qui reprennent la récente résolution de l’ONU: arrêt immédiat de l’offensive israélienne et des tirs de roquettes du Hamas.

“In principleI not opposed to different demonstrations according to Antone’s opinions on the conflict in the  middle East. But it would be better to hold them on the unitary platform of backing for the UN resolution: immediate cessation of the Israeli offensive and the end of Hamas’s rocket attacks.”


Pourquoi SOS-Racisme ne participe pas à ces manifestations?

Parce qu’elles ne sont pas organisées sous des slogans rassembleurs.

“Why does SoS-Racisme not participate in these demonstrations (the marches held last weekend, against Israel’s actions, and one in defence of them)?

“ Because they are not organised behind unifying slogans.”

However Alain Krivine in Rouge has made an appeal of serious dignity and clarity arguing the contrary position. . He says we  should march in the streets against  Israel’s actions and internationally organise against the violence inflicted on Gaza.  

“il nous faut affirmer notre solidarité avec la résistance du peuple palestinien ,

 sans oublier le combat courageux des pacifistes israéliens.  

“Without forgetting the courageous fight of Israeli opponents of the attack on Gaza.”


Oh and he doesn’t mention what brave chaps Hamas are – funny that.

If only we had a Krivine here!

Written by Andrew Coates

January 15, 2009 at 1:09 pm

Posted in French Left, Israel

Rumpole (John Mortimer) is dead.

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A friend of Humanity, Warts and All.

John Mortimer has just passed away.

The creator of  Horace Rumpole was one of the best loved figures in Britain. In his television contributions, his writing, and his political stand, he was part of what  is the best of human culture. His books to us Brits, and no doubt to many other nations, resound in our minds still. With the laughter only P.G.Woodhouse knew the secret of. Very much a man in the mould of a ’un homme de gauche’, he stood up for freedom for Underground Press during the Oz Trial and a host of causes, notably defending the Sex Pistols. His comment about New Labour, saying, “we don’t ask for much, but it would be nice to have a spoonful of socialism” showed where his heart lay(here).

Who could dislike a man who said, “One of my weaknesses is that I like to start the day with a glass of champagne before breakfast. When I mentioned that on a radio show once, I was asked if I had taken counselling for it.” ?

Who could dislike????

There are two groups: the Tories who regarded his left support of the permissive society and his attacks on Thatcherism as Anathema, and the kind of animal rights type who thinks that Mortimer’s backing for Fox Hunting was the  same as  supporting the Holocaust.

Were there a Pantheon in London he should be there: but he had too much of sense of humour to like that kind of thing.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 16, 2009 at 3:34 pm

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Tommy’s Still In There!

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Hey check-out the Dream-Boat!

Tommy Sheridan, every bird’s funky-hunk (and quite a few blokes!), is still, amazingly in Big Brother. He wasn’t even posted up for eviction (though I suggest, humbly, that Gail may have a few thoughts about him staying in the same gaff as her good self).

The gob-shutting episode last night, (okay I only watched it for about ten minutes) shew the glamorous trot totty looking very sheepish. He seems to be overtaken by coolio as a hate-figure.

Cannae even get as loathed as that woman who got shoved out? Or some third-class American Rapper?

What of the traditions of the SSP now?

Written by Andrew Coates

January 17, 2009 at 11:42 am

Guardian Reaches New Illiteracy Hights.

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Guardian Literary Critic.

Today the Guardian published a supplement of the 1000 must read novels.

Now this promises to be a seven part series. Hell preserve us from this!

I note that the pompous  pundits omit from the top ranks of their first issue: Dickens, Zola, Balzac, Kafka, and  Galdós . To name but a few. Mind you they did recommend Jeanette Winterson, who no doubt is sure to endure the centuries (or it seems like that to read even one of her books).

Mind you this is the Newspaper that publishes a ‘style book’ which talks about something called active verbs.

The nature of verbs is to be active.

I think the poor chap meant, active voice.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 17, 2009 at 2:24 pm

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Guardian Love Story: Not.

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 Not a Must-Read Writer on Love?

Just thought I”d mention some of the books the Guardian Dunces have missed in their must-read series. Starting with their ill-starred list of love-stories.

Now I could go on and on about Balzac because he was one of the greatest writers about love that ever existed: in all of its forms. I restrict myself to La Fille aux yeux d’or, Balzac. Well of Loneliness? Balzac was writing about a woman in a gay relationship a century before.

Zola, Nana: everything, literally everything (and a lot more besides) you ever wanted to know about love and kinky sex.

Dickens: Great Expectations.


To cite but a few.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 18, 2009 at 2:42 pm

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AWL Attacked by Thugs.

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Care to join this lot?

Report on the AWL site  of how thugs dealt with them on a Sheffield March. The guilty slogans on the soon-to-ripped-to shreds placards were opposed to both the Israeli Defence Force and Hamas.

I wonder which was the bit these bullies who tore into the AWL (see photo) didn’t like…

Now no-one could accuse me of being soft on the AWL, and I vehemently oppose the actions of the Israeli state.

Yet perhaps this kind of behaviour might explain why lefties with some doubts about HAMAS and Islamism generally don’t go on these marches.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 19, 2009 at 4:33 pm

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Ségolène Royal: I inspired Obama and his Team copied us.

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Message to Obama: My Most Beautiful Story is YOU.

Madame Royal will be at the Obama Inauguration.

With this comment, (Le Monde)

“elle ne voit pas pourquoi elle “n’assumerait pas : oui, j’ai inspiré Obama et ses équipes nous ont copiés”. C’était au temps où elle était candidate à la présidence et où Barack Obama envisageait seulement de réussir à l’être. Il a envoyé une équipe à Paris étudier son site Désir d’avenir. “Chez nous ils ont enregistré les idées de ‘gagnant-gagnant’, de ‘citoyen-expert’” Ensuite, M. Obama a adapté sa “démocratie participative” à la mode américaine, “fort différente de l’européenne”.

She does not see why she shouldn’t state this: “I inspired Obama and his Teams copied us”. It was at the time when she was Presidential candidate and Obama was only an aspirant one. He sent a group to Paris to study her Web site, Désir d’avenir. “With us he got the idea of ‘win-win’ (Huh? Editor’s Note) and ‘citizen-expert’ (Huh Huh? Further Editor’s Note). Afterwards he adapted her principles of ‘participative demcoracy’ to the very different conditions of America”. 

France’s shooting-star lays claim to have created a new ‘conception of leadership’.

Surely an  inspiration to her comrades in the Parti Socialiste, such as Martine Aubry.

What some people will do to get in on the act!

What act? It is not known with whom Royal will actually meet in Washington…

Meanwhile Le Monde notes that questions have already begun to arise concerning Obama’s proposed governing team, notably around Bill Richardson, who has dropped his attempt to become commerce secretary. The US Press observes that the proposed Secretary is under  investigation for financial dealings as Governor of New Mexico.

Tendance Coatesy comments that: firstly, it is surely a great day to see Obama replace Bush, and a historic event of prime importance. We wish his supporters well. But, secondly, Oboma is (as Le Monde has pointed out in the past) not a European social democrat, not even a moderate one. How he will change American society is far from clear. His position on international interventions remains to be determined. In that area above all the augers are not good. One man, even if he wanted to, could he alter the structure of Military, commercial and financial power that determines US policy internationally? Really, deeply, truly?

Written by Andrew Coates

January 20, 2009 at 11:26 am

Posted in French Left, Obama

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Campaign Against Workfare Goes Mainstream.

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Plenty Queuing-up for Purnell’s Solution to Unemployment.

Commenting on of the Welfare Reform Bill, the Chief Executive of Child Poverty Action Group, Kate Green, has said:

“The ‘work for your benefit’ clause is a disgrace. It will mean an effective wage of just £1.73 an hour for up to 6 months.

“British people believe in a fair day’s pay for an honest day’s work. If the Government can find temporary work for an unemployed person, they should give them a wage too.

“We support moves to provide high quality tailored support to people without work and believe this should be an entitlement on the face of the bill. But it is completely out of step with the Government’s stated aims on child poverty and social mobility to force people to work without a wage. “ (More

A version of this statement was published in yesterday’s Guardian. Kate Green has written an article on the subject for the latest  Chartist (Jan-Feb 2009). Another recent Chartist piece on the topic can be seen on this site (by Coatesy natch).

Meanwhile the capitalists and financiers, not to mention Gordon Brown, who can’t even organise a banking system, and have helped drive the economy low,  are no doubt rubbing their hands. What a boost they’ll get when they can corral the masses into work-for-nearly-nothing schemes. What a bleedin’ boost.

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, and the man behind these clean-the-streets-you-idlers plans, Purnell is even happier. His empire is expanding by the minute.

Will he respond to the TUC call for JSA to go up by £15 a week?

The man’s grinning at the idea already!

Today’s Guardian also reports:

Jobless rate expected to hit 3 million by 2010
Bank bail-outs taking a heavy toll on public finances
Bank of England voted 8-1 to cut interest rates to 1.5%

Ain’t the market a wonder!

Written by Andrew Coates

January 21, 2009 at 1:49 pm

Tommy Sheridan: You Done Scotland Proud Son!

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Tommy and Gail: Look at the Love Birds!

From the Daily Record .

Sheridan booted out of Big Brother. Wifey Stands by her Man.

“PROUD wife Gail Sheridan couldn’t wait to be with her Tommy last night – and defied BB host Davina McCall and the bouncers to give him a big hug.

“Gail had gone into the crowd outside the door of the Big Brother house so she could shout for Tommy when he came down the stairs.As he emerged, she yelled: “You done Scotland proud, son.”

It is believed that sizable cheques from the Daily Record helped put a spring in the bonny lass’s step.

Meanwhile the usual sour leftists from the SSP moan and groan. Has not Tommy shown ample social skills during his all too brief stay in the House? Has he not spread the message of republican Scottish socialism to a new generation of telly-viewers? Has he not now got a few pennies for the cause of the Scottish people in his pocket? Comrade Phil even takes the whole thing seriously!

More donations to Tommy’s swelling pouch are welcome via the Defend Tommy Sheridan Campaign.

We at Tendance Coatesy say: The Boy Done Good!

Our Official Poet, little Emily Thribbs  (aged eight) is under the weather after we sent her out to the fields yesterday to dig over the frosted soil. But she still found time to write a few lines in Tommy’s praise:

“A fig for those by Golf* protected! 
Tommy’s due  a glorious feast!
Courts for heroes were erected,
Parties built to please us meist!”

* A reference to former Housmate Coolio’s favourite sport, which Tommy rightly described, in his careful way, as a ‘pussy’s game’.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 22, 2009 at 11:55 am

Riots Spread Across Europe.

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EU states monitor spread of civil unrest

LEIGH PHILLIPS. This very important article notes the following:

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – EU member states are “intensively” monitoring the risk of spreading civil unrest in Europe, as riots over the economic crisis erupt in Iceland following street clashes in Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Greece.


The central causes are not hard to find: it’s the plunge into economic crisis at a time of rising popular expectations. With the wittering Western governments trying to save capitalism by a fusion between the banking system and the state.Politics were dominated by the interests of finance for more than two decades (otherwise called neo-liberalism, and the globalflow’ of capital). The social arm of the public domain, once a welfare state, was transformed into a Foucaultean disciplinary machine and a Deluezian-Guattarian ‘capturing’ mechanism that marshals the population and excludes the ‘outsiders’.

The operation worked  as long as there were rising living standards, and people were entrapped in the ‘invisible chains’ of debts and the ever-rising cost of privatised utilities and the housing market. Tbe beginning of the latter’s collapse, to the rest of the debt mountain, fueled by the chiseling and sheer incompetence of  the banks and the derivatives markets, has made the return to the business cycle turn nasty. The something-for-nothing culture of finance has run aground. The population is left adrift. Unemployment grows massively (well over 10% in many European countries, well well over). The State proposes ever harsher discipline, dragooning and moralising the workless, and those demanding their rights as claimants. As it nationalises banking it flogs off public servives to incompetent private companies. In Ireland it is proposed even to cut public employees pay.

Something had to crack. It is starting to. From the periphery to the centre?



Written by Andrew Coates

January 23, 2009 at 1:00 pm

Posted in Europe, European Left

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Iceland Leads the Way!

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 Ultima Thule No More.

This went largely unoticed (Obama Mania week), at least by me:

“The word “revolution” might sound a bit of an overstatement, but given the calm temperament that usually prevails in Icelandic politics, the unfolding events represent, at the very least, a revolution in political activism.”

Maybe this sounds a bit familiar,

Four months after the collapse of Iceland’s entire financial system, no one has accepted any responsibility. Our currency has lost more than half its value, rampant inflation has already eaten up most people’s savings, property values have dropped by more than a third and unemployment is reaching levels never seen before in the life of our young republic. The fault is clearly shared between the business elite and the government, which failed to regulate the newly privatised financial sector, allowing a few incompetent and egotistical business tycoons to gamble with the nation’s fortune. And yet neither the government nor the bankers – who, by the way, seem to have disappeared into the cold thin air – see anything wrong with their own behaviour. 

We don’t have inflation here (though the Euro’s rise means Le Monde costs £1.40 when this time last year it was 90 pence) . For the rest: well the kind of privateer who can’t even tie up his/her shoes-laces are still set to take over more and more of the former public sector. And officially we are in recession.

My Sister has a passion for Iceland. She took her family there twice in recent years. I gave her my precious copy of Letters from High Latitudes by Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood Dufferin and Ava (same name etc). This nineteenth century account of a visit there contained valuable advice on using Latin as a lingua franca (with a Priest they met). There doesn’t seem much doubt that English nowdays works better in practice. But my search on Icelandic left sites revealed a degree of linguistic difficulty unknown to the Tendance since my attempts to learn Basque.  But I paste the link anyway: http://www.broadleft.org/is.htm

The People of Iceland shout, protest and cause trouble. Today’s Independent carries a long report on how they have forced Iceland’s PM, Geir Haarde, of the right-wing Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn), to resign.

That’s my kinda people.

I note in passing that Geir’s background is pure professional US neo-liberal economics, of the type so admired by our PM. Would that we did something here instead of just sitting listening to that Holy Willie Brown and the non-meetings (Galbraith’s term) of bankers, biznezmen and Mandelson’s lot!

Where Iceland leads we should follow.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 24, 2009 at 11:44 am

Posted in Capitalism, Iceland

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Nick Cohen Goes Riot, Coatesy Goes Purge.

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Solidarity with the Very Rocks and Trolls of Iceland!

Iceland dominates every class conscious socialist’s mind these days. Even our opponents are worried. It is notable that a certain Nick Cohen devotes his column in Sunday’s  Observer to what some might consider a direct flitch from this site. It’s entitled: Be Very Worried Rioting’s Coming Home. By coincidence (and the journalist had time to have read the post on this very topic,  below) it covers unrest in the Baltic states, Greece, and oh yes Iceland. He rightly states that a recession, at a time, TC notes,  of ever-swelling hopes, will mean not only that political protests may grow, but that the crime figures and violence are bound to increase as well.

The Tendancy wishes to underline that it has no truck with romanticising violence, as a manifestation of displaced politics (a notion distorted from Hobsbawn’s  book on ‘primitive rebels’). To cite the obvious: the principal victims of the French rioting in the banlieues a couple of years back were the urban poor. But we celebrate this political upheaval as a sign that a new mood is in the air, and a potential for real change is there.

Cohen opines that,

For all the differences between Britain and Europe, our authorities look likely to greet the disorder of recession with all the nervous bafflement of the Icelandic “riot squad”.

This is probable. Yet I thought that Britain is, geographically and politically, in Europe. But our betters know better.

Here at home we are preparing solidarity actions, tous azimuts. Yet is it a coincidence that we are now under threat? Comrade O’Brien, from the inner Tendance Coatesy Party,  has informed us that the post filed under Theory, as Reading and Politics, is in fact a draft version of the text. The crystal clear prose of  a later edition was not transferred by the memory stick, but this inferior version. Suspicion about this act of sabotage focuses on a certain group, with vacillations about the long and  proud Tendance tradition of liquidationism: the so-called Rodents React-Back. It is no accident that this cabal deeply resents the close links we are building with the Icelandic section of the Garden Gnome Liberation Front (Trolls).

Yesterday Emily reported that the allotment shed showed signs of gnawing by sharp teeth. Whose teeth does this benefit we ask?

As we prepare a People’s Trial of the wreckers and spies Reading and Politics (best edition) is being searched for any further infilitration. It will not be published until any error and deviation has been purged.

For information of Iceland’s Left (hat tip to Nick): Left Green Alliance (in English). Elections in the country in May will be followed by the Tendance with great interest. This will be a primary source of news.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 25, 2009 at 12:09 pm

Posted in European Left, Iceland, Left

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European Left and Mounting Protests.

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Strike on the 29th of January!

Iceland and the Baltic states have been hit first and amongst the hardest. The people there have struck back. But now anger at  the looming recession, and financial profiteering, is growing across the Continent. Faced with waves of redundancies and the looming depression more and more cross-continental protests are taking place. This coming Thursday, January the 29th, France will see a big day of protest. It has been called, in a rare display of unity, by all the main union federations, the CFDT, la CFE-CGC, la CFTC, la CGT, FO, la FSU, UNSA and the Solidaires  (SUD associated with the Nouveau Parti anti-capitaliste). The objectives include to defend employment, against deregulation, insecure jobs, for a decent welfare state, social protection, and to maintain salary levels threatened by a downward push in pay and conditions.

In effect a one-day General Strike, this has caught the public imagination. Against Sarkozy’s economic policies, it has nevertheless obliged even the Secretary of his Party, the UMP, Xavier Bertrand, to admit that “employees want to be heard”. The French Parti Socialiste is backing the mobilisation, “à la fois sociale et politique” (both political and social).

The revolt is spreading, if unevenly. But we need more than symbolic strikes and street action to translate these demands (which we in the UK could well echo). We have to have left political representation. Perhaps the best way to begin to respond is through the approach in a just published Socialist Renewal pamphlet. This reproduces Oskar Lafontaine’s appeal for Left Parties everywhere, and the election Platform of the European Left Party. In many countries left political organisations are gaining ground. In contrast here, Ken Coates notes the appalling situation the British left faces under the “New Labour stranglehold”. More information of the European Left is available here.

We ought to consider the importance of this May’s European elections. An anti-EU programme does not begin to cope with globalisation – Iceland is of course not in the EU and it has suffered more than most from financial liberalisation. The difficulties and failures of banking and private capital are spreading daily, and show few signs of being mastered. This is  a Continent-wide phenomenon.  A spiral of bankruptcies, followed by more and more restricted lending, has led to belt-tightening, short-time working, and pay cuts.

 A political platform for the labour movement could addresss three major problems with some immediate alternatives (this list is not exhaustive…).

  • The return of mass unemployment. The introduction of coercive workfare (which undermines the minimum wage)  and control over the workless on very low benefits, will park a large segment of the population in a vast disciplinary machine that further reduces their living standards and crushes their hopes. This needs to be replaced with different schemes for those out of work,. On the one hand there should be genuine training to obtain recognised and valued qualifications (not just low-level NVQs but BTEC, City and Guilds, and University level BAs, MAs, MScs). On the other hand there should be a modern version of the ‘community programme’. That is employment (up to 25 hours a week) paid at the ‘rate for the job’, undertaking socially useful tasks. These measures would give a powerful boost to consumer spending power. A final suggestion is the renewal of launch-pad projects for co-operative and social enterprises – a more secure future than the tens of thousands of failed ‘entrepreneur’ subsidised Sole Trader scams.
  • The pension crisis as fewer and fewer companies offer last salary schemes. Linking future benefits to stock market investment funds has already led to a major catastrophe in Chile and Argentina. The signs are this is starting to happen here – in both the private and public sector. The basic state pension will have to fill the gap, and should be raised to the level where it provides a decent standard of living .
  • State Expenditure is under great pressure. One cause is that the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) as suggested here already, is confronting a collapse in confidence as their funds dry up, and the public has to accept hefty bills for already undertaken projects with guaranteed revenue for the firms involved – at many times the present level of interest. As a step forward all the contracts and debts should be renegotiated. This obviously comes up against the objection that such is impossible, but then so was taking over much of the banking sector six months ago (and the banks are players in this in anyc ase0.


In these conditions the left, we at the Tendance suggest, needs a fundamental rethink around a viable economic programme. We have always argued that it needs to be based on support wider than the UK: in the framework of a European Social Republic. Is this realistic? Well, it’s more realistic than shrinking back during this crisis to ever smaller nationalisms, however left they may seem. Iceland shows how powerless such nations can be. Better more than lesser.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 26, 2009 at 12:20 pm

After Iceland’s Victory: Test for French Unions this Thursday.

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Sometimes the Impossible Happens.

Iceland moves forward. The Government has fallen. Reuters reports, “Iceland’s ruling coalition collapsed under pressure from sometimes violent demonstrations, the first government to fall as a direct result of the global economic crisis.” They are now scrambling around for a medium-term Cabinet - caretakers before the May General Elections (Here).

No doubt the success of popular action  will give some other people ideas…

Libération this Morning.

Echo.L’initiative syndicale, soutenue par les partis de gauche, d’extrême gauche et nombre d’associations (de retraités, de parents d’élèves, de jeunes…), rencontre en effetunécho très favorable dans l’opinion. C’est ce que mettent en évidence les sondages, notamment ceux publiés hier et réalisés par l’institut CSA (1) et par l’Ifop (2). Pour CSA, 69 % des personnes interrogées ont de la sympathie pour le mouvement. Ils sont même 75 %, selon l’Ifop, à le trouver «justifié».

 Echo. The unions’ initiative, supported by the left and extreme left parties, as well as numerous associations (pensioners, school parents, young people..) has found a very favourable echo amongst the public.  This is clear from opinion polls, notably those published  yesterday and carried out by the CSA Institute, and by IFOP. For the CSA 69% of those interviewed are sympathetic to the movement. For the IFOP even more: 75% find the movement ‘justified’.

After Sarkozy’s Presidential victory it seemed as if the hyper-active French leader would effortlessly outmanoeuvre his opponents for the foreseeable future. Now French politics are changing yet again. The unions are gaining wide backing for their Day of Action. There has been an incredible degree of social ferment, and creative political activity by the popular masses and left groups. Nevertheless unlike the last great revolt in the mid-1990s (1995) there has not been much of public role taken by intellectuals, at that time by Pierre Bourdieu. Alain Badiou, for once, sensibly observes (here) that, “nous sortons péniblement d’une période où bon nombre d’intellectuels paraissaient s’accomoder de l’ordre établi” (we are painfully coming out of a period during which a good number of intellectuals have adapted to the established order).  The issue at stake for this Initiative is, he continues, whether unity of purpose and action can be created and maintained. The immediate aim is clear: stir up as much trouble for Sarkozy as possible. Fight every regression, social and economic, as hard as they can. But for the future, nothing is less certain.

From Greece to Iceland Europe is in uproar. Some movements, like the Spanish and Italian students’ actions, are hardly reported outside their countries, and not at all in the parochial UK.

One thinks of just how far the acceptance of the Market State permeated British intellectual fashion, and the left. How  Blairism was once brand new and smart. That free reign was given to managerial bullies who profited from this.  How former leftists here considered markets too strong for anything so outdated as unions and the masses to combat. Or the deluded leftist souls (I use this word by choice) dreamt that religious dogma (principally Islamic, but also Christian), was a serious alternative. That some aligned themselves with the pious Islamist bourgeoisie in pursuit of this delusion.  Or that some nebulous Green politics formed the coming agenda. Now that the old class struggle has returned, well, I expect they’ll turn their coats again!

Written by Andrew Coates

January 27, 2009 at 11:35 am

Kaschke vs Osler libel case: Solidarity with Dave.

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David Osler writes, that the Royal Courts of Justice has ruled that the libel action brought against him by former “Labour Party parliamentary hopeful, former Respect member, former Communist Party member and current Tower Hamlets Tory activist Johanna Kaschke should go to a four-day jury trial towards the end of this year.”

The legal process will centre on her arrest on terrorism charges involving mid-1970s German armed struggle organisations. Dave has already stated, that ” Ms Kaschke admits arrest on suspicion of terrorism in 1975, and spending two months or so thereafter in custody. As I made clear in the article complained of, she was in 1977 paid compensation for false imprisonment, and has consistently denied any wrongdoing. Despite her contention otherwise, I have at no time accused her of being a ‘hardline terrorist’, or indeed a terrorist of any stripe.”

Reading Dave’s account of  Kasche ’s endless political gyrations makes her sound one very strange creature indeed – even for local government (here).

For lots of us a central issue in this case is this:

Many of the ‘words complained of’ – to use the legal expression – were not even written by me, but consists of comments from the comments box. While I am confident that all of them fall within the realm of fair comment, the outcome of the case could have considerable implications for the freedom of the blogosphere.

Ms Kaschke certainly seems free with her own comments on the Web. In a prominent post she cites the European Convention on Human Rights, that, “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.” However she adds at another place on her site, “Please do not copy and paste content from this site into your blogs and interpret them in a context that I would not approve of. Please ask me what I think directly before making libellous comments.”

Elsewhere she offers this little suggestion: “All copyright 2008 with Johanna Kaschke, do not copy, quote anything without permission.” So we won’t reproduce by pasting her paean of praise for one old Purple Socks, Pope Benedict XVI, and her views (not exactly pro) on homosexuality.

Though her references to Sodom and Gomorra are too interesting to ignore (I believe they have been expressed before). She says the fact that these places were pretty gay before being brought down by the Lord, makes her consider that going in for irresponsible, heedless, sexual activity may well  be associated with large-scale disasters (I paraphrase just in case the daft old bat reads this and throws such a wobbly she harms herself).  

 Deary me. We’ve got a Right One here.

Political parties certainly know how to recruit ‘em.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 28, 2009 at 11:47 am

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Left Parties’ Joint-Declaration on French General Strike.

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Déclaration unitaire de partis de gauche

From L’Humanité (published as well in a number of other left media, and organisations, such as the Alternatifs).

Plusieurs partis de gauche, dont le Nouveau parti anticapitaliste (NPA), le Parti communiste français (PCF) et le Parti de Gauche (PG), ont rendu publique lundi une déclaration unitaire de soutien à la journée de jeudi, intitulée “ce n’est pas à la population de payer la crise”.

A large number of Left parties, including the New Anti-Capitalist Party, the French Communist Party and the Left Party, have made public a unitary statement of support for the Thursday Day of Action, titled, ‘It’s not the people who should pay for the crisis.”

“Les classes populaires sont durement touchées par la crise. La politique du pouvoir est plus que jamais au service des privilégiés. L’heure est à la riposte”, affirment les dix organisations signataires. 

Ordinary people are heavily affected by the crisis. The government’s policies take the side of the privileged. Now is the time to fight back, announced the 10 different organisations [1] who have signed.

“Les grèves et manifestations comme celles du 29 janvier expriment les colères et amplifient les luttes. Une riposte populaire d’ensemble est urgente. Nous nous engageons à mettre toutes nos forces au service de la convergence des luttes contre les licenciements, la vie chère, le chômage et la précarité, et pour la défense et l’élargissement des services publics”, poursuivent-ils.

They continue, strikes and demonstrations, like those of the 29th of January, express the anger of the people and amplify their struggles. A joint, united, popular response  is essential. We are committed to put all our resources behind the struggle against redundancies, high prices, unemployment, insecure working and living conditions, in order to expand and defend public services.

Appelant à se “mobiliser pour une Europe sociale, écologique, démocratique, féministe”, ils estiment qu’”une autre politique est possible, en s’attaquant aux profits et à la spéculation financière, en remettant en cause la rémunération du capital”.

They appeal to “mobilise for a social, ecological, democratic and feminist Europe” and estimate that “other policies are possible” . Attacking the profiteering brought by financial speculation, they question the rewards given to Capital.

Parmi leurs propositions, figurent notamment l’augmentation des salaires, du Smic, des minima sociaux, “l’annulation du paquet fiscal de l’été 2007″, ou la “remise en cause du pacte de stabilité et des directives européennes de privatisation”.

Amongst their proposals are, notably, a demand for salary rises, an increase in the level of the minimun wage, and social benefits, an annulation of Summer 2007 Fiscal reforms [2], `and an end to “European Stability Pact and European Union Directives on Privatisation.”

Les organisations affirment aussi leur opposition aux licenciements et “exigent l’annulation des 30.000 suppressions de postes décidées (dans le secteur public en 2009), le retrait de la privatisation de la santé, la création d’emplois socialement utiles”.

The organisations equally affirm their opposition to redundancies, and demand a cancellation of the pubic sector plans (for 2009) to reduce staff by 30,000, the withdrawal the introduction of privatisation of the Health Service, and the creation of socially useful employment.

The  Parti Socialiste has supported the Day of Action and called for its memebrs to participate in the march.

Just a little prediction: given that Sarkozy and his mates have been waxing increasingly hysterical about the ‘ultra-left’, would it be by ‘chance’ that some violence happens today?

[1] Alternative Démocratie Socialisme (ADS), Alter-Ekolo, Alternative Libertaire (AL), l’Association des Communistes Unitaires (ACU), la Coordination Nationale des Collectifs Unitaires pour une alternative au libéralisme (CNCU), les Alternatifs, le Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA), le Parti Communiste Français (PCF), le Parti communiste des ouvriers de France (PCOF) et le Parti de Gauche (PG).

[2] Amongst Sarkozy’s first measures these were the usual neoliberal tax changes favouring the better off.


Manifestation à Marseille le 29 janvier

First Photos (Libération): 300,000 at Marseille. Below, 60,000 at Bourdeaux. 1mh5p9116 

Written by Andrew Coates

January 29, 2009 at 12:33 pm

French General Strike Success: Observations.

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“Quand il y une grève en France personne ne s’aperçoit.” Nicolas Sarkozy.

“When there’s a Strike in France, nobody notices.”

How right he was!

Mind you someone somewhere might have paid a bit of attention yesterday.

The details of the strike, it’s success (between a million and two and a half million people in action, choose your figure), and the link to the pan-European wave of unrest, have been described at length in the media. Even the BBC last night made it a top story. I would like to make three reflections.

  • This revolt is nothing primarily to do with the Euro, as obsessives, from the nationalist and green left and the nationalist and blue right, suggest. It has everything to do with the crisis of finance and capital flows which has touched the entire planet. In France, the Right’s effort to create a market-state moulded to the eneds of Capital has shaken the republican consensus the 5th Republic is based on. As such it affects everyone: and therefore any fight-back has the potential to unify a movement on class, ‘popular’ (in French political language)  lines. Communalist and nationalist identities and politics,  which have begun to appear even in the Hexagon may even increase their appeal. However we now have the basis for unity: both against those who have caused the crisis, and for an alternative.
  • The Paris clashes with the Police (predicted by the Suffolk Soothsayer) received only minor attention in the French media (France-Inter this morning and the Press). Nevertheless one should not rule out the following. Given that great expectations during a boom create great frustrations when the economic atmosphere turns sour, aggressive reactions, at till now suppressed greivances, may multiply. Renewed rioting in the banlieues cannot be ruled out. Secondly, that the diversity of objectives of the union-led movement, may fuel this further, a general rage may create wider and wider reactions. We may well see this spread to other European countries, and despite Nick Cohen’s opinion, Britain is a European land. Thirdly, as I suggested there may be a role played here by agents provocateurs, or the deliberate use of  heavy-handed policing.
  • It is significant that this weekend the new Parti de Gauche of Jean-Luc Mélenchon is holding its first Conference. The following weeks see the formation of the New Anti-Capitalist Party of Olivier Besancenot. Both will be founded during an intense period of social upheaval. These initiatives are signs that the left is thinking of realalternatives to liberalising capitalism. Far from the splintered British left, and the directionless mix of serious radicals and harmless cranks of the old Social Forums – at least I hope. Will they be able to challenge pro-market parties (a hefty chunk of European social democracy)  who principal solution to financial melt-down has so far been to support (subsidise by buying-ins) banks and trying to boost finance? Will they follow suggestions that the non-Parti Socialiste left should present a united list for the coming  European elections? 

These are not just French issues, as the entire European democratic socialist and radical left has similar problems while facing this moment of opportunity for revival and renewal.

Written by Andrew Coates

January 30, 2009 at 11:50 am

European Unrest: UK, Strikes Against Foreign Labour or Social Dumping?

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Where Will The Next Unrest Break Out?

On Wednesday the Lindsey oil refinery in Linconshire awarded a portion of a £300 million construction project to an Italian firm. Workers protested and have held a wildcat strike, claiming that the company will only be using Italian and Portuguese workers.The BBC  reports a massive wave of solidarity walkouts and protests. The Times calls this the “dawn of a new age of unrest”. Something we have been blogging about for a while here.

Unite states,

30 Jan 2009
Unite joint general secretary Derek Simpson said: “Unite has raised the growing problem of UK workers being excluded from important engineering and construction projects at the highest levels of government, including with the prime minister and the secretary of state for energy and climate change.”Unite’s national executive (the governing body of the union) has today called for a national protest in Westminster. Unite is consulting its lawyers on the potential illegality of some employers’ practices in the engineering and construction industries. ”The union is doing everything in its power to ensure that employers end this immoral, potentially illegal and politically dangerous practice of excluding UK workers from some construction projects.


Sign the Unite Petition  Against Social Dumping.

The Morning Star comments that this is a result of pro-business legislation from the European Union, noting that the practice is legal, “In the case of the dispute in Linconshire, this has meant that Italian subcontractor IREM has brought in its own workers, apparently housing them in a ship at anchor in Grimsby dock.  This may well be in keeping with the bosses’ freedom to exploit as enshrined in EU law, but it has effectively deprived British workers of the right to seek work in their own country” Phil makes a more constructive comment, that , “Instead of capitulating to the anti-immigrant sentiment fanned by the gutter press, unions must demand legislation that prevents employers from taking on workers at below the basic rates of its workforce.” There is more discussion on the Socialist Unity site.

As a T & G/Unite  Branch Chair I have naturally have a direct interest in this dispute; my union understands the reasons for the protests. These concerns are well known: for a couple of years now I have heard workers grumbling about how contractors and agencies accentuate differences between different national groups, and obviously prefer a non-union workforce (which appears one reason behind Total’s choice of IREM). Our ‘general’ Branch is mainly based on local authority workers and the voluntary sector, but we hear echos of this all the time. At the Trades Council not so long ago there was even an expression of hostility to foreign workers, which was swiftly answered needless to say.

There are those who call the strikers ‘racist scum’ for using Brown’s sound bite, British Jobs for British Workers. There’s no doubt that nationalism is brought into this dispute, by the employers’ manipulation of the labour market and by the xenophobic press. Not to mention the BNP lurking in the background. But it’s surely good sense to realise that if Grimsby has a pool of skilled workers fit to do the job it is odd to say the least that the company now hires people from half way across Europe in their place.

Jon Cruddas  (who was brilliant on Newsnight yesterday) rightly says that,” The government has abandoned workers to exploitation, more concerned with making them fit the global market than in protecting their interests. In Labour’s working-class heartlands there is a powerful feeling of being dispossessed. British and European labour market policies have centred on the drive for flexibility.”  Cruddas then describes the growth of insecure agency work, and the gamut of New Labour measures to increase this ‘flexibility’ at the cost of workers.  Instead of more liberalising globalisation, or the Morning Star’s national seige economy, he demands that “We need to create new forms of economic citizenship, and bring the economy and work under greater democratic control. That should be the agenda, not “British jobs for British workers”.” Recent European legal decisions have prepared the way for ‘social dumping’ – the use of the lowest cost employees, transported across frontiers to undercut domestic workers. He tactfully fails to mention that in the race to lower standards, the British government (Lisbon onwards  has been a leader, outdistancing even Merkel and Sarkozy by metres.

Sorely needed then is new legislation, which controls and protects working conditions, and is based on workers’ own demands. This then is a movement for continent-wide equality in labour legislation, for equal social provision, and for a public boost to employment. It is against social dumping, not foreigners.

What could carry out such measures? Surely not the British left’s  mascots of ever smaller nation states and social movements.  Or ‘anti-globalisation’ wishful thinking. The resentment, at the iron cage of the market and the threats to individual living conditions brought by the recession, that is now boiling over across the Continent needs something serious.

In place of the EU -  a  European Social Republic?

Written by Andrew Coates

January 31, 2009 at 12:24 pm

Posted in European Left, Unions

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Parti de Gauche: tous ensemble dans le front de gauche pour changer d’Europe!

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All Together in the Left Front to Change Europe!

Europe is in upheaval, with strikes, demonstrations and popular discontent spreading – the factory occupation in  Ireland’s by Waterford Glass workers is the latest flash point.  

Is there a European political response? In France the new Parti de Gauche (left Party), initiated last November,  held its first Conference over the weekend. It was principally created by Parti Socialiste left-wingers,  Senator  Jean-Luc Mélenchonet the Deputy (MP) Marc Dolez. They resigned from the PS on the eve of its national conference, last November, declaring that the Socialists were headed towards a dead-end right-wing future. There inspiration is the German Die Linke: a left party, backing radical reforms, anti-capitalism, ecology and feminism, within a democratic republican framework. They have drawn strongly on opposition to the neo-liberal cast of European Union legislation, and were opposed to the proposed Constitutional Treaty, and, the (substituted) Lisbon Treaty. Both are considered part of  the free-market ideology and practice they stand against. This platform had resonance. In the following weeks other significant Socialist figures, such as Deputy Jacques Dessangre and the Senator François Autin,as well as local councillors and members of left republican organisations,  joined them.  Further support has come from intellectuals and a raft of trade unionists. Behind is the experience on much of the left of working together during the Referendum on the European Constitutional Treaty.

At the Limeil-Brévannes (Val-de-Marne)Congress 500 delegates listened to speech’s decalring that, with mounting crises and unrest, “L’heure est à la riposte” (The time has come to Fight Back).  The party claims 4,000 members (organised in 250 committees). Naturally the unfolding social and economic crisis in Europe formed the background to the meeting.  The Parti de Gauche declared that, faced with the burgeoning slump, “C’est la responsabilité des partis de gauche disponibles pour rompre avec les logiques capitalistes qui ont si lourdement faillies.” (it’s the responsibility of the left parties who are ready to break with failing capitalist logic.). Their answer? To fight by both popular mobilisation and by the ballot box. To this end they propose a common Front, “Il s’adresse à toutes les forces qui refusent le traité de Lisbonne, combattent pour une autre Europe sociale, démocratique, écologique et porteuse de paix..” (it is a call to all the forces opposed to Lisbon treaty, and who fight for another Europe, social, ecologists and promoting peace..) . The New Party notes that, Les élections européennes de juin prochain nous donnent l’occasion de changer la donne.”  (With the June European elections we have the possibility to change the political landscape – I clarify the meaning).

Can the French non-PS left work together? There was  a joint declaration on Thursday’s general strike (which the NPA claims they initiated). What of the European contest? The PG wants to present a list of all those on the left who oppose the Lisbon agreements (which endorsed the rules which have created the social dumping UK workers are protesting against). A strong argument in favour, which Mélenchon cites, is that an opinion poll indicates that if a left front, from the Parti Communiste Français, Lutte Ouvrière,  Mélenchon’s Party to the Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste stood in the European Elections it could get up to 14,5% of the vote.  With the PCF on board he asks if Olivier Besancenot will assume his responsibilities and make this alliance. The LCR postie is  the leader of a party that’s  ”no longer a groupuscule” (here). Will the NPA agree with his proposal at its own founding Congress the coming weekend? The LCR aligned unions in SUD seem generally favourable. Christian Picquet of the  LCR minority has said that “there is no reason at bottom to refuse this.” (here)

We shall see.

Written by Andrew Coates

February 2, 2009 at 12:11 pm

British Jobs for British Workers? Reservations.

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Dispute Spreads to Here.
Although I support the cause of the Lindsey strikers – for work and against the manoeuvres of the employers – there are doubts about the both the clarity of the goals behind the walk-outs and some of the emotional demands they have unleashed. These came to a head for me when I saw on Look East, the regional news programme, last night. There were protesting workers outside Sizewell Nuclear plant, Suffolk. The crowd  held up hand-made placards calling for ‘British Jobs for British Workers’. There are further reports on Anglia. (and the EADT, More here) No question there of flinging back Gordon Brown’s sound-bite in his face. I know Sizewell fairly well (in retirement my Father was for a decade Chair of next-door Leiston Labour Party and my mother was Secretary). There  is a left tradition in this working class  enclave (Paxton Chadwick was the Communist Mayor just after the War, and his widow, Lee, kept the CP flag flying for decades). Sizewell contractors come from all over the country, and at one point the Labour District Councillor was  a Scottish employee at the Plant. But this seemed to me purely and simply against foreigners.
I hear this message from quite  a broad tranche of people.
Two major areas of concern then.
Firstly, what direction are these protests going in? An anti-European Union one, an anti-Emploeyr one, or an anti-foreign labour one? The first is obviously the Morning Star and aligned UNITE Broad Left’s preferred one. They are hard-line national sovereigntists. The second gets a bit lost in the sound, fury and flag-waving. The third may be headed off. But I am sceptical. Claims about some Polish workers joining in seem exaggerated.  Secondly, the Socialist Party have listed some excellent demands for the wildcat strikes, which some seem to accept. But how exactly are they going to be implemented? Not by this Cabinet that goes without saying. But where is the truly mass movement of workers that could force at least some of them onto the political agenda. Not in sight yet.
Does this help?
ETUC  (European Trade Union Confederation) General Secretary John Monks commented today on the dispute centring on the Lindsey Oil Refinery in North Linconshire. 
Mr Monks declared: ‘We do not yet know all the details of the contractual arrangements made in the United Kingdom (UK) regarding the Lindsey Oil Refinery. But it is apparent that, while we support strongly the free movement of labour, we need clearer and stronger traffic rules in the European Union which guarantee equal treatment of workers regardless of nationality, and that collective agreements are fully respected by employers. Some employers are undercutting such collective agreements and workers’ anger should be directed at them and not at the migrant workers. ETUC is calling for a revised Posting of Workers Directive and a social progress protocol attached to the European Treaties to counter recent adverse decisions of the European Court of Justice which permit employers to ignore established agreements and, in effect, give them a license to undercut wages and conditions.’
Le Monde today devotes its Editorial to the background to this unrest, and the dangers rerpesented by demands for protectionism, restricting the freedom of labour to move. I am not sure about this: capital eneds social control (if not abolition) not the right to flow where it wishes, and the freedom of movement should be in the hands of the workers and people, not determined by companies. But Le Monde’s conclusion is useful:
Fermer les frontières aux hommes est aussi dangereux – et souvent illusoire – que les fermer aux produits étrangers. La réponse passe par plus de protection sociale et par une plus grande solidarité internationale. Pas l’inverse.
Closing borders to people is as dangerous – and often an illusion – as closing them to foreign goods. The reply is to have more social protection, and more international solidarity. Not the contrary.
Now if one meant (unlikely in le Monde’s case it’s true)  class solidarity here, I would agree wholeheartedly.

Written by Andrew Coates

February 4, 2009 at 1:09 pm

Posted in Europe, European Left, Unions

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Tarnac Affair: Review of L’insurrection qui Vient.

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Coming Near You Soon?

The Tarnac Affair rumbles on (Here - in English). At recent French demonstrations in support of the accused, in particular for the, still incarcerated, Julien Coupat,  there were arrests. (Here). Clearly those marching in support of people facing the Courts are, rightly, most concerned about a miscarriage of justice. One should recall the seriousness of the charge:  sabotage of the French railway system, something potentially murderous. Questions about its truth are, then, of prime importance.

Nevertheless it’s worth looking at the ideas which are said to have inspired the group marshalled before Justice  by the French police. Their origins lie in writings in  the ‘post-situationist’ review Tiqqun (more here and here). As is the way with such reviews they appeal to small groups of the interested -  whatever replaced the avant-guarde, and  groupuscles of anarchist-autonomist origin. The same applied to other material produced by the anarchists-autonomists  now under investigation. It  took the affair of the Tarnac Nine to bring L’insurrection qui vient to a wider audience. Given the rising European unrest, it may reach even more readers. So, does their concept of a “coming uprising” have much to tell us? These  are some – critical – reflections.

Review: L’Insurrection qui vient.  Le comité Invisible. © La fabrique éditions, 2007


To the French Police and (some) Magistrates the country is menaced by the avatars of the Bande à Bonnot. These libertarian, individualist, anarchists, carried out the first motorised hold-up in France (1911), in the Rue Ordener, Montmartre. Some in the modern equivalent of the Sûreté have dreamt up a similar threat from anarchists. They are echoed by right-wing politicians. The President of Sarkozy’s Parliamentary group, François Copé calls the extreme left (from anars to the Nouveau Parti anti-Capitaliste) an “abcès idéologique” for the left as a whole. Today’s enemies of the State, the Tarnac accused,  are accused of sabotaging rail tracks.  For their part those accused in the affaire Tarnac (see above), have little time for any elected left, or conventional politics. Their central concerns lie elsewhere. The authors of L’insurrection qui vient, a certain Comité Invisible – which included Julien Coupat – denounce, as a major target ‘le quadrillage policier’ (omnipresent police control) of the country. In doing so they seem to have run up against something that goes back even further than the pre-Great War anti-anarchist Bloodhounds: the counterparts of Balzac’s early 19th century Peyrade and Corentin (Splendeurs et misères des courtisans). That is the state’s henchmen, with a  flair for conspiracies. Such a secretive arm of the Sarkozy règime does exist: paranoiac, manipulative and heavy-handed. It really seems to have got it in for the Tarnac accused.    


The text at hand is probably the most lucid up-to-date summary in French of what is often called ‘Autonomism’. Seven sections are headed, circles, a title of no doubt profound significance that nevertheless escapes me (Dante had nine circles of Hell).  It begins with customary French left grandiloquence that “ Le futur n’a plus d’avenir”. Or no future. Well, well. An equally strident and gratingly wrong-headed celebration of the 2005 riots in the French banlieues follows. “L’incendie de novembre 2005 n’en finit plus de projeter son ombre sur toutes les consciences. Ces premiers feux de joie sont le baptême d’une décennie pleine de promesses.” (the conflagration of November 2005 hasn’t stopped projecting a shadow on everyone’s conscience. These first celebratory bonfires baptized a decade full of promise). Claiming that those arrested came from all social and ethnic groups, they assert that only a hatred of existing society united them. We should, they assert, revel in the destructive nature of these disturbances, identify with the ‘dangerous classes’ and ‘bandits’ and their violent rejection of the existing order, their violence indeed tout court. With an unpleasant sneer, teachers who regretted that their schools were burned down are described as having “pleurnicher” (snivelled) about it all.


With this kind of prose, well known to aficionados of the French ultra-left, we know where we are going. Strikingly it leads us back to some ideas popular amongst anarchists during the Bande à Bonnot epoch. A meme transmitted across the generations? There’s a clarification of the difference between a capitalist-spectacular ’I am What I am’, and real freedom. So, «Devenir autonome», cela pourrait vouloir dire, aussi bien: apprendre à se battre dans la rue, à s’accaparer des maisons vides, à ne pas travailler, à s’aimer follement et à voler dans les magasins.” (becoming autonomous, that means, as much: learn to fight in the street, take over empty houses, not working, loving each other madly, and stealing from shops). Action should not concentrate on the wage-labour capital sphere, but more widely in “insoumission” (insubordination),“Nous avons la totalité de l’espace social pour nous trouver. Nous avons l’hostilité à cette  civilization pour tracer des solidarités et des fronts à l’échelle mondiale.” (we have the totality of social space to find ourselves.  We have the hostility of this civilization to lay down the path of solidarity and ‘fronts’ on a world scale – blocs of those in rebellion). So the marginal, the eternally stroppy, the true individual, in her own band of mates,  is the Figure of Autonomy. With this language in full flow, no-one will be surprised to find written that, “L’État français est la trame même des subjectivités françaises, l’aspect qu’a pris la multiséculaire castration de ses sujets.” (The French state is the framework of all French individual subjectivity, the aspect which has for centuries castrated its subjects – a use of the word castrate which one imagines would not occur to an Anglophone leftist, I note). Nor is it long before the claim that, “Toutes les organisations qui prétendent contester l’ordre présent ont elles-mêmes, en plus fantoche, la forme, les moeurs et le langage d’États  miniatures.” (all political organisations that claim to fight the existing order have themselves, in a puppet-show form, the customs, and the language of miniature states) is reeled out. That’s a few leftist lives wasted, hein? What fools we labour movement and left political party activists are. What fools.


There is reference to Capital, its transformations, its domination and integration of human tissue, and the sphere of value which now “embrasserait toutes les qualités des êtres” (which embraces every quality of human beings). Rather sub-Negri, Hardy and Virno I would suggest (on Tendance Coatesy’s analysis of these authors see here). As for work itself, with automation and information sciences, many “ travailleurs sont devenus superflus.” (Workers have become superfluous). This leaves capital’s gigantic machine pumping out profits while excluding large sections of the masses. Those inside are dedicated to ‘personal development’ shaping themselves for Capital’s needs; those outside are in precarious, typicallyAgency work, or in the ‘slave’ sectors of domestic employment, even prostitution, in sum:  ‘personal services’. Preferring not to have anything to do with the State, Politics and Capital marks off all the autonomist tradition and so we find it here. Reference to a Situationist-type social spectacle, (that vamps our energy) are accompanied with a Bartleby refusal to work. An eagerness perhaps to smoke dope.  As well as backing for wildcat strikes (grèves sauvages) – unions naturally are lieutenants of Capital. For good measure they also throw in some stuff about the environmental catastrophes (Hurricane Katrina), and ecology being appropriated by the system. As a small mercy there is none of the usual anarchist drivel about animal liberation. The  alternative? A dose of playfulness. Communes, self-organized, outside the circuits of power and production, with an autonomy, a life in liberated zones, living off the black economy, even fraud; whatever resources can be found, and shared.


So, they ignore the potential positive side of the Labour movement and the left. Equally the massive anti-revolutionary bloc in France, la Droite, (which managed rather effectively to get Sarkozy elected I observe) is little more than an obscuring fog over the domination of Capital. The central enemy is the Police. Since resistance can come from nearly anywhere (though especially the poorer urban zones), why bother with even this sketchy economic and class analysis? Nobody would have any idea from this text that a massive fianncial crisis (signaled in advance by people such as Larry Elliot in the UK and plenty of writers in France’s Le Monde Diplomatique), was looming and would cause popular unrest across Europe – there is no economics here to speak of. Or investigation into the political economy of neo-liberalism. All is rolled down to the – in their opinion – central conflict between the police and the ‘dangerous classes’. As for these potential supporters: it’s a commonplace that autonomists have a crippling inability to relate to the popular masses. Except no doubt those who have ‘Mort aux vaches’ (Death to the Pigs) tattooed on their arms. Here the rhetoric smothers and ignores the hostility of the majority of the inhabitants of the Cités (Council estates) to the violence that unfolded in their areas during the Banlieue revolts, and which hurt them more than anyone else. No doubt all this goes down well in their proto-Communes – though not possibly so swimingly when they dine with their parents and grandparents on Sunday, as a majority of the French ultra-left, for all their radicalism (famillies je vous hais)  tend to do.


As the L’Insurrection qui vient continues in this vein one wonders what all the fuss is about. Perhaps some clues lie in the analysis of the great metropolises. These are no longer anything but points in a network of flows, and “La métropole est le terrain d’un incessant conflit de basse intensité” (the metropolis is the site of a continual low-intensity confect). Hah! Something for the experts in terrorism and counter-insurgency to grasp. They aim furthermore to halt the urban perpetuum mobile. Stopping its incessant movement can proceed by blocking production, and the circulation of goods. “les autoroutes sont des maillons de la chaîne de production dématérialisée” (motorways are the links in the chain of dematerialized production) – leaving aside the fact that Negri, Hardt and Virno see this originating in a rather more ethereal dimension (immaterial production in fact), we can see why keen coppers’ ears prick up. Isn’t the French Railway network, the SCNCF another essential link? Weren’t the accusations that led to the Tarnac all about breaking this circuit – by sabotage no less? The description of Paris as not a centre of power to be ‘captured’ but the “cible de razzia, comme pur terrain de pillage et ravage” (target of raids, a place to loot and wreak havoc in) touches some raw nerves. These after all are the chaps whose profession is to protect the Capital from such attacks. The rozzers must have also felt rather, well, personally, affected by the demand to “Libérer le territoire de l’occupation policière” (free the country from Police occupation). To say the least.


Unfortunately for anyone drawing neat conclusions from  L’Insurrection qui vient  tops its ‘circles’ by some further dense paragraphs, strongly opposing a strategy of armed struggle. Naturally they indulge in some waffle about all uprisings being armed. But, given that power is not truly centralised and autonomists have no wish to build a ‘counter-state’, even a  ‘dual power’, they declare that, “la perspective d’une guérilla urbaine à l’irakienne, qui s’enliserait sans possibilité d’offensive, est plus à craindre qu’à désirer. La militarisation de la guerre civile, c’est l’échec de l’insurrection.” (the prospect of urban guerrilla warfare, Iraqian style, bogged down, without any possibility of going onto the attack, is more to fear than to wish, it’s a setback for the insurrection). The militarisationof civil war is a failure for the insurrection itself). All rather mealy-mouthed – the Islamists in Iraq are murdering reactionaries whom one would not even bother considering in a serious left perspective. But clear on the criticism of classic, RAF style, terrorism. In case even Inspector Plod doesn’t get the meaning of this they refer to the libertarian view that the Russian Revolution was set back precisely at this point. He might also reflect on the claim that new oppositions will emerge, in the wastelands of the banlieue, and that one day, all his fruits of his society will be “grandement ruinée” (ruined completely) and that “cette effroyable concrétion du pouvoir qu’est la capitale, “(Capital’s terrible concentration of power) will fall. Or not.


So, a text whose politics boils down to a celebration of revolt, and (in real terms) a kind of late ‘sixties/early ‘seventies ‘alternative society’, filled with a great deal of lyricism, romanticism about the 2005 riots (as if the rioters were incarnations of Victor Hugo’s Gavroche) that makes some good, if unoriginal, points, about the nature of the social and institutional dislocations underway, rooted in the purest autonomist ideology – that’s to say, perpetual grandstanding – is the basis for a new version of Action Directe. Maybe. But I think not. Unfortunately, to continue the reference to Les Misérables, the presumed authors have a pack of would-be Javerts yapping at their heels.



Written by Andrew Coates

February 5, 2009 at 11:56 am

New Anti-Capitalist Party: Joy and Doubt.

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Now is the Time?

Following the Continent-wide outbreaks of social unrest there are some signs that left forces are emerging with clear objectives and structures. In France the historic tradition of Fourth International Trotskyism is in full transformation.  The NPA (Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste), is being founded. On Thursday 300 delegates assembled at Plaine-Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), voted by 87,1% to 11,15% to dissolve the Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire into the new organisation. Spokesperson Olivier Besancenot declared that the party would take ”le meilleur des traditions du mouvement ouvrier, qu’elles soient trotskistes, socialistes, communistes, libertaires, guévaristes” ou issues de l’écologie radicale” (take the best from the traditions of the workers’ movement, whether it’s from trotksyists, communists, libertarians, and Guevarists, of from a radical ecological background.” It is anti-capitalist, green, and its politics are, in principle, open to a range of radical ideas about how to create a socialism for the 21st century. With a claimed membership of 9,000* (some, however,  put it in reality a few thousand lower)  – well over double its main parent, the Ligue Communiste Rèvolutionnaire (LCR) –  the NPA looks in a good position to respond to growing French protests that have followed the January General Strike.

In a welcome change from the once fashionable mood of ‘changing the world without taking power’ the NPA is engaged in both the political process, the unions federated in SUD, and social movements outside formal institutions. The LCR has a substantial record of serious political intervention and democratic internal culture - and it ill behoves (like the word!) the British SWP to give them lessons about ‘dissolving’ themselves in the new organisation (apparently an error – to Callinicos, whose wisdom, gleaned from his experience as a leading figure in Respect speaks for itself). 

Debate on the French left has been wide (here and here) and deserves further coverage. The formation of the NPA has had a great impact well outside the Hexagon, and that alone raises a lot of issues. One of the focuses on Olivier Besancenot – in the media and no doubt internally. Besancenot, a former student with a  degree in History, became a postal worker in the 1980s during a LCR turnwhich sent members “out to the workers” in a manner reminiscent of the Russian Populists and 1930s American Trotskyists. He genuinely come across well (you can see him via the NPA site, on many French telly programmes and hear him frequently on the Radio). Yet, many political commentators regard his popularity as a potential source of difficulties: gaining votes but not necessarily real political allegiance. Another problem lies in what their ‘anti-capitalism’ really means (and what on earth is Guevarism – building French foci?) . Which is far from clear. I will not Blog for the moment on the details of the NPA’s  programme, and project, but will concentrate on some immediate problems the NPA. .

The NPA represents a hope: that  it will become a substantial left alternative in France. Alternative to what? To the rightwing President Nicolas Sarkozy, his UMP government, to the ambiguous Parti Socialiste, drifting towards ‘social liberalism’, and to the …? The Unity declarations of the new Parti de Gauche, the Parti Communiste Français, and the other republican left and alternative ecological groups at present negotiating a common list for the June European Elections? Now comes the catch. Indications are that the majority of the NPA are not warming to this proposal. More than indications: there will be a discussion between those who want a List “totally independent of the Institutional left” and those who back Mélenchon’s Left Party proposal for a Left Front, including the Communist Party (here). Looks unlikely that Picquet’s minority, a central force for the alliance, will prevail.

Libération reports that Christian Picquet has already found much of the programme/manifesto ultra-left, an attempt too outbid anyone else. He comments,

«Même à 10 000, vouloir révolutionner la société, c’est un peu mégalo»,explique Picquet, qui compte défendre l’alliance avec Mélenchon et le PCF aux européennes face à une majorité du NPA plus encline «à rester sur son Aventin» pour faire la fête anticapitaliste entre soi

 Even if we had ten thousand members, to want to revolutionise the whole of society – that’s rather megalomaniac, he explained. Piquet is ready to defend an alliance with Mélenchon and the PCF in the European elections, against the Majority of the NPA, who are minded to stay alone on their Mountain (Mont Aventin§), fêting  their anti-capitalist party between themselves.


*Significantly not the 10,000 target – as yet.

§ I thought about this translation when I got home and looked the expression up, it refers to Mount Aventin (one of the 7 Hills of Rome) and separating oneself off , that is, retreating to its lofty heights: a better rendering would be ‘in splendid isolation’. French leftists do love their classical references.

Written by Andrew Coates

February 6, 2009 at 1:10 pm

New Anti-Capitalist Party: Real Politics Emerge.

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Now for some real politics: how the NPA will affect the French institutional and electoral scene. This is an interview with Henri Weber (a former leader of the LCR, co-founder of Rouge, passed long ago over to the social democratic wing of the Socialist Party and a MEP). From Le Nouvel Observateur.

Onze partis de gauche, dont le NPA et le PS, ont signé un texte commun pour un “changement de cap” du gouvernement. Quelle peut être la suite de cette initiative ?

Eleven left parties, including the NPA and the Parti Socialiste*, have signed a common declaration calling on the government to change course. What could follow this initiative?

 Le PS doit débattre et agir avec la dizaine de partis qui se disent à sa gauche, même s’il est en désaccord avec la plus grande partie de leur programme, tant qu’ils se réclament de la démocratie – ce qui est le cas. PS et extrême-gauche se rejoignent pour dénoncer la politique du gouvernement, au sein des mouvements sociaux, et lors des élections pour battre la droite. Le but final est tout de même de rassembler très largement au-delà de son électorat. C’est une condition nécessaire pour remporter les élections (nécessaire, mais pas suffisante : LCR et LO avaient appelé à voter PS en 2007).
Mais cette union de la grande famille de la gauche n’exclut pas la confrontation. Le PS doit apporter des solutions ambitieuses et radicales, dans le nouveau paysage idéologique mondial qui a suivi l’effondrement de Lehman Brothers.

The PS should debate and act in common with these 11 parties, who consider themselves as on the left, even if it disagrees with most of their programme, insofar as they are identify themselves as democratic – which is the case here. The PS and the far left meet each other and work together inside social movements, to denounce the government’s policies, and to beat the Right during elections. The aim (ie of the PS,  AC)  is to bring together a  much wider constituency than its own electorate. It’s a condition of winning elections, (necessary, but not sufficient – LO and the LCR called for a PS vote in 2007). Such a union of the great left family does not rule out differences. The PS should bring forward its own bold and radical solutions – in the new worldwide ideological landscape that followed the Lehman Brothers collapse.

Wary of the perennial efforts of the Parti Socialiste to colonise other left organisations (or eclipse them), the LCR and now the NPA have decided to be resolutely independent. Not that this excludes such joint statements, or actions. These can  be placed, obviously, within the movement born during the mobilisation for the January General Strike. As such I suppose the qualify as ‘United Front’ tactics, common action around agreed aims. As such rather more genuine than the British SWP’s  who use the term to refer to their deals with the cabals that made  up Respect. This united front  strategy for the LCR/NPA  goes hand-in-hand with demarcating themselves(that is, standing alone, or with very close allies)  in electoral politics (such as municipal agreements). 

Yet how far should they remain apart? The frontiers appear variable. The LCR have called for votes for other parties, including ‘reformist’ ones,  during many elections: in 1995 (when they had no candidate of their own)  they recommended no less than three Presidential candidates, Robert Hue (PCF), Arlette Laguillerr (LO) and  Dominique Voyant (Greens) ! (here) Now however, the will to strike separately’ is on the ascendent. It  appears to extend even to left groups which, while independent, nevertheless have links and electoral agreements (local and often national) with the Socialists. As the extract below indicates.

 L’Humanité reports a strained atmosphere at the  founding Conference, and the following comments by Christian Picquet (Blog Here) :

Christian Picquet du courant UNIR a dressé un réquisitoire sévère contre la manière dont la direction a piloté la mue de la LCR. « Un tel projet méritait un autre congrès. » Il déplore « l’ambiance morose » dans les comités locaux. Il reproche à la direction de sacrifier le mouvement social, le rassemblement de la gauche vraiment à gauche à des intérêts de parti. Christian Picquet dénonce les « faux prétextes » pour refuser de participer à des listes du front de gauche avec le PCF et le Parti de la gauche aux élections européennes. Il est encore possible de faire un autre choix pour éviter que le premier geste du nouveau parti soit précisément le refus de l’union. « Ce serait la marque du nouveau parti. »

 Christian Picquet, of the Unir tendency, laid down a tough judgement on the way in which the LCR leadership has carried out its transformation, “such a  project deserves another Conference”, and he deplored the “glum atmosphere” in the local branches. He accused them of sacrificing  the unity of the real left and social movements to the interests of the party. Christian Picquet denounced the “false pretexts” used to reject an alliance , the Left Front, with the PCF (Communist Party) and the PG (Left Party) for the European Elections. Though “it is still possible to change this decision and avoid making the first choiceo f the new party a refusal of unity“. Otherwise “that will be the trademark of the new party”

Anyone doing some elementary electoral arithmetic will know that to get over the 10%  qualifying hurdle in the European ballots an agreement is needed if there is to be any reasonable potential for the success of left of PS candidates. Without it,  a long stay on Mount Aventine is in store for the NPA.

Added Sunday: On the possibility of an agreement for the European Elections, (Nouvel Observateur) on the Conference (which definitely adopted the NPA name):

 Si le texte proposé au congrès affirme aussi le soutien du parti à “un accord durable de toutes les forces qui se réclament de l’anticapitalisme”, cette condition devrait rendre difficile un accord avec le Parti communiste, qui siège avec les socialistes dans les conseils régionaux.

If the Congress’s text asserted that the party would back a firm agreement of all forces which affirm their anti-capitalism, this conditions will make it difficult to make an alliance with the Communist Party, which sits with the Socialists in regional council groups.

Note to NPA: get those warm woolies for the peak-tops ready now!

 * Les Alternatifs, la Coordination nationale des collectifs unitaires (CNCU), Lutte Ouvrière, le MRC, le NPA, le PCF, le PCOF, le Parti de gauche, le PS, Alternative Démocratie Socialisme (ADS), Alter-Ekolo. Full declaration here.

Written by Andrew Coates

February 7, 2009 at 1:10 pm

Welfare Reform on the Rocks?

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Minister Purnell’s Amateur Dramatic Productions Under Threat?

The Observer today reports that, “The government’s flagship policy to revolutionise welfare by paying private companies to find jobs for the unemployed was in crisis last night as firms said there were too many people out of work – and too few vacancies – to make it viable.”

Will Hutton comments in the same Sunday Paper that the return of mass unemployment may not find people as resigned and docile as in the past. I have plenty of evidence of this: one Ipswich friend has absolutely refused to go on the happy-clappy god-botherers’ (YMCA) New Deal scheme. He has been suspended from all benefits (appeal pending). Another case I heard about a couple of day ago was of a bloke who loathed the YMCA open prison at the ‘Den’ (as they call it) so much, he – temporarily – disabled all their computers.  How long it will before throwing a wobbly becomes something a lot more serious I can’t predict (even with all my soothsaying powers). But I can be absolutely sure that Hutton’s idea of paying the out-of-work £300 a week to carry out useful and much needed tasks for the common good is very unlikely to get very far with Bankers’ Buddy Gordon Brown.

Financial and welfare genius, Work and Pensions Secretary  James Purnell, must have have foreseen this, no doubt temporary, hold up. The ‘jobs’ (I use this word loosely) on his CV include such successes as Head of BBC Corporate Planning, and Chair of the All Party Group on Private Equity and Venture Capital (2002-03). He is keen on theatre, and whipping (that is, he was a government Whip). These give him a background in the creative industries: culture and accounting.  So prepared, he’ll find some way of financing the forced labour schemes, subsidising  half-baked training programmes and work-finding subventioned scams. Come what may.

Important Note: in case parasite ponce Frank Field MP thought we didn’t notice his call for young people to have to work for their benefits, and his condemnation of the Government as too soft on them: we did.

Written by Andrew Coates

February 8, 2009 at 1:11 pm

New Anti-Capitalist Party: Coup de Force?

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Here We Go!

The ex-LCR Unir tendency has all but been eliminated from positions of influence inside the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) – not by democratic debate but by bureaucratic manoeuvres (here). Present at the NPA’s founding Congress, the current played an important part in the former LCR for many years. Its best known member is  Christian Picquet. Clashes with the majority have been accelerating since the 2007 Presidential Campaign , during which UNIR supporters tended to back a ‘unitary’ left candidate (from the anti-liberal collectives that campaigned for a Non vote to the European Constitutional Treaty). The complex history of the various initiatives (pre-Presidentials) behind this is given here. and (in English)  here.

This time they represented a Congress motion as the sensibilité européenne. Their delegates  argued for an agreement with other left groups (PCF, PG, and a host of republican, Left and ecological groups) to stand as the Left Front in this year’s European Elections. Their platform of alliances with those opposed to the Lisbon Treaty and neo-liberalism, was however strongly rejected by the Conference: it would have involved compromises with left parties that work with the Parti Socialiste – denounced as ‘social liberal’.

 The Nouvel Observateur reports that the official membership if the NPA is  9.100 adhérents (against 3.200 in the LCR) of which 35 % are women. That of 192 members of the NPA National Committee (the  Conseil politique national , CPN) , nearly half  (45%) are from the LCR and that there is near equality of male-female representation

The existence of a radical left alternative  to the French Parti Socialiste is welcome. One should not exaggerate any minor negative aspects of a new party. If there is a trend to be proud of the achievement and not too willing to listen to critics, this is inevitable if  a strong identity and structure are to be created. Still,  a certain amount of  unnecessary bullying appears to be creeping in. An ultra-minority group, the CRI were hustled off the platform by security guards. Much more significantly only 13 (out of 192) members of the CPN are from the pro-Left Front tendency, which however had received 16% of the vote for its motion.

No doubt the Weekly Worker,which is full of interesting detail about such groups as the CRI, will fill in the facts about them, and others of a similar kind. For others it’s the rejection of the Unitary Minority which is of most importance.

The Nouvel Observateur carries in its latest print edition four pages on the Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste. It mentions the wide, and deserved, popularity of Olivier Besancenot. Picquet (who is attacked by NPA members for ‘washing our dirty linen in public) suggests that an “illusion” has gained a hold over the organisation: that Besancenot’s high opinion poll ratings mean that the NPA will expand rapidly. There dangers indeed standout: over- personalising the party around Olivier’s charisma, a fog around the NPA’s – public- ideological foundations – a mesh of Trotskyism, anti-capitalism, ‘alter’-globalisation, and the rest (I repeat this: why all the references to Che? Is Monmartre’s Vineyard about to become a basis for rural guerrilla warfare?). In reality I have no doubt that LCR-Trotskyism will be the pierre angulaire of the NPA. But  the basis of membership is loose enough, and one could see the kind of confusion prevalent in Social Forum movements – such as  the harmless cranks of the UK’s own version.  Finally, that intolerance of opposition is always the easiest way on the leftto hide political difficulties, and the easiest way to leave a bitter taste in the mouth.

Meanwhile France prepares for another General Strike in March.

Written by Andrew Coates

February 10, 2009 at 2:13 pm

Bad Science, Secularism and the Left.

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Essential reading.

Darwin’s anniversary has inspired some astonishingly beautiful television programmes and books. The Theory of Evolution, in all its stark elegance, has been, I hope, become as brand-new to a wide audience. The pessimism about grasping today’s science (a ‘black box’ to most of us), and the relativism of the liberal and post-modernist left (which, astonishingly still exists, claiming that reason is imperialist tyranny) has proved false. In the last few years scientific popularisation has taken off. People are beginning to use their own Reason. Tendance Coatesy has itself worked its way through a  small mountain of such books: about language (recommended: Steven Pinker), about anthropology and archeology (recommended, Colin Renfrew). None of which would have been written without Darwin, who opened the way to the notion of the ‘antiquity of man’ and its scientific study.

Despite this, though it hardly bears repeating, Creationists, from Turkey to the US, passing by certain UK Academy Schools, contineus  obdurately to spread darkness. In welfare provision Christians are spreading their tentacles over the country – including this town  (here).  Ipswich Heart in Action claims , with Christian reticence, they involve  ”truly inspirational faith driven-people“, engaged in “life-changing projects” . These range from Soup Kitchens, Counselling, to caring for addiction, and something called the Town Pastor, a right-on guy who boogies roundthe centre during the Weekend till late at night. It all culminates in plans for a central Town prayer-room ( poverty – problem solved!). Clearly the aim behind this is to assert public influence, and partially take over from the state in offering social services. The Conservative leader of Ipswich Council, Liz Harsant,  gives her “total support” to the projects.

In what direction is politicised religion leading? Muslims and other believers still would like to ban any vigorous (offensive) criticism of their religion. They have won a battle in forbidding entry to the Dutch anti-Islamist, Geert Wilders,  from these shores. In Spain, hardly reported in the UK, the Catholic Church  furiously battles modest secular reforms (civic education, abortion, gay marriage). The confidence of the faithful has to be contested.  Butterflies and Wheels, one of the best sites on the Web, exposes the sickness behind  belief in the flapping and hissing of imaginary beings. As well as its dire social and political effects. All religion divides the saved from the dammed and cannot fully recognise independent reason and equality. Secularism is not just about toleration and equality in the public realm: it means actively fighting religious ideas.

One should not exaggerate. William Paley’s Divine Watchmaker can be accommodated to science (except its First Cause) , and it’s well known that a hefty chunk of believers in god or gods (at least those exposed to evolutionary proofs) accept Darwin. Refined Western theologians, such as the leading UK Christologist, Terry Eagleton, would no doubt consider that questioning their evolutionism is an impertinent vulgarity.

Education, we rationalists thought for long, was supposed, at least, to advance critical reason. Yet we the widespread tendency to absorb preposterous theories, to drop the criteria of rational proof, shows no sign of disappearing. Right into areas which affect the most significant aspects of our lives, from health to politics. What, then,  if the sleep of reason is not simply a matter of religion?

Health? Bad Science. Ben Goldacre (Fourth Estate. 2008) is the full of examples of how science is undermined. Not by the veneration of sacred tomes, but through an industry and a culture which drives “marketers, lifestyle gurus and alternative therapists” (page 10). The field of unscientific studies is a vast one, ploughed by alternative therapists, Hopi Candles, Primal Screams, food supplements, acupuncture, and (a group Goldacre particularly loathes) ‘dieticians’.

He singles out the meaningless concept of ‘detox’ (one I have to admit I half accept myself: I drink Green Tea once a day and feel virtuous). Psychological processes Goldacredemonstrates, do not involve ‘de-tox’ in any sense other than the normal elimination of waste.. Instead its origins lies in ancient rituals of purification and redemption, “In the developed Western world, we seek redemption and purification from the more extreme forms of our material indulgence: we fill our faces with drugs, drinks, bad food and other indulgence, we know it’s wrong, and we crave ritualistic protection from the consequences, a public ‘transitional ritual’ commemorating our return to healthier behavioural norms.” (Page 12) .  There is no doubt these fads are wildly popular. Not just amongst the Vegan Animal worshiping classes,  but at at all levels of society. The Royal Family are half-cracked in this area. Benacre has fun describing the Blairs’ mixture of Catholicism and the New Age. Plenty of the respectable professional middle-aged are amongst the most enthusiastic consumers of alternative wisdom and its marketing arm.  

All of which is easy to laugh at. But Bad Science demonstrates how something more is involved. A retreat from rational  testing (in labs and statistically) which has filtered through the entire mass media. The alternative practitioners are unable to provide and judge statistical proof. There is barely a shadow of scientific rigour in the claims of this industry (he gives detailed examples from nutritionists to homeopaths). Scares about medicines, not to mention the drip-drip of shifting claims about how certain foodstuffs  are ‘bad’ or  ’good’ for you, on flimsy evidence, are typified in  the seriously misjudged fright around MMR injections. Goldacre’s site (here) updates these cases, as does his Saturday Guardian column.  At the base is, her says, that evidence had got warped in the medical process of shared-decision-making. The media is a prime culprit, “Everything in the Media is robbed of any scientific meat, in a  desperate bid to seduce an imaginary mass that aren’t interested.”(P 320)

Bad Science is not only worth reading alone. It should be bought for friends – including the all-too numerous Leftists who have faith in natural remedies and the idea that there is ‘something’ in alternative  medicine . Without proof, that is.  

Yet the sleep of reasons has brought forth more monsters than a branch of Holland and Barrett. The absence of a rational culture of proof, and the ability to set up criteria to disprove theories is at the core of  the 9/11 Truth Movement. equally the even more distasteful Rwanda Genocide Denial. Pierre Péan, currently famous for his new book attaching French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner (over alleged pre-Ministerial dealings with West African Autocrats) came to fame initially for his ‘questions’ about the mass murder of  Rwandan Tutsies. This cast of mind is widepread in politics. How far is the Left implicated? A type of ‘wise guy’ approach to 9/11 (proto ‘Truth’ movement in fact) is more widespread than is often recognised. And absolutely clear that there is a dearth of rationality on many issues: particualrly the appeasement shown to  political-religions. Perhaps we ought to apply some of Goldacre’s criteria of proof to our own way of thinking.

Written by Andrew Coates

February 12, 2009 at 2:15 pm

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Fatwa Against Rushdie Anniversary: The Secular Left Spoke Out.

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           Still Worth Defending.

Today is the 20th Anniversary of the Fatwa against Salman Rushdie. A time of vicious Islamic (and not just hard-core Islamist)  demonstrations against the ‘blasphemy’ of the Satanic Verses, of Book Burnings and murders. There has been some media interest in the legacy of the affair. Some observe that the campaign for censoring Rushdie’s book played a key part in the assertion of British Muslim identity; others, including believers in the Qu’ran, regret the intolerant reputation it left behind. Plenty of discussion still takes place.

But what of the left’s reaction? A charge often made against the British left (by Nick Cohen above all) is that it has caved in to, or ‘appeased’, Islamism. Really? This is the time to look back on the see how some of the left reacted to the first major assertion of Islamist demands in the UK .

Interlink (May/June 1989), the journal of the Socialist Society, and an ancestor of Red Pepper, carried two articles on the Fatwa and Rushdie.  Pride of place should go to Gita Saghal, of Southall Black Sisters and Women Against Fundamentalism. In Transgression Comes of Age she argued that that the controversy was stirred up and used by fundamentalist leaders to consolidate their power over their communities. The multiculturalist consensus allowed these figures anxious to “maintain faith in a  secular society.” Bolstered by international backing (and finance) from Saudi Arabia, Libya and Iran, the protests were part of a movement towards Islamicisation of whole communities. Speaking from the women’s movement Gita mentioned the fear these patriarchal  ’leaders’ felt not only at secular Westernisation in general, but at female emancipation in particular. 

Religion, Politics and Democracy, by a certain Andrew Coates, was equally critical of multi-culturalism. He praised Rushdie’s playful style and subversive prose (the meat of the conceit about the imagined Qu’ranic verses and the exploits of the books characters). Then  he went straight to the politics of the affair. Like Saghal he pointed out that relativism (all beliefs are valid in some way) encouraged fundamentalists to build their ‘own’  “cultural fortresses”. By contrast, “The equality of secular rights (however ‘formal’) can be sharply contrasted with the  inequalities of the religious world-view: its hierarchy of the saved and the damned,  the saint and the sinner, the pure and the impure.”  He demanded the complete secularisation of the state. There was no need to give ‘respect’ to any religion – still less privileged protection from criticism. Above all it was the textual obsession behind the anti-Rushdie protesters (who alleged that the Satanic Verses were not ‘true’ – its literary inventions did not accord with the Qu’ran) was at fault. He noted, “Unless the textual foundations of religion are weakened we may face even worse manifestations of violence.”

At the time most of the UK left stood by Rushdie. Those dissenting tended to be post-colonial-studies academics and their followers, or some dyed-in-the-wool ‘third-worldists’ who considered Muslims to be part of the world’s oppressed. They thought absolute free-speech and criticising minority religions was a cover for Western rationalist imperialism. Liberal multiculturalists considered that  Muslims were unfairly insulted, that we should ‘understand’ their reaction. The Satanic Verses had in any case given succor to racist intolerance. An influential section of the establishment simply loathed  Rushdie as a trouble-maker who should have kept his mouth shut.

Since that time we have seen a number of developments. Religious identity has become a key part of the multiculturalist consensus. Barely a government body now operates without consulting non-elected defenders of the Faiths. Islam is treated with ‘respect’, while efforts are made to incorporate (with varying success) so-called moderate forms of it into the state. Partly this is a modern version of the British Empire’s strategy of ‘indirect rule’, through local potentates. Hence some of the left, respect most notoriously, and its efforts to have its ‘own’ Islamicist (and why not Christian,a and other  ’faith communities – as Ken Livingstone has attempted) on its side. The left’s strategy is supported by those who consider that Islamismhas an ‘anti-imperialist’ core (certainly an anti-Israeli one – few with any sense would consider the goal of a Universal Caliphate anti-imperialist).  To these allies, at a safe-distance, of Islamism there is a class dynamic, invisible to all but themselves, (and certainly hidden from the millions of victims of Islamist regimes and jihadists) that is progressive. I wonder if Red Pepper would so stoutly defend the Satanic Verses were it first published today.

Critics of this stand have got used to being bullied with the label ‘Islamophobia’. It has not succeeded in silencing them. Religion in its political form is anti-democratic. It demands a privileged position for faith in the public sphere. Islamism, far being the cry of pain of the oppressed is the pain itself. It  (or rather, they) is/are the the pious Muslim bourgeoisie’s vehicle. Their  nexus is the ideology of the Sharia: a ‘law’ (in every kind) which bears as much  resemblance to real law (based on equality) as Tolkin’s Orcs do to Elves do: that is, its parody. For all the various shapes political-religion takes, it can never compete with the equality and freedom that secularism offers, notably to the religious themselves.

It is noteworthy that attempts to stifle free-speech and protect religion have continued since the Rushdie Affair, with Sikhs, Hindus and Christians getting in on the act. The banning of Geert Widlers should be seen in this light.


Opposing religiously inspired campaigns for censorship remains as important today as twenty years ago.


Written by Andrew Coates

February 14, 2009 at 12:14 pm

Workfare: Freud Flies Fast.

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 Gordon’s Favourite Banker Bunks Off.

David Freud, the banker behind Welfare Reform – pulling yourself-up-by-your-own bootstraps - is to be nominated to a grace-and-favour House of Lords Peerage. From now he will, the BBC reports, become Tory Party Front  Bencher for Welfare. What does this mean? The BBC states that  “The Conservatives promised a “full-blooded version” of what they termed the Government’s “half-hearted” implementation of Sir David’s radical proposals.”

There was a time when radical meant something admirable, not a synonym for near fascist Gradgrind. But I digress….

There is no doubt that David Freud is an expert in welfare: he has helped build one of the cosiest nests for himself and other top banking colleagues in the world.  

Naturally there’s half-hearted, and half-hearted. Freud’s mate, James Purnell, Minister for Work and Pensions, has, for all the Tories’ claims, chosen the stoniest bits. His plans are full of indigestible pebbles.  Anyone with any left values, and, hey, basic economic literacy can see this. The ‘reforms’ are doomed to costly failure, and will wreak misery on millions of people.

Let’s go through some of the major problems. That is, there will be vast subsidies to private companies ‘placing’ people in jobs (a recipe for market-distortion as employees recruit only those with this cash attached); compulsory workfare (a surefire way to bring down wages in the public services they will compete with, or replace); punitive sanctions (putting the unemployed on the same standing as those convicted by the Courts to do Community Services); and driving the halt, the lame and the ill into work, come what may. And plenty more. All of which will require an expensive coercive apparatus (making sure claimants comply), elaborate supervision, and leaves open a gigantic potential for scams and frauds of all stripes.

Freud couldn’t care less. Like a locust he has just moved onto new green pastures to ravage.

Now I have often wondered where Brown got his inner feeling for destroying the universal welfare state from. For a long time we at the Tendance considered it some kind of spontaneous growth, like a blister. The fascination with theVictorian welfare ‘model’ seemed to fit with his background in the Manse. But we weren’t aware of how far it went. However it is now becoming clearer that Brown’s ideology is not just a causal expression of his narrow-minded Calvinism, loathing of left-wingers,  and an inability to relate to other people, particularly the undeserving poor- the great unwashed, and the ‘socially excluded’. That is, it’s not just his personality that’s flawed.

Apparently not. Brown really does have an ideologue. Some neo-conservative American (as they so often are) who truly believes in the division between the deserving and undeserving poor. A certain Gurtrude Himmelfarb. To make matters worse this crusty reactionary thinks the French Enlightenment was all wrong, preferring (you’ve guessed it) the ‘American’ and the ‘British’ one. Actually, apart from Brown, who gives a toss what she thinks?

Poor Brown: and now he’s going down to defeat as the biggest traitor to the labour movement since Ramsay MacDonald.

In retirement will he follow Blair’s example and set up a charitable foundation to defend his blind religious faith?

Or is he considering a MacDonald and aiming for a National Government?

Written by Andrew Coates

February 15, 2009 at 1:14 pm

Revolt against High Prices: Guadeloupe, Sign of the Times?

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More World Unrest.

The general strike in Guadeloupe (in the French Antilles) began on the 20th of January. It continues to paralyse the country. Tens of thousands have come out, shops are closed, petrol pumps are dry. 50,000 people demonstrated  in the Capital, Basse-Terre, on the 6th of February -  an enormous number for the Island. The movement is co-ordinated by the Liyannaj Kont Pwofitasyon - the Collective Against Profiteering  (here) The main trade union, led by Jean-Marie Nomertin, the CGTG (Confédération générale du travail de la Guadeloupe), has played a leading role. Some consider that the atmosphere is turning quasi-insurrectional. There are reports today of violent clashes last night at Pointe-à-Pitre. Strikes have spread to the other Caribbean French Isle, Martinique.

The reasons for this revolt? Both ‘la vie chère’ (high prices) and the way Paris  exercises its control. As a DOM (département outre-mer, overseas region) the island (population just under half a million) is formally part of France.  Guadeloupe’s largely agricultural and tourism based economy is strongly influenced by the descendants of French colonialists, the békés. Business, and notably transnationals, operate in an opaque system, with high profits. Despite low wages (excepting those in state employment)  prices are up to 50% higher than in Europe. With the global economic disorder the plight of the inhabitants has grown. Unemployment is over 30% . The strikers’ central demand is for a 200 Euro rise in wages. Behind this are far deeper grievances (here). The French government is finding it hard to negotiate. It is even suggested that this dispute may spread to Metropolitan France (I am listening to France-Culture on the Net as I write this and that is the very topic of the day).

I mention this as a comparison, but in the UK despite claims of every-lower inflation, the cost of basics,  foodstuffs above all, has risen exponentially. A tin of chopped tomatoes in Sainsbury’s has gone up in a year from under 15 pence to just under 40, before dropping again a couple of coppers. Extend this to other products… In the French Antilles one can imagine similar price hikes, with much more serious effects.

We’re not too happy about la vie chère  either!

Written by Andrew Coates

February 17, 2009 at 12:46 pm

Posted in Colonialism, French Left, Left

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Guadeloupe: First Death.

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Breaking News from From France-Info.

Première victime de la grève qui dure depuis un mois en Guadeloupe : un syndicaliste d’une cinquantaine d’années a été tué par une balle tirée “depuis un barrage tenu par des jeunes” la nuit dernière à Pointe-à-Pitre.


First Victim of the month-long strike in Gaudeloupe: last night at Pointe-à-Pitre a trade unionist, around fifty years old, has been killed by a bullet fired from a road-block set up by youths.

It appears that the man, who was coming back from a Liyannaj Kont Pwofitasyon (LKP) meeting engaged in organising the general strike, was hit by a  stray shot.

The same night there were serious incidents in the town, with youths, armed, some with light rifles, looting, and pillaging shops and a hypermarket (here). Some shots at the police (helicopter) and 3 injured officers are reported.

In Paris negotiations take place today, at a Social Summit, between the French unions and the government. The former demand a radical change of policy to stem unemployment and maintain their standard of living, the climate in France is reported tense. While they are not directly linked, there is increasing media speculation about the Antilles unrest spreading by ‘contaigon’ to metropolitan France. President Sarkozy (to speak ‘to the nation’ tonight) and the employers appear anxious at the prospect of  the March 19th Day of Action called for by all the trade unions.

Written by Andrew Coates

February 18, 2009 at 1:06 pm

Capitalism and Fraud.

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Mr Merdle: Man of the Moment.



“Savez-vous comment on fait son chemin ici ? par l’éclat du génie ou par l’adresse de la corruption. Il faut entrer dans cette masse d’hommes comme un boulet de canon, ou s’y glisser comme une peste. L’honnêteté ne sert à rien…….. La corruption est en force, le talent est rare. Ainsi, la corruption est l’arme de la médiocrité qui abonde, et vous en sentirez partout la pointe. ” Vautrin (Trompe la Mort). Le Père Goriot.  Balzac. 1835.


(“Do you know how we make our way in the world here? By brilliance,  genius, or through corruption? You must dive into the human masses like a cannonball, or infiltrate them like a virus. Honesty is useless…. Corruption rules and real talent is rare. Thus, corruption is the weapon of our all-pervasive mediocrity, and you can feel its sharp point.” )
“In Empire corruption is everywhere. It is the cornerstone and keystone of domination. It resides in different forms in the supreme government of Empire and its vassal administrations, the most refined and most rotten administrative police forces, the lobbies of the ruling classes, the mafias of rising social groups, the churches and sects, the perpetrators and persecutors of scandal, the great financial conglomerates, and everyday economic transactions. Through corruption, imperial power extends a smoke screen across the world, and command over the multitude is exercised in this putrid cloud, in the absence of light and truth.”(P 399) Empire. Negri and Hardt.  2000.



“ David Mills, Estranged husband of Olympics minister Tessa Jowell sentenced to four and a half years’ jail by Italian court for taking $600,000 bribe as reward for withholding court testimony.” Guardian.

“US investigators who accused cricket tycoon Sir Allen Stanford over a multi-million-dollar fraud have admitted they do not know his whereabouts. Hunt For ‘Fraud Scam’ Cricket Tycoon Stanford. Sources at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) confirmed they were still searching for the billionaire.  Stanford has not been seen in public since news of alleged fraud totalling £9.2bn (£6.5bn) broke on Tuesday.”  (Yahoo).

Spectacular swindles, and infamous frauds, are, as we are often told,  nothing new. Since the days of John Law and his Mississippi Company(early 1700s) , with faked development plans for Louisiana, capitalism’s history, from its merchant, colonial and manufacturing origins,  has been studded with fraud. Dicken’s Merdle in Little Dorit, a Banking pyramid scheme, has had numerous real-life counterparts. Bernard Madoff, down to his ability to secure confidence, appears almost a copy of this trickster.  Celebrated muckrakers, too often unheard until the dénouement, have published some searing exposés of this world, most recently in occupied Iraq: the  siphoning off of  ‘reconstruction’ money. In Italy a whole political system collapsed under the weight of political corruption – which has returned under Silvio Berlusconi. Though no doubt Mills would claim his court conviction is a manipulation, ‘strumentalizzazione’. Domestically there remains (for all the accumulated cases)  work to be done on the proliferating profiteering from privatisation and contracting out of public services.


For all the journalism about fraud and economic crime, there is little written in the way of systematic investigation and explanation. Yet Capitalism, in its globalising forms, seems ever more reliant on semi-legal and frankly illegal earnings. There is a mechanism  at work –  not just individuals, or cliques. Marx could well ironise in Theories of Surplus Value, about the productivity of crime’, that,


“The criminal moreover produces the whole of the police and of criminal justice, constables, judges, hangmen, juries, etc.; and all these different lines of business, which form equally many categories of the social division of labour, develop different capacities of the human spirit, create new needs and new ways of satisfying them.  Torture alone has given rise to the most ingenious mechanical inventions, and employed many honourable craftsmen in the production of its instruments.”


All very true. Law itself is not fair: its formal equality is held by every Marxist, Uncle Tom Cobbly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Doctor Who, to regulate ‘fair’ exchange while surplus value is pumped out silently during production.  I think that’s unfair as well, but some consider a merely ‘scientific’ fact. Anyway, crime, that is openly ‘unfair’ acts in circulation, and illegal acts in production, (from violating contracts, to avoiding the costs in social reproduction due from enterprise, aka taxes) has always had a direct bond to capitalism. A criminal fraction alled to the bourgeoisie is long standing (and not just through the so-called ‘lumpen’ followers of demagogues). It has been part of the supervision process (American labour gangsterism), surplus extraction (extortion), and production (illegal commodities, gambling) since its origins. Even a kind of ‘dual power’ in some cases – a tyrannical one it’s true (words, Mafia, triads, come to mind). As capitalism has undergone a transformation in the late 20th century there is a growing gap between formal legality and real economic activity. The novelty is patent: crime, that is the use of force or guile to circumvent legal rules,  is not just part of the distribution of surplus value (clawed away by illegal means) but part of the mode of production itself. Sometimes it is the classic draining of profit: tax evasion, getting round labour laws, and simple chiseling. But increasingly a layer of capitalists are aligned with criminality; gangsters equally turn above-ground capitalists. More fundamentally a whole spheres of production, drug manufacture, counterfeiting, and provision and supervision of labour power, are under criminal control. The underground factories in China, the dealers in migrant workers, waste disposal, pharmaceuticals, entertainment, are affected, far beyond the wildest dreams of the  Mafia of the Godfather. One of the best (and practically the only) serious recent books on the flourishing connections between commerce and criminality is Misha Glenny’s McMafia (2008). It’s a detailed investigation, of vast scope, into the world of mafias, para-state gangs, drug trafficking, prostitution, extortion, counterfeiting commodities, right up to terrorist enterprises. Beginning amongst the chaos that followed the collapse of Official Communism, it traces its relentless expansion to the present moment. His first-hand reporting into the underside of the world economy is vivid and memorable. And pioneering. Glenny states that, “As consumers, we are all involved – often unwittingly – in the shadowy world of trans-national organised crime,” More limited in its coverage, but denser in texture, another book, concentrating on the Neapolitan Camorra, Gomorrah. Roberto Saviano (2008) drives the message home: from chic clothing to waste disposal, organised crime, The System, is a major part of the economy.



What does this tell us on the left? The slide towards economic depression is throwing up cases of dishonesty at the heart of society, not just in its underbelly. Glenny, writing before the banks went into crisis after crisis, thought that a regulated globalisation, true freedom of movement(goods and people) will help clean up the mess. Such an idea, that social justice, or at least, honesty,  could be imposed on  the fluid, ever-mutating, world market, not to mention the armed and militant power of organised capitalist crime, always looked like a wedding between Naomi Klein and Pablo Escobar. The words social justice and market don’t go together. This kind of liberal (in the American left-of-centre sense) reform of globalisation, now, with each company and every state looking out for themselves, looks ridiculous.   But what do have as an alternative? In the absence of the world revolution that is. I merely ask….



Written by Andrew Coates

February 19, 2009 at 1:22 pm

Posted in Capitalism

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Nouveau Parti Anti-capitaliste: Plateforme B.

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Some People are Seriously Unhappy about the NPA’s Direction.

The Majority of the NPA, and some goupuscules linked to the British Left, have had their views broadcast in the Left press. Here are extracts from the less known, though important,  Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste’s Minority statement ,

La LCR s’est donc fondue dans le Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste. Peut-on, pour autant, parler d’un véritablement dépassement ? Tant le congrès de dissolution de la Ligue, que celui du NPA, ne permettent pas de répondre par l’affirmative.

So, the LCR has dissolved into the NPA. Can one really say that this is a new stage? Neither the National Conference of the LCR, which wound up the party,  nor the NPA’s, allow us to to reply positively that it is.

Un congrès bâclé, presque expédié à la sauvette dans une ambiance morose, et au cours duquel la préoccupation essentielle de la direction majoritaire fut de dénoncer avecviolence sa minorité, ne l’aura pas permis. L’ex-LCR reste aujourd’hui l’unique composante nationale du NPA, le plus significatif des petits groupes d’extrême gauche qui s’en étaient rapprochés n’y ayant finalement pas trouvé sa place

A badly run, nearly rushed, Congress, with a sorry atmosphere, during which the major obssession of the majority leadership was to denounce, violently, the minority, should not have been allowed. The LCR remains the only real national force in the NPA, the only one with any weight amongst the small left groups that have were drawn to the NPA which have themselves  been unable to find a place inside it.  

The Minority make further accusations. Firstly, that the refusal to align with the ‘Left front’ in the coming European elections was a great mistake with lasting consequences. Secondly, that it was the majority leadership itself which selected the 13 winning candidates of the (minority) sensibilité unitaire (out of 26) for the  National Party Committee (CAN). This they consider not only a very bad beginning for the New Party but also  a return to “pratiques d’un autre âge” (that is, bureaucratic centralism).

(Signed: Alain Faradji, Christian Picquet, Francis Sitel)

I note that this statement was published in Rouge (its last issue before the NPA’s new paper). This itself does not show much of a sign of bureaucratic centralism. That said, the minimal requirements to join the NPA (essentially agreement with the party and a loose commitment to work with its  local committees), and the absence of any large organised non-LCR force inside it (though no doubt the British left will continue to be fascinated by the confetti of Trotskyism that have joined up),  are factors of concern. Far more than the ludicrous campaign by the Weekly Worker against ‘liquidationism’ in the NPA, as if the party was some kind of steel-hardened Bolshevik Vanguard in danger of being waylaid into a ‘centrist’ swamp. No, there are more genuine worries. The Ligue had a very rigorous tradition of political education which served as a rampart against bureaucratic domination. Will this continue? The treatment of the Minority, explicable according to posters here and on NPA discussion sites, may be partly justified. They may be a right pain. But are they therefore not right to stand up for their dissenting opinions? 

UPDATE ON GUADELOUPE: Olivier Besancenot (NPA) is due on the Isle today – in the midst of what appears to be a slow-unwinding of the near-insurrection. Sarkozy has made concessions (report in English). Negotiations are to restart between the LKP and the French government, a rise of 200 Euros a month for the low-paid, more subsidies and welfare measures are on the table.  What has brought Sarkozy to cede? Reports suggest that ‘youths’ were spiralling out of control. That nobody in the State could see a solution emerging. Full-blown repression would not work on tight-knit communities. Classic Gallic alternatives – letting people blow off a head of steam and then leaving things rot until everyone is sick of upheaval – haven’t been successful either. The danger for Sarkozy now is that once people have seen that the Caribbean mass revolts can get results, others may want to use the same methods elsewhere.

Written by Andrew Coates

February 20, 2009 at 12:28 pm

Guadeloupe Video.

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Shots of the Guadeloupean revolt.

Good on them!  Qu’ils gangent!

Written by Andrew Coates

February 21, 2009 at 12:19 pm

Posted in Colonialism, French Left

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European Unrest Speads and Spreads: Ireland, Latvia, France.

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Over 120,00 people protested against the pay cuts and demanded that city bankers should be called to account

When are we going to see this here?

100,000 out in the streets of Dublin this Saturday. A magnificent display of anger (BBC). Marchers protested at government plans to impose a special pension levy on public employees, and against the handling of the world economic crises. On Channel Four News last night trade unionists were pictured chanting, ”The Workers united will never be defeated!” Their site comments, “These could be scenes Europe will get used to.”

Reuters reports that on Friday,

“Latvia’s coalition government collapsed on Friday after the prime minister resigned to stem a fall in popularity during a deep economic crisis. President Valdis Zatlers said he had accepted Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis’s resignation and would start talks with all parties on a new government. It was the second European government to succumb to the economic crisis after Iceland.”

It is no coincidence that on January the 14th  the Latvian police detained 126 people after a peaceful protest by about 10,000 people calling for a referendum and elections turned into a riot. reports say that the police used pepper spray and batons to disperse protesters. Nor is this confined to purely European issues.  In France yesterday there were demonstrations in support of the Gaudeloupean strikers. Between 10 and 30,000 in Paris. For Razzy Hammadi, Socialist Party national secretary for Public Services, “The government must accept its defeat” . “”Our real solidarity will be to make the government back off. “said  Sandra Demarcq (Nouveau Parti Abnti-capitaliste)speaking of “class and colonial oppression. “  Ntahalie Arthaud (Lutte Ouvrière) stated that “our demands” in Metropolitan France  ”are the same”as those in revolt in the Antilles. (Here)

It was noteworthy that the Dublin protesters photographed  holding a banner saying, The Workers United Will Never Be Defeated had Unite trade  union flags. When will our UK trade unions break from Gordon Brown and lead marches against the policies of Gordon Brown? The man is an albatross around the neck of the labour movement. Not only are his policies responsible for aggrevating  an unfolding economic crisis (as a herald of de-regulation Brown is as culpable for its origins as as any other neo-conservative), an oppressor of the poor (the workless, the halt and the lame – aka, Welfare ‘reform’), but he is loathed by the popular masses.

Get rid of him before he drags us down to the fate of Iceland and Latvia!

Written by Andrew Coates

February 22, 2009 at 12:19 pm

Summer of Rage: Bring it on Baby!

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Cancelled this Year.

Britain Faces Summer of Rage – thus Paul Lewis on the Guardian Front Page.

Police are preparing for a “summer of rage” as victims of the economic downturn take to the streets to demonstrate against financial institution., the Guardian has learned. Britain’s most senior police officer with responsibility for public order raised the spectre of a return of the riots of the 1980s, with people who have lost their jobs, homes or savings becoming “footsoldiers” in a wave of potentially violent mass protests.

“The warning comes in the wake of often violent protests against the handling of the economy across Europe.” 

 Intelligence reports suggest that “known activists” are also returning to the streets, and police claim they will foment unrest. “Those people would be good at motivating people, but they haven’t had the ‘foot-soldiers’ to actually carry out [protests],” Hartshorn said. “Obviously the downturn in the economy, unemployment, repossessions, changes that. Suddenly there is the opportunity for people to mass protest.

Seems like a few dozy Dock Green coppershave been reading this and similar Blogs!

Here’s a further reason to froth-at-the-mouth and chuck a few brick-bats around: Welfare Reform. In the same day’s  Guardian the pious Madeleine Bunting has finally woken up to the horror of impending Workfare. Not bad article, though she doesn’t go to the heart of the matter: Purnell’s plans to get us out cleaning the roads with our toothbrushes. When we agitators are obliged by the DWP to do this  ’return to the streets’  we’ll be sure to find recruits there.

Written by Andrew Coates

February 23, 2009 at 12:43 pm

A Real Marxist, Georges Labica, Passes Away.

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Georges Labica: Real Critical Marxism.

Georges Labica (1930 – 2009), one of France’s most important independent Marxist writers and theorists, passed away on the 12th of February (See: here). During an extremely productive life (bibliography here) he wrote important studies of Marxist theory, from editing the Dictionnaire Critique du Marxisme (1982, 1984, 1989), to short accessible works, such as Le marxisme-léninisme, Eléments pour une critique (1984). He worked with,  amongst many others, the theoretical review, Marx Actuel and  L’Utopie Critique (homages here) . Politically engaged throughout his life Labica-operated with the non-establishment left, notably self-management political organisations, such as the Alternatifs. His last published work, Théorie de la violence (2007) attempted to explore the conditions of legitimate violence (as opposed to ‘substitutions’) in the South, and the synthesis of democracy and Marxism (Review)

Georges Labica had a long engagement with the left. A member of the Parti Communiste Français from the 1950s to 1981, he was was conspicuous for his anti-colonial activism (from his time teaching in French Algeria),  and was prominent enough to be threatened by the OAS.  Academically his research continued in the line of Louis Althusser, though he never adhered to the Althussarian ‘school’. After leaving the PCF (as it drifted aimlessly in the first blush of Mitterrand’s Presidency)  Labica continued to describe himself as a Communist (in the democratic Marxist tradition). He produced critical works on Marxism-Leninism, from a Marxist prospective. In general he researched into the fundamental problems of Marxist theory and practice, producing a string of studies as a result. Without ever creating a grand  ’Theory’, in the vein of Foucault, Negri or Guatteri, Labica’s importance lay in sustaining the independent critical spirit on the left. His writings have influenced generations of socialists and Marxists. Above all he kept alive the kind of First International democray of Marx himself.

Largely unknown to the left in the English speaking world (where the academic left tends to live cloistered from the kind of activism Labica represented), he was recognised by the German, Spanish and Italian ones, to cite but a few.

Labica ‘s death is a great loss.

I need hardly add that I have been influenced by Labica – or that I was once due to meet him at a TMR meeting. But he was delayed at his work. 

Written by Andrew Coates

February 25, 2009 at 11:49 am

European Unrest Reaches Ipswich (We Hope).

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Ipswich TUC AGM
Ipswich TUC AGM

Ipswich and District TUC AGM last night. After reports, which underlined our very successful Ipswich May Day Festival, backing for various public sector disputes, and support for campaigns (amongst others, defending Council Housing, fighting for Trade Union rights and international solidarity) we moved onto administrative business. Re-election of officers, discussion of the coming year. Our main resolution for the Trades Council Conference is on Primary Education, opposing the over-use of testing and evaluation, with a  call for a wider curriculum, including humanities and arts. Another motion, proposed by Lowestoft TUC, will seek to expand the demands that arose from the Lindsey refinery dispute. In  place of attempts to divide workers, it will focus on opposition to the bosses’ efforts to use EU legislation to divide them, and will demand measures to support employment rights.


An important discussion took place about a labour movement sponsered scheme to introduce information about Trade Unions into Secondary Schools. This is now taking place, with good results. To no-one’s surprise many of the students had previously not been exactly keenly aware of the existence of unions.

Politically the months ahead look interesting.  Taking the cue from comrade Plod we activists hope to find foot-soldiers for a Summer of Rage. There are plans to organise seriously for the 28th of March Demonstration – backed by the TUC . This calls for Jobs and Fairness,  ”an economy based on fair distribution of wealth, decent jobs for all and a low carbon future”. No prizes for guessing what we will focus on.


Gordon Brown is visibly ailing. An alternative on the left has yet to emerge. From the other side of the spectrum, the BNP, far-right nationalism is undoubtedly picking up support. It will be shoved aside not by preaching about the Nazis, and certainly not by weakening a commitment to anti-racist secularism by alliances with political religion. Nor by well-meaning march-against-poverty moralism. No, what we need are strong class politics, an identity of unity and action: a real fight against exploitation and oppression (see Crumb cartoon insert). Dublin and Paris (to name but two) show the way!

Or so I like to think.

Written by Andrew Coates

February 26, 2009 at 11:28 am

Welfare Reform: Making Opposition Effective.

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This coming Tuesday 3rd of March there is a mass lobby of Parliament against the Welfare Reform Bill. It is sponsored by a  number of unions (including the PCS) and Welfare campaigning charities, such as the Child Poverty Action Group. A Public Meeting will be held in at 12.30 at Committee Room 14.  For those unaware of the seriousness of the Government’s attack on the pillars of the Welfare State I refer them to more information via the categories section of this Blog under Workfare. The prospect of a punitive system, based on throwing large amounts of cash to private companies in order to dragoon the unemployed, the disabled and single parents, into a rapidly shrinking labour market market is beginning to ring alarm bells. Initially only small independent Left magazines, like Chartist and Labour Left Briefing, a handful of left Blogs,  and campaigners took the issue up.  The PCS and other Unions have also been deeply concerned. While the liberal left has up till now either tacitly endorsed its plans to compel the workless sweat for their Dole, or has (in Red Pepper’s shameful case)  simply ignored the plans of Minister James Purnell and his banker Adviser, David Freud, the mood seems to be changing. After all it is nice well-educated people who are signing on these days.

There remain serious problems about the shape of the campaign against Welfare Reform. Mick highlight the fact, for example, that the Disability Alliance (and others) Charter of rights  (proposed to counter the more draconian aspects of the legislation) is flawed: it does not reject  the principle of compulsion clearly enough. Some years back (2002) the Unemployed Workers’ Centres Combine published a Bill of Rights for Benefits Claimants and Department for Work and Pensions Staff. This notably demanded a a “decent benefits system free from compulsion”. It noted the Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights stated that,

  • Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions for work and protection against unemployment.
  • Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
  • Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration, ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary by other means of social protection.

Clearly Workfare violates every one of these provisions. From ‘free choice’, equal pay (with those in employment, remuneration to ‘dignity’, it promises serious attakcs on basic human rights. Existing New  Deal Schemes (which the Bill of Rights ciriticsed0 equally involve compulsion, meaningless ‘trianing’ (imagine sitting five days a week in front of a Computer screen doing ‘job’ search), and bullying. Not to mention the involvement of profiteering companies and questionable (that is, motivated by, for example, religious doctrines, or empire building) ‘voluntary sector’ bodies.  Pouring cash into the ‘providers’  to operate  public provision for the out-of-work and welfare system, will aggravate assaults on human rights. Putting the unemployed into forced labour will require an army of overseers, a potential for siphoning off money (already a difficulty), and will cause a great deal of useless pain.

Counter-demands, for a decent Benefit system, have been published. But are existing campaigns fit for purpose? Charitable campaigning bodies have a role, but are they the right vehicle to challenge the whole system? Who actually’speaks’ for those affected if not themselves? Do we want to become just a “lobby group”? Is this the way we can get Gordon Brown or David Cameron to back down? Do we want to rebuild a real unemployed workers’ movement with effective trade union backed centres? These are political, class, issues, which need radical labour movement backing. Tony Greenstein asks these questions, in a  way which resonates with those activists involved in the issues. He has asked this to be posted. Posted it is. (see also Tony here).


28 February 2009


Richard Exell,

Senior Policy Advisor

Economic & Social Affairs Department

Congress House

Great Russell Street

London WC1B 3LS


Dear Richard,


Re:      National Consultative Meeting of Unemployed Workers’ Centres. [NCMUWC]


My apologies for not being able to attend today’s meeting of the NCMUWC.


I was elected to the NCMUWC some 18 months from SERTUC and after having become read the minutes of one of the meetings I sent a paper to the NCMUWC entitled‘What is the purpose and role of the Unemployed Workers Centres’ Committee?


When this was eventually discussed, about a year ago, instead of it enabling those present to try and think about the role and purpose of the committee, it merely produced a defensive reaction amongst those attending, not least its Chair Kevin Flynn.  I have therefore come to the conclusion that it would be futile to believe that the present committee, or indeed the present structures, are capable either of reform or rising to the challenge of the new circumstances we face today with unemployment expected to hit at least 3 million, which is the level that occurred during the Thatcher era when unemployed centres were first formed. 


At the same time as unemployment is rapidly rising the Government’s Welfare Reforms are also hitting claimants hard.  Claimants are being pilloried by New Labour with their obnoxious ‘benefit thieves’ advertisements, which are the modern equivalent of the attitudes of the Poor Law Commissioners.  I have though seen no sign that the Committee is capable of rising to the challenge.  Indeed it is content to continue along the same path it has trod in the past decade and more. 


In particular the NCMUWCseems wedded to a wholly useless and ineffective joint campaign ‘End Child Poverty’, with the Child Poverty Action Group.  CPAG does, as any welfare advisor will confirm, an excellent job in producing a handbook and other information, taking test cases etc.  However as a charity CPAG is not a political organisation and its campaigns are very much restricted to lobbying for amelioration of the situation of particular groups without seeing what is happening in the wider, political context of ensuring a continuous supply of cheap labour to the British economy.


The very title of the 2008 TUC Poverty Conference says it all.  ‘Challenging Povertyism’.  Apart from the fact that such a word doesn’t exist in the English language and that its use displays a poverty of imagination, it should be obvious that Poverty is not an attitude of mind or prejudice but a situation caused by the nature of the system we live in.  Unlimited money to bail out bankers from the consequences of their own gambling habits and sanctions for claimants who don’t jump through the necessary hoops.


There is an urgent need for the trade union and labour movement to begin the task of organising an unemployed workers movement which is capable of providing a voice, direction and campaigning structures for those of their members who have been laid off or made redundant.  One would expect such a body to resist proposals such as the abolition of Incapacity Benefit (something the TUC itself has been all but silent over) and the use of sanctions as a whip to coerce the unemployed into becoming a reservoir of cheap labour.  The forcing of parents of young children to attend work focussed interviews and be available for if not actively seeking work, is producing mass resentment amongst people yet the NCMUWC is incapable of formulating any proposals for a campaign.  The NCMUWCsees itself as just one more lobby group.


We are thus facing a situation whereby Unemployed Centres are continuing to decrease or cut their links with the trade union and labour movement and yet the need for them is ever increasing.  The NCMUWC hasn’t even begun to address this issue or the fact that there isn’t a single unemployed centre in the Greater London Region.  The refusal of trade union leaders to provide adequate funding to Unemployed Centres, at one and the same time as they are funding New Labour’s attacks on their own members is an absurdity which the NCMUWC, in its supine timidity, would not dream of even raising preferring instead to accept the odd crumb from the table.  For example in the minutes of the meeting of 2.10.08., the raising of £1,900 from five national unions for the National Offa appeal, of which £1,000 came from PCS alone, is seen as some kind of victory.


The other problem is that the Committee is a ‘consultative committee’ rather than an organising committee.  Because I see no future for this committee, other than as a rest home for those whose whole life has entailed running UWCs, I am tendering my resignation as of today.


Yours fraternally,




Tony Greenstein

Secretary – Brighton & Hove Unemployed Workers Centre

Written by Andrew Coates

February 28, 2009 at 11:06 am

Suspect Accused of Killing Guadeloupean Trade Unionist.

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Fine for the Yatch-owning Classes.

And end to the Crisis in the French-speaking Caribbean? The upheaval may be at a pause, but nothing is settled. The negotiating stalemate continues in Gaudeloupe, notably due to the refusal of the main employers’ organisation the MEDF, to agree to wage rises. There has been serious unrest in Martinique. Now we hear that the French island, la Réunion (Indian ocean) will see a General Strike next week.  This news arrives (and flatly contradicts the idiotic rumours put about by anglophone anarchists that the police were to blame) :

“Un Guadeloupéen de 35 ans, meurtrier présumé du syndicaliste Jacques Bino, a été mis en examen pour meurtre et tentative de meurtre et écroué à Pointe-à-Pitre.” (Nouvel Obsevateur).

A 35 year old Guadeloupean, presumed to be the killer of the trade unionist Jacques Bino, is being examined in the investigation for murder and imprisoned at Pointe-à-Pitre.

Reflection: a majority of French metropolitan inhabitants favour Independence for these ‘departments’. However, while there are strong reasons to push the French Antilles to ‘identity’ demands (language, culture) the economicties are strong. The views of those who live there (according to polls) are more mixed. Many people in these Caribbean isles may criticise the hold the descendants of the French colonialists (the békés)  have over their countries, but  worry about losing even relative equality with France for services and a standard of living with some social protection.Polls indicate this ambiguity: the problem is to guarantee these advantages with independence.

Interesting to re-read Franz Fanon’s Peau noire, masques blancs (in English, White Masks, Black Skins). Fanon was from Martinique, and, despite a common colonial legacy,  there’s a slightly different background there. But he very acutely outlines the cultural contradictions between an Antilles black self-sense, notably the use of the local créole, both considered even today as ‘without a history’, and European French culture  and language. Yet, some things have changed. The wonderful writer, activist and poet, Aimé Césaire (from Martinique), who died last year, opened many people’s eyes to black consciousness (négritude), without being an advocate of bourgeois multi-culturalism or identity politics (here: in English). One should always be aware of this background. I note that when Césaire died the French media made it their major story. At the same time I found myself having to explain who the man was to local black (anglophone) Africanists’!

Written by Andrew Coates

March 1, 2009 at 12:15 pm

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Euro-Elections, RMT and Front de Gauche.

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A Real Euro-Elections Campaign.

The British transport union, the RMT, at the initiative of Trades Unionists Against the European Constitution,  is said (here) to be indulging  itself (and its members’ money) in an ‘anti-EU’ List for the June European elections.

Supporters claim that such a List (assembled in a few months) can win votes – on the basis of some London meetings and the generosity of the RMT. It’s policies are said to centre on these points:

* Reject the Lisbon Treaty
* No to EU directives that privatise our public services
* Defend and develop British manufacturing
* Repeal ECJanti-trade union rulings and no to social dumping
* No to racism and fascism
* No to EU militarisation
* Restore democracy to EU member states
* Replace unequal EU trade deals with fair trade that benefits developing nations
* Scrap EU economic rules designed to stop member states from implementing reflationary policies
* Keep Britain out of the eurozone 

Nearly all this wish-list is, I note,  negative. Sure, get rid of the Lisbon Treaty. Why not every other Treaty the Government has signed – I can’t think of any good ones. What’s in their place? Not a word on how to construct a socialist or social republican Europe. That is one which encourages social ownership, pro-trade union legislation, and expanding European democracy. Instead we get ’restoring’ democracy to ‘member’ states, and backing ‘British manufacturing’. So after this  ‘Restoration’, the aim is to implement something like the old Alternative Economic Strategy. That’s  plans to make this land a shining City on the Hill. Towering above militarism. Still, International solidarity has its place: charity (‘fair trade’).

Save the Pound chaps!

In France there’s a real electoral campaign being launched by the left. If anyone want to see how a  serious challenge in the ballot box is organised they couldn’t do better than look at the way the Front de Gauche in France is setting about things (here and here). I disagree with the PCF and Parti de Gauche’s (more nuanced) anti-EU stand: Iwant to emphasise means to change it, not walk away from it. But in any case, their activity makes you realise how far  the UK anti-EU Constitution lot have to go before they even begin to be taken seriously.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 2, 2009 at 12:53 pm

Welfare Reform Lobby: Inspiring and to the Point.

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A Great Success.

I was down in London on Tuesday at the Welfare Reform lobby- co-ordinated by the PCS union. It was truly impressive.  A packed (it is traditional to say this but it’s true)  House of Commons Committee room listened to an inspiring platform. With around twenty speakers it’s hard to single out any individual. There were high-powered trade unionists (General Secretaries no less, such as Tony Woodley, UNITE/T&G),  the FBU, and the GMB (who spoke on the cruel fate of Remploy – factories for the disabled now heartlessly discarded), the NUS,  doughty Labour left MP, John MacDonnell, and a gamut of activists, from the excellent Ms Cohen of a single-parents’ pressure group, a representative from the drugs Charity Release,  to disabled activists. All were present to stand up against the Government’s plans to privatise welfare, introduce workfare, and penalise  the vulnerable.

That we are not a minority, but a coalition of the majority was clear during the event. Mark Serwotka, PCS General Secretary, set the right tone by citing a PCS-sponsered opinion poll that 79% of people are not confident of surviving on the current rate of jobseekers allowance (£60.50) according to ICM. A mere 6% trusted  private firms to properly run DWI services (Here).

The atmosphere was extremely comradely (Tony Woodley and the GMB chap called us comrades so I feel it’s correct to use this word). It was a real people’s meeting. The loathing in general of the ‘reform’, and Purnell in particular, was almost palpable.

What brought such a solid platform, from the heart of our movement, to express this rage at the Labour Government?

Readers of this Blog will be aware of the threat the Purnell-Freud Legislation poses to the basic principles of the Welfare State. It will introduce coercion for the workless, hive off  hefty chunks of welfare and Job Centre  provision to profit-making companies, and make the lives of those on benefits a misery. Mark Serwotka  targeted the centre of this strategy, privatising and introducing forced labour (now relabeled ‘work experience’ ). This will be compulsory work (ranging for a short sharp shock for newcomers to limitless drudgery for the long-term unemployed), at well less than 2 quid an hour. At the same time PCS members are to see their jobs transferred to exactly the type of incompetent profiteers who have brought this country to the brink of a slump. Serwotka warned that we should expect to see Cabinet spin on this, that there would be ‘tailored’ services for all, and ‘opportunity’ – which will no doubt demonstrate Brown’s minions’ capacity for spouting cack  – after all else has left them.

During the meeting one aspect of the ‘reform’ caught my attention: the introduction of a total surveillance state for drug addicts. The most intimate details of their lives will be traded between police and welfare agencies, their existence regulated so thoroughly it will resemble imprisonment in a gaol. 

To Purnell, he will not shrink from all this because it is “right”. He’s not so wrong. That is, it goes right to shatter the most fundamental core of the Welfare State: to protect, and provide a ‘safe home’ for those who are in need. In its place we will have a mixture a system based on threats, and profiteering, no doubt with a dose of charity, religious or otherwise (‘voluntary’ and ‘faith’ groups are now in line for a surge in their hold on the provision of welfare). In brief: Gradgrind, Mr Beadle and Mrs Bountiful will replace the Welfare State.

A chap from Compass sounded a hopeful note towards the conclusion: the free-market ideology of New Labour is dying on its feet. One might say that it was based (explicitly in Mandelson’s case) on the idea that finance-capitalists and wealthy entrepreneurs were the ‘rising’ class. In a strange throwback to the stand of  some before the 1st World War they saw these ‘big beasts’ (from that time, now known as Robber Barons – who knows what we’ll call the present crop) – they wagered on their success. Bet lost. What we need, are plans for real welfare, and social justice – I believe they used to be called democratic socialism.

For that we need to start campaigning, agitating against the New Poor Laws, now.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 4, 2009 at 11:06 am

Waiting for the Etonians: Review of Nick Cohen’s Latest Book.

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Eton Spats.




Nick Cohen is dismayed. Professionally. He rants, but is terribly reasonable. He finds little reasonableness in the world he looks on. There lie the ruins of popular capitalism. This gives Cohen but small pleasure. He had pointed to the complacency of the Labour governments of Blair and Brown, which inflated the housing and financial bubble. Its policies funded by a deal with Capital, or bluntly, by “prostituting itself” to the City. Cohen had seen that “The spivery of the City afflicted the political left as severely as its blind optimism.”(P 26) He had uncovered subsidised tax breaks for private equity barons, foreign billionaires and British companies with boltholes in tax havens. (P 345) In short, had we read his columns, we would have learnt the truth. This collection of articles bears witness. Not to praise folly, but to condemn it.
Nobody listened. Now he listens himself. It’s time to admit the free-market reformist wing’s merits: Labour’s public investments and the consumer boom together fostered a degree of modest personal happiness. Yet (see above) these conditions are evaporating, as the sources in expanding finance dry out. What has the Cabinet, the Third Way, or whatever they call it now (other than save your own skin), to offer? Cohen has more to say. Brown manages some ‘social democratic’ measures – taking the helm of the banking system. Will he go further? Where to? Cohen can only note that the left, from Government to the wilder shores of Trotskyism, has nothing to offer. Nothing whatsoever.
The author of What’s Left? (2007) is something of a cult figure on the British left. Admired for his capacity to roar, bellow indeed, though some, who do not measure up to his standards of decency, do not always relish his assertions about the left’s history and ideology. Sample, no doubt weighed on a heavily broken scale, “Because there is no coherent left-wing political programme, anyone can affect a leftist posture, just as anyone can walk into a shop.”(P 188) Ouch!
Cohen’s collection of journalism shows him generally in fine fettle. Sharp digs at once fashionable ideas from the ‘therapy culture’, and personal growth (though done better by the late Christopher Lasch in The Culture of Narcissism 1979), go down well amongst bitter and twisted leftists. So does attacking the culture industries’ treatment of “underprivileged whites” with “suspicion and condescension” living in a “parasites paradise, scrounging of the cozened middle classes” continues unabated. We lack, he rightly says, someone with the moral depth of Dickens to stir opinion about the poverty of millions. Or, I add, a Balzac to rip into the speculators and financiers.
The long-term trend, partly imported from America, for the liberal left to prioritise ‘equality of opportunity’ through promoting people’s identities, is rightly lambasted. Diversity often means flattering diverse prejudices, “..it has become racist to oppose sexists, homophobes and fascist from other cultures.”(P 191) There is an “intolerance of the intolerable inculcated by postmodernism, and the doubts about democracy in the liberal mainstream.”(P 192) Real equality, and better living conditions, are not achieved through a race with plenty of losers, endless ‘monitoring’, and promoting ‘diversity; while failing to improve the lot of all. Again, Robert Hughes’ Culture of Complaint (1993) has been there before. But there’s nothing wrong is rattling out the good old tunes.
Nick Cohen is famously opposed to appeasement of religious reaction, above all Islamism. He writes that, “When society decides that people’s religion, rather than their class or gender, is the cultural fact that matters, power inevitably passes to religious fanatics who believe religion justifies any crime.”(P 144) He appears to think that, when “confronted with ultra-reactionary movements and dictatorial regimes, liberals recommended surrender.”(P 31) Recent cases include Iraqi Baathism, and, above all, Islamist movements and regimes. All partly right. There is a kind of appeasement, exemplified in George Galloway that deserves Cohen’s loathing. Self-righteous followers on this path, can scream all they like about Cohen’s ‘apologies for liberal murder’ (he doesn’t make any): they are wrong.
Yet the basic analysis demands a challenge. Such surrenders are not principally due, as he elsewhere asserts, to ‘post-modernist relativism’. Galloway and those of that kidney have transferred their loyalty to the Revolution to ‘anti-imperialist’ Islamism, as in poor old Tariq Ali who thinks the Taliban are a national liberation movement, or those who consider the ultra-right-wing Hamas ‘anti-imperialist’ (for being against Israel). Livingstone is largely trawling for City Boss lieutenants.  But with others, who seek to ‘understand’ Islamism, the motives are more mixed.  Cohen’s definition of liberal tends to be an American not British one. That is a mixture of faith in social improvement, wishful thinking, transcendentalist optimism (the living experience of the Soul), and (in modern times) the betterment of a kaleidoscope of worthy oppressed groups. It is this kind of ‘trying to be fair to everyone’ liberal tolerance (deeper rooted that the transient fashion of postmodernism) which is at fault here.
It would be better to state that by definition no believer in liberty would indulge in excuses or (in the case of Respect and Ken Livingstone) alliances with reactionary religious-political groups. Nor would they, for example, praise, as Cohen’s friend Bernard Henry Lévy did, for the Afghan warlord and (non-Taliban) Islamist, Commander Massoud (here, here). What is a liberal anyway?  Mill’s definition of liberty included the freedom to think and write as one wants, freedom to tastes and pursuits, regardless of ‘moral’ rules (provided they are ‘self-regarding’ and cause no harm to others), and the freedom of assembly. Exit the Sharia and any Autocracy. For Marxists and socialists the choice is simpler: Islamicism and the dictatorships Cohen cites are vehicles of oppression. The former of the pious Moslem bourgeoisie; the latter of various hybrids of state kleptocracy and robber capitalism. 
Now that a “battered public seemed willing to embrace its old ruling class with something approaching relief.”(P 32) – the Etonians (aka David Cameron’s crew) – is there really no left in the offing? Brown’s Cabinet barely keeps its head above water. The anti-globalisation movement had little concrete to say, and its Social Forum wing has become (in the UK) the haunt of harmless cranks. The Green Party has plans to extract sunbeams from cucumbers.  Respect and the SWP are, well Respect and the SWP.
But there is a left that it emerging. It is one the spans the distance between radical social democracy, Compass, the unions, the small independent socialist publications, such as Labour Left Briefing, Chartist, and many others on the democratic socialist left, a gamut of groups, feminist, gay, anti-racist, green, and which extends to many on the ‘far left’ who are fiercely democratic. Ideas are now being developed, on welfare, public ownership and working conditions, that connect with the legacy of the socialist and labour movement. A left that never had any time for tyrants and dictatorships of whatever ilk, Stalinist, Nationalist, or Religious.  Or so I think – because I come from this movement. As do many. It’s a shame that other than offering some warmed over diatribes, and a few real insights on class and culture, wrapped in well-written prose, that Nick Cohen doesn’t seriously engage with us. Perhaps the East Wind has frozen his frowning face.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 5, 2009 at 1:17 pm

Police Data Base on Protestors: Secret Plods Have a Ball.

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 Inspector Plod’s Bedtime Read.

The Guardian today leads on – more than probable -  revelations about official activist-spotting. That the British Bobbies (warm furry chaps and chappetes) are trying their hands at being the Secret Police (cold, haughty, of no known, or trans, gender). Their efforts to assemble data bases on political protesters  have obvious origins:  suspicion of people who ruffle the State’s feathers. Not to mention something called the Surveillance Society, put plainly, bureaucratic empire-building. In general these schemes get caught up, like Gabriel Syme’s (in The Man Who was Thursday) in fictional organisations (‘Central Council of AlterGlobalisers’?), and various kinds of pointless skulduggery. All of which get publicised through the media. It will always be thus under capitalism…until the oceans are lemonade and Tendance Coatesy comes to power. I make the prediction, for example,  that before the 28th of March TUC-backed Put People First March there will be stories in the press about ‘wild’ anarchists ‘planning’ something or other on the demonstration. But crudely, all this is not a surprise.

Some observations:

  • The existence of a ‘black list’ in the building trade, principally aimed at the stroppy and the unionised, is something concrete which shows how information-gathering can hurt lives. I’m not so sure that electronic methods alone are the worst. I know that in my own case that when a New Deal Adviser phoned up a variety of local employers they found (and said to me) that I was black-listed de facto – without a data base in sight.
  • If the Rozzers want to know what political activists are doing that can read the Web, the Weekly Workers, etc etc. We have little to hide and much to uncover (about our opponents). Mind you that’s cheaper and less imposing than photo-shoots and getting up glossy dossiers,  so I suppose this helpful tip will not be listened to.
  • There are some ‘activists’ (I hesitate to call them political since they are ‘anti-politics’) who are a real problem. I cite Islamicists. An element amongst them promotes brutal actions against a variety of targets, above all ‘kaffirs’.  Some on the liberal and not so liberal left show an unwarranted tolerance for them. Reasons? One suspects better found in the works of Sacher-Masoch  and Freud’s texts on the Death Instinct. Similarly the Animal Liberation movement has a violent fringe. These are loathsome to all progressive humanity. Proof? I simply mention the recent cases of vicious harassment of individuals and their families. No-one can object to surveillance when anti-human violence is a menace.

Is this data-base a threat to civil liberties?  Yes, clearly. Is it going to make me lose sleep? No: I’ve always worked with the assumption that the State is aware of left activists. Partly flattering, often annoying. But what am I going to do to change it  this week?

Written by Andrew Coates

March 7, 2009 at 11:47 am

Welfare Reform Therapy: There’s a Lot of Ruin in the Notion.

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Therapy for the Workless.

The Observer today reports that a keystone of its Welfare ‘Reform’ programme is flawed. Well, a bit more. A tissue of lies and cover-ups for the usual crew of useless private companies touting for business on the backs of the less fortunate, (end of clause) has come to light. In the sensitive area of incapacity claimants no less.

 A report marked “restricted” revealed how the private companies placed just 6% of incapacity benefit claimants on their books into work, rather than the 26% they had claimed would be possible when they bid for contracts. This compared to 14% achieved by state job centres during the same period. The report described the performance of the private contractors as “not satisfactory”.

Now unbiased commentators like Tendance Coatesy could have foretold this. We have heard a slew of heart-rending cases of people harassed, forced into unsuitable ‘schemes’, and the usual range of personal tales of great misery. The fact is that getting people with physical and mental difficulties into jobs is no simple task. It’s certainly not aided by money-grubbers, of whatever well-turned out stripe.

Not that all, it must be said, the problems in the to-be-farmed off benefits system are the  fault of the way existing private contractors operate. Job Centres themselves can be pretty threatening places, and not just for work-shy gobby Marxist dossers like our good selves. Just to give one case: they are already charged with funnelling people into the notorious ‘New Deal’ programme. Willy-nilly. This can be calmly described as an ‘open prison’ and a make-dosh opportunity for a variety of dodgy ‘trainers’ and ‘placement providers’ (amid a few good eggs that is). Apart from anything else the Dole queues have got too large for them to deal with effectively. Sign on, and meet the crowds. Due to multiply. Hell knows what it’ll be like when they roll out the full workfare boot-camp call-up. Tasar manufactuers will make a killing.

Yet help is at hand. Damp down the protests lads and ladettes. The same Observer leads with this encouraging news. “Victims of the recession to get therapy. State aid planned to fight job anxiety.”

Fears of a depression and an anxiety epidemic, caused by the recession, are forcing the government to offer psychological help to millions of people facing unemployment, debt and relationship breakdown. Sufferers will be referred to psychotherapists for expert counselling via an advice network linking Jobcentres, doctors’ surgeries and a new NHS Direct hotline.

Under the plan, which will involve training 3,600 more therapists and hundreds more specialist nurses, psychotherapy centres will be established in every primary care trust by the end of next year.

Further legislation, exclusively leaked to Tendance Coatesy, reveals plans to combine the scheme with the New Deal/Workfare. To adapt to the changing patterns of market positioning and reskilling, the unemployed will be given ‘talking cures’ to resolve their maladjustment issues. ‘Fitting in’ will be a quality programme individually tailored and incorporates health and safety legislation. In line with existing rules those failing to comply with the assessment/compliance criteria will be ‘exited‘.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 8, 2009 at 12:02 pm

International Women’s Day: Iranian Activists.

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 Iranian Women Activists In London.

International Women’s Day. Just some interesting photos and reports from the Iranian left women’s movement all over the world (largely Worker Communist Party). In Battaile Socialiste.


Tendance Coatesy cannot stress enough how important it is to back the Hands off the People of Iran’s Campaigns, from opposing sanctions (that would bolster the Clerical Regime), opposing a US-led military attack (if it gets back in the picture), to supporting the democratic secular opposition, from trades unionists to women’s and LGBT rights.


Here and here (both 2007) are some further reasons why. We await up-to-date reports of what happened yesterday.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 9, 2009 at 11:16 am

French Radical Left: Strong but Disunited for European Elections.

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NPA: Only a United Front From Below.

According to the opinon pollers, Ifop, the PCF-PG (Left Front) has  4% voting intentions, against 9% for the NPA (Olivier Besancenot)  and 3% for Lutte ouvrière. This totals 16% for the combined radical left score, against 8,6%  2004 results (when neither the NGA’s forerunner, the LCR, nor LO got seats). 

Olivier Besancenot, generally thought to play a major part in his party’s good image,  is on a NPA list, but not far enough up to be in sight of any position to win a seat at Brussels. One would attribute this decision to a desire to stay close to the terrain of day-to-day politics. I must say that I warm to Olivier, and the fact that he lives a couple of bus stops away from where I had my Parisian flat does little to lessen this. But I underline that those expressing reservations about the strategy of the NPA have a lot on their side: you can’t just ‘jump over’ forces like the PCF and the PG; not at least if you want to build something substantial on the left  – see below.

Christian Picquet, leader of the NPA minority current that’s favourable to an alliance between the Front de Gauche and his party, has maintained his backing for such a List. In its absence he says he supports the PCF-PG electoral bloc. He argues that apart from a better election result, it would offer a serious challenge to the Parti Socialiste, and break with the endless fragmentation of the French left.

Of the current NPA direction, Picquet says

«Le NPA était censé apporter un renouvellement des pratiques à gauche. En réalité, il se comporte comme une boutique qui fait prévaloir ses propres intérêts par rapport à l’intérêt général du peuple de gauche», a-t-il déploré.

He regretted, “The NPA was meant to bring  fresh air to the activity of the left. In reality it has behaved like a business, and puts its own interests well before those of the left as a whole.”

Selon lui, «l’écho qu’a le NPA aujourd’hui et la popularité d’Olivier Besancenot les amènent à penser qu’ils ont les clefs de la réponse politique à la crise dela gauche et à la colère sociale», mais le NPA est «dans une bulle qui les enferme dans une illusion mortifère».

According to him, “The echo the NPA has found at the moment, and Olivier Besancenot’s popularity, have led them to think that they are they key forces that can respond to the left’s crisis and society’s rising anger.” But the NPA is, “in a bubble which imprisons them inside a deadening illusion.”


The Weekend’s  6,000 strong meeting for the PCF-PG and allies succesful rally here. Piquet’s role in standing up for Unity is extensively covered on this, the Humanité site.

Watchers of the French left await the NPA’s response to this defiance. Note added Wednesday: it seems as it’s coming to the turning point as if Picquet’s crew have ‘self-excluded’ themselves.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 10, 2009 at 1:00 pm

Review: Under Two Dictators. Margarete Buber-Neumann.

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Train to Where?

Train to Where?

Review of ‘Under Two Dictators. Prisoner of Stalin and Hitler’. Pimlico 2008.  

Margarete Buber-Neumann’s testimony of suffering in Stalin’s Camps, and then, in the Third Reich’s, is a key document of the twentieth century. After an intense period of activism in the German Communist Party (KPD) she and her husband, the leading KPD official Heinz Neumann, fled when Hitler came to power, and headed for the Soviet Union. Employees of the Comintern, they worked in France, and in Spain, during the Civil War. As the Communist International  became, as she puts it, a branch of the secret police, the GPU, any disagreements with the Soviet run leadership, and ‘unreliability’ became capital offences. When the Great Purges began in 1937, and hundreds of German Communists were arrested,  Heinz was one of them,  a ‘deviationist’. Neumann was tortured in the Lubyanka and soon shot. Initially in a social limbo, ostracised (though a few managed to show her acts of kindness) and frantically trying to get news of her partner, Margarete was arrested in 1938 and spent miserable months crammed into a Moscow gaol. In January 1939 she was sentenced to five years imprisonment and sent to the Gulag.  From there, in one of the most sordid deals of the Hitler-Stalin Pact, in 1940 she was handed over to the Nazis and then sent to Ravensbrück. Miraculously she survived to write down her story, published in 1948. This,  as the enlightening Introduction states, is “one of the most important survivor memoirs of totalitarian terror.”(P xxii) It is now back in print through Pimlico. Nearly every page makes harrowing reading.


Buber-Neumann reached an international audience for her role in exposing the lies of the French Communist journal, Les Lettres Françaises, in the famous liberal case brought against Soviet defector Kravchenko (I chose Freedom). The PCF denied the Soviet Archipelago of Penal Servitude. She, to their chagrin, was living proof of the existence of the Gulag. That is, sent East with others on a hundred thousand strong slave labour mission to turn barren steppe into fertile fields for crops and grazing. Not even  cutlery and mess tins were provided for their daily use. Everything, primitive huts ownards, had to be built. Great disorder reigned amid back-breaking toil. The division between favoured ‘Criminals’ and ‘Politicals’ (noted by all survivor accounts) made their lives a living hell. The description of remorseless oppressive and chaotic daily life prefigures Solzhenitsynby many years. Initially (soon to be disabused) she found conditions in Germany a relief, “The Ravensbrück hut seemed a palace to me after the wretched clay huts of Birma. And the equipment: a proper lavatory, a washroom with proper basins, tables, stools and lockers!”(P 166) This was not to last as the Nazi extermination programme was stepped up. Everything went worse and worse. But. in the hard winter of 1944 – 5 the Cremetorian was in full swing, its “.. glow at nights was almost always there.”(P 263)



The narrative must be read in full, a vivid word picture of existence at its lowest,  from the Gulag, to the darkness  in the Konzentrationslager. Memorable are acts of resistance, however ultimately to little avail, from left oppositionists to the most downtrodden victims. In the course of this journey to hell, two reflexions stand out.



The first, is the mechanism which undergirded Stalin’s mass murders had its original in a Bolshevik institution of long-standing. It was not just the constant adulation of the Leader and the Party. It was permanent efforts to ‘purify’ the CPSU, an urge whose origins lie in Lenin’s not Stalin’s time. That is, the “Tchistka, or purge, was a regular institution in the Russian Communist party.”(P 15)  Originally designed as a way of clearing out ‘dead wood’ (human beings deemed unsuitable, unworthy, then, unreliable, then nonconformist, non-orthodox, dissident, anything other than fully obedient Stalinists). A fright that leaves those saved all the worse morally.  Any Party member had the right to get up and denounce any other member, pointed questions about political past and present activities, if guilty of some deviation had to do public penance, Often a preliminary to actual arrest. “It can be imagined what an opportunity all this offered of paying off old scores.”(P 15)  One can easily imagine.


The second is a moral observation, “Christian morality declares that suffering ennobles the sufferer. That can be only a very qualified truth. Life in a concentration camp showed the contrary to be true more often than not. I think that nothing is more demoralising than suffering, excessive suffering coupled with humiliation such as comes to men and women in concentration camps. That is true of individuals and probably of whole people.!”(P 185) To her, it’s not like ordinary prison, where there’s  one blow, loss of freedom, is only the first. “You had lost all human rights – all, all without exception. You were just a living being with a number to distinguish you from the other unfortunates around you.”(P 185) What can you say to that?


The final passages contain further reflections. In the wake of her liberation Margarete was, like millions, adrift in a defeated Germany. On her wanderings she met with dissident Communists, who had rebelled against Stalinism in the KPD and retained their faith under the Nazis.  Her host began by stating that, “The Comintern was used only for what was useful to the Russians.”(P 311) Something went deep inside Buber-Neumann, “I experienced a long, long forgotten feeling of happiness, K hesitatingly, and with uncertain words, directed the following question at me: ‘Comrade Grete, what do you actually think of Soviet Russia. You have been there, haven’t you? To us, you surely can tell the truth.”(P 312) Friends came in the room as she told them,  “All of them former members of the KPD, members of the opposition who, like K, had left the Communist Party yet had remained antifascists imprisoned by the Nazis for many years in penitentiary or KZ,”(P 312) Nevertheless they remained treated by Communists as traitors, “Yet they still considered themselves to be Communists, they believed that they were the fighters for the true the fact that their ideological foundations was already damaged at all its corners. They didn’t dare yet to doubt Lenin, let alone the October Revolution or even Marxist theory. The great traitor was called Stalin.”(P 312) She described the full extent of the Big Cleansing and the Show trials. When she  got to the Hitler-Stalin Pact and  the Soviets handing her over to the Nazis one of her audience couldn’t control himself, “filthy killers!” he shouted.  

These are surely good people every democratic  left-winger would identify with. But is the following the case? “The path of suffering hadn’t ended yet for them, but already they had known the pain that a Communist feels when he loses his political   faith and has to re-orientate himself in this life – lonely and banished. (P 313) It seems an impertinence to comment after such a series of terrifying experiences. But one holds to the democratic root of Marxism so firmly because it is strongly planted, for all the efforts to tear it up.


The tale finishes on the most glorious of notes. Her heart-rending welcome in the House of Johannes Thuring, by her mother, sister, brother in law Dr Fleiss, and their children, rings in the mind, “From above on the steep wooden stairs at the entry to the house my mother’s voice, which had turned old, called over and over again, ‘Had  she really come? Has she really come…’”(P 341)

Margarete was embedded in the culture of the 20th century. Apart from her link to the core of German Communism her first husband, Rafael Buber, was the son of Martin Buber, the Jewish philosopher. In Ravensbrück she befriended Melina, that is the woman of  Kafka’s beautiful letters Briefe an Melina. The two had promised that the one who managed to live would write down what they had seen. Melina wasted away, but Margarete managed to survive. She must be listened to. I don’t care about her eventual support for German Christian Democracy. This book has something that stays






Written by Andrew Coates

March 12, 2009 at 2:06 pm

I’m a French Minister of the Family: No Web Rude Comments about Me.

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On France-Inter this morning and on various French newsmagazine sites (here and  (here).

The Secretary of State for the Family, Nadine Morano, has brought a legal complaint against Dailymotion and Youtube for having published links with videos containing comments about her that she considers insulting and wounding. The Public Prosecution service will investigate and consider the case.

The above is an amusing shot of Nadine pissed out of her head (bourrée) and shows her ‘dancing’ (cavorting as only politicians know how). There’s plenty of savoury comments posted about her on the site.

Let’s be clear, whatever the fact that some of the rude remarks are pretty juvenile, this risks turning into another test case against Internet freedom of expression.

 I hope this doesn’t give British politicians ideas. I’ve a got a few videos to dub in mind: Peter Mandelson on ‘Money, Money Money’ as he gyrates in front of a closed post office, George Galloway, ‘You can’t hide your lying eyes’ as he grovels to some tyrant, and Gordon Brown, “It’s my party…” weeping into his whisky.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 14, 2009 at 10:39 am

Booze: It’s The Poor Wot Won’t Get Blootered.

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Save these from the Grubby Poor!

The news this morning is dominated by plans to stop poor people getting drunk (BBC).

Apparently a bottle of wine will go up to £4.50.  More to the point a tinnie of 9% cider or strong lager will probably double (at 50 pence per unit of alcohol).

No guesses for who are targeted by Sir Liam Donaldson (who’s something called the Government’s Chief Medical Officer). The least well-off. The chavs, the dole queue, the n’er-do-wells, the teenage bingers. That’s those who don’t have the money for a decent lunch of country-scavenged rocket, sun-dried tomato salad, organic goat’s cheese, and pain Poilâne.  Washed down with one glass of fair-trade Chardonnay.

Leading from in front (or wherever he can squeeze his enormous frame into) Donaldson is reported on Wikipedia as clinically obese.

Let’s be clear about this one: this is the result of the temperance lobby’s tireless campaigning. That’s right, they’ve renamed and rebranded themselves under names like ‘alcohol concern’. We are meant to forget the origins of the animosity towards drinking. It’s religious (like Sir Liam, in the broadest sense): we are (potentially) the noblest work of god. But beset by sin. People should be clean-living good girls and boys; booze, fags and lazing around – signs of the old Adam/Eve. Needs rooting out. Exorcised by Cognitive Therapy. Banned.

New Labour is full of prissy health conscious moral reformers. It is bred in the bone. Given a boost by the post-68ers who believed (unlike the left) not in changing the world but in changing themselves. One lot went into the Ayn Rand type of let-the weak-die-in-the-gutters ‘libertarianianism’. The other went holy and holier. Seeing that efforts to lead by  example (wind-mill on every roof, tofu in every tummy), they have resorted, more and more, to the brute compulsion their ideological ancestors revelled in. Hence, to cite but one case, workfare. Hence the Health Police.

This proposal is naturally a bit of a kite-flying exercise. Typical. Few now need hearing how this works. Committee, of Bumble the Beadle, Lady Bountiful and Sir Herod, advise Government that first-born of all receivers of Job Seekers’ Allowance should be sent to Artful Dodger Co. Wiltshire Salt Mines. Agonising in liberal quarters. Guardian sees merits in introducing less well-off to new skills, but reservations about lack of diversity programme in providers. Doubts elsewhere. Daily Mail points to scheme provoking shortage of chimney sweeps. David Cameron wants checks on Immigration status of all births.  Faith communities get in on act: MCB points to benefits of Sharia Law in salt production,  Archbishop of Canterbury suggests introducing Sharia for Muslim first born. Green Paper. Consultation and ‘road show’ across country. White Paper: families to be compensated with extra child care funding for remaining offspring.Polly Toynbee writes Guardian article praising foresight of Cabinet in  tackling root cause of over-producing first-born.

End result: salt mines plan introduced in ‘pilot’ for inner-city job-seekers.  

This is what will happen with the make-drinking-too-dear for the poor. The way is being prepared. As a ‘collective capitalist’ the State’s Adviser is telling business as whole that it will save money (NHS and better, soberer workforce) by this heavy price increase, even if the drinks trade loses and a further run of pubs is closed for ever. Gordon Brown goes down in history as the man who not only watered but flitched the workers’ beer.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 15, 2009 at 12:04 pm

Important Article in Taz Today about Islamist Manipulation of ‘Islamophobia’.

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Necla Kelek: Doughty Fighter for Secular Freedom.

There’s a very important article today  in the German centre-left daily, Die Tageszeitung, by Necla Kelek, (who’s of Turkish origin), taking apart, root and branch, the campaign against  ‘Islamophobia’ by various kinds of Islamists (here). The piece,  a solid essay, goes into the whole misuse of the concept of ‘racism’ in this context. She points out the racist ideas of Islamicists: that one is ‘born’ a Muslim and can never stop being one. There is a promiennt place given to  the manipulation in Turkey by pro-AKP conservative Islamicists of the alleged anti-Islam atmosphere in Germany. In short, it paints a sad picture of the ideology of Islamicism: rather than fight for equality and act against real racialist politics, it serves as a counter-banner of prejudice around an Islam beyond criticism. That is, a closed ideology constantly under ‘threat’.

I observe that it seems a common religious trope. It could be extended very widely (put in other faiths for the one cited above)  to those who continually see their religions ‘menaced’.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 16, 2009 at 12:52 pm

Posted in Islamism, Racism, Religion, Secularism

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France: Day of Action Tomorrow, Students Already in Uproar.

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European upheaval continues to grow, from Iceland, Ireland, the Baltic states, Greece, to France. Oh yes, France. Tomorrow’s one-day General Strike promises some mass activity. Not just by official union and left parties. As a taste of the urnest brewing last night there was a student demonstration of several thousand  in Paris which wound its way through half the capital. It ended up in Montmartre, accompanied by ‘incidents’. As Le Parisien reports,

“Manifestation étudiante cette nuit à Paris : 4 gardes à vue.”

As part of the protests against the government’s ‘reform’ of higher education, a ”universities night’ began in the 13th arrondisment. The students then decided to have a spontaneous demonstration, which wove its way across the capital. After briefly blocking the traffic at Châtelet, they headed for Barbès and Montmartre (this is a hell of a route I note). At this point confrontations with the police took place. Around 150 youths began breaking shop windows, and attacking cars. The CRS (riot squad) moved in and arrested four people.

Thursday’s Day of Action – called by all the unions and backed by the left parties (and the Greens, who notably refused to do so for the previous General Strike) -   has overwhelming popular support (around 70% in the polls). The defence of the public sector (the famous ‘French model’ of social protection, its difference with other European systems rather exaggerated in our view), is important, and as in the UK the future of the Post Office is an issue. This comes together with widespread anger at Sarkozy’s tax breaks for the well-off.  The latter,  ’le bouclier fiscal’ (a shield that protects those who earn the most), is causing as much anger as the Bankers’ bonuses and pensions in the UK. There is this is dissatisfaction in the private sector, anxiety about unemployment and wages drifting downwards. A further range of causes, such university researchers’ fury at plans to to base their work on a quasi-business template – as is projected for higher education as a whole is pouring fuel onto the social fire.


The central demands are: 

  • - Donner la priorité au maintien des emplois dans un contexte de crise économique. (Priority to keeping jobs during the economic crisis).
  • - Améliorer le pouvoir d’achat, réduire les inégalités dans les politiques salariales. (Raise spending power, reduce salary inequalities in pay-scales).
  • - Orienter la relance économique vers l’emploi et le pouvoir d’achat. (Turn plans to reboot the economy towards bettering employment and pay levels).
  • - Préserver et améliorer les garantiescollectives. (Preserve and improvec ollectively adopted standards – a  big difference from the UK, there are tripartite negotiations and binding agreements on a whole range of working conditions and salaries).
  • - Réglementer la sphère financière internationale. (Regulate the international financial sector).

Where this will end is not at all clear. Apart from these rather wishy-washy demands the real meat is in whether the State will back down in its drive to privatise and drop the coddled status for the higher earning classes. Sarkozy says – in effect – “I’ve already acted to deal with the financial crisis and helped protect employees. I’m not abandoning  my modernisation projects”. Will he change his mind? He has proved less ridiculously stubborn and a free-marketeer than Gordon Brown, who is notorious in Europe as the last man standing who will protect ultra-liberal EU Commissioner, Barroso. But a different Cabinet would be needed for the unions’ minimum demands to be met  - the traditional way for French Presidents to alter direction. The Unions are not seriously up for a strike to topple the François Fillon government – yet.  


Written by Andrew Coates

March 18, 2009 at 12:21 pm

Globalising Hatred – The New Anti-Semitism. Denis MacShane.

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Globalising Hatred. The New Anti-Semitism. Denis MacShane.Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2008.


I had expected to be intensely irritated by this book. Denis MacShane is Tony Blair’s former Minister for Europe, and is well-known on the Continent for preaching the Gospel of the Third Way. If only the French Socialists had listened to his message, broadcast in Le Monde and Libération, as elsewhere… They could have enjoyed the glory Gordon Brown now bathes in. While as a contrariest, one has a certain sympathy for MacShane, capable of annoying people on a grand scale, it was not to be expected that this book would contribute much to an already overabundant public debate. Yet in discussing contemporary  anti-Semitism, MacShane is unexpectedly modest, and makes a whole set of well-judged (if contestable) points. Is it therefore right to claim that “The anti-Semitism of old has morphed into something new. It is a significant component of the new ideology; one might call it the ‘Endarkenment;’ which is seeking to deOccidentalise the world.”(P 159) ? Or that, “It is Islamism the ideology that has unleashed the new twenty-first century anti-Semitism..”(P xi) ? Yes and No. In any case, these are real issues, and not provoc’ Denis being provoc’ Denis.


MacShane, like many of us on the left, managed to pass most of his life without being over-conscious of religious or ethnic identities. He begins by noting that it was only comparatively recently that he became aware, for example, of the Jewish background of some of his comrades (I have the same experience). That doesn’t mean he is not conscious of cultural identity, an important fact – I observe that defending for example the Yiddish heritage has played a role in the admirable Jewish Socialists’ Group. I doubt if his own Catholic, Irish and Polish background is forgotten either. Just that it doesn’t function as an overwhelming fact. That is when close, he could “simply stop seeing people in terms of their skin colour or religion.”(P 1)  


Good. Cleared the decks.


Now why is anti-Semitism important today? MacShane took part in the All Party Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into anti-Semitism. (Report, 2006.)  People tend to dismiss anti-Semitism, “as not important as a contemporary phenomenon” (P 7) But, he asserts, “it is a growing component element of international politics.”(P 9) I find myself in agreement. Firstly, anti-Jewish remarks and acts are far more widespread than some liberals are willing to recognise. Keeping a sense of proportion – it is rare to meet anyone in the UK with the virulent Jew psychosis of some from the former Eastern Block – it certainly exists. Secondly, this prejudice is given a boost by a noxious mix of conspiracy ‘wise-guy’ thinking, and, most significantly Islamism. Even multiculturalists have had to confront the bigotry of those who brandish the Qur’an as the solution to all ills. Thirdly, there are European political parties, such as the BNP and the French Front National, that cluster round an anti-Semitic ideology. They’re part of a wider culture. The French black ‘humourist’, Dieudonné, now parades the Holocaust denier, Robert Faurisson, on stage, and collaborates with the FN and Shiite zealots. 


Islamism. That’s it said. There have been, MacShane doesn’t mention, anti-Jewish (and anti-Non-Muslim generally) persecutions in societies where Islam has been the state faith over a long historical period.  For instance, under the 17th century Persian Safavids. There appears a diiffulty here of the dominance of religious judgement in politics – which has existed in Europe (as if anyone will let us forget this) But doctrines that believe that salvation is an exclusive property of one Faith are wide open to modern (militarised and tooled up) intolerance, and (media led) mass moblisations. Not to mention a  few (civil and external) wars of religion. On such fertile soil in the 20th century European anti-Semitic ideologists took root in historically Christian lands  but ended up embraced amongst the Islamist founding fathers. Minus the biological gibbish about race these figures encouraged, nevertheless, pure religious-racialism(faith as a quasi-gene). Globalising Hatred pays a lot of attention to this in the thinking of Sayyid Qutb - the Egyptian Islamist always cited in these cases.  His writings show a “world of unremitting hate against Jews.”(P 100)


I wonder. The Muslim Brotherhood has had more factions than Trotskyism. Its ideology, shifts around politics, and its own power, using the Sacred in different ways. The Jew is but one target, puppet-master and scapegoat. In The Root of Radical Islam. Gilles Kepel (2005) we get a broader picture.  The hatred of the Moslem Brotherhood is wider and narrower: against the Jew, for sure, but the Secularist-Freemason, Communist and Westernisers figure equally. -This goes back to the reaction against the French Revolution and the origins of the far-right. It’s angst at modernity’s shattering of the Divine Order, a fear of Obedience threatened by Critique.

This hate is a major problem. There is no way we should ‘understand’ it:  religious fanaticism can only be opposed. But is  MacShane right to work with the assumption that Islamism as such is identical to Jihadism, to suicide bombing and mass murder? Clearly not. There are those who wish to use peaceful means to impose their theocracy, those who use mass movements, and these, well those who wish simply to kill. Is not just that Muslims are victims of Jihadism, as a kind of spin off from their loathing of Jews: it is inherent to their programme to want to ‘cleanse’ the world. What and Who? See the four figures just listed. Add (and this is by no means the least): its hostility to women’s rights, to gays, to non-Muslims generally. Hey – that’s a lot.


Every chapter of Globalising Hatred is not so heavy. The pages on Tariq Ramada are a joy. Especially since the ‘Professor’ get reverential treatment in the United Kingdom. MacShane is sometimes too eager to attack political enemies (claiming, for example that Le Monde Diplomatique is purely anti-Western and pro-Islamist, ignoring secularist authors in its stable). But here he is spot on. Ramadam’s shaky qualifications, poor-level academic work, pontificating, well-funded propaganda, obscurantist puffery, platitudes, unreadability, and shifty slippery inability to answer straight questions about the Sharia should be widely broadcast. Ramadam’s role in banning Voltaire’s play, Mohamed in Geneva (an act of ‘politeness’ that makes you cringe), should be brought to very Islamophile’s attention.

It is worth thinking, for anyone, like myself, who is opposed to Zionism (from its ‘national liberation’ claims onwards), and backs a ‘two state’ solution in the Middle East, that “Just as anti-Semitism was a euphemism for anti-Jewish politics, so too is anti-Zionism an attempt to find a formula that covers up a call for the eradication of the state of Israel. And on the whole when a state gets eradicated, its citizens vanish, one way of another. So anti-Zionism is Jew-Hatred by other linguistic means”(P 83) Maybe. But it won’t stop leftist internationalists pointing out the ruthless brutality of the Israeli government, and the fundamental wrongs of the state’s nationalism. Or, at the same time, against those who back the Brotherhood inspired Hamas as a national liberation movement (with Islamic charity as some kind of ‘socialism’), it is surely justified to point to its foundations in the far-right ideology of tis founders.  


Ultimately, then, MacShane only partly persuades. Anti-Semitism is a problem. But the problem of Islamism is far deeper. His largely muted criticisms of the British government’s failures to deal with it – partly the result of their own pandering to religious communitarians – show this. Getting rid of Islamist diatribes against Judaism will in itself not break its underlying totalitarianism. That needs thorough-going criticism and social movements of hope to counter its despair.


What then is the wider nature of Islamism, and what could combat it?  Islamism is a collection of movements, whose leaderships are bourgeois, or at least middle-class. Its programme is a forced harmonious form of capitalism. Its totalitarianism is Book, not Leader, based. It claims to express a desire for justice. But fighting global injustice need egalitarian secularism, not religious supremacy, unity, not the divisions of faith. Confronting real oppressions and exploitation needs rational thought, it can’t be done on the say-so of ancient texts.  Or say-so I. Socialism, which remains a hope, has a part to play – a central one for many of us. There is no place for religious bigotry amongst all shades of democratic socialism. On a  very optimistic day I think that MacShane might one day stray from the Third Way and consider this road. He might…

Written by Andrew Coates

March 19, 2009 at 1:31 pm

Alain Bashung: Funeral Today.

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Gaby by Alain Bashung. It’s been going through my mind all week. His funeral is today. Not often that the passing of a Musician affects Coatesy so much. A la gloire d’une grande âme!

Written by Andrew Coates

March 20, 2009 at 11:12 am

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Bloody Great One Day General Strike in France.

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A great success.


The first clip was for the lead-up,  to show a bit of political music done well.



Up to four million people were involved in the union-led protests. There were scenes, a bit of a barney, at the end of the Paris March.  Followed by arrests (details). An enormous success, and an inspiration. Though apparently barely worthy of comment on the British telly last night. No doubt the fog isolated the Continent.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 20, 2009 at 11:43 am

No2EU: Egg on the Dead.

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They’re Bidding for His Vote.

No2EU, Yes to Democracy!

The Euro-Election alliance of the RMT, the CPB, the Socialist Party (still to be announced Galloway’s Respect and Sheridan’s Solidarity’s backing), and the Campaign to Defend Imperial Measures and Winding British Lanes (actually I made that bit up) is off to a flying start. To the Morning Star, the June European elections will be “electrified” - and as experts on how electricity brought Soviet Power their judgement must be respected. Meanwhile Tendance Coatesy is taking wagers on whether this doomed enterprise will get above 0,1% of the  vote.

Let us leave aside the fact that this platform’s anti-EU trademark is hotly contested by a  host of Barmy Britishers, that its exclusion – with one fell swoop - of left groups (SWP, et.al), is somewhat arbitrary. The important – though not redeeming – fact is that the original nationalist edge of the RMT-CPB has  been affected by some discreet changes in its original platform. The line about ‘restoring democracy’ to sovereign states, has been replaced by ‘repatriate’ democratic powers to EU member states. But still, a simple ‘No’ to the European Union sits badly with the strategy of demanding such changes to the EU – such as altering directives on privatisation (actually competition, but what the hell, this is not ever going to get near Brussels decision-making), and the ECJ etc. So we have an appeal to the worst traditions of the left, blaming the capitalist crisis on foreigners, the EU,  (not only British, one can find them elsewhere, such in Chevènement’s current in France), mixed up with something that could be reasonably supported if it was part of a campaign for a democratised-united social European republic. But not in this form. No.

There thus seem two programmes waiting to emerge: one, for democratised European political and economic structures, the other for a retreat to national sovereignty, with (dredged from the CPB’s dreamtime) reviving  the old Alternative Economic Strategy (national Keynsianism plus nationalisation). We can debate for a long time about whether the former should be United, Federal or Confederal, or Social or a Socialist Republic. Okay, that’s a bit of a reverie as well. But please, let’s look to the future, not to a (as they call it in France) ‘sovereigntist’  withdrawal faced with the – international - structures of capitalism (or, globalisation, neo-liberalism, etc etc etc).  Phew!

Here is the No2′s bullet point list, in all its finery:

  • Reject the Lisbon Treaty
  • No to EU directives that privatise our public services
  • Defend and develop manufacturing, agriculture and fishing industries in Britain  
  • Repeal anti-trade union ECJrulings and EU rules promoting social dumping
  • No to racism and fascism, Yes to internationalsolidarity of working people
  • No to EU militarisation
  • Repatriate democratic powers to EU member states
  • Replace unequal EU trade deals with fair trade that benefits developing nations
  • Scrap EU rules designed to stop member states from implementing independent economic policies
  • Keep Britain out of the eurozone.
  • NO, NO NO.

    That’s about it.

    Oh, YES, YES, YES: Democracy!

    Collapse of all anti-democrats.



    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 21, 2009 at 11:27 am

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    Anarchists Amok; Cool with Coatesy

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    Tremble Ye Mighty: Your Day is Done!

    It had to happen; it has happened. The anarchist-black-bloc-foaming- faction-fighters are set to cause mischief during the august G20 demonstrations. The press is well-full of ‘reports’ from concerned coppers (as forecast on this Blog by the Sage of Suffolk). Don’t you just love our quaint British traditions?

    Sunday’s papers  saw plenty of amusing material on the usual suspects: the cuddly comrades of Class War, Chris Knight of the Samba Subversives, and the usual story about a Tank being commandered to drive through the City of London. No doubt to crush under its treads the lily-livered Bankers and feeble Financers who are told to ‘dress down’ to avoid targeting. Oh Joy!

    Today’s Evening Standard leads the way in fearless reporting: “Black Bloc’ anarchists to hijack summit protests using shields and truncheons”. Poster Boy of the Day (again) is a certain Alessio Lunghi. A stalwart of the Wombles (if a wibbly-wobbly Womble can be a stalwart).

    While the No2EU, Yes to (?) campaigns against the Common Market, these brave chappetes and chaps will be out there next week bringing international capitalism to its knees.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 23, 2009 at 11:27 am

    April 1st Demos: Suffolk Sealf-Dwellan Gemoot Swoops.

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    Suffolk Socialists Storm by Ship.

    The Suffolk Sealf-Dwellan Gemoot is a leading East Anglian progressive movement. Its promotion of the local language (Olde Angliane, ‘Lille bote an Man ni Maither ne kenne hine thaet Suffolke zunge’), and its stategy, Socialism in One County, have solid support  in the small peasantry, allotment holders, and working class. From the samphire gatherers of Barrow Hill, to the miners of Wolpit, its influence is deeply-rooted. No surprise then that it intends to play a  leading role in the April 1st Protests against Internat’ Monopoly neo-liberal imperialist capitalism and the bourgeoisie.

    Ipswich comrades are busy personning a reconstructed Sutton Hoo Burial ship moored on Neptune Quay. They will sail up the Thames and occupy the hated Tower of so-called Lon-don (more like ‘den’ – of crooks). They will then muster forces with a Samba division to storm the Bank of ‘Eng-Land’ (historic oppressors of the Angles). Exclusive: it is said, and yet to be denied, that a trained squad intends to visit the British Museum to liberate the stolen hoard of Redwald’s treasures. The Gemoot had long demanded their return to the homeland.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 24, 2009 at 11:49 am

    Tendance Tips for Trouble-Makers.

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    Militant Training.

    Militant Training.

    This week the Tendance is taking a well-earned rest from theoretical production. Relating our highly developed scientific world-viewpoint to practice we offer some helpful suggestions for demonstrators during the G20 Summit. This time we’re presented with significant challenges. Capitalism is having its final crisis, and soon the streets will be running with the blood of our oppressors. What kind of politics should the dialectic follow? For a start we would like to make clear our utter abhorrence, indeed our horrencetotally, at the acts of vandalism against Sir Lordlyship Fred Goodwin more than comfortably ensconced in his Northern Château, while outside beggers in rags sort through his midden. Former Comrade Dave Dudley is occupied with campaigning for the turncoat backsliders of the No2theCommonMarkt. He is cast into the outer darkness. In place of these dodgy deviations, these are some constructive alternatives that will appeal to the new political forces moblised in the Meltdown G20 campaign.

    Warning: some of the below are rather good ideas.

    The French left, which likes to think of itself as the vanguard in kooky kontestation (with some reason), as in all else,  there’s a veritable flowering of forms of action. The association, La Pelle et la Pioche. (the shovel and the pick) won its spurs by organising ‘free’ tastings in Supermarkets (pick and shovel, gettit?). They turn up in the local shop and invite the public to ‘help themselves’. Nothing passes beyond the doors, so it’s an on-site pick-nick. Tendance Coatesy has some vague memory of this in one of Godard’s films if not a time-homoured custom of the Italian autonomists. But, hey, why not try it here?  Génération Précaire organises against the exploitation of ‘stages’ (work placements, or what the Americans and their imitators call, ‘internships’ which sounds pretty sinister already). Why the hell we don’t do something like that here is beyond me. We could start with the rubbish thrown at us on the New Deal, say we.  

    Another group, jeudi-noir, campaigns on homlessness. It does exemplary squatting, which we have here, but has managed to get a much more sustained campaign off the ground.



    Here at the Tendance our own little project (Emily Thribb’s favourite wish, though the poor lass is too ridden with blisters after her daily toil in the fields to do much) is this:


    Emily's Little Project for Trafalgar Square.

    Emily's Little Project for Trafalgar Square.




    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 26, 2009 at 12:00 pm

    Tarnac Affair: No Material Proofs.

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    A great injustice pursues its course.


    In Radical Philosophy Alberto Toscano provides a good introduction to this.

     On 11 November 2008, twenty youths were arrested in Paris, Rouen and the village of Tarnac, in the Massif Central district of Corrèze. The Tarnac operation involved helicopters, 150 balaclava-clad anti-terrorist policemen, with studiously prearranged media coverage. The youths were accused of having participated in a number of sabotage attacks against high-speed TGV train routes, involving the obstruction of the trains’ power cables with horseshoe-shaped iron bars, causing a series of delays affecting some 160 trains. The suspects who remain in custody were soon termed the ‘Tarnac Nine’, after the village where some of them had purchased a small farmhouse, reorganized the local grocery store as a cooperative, and taken up a number of civic activities from the running of a film club to the delivery of food to the elderly.

    Le Monde yesterday commented that in the dossier of the affair (as a big as seven or eight telephone  books) that, it had ” beau être dense, il ne contient ni preuves matérielles ni aveux, et un seul témoignage à charge, sous X, recueilli le 14 novembre. ” It may have been dense, but it contains neither material proofs nor confessions, and a single witness cited, under X, has been received on the 14th of November.”  The documents contain the following exchange:

    “– Le juge:”Pensez-vous que le combat politique puisse parfois avoir une valeur supérieure à la vie humaine et justifier l’atteinte de celle-ci?

    – Julien Coupat: “Ça fait partie (…) du caractère délirant de la déposition du témoin 42 [sous X] tendant à me faire passer pour une espèce de Charles Mansonde la politique (…) Je pense que c’est une erreur métaphysique de croire qu’une justification puisse avoir le même poids qu’une vie d’homme.”

    The Judge: “Do you think that political struggle can sometimes have a greater value than human life, and can justify causing harm to human beings?”

    Julien Coupat, “This is part of the insane delirium of the testimony of  42 (X ). which tries to make me out as a kind of political Charles Manson. I consider it a metaphysical error to give any (abstract)  justification a greater weight than human life.”

    Meanwhile Julien Coupat  languishes in gaol, and the other accused (out on bail) wait to see if charges are brought.

    The cost of the surveillance operation, which lasted some years before the Tarnac autonomists were raided and slung into the clink, must be enormous. We are seeing the same State-Media obsession with anarchists and autonomists in the run up to the London anti-G20 Demos.


    More information (in English) here. Coatesy’s critique of the autonomist ideology here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 27, 2009 at 12:15 pm

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    GM20 Demo: Notes of a Leftist Trainspotter.

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    TUC Leads the New Revolution: March Against Those Who Put People Last!

    Apparently, according to the Police,  there were 35,000 people on the Put People First March yesterday, (Here). I hate to disagree with our ever-reliable coppers but this is probably an over-estimate (yes, you got that right). While it was a successful event, we at the Tendance say it was around 20,000. True it was cold, which led to less bunching, and the march had got split into half at some point(some say it was a police tactic, others some anarchist protest that involved a sit-down, Coatesy says, who cares?)  but we stick by our scientific Marxist method of counting demos (Units based on the length of Park Lane).

    Lowlight of the day was the presence of Tony Robinson as comic compère on stage. He introduced the ever bubbly Brendan Barber in terms which would have made Kim Il Sung blush. We know that poor old Tony lavished similar praise on Tony Blair, and was elected to the Labour NEC on that basis. All went well until he made some mild complaint. Punishment was swift. He got reminded that he was a lowly Baldrick after all. So watch out Tony: history has a habit of repeating itself.

    Still, Mark Thomas distinguished himself by being funny (not uncommon, but a first for his political platform performances). He was in fine fettle -  socialism, Yes! I would have liked him to say something on the lines that  all the Blairite-Brownite  Bourgeois Bastards (and Banking Bosses)  should be strung up from the nearest Mobile Phone Mast. He didn’t. But one sensed that the thought was not far away.

    We had up to 40 people on the coach from Ipswich, not bad (we did leafleting and a street stall which helped get the word out). On the March the Tendance had comradely conversations with the Weekly Worker lads, and indeed ladettes, the AWL, a leading  Briefing Cadre, and a Norwich anarchist. Topics covered were Iran (with a prominent HOPI comrade) , the doomed N2EU election slate, the anti-Workfare campaign, for Decriminalising Prostitution and Trades Council activism. In case anyone thinks we are dropping our guard and becoming a spreader of light, peace and friendship to all the left, we sneered at the Swoppies, Turned our Nose up at Newsline, Snubbed the Sparticists, and Stood away from the Socialist Party (extend list if and when group comes to mind). The Black Bloc – we listened a while but they struck us to amiable but aimless. We were able to ignore the scattered charity types and eco-warriors or whatever name ineffectual green herbivores call themselves this year. Poueff – and there were some desultory leafleteers for the No2EU.

    Back home for a healthy dinner of two thick bacon rashers, baked beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, black pudding,  poached eggs and fried bread. With mug of Co-op 99 Tea.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 29, 2009 at 10:57 am

    No2EU, RMT, Sir Teddy Taylor and Far-Right Henry Nitzsche.

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    The People’s Flag is Red, White and Blue?

    In the Morning Star Monday Column, usual  ad for the Korea Friendship on the anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, “exploring his work on anti-imperialism, and the socialist economy.” Hah, just before, we find something a bit odd: Campaign for an Independent Britain and Campaign against Euro-Federalism. Public meeting, Democracy or EU Dictatorship’. Saturday 4th April. Friends Meeting House. Speakers; Frank Keoghan, People’s Movement Ireland, Brain Denny, Trades Unionists Against the European Union Constitution, and RMT Press Officer, Sir Teddy Taylor, former MP, Henry Nitzsche, MP, (Germany).  I was initially alerted by comrade Ian on Socialist Unity (though he has yet to post about it on his Blog) who questions workers’ interests in sharing a meeting with the likes of Taylor. Just in case you’ve not got the slant of the event it is further advertised on UKIP sites such as this.

     But there is worse than the fact that this is a platform of the RMT initiated No2EU, with British and Irish right-wing chums, such as Teddy Taylor. A lot worse.

    On Henry Nitzsche (here):

    “I am sick of being the bogeyman,” Nitzsche said on Friday, confirming his resignation from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Nitzsche had recently caused an uproar in Germany when he said that Germany “should never again be governed by multicultural fags from Berlin.” He was referring to the previous German coalition government consisting of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Green party.Nitzsche also spoke about the German “cult of guilt” in the way Germans deal with their country’s past. (15.12.2006)


    Nitzsche is reported saying a few years back  that, “”A Muslim would sooner allow his hand to rot away before checking the box next to the CDU on his ballot.” (here)


    According to Wikipedia’s German pages: “Seit dem 18. Februar 2008 ist Nitzsche Vorsitzender der von ihm gegründeten Wählervereinigung Bündnis Arbeit, Familie, Vaterland – Liste Henry Nitzsche.” That’s how he got elected.



    Family, Work, Fatherland – sounds familiar, hein?



    Added 1st April.

    This is too good not to miss (Hap-tip to Herbert): Kilroy Silk to stand on No2EU list. Poisson d’Avril? ‘Apparently’ not: official confirmation here.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 31, 2009 at 10:39 am

    Posted in Europe, European Left, Fascism, Unions

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    The Believers. Zoë Heller. Review.

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    Angry Woman
    Angry Woman

    The Believers. Zoë Heller. Fig Tree. 2008.

    Zoë Heller is a spinner of acerbic tales, as those who’ve watched the film of Notes on a Scandal know. The Believers is equally riveting, using literary rivets that is, and as a plus has a cast of interesting figures in a dynamic New York setting. The Litvinoffs, the ultra-radical lawyer, Joel (currently defending suspected terrorist Mohammed Hassani) his English wife, Audry (in the thick of post 9/11 anti-war activism), the grandmother Hannah, offspring (undergoing religious and personal crises) and their politicised milieu.  From the first pages, the prose grabs our attention. It begins closer to home, near Malet Street (home of so many left encounters) Audrey and Joel met in London, both on the left – her in the outer orbit of the Healy cult, he a young American legal fighter. Both have a secularised Jewish background – hers, lower middle class Polish, his, assimilated US immigrants, strongly left, himself already soaring in Civil Rights circles.



    Why do novels feature these kind of glamorous left wing characters in interesting circumstances? One thinks of Russell Bank’s The Darling (2004), an ex US underground leftist who ends up in the vicious disintegration of one of West Africa’s failed states, or Unity, by Michael Ardetti (2005) about an upper class Brit actress who acquired a taste for Palestinian supporting armed struggle in Germany. Why not, say a fictionalised account of life as an Ipswich activist? Er well.. 


    If, as Heller heads the novel, “The challenge of modernity is to live without illusion without becoming disillusioned.” (Gramsci no less), The Believers are much challenged. The unfolding plot, refracted through the prism of intense leftist culture (real and imagined), revolves around a set of potential and actual disillusionment.  

    Switch to other side of the Atlantic. Joel still perusing his career of defending. defending. Against. Against. Suddenly he is taken ill and falls into a coma. The family gather round. Only for Audrey to be forced to face the news, after understandable reluctance to believe, that her husband had fathered a son by a black woman, Berenice, who (no doubt to make it more hurtful)  takes action-art photographs of her vagina, and has a room full of  “gerund-heavy non-fiction titles: Mindful Eating, Writing the Body, Understanding Gynocritcal Theory, Reading Tarot”.


    Heller portrays Audrey’s leftism in ways which hardly evoke much sympathy. She declares, to cite but one instance, after 9/11 that, “The anger that motivates the suicide bombers is a political anger. A perfectly rational anger against the American hegemon.” A lippy young Englishwoman she has become a termagant in late middle age (not uncommon – for either sex). A conversation with her friend Jean is the occasion for reflecting on the shrillness of her ideology.  For decades now, she had been dragging about the same unwieldy burden of a priori convictions, believing herself honour-bound to protect theme against destruction at all costs. No new intelligence, no rationale argument, could cause her to falter from her mission. Not even the cataclysmic events of the previous September had put her off her stride for more than a couple of hours, By lunchtime on the day that the towers fell, when the rest of new York was still stumbling about in a daze, Audrey had already been celebrating the end of the myth of American exceptionalism and comparing the event to the American bombing of a Sudanese aspirin factory in 1998.”(P 33 – 34) I hate to evoke realist criteria but this is a realist novel: most of the left also went around “in a daze” at that time. Those with Audrey’s response, callow and bellowing, stood out like sore thumbs. But that may not have been the case in the cosier reaches of Manhattan’s left. Maybe after all Wolfie Smith emigrated and has a smart apartment near Central Park.

    A confrontation of another stripe occurs with her daughter Rosa. She had been a believer, a Revolutionary, but a long stay in Cuba had shattered her faith. Not to mention her self-image as a Soviet muscular heroine. The “paradisical era of righteousness had come to an end. After a long and valiant battle against doubt she had finally surrendered her political faith and with it’s the densely woven screen of doctrinal abstraction through which she was accustomed to viewing the world.” Absorbed in the discovery of her Jewish interior Rosa attends Synagogue and religious education classes. These lead to more believing. The Red Heifer sacrifice (which purifies the recipient’s but pollutes the sacrificers) and many other ideas which “cannot be explained in logical terms that defy human reason.” are easily absorbed. Audrey tries to sneer her conversion away but Rosa brushes this off. She insists on Israel’s right to exist and defend itself (the ultimate betrayal to the WRP-culture of her mother). Auderey is lost in a welter of feeble counter-arguments, unable to deal with things seriously – rather a cop-out on the issue one might think.

    As can be gathered, The Believers has a fine sense of character. It is studded with miniature portraits, prickly and sharp. Her wayward drug abuser adopted son, Lenny, floats in chaos, yet Audrey wraps this in cotton wool. His birth mother, gaoled as a terrorist in the ’70s for the semi-Weather Underground New York Cong, is a blinkered pathetic hard-case.  Audrey’s overweight social-worker daughter, Karla who flees from a loveless marriage to the arms of an apolitical Egyptian lover, Kahled, a Newsagent owner, is so put in her place than one wonders if her feelings ever register. Karla, a ‘caring person’, is somebody one warms to, a sickly heat when one realises just what a meaningless choice she’s made.   


    The dénouement of The Believers takes place at Joel’s funeral. Audrey recognises her husband’s lover and son. She speaks of being part of a ‘tribe’, and the guests, the exotic fauna of American leftism, political and artistic, attend. Indeed in many senses her politics are a cultural, not ideological choice, for originality, striking a pose. That is, it suggested that they are like the ”arcane tastes” of adolescent Indie Music enthusiasts. Chosen for their rarity. More fundamentally Heller suggests that this kind of leftist will never recognise any refutation of her beliefs. As Audrey spits out, `You want to know what I’d do if the truth revealed itself to me and it wasn’t the truth I wanted to find?” Audrey smiled, “I’d reject it.”


    For all the undoubted talent shown in The Believers, its taut syntax and its stylish ethical satire (that is: I liked it), and that anyone, there are some indeed, who hides in this shell merits a few verbal lashes, this is not a leftist approach. Indeed I would expel and shun not to say eradicate from the pages of History, and refuse to listen to anyone anyone who dared to advance such views! 

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 2, 2009 at 11:05 am

    Posted in Left, Ultra Left

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    New Deal: YMCA Training, A Major Scandal.

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    Plan of Dencora House, Ipswich.


    For Important Updates see here.

    Forget Gordon Brown’s success in solving the global financial crisis, bringing food and water to the world”s hungry and thirsty, and eliminating child poverty for ever. His star project, the  New Deal for the Unemployed, a foretaste of the Workfare schemes to be  introduced by the Government’s Welfare Reform, is facing a major crisis.

    In Suffolk this programme is managed by the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA). Or rather its Training arm. This is  Brown’s support for religious charities taking over the welfare state in action. The YMCA  promises high quality services. It says that “We are dedicated to inspiring individuals to develop their talents and potential and so transform the communities in which they live and work.”  There are two centres in Ipswich, one for young people on the town outskirts. The other, Dencora House (popularly known as ‘the Den’) on an industrial-commercial estate in another far-flung suburb, Whitehouse. After varying periods of unemployment (dependent, for example, on age), the workless are assigned, in their majority, to a ‘course’ of thirteen weeks at these units. In theory, after a short period of CV and presentation skills induction, participants should be sent on ‘placements’ in various enterprises, local government, or the voluntary sector. The latter is an important growth area. In many cases taking over from  ’community service’ ordered by the Courts. Then you have to attended a session back at ‘the den’ to do ‘jobs search’ – sit in front of computers (never enough available) looking at a page of ads, filling in a few forms – in fact what you would normally do anyway if you’re looking for work.

    The last time I was obliged to undergo this rigmarole there were the following complaints. Dencora House is in the middle of nowhere. It is very hard to get to from a lot of East Suffolk (its catchment area). It costs £1,70 pence each way on the bus there, from Ipswich that is. From other places, plenty of rural districts,  it’s double, even treble. Dole is just over £60 pounds a week, New Deal is £15 plus, minus (yes) the first £4 of your travel expenses. The rest of the journey’s cost is covered. But you had to queue up every Friday with all your tickets to get this back. In some cases this meant £30 to £40 – laid out beforehand on the Dole money just mentioned. Next, placements have been known to be thinly disguised exploitation of free labour. A training scheme offered for some over 55 year olds was on learning to ‘lay bricks’ (guess what the qualification is worth). Then there was the fact that even then some people never found placements and were stuck in the Den all week, doing little. At around forty people there during peak days there was also the question of health and safety – one men’s toilet for about 35 men. Anyone getting stroppy was threatened with being “exited” (charming word) – that is suspended form all benefit whatsoever. Finally there was the simple fact that the process rarely lead to work for anyone who was not already highly employable.


    Switch to the present. Numbers of those thrown out of work swell and swell, even in relatively prosperous East Anglia. Yesterday I was told by someone on his way to ‘the Den’ that there on many days there are around 170 people there. Sometimes just two members of staff. The jobs supplement of the Ipswich Evening Star has roughly five pages of ads – at most. Those at ‘the den’ have to work through them – there is an even worse ratio of participants and computers. Many, hell of a lot in fact,  are now obliged to spend their whole 13 weeks at Whitehouse. Even those with a placement promise spend weeks waiting for it to be processed. Staring at the walls and the odd screen. Waiting for the few toilets to be free (large waiting list there as well). They are thrown out at lunchtime for an hour. Believe me the charms of ASDA, a chippie and a small café are about all the area has to offer. Any complaints? Exit! Get really angry? Exit! Want an alternative? Exit!


    Translation: No Money, Live in the Gutter.

    Strange to say we were talking about this when the local full-time Labour Party Secretary-Agent walked by. He heard it all from the foaming horses’ mouths.

    I have checked this account with four other participants. It is borne out. One told me of a letter they had signed one day protesting against their treatment. It went to the DWP. I will report on the outcome.

    It is an utter scandal that the YMCA is getting paid to pen people in a shed in the Ipswich Wastelands. Similar abuses are taking place all over the country. But who is digging the stories out? What is being done to bring them to a halt?

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 3, 2009 at 10:41 am

    Non à l’OTAN!

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    Just thought I’d post this after having got really sick of all the stuff in most of the English language media about how wonderful Obama and his wife are, what a magnificent G20 Summit it was, and how all is going swimmingly in Strasbourg (though the BBC is more balanced). Okay, some are a bit coy, even justifiably snide, about Gordon Brown. But about Obama: crawl, crawl, crawl.

    Bigre!  Je commence à en avoir marre.

    There’s a massive demonstration against NATO’s birthday celebrations going on in Strasbourg – with violent confrontations all along the line. Libération has a good detailed report from Strasbourg.  Meanwhile here we hear more about ‘Michelle la belle’ than this:


    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 4, 2009 at 11:18 am

    Posted in European Left, Imperialism

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    European Unrest: Strasbourg. UK: Dead London By-Stander was Assaulted by Police.

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    NATO Adviser at Work.

    The British news today downplays the anti-NATO rioting in Strasbourg. German Radio reports that their authorities are angry. They managed to prevent any serious trouble on their side of the near-by border; why didn’t the French poulets do the same? Well, they didn’t. In fact the French police blame the violence on..German Black Blocks! (here)

    The happy image of Barrack Obama travelling through Europe as a charismatic leader is forever wedded to pictures of black clad autonomists wreaking havoc and burning Alsace buildings. Deutsche Welle paints an even more extreme picture, with some protesters apparently armed. A picture show is available via Le Monde (including shot of 7,000 German marchers  blocked off from entering France). Now I feel that for all his merits (beginning with not being George Bush) Obama barely touches the surface of the problems these acts of rage stem from.

    People don’t like NATO’s work: Afghanistan is a quagmire in which it’s sinking. That raises the hackles of a broad range of liberals, leftists and people with common sense. Who, the Strasbourg demonstrators are saying (I am speaking on their behalf thank you very much – elected by TC to do so), “enough posturing around the ‘New World Order’ – end your Great Game.” Not much positive, but there you go.

    So, it seems that the thaumaturge Obama, and his loyal assistant, Gordon Brown, have been unable to squash opposition to capitalism and militarism. How wide is the span of discontent, or simple dissatisfaction the market? As broad as it is deep. There is a profound annoyance, fed-upnesshood to the max. Hate. And that’s just at this keyboard! Not onky against the Bankers who’ve scuttled off with their money bags full. It’s (well, some of it) against the ”moral capitalists’ in charge of state and market.  The ones running the show now.  People have had rising expectations dashed. They are getting mass unemployment, huge price rises in basic necessities (food above all), more coercion, and more moral and health police.  A bit of shouting and protest, mindless or not,  is the least the popular masses can do. Ian Bone (among other Bloggers) at least has his finger on this racing pulse. Even perfide Albion is showing a bit of protesting backbone in factory and school occupations.

    The chance to touch the  hem of the anointed leader of the world doesn’t quench a thirst for real change. Mind you that at least is tangible, not like Gordon Brown’s witless remarks about bringing ethics to the market.

    Meanwhile, here in the UK this story has broken: Dead City Protests By-stander was Assaulted by Police (Observer). That’s morals for you.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 5, 2009 at 11:05 am

    Coatesy Gets Kool!

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    Coatesy gets his own Fan-Club (here):


    “This blog has no connection with anyone alive or dead. All characters are fictional (except the future Coatsey, and even that, of course, being a fictional future, is thus fictional) . Ipswich Cornhill,the Town Hall, The Golden Lion and Aldi/Lidl have not sponsored me. The Socialist Adviser is not a real newspaper, magazine or pamphlet, although I’m sure that it if Coatsey was selling it, it would be one of the better reads (superior to Socialist Worker, The Socialist, perhaps in the heady leauge of the Socialist Standard) if it really existed. Read, Sell, and Support the Morning Star!”


    As we are a throughly good chap, and our chappette comrade (little Emily), plus the Chums of Chance and other affiliates who team around us,  all have finely honed senses, even of humour, we shall take this snivelling parody of all that is good and noble in Tendance Coatesy as a jolly jape.

    For now….

    Gordon Brown Shows the Way!

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    Brown’s Mentor.

    Gordon Brown in the Independent today,

    The Prime Minister considers that the era of unbridled free-markets is over, ”Mr Brown insisted that the end of the free-market consensus – and need for greater regulation– could yet help Labour to neutralise the “time for change” factor that would normally play strongly for Mr Cameron.” The philosopher in Downing Street considers the world ready for global governance – just like all those books by David Held on Cosmopolitan Democracy predicted. He says, “This is going to be a progressive decade. I think people do understand that some of the problems we had can only be solved, first of all, by governments working together with other governments, nations co-operating with nations. There is a new internationalism, a new strategic role for countries working together to solve common problems.” We hate uncommon problems.

    We hear what brought Gordon into his relentless campaigning. No doubt as well that quality of gavitas that explains why he does not waste time listening to those he disagrees with,

    “Some will be found to help the jobless back into work. “What brought me into politics was that I saw the waste of unemployment and importance of tackling it as quickly as possible, so we don’t allow a large number of people to become unemployed.”

     Maybe Brown should read the exposé of the YMCA open-Prison, Denocra House, Ipswich,  on this site, here. There he will find that he allocates large numbers of the unemployed to an enterprise unit in the Ipswich wilds, doing little, being hectored and having their behaviour under tight surveillance. That’s how he can, and indeed does,  stop more people becoming workless: for statistical purposes every participant in YMCA ‘training’ is not counted as unemployed!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 8, 2009 at 12:17 pm

    Alain Badiou: The Meaning of Sarkozy. Review.

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    President of France?

    President of France?

    The Meaning of Sarkozy. Alain Badiou.  Verso. 2008.

    Everywhere you look in Europe enthusiasts for Mao are flowering a thousand blooms. The President of the European Commission José Manuel Durão Barros, once an activist in Portugal’ s PCTP/MRPP, thunders for the free-market. La COPE, Spain’s steadfast Catholic radio, stars Frederico Jimenez Losantos, a former Mao fan in the anti-France underground. He rails against  socialists, Communists, separatists, free-masons and secularists. But it is from France, home of the Maoist movement, that we hear from a great  philosopher with a Mao badge past. Alain Badiou, ex-Union communiste de France, Marxiste-Léniniste (UCF-ML) polemicises against Nicolas Sarkozy, the “rat-man”. Inter alia he makes fun of Blair, following his discovery that Blaireau means Badger in French, and notes that Sartre called an anti-communist a dead-dog (chien crevé – inexplicably translated by Verso as ‘swine’). As Pierre Assouline remarks, “Après les rats, puis les blaireaux, les chiens. Décidément, drôle d’oiseau que ce philosophe.” (after the rats, then badgers, and dogs.. Certainly what a strange bird this philosopher is..) A period of enthusiasm for the Great Cultural Revolution and its Helmsman does give one  such a way with words.

    But that’s enough on les noms d’oiseux (insults) for the moment.

    The Meaning of Sarkozy (De Quoi Sarkozy est-il le nom?) is a political pamphlet. It is written by a professional philosophy teacher (in the ENS – France’s most elite college in the discipline). Born in 1937, and a long period of adhesion to leftist causes behind him, Badiou is  still active in L’Organisation Politique – a group principally committed to defending immigrant rights. Badiou’s tract made a splash. Including comparisons with the political interventions of the late,  much respected, sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. The main conceit (in all senses) of the polemic is that the Victory of Nicolas Sarkozy and his UMP Party in the French 2007 elections heralded the triumph of Pétainism.  Yes, the puppet far-right regime that ruled the Southern half  of France from Vichy during the German Occupation. Sarkozy represent a ‘restoration’, after (very much after one would say) May 1968, a national revolution to ensure, “unconditional obedience to the potentates of world capitalism.”. Its themes, an end to moral decadence. Its models, the US and Blair’s Britain, servility, like Pétain, to the foreign powers (see potentates). It loathes immigrants.  France has undergone a huge reaction. A way prepared by the anti-Communist Nouveaux Philosophes, André Glucksman (an ex-Mao rival), and Bernard Henri Lévy. And the whole political class, left included, very much included. The Communists? Enemies of 68 par excellence. Result? Now we have France under Petanism “on a  mass scale”. A return to the social ‘transcendental’ (underlying structure beyond appearances) – France’s – apparently – eternal ultra-conservative order.  There is  ”fear, informing, contempt for others” around Sarkozy and his Prime Minister Fillon. The President encourages work, family and dislikes criminals! This is the spirit that gave 1940s France total censorship, banning of political parties, repression of all dissent, not to mention co-operation with the Nazi Final Solution. This New Order is truly an equal  threat.

    Sarkozy is a ‘rat’ who rushes in on what’s on offer, obsessively gnawing away. Badiou then explains how this sharp-tooted vermin  came to power (counter-revolution)  in a highly original way. It appears that ‘democracy’ , at least in the sense Badiou gives it – “equality in the face of the Idea” – was not involved. In any case, “voting is a state operation. And it is only by assuming that politics and the state are identical that voting can be conceived as a political procedure.” In fact, “Rejecting our illusions means categorically denying that voting is the operation of a genuine choice”. Thus, there was no choice. None. Voting for a Socialist alternative, like Ségolène Royale, or for the various Trotskyist, Communist, Green candidates on offer during this (bogus) election? Not a true choice. Poor fools who backed them, weep now at your folly.  These marionettes were not prepared really to confront the system. The ballot – piège à cons!

    The author of Ethics (2001 – English Translation) offered an alternative: “politics without party”. A crude Marxist analysis of the state (basically that the state is class domination)  and a politics of truth. That is fidelity to the ‘event’,  unique bursts of life in the world unsullied by the existing Order (something similar to the existentialist notion of ‘authenticity’). Badiou’s cumbersome writings on ‘ontology’ may explain something. I couldn’t put them down (having never picked them  up). Practice? Essentially Badiou backs “local experiments in politics”. His central one is his - feeble group of mates,  if truth be my politics – L’Organisation Politique. A few principles are strewn around, that all workers belong here, that art is creation, science is superior to technology, love must be reinvented, any sick person is entitled to treatment, and that newspapers that belong to rich managers do not deserve to be read (a reference no doubt to Libération, now under Rothschild Bank control).  Apparently he works with “our African friends” (cosy expression), to “exchange experiences”. And that, “The Morrocan worker forcibly asserts that his traditions and customs are not those of the petty bourgeois European.” Noble North Africans! This ‘test-bed for political experience” is already showing its worth.

    Or not. Badiou seems to be groping towards the, commonplace,  idea of unifying the oppressed, without imposing uniformity. Nothing much wrong there. But it hardly needs the strident vocabulary he uses to get there. Such as the wholly misguided idea that the State in his 3rd Period Stalinist rhetoric, is a bogus simulacrum of democracy, based on naked  repression  and obedience to the rule of world capital. Furthermore one can do without the comparison between Sarkozy and Pétain: History involves no such “eternal return”. Sarkozy is a right-wing liberal (economically) and a conservative morally (except in his public-private life – Carla to the fore). Far from encouraging a Corporate Organic Vichiest state he has sought to reform his bureaucracy on free-market lines. His Catholic moralism does not extend to any legislative effect (unlike Pétain). Sarko comes from the Neuilly Haute Bourgeoisie, which gives him a brittle smartness and narrow-mindedness. Sarkozy’s cosmopolitan origins (his, absent,  father is Jewish), is very far from the provincial terrain of the Vichy notable. A smart-arse, nervously rushing around and hard to bear. I can loathe him quite happily without any comparison with the Marshall. I do and I will. Full stop.

    Mass opposition to the President is under way, from workers, intellectuals, and students. Led by democratic parties and uni0ns who spend a lot of their time engaged in that mystifying democratic process.  We do not need to be amused any longer by Badiou or others’ hysterical hyperbole. As unrest spreads in Europe we , in each country, need to act: not to stew in this warmed-up dish of puerile rancour.

    All of which amounts to less than a hill of haricots blancs. Badiou has none of Bourdieu’s seriousness and clear objectves (direcetd at preventing backward looking neo-liberal ‘reforms’).  Is there anything of comparable urgency on offer here? No: an abstract call to vigilance and to stand behind banner. Of what? The assertion of the  ”Communist hypothesis” is about all Badiou has to affirm: the conjecture that a communist society is worth trying to create (discussion of the economics and politics of Das Kapital are noticeably absent here). Plus a few historical examples of when people have tried to verify the theory. Such as, Maoism oblige, the Shanghai Commune. Can anyone who’s for the self-emancipation of the working class can so easily dismiss the electoral process? Clearly L’École normale supérieure, is a better vantage point from which to decide the workers’ views than the voting slip. In the face of such certainty it seems impertinent  to observe   that more participate in the latter than get educated at the former.

    Badiou is clearly not a Marxist in any substantial sense. Certainly an active one. He has many admirers amongst the kind of folk who play at leftism at  academic symposia and buy books that are hard to read. The Meaning of Sarkozy may be a step downwards to near-ordinary language. But it contains a  sufficiently strong dose of disdain for ordinary people to satisfy a need for the esoteric.  Or provocative, in a pointless way, prose. Badiou announces his scientific discovery that France’s President is a rat man a number of times. When Assouiline remarked that this reeked of the images of Jews as rodents, that this reminded one of Vichy propaganda  films, he exploded. Is Assouiline Cultivated? Doesn’t he know Sigmund Freud’s  case-study  of the ‘rat-man’? What is he, a cretin?

    As a fellow cretin I can only say: the Jew as vermin in Der ewige Jude is exactly what Sarko-rat made me think of, and to pity, not admire, the man who thought of this, and wrote thispile of worthless cack.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 9, 2009 at 12:39 pm

    Political Islam. Tariq Amin-Khan Versus Samir Amin, and Vica Versa.

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    Eurocentric Demands?

    I really cannot recommend reading this recent (March) exchange  of views too much. The American Monthly Reviewis far in advance of its British counterparts in giving a platform for serious debate about Political Islam. Unlike in the dominant UK  Islamophile left, Marxist opponents of this trend are given a central place.

     Tariq Amin-Khan makes a case (here) for ‘understanding’ Political Islam, based largely on a critique of a ‘clichés’ of ‘Islamophobia. That is, the left supporters of an ‘uncritical’ Enlightenment adopt, ”the dominant narrative in Western societies of “the Muslim” as violent, as oppressor of women, and as a medieval aberration against modernity.” I observe in passing here that there isplenty of evidence that “medieval aberrations” exist in abundance in mvoements and states dominated by Political Islam, and this is simply a fact. Enlightenment values for all their complexity (etc)  are at their most universal when they oppose oppressions and violence. If Amin-Khan is saying that this is Eurocentric then he is seriously misguided. He might as well say that Train Time Tables are an imperialist Canon imposed on railways. The truth is that these standards work, or should work. And does he have anything better?  

    Amin-Khan’s conclusion is that, “Similarly, the popular anti-imperialist sentiment in Muslim majority states should not be confused with the actions of militant Islamists, which are not anti-imperialist. Militant Islam is conceived and imagined in the present, current context. It is, therefore, a “modern” manifestation that posits its own version of the Islamic “welfare state” for the current conjuncture to rival the Western capitalist state and Enlightenment notions of modernity. Understanding militant Islam in its current context will only enable the development of a coherent strategy of opposition and an alternative non-Eurocentric vision of society.”

    Samir Amin, (here) contests this. To me Amin-Khan’s most serious error is to think that the Islamic ‘welfare state’ is really about people’s well-being, and is in opposition to the capitalist one. Amin argues notably in support of secularism as a basic principle for the left,

    ” I am in favor of adopting the absolute principle of secularism, of separating politics and religion. Radical secularism is the condition for implementing a creative democracy, one which does not justify its progress by an interpretation from the past, religious or otherwise, which always acts as a conservative obstacle. Radical secularism is inseparable from the aspiration to liberate human beings and society. That is why radical secularism was proclaimed by all the great revolutions of modern times (the French, Russian and Chinese), which led to the best moments of democratic and social progress. Nevertheless, the progress of secularism was slow, governed by the rhythms of the advances of bourgeois modernity, the beginnings of socialist-inclined advances, which opened the way to go beyond this bourgeois modernity..”

    And that, “The major fight, the one that defines the very nature of a progressive (and socialist, obviously) left, unfolds on the terrain of social struggles for the rights of workers (wages, working conditions, union rights, right to strike), peasants (access to land), women (radical reforms in personal status laws) and citizens (access to education, health and housing). Fighting in these areas is not “to substitute these struggles for the struggle against imperialism”. On the contrary, the anti-imperialist fight, which should not be reduced to rhetoric, becomes real and effective only insofar as it is led by the working classes strengthened by the conquest of their rights.

    On this plane, the current regimes and the Islamist movements are fundamentally opponents of these social struggles. There is no need to recall the violence of the repressive means they use — together — with the approbation (or silence) of imperialist diplomacy.”

    There are interesting discussions on development (Amin’s forte) and so-called Orientalism. The latter is a  rather hackneyed term these days. Globalisation’s effects on world culture, politics and society  erode  the meaning of a distinct so-called Other all the time. One notes with satisfaction that both authors are serious about their opposition to Islamism. Amin-Khan tends to give some credence to the claim that its rise is partly a deflected popular radicalism, running up against imperialism’s interests (that is, the US and Europe’s) That an Islamic ‘welfare state’ , its source of appeal,  is its objective. Clearly a capitalist  religious dictatorship would be a better description,  or a totalitarian theocracy. But the quality of the exchange is striking.

     I couldn’t help thinking of this when reading about the Algerian Presidental elections Le Monde yesterday. It illustrates the reaction that the Left should be confronting, without pandering to comforting illusions about Islamism.

    As the voters turn out to ballot (without real legitimacy), Le Monde describes how much of Algerian society has become ultra-conservative.

    In 2000, 27 % of the population favoured equality between the sexes, today only 16 % do so.  With the exception of Kabylie, this has affected the whole land. Only two out of ten Algerians favour women working. Seven out of ten back women wearing the Veil. Young people are barely more progressive than their elders.

    One can explain this in many ways – effects of the Military repression and search for some kind of safe haven in religion. Or that poverty, precarity, and a huge level of unemployment drive people back to traditional certainties.

     But clearly Islamism, ideologically that is,  has played a dominant role. The Islamicisation of Algeria has indeed been backed by the Military-Presidential clique, le Pouvoir, and their bureaucratic-entrepreneur claque. Their ‘secularism’ does not mean free opinion and secular values (the article notes the increasing persecution of Algerian Christians for preaching in a Muslim lands. It simply signifies that this state  faction rules and not one from the Mosque. The have encouraged, a conservative moral atmosphere, and the authority of religion. Only the relentless Arabisation has met successful resistance, from the Kabyle speakers – who have retained a more popularly supported  progressive outlook.

    What of these elections? The establishment candidate, Abdelaziz Bouteflika has won, and participation was higher than expected. But it is a hollow triumph. The Algerian ruling class has prepared the way for Political Islam to make a return to overt activity – with all the oppression and blood spilt, not least by the Islamicists, that implies. 

    Shame on le Pouvoir!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 11, 2009 at 9:43 am

    Posted in Islam, Islamism, Marxism

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    New Deal for the Unemployed, Major Crisis and A Right Carry On.

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    Reaction to the Victorian New Deal.

    The Independent and the Guardian  both carried a story on Saturday on the New Deal. That’s the scheme to ‘help’ the unemployed. It’s been exposed here as an utter waste of time for the workless. But it’s also a highly profitable scam for the ‘training’ industry. That’s all going to end. It  will soon be the ‘flexible New Deal’. Run by shiny new ‘training’ companies. Different (???)   – that is, private, firms will have their faces stuffed with gold to get people jobs in an ever-shrinking employment market. The Independent – on the basis of documents leaked to the Tories – revealed that the DWP’s little helpers had created a gap. Between the 18thof June and the start of October. That’s when the old system ends and the new one is  set up. In the meantime those on the New Deal  Mark l will be left in limbo waiting for New Deal, Mark ll. Which is, regarded, it’s safe to say, as a cruel joke even by the bosses (here).

    Already the introduction of the Flexible New Deal is causing a host of problems. Work out the time-scale and one can see that anyone wishing a ‘placement’ on it is in a quandary. Those providing them are shutting the doors. There is confusion about what will happen on the 4th of October. When I signed on this morning in cheery St Felix House (even the name is a ray of sunshine) nobody had a clear idea. Still,  Coatesy’s little local birdies in Ipswich have been telling him of vague plans to place the workless into ‘voluntary’ centres (think of one just by Portman Road to start with). Where they will do…er what? As the old system ekes out its last days those doomed to be penned in Dencora House face the prospect of more time doing absolutely nothing. Oh, and being hectored.

    They say that misery loves company. Miserable Gordon Brown may be, by nature and because of his Spinner-in-Chief’s crass stupidity. One suspects his mate Purnell, who’s responsible for the New Deal mess, will only happy when he’s safely in some highly paid business job after he loses his seat as a M.P. So old misery-guts must be pretty satisfied  at all those people on the Dole awaiting their transfer to the new gaol.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 14, 2009 at 10:37 am

    Abel Paz: (August 12, 1921. Died April 13, 2009)

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    A Great of the Workers’ Movement: Abel Paz (1921 – 2009).

    Abel Paz, pen name of Diego Camacho, has died.

    Brought to politics in the 1930s as a  member of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) (CNT Obituary) Diego fought in Spain against Franco and the counter-revolution. A member of the legendary Durruti column he took part in some of the most violent batttles.  As a supporter of the libertarian syndicalist side he participated in the – failed – 1937 Barcelona combat against the Stalinist take-over. At the end of the war, when Catalonia finally had gone down in 1939,  Paz survived and fled to France. The author of a number of important histories of the Spanish war, he remained a committed anarchist all his life, saying that,

    El anarquismo invoca una vida completamente diferente. Trata de vivir esta utopía un poco cada día.

    Anarchism means a completely different  form of life. Try to live a little of  this utopia every day.

    If anyone on the left dismisses anarchism,  one should contemplate the life of this hero of the international workers’ movement.

    Hat-tip to Entdinglichung  (here), some more details (in French) of his initial internment in France, and  later war-time armed opposition in the Spanish maquis to Franco (here.)

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 15, 2009 at 11:29 am

    Posted in Anarchism, European Left

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    Afghan Women’s Protests Stoned.

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     The BBC reports on the attack on women protesting against new Afghan laws (for the Shiite Community) reducing them to chattel. The women were faced with counter-protesting men, who cried “Death to the slaves of the Christians.” And threw a hail of stones.

    “Dozens of Afghan women who tried to protest against a new law they say legalises rape within marriage have been attacked in the capital, Kabul.  ”

    News from Afghan defenders of women’s rights on the background here.

    The Independent carries a detailed story.

    Meanwhile after the acceptance of Sharia ‘law’  in Pakistani province Swat Islamists vow (here) to extend it to the rest of the country. “Joyous over the implementation of sharia law in Malakand region of the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), the Tehrik Nifaz-i-Shariat Muhammadi (TNSM) chief Sufi Mohammad has said that the law would be extended to other parts of the country too, The Dawn reports.”

    Yes, the aged bigot is a Sufi.

    On Afghanistan, Anne McShane is right to point out in the latest Weekly Worker that, “despite the constitution and various other conventions and protocols signed by Afghanistan since 2003, even the US itself is forced to admit that ‘these commitment and efforts do not appear to be translating into safer and healthier conditions for Afghan women and girls. These paper exercises are simply a cover for a  wracked by war and backwardness. A backwardness that US intervention has worsened, not alleviated.”

    The issue remains: how do we express solidarity with the Afghan women’s fight? A start might be by recognising that the conservative Islamists (many with their own blood-drenched Mujaheddin past) in charge of the state (such as it is), under US control, are to be opposed. But that the Taliban who after all want to accelerate the descent into Sharia reaction, cannot be regarded as a ‘resistance’ worth anything other than contempt. In these conditions some, from New Left patricians to Islamophiles,   are  tempted to imagine that there is  a ‘good’ Pashtun nationalism waiting there to overthrow imperialist occupation and when that happens,  then we will deal with such issues as women’s oppression and human rights. Experience shows, by contrast, that this concern has to to begin now.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 16, 2009 at 11:16 am

    Couscous (la Graine et le Mulet): DVD Review.

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    La Graine et le Mulet (Couscous) is now available on DVD * . It’s one of the most important films of 2008 and won a French César (Oscar) in that year.  Set in the Mediterranean Port of Sète, it follows the  crises of everyday life, and the joys, of a warm unselfconscious family. Nothing special. The Director, Abdellatif Kechiche, says he wanted to show a milieu of the French working class, of North African,  Midi, and more recent immigrant, origin, as ”ordinary“. 

    This friendly and roving clan is the backdrop of a solid drama. This unfolds around the plight of Slimane Beiji (Habib Boufares)  a sixty-year old shipyard worker. He is a Tunisian immigrant of long-standing. He is devastated to find himself dismissed as work dries up. Is delocalisation of boat-building and repair at fault (that he is sacked as ’un français’ when they can get the job done cheaper elsewhere)? Clearly it is his age that counts – badly. But the background is the death of commercial fishing. The accelerating transformation of Mediterranean ports into marinas and tourist resorts  is happening in many other seas.

    Redundancy money does not go very far. Beniji reacts dismissively to suggestions that he - as was the dream (rarely  fulfilled) of many North Africans,  returns  ’au bled’ (back ‘home’). Wracked by feelings of impotence, he flounders a while to find a way to keep going in Sète.  Scenes from the less than happy married lives of some of his family heighten the tension. But Beniji’s quiet dignity – his principle that he wants to leave a decent legacy (achievement, not money) - wins out.

    His former wife, Souad (Bouraouïa Marzouk), cooks a brilliant fish couscous (hence the Mulet). At one of those long extravagant diners shared by the French working class it has pride of place. North Africans and French, drink, and talk – as they really do, not as in some kind of diversity training course – about their different languages and culture.  The food gives Beniji inspiration. Helped by Rym,(Hafsia Herzi) the daughter of his present companion Latifa (Hatika Karaoui), he sets about creating a floating restaurant offering the speciality. Rym carries the plans forward.  They face a  frosty (realistic) reception from banks and local bureaucrats (one emphasising that ‘here in France’ we do such and such). As is the way in film the restaurant gets a grand Opening Night: the occasion for the final dramas of La Graine et le Mulet. Do not under any circumstances miss the Belly Dance.

    La Graine et le Mulet has traces of Ken Loach’s slices of working class life (without the didactic tone). Herzi’s performance as Rym has been described as ‘fizzing’: I’d say it’s guts electrified. There are tastes of sexual conflict, in the raw way of the world. There is a lot of other rich fare here. The couscous meal has echos of the glorious feast in Renoir’s Partie de Campagne (working class Parisians escaping to the countryside). One side (the vistor’s ) of Sète is a kind of escape; reminding us of Georges Brassens, and a feed by the Mediterranean. 

    Abdellatif Kechiche  shows that  there are vibrant working class communities in Sète still. Even if their employment is threatened. Or that the Parti Communiste lost in 2001 to the UMP. One might call the picture soft-focus realism. If the camera shots weren’t so sharp. It is a truly humanist  film, with a fine balance between optimism and realism. As a celebration of ordinary working class people’s lives, and the genuine mixture of cultures and individuals, La Graine et le Mulet is up there amongst the greats.

    * DVDs are the only way we at the Tendance can see the latest World Cinema since Ipswich Council leased  off the Film Theatre to a ‘businessman’ more interested in Manchester United than film. They do have the advantage of an option where you can turn the subtitles off.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 17, 2009 at 11:59 am

    New Labour’s Unfinished Revolution Finished Off?

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    Philip Gould: Thank you!

    The plight of Georgina Gould, her contretemps in the Eirth and Thamesmead constituency, must have touched many hearts. It reminded me of the role her father, Lord Philip Gould, played in New Labour, for both Blair and Brown. His book, The Unfinished Revolution (1998) rightly stands as a classic. Gould set out the strategy for government whose results are with us today.

    The Polster retells some anecdotes about the hard, ” aspirational” working class, that he knew in his (non-Lordly) youth. Today, he notes, the “new middle class” is at the centre of the country – drawing energy both from his old acquaintances, and the dynamic forces unleashed by markets. Newness, he discovers, is happening all over the planet. This globalisation needs “managed change”. People need to be equipped to go out and sell on the world market. Old fashioned statism, and class based politics cannot cope with these changes. Mandelson and Liddle (in their Blair Revolution. 1996) saw the key to winning British elections, and successful government, in wedding the “dynamic market economy” , “real equality of opportunity”, with a dose of social equity. Gould added that this “social” awareness should appeal to New Labour’s core constituency, the “people of the suburbs.”

    Apparently, at 19% behind the Tories, the leafy lanes and driveways of the UK, not to mention my terraced street, are deserting New Labour in droves (here).

    The only book on political polls which made a serious impact on me was Butler and Stokes Political Change in Britain. This, appearing in the 1970s, worked with a methodology that differentiated voters according to ‘cohorts’. That might mean, for example, that Gould’s aspiring hard-working, car-driving, home-owner, is a group that ‘came of age’ politically with Thatcher. They backed her primarily on economic grounds – mortgages, low taxes – with a degree of patriotic pride. They went over to Labour when they were convinced that the same ruthless pursuit of their interests and British self-assertion was served by Blair. A bonus was that the ‘social’ but of New Labour appealed to the Old Labour constituency and even those flinty types who liked good public services. Those to the left of that had nowhere else to go.

    This strategy – a coalition hinged on the new middle class, the new Subject of History – had a lot of faults. For a while they could bear having to pay increased costs. Of privatised utilities. More and more farmed-out state provision,. Or the cost of schemes like PFI. Okay, what was left fully public was undermined. The managers-turned-businessmen taking over the rest were useless grasping cack. So? That group, the privatising middle class, did very well thank you. Having got rid of the Labour Party as a real political power-base, they created a version of Craxi’s Italian Socialists – a ‘big tent’  dependent on state largess.

    A problem. Not foreseen - the economy would not always be “dynamic”. Even the hardest of hard employees don’t like facing the Dole. Or dynamic entrepreneurs enjoy going bust. They tend to whimper. Ask for help. When they don’t get it they take their votes elsewhere.

    Instead of building up a lasting constituency based on an egalitarian, class, interest – making conditions better across the board — Gould successfully argued for this competitive ‘equality of opportunity’. When it’s become equality to fail, then the strategy falls apart.

    Still Gould’s got his Lordship and I’m sure his daughter won’t end up on some  ‘training’ scheme for the unemployed.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 19, 2009 at 11:01 am

    Caterpillar (France): Back to Work? French Workers’ Anger Remains.

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    Caterpillar Stuff.

    In France the world-wild-and-wide economic downturn has met resistance. Facing the wave of redundancies, attempts at pay-cuts,  and mounting unemployment there have been massive united union days of actions, huge  demonstrations, workplaces have been sat-in,  and managers ‘kidnapped’. The conflict at Caterpillar (at Grenoble et d’Echirolles) has been a symbol of this fight-back. The company produces real things of use. That it is hard hit by the recession shows the downward turn’s  depth.

    Reports (in English) suggest that the Caterpillar conflict has been radical. At one point four bosses were held ‘hostage’ (here). The police were used at Echirolles and activists charged. The magistrate who judged the workers’ actions illegal talked of a « situation insurrectionnelle » or in legal terms, « une entrave à la liberté de travailler » (attack on the freedom to work).  He decided that any further blockages will be met with daily fines. Today the latest news is  that  after the plant occupation, negotiations have restarted with the American-multinational. On offer is a reduction in the number of employees laid off (from 733 à 600) and some better conditions for those forced onto part-time employment. The main redundancies stand. Union reps have signed up to this accord.

    This agreement will be submitted, by secret ballot, to the affected. In the meantime work has restarted “à contre coeur” (unwillingly). It’s  hard to see how those fired up will accept such limited gains, and more sackings – but I am not writing as one of them.

    On the Left all parties have supported the workers. The Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste,  offfers good  coverage of  this, and many other disputes. They  demand an end to legal proceedings against the Caterpillar workers, and a halt to all redundancies.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 20, 2009 at 11:35 am

    French Reactions to Ahmadinejad.

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    Doughty Anti-Zionist.

    A quick round-up of reactions in France (which will doubtless develop).

    Ultra-Catholic French ‘intégrists’ welcomed Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s ‘anti-Zionist’ declaration at the UN Geneva Conference on Racism: (here). ‘Anti-imperialist’ opponents of ‘Juiverie’ commended his ‘flying start’ (here). Not so strangely these two Blogs are interlinked.

    France’s Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner, and a noted defender of human rights, has refused to follow  advice not just to walk out from the Hitler’s Birthday speech, but to pull out altogether. He called the event the ” le début d’un succès”, (the start of a success”) (here). The Parti Communiste Français has talked of the Conference being ‘held hostage’ by the American led boycott, and Ahmadinejad’s ‘extremist speech’. Socialist Party General Secretary Martine Aubry was forthright and has demanded that France withdraw from the Conference.

    No doubt Ahmadinejad’s British admirers on the ‘left’ who work for, or appear on,  Press TV – Iran’s state-funded ‘information’ broadcaster – would disagree.

    Interestingly Press TV reports a proposal to set up “a secretariat to follow up and coordinate exchange of information on war crimes, genocide and other forms of organized crimes and holding periodic conferences in the Islamic and other interested countries to discuss the agreed subjects.”

    These states certainly have plenty of their crimes to discuss.  

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 21, 2009 at 10:32 am

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    Hamas Kills Opponents; Clare Short Turns a Blind-Eye.

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    Do we seriously want this in Power?

    Clare Short and Liberal Democrat Lord Adlerdice held a House of Commons Meeting last night.With a video-link to Hamas leader Mashaal . Supporters of recognising Hamas have welcomed this event. It happened that the connection wasn’t working (here) but the pro-Hamas intention was there, Short’s that is.

    It appears largely up to to those who stand with the Israeli hostility to Hamas to criticise this. Yet there are plenty of reasons to do so. Without ceeding an inch to Israeli policies. That nationalist, militarist and human-rights breaking state, with plenty of blood on its hands, deserves serious democratic resistance. But is Hamas it?

    Hamas’s platform for government (minimum programme) is anti-Israeli occupation and for the building of a Palestinian state. It supports resistance, and a range of measures, including backing for political pluralism. Behind this is an Islamist ‘maximum’ programme, the reign of the Qu’ran on Earth. The enforcement of Islamic standards of ‘modesty’  for example – dress code. These are ‘transitional’ measures. They bring the day-to-day party regime to its final goal of a pure society. Called the Sharia – the denial of human equality made into a parody of law. What has this, even remotely, got to do with the left? It’s the opposite of the socialism in any form. It is based on private property, inequality (for women and non-Muslims). Life is ruled by Divine decree. As interpreted by god’s representatives.

    Parties are to be judged on how they carry out their aims. We have evidence of how Hamas operates in practice. Human Rights Watch (here) gives plenty of reasons to be more than wary of the Palestinian Islamists  - such as killing suspected ‘informers’ (aka, political opponents) notably during the Israeli armed forces attack on Gaza.


    On the left it is customary to reel out the stale old arguments. That it is not up to us to tell ‘resistance’ movements what to do. Or that we don’t ‘really know’ about the conflict. We should let those ‘there’ decide. They are not brief on telling us how we should  support Hamas. Make as much noise as possible (following Clare Short). Boycott, people, and goods manufactured in Israel or by ‘Zionists’ generally. Do some flag waving and cheer-leading.

    It is one thing to ask for, say, opposition to Israeli attacks on civilians. To oppose its policies, from the West Bank to Gaza. To give a general welcome to a Palestinian state. It’s another to work closely with Hamas – as George Galloway does, and Clare Short gestures towards. If anyone wants us to endorse this degree of  co-operation they had better come up with some pretty solid evidence that the group they link with is sound. Start with the  democratic, progressive, nature of the organisation. It’s no longer good enough to point to past practice, when Europe’s left enthused about all Third World movements without looking too closely at them. That we stood by African national liberation, or, the Indo-Chinese Communists, without telling them what to do. Or indeed really knowing too much about them. Well Galloway has ditched the PLO, too venal, and now he tells us that Hamas it tickity-bo. He would, wouldn’t he? Who else would take the words from his ilk, or from the other pro-Hamas groupies, from Islamist Tariq Ramadam, to grizzly Patrician Tariq Ali? Or Gilad Atzmon… (all on the same lletter calling for recognising Hamas).

    It all ended so happily didn’t it? Naturally all these countries are now basking in such prosperous social democratic plenty (er….)  because of the lack of unwanted European leftists’ advice. Hamas will surely…yes, we have plenty of reason to think that if it gains more power its rule will be followed by more tomb stones in the self-proclaimed anti-imperialist cemetery. While outside the Peter Pans of the left will move onto the next Cause.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 23, 2009 at 11:33 am

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    France: “Extreme Left Manipulation” Behind Social Conflict.

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    Les ‘Contis’.

    Today former French Labour Minister, and present UMP (Sarkozy’s Party) General Secretary Xavier Bertrand accused far-left ‘manipulators’ of being behind recent labour unrest and social conflict (here). Speaking of this week’s trashing of the sous-préfecture of Compiègne (government offices) by angry Continental workers, he said, 

     ”J’y vois l’action de certains manipulateurs d’extrême gauche. Il y a des militants d’extrême gauche qui sont dans certains conflits et qui n’ont qu’une seule volonté, attiser la violence”

    “I see there the activity of certain far-left agitators. There are extreme left activists who are only involved in such conflicts with one aim: to incite violence.”

    This outburst comes with the background of continuing industrial and social disputes. Facing a galloping recession employers are scaling down enterprises. Their employees are reacting with fury.  The Continental (tyre manufacturers) conflict continues, with doubtful claims of a potential take-over. The Caterpillar workers (already cited here) have refused to participate in a vote on an agreement while colleagues remain under threat of victimisation. Encouraged by tough talk from Sarkozy and his employer allies, Caterpillar has begun legal proceedings as a result of the ‘kidnapping’  of four bosses. A host of other disputes are taking place (here). Former centre-right Prime Minister, Dominique Villipin, has talked of a “risk of revolution” building up (here). Electorally it seems likely the radical left Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste (NPA), and to a lesser extent the Front de Gauche,  will make a splash in the coming European ballot. They have been involved in supporting these struggles, with other groups, such as Lutte Ouvrière.

    Blaming these ‘extreme left agitators’ has become part of Sarkozy’s crisis strategy. The vindictive “ Tarnac affair” attacked autonomists. Now new laws on demonstrations and labour disputes appear likely, repressing ‘hoodies’ in the former, and ‘kidnappers’ in the latter. One theme wins out: blaming social unrest on anything but the failings of the capitalist economy and the UMP-State.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 24, 2009 at 10:46 am

    Coatesy the Grass?

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    Can We Join Too?

    Following this.  Here is an offer to the UK’s Political Coppers: name your price!

    We at the Tendance are a bit short of rhino. We are so boracic that have to send little Emily to sell Horseradish root door-to-door. We stuck our last brass farthing into Ipswich Library’s photocopier. We so hard up that we scavenge nettles and jack-by-the-hedge – opps that’s the organic Guardian reader’s treat.

    Be that as it may, we have lots of information.

    On dangerous characters. Lefties, crusties and cruds. Seemingly respectable. People who have been nasty to us. Those who glanced at us with unpleasant looks. How dangerous? Well, it’s up to you to judge.

    Our rates are very reasonable.

    Please send your contact Man, Mr ‘WayGallo’, to the Corn Hill this Monday for further discussions.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 26, 2009 at 10:37 am

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    Terry Eagleton and the Supremacy of Faith.

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    Don’t Worry Terry’s With You!

    Terry Eagleton is thoroughly upset (here). At the “militant rationalism” of Dawkins, novelist chaps called Martin Amis and Ian McEwan, not to mention, Christopher Hitchens, and philosopher AC Grayling. They have become “weapons in the war on terror.” Indeed “Western supremacisim has gravitated from the Bible to Atheism.” He forgot Rosie Bell - who inched the path of doom last year.

    Why? Apparently it’s because these sceptics and secularists are liberals. And liberals holds that “the state should tolerate any opinion that does not seek to undermine that very tolerance.” Eagleton, reader of Gnostic hidden meanings, sees that this is a “form of partisanship”. That they don’t like  Islam. That some of them, Hitchens and Amis, want not just to lock up terrorists.  They stand for “western cultural supremacism”. That Dawkisn is “self satisfied” critic of “benighted Islam”. That Grayling even believes in Progress! They end in a “slanderous reduction of Islam to a barbarous blood cult.”  Yes, Islam, the rationalists soil it with the same libels. These reductionist Islamophobes: they are all of the same kidney!

    To Eagleton, agnosticism is “part of late (how late?) capitalism’s everyday routine.”  These characters look at other people’s faith with “superiority” ,”disdainfully above it.” Unlike Eagleton. He knows the sense of “national injury and humiliation” that underlies Islamist terrorism.  Having to hear Dawkins, Hitchens, Grayling and the rest of the gang of atheist sneerers and witherers can’t help either.

    Poor Islam.

    Terry Eagleton briefly mentions socialism, which stands for civil liberties, a key demand of  the working class movement. Apparently it is different from liberalism, which tolerates “any opinion” (even if it turns its nose up at them). One awaits clarification of this difference.

    While waiting (a long time one suspects), let’s give a case. What might a socialist stand on Islamism be? For socialists it is one of complete and total opposition. Islamisms, in their various  forms, are movements led by the pious Muslim bourgeoisie. They are anti-socialist (standing for private enterprise), anti-democratic (believing in a harmonious society based on divine Law), and oppressive. Generally pretty racist as well. Class enemies we might say.

    Eagleton, by contrast, has a lot  in common with post-modernism liberalism. And with the high-minded thinking-the-best-of-everybody of American Transcendentalists, Emerson, Thoreau and Whitman. That is ways to relativise difference, to reach out to the Other. Thus: Eagleton is against  Islamism. But understands where Muslim self-assertion is coming from. Better than most. Certainly better than supercilious metropolitan liberals who probably lack the balls of a gutsy Manchester Irish boy, an EngLit prof who’s done a couple of years in the Weasels (Workers Socialist League). Hard-types, orthodox Trotskyists.

    But….Eagleton is not really talking about politics at all. If he dismissed (here)  Dawkins’s The God Delusion as a book written by a man ignorant of religion, the literary commenator shows few signs of acquaintance with political socialism. Socialism after all has strong roots in anti-clericalism, (even socialists with a  religion). Few socialists want a religious state – in that they agree with liberalism. That’s a reason why they loathe Islamism – amongst the others already given. Secularism is a belief in a state which attempts to be neutral about religious by not ceding to any of them. We might have an interesting debate about how this might come about in the United Kingdom, where under New Labour organised religion has unprecedented state influence. Or the faults of secularism, say, as interpreted in the French political tradition. Or how imperialism is a structure of economics and politics, not some kind of ‘anti-Islamic’ ideology. Again, what unites and separates the liberal rationalists Eagleton cites from the atheists and rationalists in the Marxist and socialist ranks.  But I digress.

    What Eagleton is really talking about is the Christology and Ethical Theory he elaborates in The Trouble with Strangers (2008). This rests on the Imitatio Christi - the image of a Christ who takes on the suffering of the world. Who struggles for Justice. Eagleton opines that Christians follow this, in love and solidarity, in their reach out to identify with ‘strangers’ in a common humanity.

    Humbly he imagines a Christian standing in for another in the queue for the Gas Chambers.

    Truly the man is a worthy successor to Thomas à Kempis.

    Atheists? They have fallen “at the first hurdle” – or we could say, at one of the stations of the Cross on the way to Calvery. Turned away. To wander in error eternally. 

    There is indeed nothing like a Christian to endure the suffering of others.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 27, 2009 at 12:32 pm

    Carnival of Contrarians.

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    A la Bastille!

    A la Bastille!


    There’s something called the ‘Carnival of Socialism’. It’s a rotating list of Blog posts the ‘Carnis’ decide are socialist. I suppose they must be  -  if I could be arsed to check up on all of them. Like most self-appointed glee clubs it’s terribly dull. The latest one looks as if it’s written by a professional dullard. Somehow Tendance Coatesy, despite its leading position in the labour movement, and the hope and joy it spreads amongst the world’s struggling oppressed, doesn’t get mentioned. In its place too many Quorn pies of bland comment maketh a sorry feast.

    ← Left is what a real Bakhtin Carnival looks like.

    With a proud tradition of contrarianism we at the Tendance are now holding an alternative Carnival, of, you guessed it, Contrariness. Here are some recent recommended Posts that grade the make: Tony Greenstein has a go at David Aaronovitch and ‘anti-Zionist’  Gillad Atzmon  (here). Bob from Brokley (where?) is a, “Blog about trans-Atlantic translation, Jews and Jew-haters, the old and new Stalinists, islam and secularism, contrarians and refuseniks, and South London.” Voltaire’s Priest has some excellent musings on religion’s claims to spread peace  at Shiraz Socialist. This drew forth a  reply from the Grande Dame of West London, Red Maria (not, I suspect, her real name). Charlie, who actually thinks about economics, asks if the left should consider a ‘sustainable austerity’ programme. Stroppy pleads,  “can commentators on this please try to debate without calling people names such as scabs and nazis?”   Nation of Duncan does a bit of battling for the class struggle. Mick talks up the Japanese Communist Party. Pouminista does a magnificent job speaking about the often forgotten parts of the anti-fascist, anti-Stalinist left. Social Republic has some sharp thoughts on Italian nationalism. The Soul of Man Under Capitalism opines that “the man is screwing you through every fucking orifice…” Ian Bone recommends that we “get up off your arses..” Dave Osler controversially argues against Tax Cuts for the Rich. And Modernity does a Quick ‘Anti-Zionist’ Quiz that is certain to bring joy to members of George Galloway’s dwindling band of last-standers. Rosie Bell  has thoughtful reflections on the play Seven Jewish Children. Enty gets ready for May Day.

    Finally, 3AM Magazine extends the domain of Contrarian struggle to the cultural field.

    This List of Glory is by no means exhausting or conclusive. Be Contrarian !


    UPDATE: Modernity raises questions about the other  ’Carnival’s’ tolerance of pro-Iranian apologists, here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 29, 2009 at 11:33 am

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    Tariq Ramadan: New Homophobic and Sexist Charges.

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    To Ramadan the Qur’an Says Gays, Sick, Women, Be Modest!

    Tariq Ramadan,  faces a new crisis (here). This time it’s in Holland.

    Ramadan is employed part-time as an Adviser by Rotterdam City Council. His role is to  ’stimulate discussion” on immigration and to ’build bridges’ with the Dutch Muslim community.  At the pay of  27 500 Euros a year he does two days a month work, has produced two reports and has led some public debates. This adds to Ramadan’s active presence in various guises across the world: in France, Switzerland, and elsewhere. Which includes the  United Kingdom where  he has an academic reputation, and is fêted by Conservatives, New Labour,  multi-culturalists and Islamophiles alike.

    According to Le Monde this week Ramadan stands accused by the magazine Gay Krant of homophobic and sexist comments.

    Ramadan aurait déclaré que l’islam prohibait l’homosexualité, laquelle serait “un dérangement, un dysfonctionnement, un déséquilibre”. “Dieu a fixé une norme qui veut qu’un homme soit destiné à une femme et une femme à un homme”, aurait aussi indiqué le philosophe. 

    Ramadan is alleged to have declared that Islam prohibits homosexuality, which is ‘a disorder, a disequilibrium, a disfunction’. He is also said to have declared that ‘God has fixed a norm that means a man is intended for a woman, and a  woman for a man’.

    Regarding women’s public appearance he recommended that they take less care of their appearance, and behave with modesty (soberly). In the street, they should “garder toujours les yeux fixés sur le bitume” (keep their eyes fixed on the pavement).

    Reactions to these reported remarks  have hit Rotterdam Council. An enquiry has been launched. The comments are alternatively denied or considered taken “out of context”. The Islamist has been defended by the Green Party, whose Rik Grashof holds the  portfolio of Integration. he has declared that even if Ramadan is opposed to homosexuality he gives priority to “respect for people.”

    In France long-standing secular critics of Ramadan place these remarks in context (here). Caroline Fourrest remarks that  ’Brother Tariq’,  praised as a religious progressive, has more in common with Jerry Falwell than Martin Luther King. In brief his comments are par for the course. While the Council has (here) apparently ‘exornerated’ Ramadan, the controversy rumbles on.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 1, 2009 at 10:09 am

    YMCA New Deal Training: Shut the Detention Centres Down!

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    Storm Dencora House!

    Let the following know what you think about this:

  • Chris Mole(molec@parliament.uk)remove contact
  • YMCA Training(banbury@ymcatraining.org.uk)remove contact
  • Disturbing information reaches Tendance Coatesy that YMCA Training in Ipswich is reaching a major crisis. In the run-up to the ‘Flexible New Deal’ in October the DWP and the YMCA are pushing as many people as possible into the scheme. They have no placements. People are stuck in the ‘Den’ with nothing to do. They are effectively in prison 5 Days a week. We cannot be optimistic about how the ‘Flexible’  version will look like. If past private companies involved in the provision of such ‘training’ are anything to go by this will involve the usual problems (scams, lack of decent facilities and a total absence of real training). The plight of tens of thousands of the unemployed – harassed in programmes designed to force them into jobs which do not exist – will get worse and worse.

    Dan who has been posting in the Comments Box of the original posts on the topic says,

    If history is anything to go by, half the law will be lost in translation (from law into guidelines) that is to say policies will be created that differ slightly from what the law says.

    For example, the process of “signing on” even though staff members even say this has an official term called “signing labour market declarations” by DWP which JCP staff appear unaware of.

    Only two New Deal Advisers in Ipswich have been “upgraded” for the Flexible New Deal, the rest currently as stand will be useless. There is still major confusion over the different stages.

    Lets be grateful that there is still time.

    My New Deal adviser told me I can’t change my New Deal option however I have found an current manual stating that participants may transfer between New Deal provisions – and that ability has been available since march 2004!! That’s 5 years…

    Do they really still need to threaten you with the disclaimer to each job they find you ((”when”) however rare that is)?? But when they get you to sign most times they let you sign then remember to ask whether you [I] have done any “paid or unpaid work” blah blah – if you [I] did would have been too late and you [I] would have been sanctioned if not prosecuted for signing.”
    He earlier commented, that,

    1. “I totally agree with all points made here and being exited are widely stuck in the favour of YMCA Training when gone to a decision maker. Many people find themselves banned for 26 weeks because of this

    2. ? Yeah, you are supposed to be there for 1 week of induction then get stuck in a placement… everyone seems to be doing 30 hours job search a week… not far from full time hours. Then the job search sessions are not supervised anyway! Always under staffed.

    3. Did you know under DWP/JCP policy you are supposed to get a “Taster” session of the provision before you get signed on to the course?

      Then if it isn’t suitable – and you have a good enough reason – you don’t have to go on it.

      Having a reason afterwards isn’t good enough (under JCP rules) which then compromise your benefit. I know why you don’t get the taster opportunity in Ipswich or maybe just my New Deal adviser?

      4 pages of job search sounds good… then when you realise that only one page are small adverts (the rest are big box adverts) then short list out jobs you can do (there seems to be a lot of caring jobs etc. around which aren’t applicable) you end up with just 3 or 5 jobs to apply for and everyone applies for them so you stand no chance even though you apply for them anyway as you need a job (better then staying there and getting so little money)

      Your New Deal adviser supposed to be helping you – the “customer” – however their only objective is to stick you on to that course to mess with the official figures – as you will be classed as receiving “training” not “unemployed”.

      If you are lucky to get a placement the Government classes you as “employed” (until I looked it up I thought you were classed as in training still.

    4. May I also bring to your readers attention that one of the reasons for New Deal VSO is:

      “In many cases taking over from ’community service’ ordered by the Courts.”

      It is true. Unemployed people are being treated as a criminal would if caught for an offence.

      People may read this article and see it as perhaps a few unemployed people getting together and having a go at the state because they are ungrateful spoilt brats BUT the truth IS the participants are demotivated (funnily enough against YMCA Training values which is incorporated in the infamous red triangle).

      Without misleading anyone it is like the Iraqi prisoners who were made to stay still to avoid getting shot or electrocuted but instead of that happening its the threat of benefit being stopped (”exited” from the course) and perhaps poverty.”

    There is one solution: Close the YMCA Training Centres Down Now! There needs to a through investigation. Ipswich is unlikely to be a lone case of abuse of public funds, and the waste of human potential these New Workhouses have brought. Ultimately two people are to blame: Gordon Brown and James Purnell. They are responsible for the misery  involved. They need to be made to answer for their decisions.

    In the meantime despite opposition to the next stage of Welfare Reform (a further tightening of the screws) only the left of the Labour Party has expressed Parliamentary opposition. Unions and campaigners are not being heard in the media (even by some left magazines like Red Pepper, which seems to be getting quite a reputation for ignoring anything to do with welfare reform). The Tories promise an even tougher regime.

    Now is the time to step up the opposition!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 3, 2009 at 11:12 am

    Posted in Ipswich, Welfare State, Workfare

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    Mass Unemployment: Brown Makes Life for All Worse.

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    Time Again for This?

    Economists predict that mass unemployment will return in Europe (Guardian). “Unveiling revised economic forecasts, the commission said it expected the recession across Europe to be twice as bad as previously predicted and more than 11% of the workforce to join the ranks of the unemployed.” 

    One effect is to stimulate bosses’ drives to cut wages and lower conditions for those in employment.

    Thus (here): “A growing array of unions in Britain are reporting that a number of unscrupulous and capricious employers are using the recession as a convenient cover to make cutbacks on workers’ terms and conditions of employment to boost their profit levels.” One can see that the ‘light touch’ labour legislation in the UK, vaunted by Brown, helps this no end. Without proper job regulation and protection the field is open.

    Next, as we have posted at length, the open sore of unemployment is made worse by Brown and Purnell. The existing New Deal is an open scandal – detaining tens of thousands on bogus ‘training’ schemes. Just to cite one scam, As Dan points out, there is an inventive for providers to make a profit out of people’s misery by ‘exiting’ them (and removing their right to benefits) when they still get the same money as if they had attended! The Flexible New Deal, which will introduce forced ‘voluntary’ labour, will make the matters even worse (and that’s not even going to the plight of the lone parents, the disabled and a host of other aspects of the Grandgrind scheme).

    In Victorian Times the workeless shuddered at the name of the Workhouse. Those out of work  in the ‘twenties and ‘thirties recoiled at the shadow of the Means Test. Today the New Workhouse, Welfare Reform, is scarring the lives of yet another generation.

    At present there is a bloc, from the Conservative Party, the Liberals, Gordon Brown’s Cabinet and much (not all) of the Parliamentary Labour Party, to liberal commentators and an important part of the ‘voluntary sector‘ behind these moves. That is, to harry and oppress the unemployed, to fit them into a non-existent jobs market. Many faith bodies,  and some  ’community‘ groups,  are rubbing their hands at the prospect of getting their hands on the great unwashed, along with unscrupulous private ‘trainers’. Not to mention employers who would like to replace (see above) stroppy workers with free New Dealers.

    We need Union backing – the only force that has opposed this attack on the Welfare State. But they have yet to show their mettle. It is time that the the unemployed began to act on their own behalf.

    Close the Detention Centres Down!



    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 5, 2009 at 10:11 am

    Dieudonné’s French ‘Anti-Zionist’ List: Worst Political Alliance in Europe?

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    Holocaust Denier and Friend.

    Few deny that ‘Anti-Zionism’ can be  a cover for racism. But rarely does it lead to this broad alliance. In France the mixed-race (Cameroon-French)  ’humourist’ Dieudonné  has launched the Parti Anti-Sionist (Site). Its candidates are standing in the European Election this June (in the Isle-de- France). The List contains, Alain Soral, former Communist, then member of the Front National,  and Thierry Meyssan, famous as the author of  ”L’effroyable imposture” – a founding document of the 9/11 ‘Truth’ Movement.  They are joined by Sidi Yahi Gouasmi of the Fédération Chiite de France. As  well as Rabbi Schmiel Borreman of Judaism Against Zionism. This week, some senior political figures have called for this list to be banned (here).

    The resolute nature of Dieudonné’s ‘anti-Zionism’ is such that he invited Holocaust denier, Robert Faurisson, to his stage show last year (here).

    The PAS’s  programme includes the following:

    Faire disparaître l’ingérence sioniste dans les affaires publiques de la Nation.  (End Zionist interference in our Nation’s public affairs).

    Eradiquer toutes les formes de Sionisme dans la Nation. (Eliminate all forms of Zionism from the Nation).

    Libérer notre état, notre gouvernement et nos institutions de la main mise et de la pression des organisations sionistes. (Free our state , government and institutions from the hands of Zionists.)

    Fans of Islamism, Ultra-Orthodox Jews, Holocaust deniers, French nationalism, Conspiracy  Theories and France’s mixed-race answer to Bernard Manning, have (if they live in the Isle-de-France) a unique voting opportunity. Truly unique.

    Update: Dieudonné Blocked by Police for 2 Hours When Registering his List. But do not Despair,  the Negationist Numskull Got Through.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 7, 2009 at 11:46 am

    June Elections: No2EU struggles, BNP Nous voilà!

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    Crow and Friends: Move the Masses!

    The June elections loom. County and European – not exactly key institutions for the popular masses. Held in an atmosphere of absolute political pissdoffnessness they will be  the occasion for a lot of cock-snooting. Probably the BNP’s first Euro Parliament seats. A wipe-out for Labour. One hopes the mildly reform-minded Green Party will hold onto their positions. So far not even a blip for No2E (and I’m acquainted with some pretty unblippy blips). Still, they are standing everywhere, including in the vast Eastern Region. That includes here, East Anglia. Seething with resentment at MPs expenses - like anywhere else. Who knows if a couple of voters might cast their ballot papers in Bob Crow’s direction in protest.

    David Semple expresses scepticism about this domed venture. Rightly he targets No2EU’s sovereigntist programme (British Democracy first), the process by which the RMT came to launch it,  the Socialist Party’s participation, and its laughable presence on the ground. Yet he sees a potential lurking somewhere. That is in possible further union disaffiliations from the Labour Party. The basis for a future launch of a left political alternative. Or maybe not. To Dave Craig in the latest Weekly Worker the initiative is a “temporary workers’ party”. That is despite, as he acknowledges, its flawed platform. How anyone can see a space for Dave’s project of a European Republic (a social republic that the left can build for socialism) is hard to grasp. No2EU is pretty clear on its opposite: the existing nation-state (the UK) as the prime site for socialism. Well, at least this is a  better position than the nationalist left. One (how long for this world) faction, Sheridan’s Solidarity, is behind the campaign. The other, Scottish Socialist Party claims to be pro-European. It criticises Union Jack waving opponents of the EU. But wishes for the day when the Scots will be waving the Saltire. Or rather, believes that “Scotland out of Britain” is a progressive demand (here)  Tacitly aligned with the business leaders of, say, the SNP, that is. As for No2EU’s  appeal to the electorate the same Weekly Worker has a letter by Chris Straffrod. He reports 8 people at the No2EU Manchester launch. Half of them were left-wing critics. Some mass interest.

    No2EU’s previous promotion of a public meeting involving a German far-right M.P. first exposed here,  led to a  public  climb down in the Morning Star. Are supporters  up to these tricks again? Communist Student (Weekly Worker)  Chris Strafford alleges a No2EU supporter is promoting the List on British extreme-right and xenophobic Facebook sites (here).

    So much for an alternative to Brown, the Tories and the rest. Here we have more pressing concerns. In Ipswich the BNP are standing for the first time in the County elections. In two wards, Bridge and Chantry (here). Both working class. The first, Bridge, covers Stoke, a classic largely white poor and workers’ and area. Its Labour Branch  is practically dead. The candidate, Bryony Rudkin, politely described by a world-celebrated  left activist sometime back as ‘Blairite yuppie scum’ replaces Harold Manga a well-respected black Councillor. Harold was removed by New Labour equal opportunities. The principle that well-off former Islington Council leader PAs and County Council leaders should remove working class types from Guyana. It did not need the cunning of a skulk of foxes to see a weak point there. Nor that Chantry, a vast estate, has in many areas the same make-up. Though with some Labour life left. Maybe enough to fight back the BNP’s ambitions to stir up  in-fighting amongst the less well-off and panic the worried middle class. So that Griffin’s cronies can prance around with their Union Flags in elected positions.

    This is a  threat we will be concentrating on.


    Note: Nick Griffin was educated at a minor public school in near-by Woodbridge. The first time he stood for election (some decades ago) was in Ipswich, for the Council. Didn’t win.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 9, 2009 at 9:56 am

    European Left: Chronicle of a Defeat Announced.

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    This morning on France-Inter Bernard Guetta, in his ‘géopolitique’ slot, outlined the coming electoral defeat of the European Left (here). It’s an analysis worth thinking about. In view of the June European elections and coming national contests in Spain and Germany (to cite but two). To begin with, Guetta asks: why is the left not on the rise? The recession/slump should have helped reforming alternatives.  The right’s polices are unsettled. In France, Nicolas Sarkozy, elected as a hard-line neo-liberal, has changed tack. Now he calls for regulation and a new financial and economic order. The international scene looks better: America’s right has finally lost Presidential power. The left, one would imagine, could  accelerate the retreat from liberalism. For a start, by doing well in elections.

    In fact opinion polls indicate that the European Socialist Party will lose heavily to the conservatives.  Notably the European People’s Party and whatever band of  cranks the British Tories align themselves with. Britain is far from an exception amongst the 27 EU countries. Except that the far-right here are in a position to make a break-through for the first time.

    Why?  Voters, Guetta argues, don’t blame their right-wing governments for the crisis – it came from America. They see them as better placed to deal with than uncertain new faces. Guetta suggests that the Socialist bloc is also tainted with its own association with the worst kind of liberalising economics (to say the least – Brown and Blair). It has been unable  to build a coherent European force (not able to offer a candidate in opposition to right-wing EU Commission chief, José Manuel Barroso). Or even a serious counter-programme on a Continental level. In these conditions the right appears to offer prudent management rather than a leap into the unknown. Crisis driven prejudices, resentment and fear can be channelled by the racist right in all its hues. Fortunately, against this, forward looking alternatives have gained appeal  (notably in France and Germany) towards the left of the social democratic parties. But these groups will not have much power.

    “cette crise fermerait la longue parenthèse libérale a laissé le champ libre aux droites pour préempter le retour de l’Etat et aux extrêmes gauches pour surfer sur la colère sociale.

    “This crisis will close the long liberal parenthesis, leaving the field free for the right to take advantage of the return of the State and for the extreme left to ride the wave of social anger.”

    He concludes,

    En ne jouant pas l’Europe, en ne sachant pas se faire l’avocat d’une puissance publique continentale à même de défendre le Travail, les gauches achèvent de se tirer dans le pied.

    In not staking on Europe, not knowing how to make itself the advocate for a Continental Public Power, and not even defending Labour, the lefts have shot themselves in the foot.

    The particular misery of the British Labour Party deserves a section on its own. Like a wounded and manky stag Gordon Brown is at bay. New Labour expended generations of political capital building up transient support in the ‘new middle class’ and ditching the labour movement.  It has recently turned to making the lives of the unemployed a living hell. No wonder it has nothing to fall back on in its present despair.

    But are there Left alternatives emerging? Opinion polls suggest that in France the Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste (NPA has fallen down to 7% of voting intentions (from around 11%), while the Front de Gauche is hovering close at 6%. Lutte Ouvrière is at a low 2%. Unlike these fragments the German Die Linke may do better. But as the SPD looks likely to lose the autumn federal elections they will remain an opposition within an opposition. As is clearly the case in other European states. Italy’s left, faced with a malevolent clown, is impotent. It is still dominated by failing attempts to transplant the pro-business-socially-reformist model of the US Democrats. The Spanish PSOE seems simply unable to get a grip on the country. The traditional enemy of progressives, the Catholic Church, has been on the rampage. The Socialists’  left competitor, Izquirada Unida, remains marginal.  Only Iceland, which today announced its intention to join the EU, seems to have a real new Left government. But will its Green-Left partners remain trapped in the old hostility to European-wide structures it was born with? A warning: such policies have helped drive the British left to irrelevance.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 11, 2009 at 10:23 am

    European Elections: French Left Fractured.

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    This latest French Opinion Poll on voting intentions for the June European Elections is of interest.

      Février 2009 Avril 2009 Mai 2009
    Liste de Lutte ouvrière soutenue par Arlette Laguiller 3 3 2
    Liste du Nouveau parti anticapitaliste soutenue par Olivier Besancenot 9 7 7
    Liste d’union Parti communiste et Parti de gauche soutenue par Marie-George
    Buffet et Jean-Luc Mélenchon
    4 5,5 6,5
    Liste du Parti socialiste 23 22,5 21,5
    Liste Europe Ecologie soutenue par Daniel Cohn-Bendit 7 7,5 7
    Liste du MoDem soutenue par François Bayrou 14,5 14 13,5
    Liste UMP 26 26,5 27
    Liste MPF-CPNT soutenue par Philippe de Villiers et Frédéric Nihous 5 5 5
    Liste Debout la République soutenue par Nicolas Dupont-Aignan 2 1 1
    Liste du Front national soutenue par Jean-Marie Le Pen 6 7,5 7,5
    Autres listes (1) 0,5 0,5 2

    That the UMP (Sarkozy’s party) is at 27%, a head above the Socialist Party(PS)  has many causes. Sarkozy has wind in his sails. He’s managed a deft act. Pre-becoming President  Sarko promised ruthless liberalisation. Now, faced with the recession, and its scandals, he calls for humanising capitalism. The main Parliamentary opposition? A weak, compromised, ’orthodox’ social democratic party. Weaknesses? The French Socialists are seeing the results of not defining themselves as a robust reforming force. There is the legacy of their own ‘Blairite’ period (1984 – 86)  – market-worship under Prime Minister Laurent Fabius. Then, after a return to Government following the thundering 1996 social movement, they vacillated. Socialist Prime Minister (1997 – 2002) Lionel Jospinbegan by defending the public sector. He ended up agreeing to privatisations. He lost, notoriously, to Chriac in 2002 – scoring less than le Pen for President. In the wilderness it seemed as if they might getradical. No: there was scramble for power before the last (20060 presidentials. Followed by in-fighting. Without any clear PS left opposition (its left fragmented, behindthe long-standing grandees, some quit the organisation with Mélenchon) their divisions are arranged around personalities. Above all,  the legendary feud between PS General Secretary Martine Aubry and Presidential loser Ségolène Royal. The result? A reduction of support to its core constituency: 21,5%.

    If anyone has reaped a harvest from the PS’s lack of dynamism it’s the Modems of  François Bayrou. Posing as the most resolute – if avuncular – opponent of Sarkozy’s ‘coup d’état (attack on liberties) gets him a hefty 13,5%. To a lesser extent the Liste Europe Ecologie led by a smirking Daniel Cohen-Bendit (liberal market Green), at 7% have captured attention. Both appeal to mildly annoyed voters who don’t want anything really to change in France, and recoil from anything more than verbally challenging Sarkozy. By contrast another harmless diversion, the ‘Gaullist’ (pure republican) list, led by Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, is barely registering at 1%

    The left of the PS still scores well. Olivier Besancenot’s Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste has come down from an inflated 11% (claimed) to 9% to 7% – illustrating the danger of politics as  personal mangetism. At 6,5% the Liste d’union Parti communiste et Parti de gauche backed by par Marie-George Buffet (PCF)  et Jean-Luc Mélenchon (Parti de Gauche) closely tails them. No doubt this will cause some embarrassment to those ‘anti-capitalists’ who failed to recognise the underlying strength of these ‘reformists’. Still we can read again the refusal of the NPA to have a common List or agreement  with their rivals (here). Apparently its due to the PCF-PG sometimes working with the French Socialists and making arrangements with the social-fascist class traitors (okay I made that last bit up). LO, at 2% is nowhere.

    Unlike the UK the far-right appears on a downward slide. A kind of UKIP (with ties to Libertas), the Liste MPF-CPNT  gets 5%. Le Pen is at 7,5%. Anti-Europanism and ‘security’ are still important issues  for some, and xenophobia has hardly gone away, but not they’re not the seismetic forces they once were.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 14, 2009 at 11:04 am

    MPs’ Expenses and Marxist Methodology.

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    Gordon Needs Some Top Tendance Tips.

    Nearly everyone has had a say on the MPs expenses scandal. So now’s the time for the Tendance to have its two penneth worth. From the view point of a section of the drinking classes which has raised itself to the level of understanding of the world-historical development of capitalism. That is. 

    Some tips.

    Comrade Wooster rightly pointed out that “stout denial” is best tried quickly. Congrats to Justice Minister Shadid Malik for following the Bertie Bolsheviks on this. We all stand by his statement that his claims were all made “a million per cent” within the rules.” (here) With those maths shame he’s not in charge of the Treasury!

    Honesty is the best Marxist policy, is it not? Commendation to Clare Short, Shadow Minister for Belated Courage and Patron Saint of Cracked Tunes, on her contretemps, “an honest mistake.” (and see here)

    Elliot Morely appealed to the anti-capitalist in us all by blaming the number crunchers for his difficulties: “sloppy accounting” (here).

    Michael Trend, although from the monopoly capitalist enemy, melted our class warrior heart by blaming his claim of £19,000 on naivety and “misunderstanding” (here). How many times have the great unwashed  used that one when Graham caught them filching a bottle of Absolut Vodka from Sainsbury’s!

    Let’s not forget that UKIP showed the way. Tom Wise, a UKIP (now independent) MEP for East Anglia charged this year with fiddling expenses (here), said that he has not “personally profited” from any of the loot (here). Hats off to the clever ex-Copper.

    Now for the rest of the lot about to mount the stage and explain themselves: break a leg!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 15, 2009 at 9:49 am

    Euro-Elections: A Marxist Analysis.

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    Will the British Left Support a Social European Republic?

    Who likes politicians? Or at any rate those in office. Fewer and fewer it seems. For the June European elections, the flight to small parties has begun. Demagogues and chancers, xenophobes and frank racists.  Thus: voting intentions at CON 28%(-9), LAB 19%(-3), LDEM 19%(nc), UKIP 19%(+12!), GRN 6%(+2), BNP 3%(-1). As the Sunday Mirror comments these  opinion polls run  UKIPneck and neck with Labour. The BNP looms. Those who see a silver lining in the Green vote forecast  (6%) are clutching at (organic) straws. The trend is, to say the least, not progressive.

    The Continent has seen party-systems shaken by scandals over Politicians and money before. Germany was rocked by them when Chancellor Kohl was found out financing the CDU by dodgy means. France has periodic bouts of outrage over party funding – usually creaming off municipal contracts and an imaginative range of front businesses and ‘not-for-profit’ bodies. Spain sees at this very moment a crisis over right-wing Partido Popular political corruption in Valencia.  Still we’d have to go back to the Italian Tangentopoli scandals  to see anything that’s had a greater impact than the present UK meltdown. No-one is suggesting (well, not strongly) that UK Parliamentarians have Italy’s relation with organised crime. Though the interface between political figures and business is murky territory. Take the example of David Blunkett: his princely wage from the ‘training’ company A4E   (newly awarded a raft of contracts for the flexible New Deal) deserves further investigation (here). No. It’s more direct: the cosseted lives of MPs at people’s expense really gets on the electors’ goat.

    What should be the left do?

    The first response is: shout and spit blood. The second is: can we show anything politically? The answer to that is, the coming European and County Council elections are an opportunity to express our views. That is opposition to all of the above, notably Gordon Brown. But how?

    Should we follow Geoff Martin, a respected comrade – just expelled from the Labour Party for calling for a vote for a rival to the LP List  -  and back No2EU? (here)

    There is thus the No2EU List – not registering in the polls at any rate. Its strategy? To say No to the European Union and yes to British democracy. It is, in short ‘sovereigntist’ (nations first). It wants popular rule to come through a stronger British – independent – state. Nationalists on the left disagree – they want even smaller states (Scotland, Wales notably)  to run our affairs. Both groups are throwbacks to the 19th century. That’s the  ideas of the Italian liberal Giuseppe Mazzini. He thought that ‘people’s  nations’  were a progressive goal. They should be republics. Rid of tyrants and dynastic states that  imprisoned nationalities. Free peoples would then co-operate and make the world a better place. Put Brussels and the UK in these slots and you get No2Eu and the Scottish Socialist Party, plus a lot of left flotsam and jetsam. Excluding naturally well-respected cormades etc who are wrongly informed. They did not choose wisely.

    Maybe they’ll get round to reforming Mazzini’s People’s International League.

    Marx argued  frequently with Mazzini and his followers. Famously during the time of the First International (1860s-70s) The Italian Patriot’s cloying sentimentality rankled enough. But the real disagreement was over class. Conflict that is. Some very simple principles. Nations have classes. Mazzini wanted class harmony.  Capitalism is international, it forms, classes, well you’ve guessed it, internationally. The national shapes (influenced by states, culture, local conflicts) shape this. But do not cause it.  To abolish them means world-wide activity. To Marxists how the working class (broadly defined) might gain the power to end its exploitation is the key political issue. This depended on class unity – across the very national boundaries that the nationalists, however left, whatever their republicanism,  try to reinforce. 

    Switch forward to the June European elections. The British left, from its woolliest Red-Green Wing to its hardest Communist Party of Britain/RMT one, is united in rejecting Euro-Liberalism. On offer by all the main party lists. But what does this mean? Most see this implying that rejection of the European Union (said more or less openly, I;m not even sure about the Greens’ views, till recently they demanded withdrawl). The SSP and Soldarity  advocate some kind of Saltire Socialism  the others, a  Parliamentary left revival. The SSp claims to be pro-Euroepan though its main contribution seems to be to add another flag to the already crowded EU one.  Or, perhaps like the harmless cranks of the Social Forums, they believe in devolving power so much it will disappear.

    They are out of joint with most of the European Left.  They have no credible alternative to  European institution than sovereign states. The French anti-Euro Constitution booklet, En finir avec le euro-libéralisme (2008, L’Utopie Critique) is full of the former. It shows how European institutions are wedded to neo-liberalism, are remote from the electorate, deny even the creation of a European public constituency. So far, so much the Euro-scepticism.That the EU has not hindered – indeed has encouraged – the conditions leading ton the Banking crisis and the return of the bust part of the boom, is obvious. But here we split. The writers of En finir pose the question of a different Europe. One   which the excluded have the power to shape the institutions of the Continent. Hard as that may be, the demand for a Social Europe, a European Social republic, is one that unites, not divides. It’s a classic Marxist objective.  In the path of the First International, not Mazzini’s People’s Alliance.

    There are some small  British left groups, the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty and the Weekly Worker-CPGB, which stand for such internationalist politics. The Weekly Worker offers a highly developed political analysis of the need for a Europe-wide socialist republic. One that needs some strategy to create, not just voting. Not that we have anyone here to vote for that stands for such ideas. No doubt there are others who think in this direction, from the democratic socialist left above all.  Unfortunately withthe  fragmentation of the electorate all the most visible part of the British left seems to offer is a mix of dead-ends and confusion.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 17, 2009 at 12:09 pm

    Extension du domaine de la lutte.

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    Key Theoretical Text.

    The class struggle intensifies. The floating signifier of the articulated hegemonic practices has been rent with lack, its suture is unravelling in chains of equivalence. The Tendance’s unity offensive against Dave Dudley reaches a peak. Er. Whatever. Michael Martin, symbol of all that is rotten in AEU pompous right-wingery, is (after clinging to his Office for dear life) going to resign as Speaker (here).  There’s a national political vacuum. We intend to do our best to intervene.

    Here the Ipswich Anti-Racist, Anti-Fascist Committee held its first meeting last week. Around forty people attended – at a  few days notice. We will be out campaigning against the BNP.

    A web site, created by Ipswich Unemployed Action, has been set up. The site presents many interesting first-hand reports and comments by Dan (and our good self – others will be forthcoming – yes you bloody will!) from the town. Its objectives are here.  

    Nor should we forget the past. We would  like to signal the Country Standard. The Standard was the Communist Party of  Great Britain’s ‘rural’ paper (corresponding to La Terre in France). It was closely connected to the Agricultural Workers’ Union – now part of Unite the Union. There is a wealth of articles on the site, illustrating a positive side of the Communist Party. Of interest are the categories for Marxist historian A.L.Morton (who had strong  links with Suffolk), Paxton Chadwick (post-war Communist Mayor of Leiston), and his widow, Lee Chadwick, who continued the fight until her death in 2003 at 93 years old. I have a signed copy of her book, In Search of Heathland   in my front room. For all East Anglian comrades the Wilf Page section is of great importance. This marvellous man left a deep imprint. Poorly he was still a regular attender at the annual Burston rally. He passed away in 2001.


    An absolute gem of a site.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 19, 2009 at 10:58 am

    From Fatwa to Jihad. Kenan Malik.

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     It is twenty years since Ayatollah Khomeini, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, pronounced his Fatwa against Salman Rushdie. On 14th of February 1999 he sentenced to death all involved in its publication. The Cleric offered a reward of $3 million (or $1 million to a non-Muslim) for anyone who carried out the murder. The effects of this ‘judgement’ still reverberate. In this finely layered book, From Fatwa to Jihad (2009), Kenan Malik describes the campaign against the Satanic Verses. Its unfolding left a significant legacy in the United Kingdom. He concentrates on two important areas. How the Rushdie affair provided an opportunity for Islamists of various stripes to assert themselves on the national scene. Behind fronts, the latest being the Muslim Council of Britain, they have laid claim to being the true representatives of British Muslims. The other is an account of the way in which the British state’s accommodation to such groups has shaped multiculturalism. How the Rushdie Affair brought to the fore fundamental principles  of freedom of speech. That is, how these liberties have been eroded by the defence of the sacred in the name of difference.

    Malik reminds us that the Satanic Verses, is a complex and densely textured piece of literature. It was initially considered as a playful ‘post-modernist’ kaleidoscope with pronounced anti-racist traits. Most today, however, remember the episodes involving ‘Mahound’ (an amusing caricature of Mohamed). These were loosely anchored on the ‘Satanic verses’. That is, revelations that did not fit with doctrine (accepting a compromise over traditional deities) that were later excluded from the Qur’an. The novel’s parody of Islam’s founder’s years of rule and, notably, of his wives – such as the (historically real) decision to execute poets critical of the Prophet immediately raised a few hackles. They were gleefully seized on. In recounting the less picturesque tale of the organised outbidding by Saudi Arabian inspired outrage, and Iran’s, Malik details the Moslem protests. These began on the Indian subcontinent, reached the streets of the UK and culminated in atrocities: the attack on William Nygaard, Rushdie’s Norwegian translator, the knifing to death of his Japanese confrère, Hitoshu Igarashi. In Turkey, a Hotel meeting at Sivas, of the liberal Alevi religious current, at which the Rushdie translator, Aziz Nesin attended was surround by a mob. It was razed to the ground. 37 people were killed. The killers were prosecuted but the Turkish state initially attempted to try Nesin. I had occasion to talk to a Kurdish Alevi (now an atheist)  a few days ago and she still seethed with rage at the inferno and the Islamist pogrom in the town that followed. These events, as much as the book itself and the furore in Britain, left their mark.

    At the time many people, liberals and leftists, including his publishers, Penguin, defended Rushdie. Yet a few empathised with the ‘hurt’ caused to Islam by the ‘West’. Or considered that Rushdie was a foreign chap out to make trouble. The most notable case was the British Government. Its spokespeople expressed ‘understanding’ for the anti-Rushdie anger, and apologised for the publication of the Satanic Verses.

    Meanwhile the British Islamists who marched, attracted a wider audience. They discovered pride and identity in Islam. Former leftists from a Muslim background began to join them. He does not delve deeply into this, but it was also a key moment not just in the state’s policy of co-option, but in leftist accommodation to Islamism. The process has been encouraged by those who consider this a repeat of assertions of anti-racist Black identity. Why these are not considered traitors to the left on a par with ex-Trotskyist neo-conservatives is but one of many shameful aspects of the affair. Their contribution to reaction, should, all proportions kept, never be excused. Malik takes great pains, bolstered by on-the-spot investigation, to prove how wrong this approach is. What has happened is a proliferation of religious and ethnic fragmentation – hardly a left-wing objective. A world in which the most rigorous forms of Political Islam have flourished.

    Talking to former members of the Bradford based Asian Youth Movement, Malik explores how this has occurred on the ground. In place of this 1970s anti-racist movement, with its class based and inclusive agenda, we have “plural monoculturalism”, with competing ‘communities’ fighting it out for public resources. After the initial Black (political) identity of anti-racism, we were faced with a process of endless redefinition, frequently on religious grounds (Islam first, rapidly imitated by other faiths). This finished by “imposing identities on people”. Nor was this a matter of purely cultural politics. A crude power struggle for community grants was been encouraged by challenging funding through religious and ethnic ‘community leaders’ – from the Greater London Council’s policy during the Livingstone 1980s period (reintroduced by the new GLA in the second millennium) to Birmingham’s Umbrella Group. The scene is set by the process, of doling out cash on what Malik calls a ‘tribal’ basis. In this way “multiculturalism has helped create new divisions and more intractable conflicts which made for a less openly racist but a more insidiously tribal Britain.” Plenty of cases of ethnic and religious jostling, from Hindis, Sikhs, and Christians, to the opens sore between South Asians and those of black descent, follow. The complicity of some of the left in this spoils-system, and the bullying shown by those who wield the term Islamophobia to shout down their critics, is well known. Thus it is a shame the author of From Fatwa to Jihad did not interview at greater length leftist activists who have long expressed opposition to this kind of multiculturalism – communalism in all but name. Such opinions are shared beyond the stalwart anti-racists of Southall Black Sisters– rightly cited out by Malik for their persistence to fight fundamentalism of any ilk. It is becoming a key issue for grass-roots left politics in fighting the rise of another ‘community’ ethnic politics. That is the one Malik notes, parading under the label of ‘British identity’ – the BNP.

    Malik does not follow the self-lacerating route of explaining Islamism through the ‘humiliation’ of Muslims. He covers the spectrum of Islamic social and theological doctrines. From Fatwa to Jihad centres on Islamism, that is, the political-religious forces  often called fundamentalists or intègrists. Getting to grips with the political and cultural roots of the phenomenon he draws on recent writings by Olivier Roy and others he detects a response to globalisation in the diverse tans-national movements. They are fixated on rules, and literal interpretations of the Qur’an. Yet many enthusiasts are strangely contemporary, with tinges of New Age individualism. Islamism “is very much a child of modern plural societies, with its celebration of ‘difference’ and ‘authenticity.” The screams of hate against any perceived insult of Islam are more about blaspheming their ‘feelings’ than serious theology. This is less clear. No doubt there are some forms of Islam that fit this mould. Locally there is the mysteriously wealthy Origo ‘community’ centre and café which acts as a cover for an Islamic version of the Alpha Course*. But what of more directly Political Islam?  If it is anything, it is organised. They have finance, they have class origins, not just the educated jihadis that Malik cites, but leaders in the pious Islamist bourgeoisie. Al-Qaeda may be dispersed around the world; other networks are rigidly structured, as Hizbt ut-Tahir indicates. The way these bodies operate offers an entry into religious revelation. The objectives may be the fantastic Cockaigne of an Islamic Republic in which only the pure may walk. But the effects are manifold. This inspires people’s whole lives, and cuts them off (when politically translated) from the rest of society. So both streams of Islam exist – alongside all the multiple forms of traditionalism and modernism. A recent case, the Danish caricatures, is an indication of both individualism and organisation, Malik has not rouble showing that the very act of representing Mohamed is not against traditional Islam. It is rather considered a personal attack on puffed up individualists. But it was the ‘Muslim community’ with its all-too eager offence seekers that arranged the protests, to which the British liberals and government so cravenly capitulated. They might not achieve their utopia but the Islamists search for political influence and power continues. Over the bodies of the impure.  

    What impulse, detached from the realities of  human needs, and based on religious delirium, encourages these forces? How do they recruit? Their propaganda is telling. Fear plays a big part. The height of this trend, Malik demonstrates, can be found in warning about an immanent Endlösung for European Muslims, as if the whiff of the gas chambers had crept into our streets. Malik shows that this is “hysterical to the point of delusional” While restrictions on civil liberties in the ‘war against terrorism’ (a very real terror, as 7/7 indicates domestically), infringe human rights, and there are some bouts of aggression against Moslems, there is little evidence of systematic attacks on British Muslims. Still less the kind of religious  descrimination against, say, Copts in Egypt. On stop-and search alone it is youths of an Afro-Caribbean background who are overwhelmingly targeted. The BNP rails against foreigners en bloc,  and are equal opportunity racists. Malik indeed argues, “If Muslims are singled out in Britain, and it is often for privileged treatment.” That is, public figures from Prince Charles to Tony Blair, go out of their way to praise its contribution to the world, and there are constant arrangements made to accommodate believers – subsidies, provisions for observance of ritual, and even efforts to incorporate Sharia ‘law’ into British jurisprudence. Nevertheless the effect of this rhetoric may be, he observes, to legitimate slaughtering the ‘kufer’, as acts of resistance.

    The upshot is a poisonous legacy. Today Malik remarks, there is “widespread acceptance that it had been wrong to publish, and even more wrong to republish. Writers and artists, political leaders insisted, had a responsibility to desist from giving offence and upsetting religious sensibilities.” The law of blasphemy has been repealed but the first steps towards prosecuting criticism of religion have been taken through other legislation. Against this the wholly misguided view has been expressed that this is a battle between the ‘West’ and Islam. The latter Martin Amis opines, should be made to pay by collective punishment. Even the Enlightenment has been conscripted to this distorted cause. Destroying the very universalism which is its mark. An insult to the beloved Alevi martyrs who paid with their lives in Sivas for the defence of the Enlightenment’s most cherished values. The upshot? The failure to advance genuine Enlightenment canons of freedom of speech, and universalistic anti-racism, has “helped build a culture of grievance, in which being offended is a badge of identity, cleared a space for radical Islamists to flourish and made secular and progressive arguments less sayable, particularly within Muslim communities.” 

    This book cannot be recommended too much. The dilemma of how to promote real equality, and universalism, in the face of the demands of anti-democratic religious groups, remains a key political issue. This is not a problem just of the ‘unrepresentative’ nature of bodies like the Muslim Council of Britain. It’s deeper. There can be absolutely no compromise or flexibility on the core principles of the Enlightenment, freedom of thought, enquiry and expression, at their head. In the meantime I wish that all those attending the meeting I went to last night at a Council for Racial Equality, would read From Fatwa to Jihad.

    * Though this apparently harmless group soon reveals its links to organised obscurantism here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 21, 2009 at 11:07 am

    Euro-Elections: Another Social Democratic Party Doing Badly.

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    Not a Good Time for the PSOE Either.

    The British Labour Party has its own problems. Of its own making. Too well-known to repeat. Its low score (below UKIP?) in the Euro-Elections is expected. But they are not along on the European left. The French Socialists, as we have signaled, are suffering for their indecision, their lack of a credible radical programme, and their leaders’ tiffs. This morning comes confirmation that the Spanish PSOE is about to do  badly as well.

    El Païs gives the latest opinion poll results. The crucial point is that PSOE supporters in the past lack the impulse to go out and cast their ballots, “Así lo reconocen fuentes de la dirección socialista, cuyas encuestas reflejan que el 70% de los votantes del PP declaran que irán a votar a ese partido en tanto que los del PSOE no llegan al 40%. ” Sources in the Socialist Leadership recognise that poll analysis indicate that 70% of the PP (right-wing) voters declare that they will go and vote for this party, while this reaches only 40% of PSOE supporters.” The articles notes the strategy of what we would call “social partnership” between the government, unions and employers. To PSOE Prime Minister Zaptero, the aim is that they will “Saldremos juntos de la crisis” – a united way out of the crisis. Crisis there certainly is. Figures claiming that Spain has around 4 million out of work for example. These, as experts signal, are not fully verifiable, given a number of difficulties about Spain’s employment statistics – here  (such as the importance of the ‘informal’ economy). But one doubts they cheer anyone up.

    If Brown is reaping the rewards of his ruthless – extremist – pursuit of market solutions, even the moderate supporters of ‘social partnership’ don’t seem to be doing well either.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 23, 2009 at 10:06 am

    Ben Gummer to Join Tendance Coatesy?

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    Ben collecting Post Office signatures in the Cornhill


    The face of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy?

    Or a true Comrade?

    Ben Gummer is the son of MP John Gummer (Suffolk Coastal). Famous for his Agriculture Minister Father forcing mad-cow burgers down his throat at a  tender age. Now, prospective – Conservative – PC for Ipswich, Ben was out on the Corn Hill yesterday. If you looked very closely you’d have found that his petition to save Ipswich Hospital/the NHS/Baby seals etc was a Conservative Party one. At £100 for a day’s permission to hold a stall on the privatised town square, he certainly was keen not to get abuse from passers-by who might take exception to a load of Tories. Though as we pointed out, such tricks are normally the mark of the Trotskyist tradition.

    Ben, or Benjy as I call him as we are mates of a kind, a not very kind kind, wants to be liked. We know because he spoke of this very Blog last week. And had actually read it. Naturally our first reaction was to consider this a plot launched from our ever increasing swamp of enemies. But apparently not. This week he distinguished himself by talking to a local anarcho-syndicalist about his interest in libertarian ideas and Noam Chomsky. Ben later came over to the Ipswich Against Fascism and Racism stall – pushed down Tavern Street away from the privatised centre. And engaged in a chat with assorted anti-BNP leafleters. With no doubt the same wish to be taken as a jolly good fellow.

    No doubt he is a jolly good fellow. But we have a message for Benjy. One of those hard facts of life that aspiring politicians should know. No Tory, the offspring of John Gummer, reared on a diet of roast moles culled from his dad’s extensive estates, is going to be liked by the Tendance.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 24, 2009 at 10:41 am

    Hail the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)!

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    We Salute Your Courage and Indefatigability!

    Imperialism has no moral authority to criticise the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) (조선민주주의인민공화국)! Nor its Junior partner, Britain – writes Andy Newman. Rightly standing up for socialist unity the esteemed comrade poo-poohs criticism of the Korean workers’ state. If they do nuclear testing, then so does the UK. Undeniable. From a  country that invades Afghanistan and puts down the anti-imperialist Taliban, what can you expect? A land where MPs get their bath plugs at tax-payers’ expense no less!

    By contrast, “North Korea has invaded no other country, and no soldier from North Korea is serving on foreign soil.”   One could add that all DPRK MPs have to carve their own bath plugs out of disused nuclear shells.

    Forget the  wobbling on unconditional support for Juche ideology. We heartily agree with the thrust of Comrade Andy’s masterly analysis.


    Victory to the DPRK!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 26, 2009 at 11:01 am

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    European Election Polls in France: Socialists Down, Front de Gauche Up, Front National Nowhere.

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    On the Up?

    The last Official French Opinion Polls before the June Euro-Elections.

    Voting Intentions (Le Monde):   20 %  undecided.   26 % d UMP-Nouveau centre. At 19 % the Parti Socialiste continues its decline.  François Bayrou’s MoDems is  at 14 %  Europe écologie- Cohn-Bendit and José Bové 11 %  and the  Front de Gauche (Parti communiste and Parti de gauche) at 7 %  is above Olivier Besancenot’s  NPA 6 %.

     Marie-George Buffet was very chirpy on France-Inter this morning. Organisation tells. Another factor to watch is that some of the NPA’s support comes from those uncertain about casting a ballot. All results, with up to 20% of those polled undecided, are hard to be certain about.

    The Front National is well down, at  6%  and Libertas (Mouvement pour la France and CPNT, ‘hunters” party) – hard right ‘sovereigntists’ 4 %.

    Lutte Ouvrière is at a mighty 2 %, the Alliance Ecologique Indépendante 1,5 % and Debout la République (more sovereigntists), 0,5 %.

    Just a prediction. Expect supporters of the NPA to downplay electoral results. And redisover the dangers of ‘Parliamentary cretinism’.

    That said one can only envy the French electors’ choice. Two decent parties of the left, contending against each other (the NPA refused an alliance, charging the Front de Gauche with reformism). Both hostile to a neo-liberal Europe. Both with trans-European social ideas. Each anti-capitalist.  Even the Parti Socialiste is better than the rotting corpse that calls itself New Labour. Plus, good ole Régis Debray (never thought I’d say that) backs the Front de Gauche.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 28, 2009 at 11:08 am

    Tarnac Affair: Julien Coupat Freed.

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    Just a  short note: Julien Coupat has been freed (provisionally) – here. He was accused of running a clandestine anarchist-autonomist network, responsible for sabotage of rail tracks. And no doubt Sarkozy’s bad breath. This has become a cause célèbre in France. Put simply, at the heights of the French state there was a view that, with widespread social unrest,  far-left terrorism was on the cards. They then ‘found’ the Tarnac accused (Julien is the last one held – for over seven months) to ‘fit’ the theory. Julien remains under stringent ‘juridical control’ (here). When, and how, the trial of Julien and his co-accusees, will take place, is now extremely unclear.

    I will be blogging (we’ve been posting on this from the beginning) in more detail about this sordid episode. There was a long interview with Coupat in le Monde a couple of days ago, now translated I have just learnt,(here) and lots of things to say. Basically though, it’s an indication of serious political over-reaction.


    Good news. We hope.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 29, 2009 at 12:09 pm

    After the Election Débâcle.

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    Bedside Reading.

    Next Read This?

    The Euro-Elections are this Thursday (Sunday for most of Europe). County Council ballots will take place the same day in many areas. All the indications are of a historic collapse of the Labour vote. Alan Johnson the very right-wing Cabinet Minister tipped to be next Labour leader, predicts his party’s worst results ever. (Here) 

    As the multiple crises overwhelm the Cabinet, and the spectral figure of Gordon Brown prepares for an early grave, the political landscape is being reshaped.

    Firstly, there is a rise in populism. I mean this seriously; not as a lazy journalistic blame-word. The politics of ‘the people’ against the ‘élite’. Run, as it is often is, by celebrities (wealthy media stars looking for a new stage and a comfortable extra pension). And the far-right.  I note, having been out campaigning against the BNP, that this populism is directed against immigrants – the ‘non-people’. For all the guff about massive waves of anti-Muslim feeling, this is a lot simpler. Ordinary people fighting it out over scarce resources and blaming the incomers for their problems. Plus lumping a lot on ‘the politicians’ – and the easiest target, ‘Europe’.

    Secondly, the Tories are going to get in under cover of darkness: the Labour Party is going to go down in shame and confusion, unable to react. Their policies, for those bothered to read them, are a sharpening of the privatisation, hard right strategy of Gordon Brown. For those  who  refuse to settle for the Labour lesser evil, they have lots more evil to offer. The tools of state finance capitalism (nationalised banks) are there to favour the rich. The well-off who will be the first rewarded: tax cuts are a priority. And for all the rhetoric about freedoms the true moral culture of the Tories is shown by their EU alliance with Europe’s reactionary fringe.

    Where will this leave Labour? Johnson is an atheist, which puts in bad odour with the religious leadership of the  Party. He was the only major trade union MP to back abolishing Clause Four, and backs privatisation. Which makes him loathed by the left – though it is said that the more ambiguous figure of John Cruddas could work with him. Since nobody know who will survive the coming wipe-out of a General Election, all of this is pretty speculative in any case.

    That the left has been unable to present a challenge has deeper causes than the traditional ‘the main UK left parties are the most sectarian in Europe’ (not while the Tendance is still here!).

    To begin with it is unable to counter populism.

    On the one hand it is trying a feeble populist operation itself: No2EU. One groaned at the sight of Tony Benn during their electoral broadcast. Been may be a good chap. But he has the political judgement of a fruit-fly. A very amiable fruit-fly. One with a ‘O’ Level in the British Constitution.  And fundamentally, for all his ’internationalism’,  a patriotic dissident. Which is what this anti-Europe campaign is all about. It is unable to confront UKIP- to all forecasts, the grand winners of the Euro-Elections – because it shares their premise about ‘British democracy’ being threatened by Jonny Foreigner.

    On the other hand, its anti-BNP campaign has been rent through with populism. Of a jolly ‘we’re all Benetton babes’, and ‘communities’ united against, you’ve guessed it, the ‘foreign’ ideology of Griffin. I have noted some ‘anti-BNP’ campaigners even say that it is better to vote UKIP than the overt fash. Why?

    There are plenty of other causes of the feeble left response. That is, its own contribution to fragmenting the fragments. The left has been down the dead-ends of nationalism (the so-called progressive route of the break-up of the UK, or simply ‘restoring’ British democracy), alliances with ‘faith communities’ for a long time. It has failed to grapple with the politics of creating a degree of unity and universality, the traditional type of class struggle politics. Its communalist slant on multiculturalism has fed the pond that the BNP has thriven in. Thus the far-right promotes its own ‘community’ of the White British. Outbidding the other ‘communities’ with their ‘leaders’.

    One part of the left (and sections of Respect, desperate for a way to jump a sinking ship) imagines its got a way out through the Green Party. Others look at the dying embers of the anti-Globalisation movement and all they see are a few gleams from the Greens. That is a party unable to deal with class issues (it was founded as an explicit alternative to class struggle socialism). Despite some people’s belief that they are left-wing the heart of the Greens lies on the  centre-right  centre-left. Daniel Cohen-Bendit is a good guide to their politics: a chap who’s allied with Christian Semocrats rather than the Die Linke. They often side with the left on issues such as human rights. No doubt some of their activists are good people. But Green issues are prior to everything. We should be in ‘harmony’ with  Nature – something like a religious belief. As ‘post-materialists’, believers in Gaia-politics,  they are very far from socialism.

    So what do we have as an immediate  left strategy?

    Item: failure to do anything but ‘defend British jobs’ when General Motors etc, goes under. We need to defend jobs, workers. No national prefix. Full stop.

    Item: failure to campaign on the greatest attack on the Welfare State ever seen. The Workfare programme for the unemployed, and plans to draft all ne’er-do-wells (junkies, druggies, prostitutes) onto this scheme, has met little opposition.

    Of national left leaders only John McDonnell has grasped these issues. Of national left groups only the AWL and the Weekly Worker come close to realistic politics. Of journals, Labour Briefing and Chartist – and no doubt more. That is, those groups that deal with these two items. But time is not on our side.

    What will we do in the General Election?

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 31, 2009 at 10:58 am

    Banned for Blog: YMCA Suppresses Dissent.

    with 28 comments

    Some old habits die hard.

    It had to come. It has come. YMCA bans Blogger.

    This morning I went to Dencora House, Ipswich. For my ‘New Deal’ induction at YMCA Training. The first day in fact.  A little while in and I was summoned. YMCA manager and colleague. Copies of this Blog, and Ipswich Unemployed Action’s, on the table. Nervous type. Points to print-out. Picture of medieval Bastille. Legend, “Storm Dencora House“. Liked he it not. Or calling it a “detention centre”. Oh dear. Next, famous (hundreds of viewings), New Deal: YMCA Training, A Major Scandal.  Not too fond either.

    Finally, their account of  this (posted by anonymous, which may not his correct title),  

    “I have placed this website as the Home Page on all computers at Dencora House today. Hopefully some of my fellow detainees here will read it. There has also been print outs of your articles left around the centre. The staff have been going round ripping them off the walls. They then get put up again. 

    People who merely found this site as the home page have been undertaking these actions on their own. Hopefully more people will involve themselves in such sabotage. If we make it too much hassle for them to treat us like this then they will be forced to stop!”

    Apparently, the chief said, some people are upset about this kerfuffle. Deary me.

    The upshot is I face being suspended from all benefits for exercising my (see YMCA Induction Pack), “freedom of conscience”. Apparently human rights do not apply to the out-of-work on the New Deal. Still no doubt they’ll find some way of justifying themselves. YMCA Mission Statement, “Motivated by its Christian faith, YMCA Training’s mission is to inspire individuals to develop their talents and potential and so transform the communities in which they live and work.” Needs some creative re-writing.

    Oh yes, one of our many invisible supporters  tells us that they’ve blocked their computers’ access to our Blog.

    Some faith.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 1, 2009 at 10:45 am

    Note to YMCA.

    with 8 comments

    Ipswich Unemployed Action’s Web Master this Morning!

    Yesterday this Blog had 1,071 Visitors!

    That’s all.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 2, 2009 at 9:46 am

    Posted in Welfare State, Workfare

    Tagged with

    YMCA Affair: Partial Victory?

    with 17 comments

    Note Place of YMCA in Pyramid.

    Latest developments.

    Letter from YMCA (received yesterday lunch-time), 

    “Dear Mr Coates

     New Deal Programme. Further to our meeting earlier today, I am writing to confirm that you have been dismissed from the New Deal Programme at YMCA Training, Dencora House.

    As Discussed, the dismissal is due to our Health and Safety concerns due to the comment made on your Blog, ‘Tendance Coatesy’ which states ‘Storm Dencora House’. Our Duty of Care to our staff and participants on New Deal programmes remains paramount.” (my emphasis)

    Operations Manager, Nofolk and Suffolk. “

    Phoning my New Deal Adviser at the Dole she was surprised. Later in the day, another call, and I was told that I would indeed be treated as having been ‘exited’ (suspended) from the New Deal. Which means loss of benefits. She had seen this Blog. A special interview was arranged next week  - local manager to be present.

    This morning I heard again.

    It appears I will not be suspended. No special meeting will take place. I will  have to make a new claim. This means I am not sanctioned, but will have to go through the process again. Not immediately though. Not (I wonder why) with the YMCA. But, eventually, with whoever is running this autumn’s  new ‘Flexible New Deal’ .

    Two observations.

    Firstly, it clear that this proved more trouble than it’s worth. The YMCA letter indicates that ‘comments’ from my Blog were a cause for concern.  The picture of a medieval Bastille and the legend “Storm Dencora House” ( published start of May) was the cause. Yet, oddly, Dencora House has not been overrun by a pike-waving mob of baying leftists.

    The revolutionary acts advocated were two: 1) Send E-Mails to Chris Mole MP, and the YMCA in protest at the New Deal, and 2) Stepping up the Campaign against Welfare Reform and the YMCA-run local New Deal.

    It was obviously hard to pin a case against this other than on political grounds – Dodgy for the Dole, Crass for the Christians of the YMCA.

    Secondly, there is little doubt that the solidarity shown here, and by many bloggers played a major part in this decision. I would like to thank everyone who did so. We often give solidarity for causes and don’t really think about what it means to those affected. I can assure everyone it means a lot.   

    There are those in trouble with this system who do not have the networks we have. We must extend our solidarity to them, and continue the fight. As Harpy says, the Flexible New Deal promises to be worse. Some contracts have been won by private prison companies and similar organisations. Their victims need aid, to organise and for that they must have our solidarity.

    An Injury to One is an Injury to All!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 3, 2009 at 10:45 am

    Euro-Elections: Carlos le Chacal Parle.

    with 3 comments

    Fighting the ‘Anti-France’.

    Now (have just begun new signing-on process) for something different.

    French Euro-elections.Le Monde has reported a Meeting by the Dieudonné ‘anti-Zionist’ list (here) (More information here and here).

    The Théâtre de la Main d’Or (1st of June) was packed out with Holocaust deniers, ‘national revolutionaries’,  9/11 ‘truthers’, Islamicists, fascists, Dieudonné’s mates, former Greens, former leftists, very much present anti-Semites.  

    There was one very special guest – albeit by telephone link from his Prison cell. A certain CarlosTaking time off from gnawing a few bones, the Venezuelan extended his full  ’symbolic’  support.

     ”Saluant sa “camarade” Ginette Skandrani, il s’est indigné : “Toi qui vis avec un Arabe, on te traite de raciste”avant de s’en prendre à “cette bande de gitans et de juifs qui te taxent d’antisémitisme. Ces gens (…) sont protégés par l’anti-France, excusez-moi d’employer une expression vichyste, c’est l’anti-France”. La salle s’est levée pour l’acclamer.”

    “Saluting his ‘comrade’  Ginette Skandrani, he showed his anger, “You who live with an Arab, they treat you as a racist.” before launching into, “this band of Gypsies and Jews who accuse you of anti-Semitism. These people (…) are protected by the ‘anti-France’, excuse me for using this Vickyist expression, it’s the ‘anti-France’. The room rose in acclamation.”

    Those bloody Zionist gypsies are at it again!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 4, 2009 at 11:38 am

    A Cold Warrior Attacks: Do the Greatest Cowards Try to Hurt the Most Ferociously?

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    Henry-Jackson’s Human Rights for the Vietnamese.

    Attila Hoare, of the Henry-Jackson society,  has chosen this week to make a serious attack. Under the label, Shiraz Stalinist, and a picture of Bosnian Concentration camp victims.

    Who against? Some nationalist warlord? Some genocidal General ? No: Andrew Coates.

    It’s a cry from the grave of his political tomb - the past when he posed as a leftist  ’anti-imperialist’. That’s before his present incarnation as European Neighbourhood Section Director of the Henry-Jackson Society, a body founded in the name of American Cold Warrior Henry Jackson.  This society is united in  ”a common interest in fostering a strong British and European commitment towards freedom, liberty, constitutional democracy, human rights, governmental and institutional reform and a robust foreign, security and defence policy and transatlantic alliance.”  Emphasis on the ‘robust’. Jackson was a strongly in favour of waging war in Vietnam. Hoare supported the invasion of Iraq. Hoare thinks the main threats to world peace come from opponents of the US-led military alliance (here).  

    Hoare is repenting for his past. In Democratiya  he has written, “As an eighteen-year old Trotskyist and ‘anti-imperialist’ at the time of the 1991 Gulf War, I can testify to the empowering sense of self-righteousness I felt as I demonstrated against the US and its allies, in the course of which my views became increasingly extreme: I fervently believed that the US-led intervention was by far a greater evil than Saddam’s occupation of Kuwait; that it would be a blessing for humanity if the US and its allies were defeated; that such a defeat would trigger revolutionary outbreaks across the Middle East and even in the West. ” Hoare has, since then,  long dropped his association with the far-left.

    Though not from being “self-righteous“.

    Hoare has chosen this moment to write on his Blog that,

    “During the war in Bosnia, Coates was outspoken in his praise of the ‘apologists for nationalist murder’ and the ‘anti-imperialists’. In August 1992, Living Marxism  magazine published a letter by Coates, in which he said: ‘Three cheers for Living Marxism’s courageous stand on Serbia. At last some proletarian internationalism has seen its way into print.’ He went on to complain that in the Western ‘official media’, a ‘totally distorted picture of the Yugoslavian conflict has been presented’.”

    Let’s leave aside the ill-judged ‘outspoken’. I take it that Hoare suffers from the same delusion as the YMCA. That thinks a letter, or a Blog, means someone screaming an opinion in the streets. Concentrate. At the time Living Marxism  advocated a ‘hands off’ the unfolding civil wars. I agreed. In 1992.  Hoare then goes on to state that Serbian atrocities in the former Yugoslavia were well known at the time. I cited other atrocities. He doesn’t. He implies that I backed Serbia. He loads me - with the strained chill of a true Cold Warrior – with responsibility for what LM said in 1993, and 1997. Not to mention their views on Rwanda. I say implies because he is unable to find any evidence whatsoever for this claim. Not to mention the obvious fact that I was never a member of the RCP or part of the group in any way. He began by discovering a letter, he ends by finding….nothing.

    What were my views? A  lengthy piece, which I had published in Labour Left Briefing not long before this, explicitly said “Don’t Take Sides” in the civil wars in the disintegrating Yugoslavian state. I repeated the view in other far-left publications. I condemned all atrocities. If Hoare can find some revisionist under-the-carpet- sweeping I refer him to the long debate I had on the Red Pepper Yahoo group a few years back.It was against someone who tried to do just that.  I backed (as he briefly deigns to note)  federalism, in its Austro-Marxist version. This opinion I defended in the Socialist Society’s Internal Bulletin. It would no doubt seem to be a pro-Serb position, for someone who backed other nationalist sides. Hoare is welcome to criticise the position of not taking sides. The one I held and not the one I did not.

    Hoare then refers, with filial emotion, to rude remarks I made about his parents’ support for Croatia. The pair are as notorious as Vanessa Redgrave for running to the Courts (here). I don’t have expensive libel-lawyers at my beck-and-call (Carter-Ruck, Hoare I saw the legal documents). I will only comment that I expressed strong disapproval of this position.  From being -  hard-line –  New Left Marxists they have since developed other sympathies. On the same Right as Hoare. I therefore consider my contempt  far-sighted.

    Hoare claims that,  ”Never having raised a finger to oppose the genocide and aggression that were taking place in Bosnia in the 1990s, he continues to defame those who did, while now pretending to have been one of the good guys all along !” No doubt he does not claim to have been a ‘good guy’ all along. I certainly have never claimed that either. I opposed putting petrol on the fire. In the midst of the Yugoslavian civil war. I stood for federalism. Wrong or right, and in any case irrelevant, that was my opinion. For which the self-confessed moral cretin who thought Saddam Hussain would lead to way to a Middle Eastern Revolution now rails at me.

    I am not going to be a big a ponderous bore as the prolific Hoare and give my stand on every single conflict since that time. Except this. During other conflicts I am much more closely aware of, such as the Algerian Civil war, I realised that human rights were a better political foundation than I had thought.  We all change. I used to think in terms bounded by socialist democracy.  I now support the  view that universal human rights are the lynch-pin of left politics. 

    On what this means,  I differ from Hoare. I do not think their main enemy of human rights  lies outside of the US and the West. I am internationalist: not Transatlantic. I am doubly internationalist: I am against countries acting by imperial diktat.

    Horrid Hoare. Hateful Hoare. Whore of the robust Transatlantic Alliance.

    Why don’t you fucking pick on someone who’s a real enemy of human rights? Or is it because your own record stinks to high heaven?

    By the way I, unlike you, allow comments on my Blog.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 4, 2009 at 3:39 pm

    Sandy Martin Breezes Through.

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    An Example to Us All.


    Beloved comrade Sandy Martin is elected Suffolk County Councillor.

    St John’s: *Sandy Martin (Lab) 1,022, Gavin Maclure (Con) 865, Richard Atkins (Lib) 365, Lucy Glover (Green) 298. Lab hold. Turnout 38.8%.


    To join three other Labour councillors on the County (may be more, on the phone this morning his partner says there’s some recounts going on).

    Openly gay, democratic socialist and green…

    We salute thee!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 6, 2009 at 11:28 am

    Who the Henry-Jackson Society (aka Attila Hoare) is.

    with 3 comments



    More Henry-Jackson Human Rights.

    From a well-respected, indeed beloved,  comrade,

     ”Scoop Jackson is the stuff commie nightmares were made of. I tend to
    think that Schactman’s support of Scoop was more than political or
    ideological, was made to irritate and infuriate his former comrades
    into furious polemics of rabid prose. You know what an earnest bunch
    we can seem when faced with cynics like Max Schactman in his late
    years, and how much grumpy old cynics love to piss off idealists like
    ourselves by doing provocative crap like that.

    Of course, Scoop Jackson is not only the first Senator embraced by
    neo-cons, but to a large extent the creator of their practical
    framework: he was the one that created the practical precepts of
    neo-conservatism, such as hawkish budgetary policy, support for
    Israel, avowed “non-partisanship” in military affairs.

    But in the forefront laid the opposition to the confluence of
    left-pacifists and right-isolationists that started to develop after
    the Korean War, and exemplified, most dramatically in two speeches by
    then President Eisenhower: the 1953 “Chance for Peace Speech” at the
    American Society of Newspaper Editors and his most famous speech, the
    “Farewell Address”, better known as the “Military-Industrial Complex


    “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition
    of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
    military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
    misplaced power exists and will persist.”

    Scoop was largely responsible, then for the political strategy that
    defeated Nixon (seen as a populist continuator of Eisenhower’s
    isolationist tendencies) and put JFK in power, and of the Vietnam War.
    There is no coincidence the Vietnam War was ended by Nixon, who hated
    Scoop with a passion, even when having to “unite” with him.

    Of course (as mentioned in the wikipedia entry) he best known as “the
    Senator from Boeing”, and there was a strong practical basis for being
    a hawk: Boeing remains both one of the largest single private
    employers in Washington State, and a major political donor to the
    Washington State congressional delegations. So any senator from
    Washington State will to a certain extent be a Senator from Boeing.
    Except Scoop elevated it to an art.

    An evil man, responsible for much evil.

    Today, perhaps the standard bearer of this ideology is Joe Lieberman,
    except that unlike Scoop, he is a boring Connecticut nerd, while
    Scoop was a dashing and gregarious good old boy.

    Paul Wolfowitz’s “Scoop Jackson Republican” speech in 2002 (can be
    considered the height of Neo-con triumphalism in the W era):

    BTW, Wikipedia, FTW!


    To which is added,


    >> What I am asking. Does anyone here have any information about this
    >> Henry-Jackson chap? I know he’s a first class piece of cack.
    >> But more…
    > Democratic Senator from Washington from the 50s to his death in the early
    > 80s. FDR-style liberal when it came to domestric issues, hard-right when it
    > came to foreign affairs. Hard-line anti-communist, anti-USSR. Pro-Vietnam
    > war etc.
    > He has spotterly interest because he was Max Schachtman’s favorite
    > politician in his declining years. Many of his followers, including Tom Kahn
    > worked on his failed presidential campaigns. Many future neo-cons, Richard
    > Perle for one, also worked for him.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 7, 2009 at 10:42 am

    Posted in Free Speech, Human Rights

    Tagged with

    BNP: The Sound Of The Lambeg Drum.

    with 4 comments

    Do they have the right idea?

    That the BNP have got two Euro-MPs…

    This filth brings me back to the first really intense demo I went on.

    Red Lion Square (here).

    Standing waiting for Nick Griffin’s mates (National Front in those days), I recall the sound of a drum.

    A Lambeg Drum: an  Orange Marcher’s drum. The sound of bigoted hate down the ages.

    Like the Balrog it got closer and closer.

    Comrade Kevin Gately died that day.

    I vowed to myself that I would avenge that death.

    I hear the sound again.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 8, 2009 at 10:45 am

    Posted in Anarchism, Anti-Fascism

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    Front de Gauche Wins Seats. NPA. Er, Not.

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    Front de Gauche won seats (here)


     la compétition qui opposait le Front de gauche au Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste (NPA), les amis de Marie-George Buffet et de Jean-Luc Mélenchon ont emporté la partie. Avec 6,05 % des voix et quatre élus, l’alliance du PCF, du Parti de gauche et de la Gauche unitaire (transfuges du NPA) a réussi son pari. Alors qu’il était largement en tête des enquêtes d’opinion pour la cinquième place en début de campagne, le NPA s’est fait dépasser et obtient au final 4,88 %, mais pas d’élus.


    So that’s that.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 8, 2009 at 11:07 am

    Fighting the BNP.

    with 5 comments


    I have a few words to say on this.


    First, fight the fash on the Ground. No getting around they have won a substantial share of the vote. 

     (Evening Star)

    ELECTION chiefs have today announced the two county councillors who will represent Ipswich’s Chantry ward.

    Conservative Paul West and Labours Peter Gardiner will now take their seats at Endeavour House.

    The vote had to be recounted following the county council elections on Thursday.

    Mr West secured 1,858 votes (20%) and Mr Gardiner 1,819 (19%).

    Labour’s Keith Rawlingson came third (1,726) followed by Conservative Nadia Cenci (1,691), Liberal Democrats Alison Williams (840) and Robert Tiffen (826) and the BNP’s Dennis Boater (714). 

    ELECTION chiefs have today announced the two county councillors who will represent Ipswich’s Chantry ward.

    Conservative Paul West and Labours Peter Gardiner will now take their seats at Endeavour House.

    The vote had to be recounted following the county council elections on Thursday.

    Mr West secured 1,858 votes (20%) and Mr Gardiner 1,819 (19%).

    Labour’s Keith Rawlingson came third (1,726) followed by Conservative Nadia Cenci (1,691), Liberal Democrats Alison Williams (840) and Robert Tiffen (826) and theBNP’s Dennis Boater (714).


    They exist. Us lot campaigned against them. Their vote is large.

    Second, be democratic. No calls for state bans. No stupid egg-throwing. When it comes to physical confrontation with the fash we know how to defend ourselves.

    Thirdly, fight the Nazi scum by class struggle politics.

    Prime example: fight for the rights of the unemployed.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 10, 2009 at 10:55 am

    Posted in Anti-Fascism, Ipswich

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    Defend the SWP!

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    There’s a Place even for Harry’s Place in the United Front Against Fascism!

    Nobody, but bobody, can accuse (that is not a a typo Attila, or as you toffs calls it, a spelling error), can accuse the Tendance of liking the Socialist Workers Party.

    But This is well out of order.

    The local ‘cadre’ of the SWP is a good comrade

    She, with the Labour Party, the Trades Council, the Greens, the Anarchists, the  local Socialist Party, the leftists of all stripes, and some of the local youth, ran the campaign against the BNP.

    Hats off to the much-liked comrade!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 11, 2009 at 4:20 pm

    Posted in Anti-Fascism

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    Victory for Coatesy! Now the Fight Goes For Our Other Comrades’ Rights.

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    “A mob of unruly Transylvanian Peasants are rumoured to be heading towards Dencora House this Saturday. To celebrate the Victory of their alleged ‘leader’.” (Vlad the Impaler Workers’ Daily)

    I have to announce to the International Proletariat  and Unity of the Peoples against YMCA-Training, that guess what, Coatesy has won his epic struggle!

    I was not best pleased yesterday reading some stuff from the Dole about my ‘misconduct’. Just a phase, but it rankled.

    But I noted – that is after quenching my thirst on three pints of Abbot Ale – that I had got the Dole transfer in my account.

    This morning, looking at the sordid pile of junk mail, I picked up a Dole paper.

    Coatesy has been reinstated on the Dole.

    Now the struggle has to focus on the rights of the other blokettes and blokes who have got thumped on.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 13, 2009 at 11:38 am

    The Iranian People Will Fight Back!

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    I just have the briefest of moments to say this: but all socialists, democrats and lovers of the beautiful Iranian people must feel concerned at the actions of the Islamic Junta at the present moment.

    The best comments I have read are on the HOPI site.


    The worst were on the site of that SWP type who calls himself, modestly, Lenin’s Tomb. Apparently it’s a ‘class vote’ (here). Mind you on Socialist Unity there’s been some Scottish nationalists calling Ahmadinejad an ‘anti-imperialist’.


    I’m sure that’s a great comfort to the Iranians clubbed and arrested by the secret police.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 14, 2009 at 11:23 am

    Posted in Iran

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    Support the People of Iran Against the Theocrats!

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    Support for the mass protests against Ahmadinejad’s re-election! But we should have no illusions that Massouvi would have been any better

    Yassamine Mather, chair of Hands Off the People of Iran, assesses the highly fluid situation in Iran: (Here)


    One awaits the analysis of those who broadcast on Iranian fundamentalist Press TV. Notably that darling of Socialist Unity, George Galloway (Here).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 15, 2009 at 4:13 pm

    Posted in Iran

    Tagged with

    Iran. Galloway Has spoken: Iranian Masses Tremble and Obey!

    with 6 comments



    Thanks to Enty (here) Galloway, referring to Iran, “You can count on the fact that the election was fair”. And that unspeakable, who is, “the president of an important country and we’ll just have to accept it.”


    I don’t know about Iran in detail.


    We have to show our love and solidarity to the masses. That’s the message.


    But to Galloway: this parasitical enemy of every freedom loving person must be driven from political life.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 17, 2009 at 5:09 pm

    We is Watching Galloway’s Mates like ‘awks.

    with one comment

     Respect’s Political Leadership discussing Iranian Democracy.

    Just to remind Galloway’s mates, who seem to pullulate on Socialist Unity.

    Why haven’t you published the dear leader’s comments on Iran?

     Kitty got your tongue?

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 18, 2009 at 10:21 am

    Posted in Iran, Iranian Resistance

    Tagged with ,

    Harry Potter, Politics and Iran.

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    Red Base?

    I’ve got this thing going round my mind all the time.

    The children of Beslan (here) before the Islamacists slaughtered them had a last prayer.

    They prayed to Harry Potter.

    Some might sneer.

    I do not.

    Harry Potter, friend of the oppressed masses of Hogwarts, and the symbol of all that is good and living inthis world, is the best example of why the popular masses will defeat the sterile tyranny in Iran.

    People of Iran: remember the children killed in Beslan.

    Their deaths were not in vain.

    Marg Bar Diktator!

    For Live coverage: Here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 20, 2009 at 11:46 am

    Posted in Iran, Iranian Resistance

    Tagged with

    Comment on Iran.

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    “We did not give blood to give up now” – Eye witness report of June 20 Repression


    One thing is very noticeable about Iranian developments: it’s the sense that this ‘is enough’.

    The apologists for Islamicism in the West try to explain all of this away as a middle class, ‘Western-inspired’ ‘etc (add word) plot by a bunch of privileged malcontents.


    In fact it  is a protest from the heart of the Iranian people. As the important post from Shiraz Socialist shows.

    Anyone who actually knows Iranians is aware of how dearly they cherish their high culture. Their sense of dignity and respect. With bloody good reason.

    They feel humiliated by being dictated to by a boor and his cronies.


    Marg Bar Diktator!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 21, 2009 at 10:46 am

    Are these the Worst Weasel Words on Iran Ever?

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    Socialist Unity’s Political Editor.

    From their site, commenting, at length, on Iran.

    “(Iran) whilst not a progressive society as we would understand it, has played a progressive role as a bulwark of resistance to US imperialism and Zionist expansion (here)

    Something called John Wright wrote this.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 21, 2009 at 12:28 pm

    Posted in Iran, Iranian Resistance

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    Rules for Agitators.

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    Bob from Brockley has published an extremely important analysis of activism on the left. The brilliant Irish Left Review provides an aide-mémoire on why the left gets it wrong so often (here).

    Can we suggest another approach?

    How to get it right?

    This is the Short Guide for Agitators.

    First rule: Be Honest.

    We are socialists (or anarchists)  because we want to see a society of free and equal people. We do not begin from the premise that there is some kind of magical formula that we we have to impart to the masses: we are part of the masses. We treat others are we would ourselves. That is with candid truth.

    Secondly: we do not operate with behind-the-scenes manipulation. If we are there for an issue, it is because that cause really matters. Not to get some affiliation for some clapped-out front-group. But to make the cause win.

    Thirdly, be sure of what we are talking about. Something real. We should never forget that the popular masses are not stupid. You or I might think our knowledge of Lacanian psychology and Althusser is important. They might perhaps think that their skill in mechanics or music is. They listen when they know that you talking reality and talking sense.


    These are the rules comrades.


    We follow them by supporting HOPI and the Iranian People.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 23, 2009 at 11:30 am

    Posted in Anarchism, Left, Marxism

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    Ban the Burkha?

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    Islamicism in Practice.

    There has been much controversy (here) about the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy’s comments regarding the Burka.

    Firstly, let’s be clear. Having had the time to read Le Monde’s print edition on the remarks: these are suggestions not laws. Sarko is adept at floating ideas. Not so good at carrying them out.

    Secondly, no socialist, secularist and libertarian should be in favour of women being in this cage. It is an insult to human dignity. It is a grave insult to human rights.

    Thirdly, the real issue is not what people wear in the streets. It is if these symbols of oppression have authority that should concern us. In le Monde there is an article which describes,  sympathetically, a woman who said that when children are frightened of her she takes her niqab off.

    Well that’s all right then.

    I would not want children educated by her!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 25, 2009 at 1:03 pm

    Tribute to Michael Jackson.

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    Er not.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 27, 2009 at 10:02 am

    Posted in Uncategorized

    Benjy Bumps Up!

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    Tory Tout Out On The Tout.

    You have to bleeding laugh  sometimes.


    Benjy bounces back.

    He says, I quote the actual words “I am not a Tory”, (here) “I’ve been incredibly lucky: a strong family, a good education, and a career I am passionate about. I’ve lived in Suffolk — and now Ipswich — all my life, and that is why I want to serve the people of Ipswich.”


    Why don’t you fuck off and help your dad repair a few bird nests my son?

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 28, 2009 at 11:21 am

    Posted in Ipswich

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    Fraud in the Welfare to Work Scheme (no question mark).

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    New Deal Company Manager.


    Channel Four had this report last night (here).


    Seems our enemies are finally getting flushed out.


    You could have contacted us, you know.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 30, 2009 at 10:32 am

    Posted in Welfare State, Workfare

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    Is Bob Pitt still alive?

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    Pillock at work.  

    Is Bob Pitt actually alive?

    I merely ask.

    Something seems to have taken hold of his site here. Or rather here.

    Apologists for Iranian dictators, racist Islamicists, and bullying bigotry.  

    But no publication of his journal, What Next? Oh, for several years.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 30, 2009 at 1:47 pm

    Posted in Islamism

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    Building to be Halted?

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    Suffolk University. Ariel View.

    Rumours abound. And bound back. That Suffolk College’s building programme is going to come to one almighty halt.

    Suffolk University is already built. Down by the docks. Complete with its peat-bog roof it is a touching symbol of futile green politics.

    Suffolk University Campus. What a nice name.

    Its claims to rival the beauties of Nice can be seen here.


    This building has transformed my area into a permanent obstacle course.


    Yet another example of Brown’s Britain.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 1, 2009 at 12:24 pm

    Don’t Ban Press TV!

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    Press TV Situation Comedy.

    The ever wonderful and weird world of Press TV (here) came under fire on Newsnight yesterday (here). Micheal Crick did the business.

    Apparently they’re under investigation for their lack of impartiality!

    But where else can you hear Gallows Galloway (appropriately Press TV are based by Gallows Corner) pontificate. Or that little darling Yvonne Ridley espouse the wonders of the Iranian regime.


    A national treasure indeed.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 2, 2009 at 11:58 am

    Posted in Free Speech, Iran

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    TUC on Welfare Reform.

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    I went down this Friday to the TUC day of discussion on Welfare  Reform.


    That is, against.

    I can’t say I was in a good mood before I got there: paying £1 40 for a small bottle of water on the train does not inspire great thought.

    The seminar was well-organised.

    But let me observe these points.

    Firstly, there is no compromise with the likes of Brown. The only response he respects is absolute opposition. I said that. To some agreement.

    Secondly, there was very obviously what we call in French an OPA (take-over) attempt from two quarters. One, from Anne Gray, ex-CPGB (old CPGB that is) who wanted the Green Party to be the main reps of the unemployed. Sorry Anne but your mates in Norwich who banned foie gras from chippies are not going to be leading this one.

    The other was the lassies from the various front groups of the King’s Cross Women’s Centre (now in Kilburn). Even a hardened sectarian like Coatesy can’t keep up with all your fronts. I don’t wish you ill.  You played a role in supporting us in Ipswich which shall never be forgotten.

    But please you are not going to get a campaign going on an assemblage of women’s groups.

    Same goes for that black women who talked of ‘her’ people (as if she bleeding owns blackness). And talked of slavery etc. That, the New Deal was about putting ‘her’ people back on the plantations.

    Excuse me darling, I went to Westminster Further Education College to do me A levels.  A few streets from Congress House. I was in a minority of ‘whites’ (what the hell does that mean?). At the time in Peter Street, just off Berwick Street Market. The woman who took care of me (chief of library), and was me Mentor was a Jamaican. Jackie, an absolute pearl of a person. She was not oppressed: she helped  free me from oppression!

    Stop talking gobshite.

    Class Unity!

    Smash Welfare Reform!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 5, 2009 at 10:39 am

    Posted in Welfare State, Workfare

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    Coatesism Victorious!

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    The Spirit of our Goddess was with us today.

    The Historic Leader of Tendance Coatesy was in a bit of a foreboding.

    The Dole had summoned me for  a special meeting.

    Turns out I am excused from any version of the New Deal.

    And I get my dole!

    Now if we all stood up like this we would smash the New Deal (and variants) into the ground.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 8, 2009 at 3:12 pm

    Posted in Welfare State, Workfare

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    The Line on Torchwood.

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    Watched Torchwood all week, Children of Earth, like I imagine millions of us here. Can I say how political it is.


    And bloody brilliant.


    456. What a menace! The Brownite-Blairite Ministers deciding to sacrifice the ‘less able’ children off the council estates. The celebration of gay love. The stand of the brave revolutionary woman Lois Habiba. Cap’n Jack saying an injury to one is an injury to all.


    Comrades from Torchwood – there’s a place for you in the Workers’ United Front!

    “So left, two, three!
    So left, two, three!
    Comrade, there’s a place for you.
    Take your stand in the workers united front
    For you are a worker too!”


    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 10, 2009 at 1:26 pm

    Sainsbury’s: Enemies of the People.

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    Under 25s who did not have proof of identity.

    Sainsbury’s: don’t you  just hate ‘em?

    Last wheeze: anyone who is or looks under 25 will have to produce identity to buy ‘certain’ products. That is to show they are over 18.

    Voice booms out every time you go in the central Ipswich branch, “Because we are a responsible company, if you are lucky enough to look under 25 we will ask you for identity should you wish to buy certain products”.

    One assumes this refers to the normal adolescent’s daily diet of ten tinnies of 9% lager and three litres of cheap cider

    Now I am not too up on law but I think that is a pretty massive intrusion.

    By a group of exploiting scum (funding New Labour for starters) who will pay dearly when the revolution comes.

    Mind you my Sainsbury’s tissue paper box assures you that by buying them I am helping to save the planet.

    So ever time I blow my nose another tree is saved.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 11, 2009 at 10:55 am

    Comrade Attacked by Job Centre Security.

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    Details are just emerging of a serious attack on a prominent member of Ipswich Unemployed Action by Security Guards at the Silent Street Job Centre.

    Three brave security guards homed in on a small working class youth. Who had got a bit stroppy.  They called the coppers. He managed to escape.

    What a fucking nightmare the Dole is becoming!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 11, 2009 at 12:12 pm

    Posted in Ipswich, Welfare State, Workfare

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    Robespierre on BBC Two.

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    Watched the programme on BBC Two Last night. ‘Bout Robespierre. (here)

    What a load of unmitigated cack!

    The sight of two of the worst enemies of freedom, half-baked rightwing pundit Simon Schama and self-proclaimed ‘Marxist’ Slavoj Zizek, debating the role of Robespierre, really got to me. There were some good historians present. But the general tone was: support Terror. Or be a Democrat.

    Have they not read Les Dieux ont Soif  by Anatole France?

    A true republican revolutionary, an atheist, goes to the guillotine because he protects a Royalist prostitute, and a priest.

    A real revolutionary always stands by the oppressed. Come what may.

    The revolutionary democrats won. In case the BBC hadn’t noticed.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 12, 2009 at 3:32 pm

    Posted in French Left, French Politics

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    Us and the Germans.

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    Never forget: Germany produced this poem of unspeakable beauty!


    I am deeply influenced by German culture. I spent several years of my life reading Kant and Hegel. In depth. I have gone to evening classes in the speech and my German is to an extent that I can understandthe beautiful language. I went with a German bird to Heine’s grave round the corner to my gaff in Paris and know what he means to the Germans. I have his poems in me front-room.  My politics are strongly influenced by Germany. I think I do not need to cite the name. Or names.

    All eyes on the European left are on howDie Linke is going to do in the forthcoming elections.

    But I have a problem. We English are not Teutonic. I do not really speak German. On Facebook as a French-speaker I can communicate with Italian comrades with a flash of an eye-brow. I cannot do this in German.

    Last night  I read Chesterton’s essay on this.

    Our eyes have been turned towards the Latin world for over a thousand years. We are in fact more Latin than Germanic.

    But as I say, all attention on Europe’s left is now on Germany.


    We wish you well comrades.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 15, 2009 at 1:58 pm

    Posted in European Left, Uncategorized

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    Blair: Rex of Europe. Bis.

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    Blair’s Role Model.

    Small article in Le Monde yesterday (here).

    The fact is that Glenys Kinnock (here) is sponsering him for the Presidency of Europe. Not exactly. But nearly. Or maybe for something more suited to his standing: like President of the Solar System.

    There was a massive campaign against this the last time. I was a member of a Facebook group. Etc.

    Blair is, and I would like to underline this more than I can in Print, absolutely hated. Let’s start with the French Parti Socialiste. You have some serious enemies there.

    That smirking face, that Invasion of Iraq, that smashing of the Labour Party, your million quid job with some American Bank - this really got me goat – uniting world religions. Some Faith Foundation. And your Cherie  nicking all the light-bulbs and plugs  in Downing Street when you were evicted.

    The question the world’s progressive people is asking; why don’t you just sod off and die.


    Members of Facebook can join the Campaign against nomination of Tony Blair for European President

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 18, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    Posted in European Left

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    ¡Ay, Carmela!

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    Last night because  there was crap on the telly I watched my old video of ¡Ay, Carmela!

    What a brilliant film.

    Apart from the fact that it has like my favourite actress in the world, Carmen Maura there. If anyone wants to understand the Spanish fight  against fascism, this is a must see. When she stands up for the brave Poles who fought for the International Brigades. Well…

    ¡Ay Carmela! ¡Ay Carmela!
    prometemos combatir,
    ¡Ay Carmela! ¡Ay Carmela!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 20, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    Posted in Anarchism, Anti-Fascism

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    Open Left and Equality.

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    Open Left Theorist.

    So” equality of capability” and, elsewhere, “equality of potential” are James Purnell’s objectives (here). Whatever this means: like equality of being capable to realise a potential chance to have a chance to get a capability.

    John Cruddas pontificates on fellowship and moral unity with material equality (here). Blimey he’s read a bit of Tawney. Though not, one suspects, any serious modern discussion of what equality means. Like by Brian Barry.

    Our old friend, David Blunkett, notes on today’s letter pages that, Cruddas’s approach is misguided. What is needed are new directions. He cites, “The fascinating speech of Oswald Mosley, then a member of the cabinet, in 1930 – before his decline into fascism – showed that what was required were bold economic measures, not the cutback, retrenchment and cut in wages that were the reality of the early 1930s.” In fact David, the need for these bold measures were precisely what led the leader of the New Party  to his fascist trajectory. But then we always knew you had a shine for Mosley.

    As for the rest of this stuff about equality. I note a deafening silence on a major cause of rising social exclusion, poverty and inequality in the UK. Welfare Reform. Even Red Pepper, which participates in Cruddas’s Compass, has kept mum about it. Mind you as it was founded by Trustafarian money I suppose they already have a welfare system of their own. Only the unions and a few campaigning groups have done anything at all. Which has not been enough – yet.

    Until the left grasps the mettle and campaigns against Welfare Reform all these fine words on equality butter no croissants. Mass unemployment is coming back and those on the Dole are being subjected to a life of pain. Those on incapacity benefits are suffering. Lone parents, drug users, alcoholics, are being dragooned into coercive schemes. Against this we need decent welfare, freedom of choice, proper jobs and higher benefits. Or as they used to say, work or maintenance.

    Or maybe the Open Left  – so open I bet they’ll ask lot to contribute (er, not), wants to force us to have equality that Blair, Brown, Purnell and Blunkett have created. Hat tip to rwendland on the very rich, Quangos,  and large companies who fund Demos here.


    Their project. For most of us: Equality of misery.

    Update: as this post seems to have got attention from Open Left they couldn’t do better than see this  site to grasp what is meant. Ipswich Unemployed Action.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 22, 2009 at 10:33 am

    Ernest Mandel. A Rebel’s Dream Deferred. Jan Willem Stutje.

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    The Bright Side of Things.

    Review: Ernest Mandel. A Rebel’s Dream Deferred. Jan Willem Stutje. Verso 2009.

    From the latest Chartist (not though in on-line edition – they only put a limited selection on the Web).


    In 1976 Ernest Mandel observed that Europe’s far left had been able to “accumulate sufficient forces” in this “revolutionary period” to have the “realistic possible of winning over the majority of the working class.” (New Left Review. No 100.) As a young member of the same Fourth International as Mandel I read many of Mandel’s similar exhortations. Even to us ‘ultra-leftists’ in the International Marxist Group, only a few believed that this was true in Britain. Most were wary of what Stutje calls his “exuberant optimism”. Yet someone with a command of serious Marxist theory, a democrat and a revolutionary socialist, opposed to the official Communist parties of the day, a tireless activist, deeply impressed us. That our International had someone with such fierce intelligence, not a bullying leader of a sect, was a source of pride. A Rebel’s Dream Deferred tries to do justice to this Mandel. Somebody with the ambition to influence and take part in not just Europe’s but the World Revolution is no easy subject. If Stutje’s biography does not unearth a forgotten figure, Mandel’s writings remain in circulation; it confronts us with aspirations that have seemed, for a long period, from another epoch.

    A “Flemish internationalist of Jewish origin” Mandel was born (1923) in Hamburg and grew up in Antwerp. His father was a leftist refugee from Hitler, who became a diamond dealer and then insurance agent; he was linked to the small Trotskyist movement opposed to Stalin. Mandel was brought up in an atmosphere of high European culture, and classical Marxism. Soon after the founding of the Fourth International in 1938 he joined the Belgium Trotskyists. Under German occupation Mandel remained politically active. Arrested once, and released (or ransomed, Stutje recounts), he was finally tried again for giving German soldiers anti-militarist leaflets. Deported to a labour camp in Germany, he was freed in 1944 full of expectation of the coming revolution. He had a lasting impression, “The alliance against fascism had consolidated both the democratic and Stalinist regimes, but under working class pressure.” Mandel threw himself into a lifetime of ratcheting up that pressure.

    From the 1940s hope that Europe’s workers would rise in socialist revolution, to the joys of ’68, the left’s rise, and impasse, in the decades that followed, Mandel plunged into far-left politics. Stutje recounts the saga of the Belgium left (through the microscope of Trotskyism), and Mandel involvement in the Fourth International. Or rather, the United Secretariat of the Fourth International. He is fair to Michel Raptis (‘Pablo’), for years his closest collaborator and rival, praising his “political intuition”, and his faults, “imperiousness”. They separated mid-60s, on Pablo’s unconditional support for anti-colonialist movements. Mandel too, as the sixties wore on, had been wrapped up in ‘third-worldist’ causes – Struje cites close contact with Che Guevara. But his principal faith lay in the working class in industrialised counties. At the same time the party man was writing serious, if (critics comment), too all-embracing works, such as Marxist Economic Theory (1962), and the unfortunately titled Late Capitalism (1972) – how ‘late’? These consolidated his academic position at the Dutch language Free University of Brussels. That aside, few consider Mandel as the founder of a ‘school’ of Marxist political economy. As Stutje remarks, his study on the ‘long waves’ theory of crises (1978), lacks the institutional details of how capitalist accumulation developed post-war. But his influence was wider. Amongst prolific writings, which read as if stitched together from Europe’s press, Mandel produced real gems, his Introductions to the Penguin edition of Capital, and on Marx’s wider intellectual development. Perhaps his greatest political contribution – a break with the Leninist past as great as Eurocommunism’s – was to envisage socialist democracy. Strange to say, in retrospect, this was a major turning point for those reared in the harshest interpretations of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. It would be impossible to imagine a left capable of confronting the collapse of Official Communism without this return to democratic roots.

    In the 1970s Mandel was banned from entering several countries, including Germany, France, and the US. Not only Mandel envisaged – in this case, feared – revolutionary upheavals. Even when this prospect subsided in the early 1980s the Fourth International peaked at 10,000 active members. But it did not weather the Thatcher-Reagan years well, nor adapt easily to the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. They foresaw everything but the neo-liberalism that ran riot across the globe. Yet till his death in 1995, Mandel remained bound to the “moral imperative” to continue to fight. Mandel was too much part of the real left – perhaps obscured in Britain through his brief canonisation by the most politically sterile faction of the New Left – to retreat to the Watchtower. A Rebel’s Dream Deferred pays tribute to the sheer ethical drive of the man. That the Fourth International’s Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire, now the Nouveau Parti Anti-capitaliste is now a real player in French politics demonstrates that he was not entirely mistaken.

    Andrew Coates.

    Also read Phil Hearse (Fourth International) on this book here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 24, 2009 at 9:59 am

    Posted in European Left, Trotskyism

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    Open Left: Bouncers, Bullies, and Britain.

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    Ere you gonna pay that fine or not?

    Open Left witters on about ‘choice in public services’ (here)

    I shall not cite Marxist writers on the changing nature of the state.* That is about, the privatisation of its functions and the increased domination of the interests of capital. No. I cite one in favour, Phillip Bobbitt (here). Bobbit argues, amongst general considerations on the ‘war against terror’, that that the Western state has been transformed. It has become a ‘market state’. That’s one that “promises to maximize the opportunity of its people, tending to privatise many state activities and making representative government more responsive to the market”. That includes said sacred freedom of choice in public services.

    A perfect illustration today. The BBC reports plans to extend the right to issue on-the-spot fines to private security firms. That includes Bouncers. Increased opportunities for would-be hard men to get into fights with customers. And for the bosses  – a nice little earner.

    Anyone with a modicum of common sense- obviously this does not include The Cabinet or its Advisers – can see this is a  recipe for disaster. Unlike many Marxists I find that Magistrates – now protesting vigorously at this imbecility – are often people of great good sense. Will they be listened to?

    No doubt about it. There will be plenty of ‘listening’.


    *For those interested in such matters one of the most interesting modern Marxist writers on this is Bob Jessop. Jessop works with a concept of the state that is a “condensation of class forces” and not a fixed instrument of bourgeois rule.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 26, 2009 at 10:43 am

    Crisis in the Parti Socialiste: Saved by the Summer Holidays.

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    Not so rosy.

    The French Parti Socialiste (PS) is undergoing a deep, even existential, crisis.

    The background is the continued feud between PS General Secretary Martine Aubry and  failed Presidential (and failed General Secretary) candidate Ségolène Royal. The most obvious immediate cause the fall out from the results in the European Elections. The PS got 16,5% , with 14 MEPs,  closely followed by Europe Ecologie at 16,3% . The latter also got 14 MEPs.

    Europe Ecologie is an alliance of, notably,  pro-EU and social market Green Daniel Cohn-Bendit (co-President of the EU Parliament’s Greens) anti-EU anti-capitalist,  José Bové, and  Verts National Secretary  Cécile Duflot, whose background is in the  Jeunesse ouvrière chrétienne (Young Christian workers). Its principle was that, “Ecological and social imperatives must drive political choices.” The Euro-election programme  gives priority to combating climate change, protecting biodiversity, extending ecological measures across industry, and European-wide raised social standards (wages, social security). It calls for a new European Dream.

    Here are some recent comments from leading Socialist figures (though where BHL fits in I’m not sure).


    “ Depuis le 14 juillet, date de sa lettre à Manuel Valls le sommant de taire ses critiques ou quitter le parti, les attaques ont fusé : Mme Aubry, taxée d ‘”amateurisme” (Julien Dray), a été qualifiée de “gardien” d’une “maison morte” (Bernard-Henri Lévy).”

    “Since the 14th of July, when Martine Aubry (PS General Secretary) wrote to Manuel Valls telling him to stop criticising or  leave the Party, a flurry of further attacks has been launched: charging Aubry with ‘amateurism’ (Julien Dray), describing her as the ‘caretaker of a dead house’ (Bernard-Henri Lévy).


    “Le PS, cet “arbre sec” (Jack Lang), qui est “tombé dans le formol” (Arnaud Montebourg), doit “changer ou mourir” (Arnaud Montebourg).”

    “The PS is ‘dead wood’ (Jack Lang) , “has fallen into Formaldehyde (‘ (Arnaud Montebourg), it “must change or die” (Arnaud Montebourg).


    Maybe they should come to Britain and get some advice. From some real experts on how to reduce a left party to pathetic wreck dying on its feet.

    For now they’re off to the beach hoping everyone will forget about this.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 27, 2009 at 9:58 am

    Origio: Islamic Cult?

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    What a Selection of Learned Works They Have!

    Origio in Ipswich is an Islamic evangelist movement. It has an Internet Café in Eagle Street and a ‘Community Centre’ in Upper Orwell Street. Rather well-funded by the looks of it. Certainly posher than our Council community centres – to say the least. A bit of a creepy cult-like atmosphere around them. Hard-looking types offer you elaborate cakes like they is spreading peace and light. Right goody-two-shoes. Wormed their way into the favour of the local state religious-support structures – aka CRC, Inter-faith groups etc. That it’s a ‘charity’ indicates how far the public purse subsidises all religions.

    Clearly its openness has its limits. Like material about forbidding non-Muslim men from marrying Muslim women. Usual stuff about ‘hygeine’.

    More important it is heavily pushing the works of a certain Dr. Mohar Ali (deceased 2007). According to Wikipedia he was “arrested after the liberation of Bangladesh and exiled” (here). The cause? He was charged with being a collaborator with the Pak army and complicit in the infamous 1971 Dhaka University massacre.

    Oh dear.

    We have a cult round the corner that looks up to someone implied in the Pakistani genocide in Bangladesh.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 28, 2009 at 11:05 am

    Posted in Fascism, Islam, Islamism, Suffolk

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    How Mad are Origio? Origins of Soap: Islamic!

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    European Savants Inspired by Islamic Science.

    From one of Origio’s numerous front sites (Jimas).

    Cartoons, Science and a Shared Euro-Islamic History

    By Professor Salim Al-Hassani

    Read here. “ They show that many everyday things that have become integral to Western civilisation were invented or brought to us by Muslims. Examples of these are coffee and the culture of coffee drinking, soap and surgical tools, vaccinations, paper, carpets, ‘Arabic’ numerals, algebra, cameras, soap, automatic water raising machines, clocks, many musical instruments, architectural features such as the pointed ‘Gothic’ arch. Even Robinson Crusoe and the English rose have been found to have Muslim origins, this list is endless. But the problem is that this knowledge isn’t yet widely available for the public.”

    Coffee is no more Islamic than Tea is Confucian. The Professor, poor soul, is confusing the camera obscura with a camera that could take photographs – the latter is a European invention. Soap (in the modern sense, soap-like substances were known circa 2000 BC in Mesopotamia)  is an prehistoric Germanic  discovery (as the etymology of the word indicates, even in Romance languages). 120 types of surgical tools have been discovered in the ancient Indus Vally Civilisation. Smallpox vaccination was practiced in China and India 200BC. Paper in the modern sense (not Papyrus) is from ancient China.  ’Arabic’ numerals are from India. Algebra originates in the Babylonian civilisation (here). Water clocks, clepsydrae, were invented in antiquity; the first mechanical clocks were created in Europe in the 13th century, and it was not until the 15th that they appeared in the ‘Islamic’ world.

    I could go on through the list but I’m bored. Though the Muslim ‘origins’ of the English rose and Robinson Crusoe looks promising material.  But, be fair: the Ottomans were the first to manufacture carpets.

    Let’s bear in mind that these well-funded nutters (bigots?) have free run of University Campus Suffolk & Suffolk New College (here).

    Salim T S Al-Hassani is an Emeritus Professor Mechanical Engineering and an Honorary Professorial Fellow at the School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures, Faculty of Humanities, University of Manchester.

    I wouldn’t trust him to repair my bath taps.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 29, 2009 at 10:49 am

    Posted in Ipswich, Islam, Islamism, Secularism, Suffolk

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    French Workers Threaten to Blow Up Factory.

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    New Fabris 

    Workers at New Fabris (sub-contractors for the automobile  industry) have threatened to blow up their factory.  Faced with redundancy they have demanded a special sum of 30,000 Euros as a pay off, on top of statutory payments.  Today they have announced they will carry this out if their demands are not met.  The ultimatium date is  the 31st of July.  (Here)

    A large demonstration is planned today at  at Châtellerault  (Vienne). (Here)

    Workers’ declaration (from NPA site):

    Nous exigeons toujours une prime de licenciement de 30 000 euros en plus des indemnités légales.

    (We demand a special redundancy payment of 30,000 Euros on top of legal indemnities.)

    Nous appelons l’ensemble des salariés des entreprises qui, comme nous, sont sous la menace d’une fermeture de leur entreprise ou de licenciements, du bassin châtelleraudais et de toute la France, à nous contacter de façon à coordonner nos luttes et à former un collectif contre les patrons voyous et licencieurs..

    (We call on all workers in companies,. like out own, who are threatened with their enterprise closing or redundancies, in the châtelleraudais region, and across France, to contact us in order to coordinate our struggles and to form a collective against ‘thug-and-lay-off bosses’.)

    Nous appelons l’ensemble des salariés en lutte pour l’emploi à une manifestationà Chatellerault jeudi 30 juillet à 14h.

    (We call on all workers out struggling for employment to join the demonstration at Chatellerault Thursday the 30th of July at 14.oo. )

    Nous invitons également tous les responsables politiques et syndicaux à venir se joindre à nous.

    (We invite all the political and trade union leaders to join us.)

    Vous pouvez nous contacter en écrivant à : newfabrisenlutte@yahoo.fr

    (Contact details.)

    Communiqué de la CGT New Fabris, Châtellerault, le 24 juillet à 11h.


    Note: there’s a good article about New Fabris in the latest Solidarity.


    Added Friday: Report on demo (about 1,000, composing important union delegations and personalities): here


    UPDATE SATURDAY: End of movement. The workers have accepted 11,000 Euros extra payment and stopped their actions (here).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 30, 2009 at 10:43 am

    Burkha in France: Marginal.

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    Not ‘Must-Have’ Beach-Wear this Summer.

    In Paris a parliamentary committee, headed by Communist André Gérin, is examining the question of the Burkha (or burqa). From an inquiry it has become in reality a ‘study group’. The reality of its object?   The French Police (interior information service) estimate that only 367 women wear the full body veil – burkha or niqab –  in France (here).

    “Pour les policiers de la SDIG, le port du voile intégral s’apparente à une volonté de “provoquer la société, voire sa famille”, à un militantisme affiché, issu du salafisme.”

    For the Police of the SDIG being completely veiled stems from a wish to “provoke society, or one’s family”, and is a badge of militancy, of Salafist origins.”

    In an Editorial (29.7.09) le Monde  asks,

    Doit-on légiférer pour moins de 400 personnes, légiférer pour une exception ? Faut-il ajouter une loi à la pile de textes de circonstance déjà votés par le législateur ? Compte tenu des risques – dont la stigmatisation de l’islam, qui pourrait offrir à la burqa une fausse image libératrice -, la réponse est non.

    Should one legislate for less than than 400 people, legislate for an exception? Must one add yet another law to the pile of texts already voted through by the legislature? Taking account of the risks – such as the stigmatisation of Islam, which could give wearing the Burkha a false liberating image  - the reply is No.

    I would tend to agree. But the intimidation of non-burkha wearing Muslim females (like that against non-veiled) is a problem. The veil in all its forms is an oppression. But this is even more deeply reactionary: the root being that non-veiled women are unclean meat. There remains an issue about putting anyone in a position of authority who is basically saying to uncovered women that they are impure and that men are a source of danger.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 1, 2009 at 9:52 am

    Hugo Chávez Prepares Dranconian Censorship Law.

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    No Socialism Without Freedom of Speech.

    In El País yesterday (here) reporting from Venezuela.

    “Luisa Ortega Díaz presentó el jueves al Parlamento un instrumento legal que permitirá al Gobierno de Hugo Chávez sancionar, con penas de entre seis meses y cuatro años de cárcel, a todo el que a través de los medios de comunicación divulgue informaciones que puedan atentar contra “la estabilidad de las instituciones del Estado”, “la paz social, la seguridad e independencia de la nación”, la “salud mentalo moral pública” y el “orden público”, o que “generen sensación de impunidad o de inseguridad” entre la población.”

    Luisa Ortega Díaz (Public Prosecutor) presented to Parliament on Thursday a legal measure which will permit the Government of Hugo Chávez to punish, with penalties from six months to four years of prison, all those who, through the media, divulge information which could damage ‘the stability of the state’ , ‘social peace, the security and the independence  of the nation’ ‘public moral and mental health’, and ‘public order’ or which ‘ generates feelings of impunity and insecurity’ amongst the population.

    More (in English) from the Venezuelan El Universal (centre-right – anti Chávez)  here.

    This is an extremely serious development. All those sympathetic to Bolivarian Revolution and the cause of the Venezuelan people should be concerned. Such dranconian censorship is clearly very wrong indeed.

    (I would have missed this if I hadn’t bought a print copy of El País).


    Update: suppression of 34 Venezuelan radio and television stations Libération.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 2, 2009 at 10:31 am

    The Class Struggle on Ipswich Allotments.

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    Class Struggle Lunch.

    It’s that time of year. Strawberries a distant memory.  Red currents, raspberries (well, not too good ), gooseberries, black currents,  soft fruit season has passed. Last rhubarb made into jam. Waiting for the plums and apples. New potatoes all eaten. Peas devoured. Turnips – only a few this time. Broad beans just finished. Shallots drying. Runner beans just beginning.  A mountain of Courgettes and Squashes. Beet spinach and Chard ready. Cardoon (flowering heads a bit like artichokes), eaten. Ridge Cucumbers blooming. Salads – Little Gem, Feuille de Chêne, Webbs Wonder, Merveille de Quatre Saisons, Salade à couper,  Rocket, Frisée, Lambs Lettuce, Land Cress, Radish (3 varieties), -Endives – Catalogna, Treviste, Barbe de capucin, and Oriental mix  leaf Mustards, Golden Streaked and Red, Komatsuna, Mizuna and Sky Rocket). Jerusalem Artichoke. Herbs: Sorrel, Chives, Angelica (good with Rhubarb), Marjoram, Mint (two varieties, one from Kurdish allotment holder), and Lovage (most of my herbs for immediate cooking use, Thyme, Basil etc,  I have in my small back garden or on a shelf next to the kitchen window).

    As everyone knows Allotments are extremely trendy. Even five years ago there were plenty of abandoned rods  on ours. The old bor (often Italian or Caribbean) who worked in the engineering factories and escaped to their allotment for the weekend have faded away. Now everything is taken and there is a waiting-list for a plot. Wild life: slow worms, frigs, toads, voles, newts. Beautiful flowers, neat verges  – that’s not mine! High fashion for greens, that is middle class people  saving the planet by growing stuff. A slew of reds (there are a number of comrades on the site). Plenty of organic growers – slug lovers I call them. Traitors in the eternal war against the class enemy.

    Now these vegan-vegetarian-greens no doubt feel virtuous and healthy by simply eating what they produce. But I wonder why so many (not all) take their cars onto the site. Including at least four who live only a bit further away than I do. That is a maximum of ten minutes walk. Green Cars?


    More about Ipswich Allotments here.


    Added: I forgot to mention my Sweet Corn (Maize), Leeks, Kohl-Rabi and Blackberries (they grow wild all over the place).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 4, 2009 at 11:21 am

    Posted in Greens, Ipswich

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    Coco Avant Chanel: I should…..

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    Be prepared to be pleasantly surprised. Most reasonable leftists have as much interest in Haute Couture as they do in Fabergé Egg collecting. We’re not too fond of Coco Channel Number 5 either. As for the woman herself, there’s that odour left lingering after her behaviour during the German Occupation, and her antics in Paris at the time. I saw The Devil Wears Prada and that’s about the depth of my fashion-knowledge. The attraction of Ugly Betty is one of those mysteries, like the Bermuda Triangle or why Gordon Brown continues to breathe, that lie beyond rational explanation. Yet this is not the case with this solid attractive film.  

    Coco Avant Chanel is not bad at all. It concentrates on Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel ‘s  early years. The role is played by Audery Tautou. Beginning with her time in an Orphanage, abandoned by her widowed father,  she learnt the seamstress craft. Coco  emerges in Paris to a lif eof  repairing dresses and helping to fit out wealthy clients. With other ambitions, she is a night-time singer with her sister  in seedy Cabarets. From there she inveigles herself into the Châteaux of a Military aristocrat, Etienne Balsan (Benoît Poelvoorde). Horses and drunken orgies are the mainspring of Blasan’s extravagant life. It’s lived in an eternal Gosford Park, before anyone needed to cut back on the servants. With this backdrop there are enjoyable scenes of sub-Woodhousian comedy “Here’s Coco, she’s a lady of many surprises, some of them good’.  As this existence unfolds, Coco falls for a more serious character, English industrialist Boy Capel (Alessandro Nivola). But the course of true love never runs smoothly…

    Coco’s talent emerges along the way. From making hats, and helping instill a new sense of modern style (clean cuts, no constraining Edwardian costumes)  she gets set-up as a Couturier. The film concludes with shots of dazzling light, costumes, and stunning parades of mannequins – marks of the success that Coco enjoyed for the rest of her life.

    Naturally much of this is myth wrapped in candy-floss. Chanel must have been as hard as nails. Unlikely to be someone you’d like to meet in the flesh. Here she is a quirky kitten, if with inner-drive. How ? Most would admit that Audry Tautou is an endearing actress. She would make Lucretia Borgia a sympathetic character. Did Coco help women free their bodies from Victorian constriction? Only if they were of ‘ le gratin’. But regardless of any historical truth this is a time well spent. Not much illuminating about the class struggle, but lots of being bathed in light.

    It was a definite plus that our local Multiplex showed in French, with sub-titles. About 120 people attended when I saw it.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 5, 2009 at 11:49 am

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    Against Xenophobia and Patriotism: Fighting the BNP.

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    It has taken a  while, and some degree of distance, for this really to sink in. That is, the consequences of the  June Euro and Country Council Elections:  2 BNP MEPs, now 60 BNP Councillors. 9  UKIP MEPs, up to 100 Local Councillors. Clearly the shift to the far-right was not stopped – could it have been? – by the campaigning of Unite Against Fascism (UAF) and Hope not Hate.

    As in many other European countries Britain now has a significant far-right electoral presence. Its main appeal is ‘anti-foreigner’ feeling, xenophobia, and – in both cases, but particularly  UKIP – a dislike of the EU’s machinery. Not that either declines to profit handsomely from European Parliament largess.  But Europe is the outside shell of their programme: opposition to Immigration is the kernel. It is a whipped up fear of being overwhelmed by a wave of ’new-comers’  (principally from within the EU), that won them  backing. As they say, “we”re not against X or Y – they’ve been here for years. But these new ones..they take the housing, the jobs…”. Secondary targets, ‘Islam’ , for the plebeian masses, and – sotto voce -’Zionism’, for the initiates, have none of this elemental attraction. 

    Or that their loathing for aliens stays there. The BNP, no longer a classical fascist combat party, remains racist. UKIP claims to be a democratic party but has a structure based on odd-balls and obsessives. It is far-right in a classic sense: for a strong state and patriotic virtue. UKIP’s  ’non-racial’ tolerance does not extend further than embracing British patriots of immigrant stock. Ballot box success  for the BNP may lead to ventures into street politics, that is, confrontations with the left and violence against other hate-objects, blacks, Asians, gay. May, but it’s by no means certain. Continental far-right parties sometimes exist purely in electoral politics.  There is  little evidence that,  while an atmosphere of hostility to foreigners encourages aggression that a new NF Honour Guard is being formed. 

    There is intense debate about what the left should do. One of the best contributions is made by Kerion Farrow in the latest Red Pepper (August/September) – not yet on the Web. He argues against relying on highly emotional exposés of the misdeeds of BNP members, strident marches, and shouting, while not offering political alternatives. Singled out  is the misguided – indeed totally deluded – idea that the BNP can be ‘banned’, and its supporters purged from employment through a version of the German Berufsverbot. Such laws, apart from stinking of the witch-hunt, can be used against the left.

    What should be done?  Farrow says that the root cause of BNP growth is the result of Labour strategy:  ”the abandonment of much of the working class in pursuit  of narrow section of ‘swing voters’”. That’s the aspirational – individualistic – working class and the middle class. Not the poor, the low paid, and the – collectivist – unionised. To build anew the left must turn to this constituency. Needed are

    “‘community unions’ unconnected to Labour, possibly funded by trade unions but with organisational Independence assured, that would work directly on helping to meet the needs of those political abandoned working-class communities where conditions are deteriorating by the day. The would be based around the self-identified needs and plans of those communities- which can only pit them head-to-head against the BNP and the political mainstream.”

    The sticking point, however, is the call to completely abandon any support for Labour. Even by default.

    Paul Meszaros of Hope not Hate faces up this point. He states, “For the BNP to lose an election, another party has to win.” In many cases this will have to be Labour. Defending Hope not Hate’s own community activism, he neglects to answer Farrow’s view that much of their propaganda has a negative effect. That it focuses on making the link with Nazis rather than talk to problems people run up against in their daily lives. Paul White, obviously a very genuine grass-roots activist, defends campaigning in the difficult area of Barnsley. He nonetheless  observes that the strategy of shouting “Don’t Vote  BNP/they’re Nazis’ failed.


    The Tendance tends to sympathise with Farrow. Though has doubts about never voting Labour as a principle. We are also unsure about the record of the Independent Working Class Association whose strategy this is.  But very impressed in general by the outline in Red Pepper. That is, class based unity  against xenophobia and patriotism.  


    In the brief experience of mobilising against the BNP in Ipswich – in those elections – it would seem that ‘exposing’ the BNP indeed failed (they got over 700 votes in one County Council Constituency despite having practically no organisation and this being their first candidacy). Maybe the left here as well  ought to be thinking about how to apply some version of the ideas offered by Farrow. Notably, how to demonstrate a practical alternative to the fear of foreigners.

    As for Red Pepper why don’t they, at long last, try to connect with these working class and poor communities by campaign against Welfare Reform and  Workfare?

    I forgot, they don’t do welfare.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 7, 2009 at 11:47 am

    Posted in Anti-Fascism, Fascism, Ipswich

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    East Anglian Voyage.

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    East Anglian Heimat.

    £13.50 – Anglia Day Rover. Every year it goes up £1.00. But still a snip when you consider that it cost £3.40 for a return bus trip of an Ipswich suburb.

    Early train – 7.42. Window seat on spacious train. Mist clearing, swathes of intense greenery flick by. Norwich in about forty minutes. I had intended to go to Sheringham first (the ‘Bittern Lien’). But a wait for fifty minutes when there is a locomotive about to leave for elsewhere?

    Take the departing train – believing it headed for Great Yarmouth. Even more intense greenery. Full streams and rivers. Fields of maize, sugar beet and corn. Heavily wooded. Yet more trees, forest and heathland, heather and furze. Direction: Thetford. Boudica’s capital, and that of the Anglo (Saxon) Monarchs. Birth-place of Tom Paine. Visit Tom Paine Avenue and see Tom Paine Hotel. No time to see again his Statue (it’s imposing ). Note: hear Portuguese and Polish everywhere.

    Return to Norwich and set out for Great Yarmouth. The only real holiday seaside resort in East Anglia (though Waltoin-on-the-Naze and Clacton come close). Approaching though marshes, a heron takes flight. Station not far from centre. Crowds everywhere. The magnificent sandy strand is dotted with people:  the working class at play, English beshorted and t-shirted, Caribbeans and mixed couples, large groups of Asian coach-trippers. Cheap toasties, burgers, rolls, fish ‘n’ chips,  cappuccinos, gooey sweets, rock and kebabs, tinnies of lager, flasks of tea, smoothies and pop.  Gaze at the Wind Farm off shore. Bumped into elderly Ipswich Trade Unionistsand wife – still a Labour man. Not many of them around these days. Bought a cornet of chips (Yarmouth is famous – some of the best in the country) at  thriving market. Choice of sauces (curry, Thai) just like Belgium. Had a big dollop of mayonnaise. Popular capitalism at work ?

    Norwich again. Bus (free with Rover) to Castle. Walk to Market – colour everywhere. Reminded instantly why Norwich is a City and Ipswich a Town. More medieval, Tudor, Georgian buildings than you could possibly see in a day. Visit the Forum: vertiginous architecture. Extensive gleaming library (though unlike in Ipswich there are no lefty journals).  Merge with popular masses in streets crowded with busy chain stores, independent shops of all kinds (see Colman’s Mustard boutique), and three major Book shops (Ipswich – one). Look at Terry Eagleton’srevent diatribe against secular freedom (‘liberal humanism’). Decide not to buy (reserved in library anyway).

    Recommended Day-Out for East Anglians.

    Now where, one may ask, is the reference to Coatesy’s notorious pub penchant. Answer: I didn’t go in a single one. It’s not a good idea to booze when making complicated voyages around the East Anglian Rail Network. Example: at Great Yarmouth to get back to Norwich the train was delayed by fifteen minutes and crowd of several hundred people – many returning home with all their luggage, was queueing. A train to London had been cancelled as the engine broke down (something that happens all the time with National Express). With this a risk frequent trips to the bog are not a good idea. Even being a little merry can turn into its opposite when you’re stuck in a hot place.

    Being merry with small tins of Taurine stimulant drinks is much better.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 9, 2009 at 10:59 am

    Posted in Capitalism, East Anglia

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    Burston Rally 6th September 2009.

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    Burston Strike School Rally

    11am to 4.30pm, Church Green, Burston, nr Diss, Norfolk


    A comprehensive outline of the history of the strike (begun 1914 – till 1939)  in Burston and the Higdons’ role is given here.

    Join us at Burston to commemorate the longest strike in history, and to celebrate the people who continue to fight for trade union rights, working class education, democracy in the countryside, and international solidarity.

    In April 1914, Kitty and Tom Higdon, loved and respected teachers at Burston Village School, were sacked for their socialist and trade union views.

    The pupils walked out in support and from then until 1939 the villagers and the Higdons, ran the ‘Strike School’, providing an education for local children.

    Times change, but the struggle in rural areas for economic and social justice continues.

    This year at Burston we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Cuban revolution, with music, speakers, and special children’s activities.

    Speakers include Tony Benn, and Luis Marron (Cuban Embassy)

    Burston Strike School – the longest strike in history

    Coaches will be running from various places. One will pick up from Colchester, at 9.30am, by the Gala Bingo in Osborne Street, Colchester. It will proceed to Ipswich, Tickets (£5.00) from Ipswich Community Resource Centre, 16 Old Foundry Road, (open 10 – 14.00 Monday-Friday). Leaves Crown St lay-by Sunday 10 a.m.


    Further details: Colchester TUC here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 11, 2009 at 10:37 am

    Posted in East Anglia, Unions

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    Progressive Conservatism and the Third Sector.

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    Mr Beadle: Pioneer Progressive Conservative.

    Channel Four News last night. Shadow Chancellor, George Osborne, launched, on the Demos platform,a robust project:  ‘progressive conservatism’.

    Osborne declared that,

    The torch of progressive politics has been passed to a new generation of politicians – and those politicians are Conservatives.By pursuing a course of illiberalism, centralisation, fiscal incontinence and opposition to meaningful public service reform, the current leadership of the Labour Party has abandoned the field of progressive politics.

    In its place, the modern Conservative Party is now the dominant progressive force in British politics

    Full Speech here.

    There’s quite a lot (mean and dishonest) in this allocution. We can leave to one side, for the moment, rich men’s gimmicks, like Open Primaries for Parliamentary candidates. Most will concentrate on the ‘reform’ of education. Apparently on a Swedish model (I have my doubts about that claim). That is, to break up further school management  and make them responsible to local oligarchies and those eager to make rhino out of the three ‘Rs’. In Osborne’s terms:  ’businesses, charities and parents’.  The plans to turn over greater layers of NHS (following New Labour) to commerical interests will also get plenty of coverage.

    TC,  by contrast, is largely interested in Channel Four’s attention to the Third Sector in Tory plans.  They underlined that many voluntary body, Charity, not-for-profit enterprise, chiefs were in Obsborne’s Demos audience.

    What are they hoping to pick up?

    The ‘Third Sector’ is not so  much a  sector as multi-storey car park for all kinds of vehicles. Some are sterling. Doughty fighters for people’s rights. Not a few genuinelly help ‘make a difference’. Others less so. Within this vast realm  there are increasingly money and power-hungry large-scale organisations. Social ‘entrepreneurs’ eager to get influence. Boards dominated by national or local worthies who expect deference – not democracy. I could cite the YMCA ‘training’.  I just have. I could mention the whole range of bodies dealing with the unemployed. Unlike traditional ‘impersonal administrations, the civil service, they are all too personal. Nosey-parkers, out to ‘reform’ the shiftless. A notable case locally is a Charity dealing with drug addicts. It expanded (state and local funding), following the Ispwich murders, into rehabilitating street workers. From supporting decriminalising it now enforces the criminalisation of prostitution. Wields power over people’ lives (with the threat of benefit sanctions and even prosecution). In-between the state and civil society they may be: as  the arms of the State interfering in  the lives of ordinary people.

    Unemployment is up again today. 2.44 Million, including, a million young people. Workfare, Labour or Tory is coming. It’ll be hell on earth if private companies are in control. Not just of ‘training’ but of work itself. But what of the (apparently) softer option? Will the out-of-work be consigned to Third Sector care? More logical, since compulsory volunteering treads into their areas.  TC knows that already some voluntary sector organisations are gearing themselves up for this. Justifying their action on the grounds that people should ‘give back something’ to society (at weekly wages that would barely pay for a ticket to a rock concert at the Regent and an Indian meal afterwards).   

    As trade unionists are well aware, Third Sector bodies are often poor employer. It is unlikely they will  always deal fairly with the unemployed (who will have even fewer rights). What mechanisms will there be to reign in the power of those in authority over them? What if the person in charge, a not so hypothetical scenario, has strong opinions about work-shy scroungers, and foreigners taking advantage of the system? Harassment and similar issues are hard enough to deal with in ponderous state bureaucracies. Believe me there’s nothing like local tyranny to make you yearn for their formal ways.

    So, progressive conservatism look like giving power back to the local stock-jobbing oligarchies who ran British  towns and cities in Victorian times.  That ran decentralised welfare services. Devolved to  the capable hands of Mr Beadle. Progressing back to the 19th Century.


    For more information on what’s happening on the Welfare  Front see Ipswich Unemployed Action.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 12, 2009 at 11:52 am

    Alan B’Stard Back: NHS a ‘Mistake’.

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    He’s Back!

    Everyone in the UK (well, nearly everyone) is up in arms at the US Right’s’ barking-mad attacks on our National Health Service. A Maoist propagandist couldn’t have come up with something more guaranteed to get the Popular Masses up in raging anger. The sight of baying Americans screaming hatred against the egalitarian institution that draws us together was bound to wound. It has wounded. We all have tales of how the NHS has helped us. The dedicated staff. The liberty that free-at-point-of-delivery gives us. We love the NHS.  

    If we moan about it, that’s because 1) We Brits like to whinge 2) We don’t like government measures to get private companies running schemes like PFI, or undemocratic Trusts. That is, business making money out of illness or unaccountable big-wigs ruling on health needs. 3) We fear above all any move towards a US style ration-by-ability-to-pay system. But, as they said on the News this morning, the country is up in arms at these US slanders.

    Long Live Socialised Medicine!

    But hark. What do we see pandering to the US mob?

    Alan B’Stard, the Tory MP, ultra-Thatcherite , and star of  The New Statesman comedy series, has returned. Or rather,

    “Tory MEP Daniel Hannan (here), who has long campaigned for the NHS to be dismantled and replaced with a system of “personal health accounts”, has joined in the criticism on US television, where he described it in April as a “60-year mistake”.

    Speaking on Fox News on Friday, Mr Hannan continued his criticism.

    “The most striking thing about it is that you are very often just sent back to the queue,” he told the Glenn Beck programme and spoke of elderly patients “left starving in wards”.

    He described the NHS as a product of wartime planning, like rationing, and added: “I find it incredible that a free people living in a country dedicated and founded in the cause of independence and freedom can seriously be thinking about adopting such a system in peacetime and massively expanding the role of the state when there’s no need.”

    He’s since added that he wouldn’t wish the NHS on anyone.

    The upshot? Hannan has been disowned by the Tories (here).

    Will this be enough?

    The Popular Masses will want him brought to the Tower of London, through Traitor’s Gate. They await seeing his head  stuck on the battlements.

    The Tendance reckons there’s going to be  plenty more like Hannan in the British Parliament after the next election.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 14, 2009 at 10:33 am

    Burqa Yet Again.

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    Watch Out, She’s a Threat to Guardian Liberals!

    The Guardian, as part of its campaign against secularism in general, and French laïcité in particular, published a lengthy bleat by a Pankaj Mishra in its Review section yesterday, A Culture of Fear. Perhaps better titled, Islamophobic Europe: the Threat to Humankind and Nice People. He (note the gender) attacks the  book on Europe and Muslims, a devioce to make sweeping judgements about the faults of the Englightenment and European politics. I shall leave this aside until I have read Caldwell’s writing. What is important is that Mishra states that in France, “a  nation state whose geopolitical and cultural insignificance  in recent years has only been partly obscured by its hyperactive President..” . This comment (strangely absent from the On-Line text – I wonder why), is followed by this, accounting for the centrality of the issue of the Veil,

    “In The Politics of the Veil, the distinguished scholar of gender studies Joan Wallach Scott explains how the banning of a small piece of cloth that covers the head and neck affirmed an “imagined France”, one that was “secular, individualist and culturally homogeneous” and “whose reality was secured by excluding dangerous others from the nation”. Scott demonstrates that French Muslim girls, who were directly affected by the law on the foulard, were “strikingly absent from the debates” in France, which were dominated by intellectuals and politicians frantically defining the dangerous “other” (typically by describing the veil as, in Jacques Attali’s words, a “successor to the Berlin wall”). 

    Well I shouldn’t remind the ‘distinguished’ scholar and her ‘distinguished’ Guardian columnist that the ‘small piece of cloth’ was a rather important point during the Islamicist assault  on Algerian society. That their brutal way of enforcing it means that it is flecked with the blood of our martyr-sisters. Or of the  hundreds of thousands who died in this conflict between vicious Political Islam and the torturing Pouvoir, oddly not mentioned  in such distinguished company.  That Algeria and France are intimately connected, through population, culture and history. That in particular the Burqa, more than the simple foulard (which is a religious symbol removed from education and places where equality is important) is a means of enforcing inequality in public. It is  promoted by the Salafist forces  - well-funded agents of the pious Islamicist bourgeoisie – across Europe  is more than a piece of schmutter on the head.  It is a cage, of sexual paranoia and repression. That French secularism is an advance – and what exactly is there to criticise about it? That contrary to the above claims there was a very strong presence of Muslim women in the debate (here - Sisyphe) Including the voices of numerous North Africans who oppose rigid interpretations of Islamic rules and customs, those that legitimate oppressions (such as the moral dress code), and are secular. That the leading forces of the French anti-racist left, and groups, such as the Parti de Gauche (part of the succesful Front de Gauche Euro-list) are militantly secular.

    Apparently a French Muslim Minister thinks differently to her American feminist anthopologist and other English-speaking culturally significant  betters.

    The BBC reports,

    A ban on the wearing of the burka in France would help stem the spread of the “cancer” of radical Islam, one of its female Muslim ministers has said.

    Urban Regeneration Minister Fadela Amara told the Financial Times that a veil covering everything but the eyes represented “the oppression of women”.


    It is, she declared,  opposed by a massive majority of Muslim women – and men.


     (I won’t go into the full theological arguments about forms of modest dress, and the regulation of women’s behaviour by men and Islamicist ‘brothers’.)

    On Friday the Débats Page in le Monde ran a polemic byNathelie Heinrich entitled, La burqa, les sophistes et la loi. She took another more culturally significant American, John Brown, to task. He worries that banning the burqa undermines private life. By contrast, the French feminist researcher argued that if the burqa was only worn bya  few, it was nevertheless an affront to public human dignity.  France lets, “Des cercueils ambulants, des insultes vivantes à l’humanité circulant dans les rues comme si de rien n’était – chut ! (walking coffins, living insults to humanity walk in the streets as if nothing was happening – Quiet!) At the least the existing laws on such concealed identity  should be used against what many in France call, ‘le voile integral’ – complete veil. Heinrich advanced a strong argument, that to accept the burqa was  to “ déni de l’existence de principes moraux supérieurs aux caprices de la volonté individuelle.” (to deny the existence of moral principles which are superior to the whims of individual wills).

    A ban is not the answer. I am more concerned with religious dress codes as Islamicist instruments of  power and control. That burqa wearers are present in public places – and in the UK they are now enforced in some Swimming Pools (allegedly) on non-Muslims (here)- is a disgrace. They are testing the waters in order to extend their oppressive regime. But this is not the central point today. It’s about the ability to carry  further, by authority, this  totalitarian moral doctrine. Above all anyone in a position of power should be prevented from following them, thus making the first step towards their coercive introduction, them, for themselves or others.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 16, 2009 at 11:02 am

    David Szalay, The Innocent. Review.

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    The Perverted Logic of High Stalinism. 

    Review: David Szalay, The Innocent, Jonathan Cape, 2009

     Andrew Coates.

     From 3 AM Magazine - well worth looking at.

    Novels about the former Soviet Union are often hard graft. To read, to write, no doubt, as well. Martin Amis wrote his worst book, Koba, the Dread (2002), personifying Stalin, and studded it with inane profundities. We learnt that the Man of Steel was barking. But a lot, too much, about Amis. David Szalay puts that approach to one side. The Innocent is not about pure evil. It’s about a misguided intelligence officer, the sane Aleksandr, and the ruins he left behind him.

    Looking back on a life shaped and trapped in the perverted logic of High Stalinism. To the twists of career and marriages. Not from the time when Official Communism began to break down, but from the years of its lingering glory. The present, the 1972 Munich Olympics where Soviet athletes showed off their prowess to compete against the West. A time historian David Caute described in The Dancer Defects, when the Russian state tried to compete with the West, in sport, in science, and presented a façade of stable progress. The past, back to 1930 when The Head of the OGPU (State Political Directorate) lectures on the Rightist conspiracies, “wrecking, murder, terrorism.” The Ruitin conspiracy, the Eismont-Tolmachev-Smirnov conspiracy – and, naturally Trotsky’s. With all that follows in Aleksandr’s fight for the plotters’ downfall… To convey this Szalay’s narrative switches between Aleksandr’s type-written memoir and third person in the unfolding present. The former relocates us in the Stalinist period, and its aftermath. To the purges, the manoeuvres, and the making and breaking of marriages, bounded by a country he never leaves.

    It begins when the earlier Bolshevik battles have been settled and state building, purging and personal advance rule. At a time in the 1930s when he joined the Feliks Dzerzhinsky OGPU Higher School in Moscow. Then the “making of Communism was something sacred for us.” Marxism, for these enthusiasts, was close to a “language of faith” of a “new heaven.” This jarring description – to say the Author knows that Marxism-Leninism was a cover for a religious commitment – reinforces an equally heavy-handed justification of killing for political, or rather millennialist, ends.

    The meat lies elsewhere. In more credible events. Aleksander recalls a certain Antolony Yudin. A very famous pianist, believed, publicly, dead. Fast forward to the late ‘forties and the conclusion of the great patriotic War. Yudin, this former musician, is being held in a psychiatric hospital, out in the endless Russian forests. Injured during his detention as a traitor, his brain is so affected his short-term memory is awry. His past? A philo-germanic, (music, culture) he attempted to keep his contacts with country alive as war loomed and broke out. Who wrote to a German musicologist in 1942 asking if it were possible for him to go to Germany? Arrested… Hold on. Like the mystical communism this jars. Arrested after writing? Anyone, above all anyone well-known, with the remotest connection with Germany at this time would have already been under intense suspicion, most likely already sent to Gulag, and probably shot. With their relatives and friends. What need of a cover up of a botched shooting and false, not genuine, obituaries when there was actual proof for once? Kept alive for the sake of Doctor Lozovsky’s research into brain injuries… I think not. And I am only criticising this because a novel with realistic ambitions has to suffer some judgements in terms of its realism.

    Fortunately there is a lot better writing at work. The intricate plot rests upon Aleksandr’s steadily rising career, with its set-backs, in the Soviet Intelligence section. But only for a few minutes are it banal, roughly tumbling through marriage, relationships, and accumulating posts and possessions. Most of the time there are reminders of a darker backdrop, the high hopes of the Kosmonol youngster. Meeting with a fervent Communist, with a hidden alien class origin, a series of edgy contacts with the sharp needles that stuck out all over the Stalinist system. Periodic purges, anti-semitism (Lovosky is one of “our long-nosed friends”), wives, lovers, and a settled routines existence as a functionary, pass along. The purging of Lovosky is, with the coming of Khrushchev, now a fault, and a period of unset menaces this steady progress. Aleksander considers him, retrospectively in 1960, in some way not innocent. Overshadowed: in 1960 he has his own worries about getting shot. But isn’t Living on Aleksander watches events in the Fisher Iceland Chess Match and then the Munich Olympic Black September terrorist atrocity take place. More flashbacks to the threats against the Stalinist regime, hidden whites, Trotskyists. Late middle-aged comfort.

    To what? Perhaps I got lost as to where The Innocent was going. Or enjoyed myself on the journey – there is plenty of fine reflection on the way. Reading I found myself constantly thinking of the raft of books that have appeared about everyday Stalinism over the last decade. Many of the best are listed at the back of the The Innocent. But what I felt a lack of was a feeling that one could see what was happening. A cinematic input. Something in the genre of Burnt by the Sun or The Inner Circle. But more down to earth. Even so, the novel keeps your attention, and brings with it its own shafts of light into a world of everyday darkness.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 19, 2009 at 9:51 am

    Posted in Culture, Stalinism

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    Recipes for Social Democracy: Jean-Christophe Cambadélis

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    The French socialists are in a decisive debate about their future. This contribution (extracts below) is by one of their central figures, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis (from Lambertist student to supporter of the liberal Socialist Dominique Strauss-Khan).  The principal interest here is how far it echos similar moves around Compass.

    Lettre à un militant qui n’en peut plus 

    The Letter  begins by asking why the Socialists keep losing elections and votes.

    “”La raison en est simple. Elle est la clé de tout. Nous sommes désormais perçus comme un élément du «système ». Selon le juste mot d’Edgar Morin,la réduction du socialisme au gestionnarisme a sapé les ‘fondements de l’espérance nos concitoyens’…”

    The reason is simple, and the key to everything. Henceforth we are seen as  as part of the ‘system’. In the well-judged words of Edgar Morin, the reduction of socialism to management has enfeebled the ‘basis of hope amongst our fellow citizens’…   

    Au moment où nous avions les conditions de l’offensive après le krach de décembre 2008, nous n’avions plus de dynamique. Le modèle social démocrate, devenu social libéral, s’était évanoui. Le nouveau modèle était empirique, sans force, sans certitudes, incapable de rassurer, d’entraîner les peuples d’Europe.Il faut maintenant opérer une rupture claire avec les années libérales du socialisme européen. Ceci est d’autant plus facile que ce ne fut pas la thèse officielle du PS français.

    At the very moment, during the Bank crashes of December 2008, when had the conditions to go on the offensive, we had no energy or sense of direction left. The social democratic model, that had become social liberal, had evaporated. This model was based on ‘what works’, without any strength, without any certainties. It was incapable of reasurring, or bringing with it Europe’s peoples. Now we have clearly to break with the European Socialist parties’ neo-liberalism. This  is all the easier for us, because the French Socialists have never officially adopted this approach.   

     Yet no back to the 1970s, Programme Commun, radical nationalisation, workers’ control. Still less the ‘rupture’ with capitalism (as opposed to the neo-liberal variant of it).

    Instead  Cambadélis’s  ideas for a new course  are vague. In a society where justice reigns,

    “Cette société juste doit combiner l’écologisation des moyens de production et d’échanges et une nouvelle répartition des richesses portée par l’égalité réelle.”

    This just society  must combine the ecologisation (his neologism) of the means of production and exchange with a new share-out of wealth based on real equality.

    Finally apart from advocating Primaries to select candidates, notably the Presidential one, he states that,

    “Le PS n’est pas la résultante un jour de l’alliance avec Olivier Besancenot parce qu’il y a des mouvements sociaux, le lendemain avec François Bayrou….”

    The Parti Socialiste is not the going to have one day an alliance with Olivier Besancenot (new Anti-Capitalist Party) because there are social mvoements, the next with  François Bayrou (centrist) – (because he  seen as a vigrous  opponent of Sarkozy).

    Conclusion: The Socialists, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis repeats (an old refrain), are the lynch-pin of unity on the Fench left. Only through them can it regain power.

    Well he would say that, wouldn’t he..

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 21, 2009 at 10:37 am

    Workers’ Control: The Note That Grew.

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    Above available from Spokesman Books.


     (Extract from The Spirit of Factions and Sects – still being worked on. This is a revised and expanded version).

     [This follows a chapter on the Soviet Union and Stalinism. Criticisms of that is..)



    Two ways of arriving at socialism…


    “One way is the way of democracy of working men; the way of raising the level of production; of voluntary self-reliant activity, self-discipline of the masses. This is, in our   opinion, the only way that can lead, and will inevitably lead, to the triumph of Socialism; while the other ruinous way is the way of the deprivation of the working classes themselves of every right and liberty, the way of transforming the working masses into a scattered human herd, submitted to benevolent dictators, benevolent specialist of socialism, who drive men in this paradise by means of a stick.”


    Moscow Printers’ leader, Mark Kefali, in the presence of the British Labour Delegation to Russia, 1920. (55)


    Where does this leave us? Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 22, 2009 at 10:26 am

    Ramadan Sacked: Dutch City and University Say, Has links with Repressive Iranian Regime.

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    Loses Dutch Support.

    Tariq Ramadan deux fois congédié à Rotterdam

    Libérationtoday: Pays-Bas. La ville et une fac coupent les ponts avec l’islamologue . Story in  English here.

    Sa «relation indirecte avec ce régime (iranien) n’est pas acceptable»et «a entaché la crédibilité de ses travaux». Telle est la raison évoquée par l’université Erasmus et la ville de Rotterdam pour mettre fin, de manière anticipée, à leur collaboration avec le controversé islamologue suisse Tariq Ramadan.

    L’universitaire présente, depuis 2008, Blogguer cet articleune émission hebdomadaire sur la chaîne publique iranienne Press TV, ce «qui est inconciliable avec ses deux fonctions à Rotterdam»,peut-on lire dans un communiqué commun.

    «Répressif». Les deux institutions précisent que les propos tenus par Ramadan dans son émission ne sont pas en cause, mais simplement sa position au sein d’une chaîne financée par le régime «répressif»de Téhéran.


    The City of Rotterdam and its University have sacked Tariq Ramadan (who had part-time posts/co-operation with both)  for his links with the Iranian regime. Notably with Press TV.


    The Iranian regime now is hurtling towards a reign of terror. Accused anti-Semitic terrorist, Ahmad Vahidi, is Defence Minister. We should be backing the Iranian democrats, workers and the repressed, to the hilt.

    How many more people can justify their collaboration with state-funded Press TV? Why should not those that do be subject to the same sanctions as Ramadan?

    Why is Ramadan still  covered with media and academic honour in the UK?


    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 22, 2009 at 11:54 am

    Europe’s Left Divided: France Highlights General Line-Up.

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    Tricolor, Green or Red Flag?

    The holidays are coming to an end. The French ‘rentrée’  is beginning. That’ s the time when the country’s Political and Cultural agenda gets set for the coming twelve months – in principle. It’s when the parties of the left try to settle their strategies, resolve their differences, and set out their wares.  At a series of ‘universités d’été’ (summer schools) the Parti Socialiste (PS), the  Parti Communiste Français (PCF), the Verts (Greens), the Nouveau Parti anti-Capitaliste (NPA), and other events (no doubt including the Parti de Gauche), have been and will be debating their failure to present a credible alternative to President Sarkozy. Or even, despite millions protesting on the streets this Spring, to affect substantially his policies. Neither the social-movement left, nor the (overwheminglySocialist) parliamentary deputies, look in any position to oust the right. For the latter, the European election humiliation of the PS, barely beating the Verts, adds piquancy to their dilemma. Renewal, from the right or the left?

    Three responses are emerging. They all have a wide echo with debates across the European left.

    The first is found amongst a wide layer of the PS. It is to try to establish an alliance with the centrist Mo-Dem party of François Bayrou and the Verts. That is, a tie-up between ‘democratic’ forces (Bayrou vaunts his claim to be the best fighter against Sarkozy’s  authoritarian populism), with an ‘ecological’ vision of progressive reform. Former LCR leader, Senator Henri Weber, who backs the latter, claims (here) that a ‘third refoundation’ of social democracy is underway. The first, the break with totalitarian Leninism (1920s), the second, with Marxism (Bad Godesberg – 1950s to 1980s), the third, with productivism and towards a new mode of ecological production (now. This greening goal, in various forms, is widely shared. However the first component of this new ‘cartel de gauches’ (the 1920s agreement between left republicans, liberal radical  socialists and the socialist party, the SFIO, co-operation with Bayrou (and ex-member of the centre-right UDF), is not accepted by all. It remains hotly contested. Not least by the PS’s General Secretary, Martine Aubry – elected on a platform opposed to such an alliance.  It is equally received with hostility by a majority of PS voters. Not to mention all the forces to their left.

    This may become a wider pattern in Europe. As the SDP fails in the coming German elections, and Labour goes down to ignominious defeat, we will no doubt see similar calls made. 

    The second are demands to ‘open up’ the selection of the PS’s Presidential candidate by ‘primaries’. This would mean an expensive publicity campaign to enroll a large swathe of the ‘sympathsiers’ of the Parti Socialiste in this race. How ‘open’ it would be is open to anyone’s guess. The advantage this process would give to those with publicists rather than politics  is enormous. Disregarding the utter failure of primaries to lift the Italian Democratic Party from the doldrums those with a vested interest are heavily promoting the idea (here) -with support from unexpected sources such as Laurent Fabius. Aubry, a party-activist at heart, is against; the ‘star’ struck Ségolène Royale (herself designated by a primary of those who paid a small membership due).

     Like its American template, this is an anti-democratic populist practice which puts power into the hands of the wealthy and well-connected with the established media. And takes away yet another reason to join a party – notably the PS where members have hitherto enjoyed considerable policy-making influence. One notes the idea’s popularity amongst the British Conservatives. No doubt similar forces in a defeated skeleton of the Labour Party will warm to the suggestion in time.

    Thirdly the NPA remains stuck in its call for movements of opposition. A rumour, circulated at the end of July, has it that the party of Olivier Besancenot has lost around 3,000 members since its European election failure to obtain any seats. While this is patently untrue, they have lost a  momentum and no doubt a few hundred card-carriers. Relying on strikes (despite the unwelcome noises form the main union federations) and demonstrations is not much of a strategy. For next year’s regional elections the NPA intends trying to reach some agreements with other (non-PS) left parties, such as the Parti de Gauche and the PCF. The sticking point remains their refusal to countenance any accord with the PS – any. It’s hard not to have sympathy with their dislike of the Socialists’ manoeuvres and abject failure to launch a  radical challenge to the right. But the NPA display arrogance in refusing the meet the needs of these left parties, who depend on municipal power for their existence.

    In this respect at least, unlike the two others,  France shows a great difference from British politics. We don’t have the luxury to split on such issues!

    France nevertheless illustrates many of the causes of the failures of the European left.  A social democratic wing tied to the established system, losing its identity and flailing around for electoral relief. Opportunism about Green politics – which are in a complete muddle (talk of ecological modes of production, post-materialist activists, inverted priorities: Gaia first, exploitation and oppression a long way behind).  A radical left unable to connect with the broad labour movement.  Still, we have had Blair and now we’ve (just about) got Brown. So we’ve not much to crow about.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 26, 2009 at 10:51 am

    Workers’ Control: Notes that Grew.

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    Above an important pamphlet available from Spokesman Books which explains a lot of the background to workers’ control.


     (Below: Extract from The Spirit of Factions and Sects, by Andrew Coates - a long text – book – still being worked on. This is a revised and expanded version).

     [This follows a chapter on the Soviet Union and Stalinism. Criticisms of that is..)



    Two ways of arriving at socialism…


    “One way is the way of democracy of working men; the way of raising the level of production; of voluntary self-reliant activity, self-discipline of the masses. This is, in our   opinion, the only way that can lead, and will inevitably lead, to the triumph of Socialism; while the other ruinous way is the way of the deprivation of the working classes themselves of every right and liberty, the way of transforming the working masses into a scattered human herd, submitted to benevolent dictators, benevolent specialist of socialism, who drive men in this paradise by means of a stick.”


    Moscow Printers’ leader, Mark Kefali, in the presence of the British Labour Delegation to Russia, 1920. (55)


    Where does this leave us? Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 27, 2009 at 12:27 pm

    Support Iranian Resistance Against Theocratic Gaolers.

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    The ever-excellent Weekly Worker has some of the best reports on the unfolding crisis in Iran. 

    In the latest issue (after the break for the Communist University) Yassamine Mather reports,

    Misogynist Torturers Cling to Power.

    Over the last few weeks, following the show trials of ‘reformist’ personalities and the imposition of even more severe forms of repression in Iran, the nature of protests has changed considerably.

    However, demonstrations continue on a daily basis in Tehran and most other Iranian cities, with numbers attending ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand. Reports from the working class neighbourhoods of Tehran, such as Ekbatan, Apadana and Karaj, and from the white-collar suburbs of Tehran Pars, indicate that anti-government demonstrations take place every night and often lead to confrontation between protesters and Bassij militia.”

    Full Story here.

    In the same issue is a thoughtful review by comrade Dave Osler of some heavyweight books about Iran.

    He comments, “The Islamic Republic is a theocratic dictatorship sui generis, and we should earnestly desire its downfall; while we would like to see that job achieved by the Iranian working class, we should acknowledge that even bourgeois democracy would be an advance.”

    The Weekly Worker, essential reading.


    Hands off the People of Iran (HOPI) Blog – here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 28, 2009 at 11:07 am

    Posted in Iran, Iranian Resistance, Islamism

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    Primaries in the Labour Party: Coming Some Time, Maybe? Now!!!

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    Gordon Brown faces a well-deserved humiliating defeat. Next year at any rate.  Before he goes down in ignominy and shame New Labour strategists will flounder around looking for a way to claw their back to power.

    The French Socialist Party has known its own set-backs. This August, the ‘silly-season’ in the UK, has seen, some concerted attempts to think their way out of their impasse. All centres on two strategies. The first are alliances. We shall leave the wisdom of aligning oneself with complacent landowners like François Bayrou (Mod-Dem right-centrist) and smirking right wing centrist Greens, such as Daniel Cohen-Bendit, to PS members to judge. The other strategy is based around primaries. That is open selection-processes for Presidential candidates, and, who knows, other PS aspiring Office Holders. The principle has now been accepted by General Secretary Martine Aubry (here). It is suggested that the process may involve non-PS candidates (from the MoDem or the Greens) – all depending on the willingness of them to participate. In any case the real point is that the voting will involve the public as a whole – self-declared backers of the PS, or not.

    This has caused resentment and opposition on other left parties, who feel – rightly – that Socialists are trying to monopolise the ‘left’. It’s a risky idea: novelty and media bunting apart it will undermine (fatally?) the power of card-carrying activists.  The more to dominate them with  publicists and, no doubt vacuous US-style rallying techniques. In the long-term the structure of the PS looks set to undergo a massive shock, and possibly dissolution.

     It has not passed unnoticed in France that the Italian Democratic Party, now run on this principle has eliminated its left. It has equally been a resounding failureas a political alliance, and a feeble opponent of the loathsome Berlusconi. The pathetic fate of the Partito Democratico does not, some comment, seem a good recommendation for primaries-as-a-solution-to-the-left’s-problems.  

    In the UK the Conservativeshave begun running primaries for local candidates. The first was in Totnes (here). This was completely open. Er hum – for deciding a Tory candidate or a Tory candidate. The Tories modestly note that, ”This will be the first time that a candidate will have a mandate from the whole electorate.”  The practice looks set to be followed.

    Now the Labour Party’s Constitution would seem to prohibit such a move. But given that the present Party leadership pays scant attention to the Constitution, and would dearly love to be able to jump over the heads of those tiring members to reach the electorate a a whole, how long will it before some ‘strategist’  backs this idea. Will many get behind this, a way to funnel off anger at New Labour’s catastrophic governments? Whip up new enthusiasm?

    I merely ask….

    And have already been answered: the dull-as-ditch-water ‘Progress’ right-wing New Labour lot  have already jumped on this bandwagon (well, a couple of weeks back): here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 30, 2009 at 12:10 pm

    Die Linke on the Up: Saarland, Saxony and Thuringia Regional Elections.

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    It looks as if German politics are not playing out to the scenario predicted. That is, a shoe-in for Angela Merkel and the Right in this autumn’s, 27th of September,  General Election.  On Sunday in Saarland, an old stomping ground of Die Linke leader, Oscar Lafontaine, the left party scored 21,3% (detailed breakdown here).  A major upset, given that the PDS (one of Die Linke’s components) had never got more than a few percentage points in the Saar before. Some kind of coalition is inevitable, but by and with whom? It’s  suggested that the Green Party will be ‘kingmakers’ in this region. Given Die Grünen’s hostility to socialist policies this seems a delicate task. Elsewhere, in Saxony the Left got 20,6% and in Thuringia, 27,4% – good results, though in line with previous levels in former GDR areas.

    Der Spiegel comments that (here), 

    Left Party leader Oskar Lafontaine only managed to utter four words before the crowd of supporters drowned him out in cheers: “Yes, good evening everyone.” The 65-year-old politician was just greeting the crowd, but in fact he was giving them a lot more — an unprecedented election victory that many even in his own party didn’t even believe could happen.

    The left-wing party scored 21.3 percent of the vote in elections for the state parliament in Saarland on Sunday — a result that was 10 times greater than that achieved by the party’s predecessor, the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS), in the state during the last election in 2004. In 2007, the Left Party was created through the merger of the western German WASG party and the eastern German PDS, the successor party to East Germany’s Communists. 

    On the suggestion that there be a general alliance with the SPD and greens Lafontaine has this (here) to say:

    In Deutschland wird seit den Wahlen vom Sonntag wieder viel über Rot-Rot-Grün spekuliert. Eine realistische Option auch für den Bund?

    Nein. Für die Linke ist immer das Programm ausschlaggebend. So lange SPD und Grüne den Krieg in Afghanistan befürworten, solange sie mehr oder weniger die Rentenkürzung, die Kürzung des Arbeitslosengeldes und Lohndumping durch Hartz IV unterstützen, solange gibt es keine Basis für eine Zusammenarbeit.

    After Sunday’s vote there has been again speculation about a Red-Red-Green alliance. Is this a realistic option?

     No. For the Left the Programme is always the decisive issue. So long as the Greens and SPD continue backing the war in Afghanistan, so long as they more or less support reductions in pensions, cuts in unemployment benefit, and social (wage) dumping (Hartz IV), there will be no basis for common work between  us.  

    More analysis (in English, from China – of interest)  here. In German (here) a flavour of the hysterical political hostility that accompanies any successes of Die Linke, and efforts to reach coalition agreements between it and the SPD.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 2, 2009 at 10:34 am

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    Disarray of the French Left.

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    Reminder of How Dismal the European Election Results were in France.

    From the Latest Chartist Magazine (September/October). Written about a month ago.

    The June European elections were not a success for the left. In the Continent-wide upsurge of the Right France was not exception. Head of State Nicolas Sarkozy was the principal victor. At 27,87% of the vote his party, the UMP, outran the Parti Socialiste (PS) – 16,48% – by a kilometre. The Socialists only just beat the Green List, Europe Ecologie, (16,28%) and got the same number of seats (14). There was no centrist break-through. François Bayrou’s MoDems, who posed as the best fighters against the President, obtained a low 8,45%. On the far left the anticipated surge for Olivier Besancenot’s Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste (NPA) failed to materialise. At 4,88% (and no MEPs) they were outdistanced by an alliance of break-away Socialists and the Parti Communiste Français, the Front de Gauche, who got 6,05%, (5 seats). For the left the only really good news was that the far-right Front National’s vote shrank to 6,3% and just 3 Euro representatives.


    Before the elections the Socialists had barely recovered from a damaging feud. The battle for the post of General Secretary, between Martine Aubry and failed Presidential candidate, Ségèlone Royal was intense.  Aubry won by O.O4%of the vote. November’s ReimsCongress left disagreements unresolved. The party has an inability to decide on its direction. Efforts to wrench the PS from its class struggle heritage (at a time when class conflicts are highly visible in France), and replace them with a watered down version of Enlightenment values, republicanism, have not been rewarded by the electorate. Royal adds populism and talk of ‘hope’ (mimicking Barrak Obama). Critics allege she is a ‘social liberal’ – who accepts market economics. Aubry’s austere approach – rooted in a more traditional social democracy – has been too modest to make an impact.


    The Euro election results were felt as an “earthquake “ by the socialists. Leading figures have made dramatic remarks about its coming “death”. Julie Dray has declared the party is “à la derive” (adrift). From the sidelines, Bernard Henri-Lévy suggests that the PS should “disappear”. A common refrain is that the party, in Manuel Valls’ words, “must change or die”. Yet nobody seems to offer any clear programme of change. Connecting to the voters by open ‘primaries’ is not much of answer – and is resisted by Aubry. A turn to the Third Way, given British experience has little appeal. But democratic socialist strategies have not made headway given the splintering of the Party’s left.


    Europe Ecologie, apart from Sarkozy the main victors of the election, is led by Daniel Cohen-Bendit. He defines himself as a “libertarian liberal”. ‘Danny’ backs the European Constitution, humanised markets, and increased federal powers. Their other internationally known MEP, José Bové, was opposed to the Constitution during the French referendum and ‘anti-liberal’ in the French sense of opposing the free-market. The Greens’ programme gave priority to general ecological measures and moderate reforms of European social policy  – thus making them a safe choice for a protest-vote. But in other French elections the French Greens, the Verts, are completely dependent on agreements with the PS. It remains to be seen how their success will translate into domestic politics.


    On the left the Front de Gauche, with the backing of the PCF’s apparatus and many left wing democratic socialists, is trying to emulate the German Die Linke. Its most dynamic component, the Parti de Gauche, led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, was onyl formed at the end of 2008. It received the backing of the Piquet faction of the Ligue Communiste Révoltuonnaire (LCR), now a separate organisation, Gauche Unitaire. The Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste, which replaced the LCR at its founding conference this year, claims to embrace a wider ‘anti-capitalism’ than Trotskyism alone (it is not officially a section of the Fourth International), apart from some very small left groups, and new anti-globalising activists, it remains under the 10,000 membership target it fixed itself.  The NPA, at one point polls gaveit over 10% of the vote, failed to convince the electorate. It refused an alliance with the Front, on the grounds that it was compromised by agreements with the Socialists and did not offer an alternative to the State. NPA activists have consoled themselves that Mélenchon’s supporters tend to be elderly – as is the age of all those who cast their ballots in these elections.


    Those looking for extra-parliamentary activity to defeat Sarkozy havealso faced an impasse. Massive one-day general strikes and street protests (mobilising up to 2 million people) this spring have not had any concrete results. Militant factory occupations and threats to blow up factories (New Fabric, Nortel, Givet) if special redundancy payments are not given, are signs of desperation. They have been compared with Luddism. The Union movement, unusually united, is looking for new ways to defend its interests. For the moment opposition to Sarkozy’s government has been out-manouevred.


    Comment: Aubry and the majority of the Socialist Party have since been swept up in the move to hold Primaries. I’ve given more up-to-date analysis here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 4, 2009 at 10:15 am

    Against the Greens, Again.

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    Green Power? No Thanks!

    The left is fascinated with Green Parties and Green politics. Now all sniffiness aside (I have enough snuffles  about the Climate Camp protesters to cause a pandemic) there are serious issues at stake.

    Yes, the fate of the Planet is important. Yes, pollution, global warming, the exhaustion of natural resources, and bio-diversity (simply – the countryside and the wild) matter. Yes, ecological measures should form a part of a left programme.

    But, no, no, no, the Green parties are not a vehicle for progressive left politics.

    All Green parties are cross-class ‘post-materialist’. Or so the text-books say. Their politics address people as human beings and a part of nature (Gaia). Socialist politics speak to people as citizens and members of classes. Why? Let’s boil this down to the essential. Socialism, whether Marxist or not, has two central objectives. To fight exploitation (the principal  source of inequality – capitalism), and to combat oppression (people being badly treated because of their class, ethnic, gender, sexual choices, religion or lack of religion).  For the first, class assertion, people’s interests, means support for trade unions, and a socialist economic strategy (okay apart from defending ourselves, we haven’t got much of one at the moment). At least something like workers’ control – of the whole economy. For the second social republicanism, human rights, and anti-racist secularism.

    The Greens appear sometimes to back some of these objectives. At least in part. It’s obvious that, for example, their support for Co-ops (here) is the strategy of ‘growing co-operation within capitalism’. Now it’s all very well to encourage the idea of turning “existing for profit companies into workers co-ops”. The crucial point is that, as argued in A Note on Workers’ Control - here – that these need something a lot more. Either state encouragement, or a really massive upheaval to introduce self-management across society. Otherwise, all the experience of such islands of anti-capitalism is that they will fail.  

    It’s hard not to think that the ley-way given to these policies is part of a wider attempt to embrace just about anything moderately radical going. Opposition to privatisation, anti-globalisation, climate change, even against Welfare Reform. This sums up the Greens’  approach: make lots of strong statements about how bad big businesses is, sloganise about No Logo, talk up the anti-globalisation movement and NGOs. But when push comes to shove they will never go against the grain of the market society. They, in short, are not socialists. Since they don’t claim otherwise the fault of thinking that they are, or at least close to, the Left, is not theirs. It’s those on the left who a re desperate to find some way out of our present dilemmas, or, more cynically, some (in Respect) looking for an exit-strategy when their organisation gets wound up (the near future).

     Green parties are not socialist and never will be. They are what they say they are: eco-centred and hostile to socialist industrialisation, socialist planning and a whole raft of socialist policies (from nationalisation to forced redistribution of ownership and wealth). Some members might be socialists. That’s another affair.


    The reason is that Green parties are strongly marked by their origins (a feature of parties that Maurice Duverger underlibed0. That is, their Utopian super-class picture of the world means they appeal to anyone. Of Good Will. Like the early Robert Owen or Fourier they  ask for the support of well-intentioned individuals. Some, like these two, go so far as to ask for support from the rich and powerful (The Ecologist is a prime example). But most appeal to those who are sufficiently well-off to consider Green issues a priority – the so-called ‘post-materialists’. Not that there are not material reasons to be Green. But, at least until the class-based political system began to break up (encouraged by such parties as New Labour and its counterparts elsewhere) people cast their ballots on things like taxes, economic growth (a big problem for the so-called fundamentalist Greens), and welfare. Either way that is.

    The central turning point for the European Green parties has been when they have got enough electoral support to have their own professional Green politicians(and hangers-on). A layer with its own interest in keeping their positions. This has meant systematic calculation and electoral strategy. They have to become more and more respectable. Without a defined class constituency, they trawl widely. Their political anchor has such a  long chain that it lets them drift.

    Hence right-wing liberal-libertarian types like Daniel Cohen-Bendit. Hence the attempt by French Green leader, Cécile  Duflot(from a Christian background) to appear a competent ‘manager’ of a party. Les Verts have one of the highest ratios of  people holding posts in local government to members in Europe (9,000 members, up to a  couple of thousand elected figures – 5 Senators, 3 Deputies, 41 Mayors, and 168 Regional Councillors, and many more, though a lot  are very local – the equivalent of Parish Councils – ‘cantons’)  Everything depends then, on being capable of  running municipalities efficiently. Green-wise that is. Feeling the wind in their sails the French Greens are going alone. Until they need other parties. The future looks like this: compromise, coalitions, deals. This already happens between the Norwich Labour Party and the Council Greens.

    In brief: the Greens are set to become, if their European sister parties are their template,  a version of the Liberal Party out to offer its support to the highest bidder, always waiting for the main chance to break through into the major league.  

    The Greens are neither natural allies of the labour movement nor the left. If on specific issues they may be on the same side that is one thing. If it’s a matter of anti-racism, or opposition to selling-off public services, or for union rights. Fine. But there is no serious strategy for regrouping the left around the Green Party. Not now. Not ever.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 5, 2009 at 11:19 am

    Posted in European Left, Greens

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    Burston Rally, 6th September 2009. Report: Sunshine and Socialism.

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     Burston Strike School: Rally is held on Village Green in Front.

    Last year it poured with rain. This time the sun shone. Around 2,000 people attended the annual Burston Rally on Sunday (small notice in East Anglian Daily Times). The Morning Star carried a fuller report yesterday (here) and the YCL posted on it  (here).

    The theme of this year’s event was solidarity with the Cuban revolution. Luis Marrion from the Cuban Embassy spoke on the advances towards socialism made on the Island.  Steve Hart of SERTUC (South Eastern TUC) warned about the continuing US blockade. He spoke of solidarity with the Latin American people, and the need to oppose the Honduran coup. Richard Howitt, Eastern Region Labour MEP gave his views. Others were less enthusiastic about the policies, and prospects, of the Labour Government.

    There were stalls from most of the major trade unions: UNISON, UNITE, GMB, NUJ and the RMT. Bob Crow, from the latter, was present with a full crew ‘on tour’, a marching band (said to have learnt it’s tunes from the Raj), and its own zeppelin. Campaigns and pressure groups included: Unite Against Fascism, StWC, Palestinian Solidarity, Cuban Solidarity (with Carnival Musicians), Amnesty International, Workers’ Musical Association, Tom Paine Society (an exhibition at near-by Diss Museum is currently on show – see here), and the Humanists (no Christian Socialists this year). A group of Woodcraft Folk appeared, visiting from their Suffolk Hostel.  Of Left groups there were: the SWP, Socialist Party, CPB (M-L), a larger than usual YCL contingent, Socialist Appeal, and both wings of the SPGB (the  Socialist Party – not to be confused with the SP above, and the other lot).


    Ipswich had its famous jams and elderflower cordial on sale, and the comrade had even produced Medler conserve this year (which I was intrigued enough to fork out for). Plus there were  free golden plums from a well-known allotment holder.

    Few eco-warriors were present: they have a fête timed normally  on the same day as Burston. It’s held on some Lordship’s land in Norfolk.

    With such a good turn-out one could see that a hefty chunk of the East Anglian active labour movement were there. This went from the left to many leading Labour councillors from Ipswich. Former Norwich MP, Ian Gibson, however was not spotted. The age-range went from the very young to veterans. Wilf Page’s biographer, Mike Pentelow,  was there to sign copies of his biography (Norfolk Red) of one of our region’s most important activists.

    Our coach, jointly organised between Ipswich and Colchester, was about two-thirds full. On returning to Ipswich  we headed for the Dove. It was generally agreed that the day had been a great success and yet another step on the inevitable road to victory of the East Anglian Proletariat (and small peasants).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 8, 2009 at 11:20 am

    Parti Socialiste: Hold-Ups, Cheating and Treason…

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    Not Friends at the Best of Time.

    Are these the worst allegations of fraudulent internal elections in European Socialist History? Anyone listening to France-Inter this morning would have been surprised by the  allegations made about rigging in the vote that saw Martine Aubry win the post of Parti Socialiste. Antonin André et Karim Rissouli’s  ”Hold-uPS, arnaques et trahisons” alleges this and much more. Literally piles of pro-Aubry ballots are said to have been added to the total.  The Nouvel Observateur gives a full report: here.

    “On savait que ça avait triché, mais pas avec cette ampleur ni avec ce système d’organisation”, commente Ségolène Royal après la parution du livre “Hold-uPS, arnaques et trahisons”, qui lève le voile sur les tricheries lors de l’élection de Martine Aubry. Laurent Fabius, lui, estime que ce livre ne contient “pas d’éléments probants”.

    We knew there had been cheating, but not on this scale, and not so systematically organised, declared Ségolène Royal after the publication of the book, Hold-ups, arnaques et trahisons (Hold-ups, Cheating and Treason), which lifts the veil on the tricks used during the election of Martine Aubry. Laurent Fabius* , for his part, that the book is not thoroughly convincing.

    Reading extracts from the book in le Point I can only agree with Royal. It begins by reporting a message from an Aubry bureaucrat, “We’re not wearing kid-gloves, Stuff the Ballot Boxes!” – here.


    I cannot overemphasise how damaging these claims are. The PS has just emerged with a  fragile truce about its future direction (acceptance of Primary selections, and at least entertaining the idea of alliances with the Greens and the Centre MoDems).

    Now all hell look set to break out.


    * PS ‘elephant’ (elder statesman) and former PM.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 9, 2009 at 11:09 am

    The Bells of Saint Lawrence and the Silence of the Film Theatre.

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    Tolling for the Death of Film.

    For those who watched the National News, Ipswich (again!) is the Navel of the World.

    Apparently we have the oldest bells in Christendom. At Saint Lawrence Church (here).

    For those who so wish one can hear them here.

    Meanwhile the Liberal-Tory Junta is facing the fact that its private cinema replacement for the Ipswich Film Theatre is going to close.

    A letter has been sent about the latter to the local paper,

    “Hollywood Cinema to close. A Chronicle of a Death Foretold. The Usual Suspects, led by Councillor Judy Terry, got rid of the Film Theatre. The Tory-Liberal adminstration assured us that with Hollywood  La Vie was en Rose. That the venue would be part of the Things to Come.  Others regretted the loss of a specialist outlet, highly regarded across the whole of East Anglia, not just East of Ipswich. Under the Rules of the GameHollywood could not compete. Commercial movies and some art cinema could be seen at CineWorld. Few went to the unpredictable showings at the Corn Exchange. Which only played a Handful of Dust apart from – often late – blockbusters.

    After the Broken Embraces with private operators will the Council learn that commercial companies cannot be relied on the provide public culture?

    I have a Shadow of a Doubt.”

    The Tories and Liberals love ancient Bells, they hate modern uncommercial film.

    It’s noteworthy that Saint Lawrence hosts a Drop-In Centre for the well-off (lunches start at well over a fiver). Or as Councillor Judy Terry calls them, the “nice people.”

    Goodbye un-nice cinéphiles, and un-nice Caribbeans and their centre (the next on the Lib-Tory  hit-list).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 11, 2009 at 10:07 am

    Bob Crow: Election Challenge to Labour.

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    The Times reports (here)  that Bob Crow, the RMT and a variety of groups are seriously discussing standing left candidates in the next General Election.


    Mr Crow is planning a new challenge to the political elite. The unions, he says, are planning to set up an alliance to stand candidates at the next general election. The RMT has already had six meetings in the past three months with representatives from other unions, pensioners groups, student bodies and green campaigners. “If we don’t believe that any of the candidates are good, there may be an alliance that comes together. We would be putting up policies that we believe people want. What our members vote for is their democratic right, but certainly we can’t just sit back and say vote Labour.”

    He cannot lead the alliance himself — “my rules restrict me from standing at a general election,” he says — but he can help with the manifesto and fundraising, while his preferred policies are clear. “I would like to see taxes go up massively for the rich, I’d abolish all private education and all private medical care. I would do away with the Royal Family — that’s not to say they’d be executed but why should those people have a privileged place in society?”

    This is worth deep consideration. I will begin with the best Spartist reasons why.

    • Gordon Brown, who is likely still  to lead Labour in these elections, is nothing but a centre-right politician. His support for free-market globalisation (with a dose of Christian humbug) is far from even moderate social democracy. There has been no back-tracking on this, except a public safety-net for the banking system.
    • The ‘market state’  Blair and Brown have inherited from the Conservatives, has been developed. On the one hand a variety of private contractors are now delivering public services. A large parasitical ‘para-state’ has grown up, taking in profit for themselves and offering disorganised and incompetent services in return. On the other hand the low-paid in the public sector have seen their real wages decline, and their working conditions worsened by outsourcing. Many manual and precarious workers in private companies have not seen their rights, conditions and pay significantly improve. Only a few groups with industrial muscle have made advances. The Cabinet has not introduced significant measures that would enable trade unions tip the balance the other way.
    • The unemployed (a growing number of people, to say the least)  and all those who rely on state benefits have been targeted for a compulsory moral reform campaign. Their incomes have been  reduced, their eligibility for money constantly challenged, they have been harassed, and their lives made a misery by the market state. 
    • The Labour government has failed to combat racism and xenophobia. Its multiculturalist state strategy is unable to fight rising extreme-right support. Instead of uniting people around common interests it divides them,  separating people by ethnicity and religion, and giving power and money to unelected ‘community leaders’. Secular anti-racism, the real alternative,  has been vigorously opposed.
    • The UK Government has engaged in murderous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq  without a genuine democratic mandate. Or a clear exit strategy.

    I could go on. A  constituency inherently opposed to the politics of Brown’s Labour Party can be seen emerging here. Attempts by the wordy John Cruddas (who backed the very welfare reform that is causing so much pain for the poor) to offer a Social Democratic  Alternative are not worth much. he ahs no worked-out programme that differs from Brown in the five bullet points listed, except vague principles, such as ‘regulation’ ‘social justice’ or more equality’ (while working for a few quid an hour to get the dole…).


    We shall see what Bob Crow’s initiative has to offer. Its policies and its support. And how far it will be able to present candidates. There is an advertisment in the Morning Star (Saturday) about a Conference, open to all, which will discuss this.

    In any case I am resolved not to vote for my local Labour candidate (Ipswich), Chris Mole. He has publicly backed Workfare. On these grounds alone Mole cannot be supported by any left-winger, or progressive.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 12, 2009 at 11:08 am

    Norway: Still the Red-Green Coalition? Update, Tuesday.

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    To Continue Green, and Red?

    Many reports indicate that the Norwegian Red-Green Coalition is set to continue (here). Other reports say not. That the results will be close (here). More info here.  In any case it is interesting to note that the Reds in some part of Europe (not a member of the EU)  are still a substantial force.

    The Picquet Tendency, now The Gauche Unitaire, argues that most European Social Democracy is becoming ‘Democrats’ on the US Model. But this is not a universal trend. Certainly Norway’s Labour Party (Det norske Arbeiderparti)  is not as bad as say, the abysmal Italian Democrats. Who have followed this route to nowhere.  Letting rule a Berlusconi who’s the laughing-stock of Europe. That’s when he’s not a less amusing tyrant. Out to shut the oppossition press up.

    To become like the US Demcoratic Party – that merits a digression and a half. A sad fate: parties dominated by  interest groups, chief amongst them big business, and the wealthy, with other parts of the ‘coalition’ behind. Apart from a few brave souls they seem liberals with guilt, with ‘progressive’ ideas even woollier than Cruddas’s.

    Not that Obama is anything but a great deal better than the previous US crew. With a  dash of social democracy.

    What we need is an improvement on social democracy, not a  step back towards it. Does the existence of the Norwegian Socialist Left Party (Sosialistisk Venstreparti) help in that country?  Most, on the left, could say so. Though some criticise the Coalition lack of deep redness. The far-left (much of it Marxist-Leninist in origin) Røte alliance may get a couple of seats this time as well. Who knows what the feeble centrist Green Party will do, or think.


    Update: Red-Green narrow win here. More here.

    The xenophonic Progress Party made headway - here.

    I have not found anything about the result on the Guardian site.  Or the Independent. Which shows something about their interest in European politics. By contrast a serious European centre-left paper gives a proper report – here. And here. Even the Spanish media think it’s important – here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 14, 2009 at 11:05 am

    Posted in European Left, Greens, Left

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    Ignorance of the Learned. John Keane.

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    John Keane and Tendance Coatesy’s Bed-Time Reading.

    John Keane’s The Life and Death of Democracy (2009) is a thick tome. I did not expect the theorist (here) of ‘civil society’ as the site of social progress to be sympathetic reading. But, in contrast to many of the books I’ve been looking at when writing recently I thought it would be stimulating, interesting, and well-argued (add usual adjectives for someone you don’t really agree with). Besides I’ve a soft spot for anyone who annoys the Iranian theocrats.

    I have not finished it yet.

    But so far I have been throughly annoyed. A good thing one might think. But in this instance I think not.

    To begin with Keane spends a good deal of his time sharing his knowledge of philology with us. This runs through  many pages. That is, for example, he has discovered that Democracy in ancient Greek is a feminine noun. That we should try to imagine a world in which this word is surrounded bya  cluster of other substantives which are also feminine. How hard! That it implies a female personification for a form of government. Er, like la République, and la Démocratie, not to mention Marianne. And (hey) la Recrue (Recruit – a word in French which is feminine regardless of the sexual gender of the person).

    Not content with this erudition Keane explores the origins of the element, demos. Apparently it goes back to  Minoean Greek, and the famous Linear B. It meant something slightly different to do with people’s relation to the land. Strike me pink! English ‘Folk’ no doubt goes back some time too. Perhaps he could help us out here (he probably does, I have already got to the point where he labours over the origin of the word Thing in Old English and Common Germanic). Anyway, amongst other gems Keane notes that the Greek Hubris is (he claims) an import from Hittite, huwap (Page 63). I wonder really if this is true – Hittite, dead without any descendants.  Pretty hard stuff. Keane also opines that there was an ancient Sumerian word which is “semantically” related to demos. ‘Semantically‘ mother is related to all the languages of the world, but one suspects he implies rather more than this kind of relation.  

    Tendance Coatesy has a strong bond, (stronger than semantics) with Sumerian culture. We consider that the Fall of Ur was a great disaster (Lament here). Things have gone down-hill ever since. Sumerian civilisation had the great advantage of being: 1) The  founding one for writing. 2) Its speech was neither Indo-European, Semitic, African, Turkic, Asiatic or indeed with any known cognate language. 3) No-one can therefore claim it as ‘theirs’ .

    Apparently Keane differs. He uses 20th Century discoveries about Sumer (written up in any text on the subject – believe me I have read plenty of them), that they ruled with some kind of City assembly. Uses? Yes, to wage war against Marx. Citing Marx’s famous article, British Rule in India (June 10th 1853 – New York Daily Tribune), he says the following, “Had Marx the opportunity to learn Sumerian..”

    Thus Marxy got the whole notion of Oriental Despotism wrong. That government in hydraulic societies (as Wittfogel called them), were based on three departments: Finance, War and Public Works. That – going back to what Marx wrote – village life, was isolated in these societies, that custom ruled them while the government ruled above. Marx did not mention if such states had, or had not, assemblies, though he said they dominated said settlements despotically,  warred, and taxed without their consent. Now the newspaper article uses pretty sweeping generalisations, cites Mesopotamia (where Sumer civilisation flourished) in passing, and is concentrated in India. Where he criticises British rule (main target) and criticises (in a patronising way) Indian traditional life. No references to Sumer as such in fact.

    But then, unlike Keane and Tendance Coatesy Marx could not and had not read Sumerian. That is, before cuneiform was deciphered.

    I suspect the theory of Oriental Despotism and the concept of the Asiatic Mode of Production have greater weaknesses than that, but no doubt Keane has struck a blow. Like his claim that Marx disliked Democracy because (sic) George Grote (a banker) wrote a paean of praise to Athenian Democracy this makes one wonder about slipping academic standards and ego inflation in the faculties.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 16, 2009 at 11:59 am

    Protests in Iran Erupt Again.

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    More protests in Iran, (see also: BBC)

    Our hearts and minds should be with all those fighting for democratic freedom and against the Iranian Theocracy.

    It is particularly important that the left and the labour movement should be backing those who are standing  against Ahmadinejad. Many of us have (here), and a wide swathe of left activists are behind the protestors’ demands.

    There are still some British groups like Respect who have a different view of this issue. As they are  “on course to win up to three seats in General Election” (here) this is maybe time for them to think seriously about their position. Respect MP George Galloway has his own show on the tyrants’ telly (the Real Deal), Iranian state funded Press TV. Should George change his mind he could have a little word in the ear of his bosses in favour of those languishing in the regime’s gaols.

    Update: Renewed Holocaust denial yesterday  by Ahmadinejad – here (English) and here (in French). Stroppy Blog has published a report on the Iranian leader’s  speech (here ) – which has inspired the first showing of  an apologist for his claim that the Shoah was a”myth”.

    Background: Shiraz Socialist on what it’s like to work for the propagandist channel, Press TV, here. Stroppy Blog publishes (here) a further report. The latter has inspired – Comments Box -  the first apologist for Holcaust denial seen today.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 19, 2009 at 12:16 am

    Slide-Show Socialist in Shropshire Hills.

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    Coatesy Standing Firm.

    Coatesy Standing Firm.

    My photos.

    Well everyone else does it on their Blogs, Facebook and Mobiles. So here’s my very own slide-show. Settle down with the cocktail sausages, pineapple-chunks, silver onions, and cheese flavoured crisps.  Don’t stint on the Dandelion and Burdock pop.


    Visit to Carding Mill Valley, Shropshire Hills. Sunday.

    Road to Helm's Deep

    Road to Helm's Deep

    Snowdon in the (far far) distance.

    Snowdon in the (far far) distance.

    Feeling East-Anglian Culture Shock at Sight of Hights.

    Feeling East-Anglian Culture Shock at Sight of Hights.

    The Workers' Paradise is Just Over the Horizon.

    The Workers' Paradise is Just Over the Horizon.

    Maybe Paradise is Just a Little Bit Further Away than Predicted.

    Maybe Paradise is Just a Little Bit Further Away than Predicted.

    These are photos of an historic area hitherto unknown to the workers’ and progressive movement.

    Note the strange contours of the landscape.

    Hardly a flat surface to be seen.

    Apparently these things are called ‘hills’. To veteran climbers of the Suffolk Alps they look like the colossal remains of a cyclopean age.

    I mean look at them!

    Pressing on, without regard for personal safety, we came to this.


    It led to another impasse.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 20, 2009 at 8:24 pm

    Morning Star’s Hall of Leftist Fame.

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    The Morning Star has had quite a face-lift in recent months. Lots more news, features, investigative journalism (Simon’s stuff on homelessness), a widening of the political spectrum included and much better arts coverage. Plus the usual stuff by figures deemed worthy of space (Galloway, dull Greens, Union bureaucrats). Though it’s not yet a full daily paper with even more padding columnists.

    I recommend reading it. If you’re used to putting up with things you disagree with  that is. Which is not a universally shared trait on the left.

    Despite change, it’s encouraging to see that some old traditions are being kept up.  

    Neil Clarke’s Monday piece, The Leftists who Didn’t Sell Out (here) might raise a few hackles. And thoughts of the Star’s enthusiasms in the past.

    He lists ten figures.

    • Clement Attlee
    • Bruno Kreisky
    • Salvador Allende.
    • Olaf Palme.
    • Julius Nyere.
    • Janos Kador.
    • Pierre Trudeau
    • Daniel Ortega.
    • Slobodan Milošević
    • Hugo Chávez

    It’s no secret, as they used to say in the Morning Star, that some of these figures are controversial.

    Some here, naturally, would in any Socialist Pantheon (Allende). Others…? Something really rankles. Words like, authoritarian, brutal, misogynist  free-market shell (guess which ones), come to mind in a few cases.  Are they all part of the same Left? One wonders if Olaf Palme would sit comfortably with Milošević. Or if Attlee would get as cosy with Iran’s tyrants as Chávez so frequently does?


    Just failed Clarke’s ‘litmus test’ for sorting out the left from the rest.

    Unconditional support of Hugo Chávez is the duty of every revolutionary Morning Star reader!

    But there you go.

    As another nostalgic reminder the  Star’s ever entertaining, Monday Column, advertises a must-see meeting “Celebrate China’s National Day”. A plus is that it’s organised by the CPGB (M-L) – still in existence apparently (not to be confused with the CPB, M-L). Speakers include George Galloway and Harpal Brar of the Stalin Society(here).

    Hands off China!


    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 22, 2009 at 10:23 am

    Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste: Opinion Poll on Unity.

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    Going it Alone Didn’t Pay Last Time.

    French Regional Elections are next year. They’ll be a further test of the new anti-capitalist party, the NPA (which failed to get any Euro MEPs). Many people (in France that is, not British fans of the NPA)  think that a  drop from over 10% in opinion polls to below 5% was due to the party’s resolute refusal to align with the rest of the radical left. Will there be a recognition of this error? A call for unity with the Front de Gauche(Parti de Gauche and Parti Communiste Français)? With an entire tendency of the old-LCR (the Picquet group) now a separate body, the Gauche Unitaire, and working with the PCF-PG, one would have thought this is worth considering.

    Le Monde yesterday (here) published an article saying, predictably, that the leaders of the NPA, are posing hard demands for other left groups. That any alliance with the parties of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marie-George Buffet, rested on their refusal to join (post-election) regional council executives led by the Parti Socialiste. Which is a way of “closing the door” on the PCF – to state the obvious. That is, the Communists will generally accept such governing posts – in return for PS backing where they are in the lead.

    An opinion poll suggest that these NPA tactics are not going down well. 59% of the sympathisers of the left want a PCF-PG-NPA alliance. 61 % of NPA sympathisers think the same!

    You heard it here first – it is very doubtful if any of the British left groups, admirers of the go-it-alone NPA, will talk about such inconvenient facts.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 24, 2009 at 10:43 am

    Portuguese Elections: Left Bloc Breakthrough?

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    Serious Presence in Portuguese elections.

    This Sunday Portugal goes to the Polls.  José Sócrates, Socialist Party PM, may keep his grip on power. This is despite his government’s ferocious modernising policies, which have alienated public sector workers (aiming to recruit only one for every two leaving), and his efforts to ‘reform’ education. Not to mention a raft of scandals surrounding his Party and the State, including wire-tapping.

    These are the latest opinion poll figures summarised (here).

    Socialist Party (Centre-Left ?) : between 32 and 35%.

    Social Democratic Party (Right) of Manuela Ferreira Leite: between 29 to 32%.

    Left Bloc, led by Francisco Louça: between 9 à 12%

    CDS-PP (Traditional Right): between 8 to 9%.

    Communist Party (in alliance with the tiny Green Party): 8 à 9%

    The Left Bloc looks as if it may get more votes, then, than the well-established Portuguese Communist Party. This party, the Bloco de Esquerda (here)  is sometimes compared to Germany’s Die Linke. However its main organised groups are rather different: the (Fourth International), Partido Socialista Revolucionário and the (originally Marxist-Leninist) União Democrática Popular. Independent leftists and other currents exist.

    Portugal appears one country where the left is on the rise.


    Background on CWI site here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 25, 2009 at 10:15 am

    Coatesy’s Hall of Leftist Fame (and Honour).

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    Within its Shade We’ll Live…..

    The Morning Star (see below) has published a list of 10 Leftists who never sold out.

    There are surely better candidates than many of theirs.

    We accept that they should be twentieth and twenty-first century figures (otherwise we could go back to Ur).

     However, the rules should be a bit laxer than the Star’s. They  concentrate exclusively on Office Holders. Having a degree of political or social power and influence should be the major criterion. In any kind of politics (from Cabinets to movements). This would mean no pure academics or theorists. But would embrace a wide swathe of those who’ve helped shaped the world for the better. Without them necessarily having been in charge of government.

    Here are some suggestions.

    • Rosa Luxemberg. Three things stand out. Her utterly uncompromising defence of democratic freedom – against all comers. Her activism on behalf of  the power and ability of ordinary people to organise and decide for themselves.  And Rosa’s brilliant contribution to Marxist theory. Murdered by Fascist Freikörps backed by German Social Democrats. Our greatest Martyr.
    • Jean Jaurès. A founding democratic socialist Jaurès combined ethical idealism, French republicanism, internationalism, and undogmatic Marxism. In 1914 shot by nationalist. Paid for his anti-war campaigning with his life.
    • Andrés Nin. Leading figure in the Spanish POUM. Independent  Marxist  and anti-Fascist fighter, defender of  the Republican cause.  Tortured to death under the supervision of Stalin’s NKVD.
    • Antonio Gramsci. Leader of young Italian Communist Party. Imprisoned by Mussolini until his death. Active supporter of workers’ councils, and theorist of hegemony.
    • Emma Goldman. For her love of life, her free spirit, and her contribution to the cause of liberation. Loathed by bullies:  from the USA’s plutocrats  to the bureaucrats of Soviet Russia.

    Now for some more recent people.

    • Michalis N. Raptis (‘Pablo’). Innovative Marxist who developed out of Trotskyism into a backer of self-management. participated actively in the Algerian Revolution, and backed Thrid World Causes before this became fashionable.
    • Alain Krivine. The living embodiment of the best in European Marxist activism.
    • Evo Morales. A real Latin American leftist leader. From his work in the Indian communities of Bolivia to the mines and urban centres, Morales is a democrat and a socialist who’s got his feet on the ground. Not his head wrapped  in self-promotion and glorious deeds.
    • Aimé Césaire. Poets are the ‘unacknowledged legislatures of the world’. One of the greatest, he helped bring ”Third-world’ culture to the World at large.

    Any ideas for a tenth?

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 27, 2009 at 11:02 am

    Portuguese Elections Results: Good Score for the Left Bloc.

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    Good Result.

    The Socialist Party has won the Portuguese elections with 36.6% of the vote (down from 45.03% at the last elections in 2005). Prime Minister José Sócrates, a moderniser in the mould of Blair and Brown, will hang on. No doubt the scandals surrounding him (such as allegations about wire-tapping) will as well. He now has to negotiate agreements with other parties (which?). They will have 96 MPs in the new parliament, not a majority outright. (Adapted from Euro News Samantha David).

    Manuela Ferreira Leite,  leader of the centre-right Social Democratic Party got 29.1% (as opposed to 28.77% at the last polls). The party will have 78 MPs in the new parliament. In third place, the People’s Party (the Centro Democrático e Social – Partido Popular – CDS/PP) polled 10.5% (as opposed to 7.24% last time). The party will have 21 MPs in the new parliament. This is unpleasant news, since they looked like descending lower down the poll.

    In fourth place, the Left Bloc (Bloco de Esquerda or BE) polled 9.9% as opposed to 6.35% last time.This is highly significant, if slightly less than foreseen. It is one (?) the best result for a party for the hard-left (of Trotskyist and Marxist-Leninist origins)in any European coutnry for some years.  The party will increase their MPs, to 16 in the new parliament.

    In a speech, the Left Bloc leader Francisco Louca said

     ” the social security system has to be rebuilt, that unemployment payments has to be sorted out. He said that part-time employment should be converted into real full-time jobs by reforming the work code. The third objective for the Left would be to have a meaningful wealth tax and a minimum wage and lastly, a decent retirement pension. He also promised to dog the new government’s every step. He finished by saying that with the new mandate for the Left, things would never be the same again. After tonight, he said, he would have more power to argue against privatisation. He declared that the Left should be ready to fight for basic workers’ rights. He finished by thanking everyone.”

    The Green/Communist alliance the CDU – made up of the PCP (Portuguese Communist Party) and the small
    PEV (Portuguese Ecologist Party aka the Greens) – together polled 7.54% in the last polls. They have polled 7.9% giving them 15 MPs in the new parliament.

    Euro-News comments that, “More than half a million people (ie 9% of the working population) are currently unemployed in Portugal, which is one of the EU’s poorest countries, many people (around a third of the workforce) taking home less than 600 euros a month. This is the highest unemployment rate in 20 years but with turnout at a depressing 59.1% (the lowest turnout ever recorded in Portugal, down from 64.26% last time) it is clear that a sizeable proportion of the electorate have yet to be convinced that any of their politicians can get the country back to work, let alone solve the long-term economic problems.”


    This is only too true. As a conversation with Portuguese migrant workers in the UK will confirm, it plays a big part in their decision to leave the country. Perhaps we need to be equally thinking along the lines of the Left Bloc’s programme of measures to tackle the problem here.

    Where does the Bloc begin from? The policies of the modernising Socialist Party. Or as they put it (here):

    Durante quatro anos e meio, o Governo Sócrates dispôs de maioria absoluta: teve todo o poder e usou todo o poder. Os resultados foram mais privatizações, a degradação de serviços públicos, a acentuação das injustiças.

    During four and a half years the Sócrates government, which has an absolute majority, thus complete power,  and used it. The results were more privatisations, the worsening of public services, and a rise in injustice.

    Sounds familiar (though we’ve had even longer of that!).

    El País comments that,

    El veredicto de las urnas demostró que la bipolarización de la vida política portuguesa, a la que apelaron PS y PSD, no funcionó. El nuevo Parlamento estará más fragmentado

    The verdict from the ballot boxes shows that the bipolarisation of Portuguese political life, that’s between the PS and the PSD, doesn’t work any more. The new Parliament will be more fragmented.

    This decline in the two-party system appears to be a general European pattern (see German results). The attempt by Sócrates to swerve a little to the left, by backing a programme of public works, may have helped him avoid the disastrous fate of the SPD. However, a common pattern of a rising left force, protesting against the free-market turn of social democracy,  in evidence, does not look as if it can be avoided by such half-measures.


    If only we had a left pole like this here…


    Update Report from the NPA (French): here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 28, 2009 at 10:54 am

    Beyond Brown and the Sun: A European Left.

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    Labour’s Flagship.

    The Sun no longer behind him, Brown still has his flagship policies to save the Labour Party.


    Last week I was in the pub with the local Labour Party delegate to the Brighton Conference. His view was that the stage-front of the Conferences of today, with no votes on anything important, did not matter. The Government ignored them in the past, so why bother? Behind the scenes stuff, and the ‘policy-making’ forums, had at least some role. His goal, modest in the extreme, was to have a word in the ear of Ed Balls. About an alternative to a planned Academy take-over in Felixstowe. Which just about sums up life as a humble petitioner in the Court of Brown.

    Didn’t Mandy do well? No he didn’t. Anyone can make fun of their own faults. Particularly when you’ve got as many as he has.  Didn’t Brown rouse them? No he didn’t. He trolled through a boring list of boring lists. The thinning ranks of the faithful would swoon over the ten-times table to stop them contemplating the Government’s failures.

    What do we have? The Guardian cites three axes of Brown’s polices.

    • Appealing to Middle Britain’s angry and struggling families with various poll-driven policies aimed at swing voters, including greater powers to curb 24-hour drinking, reforms of tax relief to give the parents of 250,000 two-year-olds free childcare for the first time, and the creation of a network of “supervised homes” for all 16 and 17-year-old parents who receive benefits.

    Apart from the promise of free-child care (a promise unlikely ever to be  fulfiled) more ineffectual work for interfering busy-bodies.

    • Showing how the government will be prudent with the public finances by pledging to put the government’s deficit reduction plans on a statutory footing.

    See “unlikely to be fulfilled” above.

    • Reaching out to disillusioned Labour voters, who may have been tempted to defect to the Liberal Democrats or even the Tories, by pledging that ID cards would not be compulsory.

    This is so going to make me vote Labour….

    So it’s still full throttle on Welfare ‘Reform’ (now with young mums forced into ‘homes’), pumping loads of cash into para-state private companies, privatising parts of the NHS, PFI schemes, low pay for the public sector, and, well the rest. Including wars. Brown has left all the mechanisms in place for a Tory Cabinet to accelerate the transfer of public revenue into private hands. In short, the Market State.

    You can already see a gaggle of outsourcing companies queuing up next week  to get in Cameron’s good grace, the ‘voluntary sector’ gearing up to implement Workfare, and ..hop… here comes the Sun.

    Is there anything to say other than, yuck?

    A few. Electoral scores of the German Die Linke, and the Bloco de Esquerda in Portugal, are encouraging for the European Left. That is, the non Social Liberal, Market-State left. They indicate that a  strategey of radical reform programmes can have an appeal in the ballot box. That broad parties (or alliances), anchored in democratic socialism, pluralist internally and rooted in the labour movement, can be political players. And that less inclusive, narrower, initiatives (such as the NPA in France) have become a problem when they refuse to stand with others (as proposed in France by the Communist Party and Left Party). Finally, that the left does not need to hide its colours and attempt to cash in on the vogue for green politics (ultimately a road to the centre): it can stand on its own merits.

    Or would if we had anything resembling this here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 30, 2009 at 11:27 am

    Guinea: the Bloodbath that Should Shake the World.

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    Manifestation à Conakry 28 septembre 2009 (Photo: youtube.com)

    Guinée: “massacre” et actes de barbarie lundi à Conakry, au moins 157 morts


    See Video here.

    Details on the political background here,   here and here.


    NPA Communiqué here (Hat-Tip, Entdinglichung):

    L’armée s’est rendue coupable d’un véritable carnage, lundi 28 septembre, à l’encontre des manifestants qui exigeaient que le putschiste Dadis Camara, soutenu par P. Balkany grand ami de N. Sarkozy, tienne sa parole et s’abstienne de briguer un mandat présidentiel. Plus d’une centaine de morts et plus d’un millier de blessés : c’est le terrible bilan d’une répression impitoyable.

    On Monday the 28th of September the army was guilty of  real carnage against demonstrators who had been demanding that the putchist Dadis Camera, backed by the friend of Sarkozy, Mr P.Balkany, kept his word and did not attempt to become President. More than a hundred dead and a thousand wounded: the terrible result of ruthless repression.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 2, 2009 at 10:16 am

    Tories to Make Life Worse (if that’s possible) for Unemployed.

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    House of Lords: One of this Lot Will Make the Unemployed Toil for their Gruel.

    The media today is full of David Cameron’s plans to Get Britain Working.

    He plans to abolish the New Deal (in its various forms) for the Unemployed.


    But what will they put in its place? And who is behind the schemes?

    Details are sketchy (we will update them as they are revealed), but this (here) is worth noting. The policy is called,

    Get Britain Working” – which will see sweeping changes to policy across whole swathes of Whitehall in an attempt to “unleash investment and entrepreneurial activity that helps create more jobs”.

    That is, the usual guff.

    But wait..Who is the Shadow (unelected) Chap in Charge?

    Mr Cameron’s article puts wholesale reform of Britain’s welfare system at heart of his drive for jobs – masterminded by Lord (David) Freud, the welfare expert who “defected” from advising the government to become a Tory shadow minister earlier this year.

    David Baron Freud’s ‘expertise’ on welfare is nill. What has he done in his life? Well, he was a public schoolboy. He went to Oxford. Worked at the Financial Times. He then swanned around advising on financial deals, pilfering and making a mess of things.

    A general outline of his knowledge of welfare issues:  (here).

    “His involvement in raising £50bn ($72bn) during some of the biggest deals of the 1980s and 1990s made him a wealthy man – yet he continues to cycle to work, swim regularly in Hampstead Heath’s ponds and conduct his business in functional off-the-peg suits.”

    Mistakes he has made in his career include (here), 

    He moved into advising companies, and was involved in piecing together extremely complex deals such as the flotations of Eurotunnel and EuroDisney, which cost investors millions, and the financing of the Channel Tunnel rail link. Eurotunnel opened in May 1994 one year behind schedule and £2bn ($2.9bn) over budget. Sir David later admitted the deal was a “shambles” and that he had “successfully sold the market a pup”.But his chutzpah meant his career was not held back.Hauled before furious MPs to explain the mispricing of Railtrack, he was subsequently appointed an advisor to the government on its successor, Network Rail.

    As a an adviser to the Labour Government Freud was responsible for introducing the principle of Workfare and the Flexible New Deal. Now he has ratted and joined the Tories we can be sure he will have had an even freer hand. Expect loads of money for the usual suspects (A4E etc) to ’train’ the workless, and a programme of workfare. That will be as a futile, demeaning, pointless, costly, as anyone can imagine. And do absolutely nothing to deal with mass unemployment.

    Watching A4E gives some more information on this depressing, tyrannical, absurd, scheme (here).

    Welcome to the Baron in charge of Creating Social Exclusion.


    Cross-posted from Ipswich Unemployed Action.


    Update  (Monday).

    People on employment support allowance who are deemed fit to work would be put on the jobseeker’s allowance, reducing their benefits by £25 a week. Work ‘experience’  and ‘training’ to be compulsory after 6 months. The core elements of the Tory package involve putting everyone on a single out-of-work benefit, including the stock of 2.6m incapacity benefit claimants and lone parents. The back-to-work programme will largely be run by voluntary groups and private sector companies.

    I woke up – briefly – around five-thirty this morning. Put the radio on (Radio Five I think). Some woman from (guess it!)…A4e. Haven’t heard anyone so thick. And such a  goody-two-shoes. Unable to get simple questions. Interviewer asked if there was a subsidy to take on the unemployed employers might get rid of existing workers to have the extra money. She failed to understand this. Replied about what a  wonderful job her company was doing.

    These are the people who are going to Get Britain Working!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 4, 2009 at 10:55 am

    Tory Libertarianism: Work For 64 Quid a Week. Or Sleep Under Bridges.

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    Model Community Programme.

    It’s worse than you thought.

    People on employment support allowance who are deemed fit to work would be put on the jobseeker’s allowance, reducing their benefits by £25 a week. Work ‘experience’  and ‘training’ to be compulsory after 6 months. The core elements of the Tory package involve putting everyone on a single out-of-work benefit, including the stock of 2.6m incapacity benefit claimants and lone parents. The back-to-work programme will largely be run by voluntary groups and private sector companies.

    I woke up – briefly – around five-thirty this morning. Put the radio on (Radio Five I think). Some woman from (guess it!)…A4e. Haven’t heard anyone so thick. And such a  goody-two-shoes. Unable to get simple questions. Interviewer asked if there was a subsidy to take on the unemployed employers might get rid of existing workers to have the extra money. She failed to understand this. Replied about what a  wonderful job her company was doing.

    These are the people who are going to Get Britain Working!


    But, Lo there is more (from the Morning Star):

    The package of measures include scrapping the New Deal and replacing it with a one-stop shop for all claimants, including those on incapacity benefit.

    The proposals also build on the government’s “work for your benefit” scheme, forcing long-term unemployed to engage in community work programmes to “earn” benefits.

    Participation in community work will be for one year, at the end of which participants will start a fresh back-to-work cycle with a fresh assessment.

    The Conservatives admitted that they were basing their ideas for the unemployed on Australia’s “work for the dole” projects.

    Added Tuesday: Tories Putting Labour Plans into Place?

    This is an accelerated implementation of Labour plans, not a set of really new policies.

    Firstly, the underlying policy of replacing benefits which maintain people at a minimally decent level of existence has been eroded for a long while (beginning with said Tories). New Labour explicitly came up with the idea of actively encouraging those on benefit to seek work by a very simple measure: making their incomes so low they cannot possibly survive reasonably well (however meagre their income is) on them. Next they introduced a whole series of coercive rules to make life as unpleasant as possible for anyone signing-on – from constant checks, obligation to produce proof of job-seeking. To their final masterpiece, the New Deal. A central aim of this was to remove anyone working on the quiet, and to bore and cajole the rest into accepting any work going (thus making them an active drag on the conditions of those already in employment). A final part of this, the Flexible New Deal, will, under Labour, involve compulsory charitable and social labour – exactly the same as that carried out by those convicted but the Courts, Community service, for the long-term workless this will be a Community Programme.

    All of these are efforts to remove an ultimate safety net and replace it with a machine to force people onto the labour market under the worst possible conditions. It really has its roots in the ideas behind the Victorian Poor Laws: make life for the unemployed as harsh as possible to encourage them to accept anything going.

    Secondly, as part of this programme, those on Incapacity Benefit have already had to undergo a new series of checks on their status. the Tories will just bring this to bear more severely and more rapidly.

    Thirdly, apart from the effects this is having on the labour market (a general downward pressure on pay and conditions) it will i) fail to deal with the most elementary features fo said market, its segmented nature. This will means large numbers of people trapped, regardless of any wish to work, in unemployment. ii) massively corrupt charities and the ‘voluntary sector’ which will be engaged in workfare – there are very clear signs that this is already happening (I speak from direct knowledge). iii) Feed the already greedy companies providing ‘training’ (parking people in near-detention centres, and yelling at them) for these schemes, as well as those giving ‘placements’ (useless for all but a few).

    The Conservatives will move more quickly and create a greater mess than Labour – in terms of misery, failure, profiteering, fraud and broken lives.


    Mass unemployment is the problem neither the Tories nor Labour really address. Or how to provide a decent life for those unavoidably out-of-work.

    But, as is obvious with the advice of David Freud behind them, they are on the same track.


    Mind you that hasn’t stopped  James Purnell (former Minister for above Misery) from bleating (here):

    “So, the questions that should be asked:
    1. How many people do the Tories expect to get back to work support? (Question to Purnell: how does back to work support resolve above problems in the labour market?)
    2. How much would the service and success fees be? (Purnell, you set the gold standard of paying up front – would you pursue this wasteful idea?)
    3. How much would the providers be expecting to borrow? (How much have your lot already funded these companies – break-down in detail if you please).

    4. Do they have provider or banks prepared to commit to this policy?
    5. When would the programmes start?
    6. Are they abolishing the Future Jobs Fund?”

    To all three questions: provide us with an independent Commission’s report on the results of the existing schemes, including stats of those suspended from benefits, salaries of providers, consultants, and an assessment of their effects on the labour market. This Commission should hear evidence from participants in the New Deal, Trade Unionists, and others affected by Government welfare reform policies.

    JSA: £50.95     16 – 24  £64.30     25 or over

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 5, 2009 at 11:48 am

    Diversity Dilemma No 200,001: Can Religious Football Teams Play Gays?

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    Is this Boot Gay?

    Who Can Believers Play Footie with?

    Libération: Here.

    Dimanche, les joueurs du Paris Foot Gay ont été contraints de laisser crampons et maillots dans le sac. L’équipe adverse, le Créteil Bébel, qu’ils devaient rencontrer pour un match de Coupe Foot Loisir a refusé la veille de disputer la partie pour une raison de «principes». Des «principes» exprimés via un simple mail.

    Sunday, the players for Paris Foot Gay, had to leave their boots and tops (whatever the football words are in English), in their bags. Their opposing team, Créteil Bébel, which they should have met for a Foot Loisir Cup match, had refused the evening before, to come to the game, because of their ‘principles’. Principles explained via a simple E-Mail.  

    «Désolé, mais par rapport au nom de votre équipe et conformément aux principes de notre équipe, qui est une équipe de musulmans pratiquants, nous ne pouvons jouer contre vous, nos convictions sont de loin plus importantes qu’un simple match de foot, encore une fois excusez-nous de vous avoir prévenus si tard».

    Sorry, but in view of the name of your team, in light of our principles  – we are practising Muslims – we cannot play against you. Our convictions are more important than a simple game of football. Again, please excuse us for having let you know so late.

    The Gay team are calling for action. What should it be?

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 7, 2009 at 11:34 am

    Posted in Gay Rights, Islam, Islamism, Secularism

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    Front de Gauche: A Reality.

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    There’s a Place for You in the Front de Gauche!

    Christian Picquet  is a former Ligue Communist Révolutionnaire leading figure. He fought for a distinct set  of politics in the Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste, before, with his tendency, resigning just before this year’s Euro-Elections. He is now of the independent Gauche Unitaire (GU). The GU, with the French Communist Party (PCF) and the Parti de Gauche (PG), have this month established a long-term co-ordinating committee. They urge the left of the French Parti Socialiste to combine, not just for next year’s municipal elections, but for mass action, to defend social rights and workers’ interests, against President Sarkozy.

    In the PCF’s  L’Humanité this week here Picquet comments of his former organisation,

    “Le NPA doit prendre acte de l’échec de son projet initial d’être la force hégémonique à la gauche du PS. Quand Olivier Besancenot déclare que la gauche est menacée d’un désastre à l’italienne, cela devrait le conduire à renoncer aux replis boutiquiers pour s’insérer dans la coalition la plus large possible, respectueuse de l’apport de chacun.”

    The NPA should take stock of the failure of its initial project – to be the hegemonic force on the left of the Parti Socialiste. Olivier Besnancenot has announced that the left is threatened with an Italian-style disaster. This should mean that instead of shoring up his own group’s interests, he should get involved with the broadest possible alliance, one that respects everybody’s contribution.

    The background is clear. On the one hand the Socialist Party has been sucked into a vortex of its own making. Unable to decide whether it will be an openly pro-market liberal party or a reformist one, its life is overshadowed by personality clashes. Rather than end this in-fighting itself,  it has found a novel way out. It has decided (by direct membership vote) to select its future Presidential candidate by ‘open primaries’. Instead of an internal duel, between Aubry and Royal, there’ll be a public battle – open to all-comers. But this means that instead of the membership of the PS, its activist core, the self-declared public sympathisers will decide a crucial aspect of its political strategy. This means even more of rule of the media-telegenic, and financially well-supported. In short, the reign of opinion-poll politics over democratic deliberation over programmes and strategies.

    On the other hand, the feeble mobilisations of public opinion – on the streets and the enterprises – against Sarkozy, accelerate this process. Who has even heard of the latest wave of Union (token) protests? The result is that there are indeed pressures in French politics for the official left to concentrate ont he centre-ground. And to go the way of the pathetically impotent Italian Democratic Party, unable to challenge the brutal domination of the Right.

    The Front de Gauche is a deep alliance of three principal forces - left Socialist, Communist, and Far-left . They offer a challenge to this process. It corresponds to the politics of Die Linke and the Bloco de Esquerda.  Whose rise has been widely noted on the French left. It remains to be seen if the NPA will listen (more details of how the NPA is reacting, with great difficulty,  to unitary pressure here).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 8, 2009 at 12:10 pm

    Socialist Unity: From Soviet Union to the GDR, and the People’s Republic of China.

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    The Duty of Every Revolutionary is to Defend the Soviet Union.

    The Workers’ World Party, the Morning Star, the Party of Socialism and Liberation, George Galloway’s Green Shorts, and Socialist Unity, have been discussing joint-action. Internationally. That at least is the message we hear. As part of this on-going merger initiative study-groups have been organised.

    The below is an extract from a verbatim account (leaked to TC)  of one such meeting. On The Socialist Sixth of the World. Hewlett Johnson (Fred Kite collection).

    Introduction (Ydna Wennam).

    Today is the anniversary of the publication of The Socialist Sixth of World (Second Edition, 1939). For generations this book has inspired socialists. For all its faults, and Hewett’s  account here is a little too over-optimistic; but is a useful reminder that for the majority of its citizens the Soviet Union was a society that basically worked. There mass popular participation in the organisations helped in sustaining the society. To those who talk of labour camps and GPU, NKVD, or GUGB, these bodies and their operations were actually quite popular,  at   least as far as one can tell from their  enthusiastic  endorsements at Party conferences and public rallies. There was political repression, but you need to look at what actually happened, rather than assuming some Orwellian template. The groups who were liable to be persecuted were anti-social semi-criminal people; and those who courted political (and sadly sometime just social) links with the West. Let us not forget that the Soviets were encircled by hostile powers. Or that some groups openly encouraged the ‘overthrow’ of socialist power. There were widespread reports of wrecking and illegal factional activity. We can all accept constructive reservations.  But the opposition to the Soviets seems to be towards any attempt to even understand the USSR, or to acknowledge the degree to which it deviated from the Western propaganda stereotype.

    Johnson came from a religious background – like many comrades in the fast-growing Respect Party. Yet he recognised that  the Soviet Union’s official atheism allowed full scope for private belief – if kept well  and truly to oneself. In fact the regime was “Christian in spirit”. A society in which “Love is the fulfilling of the Law” (page 368) Nor was he uncritical. “The order of Soviet Union is far from perfect” he noted, “Naturally the new order lies open to criticism in a hundred minor points.”(Page 87)

    The material achievements of the Soviet Union were already apparent in the 1930s when Johnson wrote. He cites the growth in the agricultural production: the sugar-beet harvest alone is to show a further increase of 37.2% - as the five year plan products. “The sale of soap in the Soviet Union has increased many dozenfold since 1913.” (Page 212). Tea-leaf output is to be increased by 1939 to 3 million!  In an amazing anticipation of modern green thinking the author states that “Home grown food saves transport” (page 159) Rippling corn fields, and ballet in the evening!

    We cannot recommend this book too highly – for all the comments one may one have about its details. Its message is clear. Who could not inspired by these lines? “Dawn breaks over the east. And in that fresh dawn men see the promise of a new world, nor a perfect world, and not a Utopian world, but at least a  world freed from poverty and explotiation…a world where mankind, realised at last from much that binds it to the earth, may find within itself a nobler and more enduring goodness and beauty.”(Page 384)

    I pause for a moment to let this sink in.

    Nor did this progress leave everyday life unaffected. The USSR , regarding personal sexual relationships, and respect for women as being the equals of men, then the Soviet Union was a surprisingly innovative and successful society. Stalin’s closest comrades, such as Beria, gave women many opportunities. And can I say that the Party General Secretary was a good dancer, a superb one, unlike Churchill…

    Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 10, 2009 at 10:07 am

    German Greens Align with Right in Saarland.

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    Socialists? Nein Danke!

    The German media are full of this today. In Saarland the Greens are forming a ‘Jamaican coalition’ (Green, Black, Yellow) with the right-wing CDU and the free-market FDP. Die Tageszeitung reports that a cause is the claims of Die Linke leader, Oskar Lafontaine, to the fruits of Victory (here). The Greens defend their decision, arguing that they never promised to co-operate with the left (who are the largest bloc). From the SPD’s National leadership Andrea Nahles the fault lies with Die Linke,

     ”Absicht oder nicht: Lafontaine agiert als Steigbügelhalter für einen abgehalfterten Ministerpräsidenten”, sagte Nahles der Berliner Zeitung.

    Intentionally or not Lafontaine acts as if he is the given victor of the election, and due the Presidency (of the region).

    By contrast, from Saarland itself,   SPDer Heiko Maas has thrown the blame on the Greens, 

     ”Wendehälsen der CDU  CDU  und der FDP einen Pakt gegen die strukturelle Mehrheit der Wähler geschmiedet” zu haben.

    The Green’s turnaround with the CDU and the FDP goes against the structural majority that was forged by the elections. 

    Die Linke received 21,3% of the vote in the region during the recent German General Election. Lafontaine is Fraktionsvorsitzenden (Chair) of the Linke’s group in the  SaarlandLandtag.


    2009 Results:

    34,5 %  CDU 24,5 % SDP 9,2 % FDP 5,9 % Greens 21,3 % Die Linke

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 12, 2009 at 10:08 am

    Autonomists Run Rampage in Poitiers.

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    Poitiers. Saturday afternoon, around  250  people, according to the police, took over the centre of the town. Declaring they were a ”collectif anticarcéral” (collective anti-Prisons), masked and hooded, they broke about a dozen shop windows, bus shelters and telephone boxes. There were 18 arrests of which 8 were  immediately judged (by special sped-up procedures). They received two months (suspended)  to four months prison. Weapons and explosive caches have been found (Report - in English here).  

    The action was in protest at the opening of a new Prison.

    The police have announced that they have been following the organisation of this protest – through Web networking sites (and no doubt infiltration). The Mayor of Poiters has protested at not been informed of their prior knowledge.

    The Minsiter of Interior, Brice Hortefeux, has declared war on the ‘ultra-left’. French security agencies have, for some time,  predicted that this kind of event would take place. There are demands for the autonomist left to be banned. (more here)


    Note: The French prison system is one of the worst, and harshest, in Europe.  

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 13, 2009 at 10:32 am

    Terry Eagleton: Reason, Faith and Revolution.

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    Will God Save the Left?


    Why should we take it for granted that the Church is the Pillar of the Establishment? Is religion, potentially, a source for radical protest against injustice? This idea has a long history, and can be found in numerous socialist writings. Karl Kautsky in The Foundations of Christianity (1908) claimed the early Christians preached a form of communism. With atheism and secularism live issues the time has come (for those who back it)  to resurrect the view. Taking umbrage at the new wave of anti-religious writers, Terry Eagleton has vigorously pleaded the case. Christ was a revolutionary. The “Roman state and its assorted local lackeys and running dogs took fright at his message of love, mercy and justice, as well as at his enormous popularity with the poor, and did away with him to forestall a mass uprising in a highly volatile political situation. Several of Jesus’ close comrades were probably Zealots, members of an anti-imperialist underground movement” (London Review of Books. 19.10.06). The flame is not extinct. The message of the Gospel of the poor lives on. In The Trouble with Strangers (2008) Terry Eagleton asserted, “It may well be a dismal sign of the times that it is to the science of God, of all things, that we must look for such subversive insights.” Kautsky’s observed elsewhere – against his contemporary anti-clericals – that Socialism “preaches the energetic conquest of this earth and not the patient waiting for a future life” and in this can draw on believers, though not the Official Church hierarchy. This, to Eagleton, needs expanding. To him we can turn away from the bad side of religion, the heresy hunts, authoritarianism, complicity with exploitation and oppression, the moral prudery, and embrace the true “radical impulses” of the faithful.

    Reason, Faith and Revolution is the published form of lectures in defence of the transcendental drive – in theological, philosophical, and political forms. It charges that many modern critics of religion rely on feeble arguments, and that some its champions veer to an apology for the West in the guise of a campaign for Secularism. Read out from the lectern it must have produced some wry agreement from the – no doubt – high percentage of believers amongst its American audience. Though not, one suspects, amongst any left-wing atheists (a group, of which I am one,  he has difficulty taking at its word) who happened to be present. The principal target of his venom is Ditchkins, a laboured amalgam of Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens’s names. These chief (English speaking) proponents of the New Atheism are wrapped in mechanical ideas about “untrammelled human progress”, and that the “trust in the sovereignty of human reason can be every bit as magical as the exploits of Merlin..”(P 89). But there is more. Religion, of an oppositional, anti-Establishment (yet still ‘Orthodox’ – theologically) kind is one way, a way of unconditional Love, to socialism. Through that is, “political love” as its ethical basis. In “tragic humanism” there is something shared “in socialist, Christian, or psychoanalytic varieties, (which) holds that only by a process of self-dispossession and radical remaking can humanity come into its own..”(P 169) One opposed to both the inherent ‘atheism’ (Page 39) and ‘agnosticism’ (Page 149) of modern capitalism. We are left in no doubt as to whom the committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie has delegated the task of spreading this message.

    Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 15, 2009 at 10:42 am

    Ipswich “Arrest Machine” Nabs 2.2 A Day

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    State Repressive Apparatus.

    Ipswich’s Ali Livingstone, the Coppers’ Cop, is in the national news (here). He has Britain’s highest recorded arrest rate with 524 people held in 12 months.

    Now I don’t want to have a go at Ali. Why? As the Evening Star says, “Earlier this year, Sgt Livingstone was honoured by the Royal Humane Society after he risked his life saving a suicidal who tried to jump from the Willis car park.”

    Or the Ipswich rozzers in general. Not that long ago they set up a fake Pawn shop in the Norwich Road and nabbed a load of artful dodgers with the sting. This was: a) well targeted and b) highly amusing.

    But there is a growing problem in Ipswich. It can be called, for that is its name, the Central Safer Neighbourhood Team. They have encouraged a greater and greater police presence in Town. To the point where it can feel downright suffocating.

    The background? The centre of the town has seen, as with many other working class places, an increase in ‘incivility’. That is public drinking, and rowdy behaviour. Plus  drug dealing, and attendant thieving. Plus, specific to Ipswich, the aftermath of the Steve Wright murders.

    Strategy to deal with this? The State has encouraged a two-pronged approach: schemes to (compulsorily) rehabilitate potential, and, actual, law-breakers, and a  crack-down on minor offenders.

    Ipswich is a pioneer in dealing with prostitution, to begin with street workers, then, they have gone for the massage parlours.  The women involved get help, limited and short-term, involving such miracle cures for drug  addiction as acupuncture (I am not making this up). Bodies such as the Iceni Project whose chief  once backed decriminalisation have been drawn into the idea that prostitution will be magicked away by these means. The evidence is that selling sex still goes on, but is more hidden, and therefore riskier and (even) more exploited.

    Next, public drinkers. New Labour has created a substantial class of socially excluded people. The rigorous Dole requirements, and fake-training schemes, have meant that increasing numbers of people are thrown onto the streets. Where they sit, sipping tinnies of strong lager and cider. These ‘benchies’ as we call them, are too rough for Wetherspoons – which says it all. Some of them are rough-sleepers as well. But now they face daily harassment from the Boys in Blue – backed by the town centre’s Commmercial Interests and Respectable Opinion  (the Ruling Liberal-Tory Junta’s  main constituencies). Three strikes and they are sent to Norwich gaol.

    No doubt as the Flexible New Deal progresses, and Workfare comes into force, they will be subjected to compulsory rehabilitation as well.  

    Or, as is  more probable, will be forced further into the gutter. From where they will end up in Prison. Costing a much heftier wedge than the Dole.

    But there’s no doubt that plenty of coppers will notch up mighty Arrest rates in the process.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 17, 2009 at 10:04 am

    Scabs: Royal Mail Plans to Crush Strike.

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    His Lordship ‘Beyond Rage’ : Bring on the Scabs!

    Royal Mail is heading for a bitter confrontation with postal workers after announcing plans to recruit an army of 30,000 temporary staff in an attempt to crush the national strike that starts this week. (Guardian  here)

    In a move that stunned union leaders and raised tensions between management and workers to new levels, Royal Mail said it had ordered the biggest recruitment drive in its history “to help keep the mail moving during the strikes called by the Communication Workers Union (CWU)”. Sources inside the CWU, which has called national strikes for Thursday and Friday, questioned whether the move was legal and suggested that it could be challenged in the courts.”

    With obvious Labour Government approval.

    Is there anything to add to the total feeling of disgust at this?


    No doubt the Dole – or the Companies operating the Flexible New Deal – will be forcing us to apply for jobs as strike-breakers.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 18, 2009 at 10:57 am

    Split in Class War Follows SWP Faction.

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    Tendance Coatesy has always had a soft spot for Ian Bone. Anyone who feels for the repression of Kronstadt as if it were yesterday cannot be all wrong. We have the same attitude to the Fall of Ur (BC, 1940).

    But disturbing news comes to  us. After the formation of the ‘real SWP’ faction (here) the fashion for lefty bust-ups appears to have reached the erstwhile comrades of Class War.

    It began, apparently, with Ian becoming a supporter of Animal Rights. Then it was Veganism. From whence to pacifism and Buddhism. Now he is said to be working for Demos on the Progressive Conservatism project. His hand can be seen in the paper, “Democracy, Community, Neighbourhoods & Power”. This arguesthat the best way to kick start democracy is to drive control down to town halls, neighbourhoods, and individuals.”

    Ian is said to  have linked up with the SWP’s  John Rees. Rees has worked closely with ultra-conservatvives such as George Galloway and  the Jamaat-I-Islami. He has many lessons from that experience.

    Meanwhile died-hard Class War supporters are planning to picket the Anarchist Book-Fair where Demos has booked a stall.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 19, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    Statement on Sex, Lies and Trafficking (English Collective of Prostitutes).

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    Yesterday on Newsnight Denis MacShane, the MP who notoriously claimed that there were around 25,000 trafficked women on British streets, was confronted with the Guardian investigation cited below. Niki Adams of the English Collective of Prostitutes (ECP) put the falsity of his charges to him. MacShane, being MacShane, blustered and waved his arms around. He dared to cite the Ipswich sex worker murders in an attempt to muddy the waters. Niki wiped the floor with him.

    The facts are clear. As set out below. 

    What is our connection? Young Ipswich women organised a march in the wake of the Ipswich killings.  We all joined in. The ECP participated. Niki Adams has since visited Ipswich and we have had the opportunity to talk with her, and her colleagues in the ECP. Their case is a strong one. Ipswich and District Trades Council, after a thorough democratic discussion with no pre-existing ’line’ on the issue, endorsed the call for decriminalising Prostitution. Our body put this to the Annual Conference of Trades Councils. It was passed without opposition. Since then this stand has faced the hostility of some feminists, from outside the Town, in the way described by the ECP.

    This is what they have to say:

    English Collective of Prostitutes Crossroads Women’s Centre (here)

    The Guardian trafficking enquiry vindicates sex workers’ experience.

    Nick Davies’ report (“Sex, lies and trafficking — the anatomy of a moral panic” Guardian, 20 October 2009) vindicates what we have been saying for many years: figures on the numbers of women trafficked into the sex industry are distorted and in many cases purely fabricated. In our wide experience working with women in most towns and cities throughout the UK, most sex workers have not been trafficked but are working to support families. Does that make prostitution “freely chosen”? Does it make any job freely chosen when economic need is pressing?

    Feminism has become identified with a political agenda that considers prostitution uniquely degrading and equal to rape. Consent, the central issue both in rape and in prostitution, is being dismissed in favour of a fundamentalist law and order crusade. NGOs who sign up for this have seen their funding and influence increase. Far from being an independent women’s group, the Poppy Project has become a Home Office front funded to the tune of £9m. The Poppy Project is now trying to save itself by saying there “there is an awful lot of confusion in the media and other places between trafficking (unwilling victims) and smuggling (willing passengers) . . . they are two very different things.” Yet they were the first to blur that distinction, label most immigrant women as victims of trafficking, and promote legislation which does not require force and coercion in order to prove trafficking.

    The impact of this anti-trafficking crusade on the ground has been to increase dramatically the numbers of raids, prosecutions and convictions of sex workers working consensually and often collectively with other women. Immigrant women have been particularly targeted as anti-trafficking laws have been used as an extension of immigration controls to get them deported. Sex workers have been campaigning against rape and other violence for decades.

    From 1975 when we started, to 1981 when our we conducted the first research into the situation of prostitute women, 1982 when we took sanctuary in a church for 12-days, 1994 when we campaigned against serial murders, 1995 when we took the first successful private prosecution for rape with Women Against Rape, and 2008 when we initiated the Safety First Coalition in the aftermath of the Ipswich murders, we have been pressing for protection, highlighting how criminalisation makes women vulnerable to rape and other violence, and prevents women from coming forward. Our calls were ignored because they did not suit the government agenda. While feminists campaign for the criminalisation of clients under the Policing and Crime Bill, they hide all the measures in the Bill which further criminalise women and undermine our safety: increased arrests against women working on the street, forced ‘rehabilitation’ under threat of prison, throwing women out of the safety of premises, increased power to seize women’s hard won earnings and assets. If they are so concerned with our safety, why the silence?

    They have also kept quiet about the Welfare Reform Bill which is making its way through Parliament at the same time as the Policing and Crime Bill. Welfare Reform threatens to bring destitution to increasing numbers of single mother families, people with disabilities and others. How many more will end up on the game?

    Both the government and their feminist backers have refused to look at New Zealand which decriminalised prostitution over five years ago. A recent comprehensive government review found a reduction in attacks and sex workers are more able to report violence. Grahame Maxwell, head of the UK Human Trafficking Centre, who doesn’t dispute Nick Davies’ findings is quoted as saying “what we are trying to do is to get it gently back to some kind of reality.” Let’s start with scrapping the Policing and Crime Bill.

    20 October 2009.



    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 21, 2009 at 10:24 am

    Nick Griffin on Question Time.

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    File:BNP logo.svg

    Dead-End Identity Politics. 

    “Question Time was dominated by questions of identity. Whether the BNP were really ‘British’. Or Nazis (non-British). Or who was the Legitimate Heir of Churchill.  What was it to be ‘British’ (’aboriginal’ whites or not). Whether British was an inherent mix of ethnicities. In short, a Bottomless Pit of Identity Political Ideology.

    Griffin began badly and only came into his stride when most of the other panelists began to outbid each other on being tough on immigration. He was still a fairly poor, pedestrian, speaker. In this he was a big contrast with Le Pen (whose telly appearance in France is said to have marked his serious entrance into politics). Le Pen (I saw this broadcast in the early 1980s) is a true demagogue: he mixes very classical French with moments of extremely brutal vulgarity (and still does). Griffin was only capable of a few coherent bursts of populism when others came out on the theme of controlling immigration. He came across as utterly confused  in his explanations about the BNP’s turn to the model of the European electoralist far-right. That he had ‘changed’ about sums it up, with little more explanation.

    It was obvious that 1) Everyone used up their ammunition about Griffin’s Nazi background far too early, and then echoed it far too often. 2) Same for the references to the zig-zags of the BNP. 3) The BNP acts as a force to draw politics further to the right on the issue of hostility to foreigners. It achieved this aim last night.

    The UAF Demo was also confused. If it was to protest against the BNP’s politics, then this became submerged in the issue of Banning the BNP from the BBC, or indeed any platform. Instead of attacking the issue of the BNP’s racialism, or its wider politics, this turned into a debate (or rather, a call for a non-debate) about letting them speak.

    Bonnie Greer, who has British nationality, was terrible, smug and unable to relate to the debate. I say this with some sadness since I really admire the woman and thought she would deal a mortal blow to Griffin. Frankly telling everyone that we all originally come from Africa and stuff about the Neanderthals was irrelevant.

     Since the discussion centred around identity, Britishness, whether it had democratic values in itself, or was being weakened by immigration, or whether multiculturalism was a way of making a new British identity, there was little opening to left politics. Which are based on issues of class politics, equality, ending oppression and exploitation. 

    All in all a sad example of a failure to grapple with the BNP.” 

    The BNP are a force helping to drag politics ever rightwards.  But not exactly the only one. If they hardly present an imminent threat to democracy, they do give voice to a lot of menace towards a wide swathe of society. Above all to ‘foreigners’ -’ethnic’ or otherwise.

    The rest? It’s mostly all been said. Lots of it bluster. Patriots outraged at him. Liberals yelling. General mayhem.

    In this confused context, without a serious idea of what this implies,  UAF and its supporters do themselves no favours by calling for a Ban on the BNP.

    No amount of shouting can get round the fact that the BNP are a legal political party. Question Time is a forum for legal political parties. Protest, showing our opposition, is right. But it has limits.  I recall vividly how television gave Le Pen his breakthrough in French politics during the early 1980s (not unrelated to Mitterrand’s desire to split the Right). But no-one then proposed banning his appearances. Apart from say, myself. What did people say to that? The view was never discussed. For one simple reason. If you can be voted for, then you have to heard.

    The French Front National is now in decline. Increasingly marginalised  Why? Partly due to Le Pen’s advancing years.  It’s had plenty of internal feuds as well. And nutters.

    But it’s mostly due to its failure to get to grips with the  political landscape. What has really undermined the FN is its incapacity to propose a coherent alternative in local politics. What did they say: La France aux Français!  How do they run a Town Hall  with a  slogan? If they are out for the ‘ethnic’ French only (‘national preference’)? What do they do with the rest of the electorate and inhabitants? How do they further the needs of some (French), and exclude others (non-French, or non-European)? The ‘nons’ aren’t going to disappear. The idea, looked at closely, that they could be made to, looks pretty ridiculous close up.

    These are problems the Front National has never resolved. Which has led to drift, drift and drift. ultimately to going back to the sidelines. This week there are reports of a new far-right alliance, the Bloc Identitaire (here), seriously challenging it. That the Bloc Identitaire seems to be rethinking and rebranding some  of its themes shows that ‘indentity poltiics’ (mirrored in a way by ‘multicultralism’ and its liberal, left supporters), has more of an impact.

    Does this apply in the UK? Phil has some pertinent questions to the BNP. How it operates (here). That is, what a  rabble they are in local government. How they – hard as this is to believe – are even worse than the average bunch of maverick councillors.

    This is the right angle to fight them with. From the ground upwards. Not from the Screen downwards.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 23, 2009 at 10:11 am

    German Coalition Puts Far-Right, Far-Left and Islamists in Same Category.

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    German Anti-Fascists Now Face State As Well as NPD.

    In Taz today there is a report that the new German FDP-CSU/SDU Coalition plans a crackdown on all kinds of ‘extremism’. That is, far-right, Islamist, and far-left. Or, to put it bluntly, concerning the latter category, militant opponents of the German neo-Nazis.

    “Die Koalition will das bisherige Programm gegen Rechtsradikalismus auch zum Kampf gegen Linke und Islamisten nutzen. Aktivisten gegen rechts sind entsetzt.”

    The Coaliton will extend the implementation of existing policy against right ‘radicals’ against leftists and Islamists. Anti-fascists are enraged. 

    In practical terms this measure will be directed largely to extending records of far-right violence to the violence of Islamists and the far-left (???). In effect, downplaying neo-Nazi racist aggression. But its significance is rather greater.  

    The importance of this is simple. It illustrates how the term extremist can slide easily across the political spectrum. It opens the way for restrictions. It shows how state measures to deal with unwelcome political organisations have a habit of being broadened. By the will of who’s in power.

    Those calling for a state ban on the BNP, rooting out its members from jobs, and suppressing their rights, take note.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 24, 2009 at 10:48 am

    Note on the Rees ‘Left Platform’ Faction.

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    Judge of Legitimate Political Parties?

    The Weekly Worker has published (here) some analysis on the emergence of the Rees Faction in the SWP. It’s called the Left Platform.

    I just note this claim. That is, in Rees and mates’ initial public declaration of dissidence. The Defend the No-Platform Resolution (there’s a joke in there somewhere but I can’t see it yet),

     This calls for reaffirming the blanket policy of not giving  the BNP any public vehicle for its policies – against the SWP Central Committee’s partial recognition that this line is impractical (not that it is in principle wrong 


    5. The BNP will not be beaten by ‘clever’ debates. What they want is legitimacy. If we appear with them, even if we win the argument, we lose the real battle because we add to their legitimacy. The principle at stake here is that the BNP should not be regarded as a legitimate bourgeois party.

    Since when does the SWP, or a small group of it, have the responsibility of deciding what is, and what is not, a ‘legitimate bourgeois political party’?


    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 25, 2009 at 11:58 am

    Posted in Anti-Fascism, European Left, Left, SWP

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    Three Recent Books on Communism.

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    On to Victory!

    Requiem For a Dream? Three Books on Communism.

    The Red Flag. Communism and the Making of the Modern World. David Priestland. Allen Lane 2009. The Rise and Fall of Communism. Archie Brown. The Bodley Head. 2009. The New Civilisation? Understanding Stalin’s Soviet Union, Paul Flewers Francis Boutle Publications. 2009.

    Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall or not, drawing up the balance-sheet of Communism remains a central issue on the left. There are those, from the shrunken Western CPs to some on the hard left, who try to save ‘positive’ elements from the record of the ex-USSR, its satellites, and the remaining Communist Party-run states. Others, philosophical speculators, such as Alain Badiou and Slavoj Žižek, yearn for a Communism beyond mundane time and politics. Anti-Communism, sometimes claiming left credentials, has enjoyed a revival. Frustrated at being unable to soldier in the real Cold War, one section, with little success in extending democracy by military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, have latched onto fighting the Lilliputian chiefs of the European far-left. None of these stands has the remotest chance of contributing much of value  to understanding what Paul Flewers calls ‘Official Communism’. That is the history, political structure, and ideology of those Communist Parties that came to power in the wake of the October Revolution. By contrast, each of these books is of use. They range from discussing Communism’s  relation (or not) to Marxism and socialism, their harsh regimes – under Lenin, Stalin, and the period of ‘stagnation’ – the way they were seen in the West and on the left (Flewers’s object), and their final collapse. The Red Flag and The Rise and Fall of Communism are more syntheses than original studies. But  it’s as overarching summaries that they are most useful. A New Civilisation? is the most valuable, that is, for anyone from a left that is both anti-Stalinist and ‘anti-anti-Communist’. It is important for the new light it sheds on the way British political opinion came to look at the USSR during Stalin’s rule.* More than the posturing of residual Soviet patriotism, or (at its lowest) one-time leftists out to justify their present-day opinions by re-enacting the ideological war against totalitarianism, Priestland, Brown (both politically liberal) and Flewers (decidedly left) all offer serious ways of looking at the final account of the self-proclaimed heirs of the October Revolution.


    David Priestland and Archie Brown begin their books with an outline of the sources of Communist ideology. Brown cites Christian origins for communism – his authority, Beer’s Edwardian History of British Socialism. Thomas More’s Utopia is evoked. This is a rather cursory start. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 26, 2009 at 1:27 pm

    Front de Gauche. Better than Front on No-Platform for the BNP.

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    While the British Left is absorbed in a debate about whether to ‘No-Platform’ the BNP the French ‘left of the left’  is taking steps towards a political challenge. That is to ecocapitalists, social liberals, and the right. No prizes for guessing which more-to-the-centre parties the first two bits of jargon refer to. The occasion? Next year’s Regional elections (under decentralisation, the stake is a large amount of local government responsibility).  It would be good if we had this alternative. Rather more productive than discussing how horrible Nick Griffin and his policies are. Indeed it hard to imagine anyone in France even thinking about a strategy of denying the (declining) Front National space in the public media. Were the left in the UK serious we would spend some time looking at the Front de Gauche. Its strategy of successfully aligning separate left parties, and independent currents has something to say to our own fragmented left.

    “Le PCF, fort de l’expérience positive du Front de gauche pour les élections souhaite contribuer à la formation d’un front de gauche élargi, ouverts à des forces nouvelles, à des personnalités, à des militants du monde syndical associatif travaillant autour de projets régionaux bien ancrés à gauche. (Here)

    The PCF, strong following the positive experience of the Front de Gauche for the European elections (where they won seats for the European Parliament) supports creating a wider Left Front, with new forces, ‘personalities’, trade unionists, social movement activists, to work together on projects for the regional elections that are solidly anchored on the left.

    This, involving the PCF, the Parti de Gauche (left wing democratic socialists), ex-NGA supporters and other left currents (alternatives, left republicans),  will be independent of the Parti Socialiste and the Greens. It would stand lists on own for the first round of the elections. However, negotiations with the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA)  have been less fruitful. The PCF would welcome their co-operation,

    Le NPA aurait sa place dans ce mouvement, mais de la même manière qu’aux élections européennes, la formation d’Olivier Besancenot se refuse à prendre sa place dans des majorités de gauche dès lors que le PS y participerait.La semaine dernière, alors que Jean-Luc Mélenchon venait de déclarer qu’un accord était proche, la direction du NPA durcissait le ton sur le thème des « deux gauches inconciliables ».

    The NPA will have its place in this movement but, showing the same behaviour as they did during the European elections, Olivier Besancenot’s Party has refused (in advance) to join with any left majority administration as soon as the Parti Socialiste is involved. Last week when Jean-Luc Mélenchon (Parti de Gauche) claimed agreement was close the NPA began to harden its line around the theme of the ‘two irreconcilable lefts’.

    The sticking point remains the issue of alliances behind the Socialist Party (or Greens) in the second round of elections. For the NPA it is unthinkable that any backing could be formally given to the these parties. The reason? This would be negotiated by the Front de Gauche as a precondition for joining with them in local government. Which would imply more than blocking the route to the Right; it means co-operation with their policies. Or, as the Front would argue, putting more pressure on them to change them.

    The Gauche Unitaire (ex-NPA) states (here) that a debate on this legitimate,

     Un débat est ouvert, au sein de la gauche de gauche, à  propos de la participation aux exécutifs des régions avec le Parti socialiste et Régions écologie. Ce débat a sa légitimité. Il n’en fait pas moins l’objet, depuis longtemps, d’échanges multiples. Il ne saurait, pour cette raison, constituer un préalable conditionnant la formation de listes unitaires de premier tour.

    A debate is open, inside the left of the left, regarding participation with the Parti Socialiste and Ecologists,  in regional council executive.  This is a legitimate debate. However, despite this, acceptance of such participation should not constitute a condition for forming joint-lists in the first round of elections.

    I would have thought that the issue is not really a question of fixed principle, but whether the Parti Socialiste and the Verts (Greens) have policies – in the Regional Government context – which make them beyond the pale for the left. It seems doubtful that they do have any. The relatively modest programmes they do have (a kind of  watered down version of municipal socialism with a green tinge), and the fact that they are mainly interested in sustaining the full-time political (paid) layer that dominates both parties (in the Verts over one third – 2,000 out of 5,000 -  of its real membership!) make one wary of them. What do you think of parties where the widely circulated  joke on their activists is they can be divided into two groups: those making a living out of politics, and those who’d like to. But does that mean refusing all co-operation? Before you’ve even had good enough electoral results to be asked?

    A rather pleasanter dilemma than the one we face here. At least.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 27, 2009 at 11:43 am

    Blair, j’peux pas le blairer!* Jean-Claude Juncker for Prez.

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    People’s Choice for European President.

    So it goes.

    Blair for this.

    Blair for that.

    Blair’s like a cat that’s got the cream.

    It is hard to imagine anyone who has done nothing at all for Europe except smirk is now, trying to be, well we know what.

    Le Monde carries the news today that Blair faces competition for the post of European President (here). Jean-Claude Juncker, of Luxembourg, the plucky chap, is entering into the race. He is described as a David standing up to Goliath (shouldn’t that be Godzilla?) Blair.

    Jean-Claude (as I call him) sounds a bit of a lad. Or an utter bastard to be frank. I once met the Luxembourg left. He was at a meeting in Paris. The country does not seem a workers’ paradise.

    No matter.

    Jean-Claude it is, and Jean-Claude it must be.

    (*) I claim to have invented this pun btw. I made it back in 1996.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 29, 2009 at 11:21 am

    Posted in British Govern, Europe, European Left

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    Anti-Postie Picket: The Shame of Ipswich.

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    The Sorrow of Ipswich.

    Local Conservative Councillor Steven Wells yesterday led an anti-Postal Strike Picket outside Ipswich Royal Mail Offices. (More info: here) Standing on the opposite side of the road to the CWU picket the Tory-led suits attacked workers. They demanded ‘their’ post. The demonstration was composed (according to Socialist Worker here)  of paid employees of Steven Wells’ company, Experience Direct.

    Socialist Worker does not mention that Steven Wells lost his Ipswich Borough Council Housing Portfolio earlier this year. A sign of the esteem the local Tories hold him in is that he is now on the Community Improvements Committee (as a Substitute).


    Those who seek a better postal service might be interested in this. Not long ago the Royal Mail commissioned a computer-based survey (Pegasus) in Ipswich. To improve deliveries it recommended employing much higher levels of staff.


    Strange to say it was ignored.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 30, 2009 at 10:46 am

    Dieudonné: Fine for Anti-Semitism.

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    Not Welcome Here.

    Our old friend Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala has been fined 10, 000 Euros for anti-Semitism (here). Dieudonné associates with Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson, radical Islamicists, ultra-orthodox Jews, the French ultra-Right, 9/11 Truthers, and  ’anti-imperialists’. He is the nearest we’ve got to living proof  of  theories about the sleep of reason leading to monsters.

    Worth bearing in mind when he visits the UK again.

    How far into the future this will be is anyone’s guess.

    His coming show at Leicester Square has just been unceremoniously axed (here).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 31, 2009 at 12:44 pm

    The Coming Insurrection. Review.

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    The Coming Insurrection has just been published in English. Under the prestigious MIT label (here) and the no less highly regarded Semiotexte (an imprint gracing all the best crystal tables of the Manhattan left). meanwhile the Tarnac Affair (details here) continues, at a slower pace.  The site just cited does not refer to the controversy which has shaken the French anarchist milieu over sabotage – the root accusation. Which it would be too dreary to detail, except to say it revolves around accusations against the ‘Official’ anarchists by the ‘real-Continuity’ anarchists that the former distinguished between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ sabotage. More important news can be found on this Blog (here)

    Be that as it may, this review, written as the Coming Insurrection gained notoriety, retains its relevance. Though some of its heat and rapidness. As we recently saw in Poitiers the autonomist left is capable of open street fighting on a scale not seen in France since the 1980s. Calls have been renewed for a ban on these groups. For all those buyers of the English version, and fans of these ideas, I republish it.

    L’Insurrection qui vient. Le comité Invisible. © La fabrique éditions, 2007

    To the French Police and (some) Magistrates the country is menaced by the avatars of the Bande à Bonnot. These libertarian, individualist, anarchists, carried out the first motorised hold-up in France (1911), in the Rue Ordener, Montmartre. Some in the modern equivalent of the Sûreté have dreamt up a similar threat from anarchists. They are echoed by right-wing politicians. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 2, 2009 at 1:05 pm

    Protests in Iran Wednesday.

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    Will the Religious Regime Evolve Peacefully?

    Agence France Press reports that there will be protests against the Iranian regime on Wednesday (in English here).

    November 4 has emerged as an anti-US day in Iran, with thousands of Iranians, mostly students, gathering annually outside the US embassy building, dubbed the ‘Den of Spies’, to shout slogans such as “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!” The event marks the capture of the embassy on November 4, 1979 — just months after the Islamic revolution toppled the US-backed shah — by radical Islamist students who took American diplomats hostage for 444 days.

    Since then, the event which was aimed at condemning US policies towards Iran, has become one of the cornerstones of the Islamic regime.But this year the annual anti-US day could be marked by street protests against Ahmadinejad, whose re-election on June 12 triggered the worst political crisis in the 30-year history of the Islamic republic.

    This is the time for genuine progressives to stand with the protestors. The movement’s detailed demands and aims are hard to judge from the outside. But we can agree that their fight for democracy against the Islamicist dictatorship has to be completely supported. ,

    One wonders what the pro-faith left-leaning apologists for Islamisism  in  Britain will do.

    On second thoughts, I’d prefer not to.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 3, 2009 at 1:00 pm

    BNP Funded by Suffolk Toff.

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    Friston Scene.

    Friston is a village near Aldeburgh. Nearby is the home of a scion of the Wentworth family, Charles Vernon Wentworth  - once the most prominent aristocrats of  the district. During many years the  hamlet was very much “an estate village”. But their property has gradually been sold off, including the family home,  Blackheath Mansion. Even so Wentworth retains some of the clan’s fortune. He lives, apparently at Friston Hall. (More here) The gentleman farmer has been revealed to be a the biggest cash  donor to the British National Party. Personally I find his Suffolk and class background more interesting than the marriage to a woman of Serbian origins.

    Friston was also home, in retirement, to my father and mother. Their house, Windmill Cottage, was bought from the Estate. They were Chair and Secretary of near-by Leiston Labour Party for over a decade. That’s to say, I know the village well. Though they moved from Friston at the end of the ‘eighties, and have now passed away, I still keep an interest in the place. The pubs in Snape, however, are better than the Chequers.

    It’s worth saying that the hamlet should not be remembered as the residence of a loud-mouthed reactionary. Friston is better recalled as the site of great Chartist agitation,

    One leading local chartist put Friston on the map in 1839. He was Thomas Hearn, a local shopkeeper who opened a branch of the Working Men’s Association in the village and aimed to make Friston the ‘metropolis of chartism’. The Friston meetings were held in the Chequers Inn and the Baptist Chapel and the following was good. A rally for farm-workers was held in Friston wd 1,000 people were present. The farmers were alarmed at this and laid on alternative entertainment, and one threatened dismissal for any worker found attending. Later in the same year, on Boxing Day, 5,000 people attended a second rally, some of whom had walked from Ipswich to meet up with Hearn’s group and others at Carlton. Although the Chartists failed to get their demands at that time, Thomas Hearn continued to support the movement. In 1851 he was living in Grove Road, probably on the site of the later grocer’s shop.”

    There is more information in this book here.

    Back to Charles Wentworth. I have always heard that he had a ‘colourful’ freedom-loving youth. Yet still, according to the Daily Mail, his upbringing and breeding tells,

    His inherited wealth includes a 660-acre farm in Friston – a pretty hamlet of pink-washed cottages and narrow lanes. The village green and meeting hall also belong to him, so parishioners must seek his permission to stage fairs and other events there, just like commoners of old.

    This fact (rather well-known to inhabitants) might be a reasonable explanation why Mary Wright, Chair of the Village Hall Committee (and former Independent Councillor for the Coastal District)  refused to comment on the BNP to the Ipswich Evening Star.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 5, 2009 at 11:56 am

    Posted in Anti-Fascism, BNP, Racism, Suffolk

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    Hezbollah Censors the Diary of Anne Frank.

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    Anne Frank: “Emotional”, ‘Zionist Promoter”?

    Hezbollah censors the Diary of Anne Frank (Here).

    “BEIRUT (AFP) – – Anne Frank’s diary has been censored out of a school textbook in Lebanon following a campaign by the militant group Hezbollah claiming the classic work promotes Zionism.

    The row erupted after Hezbollah learned excerpts of “The Diary of Anne Frank” were included in the textbook used by a private English-language school in western Beirut.

    Hezbollah’s Al-Manar television channel ran a report slamming the book for focusing on the persecution of Jews.

    “What is even more dangerous is the dramatic, theatrical way in which the diary is emotionally recounted,” said the report aired last week and also published on the station’s website.”

    Does one need to comment?

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 6, 2009 at 5:22 pm

    Chris Harman is Dead: Expanded Political Obituary.

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    Contested Till Death.

    Chris Harman, a leading figure for decades in the SWP (more here), died last night (here).

    There will be many obituaries. This is a critical-political one. That is, like the SWP, we do not feel a need to wrap and hide underneath sentiment fundamental  political disgreements. Tendance Coatesy comes from a very different political tradition, of Continental Marxist unorthodoxy. For us, anti-Stalinists and anti-anti-Communists,  the SWP’s main defining feature, its ‘state capitalist’ theory, is of little interest. That is, the line against Stalinism has already been drawn, and there are better historical and theoretical explanations of the fate of the Soviet Union around. Perhaps more significant to our political activity has been the SWP’s political theory and practice. The organisation changed from an originally open Marxist grouping into the fractured, intolerant, opportunist mess we see today. We can see in Harman’s writings, noted for their lucidity and seriousness,  both sides of the SWP.

    I wish therefore to make some comments on Harman’s political legacy.  It is far richer and more positive than today’s SWP party-structure would suggest. But not exactly without faults. These are some aspects,

    Many of Harman’s political ideas, formed in the early International Socialists (forerunner of the SWP), has originally a libertarian cast. That is, their version of Marxism was based on socialism being introduced through a party which was  part of the self-organisation of the working class. Against what Trotsky called ‘subsitutionism’, and taking something of Rosa Luxemburg’s views on the importance of spontaneous democratic ferment, they were set out in the pamphlet below,

    Party and Class (1969) (Here) Harman concluded that,

    “The need is still to build an organisation of revolutionary Marxists that will subject their situation and that of the class as a whole to scientific scrutiny, will ruthlessly criticise their own mistakes, and will, while engaging in the everyday struggles of the mass of workers, attempt to increase their independent self-activity by unremittingly opposing their ideological and practical subservience to the old society. A reaction against the identification of class and party elite made by both Social Democracy and Stalinism is very healthy. It should not, however, prevent a clear-sighted perspective of what we have to do to overcome their legacy.”

    No doubt most people on the left remember more clearly the turn to Lenin in the 1970s, and the founding of the SWP on more inflexible democratic centralist grounds. The present-day regime of the Party stems from this period. It  as a time of expulsions, rules about limited factional rights (if at all), and the entrenchment of a quasi-eternal Central Committee. It should not be forgotten that the SWP was not alone in its ‘Bolshevisation’ – the IMG and most of the SWPs splinters (with the notable exception of the working class opposition – that left for ever-  based in the Midlands) were also seized with this delusion.  There is a massive literature on this. On this time it’s often said that Jim Higgin’s More Years for the Locust (here) is the best critical account and explanation.

    This bureaucratic orthodoxy-in-perpetual-activism, did not prevent Harman from retaining a critical spirit.

    Example, The  Prophet and the Proletariat (here)

    The book contains a balanced analysis of Islamism - very different to the one promoted during the SWP’s time in respect (or the relativist views of present-day Islamophiles). Not that it’s without problems. Its conclusion is worth citing in full. Not the least because in its death notice the SWP for reasons not alien to its continuing attempts to trawl in Islamist waters claims that it said that (here),

    One of Chris Harman’s articles ‘The Prophet and the Proletariat’ was written to help prevent the marginalisation of the Arab left before the rising tide of political Islam. The article attacked claims that political Islam represented a form of fascism and sought to explain its rise in terms of the failure of the nationalist left; the appeal that a return to pure Islam had for a middle class intelligentsia who suffered from the insults imposed on them by the empire; and the ability of such groups to garner support from sections of the urban poor.

    Harman indeed engaged in some superficial class analysis of Islamism (neglecting its strong bourgeois roots and pro-mercantile and state bureaucratic capitalist direction). But his main focus was unrelentingly critical of Islamic groups and the reactionary nature of their politics. What it actually written is that,

    “It has been a mistake on the part of socialists to see Islamist movements either as automatically reactionary and “fascist” or as automatically “anti-imperialist” and “progressive”. Radical Islamism, with its project of reconstituting society on the model established by Mohammed in 7th century Arabia, is, in fact, a “utopia” emanating from an impoverished section of the new middle class. As with any “petty bourgeois utopia” [128], its supporters are, in practice, faced with a choice between heroic but futile attempts to impose it in opposition to those who run existing society, or compromising with them, providing an ideological veneer to continuing oppression and exploitation. It is this which leads inevitably to splits between a radical, terrorist wing of Islamism on the one hand, and a reformist wing on the others. It is also this which leads some of the radicals to switch from using arms to try to bring about a society without “oppressors” to using them to impose “Islamic” forms of behaviour on individuals.”

    Precisely. Opposing the imposition of ‘Islamic norms of behaviour’ is the dividing line between socialists and reactionary ‘anti-imperialists’, and multi-cultural relativists. Such Islamophile riff-raff has recently been libelling gay campaigners like Peter Tatchell for defending universalism against religious norms.

    It would have been interesting to know Harman’s views on this.

    “… socialists cannot support the state against the Islamists. Those who do so, on the grounds that the Islamists threaten secular values, merely make it easier for the Islamists to portray the left as part of an “infidel”, “secularist” conspiracy of the “oppressors” against the most impoverished sections of society. They repeat the mistakes made by the left in Algeria and Egypt when they praised regimes that were doing nothing for the mass of people as “progressive’ – mistakes that enabled the Islamists to grow. And they forget that any support the state gives to secularist values is only contingent: when it suits it, it will do a deal with the more conservative of the Islamists to impose bits of the shariah – especially the bits which inflict harsh punishment on people – in return for ditching the radicals with their belief in challenging oppression. This is what happened in Pakistan under Zia and the Sudan under Nimeiry, and it is apparently what the Clinton adminstration has been advising the Algerian generals to do.

    But socialists cannot give support to the Islamists either. That would be to call for the swapping of one form of oppression for another, to react to the violence of the state by abandoning the defence of ethnic and religious minorities, women and gays, to collude in scapegoating that makes it possible for capitalist exploitation to continue unchecked providing it takes “Islamic” forms. It would be to abandon the goal of independent socialist politics, based on workers in struggle organising all the oppressed and exploited behind them, for a tail-ending of a petty bourgeois utopianism which cannot even succeed in its own terms.”

    The Islamists are not our allies. They are representatives of a class which seeks to influence the working class, and which, in so far as it succeeds, pulls workers either in the direction of futile and disastrous adventurism or in the direction of a reactionary capitulation to the existing system – or often to the first followed by the second.”

    Naturally one would say that Islamist movements are in theory and in practice demonstrably reactionary. Nor the central importance of secularism for socialists. As an explanation it lacks the central role in Islamism of the pious national bourgeoisie. Nor the irreconcilable principle of democratic Marxists that one would never align with such groups.  But at least Harman did not exalt Islamists as automatically on the ‘right side’ of ‘anti-imperialism’.

    Unfortunately the third aspect of Harman’s SWP’s work (below) shows just how far they had gone down the road of treating social movements as fodder for recruitment. After the 1970s the SWP, stuck in a permanent round of recruitment through moving campaigns, period purges of anyone awkward, and ‘get rich quick’ schemes. That is winning central positions in perceived rising trends of political unrest. Their ‘united front’ strategy meant co-operation with anyone who seemed to be going in the direction of opposing the existing political system. Or at least who had a vaguely radical sound.

    This example explains how the Party saw the one-time important ‘anti-Globalisation’ wave.

    Spontaneity, Strategy, Politics 2004. (here)

    “ In other words, a visible revolutionary organisation is a necessity, not an optional extra. Its members need to take part in the wider struggles and operate through party groups in localities and workplaces. They have to organise people around them through regular paper sales and draw them to meetings. And the discussion cannot just be about immediate tactics, but has to raise the question of transforming society in its totality, of revolution, not reform. Only in this way can we move towards fulfilling the full potential of the last five years—towards overthrowing this system and creating a better one.”

    In fact in Britain the ‘anti-gloablisation’ movement was a heteroclite mixture of well-meaning NGOs, other left groups, individuals (Ken Livingstone onwards), fading magazines like Red Pepper,  and trade unions searching for new blood and inspired by anti-globalisation unrest in other countries which and genuine impact. It equally involved cranks of a variety of  stripes (Greens, animal rights nutters, onwards), all wrapped in an unwieldy Social Forum network, run in the interests of grandstanding various large egos. The SWP failed to get many recruits from this pool and turned to other fishing grounds. What Marxism, in the sense of basing politics on the self-activity of the masses, remained was soon channelled into the ever-turning priorities of sustaining the organisation. We might say that the SWP’s version of Leninism resembled a business plan, constantly drawing up not SWOTs (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) but OTs – Opportunities and Threats. Harman either instigated or, at the very least, connived, in this development. That is, under a lot of guff about the Party as the People’s Tribune.

    The Respect Party was the culmination of this approach, aligning right up with the extreme-right-wing Islamists of the East London Mosque.  Of which it is hardly necessary to add further comment.

    In conclusion, for all these remarks, Harman had a lot to offer. His original standpoint was not far from genuine democratic Marxism. That he, and the SWP, evolved into the hysterical dead-end we see today, requires more explanation than can be put into a few pages. One might feel that it’s a shame Harman bound himself to the SWP political project so thoroughly. That intense committment would have been better spent elsewhere. But, then, that is not a matter for us to choose.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 8, 2009 at 11:43 am

    Posted in Left, Marxism, SWP

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    Against Marxist Messianism.

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    Important New (very largely) Statement from Tendance Coatesy.


    “Tout commence par la mystique et tout finit en Politique.”

    Everything starts in mysticism and ends in politics.

    “la mystique ne soit point dévorée par la politique à laquelle elle a donné naissance.”

    Mysticism must not be devoured by the politics to which it gave it birth.

    Notre jeunesse. Charles Péguy. (1910)

    “Did Péguy kill Jaurès? Did he incite

    the assassin? Must men stand by what they write

    as by their camp-beds or their weaponry

    or shell-shocked comrades while they sag and cry?”

    The Mystery of the Charity of Charles Péguy. Geoffrey Hill. (1)

    Does Christianity in its “fabulous unreality” contain “love, hope and faith, beyond the realm of the state and of authority?” Was Jesus the bearer whose message may yet bring “Utopian light on the problem of universal alienation and its cure?” To Ernst Bloch the real Christ was less important than what he was, has been, and is seen to be. Standing at the gateway of Time. The revival of this Messianic thread in Marxism – the belief that communism is woven in the pattern of religious tapestry – needs materialist critique. Starting from the Herald of Good News. Yet, it is widely accepted, that we will never end the Quest for the Historical Jesus. That is, the search, carried out by sceptics such as David Strauss, and, later by Ernest Renan as thoroughly by Christians as dedicated as Albert Schweitzer, for the ‘real’ history of the Messiah, peeled away from all the idolatry, superstitions and myths of centuries. Or – without a purely theological (critical, that is) excursion into how to begin to conceptualise the Life, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection – to even approach the issue of what this means. Or grapple with what God presented, in believers’ minds – across the ages. One should, as a materialist, surely refuse to separate wholly the areas of what we can know about the Messiah and what his Crucifixion signified theologically. The documents we have, the witnesses collected in the New Testament, and the context, the culture and social structure of the time, are rich enough to sustain the voyage of many present and future quests. We shall only try to keep our journey on one path. That is we can start in one of its dimensions: the historical record of how Christianity became a Church, the moments when profane existence took up a picture of the Divine and built an institution around it. For an influential strand of thought, portraying Messianism and eschatology, within Christianity, above all in Saint Paul, that there is a relation (hidden through many dark glasses) between the “living hope” of the Resurrection-Event, followed by the Second Coming (Parousia) and “invariant communism.” And that by probing these mysteries (set down by Badiou, Amabgan, Žižek and others), that, we may discover Toni Negri’s “religion without God”? To, as Walter Benjamin expressed it, “explode the continuum of history.” Or, as John Roberts asserts, “Marxists have to become messianists in order to live and struggle and organise in the here and now.” Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 9, 2009 at 12:06 pm

    Posted in Left, Marxism, Religion, Secularism

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    Peter Tatchell: A Human Rights Defence.

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    The Results of Standing up for Human Rights.

    Islamaphobia - the attempt to define criticism of Islam in any form as racialism and  beyond the Pale -  has taken a new toll. A virulent discussion has taken place on the Socialist Unity site. Around charges that Peter Tatchell is ‘Islamphobic’. That his campaigning for human rights is barely disguised Western cultural imperialism. That Peter has used gay issues to attack Muslims. That he is therefore, objectively, (and subjectively) an ally of the far-right. Barry Kade (Green left) has added fuel to the fire by a confused partial defence of this disgraceful pack of lies (here). He even added his own claims. That Islamophobia is hidden behind atttacking Islam on rationalist grounds,  ”this racism is veiled in the language of enlightenment liberalism and secularism.”


    There are plenty of causalities in this battle. Beginning with Kade’s ability to disscuss politics without clichés. Andy Newman appears to have stepped into deeper waters than he bargained for. Derek Wall of the Green Party’s left,  published a reasonable defence of Tatchell’s record as a human rights campaigner. That this charge is “a lie plain and simple”. We have teased Derek in the past (and not doubt will in the future) but this was heartfelt. For reasons best known to himself Andy Newman saw fit to add a much more mixed analysis (here). This had some well-expressed comments that make it clear that Tatchell was not an ally of the far-right. But melded them with much pontificating around the subject, he failed to resolve the issue. Letting the smear’s traces there. To the annoyance of some Greens. They see this, not unreasonably, as an effort to stir up animosity between  the Green Party and liberal Islamist Salma Yaqoob. She after all refuses to reject the Sharia – how could she, she is a believer! It would be like a Marxist criticising Marx (opps - we do).  Instead Yaqoob and her apologists, talk of Islam’s ‘respect’ for human beings (not, all varieties and forms of the religion  taken account of, often  in evidence for Gays). Andy Newman caps this by  citing the obscure post-Colonial cultural studies academics and paper activists who began the latest hunt-the-Tatchell,

    Rather than help, politics such as Tatchell’s have worsened the situation for the majority of queer Muslims. It has become increasingly difficult for groups such as the Safra Project, who are forced into the frontline of the artificially constructed gay v. Muslim divide, to contest sexual oppression in Muslim communities. The more homophobia is constructed as belonging to Islam, the more anti-homophobic talk will be viewed as a white, even racist, phenomenon, and the harder it will be to increase tolerance and understanding among straight Muslims. The dialogue which Safra and other queer Muslim groups have long sought over this is more often than not ignored or disregarded, and white gay activists such as Tatchell have proved indifferent to the fact that the mud which they sling onto Muslim communities lands on queer Muslims themselves.

    Peter has answered such charges many times. He states that ”We should fight the real oppressors and not pick fights with, and publish false allegations against, other progressive people. Sectarian attacks undermine the struggle for human rights, social justice, peace and anti-imperialism.” (here) It follows that if homophobia (and say, the oppression of women) is something Muslim institutions and organisations practice (which is obviously the case) then we have to fight the institutions and organisations that promote this. If these academics (whose dismissal of ‘white gay activists’ says more about their ‘anti-racism’ than anything else) want a ‘dialogue’ with the Safra Project then so be it. But what is their attitude to States, Islamist parties and religious bodies which do actively promote anti-gay anti-human rights policies? Dialogue with oppressors?

    Let’s be clear on this. Peter Tatchell stands on the side of universal human rights. Some cack-handed Leninists and post-modern relativists, may consider this as disguise for Western claims for European and US cultural norms to be better than any others. However, human rights, in the way Peter grasps them, are part of a fight for a better world. They are not fixed, but the result of people actively to defend them. We could add that the UN Declaration of Human Rights was itself the product of a sincere desire to draw together many different conceptions. Far from being exclusively  ’Western’ – they tried to include a planetary spectrum of views (Mary Ann Glendon, A World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 2000). It was explicitly anti-colonialist. For all its faults (and there are many, starting with its neglect of material rights), it remains something that can be carried forward and developed. Not retreated from because some Muslims ((excused by attendant Islamophiles) think it represents an attack on their divine right to declare their own religious rights more important than anyone else’s.

    Andy Newman now states, that (here),

    At no time did any one ever accuse Derek Wall of being Islamophobic.
    At no time did any one ever accuse Green Left of being Islamophobic
    At no time did any one ever accuse the Green Party of being Islamophobic

    The term Islamophobia has poisoned the whole discussion. Rather like the question ‘when did you stop beating your wife’, it is almost impossible to deny without some dirt rubbing off. I have good reason to dislike the word – as one of the first British leftists to be charged with it publicly on Islamophobia Watch. Someone very hostile to Islam full stop, Christopher Caldwell, in Reflections on the Revolutions in Europe (2009) has claimed that it’s a sign that any criticism of Islam is deemed unacceptable. This appears borne out by the ‘debate’ around Peter Tatchell.

    What a mess.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 11, 2009 at 10:58 am

    The Burqa, Sarkozy and the British Left.

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    Marceau Pivert (1895 – 1958): Socialist Secularist.

    In a speech yesterday French president Nicolas Sarkozy stated that, “France is a country where there is no place for the burqa, where there is no place for the subservience of women,” he said in a speech on French national identity. (More here – in English)

    Sarkozy is trying to hold a national discussion about what it is to be French. In terms of the nation. Central to it, he argues, is a conception of republican secularism (or more exactly Laïcité). Behind this is an attempt to obscure issues which divide France, his own free-market politics to begin with. Thus, most of the French left rejects the terms of Sarkozy’s ‘debate’.  However the stress on secularism has had an echo. This morning on French radio the Communist Mayor of the town where he made this speech welcomed the assertion of republican liberty through secularism

    This is not a  surprise, Much of the French left recognises the need for a republic free of religious influence. It splits people on quasi-ethnic grounds. It introduces a powerful source of obscurantism into public life. Laïcité is where they draw the line against, notably, Islamism. Not that socialists of any stripe are uncritical of the French state: it is rent with inequalities and favours religious organisations indirectly by subsidies and recognition. It has a history of imperial rule, and neglect of the rights of the colonised. Still, unlike in Britain, the direct influence of religious politics is considered anathema. French leftists can draw on an atheist and anti-clerical tradition in the radical Enlightement that opposed slavery and imperial expansion (Diderot, Condorcet). The French Marxist left also has a strong secularist background. In the 1930s the non-Communist hard-left was particularly marked by this – Marceau Pivert  to the fore (here, French, and English, here).

    Here is what part of that Left says. In mid-October the Parti de Gauche participated in a big Paris demonstration for women’s rights. The PG attacks Catholic attempts to restrict abortion rights, and all forms of religious oppression. This is their statement on the veil and the burqa (more Here).

    Le développement de l’islam radical contribue à la multiplication du port du voile et du voile intégral ; le port de la burqa est l’illustration emblématique d’une régression des droits et de la dignité des femmes, il est le symbole de la soumission des femmes, qui affecte la notion même de personne comme membre de l’association politique.

    The development of radical Islam has contributed to an increase in veil, and total-veil display; wearing the burqa is the emblematic sign of a regression in the area of women’s rights and dignity. It is the symbol of women’s submission, which affects the very notion of a person as a part of political life.

    This seems a fair starting point.

    Why don’t we in Britain on the left  work from these premises on this issue? We have our own anti-clerical Enlightenment figures. Think of Tom Paine. To begin with.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 13, 2009 at 10:58 am

    KPA Unit 1224 Inspected.

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    It is a scandal that the British Morning Star does not print more news on the achievements of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) (Hangul: 조선민주주의인민공화국, Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk).

    It looks likely that  Kim Jong-un, the second son of former dancer Ko Yong-hi, Kim Jong-il’s favourite wife who died of cancer in 2004 will take the helm of the world’s leading socialist state.  After his dear father’s death. He is apparently called, in a touching gesture of solidarity with the UK paper of the toiling masses, “Morning Star King“.

    Unlike the ungrateful newspaper of this name we publish up-to-date news from the homeland of Juche.

    KPA Unit 1224 Inspected

    Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People’s Army, inspected KPA Unit 1224.

    He acquainted himself with the unit’s performance of military duty and made the rounds of the education room for revolutionary relics, bedroom, mess hall, bathhouse, soldiers’ hall, library, gymnasium, shooting gallery and other places, paying deep attention to the soldiers in and out of service.

    Seeing a rest home-like cosy barrack building furnished with all the best fixtures and its compound kept neat and tidy like a park, he expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the unit has provided the servicepersons with good conditions for their living and training.

    The KPA servicepersons are the precious Songun revolutionary comrades who safeguard the Party, the revolution, the country and the people with arms, he said, stressing the need for all the commanding officers to take good care of their living with paternal affection lest they should feel any slightest inconvenience.

    After watching the courageous training of the servicepersons, he was greatly satisfied to see all of them grown up to be a-match-for-a-hundred combatants who are fully prepared politico-ideologically and in military technique so as to safeguard the socialist homeland with credit. He set forth tasks to be tackled in boosting the combat efficiency of the unit in every way.

    Expressing his expectation and confidence that the servicepersons of the unit would display the honour of guardsmen in the honourable post for defending the country, he posed for a photo with them.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 14, 2009 at 12:46 pm

    Respect (Renewal): from SWP to Green Party.

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    Was Red, is now Green?

    The scales should be falling from some people’s eyes this morning.

    The leadership of Respect (Renewal) announced yesterday ever closer ties with the Green Party (in England and Wales). Reports on their Annual Conference (yesterday)  have yet to appear on their Web page (here).

    Derek Wall posts (here) this comment from a Green Party observer,

    ‘Overall all speakers were very very positive towards the Green Party, George Galloway, Salma Yaqoob, Ger Francis and a number of other members made a very big deal of supporting the Green Party in various different ways and how we work mutually as two different parties.I think it is important to note that George Galloway called for people to vote for Peter Tatchell if they are able too and gave a stong endorsement of Peters politics, so fair play to George. They were obviously very positive about our decision to stand down for Salma but also talked often about Salmas support for us in the Euros and used it as an example about the right way to go about left unity. There was a lot of talk from George and others that Respect should not look to small far left cults for coalitions but to organisations like the ourselves.”

    Tendance Coatesy has expressed the view for some time now that Respect (Renewal) has been looking for an exit strategy. In a link-up with the Green Party. Goodbye small cult SWP – hallo big cult Green Party.

    Unkind people might suggest that Socialist Unity’s battle over Peter Tatchell owed something to the reluctance of Andy Newman to join in this move to the politics of Recycling Loft Insulation. That Comrade Newman has seen sense in hitching his waggon to the project of European left parties might seem to support this speculation.

    Socialist Unity still bears the SWP imprint. It calls this Conference (Rally) a ‘big success’. But it has yet to comment on what went on. The Green Party are no doubt so overwhelmed with joy at George Galloway’s support that there is still no official response.  

    We await these statements. We really do.


    Added: apparently the Green left account is ‘third hand’ (Socialist Unity).  What will be the first hand report?  The breath bates.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 15, 2009 at 11:38 am

    Posted in European Left, Greens, Left, SWP

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    Purge Looming in Respect?

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    “Respect’s leadership is absolutely determined that the influence of the ultra-left will remain marginal. There is no place for the kind of political sectarianism that is indifferent to a Tory victory or bitterly hostile to cooperation with the Green Party. Such views, often articulated by politically irrelevant grouplets of the far left, are an obstacle to the growth of a radical party of the left.” (more)

    Ger Francis – leading Respect Light (Birmingham, Nationally).

    No place for obstacles, eh


    Comrade Ger (Geeeer to his friends) further states that,

    “I fully expect the new National Council, on which the more sectarian voices are a shrinking minority, to drive through this perspective more forcefully in the coming year.” (here)

    Sectarian voices be warned.

    Ger’s background? SWP cadre.

    You know I could have guessed that.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 16, 2009 at 12:31 pm

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    Trotsky: Two Recent Books.

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    Review: Stalin’s Nemesis. The Exile, and Murder of Leon Trotsky. Bertrand M. Patenaude. Faber & Faber. 2009. Trotsky A Biography. Robert Service. Macmillan. 2009.

    “Estimations of Trotsky tend to shade into explanations for his political downfall.” So comments Bertrand Patenaude. How should the man be considered? Why should we be interested in his defeat? Rigid, lacking sound political instincts, the overweening “flaw” in his haughty personality, – all judgements of Stalin’s Nemesis – Trotsky offered brilliant justification of the Russian Revolution, and mordant criticisms of Soviet rule under Stalin. To Robert Service Trotsky was “an exceptional human being and a complex one”. He was a major actor in a central drama of the 20th century, whose “ideas, including those about Russian history, had a lasting impact”. Patenaude’s Stalin’s Nemesis is a solid, if not particularly friendly, account of Trotsky’s life following his expulsion from the Soviet Union. It frequently expands to encompass the longer course of his vocation, from inspiring mass leader to marginalised founder of the Fourth International. But to get the full flavour of a study that puts the emphasis on how the one-time Commissar’s personality, imprinted with a “definite ideology”, shaped his career, from a leading player in the October capture of power, to exile, and victim of Stalin’s brutal revenge one needs to read Robert Service’s biography. With all the faults, and these flow in abundance, of such a method. Not that would have expected a sympathetic portrait. In Stalin (2004) Service compared Trotsky’s use of violence to Stalin’s and stated that he alone of the leading Bolsheviks approached the Georgian “in bloodthirstiness”. Or indeed a rounded grasp of Communist ideology and history. In his Comrades (2007) Service asserted that by the end of the 19th century Marxism had become “an infallible set of doctrines and political substitute for religion.” And that Lenin and the Bolsheviks’ “new type of state” based on “one-party, one-ideology” with no respect for “law, constitution and popular consent” that had spread to “mutate like a virus”, infecting the body of Fascism, and Nazism. It remains around, apparently, to taint “the Islamist plans of Osama Bin Laden” and the Taliban.

    Each book then offers not just narrative but assessments of Trotsky. That is, to the history of Communism and the Soviet Union. Patenaude’s story is largely centred on life in his Mexican homes in Coyoacán. Wider historical description and judgements about Trotsky tend to flow from this location. Despite its dismissive conclusion about the “dogma of Marxism” and Trotsky’s faith in the “glorious Soviet future” (did Patenaude mislay his style guide?) the book is gripping and illuminating. Aware of his previous writings, one expects less, and gets a lot less, from Service. In an ‘orthodox’ Trotskyist review David North (here) has rigorously unravelled the string of howlers that litter the book – apparently produced by a serious historian – from names, dates of people’s death, (including that of Natalia, Trotsky’s wife) to graver errors. The claim that this is the “first full-length biography of Trotsky written by someone outside Russia who is not a Trotskyist” may, nevertheless, be true. It is less than sure that Service’s efforts, to offer a “more searching approach” than previous biographies, such as Isaac Deutscher’s celebrated Trilogy, or the painstakingly documented publications of Pierre Broué, not to mention his subject’s own “self-serving and misleading” accounts, offer more than acres of darkness about Trotsky. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 17, 2009 at 1:19 pm

    Compass: Social Democracy Against Democratic Socialism

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    Manifesto of the Conference-Going Classes.

    Jon Cruddas MP and Andrea Nahles MdB have announced that “European social democracy needs a fresh start”. They have launched the “Good Society” debate (here). About the future of the European left. And ideas of what a good society should be. All within the background of declining electoral weight for the main socialist and social democratic parties.

    In Building the Good Society, launched this April, Cruddas and Nahles, set out some ideas. They define the contours of the Compass project.

    This document consists of tightly written paragraphs around seven main topics. Its admriers see at as a major step forward. In defining the post-Brown agenda of the left.

    So what is its defining agenda? Not much is sparkling, new. Much is ‘ante’, not ‘post, the Third Way. A few good points, though not much.

    As we can see:

    • The pages open on the screen with the observation that social democracy (New Labour, the German SPD onwards) has failed to offer an alternative to unrestrained globalisation. That it saw (as we can read in Anthony Giddens’ work) a “positive” side of the process. This ignored the down-side of free-market expansion. Markets and growth have to be harnessed. For a better version of social democracy, Cruddas and Nahle assert that redistributive approaches are needed.  For, well…a better world. As indeed does Gordon Brown and Tony Blair, all relying on on the same processes of international agreements that underpin the institutions they claim to want to reform.
    • They emphasise the central place of democracy to social democracy - not perhaps a very new idea.   
    •  That social democracy  is based on the principles of solidarity, social justice and autonomy. Does it need pointing out that this is an even older trilogy? It could have been stated any time since the setting down of the Synoptic Gospels.
    • Justice and equality are core values for the social democratic left. A claim that repeats Crosland’s View in The Future of Socialism (1956) – whose aim as a “just, co-operative and classless society”. The classless bit never got defined then. This document does not care to offer any development.
    • That society should be run on a  co-determination (Mitbestimmung) basis. The German model which obliges companies to have a degree of responsibility to ‘social partners’ – a principle the TUC used to promote in the days when Will Hutton was listened to.  It has failed to take on in the UK. The employers don’t want it. So it’s got forgotten. Now it’s come back. Whoppie!
    • Welfare – making people into “assets” in the economy. This is a market state idea full of pitfalls for the left (see below).
    •  Social Europe – a range of social policy standards set on a Continent-wide basis. The best bit. Better than dead-end nationalism. But there si no programme to overturn existing EU institutions to make this possible.
    • Wrapped around the document is the ideas that a ‘civic state’ should replace the ‘market state’.  idea about how a “civic state” should replace the ‘market state’. That a wide range of forms of social enterprise (co-operatives, not for profit projects) , including renationalised utilities,  should reassert  a democratic imput into mixed economy. There is little that is  different from Crosland’s original description of social democracy.

    It would seen that ‘social democracy’ in this form is just the ‘left-wing’ of the Third Way.

    Two major problems are not tackled.

    The first is that the ‘market state’ is not just the result of a political choice by  Labour Governments to deepen the rule of private companies over public life. It now has its own material logic  – a stratum of parasitical contractors carrying out state functions. This lobby, representing a class fraction of the state bourgeoisie, is not challenged by words,. It needs a programme to cut it out. Secondly, the Good Society, fails to begin to grasp the problem of equality. Notably in the area of  welfare. Cruddas backed welfare reform – in fact his support for making people an ‘asset’ is a pure market state concept. It is  not to support people on an equal basis but to ‘equip’ them to ‘compete’ on the ‘global market’. This involves compulsion and payments of benefits at such low rates that any employment will be taken – making the system a permanent drag down on working conditions and wages. Work for Your Benefits, which he endorsed, will accelerate this process, and undermine public services by creating a pool of unpaid forced labour to take over public functions.

    Secondly, the document does not begin to look at the structural nature of ownership and control of the economy and the state. Its ambitions are limited to restoring the ‘balance’ of the mixed economy which was lost during the 1970s. It fails to identify the political agency (one created by political parties as much as structurally inevitable), that could change these relations. In short, it is no democratic socialist programme based on the labour movement. Its ambitions are for reforms, by the well-intentioned. That is, not the popular masses, but  the conference-going classes. And some grandstanding pundits (Polly Toynbee).

    It is not surprising that the journal Soundings has warmed to the Compass debate. The review’s editors come from the tradition that was immersed in 1980s concept of “radical democracy” and “populism” as alternatives to class based socialism. During the Blair decade those that had a residual belief in working class participation in participative democracy have tried to reinvent themselves. On the Left. But they have not dropped the strategy of ‘hegemony’ through coalitions  ’articulated’ in a  wider programme . More recently their allies have opposed (or, in they’d say, ‘critiqued’ ) universal human rights. Notably  the ‘cultural imperialism’ of gay rights.  Andy Newman of Socialist Unity adds to this mix an embrace of ‘progressive national identity’. 

    Perhaps Andy’s warmth for the good side of the national progressive identities of the old Soviet Block  is a trail-blazer here. For some of Sounding’s writers to go back to their own past. O those halcyon days Sally, we had in the Woodcraft Folk!

    All of which avoid the central mechanisms of class formation that left politics tries to latch onto. In its ambitions to fight oppression (of a wide nature) and exploitation (capitalism), through a democratic movement. Or the argument made by left specialists in Europe’s left, for example, John Callagham. That social democracy, based on the above approach, has failed in the past. That the Third Way was  a dilution, not a replacement, of it. And  that class continues to play a significant role in British politics which the left should grasp (The Retreat of Social Democracy. 2001), amongst other writings) More specifically, social democracy failed in the past to answer the democratic socialist alternative. One based on the dominance of social ownership  and popular control.

    It is not suprising that in this debate (at least as far as one can see) there is little mention the rise of new left parties, such as the German Die Linke, or alliances, such as the Front de Gauche, in France. These are broad enough to cover a radical  strand and traditional labour movement lefts. But they involve people doing things. Not just attending prestigious media-eying conferences to agree with weighty debate on values, and  ‘concerns’ about Gordon Brown and the Tories.

    That would be a tent too big by far.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 19, 2009 at 11:04 am

    Social Democracy: From MacShane to a New Civilisation?

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    Time for a twenty-first century Socialism – not Social Democracy. 

    Denis MacShane writes (here) that,

    “Social democrats need a new understanding of the historic compromises that are necessary for the practice of power.

    The German election defeat followed on from losses for social democratic parties in the European Parliament elections. To be sure, socialists kept power in Portugal and Norway, but without a majority of votes. And PASOK’s win in Greece was based on a new politics, of criticising state bureaucracy and pledging support for small businesses, in place of old-style statist clientilism.

    At a regional or city level the left can win power. But this is less and less the case at state government level. The democratic left is challenged by other parties that claim to represent its values or its electorate. The national-populists in the anti-European parties of the xenophobic right attract many of their voters from the white working class. The anti-capitalist parties of the populist left attract some of the proletariat, and workers protected in public service unions. The anti-industry parties of the greens also steal many progressive votes.”

    Why? To the former European Minister it boils down to people being scared, in an economic downturn. They turn, turn, and end up with the established Right. Trusted with managing the crisis. Or the far-right, preying on fear. Or the greens, growing through the public’s concern about climate change and the environment. Or even ‘anti-capitalists’ feeding off worries about capitalism (I helpfully added that bit Denis). That much of the left (Denis excepted) has no thought-out economic policy – based not on slogans but on grasping the international nature of capitalism. It needs a realistic one, reaching about beyond the “prison the nation”. The left has to be  serious about the “conquest of power. ” This can only be achieved “through  historic compromises – with market economics, with the nation, and with voters.” To do what exactly, in the light of the abject failures of Tony Blair, Gordon Brown,a nd their Continental ilk, is less than clear. Perhaps MacShane might care to enlighten us.

    Still, like Tendance Coatesy MacShane dislikes, “metropolitan elites organising endless conferences”.

    That’s about as far as our agreement goes.

    To clarify this analysis (to inject a bit of serious compromising with the need to look at reality that is)  Henri Weber (French Socialist, and former Trotskyist, LCR, here) makes some points. Rather more concrete than MacShane’s (here).

    That Social Democracy’s present crisis rests on the unravelling of the ‘compromises’ (historic in fact) that  underpinned its European hegemony in the late ‘nineties. This political offer underpinned the successes of socialist parties in the second half of the 1990s.  This reached its limit in  2002  when 11 governments out of 15 in the European Union were socialist.

    The first was a liberalisation of the economy, varying in form across different countries but present everywhere. In our ‘mixed economies’ the weight of the public sector was reduced, while that of the private sector was strengthened. “

    In brief the ‘market state’. It did not result in either increased society-wide equality, or a solution to the long-term (relative) industrial decline (core social democrat vote) of Europe. Prosperity was a brittle and uneven thing – the same processes  created a massive ‘flexible’ labour force which could be dumped as quickly as possible (a lot swifter in the UK than many EU countries).

    They expected in exchange, from state and industry, more investment and innovation, leading to a more efficient specialisation of our economies in the new international division of labour. They expected an ‘upscaling’ in all sectors of activity, so that they could reinstate full employment and ‘good employment’.

    Which did not happen. An economic crisis – something beyond the end of Brown’s history apparently – did. European social democracy (in all its variants) was worst hit. Its  policy and institutional strategy was a recipe for disaster. The competitive advantage of market-states was thrown into doubt when the first breezes of economic problems reached them. This affected liberal ‘third way’ countries the UK above all. Because of its greater adaption to global flows those in the current got caught up and thrown into the vortex.  Social democracy’s electorate was hit; its strategic compromises with business partners left the latter  safe, not their ‘own people’. Mass unemployment, reinforcing the  structural worklessness neoliberalism rests on, has returned.

    The second pillar of the compromise of the 1990s was the mutualisation of the costs of modernisation. It was believed that these costs should be borne primarily not by individuals but by the nation as a community. This required high levels of taxes and social redistribution, quality public services, a reduced but preserved welfare state, and negotiation between all social partners.

    One should add that in Britain the said market state farmed out broad swathes of public services. To expensive and incompetent private companies. Whose costs are a massive drain on public finance. Social partnership ceased to have any meaning for anybody except these private groups, and the increasingly state dependent and private modelled ‘third sector. It is this apparatus which is now being marshalled in the UK (other countries, now under right-wing control, are following suite) to coerce the unemployed away.  A doomed project if ever there was one.

    The third element was the affirmation of social progressivism. Socialists were the champions of the liberalisation of mores, gender parity and equality, homosexual marriage, the right to die in dignity, and the defence of the quality of life.

    In other words it promoted social liberalism without social equality. Diversity, multiculturalism, and other aspects of this agenda took root. They took over from the reforms for universal human rights. In doing so they became attached to the market state. And the alienating forces of division and private gain they embodied. The worst example was the British state’s embrace of faith-based institutions in civil society. From bringing religious groups in welfare services, the authority given to faith leaders in minority communities, to a strategy of equal opportunities that replaced equality for all, this has undermined popular consent for social democratic parties. It has left the door open for the right and far-right to reassert national identity (and xenophobia)  as an alternative source of cohesion.

    Weber notes that “The 2007-2010 crisis, followed as it will be by a period of weak growth, will condemn this compromise to obsolescence.”

    Which it has.

    Unfortunately all Weber can offer is this,

    “If it wants to return to power, European social democracy must propose a new political offer. And such an offer has to be conceived, from its inception, at the level of the European Union. Furthermore it must embody – beyond its economic objectives – a civilisation project.”

    Which is as clear as North Sea silt.

    The democratic socialist project, in measured or radical form, is to replace the above ‘pillars’ by 1) A programme of publicly ownership to re-orientate the economy. Based on popular control – to re-root the left. 2) A transformed public service agenda to replace the market state with a popular (secular)  one. 3) An end to diversity and multiculturalism, a beginning to equality and universal public rights. Its appeal can be gauged from the fact that ‘social democracy’ is having to take the radical left into account.


    If you want to see a completely wrong and disastrous way of dealing with these issues look at France (Britain’s Labour Party  is a bit too obvious, poor old Brown does not bear much looking at). As much of its left has split off to the Parti de Gauche Weber’s Parti Socialiste has not the slightest coherent project. Its politics? A mix of very civilised green waffling, gestural opposition to Sarkozy, municipal Parti Radical politics (in the 1930s sense) and some tax reforms. It has shifted to an alliance with the centre and the Greens. And some strange ideas about shaping itself on the US Democrats – through primary selections of candidates  (a disaster you’d have thought they’d seen coming from the Italian experience of them). Not to mention a permanent drama largely caused by Madame Royal, which has made them the second biggest laughing-stock (after New Labour) on the European Left.

    The radical left is known best for its slogans. True. The previous remarks are just phrases to hook a deeper programme around. And we should recognise that the European radical left is fragile. The news that Oscar  Lafontaine’s illness (cancer) may threaten the whole project of Die Linke shows this. But this is clear. It requires a strong force to make its way. Not willingness to surrender before it begins. More aggressive than MacShane’s recommendation that we must compromises before we’ve started. To say the least. 

    Oh, and did I mention the wars? The left is a bit more civilised that MacShane on that.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 21, 2009 at 11:20 am

    Camus in the Panthéon ?

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    Albert Camus in the Panthéon ?

    Nicolas Sarkozy would like to transfer the ashes of Camus – on the  50th anniversary of his death (the 4th of  January 1960) to the Paris Pantheon. That is the national memorial for GRANDS HOMMES LA PATRIE RECONNAISSANTE (“To the great men, the grateful homeland”). Interment here is severely restricted and is allowed only by a parliamentary act for “National Heroes”.

    His son Jean  is opposed (here).

    There was an extraordinary brilliant and concise interview with Camus’ biographer, Olivier Todd, in le Monde yesterday (here). Todd, a first-hand witness of the post-War Left Bank, refers to Camus’s brief membership of the Algerican Communist party in 1934 – he left because it failed to support independence movements clearly enough. In the full article (the on-line version is cut), there is an account of the author of the Etranger’s later hesitation about the FLN’s campaign for full independence. And an account of  his disputes with Sartre – right about Stalinism, wrong about anti-colonialism.

    Todd’s judgement on Camus is worth citing, “ Camus fut d’abord un écrivain, un artiste, un artisan, beaucoup plus qu’un philosophe dans la série Platon, Kant, Sartre, Wittgenstein.” He was first of all a writer, an artist, a workman, much more than a philosopher in the mould of Plato, Kant, Sartre, Wittgenstein.” This view TC shares.

    His courageous Resistance  activity, his journalism,  moral presence on the left, and searing novels deserve better than a credential-boosting stunt by Sarkozy.  

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 22, 2009 at 12:55 pm

    Peter Sloterdijk: No to Forced Taxation.

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    Radical Icon?

    There is an intellectual controversy ranging in Europe. France has been outpaced in its usual autumn row: this one’s  in Germany. Launched by Peter Sloterdijk. A mad-cap theorist to rival Slavoj Žižek, Sloterdijk is best known to British readers through a review I did (a long time ago) in Labour Briefing of his Critique of Cynical Reason (three paragraphs). This book, still available from an academic US publisher (here), was described as the philosophical answer to airport “shopping and fucking” novels.

    Sloty’s campaign against the “Steuermacht”, the state-tax machine, has raised a debate. Neatly dovetailing into his other obsession - loathing of Die Linke. His line? Rather simple: taxes are forced out (‘Zwang’ being the operative term) of productive workers. They are thus the object of the new class struggle. For those who care to follow this, the discussion (largely opposing this pose) is all over the Germanophone Web (start perhaps from here).


    Montgomery Burns  has found a Court Philosopher.  

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 23, 2009 at 10:48 am

    Posted in European Left, German Left

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    Hands off the People of Iran AGM this Saturday.

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     hopi-agm-logo-medSaturday November 28 2009
    Somers Town Community Centre, 150 Ossulston Street, London NW1 1EE (near Euston station). Registration from 10am.

    More Information here.

    It will be interesting to watch this on BBC Two tonight:

    “This World tells the story of Neda Agha Soltan, with exclusive accounts from those who really knew her. Many young Iranians have claimed her as a ‘martyr’ for Iran’s protest movement; but the Iranian regime has tried to blame the West.”

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 24, 2009 at 12:47 pm

    Posted in Iran, Iranian Resistance

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    Tariq Ramadan, What I Believe. Review.

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    Review. What I Believe. Tariq Ramadan. Oxford University Press. 2009.

    Tariq Ramadan is a “controversial intellectual”. He faces “many-sided opposition”. The soft-spoken supporter of “solidarity, human dignity, and justice” is accused of “doublespeak”. “Criticisms first of (and mainly in) France, then taken up by some French loving groups of some ideological currents, have built up a haze of controversy around me and my commitment.” He asks, “What are the “ideological and/or interests” of these groups?” Not too savoury, as we shall see. He, by contrast, tries to “build bridges between two universes of reference”, “Western and Islamic ‘civilisations’” “and “between citizens within Western societies themselves”. The book’s contribution to this “process of mediation”? It’s an “opportunity to read me in the original and simply get direct access to my thought”. To show that we “share many common principles and values”. That it is possible to ‘live together’” (all liberal English Anglian inverted commas Ramadan’s). That he belongs to a “reformist trend” within Islam. Which is? A “great and noble religion.” And what of the West’s achievements? “Freedom and democracy.” Its faults? “Murderous ‘civilising missions’, colonialisation, the destructive economic order racism, acquiescent relations with the worst dictatorships, and other failings”. Ramadan is bold enough “to contradict accepted opinions” – even by raising these all-too often ignored features of the Western world. Particularly the “other failings”.

    There is much in this pamphlet on the need for Muslims to engage in Western society. Its tone throughout is high ‘inverted comma’ clericalese. He pleads for Islam’s European future as part of a new ‘We’. “Western Islam is now a reality” – that is there are European populations with Muslim beliefs immersed in Western culture. So, “Islam is a Western religion”. Apparently this is a big plus. For bridge-builders this implies, Openness to Others (reciprocally), “Handling Fears” and “post-integration” pluralism. Up to, political engagement, and a commitment to worrying about the rights and oppressions of other groups than Muslims (why does this need to be said?). This has to be negotiated through “the fluctuating multiplicity of personal identities”.

    Islam, in all its complexity, has to reach into the public domain. This will come about not by playing on “community feelings” and “community-oriented political logics”. A much more ambitious strategy is afoot. Much like the early Christian Christians the Muslim faithful need to integrate, to become part of the institutions of the state. Why? Muslim organisations would wield power and influence. As bearers that is, of a “consistent global vision”. This would be one that assembles a variety of interests in an effort to capture a position in society. Not just politics are important. There is ignorance of Islam’s intellectual richness. To counter this, he claims, the religion’s contribution deserves a larger place in the culture. Revised syllabi, he argues, may help. There needs more mention of Muslim thinkers, from al-Kindî (ninth century), al-Ghazâlî (twelfth century) to Ibn Khaldûm (fourteenth century) To rival no doubt the attention already given in Europe’s school trivium to Thomas Aquinas, Dun Scotus, and Anselm of Canterbury.

    Not everyone from an Islamic background wants to span the division between Islam and the West. More shame them, apparently. Ramadan is forthcoming about his battles with Qu’ranic literalists – those who see in the Qur’an signs enough to justify their rigorist interpretation of the Sharia. Who, though he is fairly coy about this, do not exactly like non-Muslim societies, or indeed non-Muslims. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 25, 2009 at 11:13 am

    Wilf Page: Norfolk Red.

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    Norfolk Red. The Life of Wilf Page Countryside Communist. Mike Pentelow. Lawrence & Wishart. 2009.

    There are some people who truly make a difference. For the greater good of the world. Wilf Page made a deep impression on left and trade union activists across East Anglia. And much further afield, as Norfolk Red narrates. Born just before the Great War Wilf became a socialist, a long-term member of the Communist Party, a stalwart of the Agricultural Workers Union, and then, after its merger, with the Transport and General Workers Union, active in upholding trade unionism across the region. He made a mark in campaigning groups, above all in the peace movements, and helped the workless set up (now sorely needed once again) Unemployed Centres. In his later years he was a pillar (Vice-President) of the National Pensioners’ Convention. Many people will remember him at the annual Burston Rally to whose growing success he contributed a major part. Will would welcome all and sundry with a smile. Remaining eager for news while waiting for the speakers, his staunch socialism never dimmed. Wilf was, in short, widely respected and loved.

    Mike Pentelow puts Will’s life within the “history of the struggles of the rural workers of Norfolk.” One of the few regions of Britain where farm labourer radicalism continued up to the twentieth century (and beyond?) this has roots far back. Wymondham, where Wilf was baptised, was the home of Robert Kett (1492 – 1549), who led a famous rebellion in 1549. The Captain Swing revolts of 1830 were in response to the capitalist mechanisation of farming. Begun in Kent with the destruction of threshing machines they quickly had an echo in East Anglia – in Norfolk and neighbouring counties. Disputes over the conditions of rural workers continued throughout the century. In Sharpen the Sickle! (1948) Reg Groves described Norfolk as the “stronghold and birthplace” of the Agricultural Workers Union. Its founder Joseph Arch (1826 – 1919) made his mark there. The agricultural workers’ strike of 1923 – which precariously halted the farmers’ efforts to reduce wages and increase the standard week and ended amongst a wave of victimisation – had its stronghold in Norfolk. Wilf’s first political action was inspired by the dispute. He led fellow school pupils “to try to prevent the leaving of his much loved teacher, Miss Bunn, who was getting married”. The County authority did not employ women after wedlock, and Wilf’s protest failed. The children were all punished. This was but one injustice that marked Wilf’s early life.

    Norfolk Red (named after a famous bull breed) describes how in the 1920s the rural and urban East Anglian poor were treated as beasts of burden. The poverty Wilf grew up in still shocks. Initially he drifted to London for work, and then in Jersey got employment in backbreaking potato picking. Serving in the RAF from 1933 he met a Communist Party member Dan Cohen. “He used to talk to me about the frictions in the world where anti-semitism was an historic problem, and explained the economics of capitalism. He thought the Soviet Union was a new experiment that was going to succeed and produce a new world society.” Wilf was stirred by his message. “My old Sunday School teacher used to say about world problems, the wealthy and poor, Dan was doing the same thing but a much higher level.” He spent 13 years in the RAF, continuing to educate himself and his wife, Christina, whom he married in 1939, in socialist ideas. During a largely uneventful war, apart from some North Sea flights, he became a lecturer in the Army Bureau of Current Affairs (ABCA). This organisation is often credited with helping to shift opinion in the Service leftwards. Wilf played a part in that move. A Sergeant and never commissioned, he was demobbed in 1945.

    Back in Norfolk Wilf plunged into the agricultural workers’ union and politics, working full-time for the local Labour Party. The latter, which maintained a network of rural agents in East Anglia up till the 1980s, was not to be his political home. He resigned in 1949 – over the Labour Government’s conservative approach to running nationalised industries, its failure to confront farmers over tied cottages, and colonialist repression in the Far East. By 1950 he had joined the Communist Party, becoming their election agent in the Paddington North. He stood as a Communist candidate for Edgefield on Erpington rural district council (where he sat as a Labour member) and was returned as a Communist councillor for every election from then until 1974 – including a spell on Norfolk District Council. Through the union and council he pursued his opposition to the tied-cottage system (the practice of bonding workers to their employers by letting them accommodation tied to their jobs). Defending those threatened with eviction, and writing on this and other topics in the Communist party aligned journal the Country Standard Wilf was a thorn in the side of the country gentry, farmers, and their Tory friends. As a Red he was an obvious target. He tried many different occupations, briefly an extra-mural lecturer, a bus driver, and many jobs. But “it would not be long before Wilf was organising his workmates and getting victimised for this – and getting sacked again.” Fortunately his wife had more stable employment with the County Council.

    For the texture of a life well spent one needs to read Mike Pentelow’s description of the union and community activist that Wilf became. He played a part in the British Czechoslovakia Friendship Society. He supported the early CND. In 1961 Wilf helped draw up the Communist Party’s plans for agriculture – public ownership of land, improved pay and conditions for farm workers. This developed over the years. Perhaps not everyone will agree that “increased food production” – in opposition to the Common Market – was a step towards a modern approach to ‘produce locally’. The CPGB’s main aim was for national “food security”. But Wilf really came into his own inside the Agricultural Workers’ Union. Despite hostility from anti-Communists (he was only elected to the Executive in 1969) he kept on agitating. From a Norfolk base he pushed forward a whole range of policies, opposing endemic low wages, supporting increased training, demanding equal pay for women. The cause of tied cottages remained vital. It finally wound up on the Parliamentary agenda. Wilf “drew attention to the case of a young farm worker who, having been made redundant, was living with his wife and baby daughter in a shed, while their two other children slept in a car.” Joan Maynard, closely linked to the union, steered the Rent Agriculture Act into parliament. Legislation in 1976 ended summary evictions without alternative accommodation. Finally recognised by the movement in 1979 Wilf became the President of the European Federation of Agricultural Workers’ Union. This campaigning did not cease in later years. Domestically he stayed deeply involved in the union, peace activism, and left politics. After retirement he was a leading figure in the pensioners’ movement and was, as mentioned, a very welcome sight at Burston every year.

    Wilf Page stayed with the Communist Party during the turbulent years of 1980s. He eventually joined the Nina Temple offshoot (that retained the party property), the Democratic Left. While he sold its short-lived paper, New Times, he also, his daughter Carol says, continued to read the Morning Star. The fall of Official Communism did not undermine his socialism. He considered that “I have realised that communists have got to start thinking for themselves..” That, “I think my Marxism has been enriched as a result of the downfall of the Soviet Union, I still think of myself, as I have done since the war, as a Marxist.” “I’m optimistic. I think people are beginning to think for themselves and create new ideas and new structure. He old militarist structure has got to disappear and new ones have to emerge from grassroots experience of life.” As the Democratic Left evaporated, and a variety of political groups disputed its legacy – from some of Wilf’s colleagues who looked to the Greens, to others who claimed the mantle of social democracy – he kept with the labour movement. When Wilf Page passed away in 2001, the Norwich Labour MP at the time (who had been in the International Socialists), Ian Gibson, said that he “turned up like a magician whenever there was a struggle”. For this, and many other sterling qualities, individuals of Wilf Page’s stature will always be dear to the hearts of the people. He stimulated, encouraged, organised, and was true, throughout his life, to the socialist principle that people should think for themselves.

    An inspiring biography – this is a must-read.

    For more information see the Country Standard (here).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 29, 2009 at 11:59 am

    Posted in East Anglia, Left, Marxism

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    Work for Benefit: Labour’s New Helots.

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    This article appears in the December issue of Labour Briefing .

    Work for Your Benefit: Labour’s New Helots. 

    Welfare reform legislation is due to be one of this Government’s enduring legacies. From this autumn there will be two benefits: Jobseeker’s Allowance, and Employment and Support Allowance. Already there is pressure on medical assessors to channel those on Incapacity Benefit into the former, where many lone parents and others will also eventually join them. JSA brings a lower income – down to the standard rate of £64.30 a week, in contrast to £89.80, the starting point of incapacity allowance – and, after six months, puts claimants on the Flexible New Deal. This, being tried out in large parts of the country, will eventually replace all existing welfare-to-work schemes. For a year the jobless will be farmed out to private companies, intensively advised and obliged to carry out a minimum of four weeks of “work related activity” (they may be “advised” to do much more).

    This sounds relatively benign. It replaces 13 weeks in “work placements” of dubious value or simply stuck in “training centres” (where the only “training” is sitting in front of computers “job searching” for work that does not exist) of the previous New Deal. However, the Government has learned nothing from its experience of farming out the New Deal to private companies, two of which at least have been accused of malpractice. The faith-led YMCA has also run schemes. Most have scraped through their contracts with low employment outcomes and feeble training standards. The approximately 600,000 claimants who have faced sanctions for not complying with every aspect of the schemes shows how they are used to punish people. If participants were in charge of inspections, the companies would fail in an instant – yet the DWP has been told to contract out its new scheme to the same bodies.

    The new regime will closely regulate people’s lives. Partners of JSA claimants will also have to seek work actively. Those dependent on drugs and alcohol will undergo compulsory rehabilitation. There is no clear notion of what will happen if they fail, other than they will have no benefits.

    Most worryingly, after two years unemployment people will be forced onto the Work for Benefits programme. This will involve full time activity in “training options, short term work trials, a remuneration subsidy for employers to take them, or voluntary work in the local community,” (DWP October 2009). With unemployment set to rise to 3 million by October next year, when this policy is enforced, they will have plenty of compelled “volunteers”.

    Some argue that since JSA is supplemented by housing and council tax benefit, it is “fair” to work for this money. However, those further benefits are paid at varying rates, making the overall pay rates different between individuals – and still leaving them well below the minimum wage.

    This all raises fundamental issues. First, why should those who through no fault of their own have no job be forced to do what has up to now been the task of those sentenced to do community service by the courts? Indeed, what will happen to community service orders when the long-term unemployed start to undertake similar “sentences”?

    Second, this will corrupt the voluntary sector, parts of which are already gearing up for it. The character of the voluntary sector will change. The nature of forced labour is to give power to the employer while discouraging the worker, making them dependent on the goodwill of the employer. The rights of volunteers are not the same as those on paid contracts. Groups and no doubt individuals will profit financially.

    Third, it doesn’t take a genius to realise that cash-strapped local government will see this as an opportunity to plug gaps in their services. A tied labourer is cheaper than a paid employee. In areas as disparate as home helps to environmental projects volunteering could become a new national service, replacing those working for real salaries.

    Those opposed to welfare reform have to date had little impact on Brown’s take it or leave it decision that this is the direction welfare will go in. The umbrella initiatives organised by the TUC have petered out in well-meaning but ineffective lobbying by a coalition of “antipoverty” NGOs with some union support. There are now signs of a more militant approach emerging from unions of the unemployed and other groups. There are web sites promoting opposition and plans for a decent benefit system that could really cope with people’s needs. As mass unemployment returns pressure for change will increase.

    Labour looks set to leave behind a new body of helots – the work-for-the dole underclass. An incoming Conservative Administration will have plenty of conscripts for its plans for workfare. Both ideas were pioneered by the same person – once adviser to Labour and now the Tories, the exceedingly wealthy Lord Freud.

    Andrew Coates

    􀁺For more information, visit Ipswich Unemployed Action Here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    November 27, 2009 at 10:31 am

    Minarets: Tendance Line.

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    Ban every Church Steeple!

    This shock declaration by arch-secularist, Tendance Coatesy, rocked the Left.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 2, 2009 at 3:00 pm

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    Ispwich Racist Filth.

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    IPSWICH: Bouncers at an Ipswich pub are today under investigation for allegedly barring Asian drinkers.

    Shocked councillors heard last night how two Asian men were turned away from a live music night at a pub in the town.

    The story as written in the Evening Star appears to have got edited into oblivion.

    The original cites a  a number of cases barring Asians.

    Those who know Ipswich will realise that the pub’s name is The Plough.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 4, 2009 at 1:49 pm

    Posted in BNP, Racism

    Defend Socialist Unity!

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    This is important,

    Under the title “Andy Newman is ashamed that he is promoting a Hamas Fundraiser” Harry’s Place wrote a libellous article that is crammed with deliberate lies. The author of the article is anonymous, reflecting their cowardice, and they turned off comments, preventing there being a right to reply, and which also meant sending all the Harry’s Place yahoos over here to disrupt this blog. (more here)

     Andy has posted a very justified response on his site.

    Ipswich Trades Council voted to give money to a campaign to bring aid to the Palestinian people. This very Wednesday. Our of solidarity with the  people.

    Nothing more complicated than that.

    So I suppose this makes us lot in Ipswich supporters of Hamas.

    Er I think not.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 6, 2009 at 1:27 pm

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    Iran: New Protests. Priority is International Solidarity.

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    Manifestation d'étudiants à Téhéran sur le campus (Sipa)

    At the Hands of the People of Iran AGM a couple of weeks back (More info here and here)  the protests in the country were a central concern. We learnt that these were demonstrations by the people – the popular masses. They involve significant working class forces. Opposition is continuing to the theocratic regime.

    The BBC reports events yesterday. The people are not cowed. The students’ day protests struck a further blow for liberty.

    At the HOPI AGM it was mentioned that we should no illusions in many of the reformists. But that the demands for freedom, women’s and workers’ rights, strike at the heart of the Islamicist tyranny. This means that we should not let liberal Americans think that they have a monopoly on supporting human rights (here).  Human rights start with backing the Iranian people in their fight.

    During the moving recent BBC documentary on the beloved martyr Neda an apologist for the regime claimed that ‘President’  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was in his heart a socialist.

    Perhaps that lie – repeated by we all know whom –  has had some success in quarters of the British left.

    The first duty of every revolutionary is to show active solidarity with the Iranian masses in their struggle for democracy.


    More reports via HOPI:


    Dear friends, supporters and members of Hands Off the People of Iran,
    Please find below a link to a report about yesterday’s mass protests in Iran: http://hopoi.org/?p=850 Please spread the word about the courageous fight of our brothers and sisters.
    Also, you can find the statement by Khodro car workers on our website here: http://hopoi.org/?p=848
    Finally, the policies adopted at our AGM on November 28 are also now online: http://hopoi.org/?p=840

    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 8, 2009 at 1:08 pm

    Posted in Iran, Iranian Resistance

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    Red Pepper: à quoi ça sert?

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    Trustafarian Must-Read.

    There is a magazine in Britain. Even most lefties will have probably never heard of. It’s called Red Pepper.

    Latest cover is on the ‘anti-capitalist movement’. We all know this has had great success in abolishing capitalism.

    Most of it is concerned with issues which Mrs Jellyby from Dickens’ Bleak House would recognise. Nothing to do with any effect on the lives of the kinda people who read the glossy mag.

    Concern for the deserving domestic poor? Stuff from groups like the London Coalition Against Poverty. And similar ineffectual ’coalitions’ (donchya just hate that US imported word for campaigns?). 

    Nothing, literally nothing about the real campaign against Welfare Reform. Specifically not a word on the looming work-for-benefit. 

    But this is not my specific  gripe today.

    It’s the article written by Bilal El-Amine on Hizbullah in Lebanon. It ends with the conclusion that “It is tragic that progressives in the West have such a one-sided picture of Islamist political practice and fail to see the liberatory aspects of the movement. “

    We know where we are going…..

    Hizbullah have given the “Shia of Lebanon” “some semblance of dignity, liberated from Israeli occupation and terror, secure on their land, with a far brighter future than anyone could have predicted.”

    It does not take a specialist knowledge of Lebanese sectarian politics to recognise that this is an immense piece of cack.

    Presumably this future will be all the brighter for not having copies of Anne Frank’s Diary read in schools (story here).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 9, 2009 at 1:58 pm

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    New ‘Marxism Today’ strategy in UK. From Scratch to Gangrene.

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     Has not Breathed its Last.

    Marxism Today was magazine of the old CPGB. Noted, it its final years,  for its ebullient Editor Martin Jacques.

    And its sterling efforts in creating what became Blair and Co.

    The actual Blairites said to them, “Thanks awfully chaps and chapettes, but we won. You can now sod off”.

    Bereft, this lot have lacked a political project.

     But a new one is forward.  

    The basic line of the Marxism Today crew was to drop class politics for a national-popular strategy (believe me you have to read Gramsci to get what this means in detail but essentially it’s becoming patriots).

    You can see it coming again in the strange alliance  of former leftists, nationalists, Green Party débris, religious enthusiasts, and something called Respect. AKA Socialist Unity Blog.


    A tell-tale sign is the barely disguised stuff by Andy Newman and contesting national hegemonic discourses on patriotism.

     Translation: we have to be the real patriots.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 13, 2009 at 2:09 pm

    Posted in European Left, Marxism

    Socialist Unity Goes End Game.

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    Icon of the Left?

    Socialist Unity confirms (here) its ‘national hegemony’ strategy by an appeal.

    Vote for the jolly good fellows and fellowettes they like.

    “We will therefore support the following for example (and there may well be many more), who strongly demonstrate practical representation of the left in its widest sense:

    Caroline Lucas (Green, Brighton)
    Dai Davies (independent, Blaenau Gwent)
    George Galloway and Abjol Miah (Respect), John McDonnell and Jeremy Corbyn (Labour) (in London);
    Peter Tatchell (Green, Oxford);
    Dave Nellist (Socialist Party, Coventry);
    Salma Yaqoob (Respect, Birmingham)
    Gayle O’Donovan, Kay Phillips (in Manchester; Green and Respect respectively);
    Peter Cranie (Green, Liverpool);
    Val Wise (independent, Preston).

    Now given the way it’s written you’d have thought (okay I thought) it was signed by the individuals in question. Most of whom are greatly valued comrades. Or at least some.

    It ain’t.

    Just a bunch of Andy’s ‘counter-hegemonic’ mates.

    Starting from Nick Bird (Lowestoft).

    Love ya to bits mate.

     But, well. How shall it puts this politely?

     Not exactly centre of the class struggle.

    Still the appeal has its attractions. 

    A charming confusion between two well-respected left wing MPs, and a certain fine feline from Glasgow.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 14, 2009 at 4:08 pm

    Posted in Left, Marxism

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    Ispwich Goes Snow. Yuk!

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    East Anglia is normally one of the most snow-free places on the Planet (after sub-Saharan Africa).

    Today Ipswich is covered in mucky drifts, and black slush.

    The pavements are made of ice.

    The roads are knee-deep in said drifts. (Evening Star here)

    And that’s just the centre of town.

    Talk about climate change.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 18, 2009 at 3:38 pm

    Posted in East Anglia, Suffolk

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    SWP: you gotta laugh, ain’t ya.

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    The ever- reliable WeeklyWorker  reports on the SWP faction fight (here).

    The SWP central committee has made its intentions regarding the opposition Left Platform crystal-clear, writes Peter Manson. John Rees, Lindsey German, Chris Nineham and their supporters now look set to be charged with ‘factionalism’ and expelled

    You would have to heart of stone not to laugh.

    I first came across Lindsey German in the movement in support of the Portuguese Carnation Revolution.

    She suddenly appeared as some kind of leading authority on Portugal.

    This did not do down well with the actual London based Portuguese workers (Portuguese workers’ Co-ordinating Committee) who were mostly supporters of the MES.

    And as for the execrable John Rees…

    Well I haven’t forgotten when he practically slammed the door at Conway Hall last year in my face.

    Oh, is there any politics involved here?

    I merely ask.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 19, 2009 at 11:44 am

    Posted in SWP

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    In Defence of ‘Centrism’: Against the SWP’s Democratic Centralism.

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    There is an alternative Marxist tradition. Okay there are lots. But one that’s increasingly attracting attention is known to self-styled Leninists such as the SWP as ‘centrism’. According to them we are in-between social democracy, reformism, and them – the ‘true revolutionaries”.

    I beg to differ. Put simply it is democratic Marxism.

    Heroic groups such as the POUM in 1930s Spain, the ‘Pivertists’ in France and many other groups, including the Austro-Marxists and the organisations that Henk Sneevliet ran, never accepted the kind of ‘democratic  centralism’ than runs like a thread throughout the SWP and similar parties’ practice. Nor indeed their mentor, bossy-boots Trotsky.

    After the Second World War most of these formations were absorbed back into the mainstream labour and socialist movement. But reemerged in the 1960s New Left. In France the PSU were a leading current in this tradition. During the Portuguese Revolution the MES led the way. Since then clearly parts of Die Linke and the Parti de Gauche  as well as les Alternatifs in France form part of this current.

    Whatever disagreements one can have with the specific politics of these groups  their basic principle is inner party democracy, the rights of tendencies and factions, and open debate. Other aspects stand out: the concern for workers’ and social self-management, and the respect for wider democracy. The current is beginning to be revived. As such a source of continuing conflict with organisations like the SWP.


    The spirit of  Andreu Nin  shall be avenged!


    Or maybe not.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 22, 2009 at 1:22 pm

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    Grewal Household Captures Nation’s Hearts.

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    Loved by the Masses.

    The Grewal household have captured the hearts of tens of thousands. (More here).

    Last night’s episode was the best ever,

    The big Indian wedding,  Shay’s start of a new life with Sunny. All the drama and live exposure.


    It was so thoroughly acute and touching. Warmed the cockles of a usually very cynical Coatesy heart.

    The fact that the dad got pissed on three bottle of wine went down well.

    This show did more for anti-racism than a million UAF tracts,

    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 24, 2009 at 11:21 am

    Posted in Racism

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    New SWP Split.

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    Turning in Grave at Seymour’s Revisionism.

    “Every single one of you is a moron. Merry fucking Christmas.” (Here)

    With such words Richard Seymour of Lenin’s Tomb set in train a controversy that threatens to tear the SWP apart.

    Number two theoretician of the Socialist Workers Party Comrade Richard knows how to deal an effective blow to the Zionist rabble of Harry’s Place.

    But the phrase “merry Christmas” stuck in the craw of the Party’s Central Committee.

    What’s so merry about this Christmas eh? Lenin’s Tomb is currently being investigated for its Christian inflected Islamophobia.

    The external Marxist Democratic Fraction of the SWP (aligned to Tendance Coatesy) has seized on this faux pas.

    They demand an immediate Independent Workers’ Inquiry to investigate this descent into religious Millennialist  revisionism.

    Rumours are circulating that  John Rees has joined forces with Lenin’s Tomb in an attempt to form a new bloc of opposition to the CC.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 27, 2009 at 11:24 am

    Posted in Marxism, SWP

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    Ipswich Buses to be Flogged off.

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    Soon to be Carted to Rubbish Dump.

    Ipswich Buses, one of the few remaining municipal transport services in the country, is be sold off to some privateering chancers (here). Ipswich buses, the pride of the town, will be destroyed.

    It is no secret that the ruling Tory-Liberal Junta is one of the most oppressive regimes this side of North Korea.

    The clique contains the following,

  • Councillor Elizabeth Harsant – Leader of the Council.
  • Utter numpty.  
  • Councillor John Carnall – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance.
  •  The eminence grise. Grey and Greyer.
  • Councillor Nadia Cenci – Portfolio Holder for Communities.
  •  Likes to associate with the BNP.
  • Councillor Judy Terry – Portfolio Holder for Arts, Culture and Leisure.
  • The easiest woman on the planet to bait. Loathed by all the council staff. Tried to join Labour at one point.  Sole merit: a large round bottom.
  • Councillor Richard Pope – Portfolio Holder for Housing Services.
  • Who? What?  When?
  • Councillor Tanya De Hoedt – Portfolio Holder for Transport & Highways Services.
  • Possible candidate for war crimes prosecutions.  
  • Councillor Richard Atkins – Portfolio Holder for Planning & Economic Development.
  • Non-entity amongst even non-entities.  
  • Councillor Phil Green – Portfolio Holder for Safer Ipswich.
  • You’re having a laugh here geezer?
  • Councillor Louise Gooch – Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services.
  • Ah poor Louise. Everyone’s friend. No-one is “more left wing than I am”. How are things with Andrew Cann recently eh?

    To top it all one half of this committee of Free Market dictators, is rallying behind Benjy Gummer, (here). Benjy, as I call him as we is mates, came up to us during the local elections. He reads Chomsky and apparently that makes him a good chap. Not in my book mate.

    The other part of this rabble backs (though not all of them, see reference to Louise) Andrew Cann. He is the son of the former Labour MP Jamie Cann (here). Now a Liberal Democrat. Following in his father’s footsteps down the Dove.


    And now they are set to destroy one of the best bus services in the country.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 29, 2009 at 11:00 am

    Posted in Ipswich, Suffolk

    Mike Marqusee in Guardian.

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    Loved by all Progressive Humanity.

    Mike Marqusee has a moving and important article in the Guardian today. ( here)

    He is, as we all know, extremely ill. Cancer. Worst kind.

    Mike Marqusee was an ‘historic’ editor of Labour Briefing.

    His contribution to the left is second to none.

    My dad, an old style Labour man, after his stroke and when he was in in Hartesmere Hospital, used to  cut out his articles from the papers.

    His proud boast? He would tell the staff that “my son knows Mike Marqusee”.

    Beloved comrade, what more can we say?

    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 30, 2009 at 2:56 pm

    Posted in Left, Marxism

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    Death to Anti-Semitism!

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     Referring to us lot.

    “Because you all go to the same N.London synagogue? Posted by jock mctoursers. Dave’s Part (here).

    With these words shall ye know them.

    Death to anti-Semitism!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    December 31, 2009 at 10:57 am

    Posted in Racism

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    Bab El-Oude City.

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    Islamicist Terror at its Beginnings.

    More here: Bab El Oued City

    For those who labour under the illusion that the Algerian civil war all began with the Miliary coup.

    This brilliant film shows how Islamicism began to be enforced.

    “L’Algérie en 1989 : Peu de temps après les émeutes d’octobre 1988, la vie quotidienne est dure dans le quartier de Bab El-Oued à Alger. Boualem arrache, sur son immeuble, un haut-parleur diffusant la parole de l’Imam, car cela l’empêchait de dormir (il travaille de nuit). Les intégristes islamistes saisissent ce prétexte pour répandre la terreur. Ainsi, ils prennent à partie Ouardya, une femme aux moeurs jugées trop libres…” (here)

    Explanation: Algeria in  1989, just afer the riots of October 1990. Daily life in the Bab El-Oued quarter in Algiers. Boualem tears down a loud speaker (blasting out hysterical Islamicist propaganda) from the roof of his building – it stops him from working  (he is a baker on nights). The Islamists seize this as a pretext to spread terror. So they take it out on Ouardy (a Marxist feminist), a women whose morals are judged too free…

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 2, 2010 at 3:10 pm

    Posted in Islam, Islamism

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    David Tennant, Doctor Who, “life-long socialist”.

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    Brilliant amongst the Brilliant.

    David Tennant is a lifelong socialist, and even appeared in a party political broadcast for the Labour Party in 2005.” (here)

    Doctor Who (The End of Time here) Par t Two on New Year’s Day was one of the most amazing and sidérant episodes ever.

    The very trees in Christchurch Park groaned as he passed away.

    The Oud’s song will remain in our hearts.

    Comrade, you shall not be forgotten!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 3, 2010 at 12:47 pm

    Irish Greens Impose Blasphemy Law.

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    Green Politics?

    Anyone with any illusions about what Green politics mean should read this,  (here).

    Put simply, being rude about religion is now against the law in Ireland. The legislation was pushed through by the Irish Green Party (Comhaontas Glas) and Fianna Fail

    “The convener of the blasphemy.ie website, Michael Nugent, said: “This new law is both silly and dangerous. It is silly because medieval religious laws have no place in a modern secular republic, where the criminal law should protect people and not ideas. And it is dangerous because it incentivises religious outrage, and because Islamic states, led by Pakistan, are already using the wording of this Irish law to promote new blasphemy laws at UN level.”

    Mr Nugent now faces possible prosecution and having his home searched under the terms of the new Defamation Act which came into operation on January 1.”

    Instead of the Greens support for religious bigotry we should perhaps support this,

    “We ask Fianna Fail and the Green Party to repeal their anachronistic blasphemy law, as part of the revision of the Defamation Act that is included within the act. We ask them to hold a referendum to remove the reference to blasphemy from the Irish Constitution.” (More here)

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 4, 2010 at 12:25 pm

    Posted in Secularism

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    Communiqué of the NPA on Iran: Back the People in Struggle for Liberty!

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    French leftists back Iranian Democrats.

    I shall only roughly translate this: it is written in such a way that it is practically the same as English.

    “Communiqué du NPA. Le NPA solidaire du peuple iranien en lutte pour sa liberté.

    vendredi 1 janvier 2010

    C’est avec courage que le peuple iranien fait face depuis plus de six mois à une répression de plus en plus violente et meurtrière.

    It is with courage that the people of Iran have stood up, for six months, against a more and more murderous repression.

    L’extension et l’approfondissement de la contestation populaire témoigne de la détermination des femmes, de la jeunesse et des travailleurs iraniens. Par sa mobilisation le peuple iranien met en échec la stratégie de terreur qui est la seule ”réponse” dont est capable le régime dictatorial de la République Islamique d’Iran.

    The extension and deepening of the popular revolt bears witness to the determination of women, the youth and Iranian workers. By its mobilisation the Iranian people have checked the strategy of terror which is the only ‘response’ of the dictatorial Islamic Republic of Iran.

    Face aux aspirations démocratiques légitimes exprimées, les dirigeants de la République Islamique d’Iran et les Gardiens de la Révolution menacent d’écraser la résistance populaire dans un bain de sang, comme l’a montré les 8 morts et les centaines d’arrestations suite à la répression des manifestations du 27 décembre.

    Faced with legitimate democratic hopes the leaders of the Islamic Republic and the Revolutionary guards threaten to crush popular resistance in a blood bath, as was shown by the 8 deaths and hundreds of arrests during the demonstrations of the 27th of December.

    Plus que jamais, le peuple iranien a besoin de notre solidarité.

    More than ever the Iranian people need our solidarity.

    Le NPA apporte son soften à toutes celles et ceux en Iran pour la liberté, l’égalité et la justice sociale et exige la libération des centaines d’opposants détenus dans les geôles du gouvernement iranien.

    The NPA backs all those in Iran who are fighting for freedom, equality, and social justice. We demand the release of the hundreds of oppositionists held in the gaols of the Iranian government.


    The French left has a good record, and this proves it.

    It is the duty of every revolutionary to support the struggle!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 5, 2010 at 12:35 pm

    Posted in Iran, Iranian Resistance

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    Ispwich Buses, Council Agenda.

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    Pride of the Town: To be Destroyed by Tory-Liberal Junta.  

    To give an example of how this clique run things. Next Council agenda here.  

    The stuff on the Buses is part of the ‘closed agenda”. A source comments, “At the meeting next week on the 12th they will probably vote to begin the process. At a future meeting (certainly before the next elections in May) they will vote to confirm the sell-off. That meeting will be held in secret too.” 

    Worthy of note:  

    “Exclusion of Public
    To consider excluding the public (including the
    press) from the meeting during consideration
    of the following items under Regulation 21 of
    the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)
    (Access to Information) (England) Regulations

    2000 as it is likely that if members of the public


    were present during that item there would be 
    disclosure to them of exempt information 


    falling within paragraphs 3 and 7 of Part 1 of  
    Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act  
    1972 (as amended).”  

    Ipswich Labour Party Campaigns Against Bus Sell-off: (here)  

    Meanwhile arch-Thatcherite Tory Benjy Gummer is spending thousands of pounds (this is not made up) ‘campaigning’. Figaro-ci, Figaro-là, Benjy here, Benjy there, Benjy fucking everywhere.  

    Benjy fuck off.  

    I might even vote for Chris Mole the next time I see your mug in the Star or in some expensive glossy publication your minions stuff through my door.  


    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 6, 2010 at 11:43 am

    Ipswich Tories and Liberals’ Hatred of Public Transport: a Class Analysis.

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    Ipswich Liberal-Tory Transport Strategy Meeting.

    Anyone walking in Ipswich today will know that the streets are a death-trap. The Borough (Liberal-Tories) and County (Tories) have let the roads and pavements  round here become skating rinks. Nothing done about that. No doubt to save money. But the Buses work well. This has to change. No doubt at all. Must make bus-users suffer. Selling off Ipswich Buses is just part of a general pattern: they do not care about ordinary people in general (pavement users), and bus passengers in particular.

    What is the origin of this attitude?

    Tendance Coatesy can exclusively reveal the real causes of this position.

    Councillor John Carnall  – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance. Travels to work by Black Helicopter. Evenings? He hovers above our comrade’s house in Chantry.

    Councillor Nadia Cenci – Portfolio Holder for Communities. Spends most of her time in an attic watching DVDs of Bewitched.

    Councillor Judy Terry. After hearty breakfast of ten eggs, five muffins (laced with Maple syrup), six bars of chocolate, she is winched up by a Cherry-Picker and wafted away to her second flat down in Neptune Quay.

    Andrew Cann – if he can stumble to the Dove he feels everything is fine.

    Benjy Gummer – claims to live in Ipswich. Spends most of his time on extensive estates in Cloud Cuckoo Land. Where he owns a slave plantation. Is transported back by a Chariot pulled by Inferi Dii (demons from Hell).


    Ipswich Tory-Liberal Slogan, “Pavements and Buses are for losers.”

    Note: Interesting local Labour Blog here. (comments mine).

    Alasdair Ross quotes the following, “Crown Street Car Park shut (Lords and Ladies don’t need public car-parks, just heliports)
    Crown Street Swimming Pool neglected (too posh to wash)
    A promise of a million pounds towards Broom Hill Swimming Pool removed (not exactly unforseen)
    Planning to close the area Housing Offices (peasants, can’t they use the Web?)
    Passing on as much work as they can to private consultants (nice little earners)
    Planning to close West Villa. (homeless families – scum)”

    One could add their attack on the Caribbean Centre…

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 7, 2010 at 11:04 am

    Anti-Semitism in Ipswich.

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    Outrage against the Human Race.

    Modernity is often accused of exaggerating the presence of anti-Semitism.

    I can personally testify that he is not entirely wrong.

    I have heard people say things about ‘the Jews’ which make my blood boil. From 9/11 Troofers at the CSV who speak of the Israelis who didn’t turn up for work that day to people talking abut the ‘yiddos’.

    Yesterday I went to the pub (the Robert Ransome)  after writing on the Web.

    There was an old fool there, mouthing off about said ‘race’. Sitting on the other side of the bar you could hear him rant and rave from five tables away.

    He loudly declared that Hitler “had the right way to deal with them.”

    I am acutely conscious that this pub is a few metres away from where the Blackshirts had their Ipswich HQ.

    Think, Coatesy.

    I have had some tremendous rows recently defending migrant workers and ‘foreigners’ from racists. Do I need another?

    This one is clearly a nutter.

    But wait.

    Help is at hand.

    An old Suffolk bor speaks up.

    “Moi wife were a Jew.”

    Ipswich people have a way of dealing with things.

    I strongly suspect this was not true. But he was obviously revolted by what the man said.

    That shut his foul gob up.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 8, 2010 at 11:24 am

    Save Ipswich Buses!

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    The United Front of all Progressive Humanity to Save Ipswich Buses (Coatesy on extreme left, er, sorry right).

    Joking aside this is really important.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 9, 2010 at 4:05 pm

    Chomsky and La Vieille Taupe.

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    Serious doubts remain about Chomsky.

    Chomsky may be the favourite leftist author for Ipswich Tory Benedict  Gummer.

    But very definitely not for Tendance Coatesy.

    Chomsky besmirched his reputation for ever by his defence of the Veille Taupe (here). More here.

    Apart from his appalling attempt to deny (or at the least, minimise) the extent of the Cambodian genocide, Chomsky leapt to the side of this vile ‘leftist’ French bookshop and publisher, which specialises in anti-Shoah denial. Loathed by every French leftist I may add.

    More recently the Veille Taupe has published  Roger Garaudy, Mythes fondateurs de la politique israélienne. A denial of the Holocaust. Written by the former ideologue of the PCF. Who is best known for his attacks on Louis Althusser. And conversion to Islam.

    The Observer yesterday published an article on pro Pol Pot academic  Caldwell which cites Chomsky’s genocide denial during the Cambodian massacres (here).

    Noam Chomsky. An icon of radical dissent who continues to command a fanatical following, Chomsky had questioned the legitimacy of refugee testimony that provided much of Ponchaud’s research. Chomsky believed that their stories were exaggerations or fabrications, designed for a western media involved in a “vast and unprecedented propaganda campaign” against the Khmer Rouge government, “including systematic distortion of the truth”.He compared Ponchaud’s work unfavourably with another book, Cambodia: Starvation and Revolution, written by George Hildebrand and Gareth Porter, which cravenly rehashed the Khmer Rouge’s most outlandish lies to produce a picture of a kind of radical bucolic idyll. At the same time Chomsky excoriated a book entitled Murder of A Gentle Land, by two Reader’s Digest writers, John Barron and Anthony Paul, which was a flawed but nonetheless accurate documentation of the genocide taking place.

    For all his interesting and valuable work doubts therefore remain about Chomsky.

    The stink was such that even  publications like Le Monde Diplomatique still refer to this – while defending Chomsky against his more direct critics.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 10, 2010 at 3:32 pm

    Posted in Anti-Fascism, European Left, Fascism

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    Coatesy Facing Up to Global Warming (New Year’s Day).

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    Felixstowe Ferry (here).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 11, 2010 at 10:24 am

    Posted in East Anglia, Suffolk

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    Parti de Gauche Leader on Burka: The ‘Body Veil is an Affront to Liberty Itself’.

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    French Left Leader Backs Secular Freedom Against Religious Garb.

    Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Here

    On proposals to ban the Burka.

    What is wrong with the Burka (voile intégral) ?  ”D’abord parce qu’il est obscène.”

    To start with it’s obscene.


     ”l’universalité des droits de la personne humaine, d’autre part la défense du caractère laïque de la République française.”

    The universality of human rights, and on the other side, the defence of the secular basis of the French Republic.

    “Si l’objet de la nouvelle loi est bien de garantir la liberté, l’égalité et la dignité de toutes les femmes qui vivent sur notre territoire, d’autres mesures seraient opportunes dans ce cadre.

    If the object of the new law is  to guarantee freedom, equality and dignity of all women who live in our land, there are other measures which should be taken within this structure.

     Si une proposition de loi est débattue, je pense que les parlementaires de gauche devraient les proposer par amendements.

    The Parliametary Left should amend the law (he is a Senator).

    Le but serait d’étendre le champ d’application de l’impératif laïque.

    The aim should be to extend secularism.

    Après cela il est temps aussi d’imposer l’obligation de mixité des lieux publics et services publics. En effet le principe de mixité n’est pas aujourd’hui garanti par la loi, y compris à l’école.

    It is time to impose the principle of ‘mixing’ (that is women and men should allowed to be together) in all public places. Today this principle is not guaranteed by law, even in schools.

    Par exemple, on ne peut accepter le maintien et l’extension des horaires de piscine non mixtes, ou bien les heures d’accès au sport réservées aux seuls hommes ou aux seules femmes, chacun de leur côté.

    For example, one cannot accept the rule that reserves certain hours in swimming pools for one gender. Or that certain types of sport should be reserved for one gender.

    Enfin, si législateur voulait afficher la constance de ses principes et la cohérence de sa pensée pour notre pays, il pourrait, pour conclure la nouvelle loi laïque, étendre l’application de la loi de 1905 outre-mer et en Alsace Moselle.

    Finally, if the legislators are really coherent they should extend secularism to French overseas territories and to Alsace Moselle (where there is still recognition of religion as part of the state and the education system).

    Even more hard-line than Coatesy!

    Our Goddess. Not wearing a Burka.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 11, 2010 at 11:08 am

    Posted in French Left, French Politics, Islam, Islamism

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    Front de Gauche: Best Wishes Comrades!

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    Meeting de lancement de la campagne des régionales 

    One Two, One Two, Comrades there’s a Place for You in the Front de Gauche!

    Le Monde here

    “L’accord a été signé la veille. Sachant que leur salut dépend de leur politique unitaire, les communistes se sont faits plus coulants. Le Parti de gauche a obtenu deux départements de plus et trois têtes de listes départementales en Ile-de-France. La Gauche unitaire de Christian Picquet, une région et quatre départements et les Alternatifs obtiennent l’Alsace. Le reste sera pour le PCF, soit environ 90 à 95 candidats pour 184 sortants.

    The agreement was signed yesterday. Knowing that their success depended on unity the Communists were more supple. The Parti de Gauche will have two regional lists, and three list heads in the Isle-de-France. The Gauche unitaire of Christian Piquet (ex-LCR minority tendency) will have one region and the Alternatives (self-management) will have Alsace. The remaining regions will be PCF-led lists, around 90 to 95 candidates (for 184 former councillors).

    La fin des négociations s’est faite au détriment des autres petites formations comme la Fédération pour une alternative sociale et écologique et des personnalités comme Clémentine Autain ou Leila Chadli, minoritaire “unitaire” du NPA.

    Smaller groups lost out in the negotiations, such as the Federation for a social and ecological alternative and Clémentine Autain ou Leila Chadli, a minority current in the Nouveau Parti Anti-capitaliste.

    Le Front de gauche, élargi aux Alternatifs, au Parti communiste des ouvriers de France et au Mouvement politique d’éducation populaire – qui se présentera aux électeurs sous l’appellation “Ensemble pour des régions à gauche solidaires, écologistes et citoyennes” –, est “dans les starting-blocks”, jurent-ils tous.

    The Front de Gauche, broadened to the Alternatives and Parti communiste des ouvriers de France and the Mouvement politique d’éducation populaire ( even I, leftist  train-spotter who likes the Arlernatifs do know who these last two lot are) will stand as “Together in the regions for a social, ecological and citizen left. ”

    We are now in the starting blocks!

    This is a remarkable alliance.

    Going from self-management leftists, republicans, libertarian leftists, democratic Trotskyists, democratic socialists to the French Communist Party. In December Le Monde reported that a current within Les Verts (Greens) wanted to reach an agreement with the Front de Gauche.

    Comrades we wish you well!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 13, 2010 at 1:08 pm

    Daniel Bensaïd is Dead.

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    Amid the good news about the Front de Gauche I have just learnt that Bensaïd is dead.

    (here) More here

    Will be posting on this.

    I am  sad. Really sad.

    He was a real beacon of hope.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 13, 2010 at 1:06 pm

    Posted in European Left, French Left

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    Rohmer Dies.

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    One of his best.

    Eric Rohmer is dead.

    For all cinephiles he was an perpetual source of beauty and wonder. I have a framed postcard of Triple agent just behind my telly.  Rohmer’s ‘intimist’ films showed life in its real complexity, anxiety, and love.

    BBC report Here Le Monde here.

    Wikipedia here.

    1. Ma nuit chez Maud (1969)  A mighty film.
    2. La Collectionneuse (1967) La Femme de l’aviateur ou On ne saurait penser à rien, antithèse de l’œuvre de Musset On ne saurait penser à tout (1981) Perceptive to the max.
    3. Le Beau Mariage ou Quel esprit ne bat la campagne qui ne fait château en Espagne de La Fontaine (1982) Great.
    4. Pauline à la plage   A gem. A real gem. Expressed every reason why we love French women – in all their forms.
    5. Le Rayon vert ou Que le temps vienne où les cœurs s’éprennent, vers extraits du poème Chanson de la plus haute tour d’Arthur Rimbaud (1986) Now have DVD from the Independent. Fantastique.
    6. Conte de printemps (1990) The whole Contes series is translucent
    7. Conte d’hiver (1992)
    8. Conte d’été (1996)
    9. Conte d’automne (1998)

    All below recommended.

    The man was simply a genius.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 14, 2010 at 12:17 pm

    Posted in Culture, Europe, Films

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    Daniel Bensaïd, Camarade.

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    A Real Marxist.

    There have rightly been many tributes to Daniel Bensaïd (biography in English here). Images and references in Le Monde here. In English from the Fourth International here. More in English here.  In French here. And thanks to all the comrades, notably Jim  Monaghan, who have supplied links.

    He was an exceptionally fine human being.

    His history is that of the left: son of Communist parents he moved to the revolutionary left in the 1960s.

    I won’t repeat what has already been said about his career.  From shaky beginnings (such as his enthusiasm for Third world guerillarism) he gradually became a major Marxist thinker. Personally I was more influenced by his thought in the 1990s and the present decade than by his earlier books.

    But what I would like to add is that Bensaïd became, during the 1990s, heavily engaged with Kantian and open democratic Marxist thought. Like many of us who have a background in the same intellectual tradition he was in a perpetual dialogue with republicanism. Unlike, say the British Socialist Workers’ Party, he was critical of the religious turn of some of the left. His last writings develop his earlier critique of postmodernism into a general attack on the former Marxists who had become admirers of  Mystical Messianism – all the more remarkable given his earlier work on Walter Benjamin. They can be viewed here.

    I met him once, at a day-long seminar held in London Metropolitan University in the late 1990s. I asked him about his references to Kant’s Contest of Faculties. Essentially Kant says that such was the capacity for improvement shown by the French Revolution, that despite all the setbacks, all the horrors, this event showed humanity’s capacity for improvement for ever. That never again would this drive for progress be fundamentally thwarted. Bensaïd believed that the Russian Revolution was in the same great line.


    Was he right?


    Well Tariq Ali, who grovels at the feet of Islamism, has the cheek to write an Obit as well.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 15, 2010 at 11:43 am

    Posted in European Left, French Left, LCR, Marxism

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    SWP Nears the End.

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    Fourth Song of the Dead?

    Ian Bone comments (here).

    My long term deep entrists within the belly of the beast  tell me that the Socialist Worker is on the verge of financial collapse.No ones been paid at the Socialist Worker or Socialist Review for the last 3-4 weeks, none of the full timers have been paid for a similar period, morale is low. They are looking to declare bankruptcy by June.None of this was of course revealed to the membership at last weekend’s conference!

    Boney may not be the most impartial reporter of this (though as we have a deep personal link I tend to trust his judgement).

    But is this true, or is it bleeding true?

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 16, 2010 at 1:14 pm

    Posted in Left, SWP

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    The Devil Has Us By The Throat.

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    Flexible New Deal Training Centre.

    Casablanca. Young women refugee. “The Devil has us by the throat Sir, please help us.”

    Caught between the twin evils of Christian and Islamist reaction (Brown and al-Qaeda), we are in this situation today.

    I have been ‘strongly advised’ by the state’s sub-contractors not to post anything on the YMCA.

    So I won’t.

    Save us from the religious barbarians O Pallas Athena‎.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 18, 2010 at 11:56 am

    Christians and Muslims Fighting in Nigeria.

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    Too sad for words.

    KANO (Nigeria) – The deadly violence between Christians and Muslims, which have claimed nearly 300 killed in three days, continued Wednesday morning in Jos and its periphery (central Nigeria), where the military have increased their presence.

    From here

    A very detailed article on the Colonial occupation of Nigeria in Wikipedia gives essential background here. I have no doubt that there are faults on all sides – from the state onwards. It is an extremely complex situation, to say the least. This particular case is about building a Mosque in a Christian area. No-one can understimate the passions involved.

    Though I find this of interest “In 1914, the area was formally united as the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria. Administratively, Nigeria remained divided into the northern and southern provinces and Lagos colony. Western education and the development of a modern economy proceeded more rapidly in the south than in the north, with consequences felt in Nigeria’s political life ever since. Slavery was not finally outlawed in northern Nigeria until 1936.[16]

    Perhaps this may particularly help explain at least one cause of the present conflict. That is, hovering in the background.  ”In Nigeria, Sharia has been instituted as a main body of civil and criminal law in 9 Muslim-majority and in some parts of 3 Muslim-plurality states since 1999, when then-Zamfara State governor Ahmad Rufai Sani[1] began the push for the institution of Sharia at the state level of government.” Here.

    Ah yes, the Sharia, brings the peace of god…


    And Christianity brings peace to all ‘witches’ elsewhere in the land.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 20, 2010 at 3:31 pm

    Posted in Islam, Islamism, Religion

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    Sixth International. Traitors.

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    Betrayed by So-Called Sixth International.

    It has come to the attention of Tendance Coatesy that a group of splitters are in the process of forming the Sixth International.

    A special plenary session of Tendance Coatesy was held last night in the Spring Road Allotment shed. Our Central Committee (Majority Faction) formally denounces this band of traitors to the cause of liquidationism. Our external faction of the Sixth International has published a detailed critique of this clique of sell-outs (available in English, French and Sumerian cuneiform tablets). It will shortly be available on the Darknet.

    Wikipedia entry (here):

    “The Sixth International is or was an international socialist organisation which claims the heritage of the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Internationals, while considering that the members of each were irrevocably liberal, centrist splitters. It does not recognise The First International as it considers its official name, the International Workingmen’s Association, phallocentric.

    The main body of the Sixth International split from the Fifth International some time before it was founded, objecting to its leadership’s delaying tactics in recognising their faction, the “League to Destroy the Fifth International”.

    When founded, the group claimed three members, one each in Milton Keynes, Stamfordshire and the Gilbert and Sullivan Islands. However, its Stamfordshire section (known as the Stamford Worker’s Party) was disaffiliated when they were found to have skipped its stringent admission requirements, which insisted that each member must have read the entire output of Marx, Lenin, Mao and Hoxha in the original tongues, have mastered sumo to Olympic standard and be able to recite the complete lyrics to Mmm-Bop by Hanson. The Stamfordshire section soon came to see an opening to the proletariat in local pigeon racing clubs, and undertook a long-term entrist strategy, disguised as a collared dove.

    Within a month of the Stamfordshire split, the two remaining sections agreed to hold the Founding Conference in Milton Keynes. The Gilbert and Sullivan Islands section was unable to find the venue, and promptly left the international, writing a famous polemic, Well, you started it.

    Both sections continued to refer to each other as the official Sixth International, while giving their own groups increasingly elaborate names. The Milton Keynes section is now known as the “Sixth International (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Hoxhaist) (Provisional Central Committee)”, and now bases its ideology on the thoughts of Pol Pot and Margaret Thatcher, calling for intellectuals to be sold shares in the countryside and forced to march to the Conservative Party Conference.

    The Gilbert and Sullivan Islands section calls itself the “World International League for the International Redistribution of the Assets of the Sixth International (Gilbert and Sullivan Islands) International”, its member said to be close to splitting with herself over the question of the orthodox pronunciation of “Boise”.”

    It is sad sign of the degeneration of this once healthy current that it fails this pons asinorum for all revolutionaries.

     Boise is pronounced Boïsé

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 21, 2010 at 1:00 pm

    Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition: Good, But Where is the Policy on Migrant Workers?

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    Keep the Red Flag Flying!

    The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition has been launched. Analysis of its prospects via Phil here, and the general political background in the Weekly Worker here. Wikipedia here. Clearly its aim is to mobilise support for left candidates in the coming election. From a wide spectrum of parties, including Labour. No doubt there is much to say about the left and union bodies involved, or the refusal of some groups (CPB for example) who do not back it. This is its provisional programme. On this basis it looks encouraging but, as noted below, there is a serious gap and underdeveloped themes.

    “The core policies include, amongst others, opposition to public spending cuts and privatisation, calls for investment in publicly owned and controlled renewable energy, the repeal of the anti-trade union laws, and the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

    The statement makes a clear socialist commitment to “bringing into democratic public ownership the major companies and banks that dominate the economy, so that production and services can be planned to meet the needs of all and to protect the environment”.


    Stop all privatisation, including “PFI” & “PPP” – privatisation just rakes off our money into their pockets, for worse services.
    Bring public services and utilities back into public ownership under democratic control.

    Take rail back into public ownership and build integrated, low-pollution public transport.
    Quality, free National Health Service under democratic public ownership and control.
    Stop council house sell-offs and build eco-friendly, affordable public housing.
    Good, free education for all under democratic local control, plus student grants not fees.
    Keep Royal Mail as a publicly owned service, not a privatised cash cow.

    Deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions – otherwise climate change, caused by capitalism, will destroy us.
    Invest in publicly owned and controlled renewable energy – not nuclear or dirty fossil fuel.

    Bring banks and finance into true public ownership and democratic control, instead of huge handouts to the very capitalists who caused the crisis.
    Tax the rich. Progressive tax on rich corporations and individuals, with a crackdown on tax avoidance.
    Massive investment in environmental projects, for jobs and survival.

    Repeal the anti-trade union laws.
    A minimum wage set at half average adult male earnings, with no exemptions.
    Invest to create and protect jobs, especially for young people.
    Solidarity with workers taking action to defend jobs, conditions, pensions, public services and trade unions.

    Recognise that we depend on our environment for survival.
    Move to sustainable, low-pollution industry & farming – stop the pollution that is destroying our environment.
    Recognise that many of our planet’s resources are limited and that capitalism fritters them away for profit.
    Produce for need, not profit, and design goods for reuse and recycling.

    Restore the pre-Thatcher real value of pensions and link them to the higher of wages & earnings.
    Protect entitlement to benefits and their value; end child poverty. This needs a clear stand against Welfare Reform and Workfare to be added.

    Welcome diversity and oppose racism, fascism and discrimination.
    Ensure women have genuinely equal rights and pay.
    Defend our liberties and make police and security democratically accountable.
    For a democratic socialist society run in the interests of people not millionaires. For bringing into democratic public ownership the major companies and banks that dominate the economy, so that production and services can be planned to meet the needs of all and to protect the environment.

    Bring home all British troops from Afghanistan immediately – no more wars for resources.
    No more spending on a new generation of nuclear weapons, huge aircraft carriers or irrelevant eurofighters – convert arms spending to socially useful products and services.
    An independent foreign policy, based on international solidarity – no more US poodle, no moves to a capitalist, militarist United States of Europe, no Lisbon Treaty.

    It has been pointed out by the comrades on Facebook that this lacks any policy on migrant workers. Or on immigration.

    These are core issues for trade unionists and socialists. Xenophobic  ’anti-foreigner’ sentiment is widespread in the UK. It shades into open racism. It drives politics to the right. It divides. We need to above all to defend the rights of migrant workers. That is, to  build working class unity, and make class politics, not the communalism of fading groups like Respect, or the nationalism of the mainstream parties, our principle. Not to mention the need to fight the BNP.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 22, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    Nouveau Parti AntiCapitaliste in Disarray?

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    Nouveau Parti AntiCapitaliste in Disarray?

    Le Monde reports yesterday (here),

    Olivier Besancenot is to head the regional election List in the Ile-de-France – “ à contrecoeur” – reluctantly. He stands in a weak position in this area.

    Depuis que sa direction a été mise en minorité à la mi-décembre, le NPA n’a pas d’orientation nationale sur les régionales et les fédérations gèrent localement leurs accords. Résultat : dans trois régions, le NPA s’allie avec le Front de gauche ; dans trois autres, il part avec les amis de M. Mélenchon ; en PACA, avec les Alternatifs… Ailleurs, il se présente seul, avec le soutien du Mouvement des objecteurs de croissance.

    Since mid-December, when its leadership was put in a minority, the NPA has no national strategy for the regional elections. The result? In three regions the NPA has allied itself with the Front de Gauche, in three others, it is alligned with the ‘friends of Mélenchon’ (Parti de Gauche), with the PACA (left alternative republicans), the Alternatifs. Elsewhere it is standing alone, with the support of the Red-Green ‘Objectors to Growth’.

    En interne, l’absence de ligne trouble les militants et ça tangue. Les minoritaires, partisans de listes avec le Front de gauche, refusent de faire la campagne. L’amertume en gagne même quelques-uns qui se retirent sur la pointe des pieds. “Le choix de partir seul est pour moi l’expression de l’échec du projet NPA”, écrit Leila Chaibi, démissionnaire de la direction nationale.

    Internally, the absence of a line is worrying the activists and (leaving their politics askew) is hardly to be wished for. The minority, who want a common list with the Front de Gauche, are refusing to campaign. Bitterness has gone so far that some have backed off completely. “The decision to go it alone is for me the expression of the set-back for the NPA-project”, writes Leila Chaibi, who has resigned from the national executive.

    There are currently three main positions in the NPA on this: A) the position above (let local groups try to work out their own ‘unitary’ strategy – the current Majority’s position), B) No alliance with the Front de Gauche and C) Alliance with the Front de Gauche. (More here). Indications from the membership show strong support for B, with backing the two other lines however, when put together, nearly equalising this score.

    Despite the popularity of the go-it-alone stand, it appears then that the good sense of many local NPA activists has resulted in agreements with other political forces of the left. Others still riding into battle without allies, are, we can judge, even from this distance, making a serious error. It should not forgotten that the real problem is not intra-left, but the complete mess represented by the Parti Socialiste. Apart from the never-ending farce of Ségèlone Royal, there is its steady drift rightwards. The Socialists’ are trying to align with the right-wing French Green Party – les Verts – and they are attempting to reach agreements with the pompous centrist François Bayrou. They are following in the foot-steps of  the Italian Democratic Party which  destroyed the country’s left. Which has left Italy ruled by a blustering tyrant. The stakes are extremely high. Sarkozy will never be defeated by the Socialists’ strategy. Nor by the NPA standing ‘seul contre tous’. The Front de Gauche is an attempt to fight back. A serious effort to refound the left. To emulate Die Linke.

    Pete has described on this Blog the way of alliance in Languedoc. “Here in the Languedoc our list includes the NPA, RdG, PCF, Fede, Alternatives, GU and Objecteur de croissance (Red greens).” Mind you does mention some PCF people now standing under the (racist ex-Parti Socialiste) Frêche  ticket (he was expelled for his racialist rants, such as calling ‘harkis’ – Algerians who fought on the French side in the war of liberation - ”sub-human”).

    These comrades deserve support. The challenge by the real French left against a proto-’Italian’ turn will have repercussions for the whole European movement.

    Though I somewhat doubt if we’ll hear much of this side of the story in the British left press.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 23, 2010 at 12:09 pm

    Hands off the People of Iran: February Week of Action.

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    Hands Off the People of Iran is launching a week of action in solidarity with the grassroots opposition movement in Iran, running from February 13-20 2010.


    More information here.

    It is the duty of every revolutionary and person of good will to show solidarity with the Iranian protesters.

    Lest we forget.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 26, 2010 at 11:47 am

    Posted in Iran, Iranian Resistance

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    Burka: French Propositions.

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    How Should This Be Approached?

    In France, the Voile intégral (Burka, Niqab) may be prohibited in certain public spaces. A special Parliamentary  Commission has just announced the conclusions of its investigations. This recommends.

    Une résolution parlementaire «condamnant le port du voile intégral comme contraire aux valeurs de la République», assortie de son interdiction dans les services publics et de mesures visant à conditionner son abandon à l’obtention d’un titre de séjour ou de la nationalité française, à encourager les actions de médiation et de pédagogie et à renforcer la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes. (More here)

    A Parliamentary resolution, condemning “wearing the Burka, as contrary to the values of the republic” linked to its ban in public services, and measures making French nationality and permission to stay in France, and to encourage education and mediation to prevent violence against women.

    The report, adopted this Tuesday, argues for a parliamentary resolution followed by a ban on “hiding one’s face” in public services, including transport, but not in the street.

    According to the Nouvel Obsevateur many UMP (Sarkozy’s party) deputies support banning the Burka in all public spaces. (here) Representatives of the Catholic Church and the French Protestants and Muslim organisations oppose any law. The Chief Rabbi has refused to take a position (here). But also see Paris Iman Hassen Chalghoumi backs Burka Ban (here). The French Communist Party (PCF) has already made clear its opposition to any such legislation, saying it ‘stigmatises’ Islam (here). However the joint rapporteur of the Commission on the Burka, André Gerin (here) is a prominent member of the PCF.

    The rest of the left shows divisions. Opposition to the Burka from the Parti de Gauche (here) but criticism of the laws as ‘stigmatisation’ of a particular relgion, and a lack of a general secularist approach.

    Nothing will be decided before this Spring’s Regional Elections. It appears doubtful if a sustainable law can be thought up.

    This is a sledge hammer approach to a very small problem of a few thousands wearers. Such a law would be impossible, without repression, to enforce. Marie George Buffet (PCF leader) is right, it does stigmatise Islam. It is in fact a diversion from real social problems. Notably a political response to reactionary Islamism. It would result in more confinement of women not less. It is startling that the UMP, which is is noted for hostility to social equality, is mounting this campaign.

    Few on the French left would defend the Burka. Many would prefer no legal measures at all. However, there clearly is a case to prevent anyone in authority over others (teachers for example) imposing their anti-humanist dress code. It is a reproach to ‘unveiled’ women every minute it is worn. Not to mention a continuous proclamation of ‘purity’ against the ‘impure’. In these conditions it is a true challenge to the republican and democratic values of any land.

    The anglophone left tends to ignore the reality of Islamism. It always looks for some ‘positive’ aspect of this far-right ideology, and ignores the violence it imposes, particularly on women. There is no doubt that Islamists in France are trying to enforce their anti-human ideas of ‘purity’ on those they consider ‘their’ women – as Enty links in the tragic tale of Rayhana, below.

    Feminist actress attacked in Paris

     By John Lichfield in Paris 

    Saturday, 16 January 2010

    Police launched a terrorism investigation in Paris yesterday after two men tried to set fire to an Algerian feminist playwright and actress.  The attackers sprayed Rayhana, known only by her first name, with petrol and threw a lit cigarette in her face. The petrol did not ignite, possibly because of the extreme cold. 

    Rayhana, 45, is appearing in and directing her own play about the oppression of women in Algeria. She was walking to a theatre in a north-eastern suburb of the city when she was insulted in Arabic and attacked. A fortnight ago, she was approached in the same area by two men who said: “We know who you are, you miscreant whore. This is a warning.”  More here.

    Interesting general history of the imposition of the Veil here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 27, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    Tories May Let Councils Set Benefit Levels.

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    Life On Ipswich Tory-Liberal Local Unemployment Benefits.

    Tories May Let Councils Set Benefit Levels. Toby Helm. Guardian here.

    Under the proposal benefits would be lower where it was easier to find work, and councils would also be given incentives to help people find jobs. The Conservative Treasury team are holding talks on handing responsibility to local councils for setting and distributing benefits such as the jobseeker’s allowance.

    A move to setting benefit rates to match the needs of local labour markets has been pushed by radical Tory councils but it is the first time that the frontbench has embraced the concept.

    Speaking at a conference organised by the New Local Government Network in London, the shadow chief secretary, Philip Hammond, disclosed that he was holding talks on the issue with Conservative councils, including Kent. He said: “There are some key challenges we will have to face in delivering this agenda. Can we take the public with us in this agenda? Can we persuade people living in your area, for example, they would rather see the management of workless benefits in the hands of a local authority than in the hands of a national government setting standards nationally?” He said “huge potential savings” were available, adding that he regarded local government as pivotal to reducing the public sector deficit.

    Under the proposal benefits would be lower where it was easier to find work. Councils would also be given incentives to help people find jobs. The plan has not yet appeared in any formal document.

    This is part of a pattern. It’s not just cuts, (‘savings’). Or lower benefits generally. We can be sure that making welfare more ‘local’ and ‘decentralised’ will mean (through inevitable sub-contracting) greater involvement of Charitable and religious groups. That is,  in running the lives of the out-of-work. The days of Mr and Mrs Bountiful will return. And Mr Beadle.

    In Ipswich this would be an utter disaster. The Liberal-Tory administration has attacked public services: shut down local Housing Offices, closed the Film Theatre, closed Crown Pools Car Park, hived off work to ‘consultants’, threatens to shut a residence for homeless families, and is now privatising Ipswich buses. They refuse to deal properly with the needs of growing numbers of street sleepers. They  have made a Council funded Community Centre (largely dealing with the workless) into a ‘Trust’ with a dominant religious  and charity element on the Board.

    Their attitude to the poor is summed up by one leading Tory Councillor saying that their new ‘Community Centre’ in an old town Church (St Lawrence Centre) will “keep the riff raff out“.

    Put that lot in charge of the dole and we will be queuing at Charity soup kitchens in no time.

    More on Unemployed Campaigns, Ipswich Unemployed Action, here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 28, 2010 at 1:35 pm

    ‘Progressive’ London ? The Last Gasp of Popular Frontism.

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    Last Gasp of Popular Frontism?

    This weekend there is a conference that calls itself ‘Progressive London’.

    It’s being held to set out the Progressive Agenda to Stop the Right in 2010.

    The background?

    Progressive London is a unique coalition, launched by Ken Livingstone, and involving people and views from across the political, cultural, community, generational and artistic spectrum, to promote the kinds of progressive policies which have made London such a success and a place where people from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds can be themselves and come together around common goals.

    Based on this,

    London is one of the most dynamic and exciting cities in the world. The basis of its recent success, creativity and prosperity has been its international openness, radical steps to protect the environment, respect for diverse cultures and traditions and the central role of public sector investment and public services in helping the city to work. 

    Rarely has so much wool been spun to cover a threadbare political programme. Progressive is a term that can be extended far. Though not so far as to clothe those who oppose a “dynamic and exciting” London,  have “no” respect for diverse cultures,  who dislike openness, and detest public services. Gotcha reactionaries!

    Speakers include (I cite one session on electoral reform):

    Jenny Jones AM, Leader, Green Group, London Assembly
    Mike Tuffrey AM, Leader, Liberal Democrat Group, London Assembly
    Neal Lawson, Chair, Compass
    Sunder Katwala, General Secretary, Fabian Society

    So from right-wing New Labour, to Liberals, via the Greens, and the centre left Compass, we have a gamut of ‘progressives’.

    Then we have a hefty gang of the religious-minded.
    Edie Friedman, Director, Jewish Council for Racial Equality
    Professor Tariq Ramadan (our old friend gets about doesn’t he?)
    Bruce Kent, Vice President, Pax Christi
    Mike Barnard, Uprise
    Wilf Sullivan, TUC Race Equality Officer
    • CHAIR: Murziline Parchment

    George Galloway MP, Harriet Harman MP, Ed Miliband MP, Jon Cruddas MP, Diane Abbott MP, Bairbre de Brún MEP, Sinn Féin, and his nibs, Ken Livingstone, will be speaking.

    Prominent members of secretive sect Socialist Action (John Ross for example) and fellow travellers, such  as Annie Marjoram, will be there to talk as well. Though in all fairness one should add that Martin Smith national organiser of the SWP will be there for a session of music and racism. And on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq there are prominent Communist Party of Britain supporters,  Andrew Murray, Chair, Stop the War Coalition and the  Chair, John Haylett, Political Editor, Morning Star

    Still some might suggest that Socialist Action have played a key part in setting the agenda.

    It is hard, if not impossible, to see any common agenda between such diverse people. Let’s leave aside religious fishers after souls, and dodgy groups like the Islamic Initiative. Or the Islamic Forum Europe, whose associate, Azad Ali is part of the session on There is no Progressive Imperialism. Ali is former Head of the Civil Service Islamic Society, closely associated with the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE)  and the East London Mosque (ELM) both of which are dominated by the Jamaat-e-Islam (the murderers of our beloved leftist Bangladeshi comrades).

    The Forum publishes gibberish like this (here),

    In order to be effective agents of change in the community, Islamic activists (duat) should take into consideration what may be termed as the ‘Diversity- and relationship – oriented empathy’ attitude towards da’wa and the people who are being called (mad’u). This, you may say, is more of a counselling psychologist approach, which was, without a doubt, the method employed by the Prophet when he interacted with other people.

    The central point is that there is nothing progressive (forward moving) about the agenda of New Labour. Never was. It was a reaction: it aimed to grab the centre-ground of politics. It went for Middle England. It continued the Tories’ plans to make the state a ‘market state’. It has privatised and kowtowed to the Finance that Livingstone thinks plays a major role in making London such a dynamic city.  It is making the lives of the workless a misery by Welfare ‘reform’. It has not promoted Trade Union Rights. The central problem of the left is to recreate a viable democratic socialist alternative to New Labour. So what do the Saturday Conference-goers  have to talk about?


    All no doubt worthy topics.

    But not the slightest agenda setting programme. That is a serious break with New Labour, Neo-Liberalism, and the promotion of Communalism that many of the religious figures invited promote. A realistic set of proposals to fight unemployment, rebuild the Welfare state, promote equality and anti -racism (against multi-culturalism), to offer plans for social ownership and to claw back and extend working people’s rights. And on Welfare Reform, the single most regressive policy of the present government – silence, silence, silence. All is subordinated to the need to battle the Tories and the BNP. Any group or individual willing to do so, in classic ‘popular front’ style, is welcome to join in.

    The overwhelming impression (apart from being a vehicle of numerous personal ambitions) is of the lost huddling together to stay warm.

    Nothing at any rate remotely resembling the projects of Die Linke and the Front de Gauche.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 29, 2010 at 1:06 pm

    Tariq Ali: Politics and Philosophy of Cant.

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    Gentleman Anti-Imperialist.

    Tariq Ali is an anti-imperialist. In the latest New Left Review (Jan/February) (here) - just out – he writes about President Barak Obama (‘President of Cant’). One year after the election. “How has the American empire altered?” Results and Prospects. His focus? American foreign policy.

    US global strategy under Obama Ali notes, has a “continuity” with previous Presidents, from Reagan, Clinton to both Bushes. Despite humanitarian ”mood music” it remains about entrenching the power of the “American Empire”. Change, but remaining the same.

    The structure of this Imperial realm is broadly painted. We have an, often incisive, analysis of how US interests are upheld across the world. Notably in the Middle East, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Obama stands accused of “sonorous banality and armour plated hypocrisy”. That is, his warm words about human rights and social justice cover - thinly - naked exercises in realpolitik and a drive for world hegemony.

    One would have liked discussion of what exactly the ‘interests’  in each case are. No doubt based on state power, resources, prestige, and markets. But it’s always niggled me that this can be used to explain any US policy going. Including say, the exact opposite of what Obama is doing. One wonders if there are some serious misjudgments being made in Afghanistan and Iraq. That betray not just human rights, but American ‘interests’ as well.

    In this instance Ali should have explained why Obama is pursuing the same basic strategy as his forerunners. What mix of lobbies, policy analysts, inner Presidential factions, Congress and Senate committees, is at work here. Where it is leading. Instead we have a ‘discourse anlaysis”. That “each address larded with every egregious euphemism that White House speech-writers can muster to describe America’s glowing mission in the world, and modest avowal of awe and sense of responsibility in carrying it forward.”

    But he does not go far into the material analysis of interests.

    Neverthless Ali describes the Allied occupation in Iraq with well-measured (and deserved) scorn. He attacks the Afghanistan client regime. American intervention in the labyrinth of Pakistani politics, and questions their heavy-handed attempt to force the country to crush domestic radical Islamists.  He doubts the US’s good faith in the Palestine-Israel conflict. He puts the sheer misery inflicted on the people in these lands  in the foreground. On Iran Ali cites the history of tacit co-operation between Tehran and Washington. He sketches the recent conflicts between the Islāmic republic and the US – from the nuclear issue to regional alliance. In short a complex jig-saw puzzle of different rivalries, regimes, and bloody disputes, is put together.

    So far so good. Ali is at his strongest in describing inter-sub continental conflicts. One has the feel of someone really grappling with the politics of Pakistan and its neighbours. Who is intimate with the details of its President ” infamous widower of Benazir Bhutto, Asif Zardari, a discredited crook.” Afghanistan under Kazari is a state for which words like  corruption and profiteering are too mild. The US presence is profoundly malign. Recent drives in the border zones (drone bombing for example) and across over to Pakistan itself,  are wreaking havoc. They are truly  ”destabilising another society in the interests of the American Empire.”

    But what are Ali’s philosophy and politics? What is his alternative?

    He bemoans the lack of “anti-imperialist solidarity” with Afghanistan, which would “weaken the system in it homelands.” That there a “Second Saigon is not in prospect”. That is, “No world-historical spectacle could be more welcome than the American proconsul feeling once again by helicopter from the roof of the embassy”. For all the resemblance with Vietnam (says he) this isn’t on the cards today.

    On Iran he opines that the present revolt stems from an attempt of the most “openly pro-Western  to take power on a  wave of (mostly) middle-class protest”. This “was supressed by an incumbant counterstrike that combined electoral fraud and militia violence”. He criticises the  opposition leadership as compromised with past repression. But nobody can ignore than for Ali “pro-Western” is not a compliment. Ali rages at Obama’s “ideological posturing” for expressing support for the Iranian protestors. Against his grief at Neda’ murder. ‘What about’ – the cheapest trick on the left – killings in the imperial domain? asks Ali. 

    I will resist the temptation to do my own “What abouts”.  Except one: what about backing the democratic opposition loudly and clearly Tariq?

     No doubt Ali is wrapped up in his conclusion, that Obama is looking to fail. That, “If the recent setbacks for Democrats in West Virginia and New Jersey—where Democratic voters stayed at home—become a pattern, Obama could be a third one-term President, abandoned by his supporters and mocked by those he tries so hard to conciliate.”

    Hold on. What about the foreign policy itself?

    This signals the underlying dilemma of the essay. In the lands where the US and its Allies are present we have the “Western occupation and its collaborators”. That there are those, throughly not ‘pro-Western’, who are ‘anti’ the Empire. They are the “resistance” – Iraqi above all. Ali can’t quite bring himself to give this tag to Afghanistan – he talks instead of “Afghan guerillas”, “reorganised neo-Taliban”. So, being opposed to the Empire is good. They are ‘anti-imperialists’. Brave chaps. Perhaps a little misguided on some  issues . However, Ali, probably sensibly if he wants to avoid upsetting his fragile ideology, does not go far into the nature of these ‘resistances’.

    For they are dyed-in-wool reactionaries.

    By minimising this Tariq Ali is as guilty of cant as any American President.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    January 31, 2010 at 1:10 pm

    Iran: Number of Dissidents Threatened With Death Rises to 66.

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    Iran on Thursday hanged two men for being ‘dissidents’ and for participating in protests that erupted over the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in June last year. The appeals court upheld the preliminary sentence handed down to Reza Ali Zamani and Arash Rahmani Pour, who had also been charged with plotting to topple the Islamic government; the Tehran prosecutor told the media that they had belonged to the monarchist group Tondar. (Pakistani Newspaper Dawn here).

    The true scale of the repression is now emerging.

    Names of political prisoners condemned to death  (from here) :

     1 – Ali Saremi, 2- Ayub Porkar, 3 – Ahmad Karimi, 4 – Nasser Abdolhosseini 5 – Reza Khademi, 6 – Amir Reza Arefi 7 – Alireza Karami Khairabadi, 8 – Khaled Hardani, 9 – Abbas Deldar 10 – Farhad Vakili, Kurdistan : 11 – Zeinab Jalalian, 12 – Habibolah Latifi, 13 – Shirko Moarefi 14 – Farhad Vakili, 15 – Farzad Kamangar, 16 – Ali Heidarian, 17 – Hossein Khezri, 18 – Rashid AKhkandi, 19 – Mohammad Amin Agoshi, 20 – Ahmad Poladkhani, 21 – Sayed Sami Hosseini, 22 – Sayed Jamal Mohammadi, 23 – Rostam Arkia 24 – Mostafa Salimi, 25 – Anwar Rostami, 26 – Hassan Talei 27 – Iraj Mohammadi, 28 – Mohammad Amin Abdollahi 29 – Ghader Mohammad Zadeh, 30 – Shirin Elmhavi 31 – Adnan Hassanpour, 32 – Hava Botimar, 33 – Ramadan Ahmad (prison d’Ourmia, originaire du Kurdistan syrien) 34 – Farhad Chalesh, 35 – Sarhad Chalesh (militant politique du Kurdistan turc, prison de Zanjan Prison) 36 – Saeed Ramadan, (militant politique du Kurdistan de Syrie, prison de Qazvin) 37 – Hajar Ghaderi, 38 – Jahangir Baduzade Sistan-o-Balouchestan 39 – Abdul Rahman Naruee, 40 – Abed Gahram Zehi 41 – Abdoljalil Rigi 42 – Nasser Shebakhsh 43 – Mahmoud Rigi 44 – Ali Saedi, 45 – Valid Nisi 46 – Mahed Faradipoor 47 – Daer Mahavi, 48 – Maher Mahavi 49 – Ahmad Saedi, 50 – Yusuf Laftepoor Ahvaz 51 – Ovdeh Afravi 52 – Ali Reza Salman Delphi 53 – Ali Halfi 54 – Moslem Elhai 55 – Abdolreza Navaseri 56 – Yahya Naseri, 57 – Abdoliman Zaeri 58 – Nazim Berihi 59 – Abdolreza Haldchi 60 – Zaman Bavi 61 – Risan Savari, 62 – Leila Kaabi

    Reminder of Hands off the People of Iran Week of Solidarity. 13th – 20th of February – more information here.

    It is the duty of every Revolutionary to side with the Iranian democratic opposition.


    Let us remember this: Galloway Praising Iranian ‘Democracy’.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 1, 2010 at 5:30 pm

    Lutte Ouvrière: Front de Gauche Not Really Left.

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    The French Spring Regional Elections are important for the whole European left.

    A new sign of the Parti Socialiste’s problems is the ‘Frêche affair”. This former regional Socialist Leader,  an elderly loud-mouthed self-styled ‘bluff character’, was excluded from the party. But he still headed the Languedoc List with his former comrades (many of whom still like him). He  has now committed another gaffe. Saying  ex-PM Laurent Fabius has a “tronche pas très Catholique” (a mug not exactly Catholic). Fabius is of Jewish origin. The PS now is negotiating a separate list – rejecting Frêche’s outbursts as “incompatible with Republican values”.

    Meanwhile Lutte Ouvrière’s (LO)  take on the Front de Gauche (alliance of Communists, left socialists, Alternatives, left republicans, left Greens and democratic Trotksyists)  is largely critical (here).

    They describe the haggling, negotiations, and uneven presence of the Front de Gauche’s list. Its proposals, such as using ‘regional funds’ to boost employment, will lead, they argue, nowhere.  LO concludes that,

    “Rien donc qui puisse convaincre de l’ancrage à gauche de ce Front de gauche et de ses futurs élus dans les prochains Conseils régionaux. Rien surtout qui puisse ouvrir des perspectives aux luttes que les travailleurs devront mener pour ne pas faire les frais d’une crise dans laquelle les capitalistes les ont entraînés, avec pertes et fracas.”

    There is nothing here, therefore, that could convince us that Front de Gauche and those who will be elected,  are really anchored on the left. There is nothing that could open up the perspective of struggle that the workers must wage, to resist paying for the crisis. A crisis which the capitalists caused, with all its upsets and loses.

    In the 2008 municipal Elections Lutte Ouvrière participated in unitary left lists. In  69 cities and towns,  this was an alliance with the  Parti Communiste, the Parti Socialiste, or both. In a number of other districts they stood with other parties, such as the LCR (forerunner of Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste), Greens, left republicans, the Parti de Travailleurs (Lambertists), and the MRG (Centrist ‘Radical Left’). 

    Despite these criticisms LO has yet to make a public declaration on its voting recommendations for the crucial Second Round of these elections.

    LO has an independent take on the Trotskyist tradition. It has influence in some unions, and  a number of local councillors. Some accuse it of being a sect of ‘warrior monks’. An English language account of their history and politics is given here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 2, 2010 at 12:55 pm

    Bella ciao, Iran

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    It is the Duty of Every Revolutionary to Support the Iranian Democratic Opposition.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 3, 2010 at 12:23 pm

    Cherie Blair: Religious People More Equal than Others.

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    Best Way to Appear in Court.

    It’s becoming more and more obvious that religious people think they have special rights. More than anyone else. Here is the Cherie Booth (Or Blair) in action:

    A secularist group has lodged an official complaint against Cherie Booth QC after she spared a man from prison because he was religious.

    Shamso Miah, 25, of Redbridge, east London, broke a man’s jaw following a row in a bank queue.

    Sitting as a judge, Ms Booth – wife of former Prime Minister Tony Blair – said she would suspend his sentence on the basis of his religious belief.

    Miah – who had just been to a mosque – punched Mr Furcan inside the bank, and again outside the building.

    Ms Booth told Miah that violence had to be taken seriously, but said she would suspend his prison sentence because he was a religious person and had not been in trouble before.

    She added: “You are a religious man and you know this is not acceptable behaviour.”

    More here. The Group complaining is the National Secular Society here.

    Get religion, get your own legal system!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 4, 2010 at 11:47 am

    Posted in Religion, Secularism

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    Pornography and the Left: Angela Carter’s Sadeian Woman.

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    Pornography and Left: A Retrospective on The Sadeian Woman. Angela Carter. Virago. 2006 (1979)

    Close to the live debate on Prostitution, lies the more muted feminist discussion of pornography. In the background of arguments about the sex-trade are issues about the commercialisation of obscenity. Or rather, “Any violation of a woman’s body can become sex for men; this is the essential truth of pornography.” (Intercourse. Andrea Dworkin. 1987). In this “occupied territory” surely the pornographic writer is the bureaucratic lackey recording the tortures of its victims. Selling sexual pleasure is only part of a mass-producing industry that reaches the top shelves of the local newsagents. Nobody can doubt that the presence of sexuality, commercially or individually express, sold, consumed, or bound up with gender politics, remains an unresolved issue. Except that is for puritans whose hostile answers are ready-made.

    Here we reach a problem that has faced feminists since the late 1970s. Debates continue about sexuality, and oppression, over masculinity and femininity, over LGBT topics, and about their cultural, and economic basis. In this instance the clash between anti-pornography feminists, and those who back libertarian sexual pleasures, those for and those opposed to censorship (sex-positive feminists), has drifted away from argument about the content of the material, to concentrate on the business.

    In a sense the terms of debate have not advanced much since the William’s Report (1980) and working out degrees of public protection from “obscenity” and assessing what should be considered “private”. Williams’ concern with pornography was that it crossed this line, by making picture of intimate acts visible. The worries about its accessibility and half and unwilling consumption has increased today with the deluge of images present on the Web. Not to mention the Net’s threat to post-Williams legislation restricting its consumption. Rules restricting sales of certain types of porn to sex shops, or preventing under-age buyers, appear unstable faced with computer access.

    Anti-prostitution campaigners also underline the changing nature of the sex-industry. There are allegations of trafficking and near-slavery, as well as increased availability (via the same Internet, and local advertising), which the law can legislate against. Those supporting decriminalisation regard it as a private affair, (choice) but agitate for labour rights and the legal protection of those engaged in this activity. Both issues are normally talked about in terms of choice, privacy, and the scope of public regulation. Or the people involved in the commerce. Not through a take on the activities themselves.

    Angela Carter (1940 – 1992) did look at this, in terms of culture and relations between men and women (she barely touches on the Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual Trans-sexual field). Most of us know, and revere her fiction but the author of Nights at the Circus’s writing ranged much wider. In The Sadeian Woman (originally published 1979) she thought long and hard about pornography and its connections with sexuality. The centre of this book is pornography’s most radical producer, the Marquis de (post-French revolution – Citizen) Sade (1740 – 1814). His portraits of diverse sexual acts are often difficult to stomach – far from the erotic – but well worth considering for their insights. As Sade is at present rather an academic taste, it involves looking at some pretty abstract ideas to get a handle on what he said, while attempting to relate them to these topics. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 5, 2010 at 11:21 am

    Strange Days Indeed. Francis Wheen. Review.

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    Strange Days Indeed. Francis Wheen. Fourth Estate. 2009.

    An Essay On Francis Wheen’s ‘Seventies. 

    Francis Wheen burst into public view with a scandalous biography of gay Labour MP, Tom Driberg,  (1905 – 1976) “Poet, Philanderer, Legislator and Outlaw.” To the left he made his name with Karl Marx a Life (1999), a splendid study of Marx “the man”. How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World (2004) defended the Enlightenment against “holy warriors, anti-scientific relativists, fundamentalists, radical post modernists, New Age mystics or latter-day Chicken Lickens..” Wheen’s Marx’s Das Kapital, a Biography (2006) managed the almost impossible task of making intelligible a book that resembles a “vast Gothic novel whose heroes are enslaved and consumed by the monster they created.” It is not everyone’s taste that the author-journalist associates with Nick Cohen and the view that ‘the left’ is menaced by ‘totalitarianism’. But, as a fellow Suffolk dweller, he has a lot of other things on his side. Wit to begin with.

    Strange Days Indeed, is about “the most distant of times” the 70s. It was, he claims, a “golden age of Paranoia.” Years no-one would want to revisit. Dominated by “apocalyptic dread and conspiratorial fever”. Suspicion and fear seeped from heads of State, from Richard Nixon to Harold Wilson, to society at large. Conspiracy thrillers, such as the Parallax View, Pynchon’s novels and the Illuminatus! Trilogy (read by nearly everyone I knew when it was published), were wildly popular. The “frustration” of everyday life ratcheted up the tension. With secret agencies, bugging and infiltrating subversives, and politicians plotting in concealed cabals. In Britain there was talk of an authoritarian national government, military coups and building private armies to crush the left and unions. A decade when the bearers of the ‘60s counter-culture and the left were met with steady hostility and open repression.

    This hatred often meant moral panic. Wheen has fun with the absurdity of the 1971 prosecution of Oz magazine for its School Kids issue. Written by a guest team of teenagers one of its greatest crimes was to re-paste a Robert Crumb cartoon with Rupert Bear, carrying a huge erection. The charge? “Conspiracy to corrupt public morals or outrage public decency”. They must have had a point about corruption – I still have a copy, bought when I was at Secondary School. I got my first political kicking from a guardian of decency (Salvation Army) when we OZ supporters tried to disrupt a Festival of Light March.

    Much of Strange Days Indeed is devoted to high politics as they descended low. Of Wilson, MI5, Nixon, the CIA, Watergate, and the hideous twists of Mao’s China’s Mass Line. The Great Helmsman was plainly filled with violence and rancour, a scourge of ‘class’ enemies, and the sponsor of a Court that pursued their own ‘Marxist’ ultra-nationalist vendettas. The Chairman’s wife, Jiang Qing, was “afraid of sounds and strangers”, and devoted to her own “sadistic omnipotence”. Elsewhere there were the Russian ‘years of stagnation” during which dissidents were imprisoned in psychiatric hospitals. There are chapters on the FBI, the CIA and the fraught relations during Harold Wilson Premiership with his own secret services.

    The Left, Wheen observes, shifted towards its own clandestine practice. There was a great deal of romantic fantasy about guerrilla warfare, which moved from rural foci to urban insurrection. Some, “convinced the revolution had begun” in 1968, moved from “street theatre” to fanaticism. Redoubling the effort while losing sight of any objective, they struck a pose, and descended into a hallucinatory parody of “revolutionary action”. Some launched their underground schemes, from the Baader-Meinhof Band (RAF), the Brigate Rosse,  the Angry Brigade, to more substantial metropolitan and rural guerrilla movements in Latin America, the South, East and South Asia. It was a decade when “the cities of the non-Communist world were alive with the sounds of explosions and police sirens.” Other far-left groups engaged in strident demonstrations and violent class struggle. The state responded in kind. Wheen fails to mention (if he even is familiar with this) in any real detail the tortuous history of the most important in Europe, Italian militarist leftist groups, notably the Brigate Rosse (surely the most serious case of wild, often justified, paraonia around). They quickly began to spiral into dubious actions, and mutual suspicion, no doubt aided by secret service manipulation.

    Domestically, it is not the still influential Communist Party of Great Britain that gets much mention in Strange Days. Nor a great deal on industrial left-led militancy. There are pages on the Miners’ strikes in 1973 (the Battle of Saltley Gate – mass picketing), the Three Day Week (1973 – 4), and the ‘Winter of Dicontent’ . Nor are other working class rooted lefts examined. The largish leftist group, International Socialists, which lost its main Midlands industrial base in this period, is not seriously covered. . As it  became the Socialist Workers Party,  a ‘demoncratic centralist’ organisation, it set down hysterical and opportunist political norms which continue to have an impact on the left to this day.

    Instead we get a tour of exotica. After the gestural neo-Situationist Angry Brigade, it is the antics of Gerry Healy’s much smaller Workers Revolutionary Party, and the even smaller International Marxist Group (IMG) that grab Wheen’s attention. The former, leader a “squat bullet-headed thug” considered the collapse of capitalism imminent. He bullied his way through the cadres and raped female members. The IMG, he considers, had different faults, political ones. They “drooled” over a wide range of guerrillas and supported the Provisional IRA (the correct formula here is “unconditionally but critically”).

    It is true that while on this path the group found time to “lionise” some ‘heroes’ of very dubious dramas (echoing in reality, the enthusiasms of the Parisian left). * But this soon shifted. Perhaps the “reluctance” to take up arms was a sign of self-indulgence – though personally I would not have liked to end up like former Red Brigade members in exile, with unclean hands, brimming with mutual rancour. But if so, the gourmets of vicarious revolutions had other dishes to feast on. The IMG’s Fourth International thought in terms of a European ‘new mass vanguard’ of students and employees. They anticipated an “explosion of mass struggle” and “dual power” In Britain this was focused on calls for a General Strike. The IMG’s best-known public face (though far from its formal leader) Tariq Ali, Wheen observes, predicted workers’ Soviets across Europe in the decade. But then Tariq Ali later considered that Boris Yeltsin was a going to prove a good democratic socialist….

    Drawn by the romance of armed struggle and individuals such as Ulrike Meinhof Wheen only briefly sketches the real mass uprising in Portugal during 1974. After post-Corporate Dictator Caetano Portugal a quasi-insurrectional landscape developed. The Carnation Revolution, as Tariq Ali predicted, saw near-Soviets in the Portuguese factories. This was not to last. Although, by contrast, land occupations endured years in the central Communist regions around Evora. The confused politics of the Revolution (including a counter-strike against an alleged Communist coup) soon ended in a stabilised country aligned to NATO, not the Warsaw Pact. As an activist in the original Portuguese-led Solidarity campaign, one began to get a sense of the importance of large-scale movements rather than striking personalities, or intense political factions. This, for many of us, signalled the route that much of the radical left would take in the coming years – away from Che Guevara and back to broader democratic socialist organisations. Such a turn, like the principal issues that dominated far-left activism during the decade – the rebirth of the Labour left as ‘Bennism’, and the large-scale violent street fighting with the National Front – get ignored in Strange Days. Though apparently he did go to a Rock Against Racism concert.

    In pursing radical performance Wheen ventures into other areas he is not genuinely familiar with. To him the self-dissolution of the French Gauche Prolétarienne (GP) in 1974 was linked to disgust at the 1972 Black September Munich Olympics Massacre. This may have played a, delayed, part. But it was much more the result of enduring rancour at their 1972 witch-hunt against alleged killer of Brigette Dewevre (a miner’s daughter) at Bruay-en-Artois. A part of France that resembles the bleakest English proletarian North. The Maos called for the castration and lynching of the alleged murderer, a Notary, and Rotary Club notable, Pierre Leroy. Prominent GP members who protested at this hysteria were dismissed as “vipers”. A woman amongst them was called by the future Editor of Libération, Serge July, “the daughter of a bourgeois”, “afraid of seeing your father’s head on a pike”. Despite this certainty the case has yet to be solved.

    The dissolution of the GP left many different legacies. What happened to its former supporters as the decade wore on? Wheen cites André Glucksman, as an emblematic leftist intellectual of the ’68 generation. He was a leading activist, not a leader. But his career is of interest. It shows something of the ‘70s Strange Days passes over. Glucksman had begun to drift from Marxism in 1972. He was heavily influenced by Solzehenitsyn, defending the “plèbe” (plebs) against class based Leninism. Another figure was Benny Lévy (‘Victor’). He, rather more central to the GP, was Sartre’s secretary – which explains the ties between them and the ageing Existentionalist. The strong reservations felt by Simone de Beauvoir (in La Cérémonie des adieux) about Sartre’s relationship with the ‘Maos’ stem largely from Lévy’s unbounded – changing – enthusiasms.

    Glucksman, and Lévy, were, by the end of the decade fierce opponents of the Union of the Left, and increasingly of the “actually existing left” as such. The former became associated with the ‘nouvelle philosophie’ (which saw totalitarianism in Marx himself). During its heyday 1976- 77, he was linked with media celebrity Bernard Henri Lévy (whose leftist phase was much briefer). Glucksman’s more recent backing for Sarkozy was rewarded last year with the Légion d’Honneur. In another direction, Sartre’s aide, Benny Lévy became a student of the Torah and descended into obscurity. Not everyone became a renegade to the left. A part of the GP went into mass movements (such as the supporters of the mid-70s Lip Watch-making factory occupation). Individual former GPers have continued in leftist campaigns to this day. Yet others became highly respectable. Serge July became a 1980s ‘social liberal’ who enthused about quasi-Blairite modernisation in the formerly leftist, Libération. ** A small fraction went on to become real terrorists, in the 1980s Action Directe. To explain these careers would need a lot more than any tale about the consequences of leftist ‘paranoia’. Though the New Philosophers certainly tended (and tend) to see the threat of the Gulag behind any left-wing movement.

    There are unfortunately many other flaws in the book. Most of the history and the anecdotes are known to all who care to read (On Mao, see Simon Leys, writing in the 70s, well before Chang and Halliday, on the Soviet Union, Zhores and Roy Medvedev – whom he cites). The US President’s equal opportunities bigotry and psychological blemishes are as notorious as Homer Simpson’s love of Duff. Wilson’s PM years, his fear of intelligence agencies, and his ‘fat spider’ and ‘blind beggar’ stage, are so well known they are practically in dictionaries of quotations. And the history of the 70’s left, including its flirtation with ‘armed struggle’ has been done to death – on the RAF and the far left. In France a cottage industry regularly publishes weighty tomes on the post-68 radicals. Many of whom are still around. Little is “distant” or “strange” here. Nor is Wheen’s main thesis of much solidity: there is never any indication that the ‘paranoia’ evoked came anywhere near, to mention the obvious, other historical waves of pathological suspicion – take that of the Great Terror in 1930s USSR.

    Strange Days, then, lacks investigative depth. No doubt there is much to say from the vantage point of the New Statesman during the decade. But it was not a good listening post from which to gather material for the ambitious story, englobing such a wide political spectrum, and real movements that he attempts. Wheen’s fleeting encounter with the ‘alternative society’ came at its alleged end. Though I can recall squats and flats in London that still flew this flag up to the end of the decade. He does not appear to have read accounts of how some from this trend, far from becoming obsessed with ‘changing themselves’, ultra-violence, or ‘them’, got involved in the serious left precisely during the ‘70s. There is next to nothing about how feminism engaged with of the left. Sheila Rowbotham and Lynne Segal’s revealing autobiographical writings illustrate the real transition from the ‘underground’ to socialist feminism are absent. Their Beyond the Fragments with Hilary Wainwright,  summed up the development of their, and the next, generation. There is nothing on the growing influence of Marxism – however transient – on the intelligentsia.  The work of Stuart Hall, who examined the rising star of Free-marketeers, and the ‘Great moving Right show”  that led to Thatcher’s ’authoritarian populsim’, does not shine on Wheen’s horizon. Nor, as we already mentioned, is there much on the growth of  the Labour Left and the radical left’s engagement with the labour movement.

    Still, Wheen has some perceptive observations (as an essay marker would say). Give me time and I’ll recall them. As someone who participated in the left during the decade, I would like to be able to say that I never fell for the romance of violent revolution. But I can’t. All one can observe is that it was force of circumstance that drew us away from conspiracies, real or imagined, and into democratic left politics.

    Whatever. This is a world far from today’s “fusion paranoia”. This thesis about the 70s can only bear so much. In a much more limited way the concept has been put to good use by David Aaronovitch – Voodoo History indeed. It certainly stands good when applied to the various Truth Campaigners worrying like dogs over the bones of 9/11 victims. But Wheen stretches his argument too far – and the famous humour cannot cover what is a rather thin dish of gruelling effort. That is, an attempt to squeeze a complex world into a theory rather than to test it. Rather similar to conspiracy theorising in fact.

    * On the IMG’s mentor, the Fourth International (USFI), and its flirtation with Latin American ‘armed struggle’ see Ernest Mandel. Jon Willem Stuje. 2009. Pages 186 – 192.

    ** A very amusing polemical book by the pioneering gay activist Guy Hocquenghem summarised some time back the developing careers of many former ’68 revolutionaries in this vein, Lettre ouverte à ceux qui sont passés du col Mao au Rotary.  1986.

    Strange Days Indeed

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 7, 2010 at 11:23 am

    Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste “has failed”.

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    An Effect Effectively Ending.

    French March Regional Elections: NPA Faces an Impasse. Here.

    (Summary and explanations) According to the most recent opinion polls,  the NPA will get 3,5% of the votes in the French March Regional Elections, barely more than Lutte ouvrière (3%), against 6% for the Front de Gauche.

    Political historian Stéphane Courtois says,  ”they wanted to believe in a broader party, but everyone has realised that they have only repackaged the LCR. . The presence of a candidate wearing the veil on the  list of Vaucluse, which has been attacked by nearly all the other political parties, will not help. “The LCR always had a feminist image, and this will tarnish it. I consider this will create a problem for them.”

    Olivier Bescanenot’s star is waning. As a media favourite he has been overtaken by Daniel Cohen-Bendit. Without this publicity, his lack of serious prospects becomes more evident. He has  no real political strategy for the elections, or the prospect of bringing concrete change about. The NPA is caught between the Greens and the Parti de Gauche (part of the Front de Gauche). To the left electorate, Jean-Luc Mélenchon (Front de Gauche) appears “more constructive” than the “sterile” revolutionary vote.

    Bescancenot has failed to debate with Mélenchon.

    The NPA is unable to decide on what to present nationally in the ballot box. They have entered into alliances with otehr left and Green groups. In 15 regions they are pesenting their own lists, in 3 they co-operate with the Parti de Gauche, and 3 others with the both the PG and the Parti Communiste Français.

    The case of the veiled NPA candidate Ilham Moussaid continues to make waves.

    To Olivier Besancenot, “on peut être féministe , laique et voilée…” One can be a feminist, secularist and veiled.

    This claim – to begin with why is veil not worn by men? and if one is a secularist why does one want to assert one’s religious beliefs in every public place – has been met with derision on the rest of the left

    Vaucluse  : le NPA présente une candidate voilée 

    Meanwhile Jean-Luc Mélenchon has criticsed the NPA for its promotion of a veiled candidate here.

    “cette jeune femme est une très bonne militante. Mais si elle a une conscience politique, c’est sur le terrain politique que ça doit se jouer, avec des arguments. La religion est du domaine de la vérité révélée. On ne peut pas débattre de ce qui relève de la vérité révélée.

    This young woman is a very good activist. But if she has political awareness, it’s on the political terrain that this should be worked out, with arguments. Religion is the domain of revealed truth. One cannot debate with assertions of revealed truth.

    On the NPA he says,

    Ils se saisissent de tous les moyens pour creuser le fossé, pour se différencier de nous qui sommes d’une gauche laïque, d’une gauche qu’ils savent à cheval sur les principes.
    They are grabbing every means of deepening the division, to distinguish themselves from the secular left, a left stands for our principles.
    Put simply the NPA backs the veil for sectarian advantage. As the prospect of building a broad, vibrant, left out of the LCR and a thin layer of new recruits, recedes, they are turning to the multiculturalism of the British Socialist Action, George Galloway, and Ken Livingstone. This alliance with religious ‘progressivism’ is leading nowhere in the UK. In France, from the left,  it may be electoral suicide. 

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 7, 2010 at 1:11 pm

    Amnesty Suspends Gita Sahgal.

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    Statement by Gita Sahgal – on many Blogs.

     Hat Tip Stroppy.

    7 February 2010This morning the Sunday Times published an article about Amnesty International’s association with groups that support the Taliban and promote Islamic Right ideas. In that article, I was quoted as raising concerns about Amnesty’s very high profile associations with Guantanamo-detainee Moazzam Begg. I felt that Amnesty International was risking its reputation by associating itself with Begg, who heads an organization, Cageprisoners, that actively promotes Islamic Right ideas and individuals.

    Within a few hours of the article being published, Amnesty had suspended me from my job.

    A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when a great organisation must ask: if it lies to itself, can it demand the truth of others? For in defending the torture standard, one of the strongest and most embedded in international human rights law, Amnesty International has sanitized the history and politics of the ex-Guantanamo detainee, Moazzam Begg and completely failed to recognize the nature of his organisation Cageprisoners.

    The tragedy here is that the necessary defence of the torture standard has been inexcusably allied to the political legitimization of individuals and organisations belonging to the Islamic Right.

    I have always opposed the illegal detention and torture of Muslim men at Guantanamo Bay and during the so-called War on Terror. I have been horrified and appalled by the treatment of people like Moazzam Begg and I have personally told him so. I have vocally opposed attempts by governments to justify ‘torture lite’.

    The issue is not about Moazzam Begg’s freedom of opinion, nor about his right to propound his views: he already exercises these rights fully as he should. The issue is a fundamental one about the importance of the human rights movement maintaining an objective distance from groups and ideas that are committed to systematic discrimination and fundamentally undermine the universality of human rights. I have raised this issue because of my firm belief in human rights for all.

    I sent two memos to my management asking a series of questions about what considerations were given to the nature of the relationship with Moazzam Begg and his organisation, Cageprisoners. I have received no answer to my questions. There has been a history of warnings within Amnesty that it is inadvisable to partner with Begg. Amnesty has created the impression that Begg is not only a victim of human rights violations but a defender of human rights. Many of my highly respected colleagues, each well-regarded in their area of expertise has said so. Each has been set aside.

    As a result of my speaking to the Sunday Times, Amnesty International has announced that it has launched an internal inquiry. This is the moment to press for public answers, and to demonstrate that there is already a public demand including from Amnesty International members, to restore the integrity of the organisation and remind it of its fundamental principles.

    I have been a human rights campaigner for over three decades, defending the rights of women and ethnic minorities, defending religious freedom and the rights of victims of torture, and campaigning against illegal detention and state repression. I have raised the issue of the association of Amnesty International with groups such as Begg’s consistently within the organisation. I have now been suspended for trying to do my job and staying faithful to Amnesty’s mission to protect and defend human rights universally and impartially.


    Gita is a member of Women Against Fundamentalism and Southall Black Sisters. She is a truly wonderful person – a principled activist. Her defence of secular values led her to be one of the first to stand up for Salman Rushdie against the Islamist ‘Fatwa’. She wrote about this in the Socialist Society Magazine of the time – Interlink. I wrote a companion piece. (Details here) I shall never forget her shaking my hands at a meeting and thanking me for my support.


    All true anti-racists and supporters of human rights should stand by her side. Against the disgrace of Amnesty International.


    Face Book Group here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 8, 2010 at 10:58 am

    Bernard-Henri Lévy Admits Error.

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    New Philosophers’ Must-Read.

    Bernard-Henri Lévy has recognised unwittingly using a spoof philosopher in his latest book,  “De la guerre en philosophie”  (On War in Philosophy) (Here.  - French). (News in English here).

    The crumbled crumb made this gaffe by citing a fictional  Jean-Baptiste Botul (15 august 1896, Lairière - 15 august 1947, Lairière) (here) . In all the earnest gravitas the author of Barbarism with a Human Face could muster.

    No doubt the title of Botul’s magnum opus, The Sexual life of Immanuel Kant, was enough to draw in BHL. Plus, it was rude about one the greatest philosophers of all time…

    What larks we had, Benny, what larks!

    List of BHL’s works that contain mistakes, false information and common-old-garden lies:

  • Bangla-Desh, Nationalisme dans la révolution, 1973 (réédité sous le titre Les Indes rouges 1985)
  • La Barbarie à visage humain,Grasset, 1977,ISBN 2-246-00498-5 Read the rest of this entry »
  • Written by Andrew Coates

    February 9, 2010 at 12:51 pm

    Gita Saghal: ‘Anti-Imperialists’ Reply By Bullying.

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    No to ‘Anti-Imperialist’ Bullies.

    Gita Saghal’s suspension from Amnesty International continues to create waves. Anyone wanting to follow the details can get more information from the Support Site: Human Rights for all (here).

    Noteworthy is the unrestrained bullying of her critics. Gita has been called a member of a “nutty group, Women Against Fundamentalisms” and a crank (here). The ever-so sane Bob Pitt who wrote this, ex-member of a well known highly mentally stable group, the Workers’ revolutionary Party, is not alone.  

    Others are calling us lot “anti-imperialists lite” and, more commonly, pro-imperialists tout court. Stroppy, another uppity woman, has got it in the neck for her support for Gita.

    The prize for intellectual confusion goes to Andy Newman of Socialist Unity who criticises Gita Saghal (here) on the grounds that she fails to respect religious morality,

    for religious people, their ethical and moral viewpoint is part of who they are, because it derives from a code of values which they believe comes from an authority higher than man made laws. What we cannot do as atheists is assume that the evolution of moral and ethical viewpoints within our own society can be regarded as a superior standard that other people must comply with. Nor can these values be simply private questions of belief, as they have practical consequences for how people organise child rearing, probate, divorce, etc.

    Furthermore, Gita’s stand,

    effectively amounts to an endorsement of Western liberalism as being a superior set of values which if necessary must be allowed to overrule the rights of others.”

    At least there are no insults. It’s just that we cannot be right by asserting ‘Western liberalism’s superiority’. It is down there on all fours with any ‘legal’ code on the planet. Just a plural set of options. 

    This links, falsely, two separate things. Firstly, Andy Newman claims that moral and ethical views evolve  (is this not a tautology?) from different contexts. Societies, religions, cultures. Secondly, that because of this no-one ‘in’ such a society can regard their standards as “super standard” for other lands, faiths, ideologies and, no doubt,  tastes.

    This reminds me of an episode of Angel (spin off from Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

    A group of demons about to sacrifice someone and eat his brains are stopped by the Vampire with a Soul. “Racist” they cry at him. “This is our custom – you have no right to stop us.”

    Yes, Andy Newman, says, eat his brains!

    The whole point of ethical systems by contrast is to make universal claims. Otherwise they are not moralities but mores – customs. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is just that. Universal.

    Gita Saghal  stands under this banner.


    Unlike those who think that Islamist bullies have special rights.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 10, 2010 at 5:35 pm

    Lindsey German and the Trotskyist Tradition.

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    Some Red Knight for the SWP.

    On the resignation of prominent SWPer Lindsey German  there is an abudance of commentary. Personally I think she did it on a day that would make it too late to appear in the Weekly Worker. Phil has posted a good summary- more here.

    What does this say about the ability of Trotskyist groups to tolerate differences?

    In the New Course (1923 – here on-Line), protesting against the  Bolshevik Party ‘monolithicism’ Trotsky tried to get to grips with the problem of democracy.

    He wrote,

    “If factions are not wanted, there must not be any permanent groupings; if permanent groupings are not wanted, temporary grouping must be avoided; finally, in order that there be no temporary groupings, there must be no differences of opinion, for wherever there are two opinions, people inevitably group together.”

    The fate of German’s Left Platform in the SWP – allowed (just) for a brief period before their national conference – is clearly a case of how this logic works. We await John Rees to express his own “different opinion’”.  A short way to becoming “not wanted”.

    No doubt then we will learn more about what is really at stake. At present we have just snipes, and curt rudeness.

    Trotsky was really only arguing for an element of discussion. John Molyneau of the SWP claims   (here)  that the “Leninist democratic centralist party is both necessary for the success of the revolution and the most democratic form of political organisation”.

    Yet Trotsky never accepted the need for full inner-party freedom. In 1923 he buckled. Caught in a  contradiction between the need to agree on One ‘line’, and ‘implement’ it, and the day-to-day clashes of different views, he opted for the primacy of the former.

    The Founder of the Fourth International remained hostile to ‘factionalism’ and the need for ‘unity’. Even if, in the 1930s, he came to accept an element of internal party democracy - and even socialist democracy (limited to socialists that is) in a future Workers’ State. This ambiguous  legacy has profoundly influenced the tradition that the SWP stems from.

    Molyneau notes (rightly) the pressure of how mainstream party and business organisation influences left groups. He asserts however that, “ democratic pressure from below is all the stronger in a small far-left socialist party, even if it remains overtly passive, because (a) the leaders are plainly not motivated by desire for material privilege, there being none on offer (though sometimes the desire to maintain material security may be a factor); (b) the rank and file are motivated overwhelmingly by conviction; and(c) it is not difficult for them to vote with their feet and leave.”

    Perhaps they are doing just that now. But what about posing the question of the freedom of tendencies? Molyneau - unlike German and her partner John Rees, sees some merit in the LCR/Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste’s practice of internal liberty for ‘actions’. It might be that this norm has something to teach the British left – the split of the Piquet tendency (Gauche Unitaire) had none of the Left Platform’s  drawn out drama. In some regions the NPA even co-operates with the GU in the Front de Gauche. Surely this is Rees’ famous ‘united front’ in practice.

    More fundamentally we have to recognise that all politics involves potential stasis – upsetting, challenging, subverting, existing rulers, central committees, leaderships. Turbulence, in short. Or more simply, efforts at policy change. The SWP is tearing itself apart by not having a way of letting this happen in a democratic arena.

    The leader of German’s Left Platform, JohnRees deserves no sympathy since his own conception of the Party – derived from the early György Lukács mixed with Trotksy’s most centralist writings  - is hostile to such a  democratic forum. For those who follow this line the Party is the bearer of proletarian consciousness, that pierce to the ‘actuality’ of the revolution through its ‘epistemological’ mechanisms. Disagreements simply get in the way.

    As German clearly was and is.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 11, 2010 at 1:20 pm

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    Baroness Tonge and the Paranoid Style in British Politics.

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    Tonge Takes a Nap.

    Following her remarks about Israeli ‘organ traficking’ in Haiti, Baroness Tonge, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Health in the House of Lords, as been sacked. Party leader Nick Clegg has “apologised” for Tonge’s claims.  The BBC reports,

    Jenny Tonge told the Jewish Chronicle there should be an inquiry into claims that Israeli troops sent there after the earthquake were trafficking organs.

    Nick Clegg said the comments were “wrong, distasteful and provocative” and dismissed her from her post.

    He said she apologised “unreservedly” for any offence she had caused.

    The peer is a patron of the news website, the Palestine Telegraph, which printed the allegations.

    It claimed that members of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), sent to help with the humanitarian effort after Haiti’s devastating quake, were selling human organs.


    More from the BBC here.

    Tonge said in 2006: “The pro-Israeli lobby has got its grips on the western world, its financial grips. I think they’ve probably got a grip on our party.”

     Hofstadter, in the Paranoid Style in American Politics stated, (here).

    So the Liberal Democrats are in the ‘grip’ (by the throat?) of the Israel ‘Lobby’ . No further explanation is needed. nor indeed of its “financial grip” leading to ripping out the internal organs of dead or dying Haitians. Though she ‘apolgsies’ for causing offence – notably not for the assertions she made.

    Tonge stands in a broad international tradition. In a famous Essay, The Paranoid Style in American Politics, Hofstadter described the extreme US right of the 1950s as in the grip of paranoid fantasies. Amongst his description of this cast of mind is this,

    The enemy is clearly delineated: he is a perfect model of malice, a kind of amoral superman—sinister, ubiquitous, powerful, cruel, sensual, luxury-loving. Unlike the rest of us, the enemy is not caught in the toils of the vast mechanism of history, himself a victim of his past, his desires, his limitations. He wills, indeed he manufactures, the mechanism of history, or tries to deflect the normal course of history in an evil way. He makes crises, starts runs on banks, causes depressions, manufactures disasters, and then enjoys and profits from the misery he has produced.

    Tonge clearly holds a lot more ill-will about Israel, Zionism more than she will say publicly. It is a long-standing Tendance Coatesy principle that people in positions of authority with ‘controversial’ views say a watered down version of what they really believe. But then that’s not paranoia, just common sense prudence. Tonge crawls pretty low even in this field, by making claims about Israelis profiting from Haitian misery. But there you go.

    David Aaraonovitch in Voodoo Histories (2009) observes the rise in “conspiracy theorising”. That is those who consider they have contact with the “underlying universe” who “understand” what is “really” going on. He notices, rightly, that today this way of thinking exists amongst the educated as well as the traditional US-style know-nothings. But Aaarnovitch thinks that this “projection of paranoia” is the mark of the “politically defeated” the “causalities of politics, society..” Those who are “impotent.”

    This may be the case for the Palestinians Tonge cites. Or even the Islamists she is close to. But is her condition really the result of the pathetic failure of her party to make any impact on British politics? For sure, as permanent oppositonists, the Liberal Democrats have a reptuation for attracting eccentrics – that is nutters. It would not be hard to find others with the same opinions – no doubt wider, there will be doubtless further calls for an investigation into these allegations. It is to be expected that some  ’anti-imperialists’ will endorse her demand for an ‘enquiry’ – and if goes the wrong way they’ll have more ‘proof’ of their ideas.

    Or maybe this is part of a wide revival of anti-Semitism. A more formidable ideology than, say, the American paranoid style of the 1950s. One with a political agenda, to racialise political scapegoating, with deep roots in the far-right. That seems a better area to look for an explantion.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 13, 2010 at 11:15 am

    Socialist Campaign to Stop the Tories and Fascists: Some Friendly Comments.

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    Yet Again and Again: Without Illusions?

    As the General Election approaches there are many calls from the left. They include favoured Candidates.That is boosterism for a handful of left-leaning Greens and communalists (Respect – continuity). Or, out of sheer desperation, celebrations of ‘progressivism’ around watery ’social democratic’ wish lists. 

    Still, there are more serious appeals. Amongst the latter there is the on-going Campaign  for a New Workers’ Party (Socialist Party led), the Socialist Campaign group of Labour MPs. The one with some ideas about a new left organisation – which remains to be defined. The other, with a strategy of bolstering what remains of the Labour left. Neither is wrong – I would back both. But they hardly have much of a real base of support.

    The issue is, do we vote Labour or not?

    The prospect of a future Tory Government is concentrating minds wonderfully. ” The choice of government at the general election will be between Labour and the Tories. All the current signs point to a Tory victory” .The Alliance for Workers’ Liberty notes.

    Their call- SOCIALIST CAMPAIGN TO STOP THE TORIES AND FASCISTS - should be included in the ‘serious’ category (Site of Campaign here, debate in Shiraz Socialist here).

    They observe that,

    There are now, for the first time in many years, real policy differences between Labour and the Tories.

    That,  union support will, in these conditions, remain wedded to Labour. But,

    There is mass working-class disillusionment with New Labour – rightly. Now we need a “Socialist Campaign to Stop the Tories”which will organise rank and file trade union activists and organisations to link a Labour vote with a positive campaign.


    There is no chance of the outside-Labour left having a sizeable and concentrated presence in the general election.To create better choices, we need a campaign across the country to provide a working-class voice within the Labour vote at the general election. That is the best way to start organising for a labour movement fightback against a coming Tory government – or against the cuts and privatisations of another Brown government.

    This is a fair, broad-brush, analysis.

    t is important, nevertheless, to add, that a ‘socialist campaign’ cannot have much impact on Labour itself. Not for want ot popular sympathy (though yet another campaign?….). There are more basic reasons. The internal organisation of the Party now consists of a series of formidable buffers against left-wing policy making. It is a bulwark against individual left MPs extending their influence. Not only is the Party organised around the needs of the Cabinet and the Leader – this is a long-term process. The hollowing out of the party began under Neil Kinnock in the 1980s, accelerated during the ‘Party into Power’ reforms (that gutted Conference’s powers and internal democracy), and has left Labour as a a set of rallies and an inner organisation of notables – in modern guise.  The hierarchy of Policy Forums and the revamped NEC mean that socialists have a hard time getting heard, let alone influence.  

    But far worse is afoot.  Labour is in a close relationship with the very privatising profiteering mechanisms of the ‘market state’ that make the public administration unfit for any purpose other than more free-market policies. From quasi-state bodies to dubious private companies, this layer of the publicly subsidised its (hopelessly incompetent)managerial classes is devoted to  retaining contracts and privilege. It is even embracing and influencing the former ‘voluntary’ sector. It can threaten to jump ship for the Tories at any moment (and many already have).  This drag on Labour is not challenged by the Campaign’s calls from the wilderness for a ‘workers’ government’ .

    In these conditions one would vote for Labour in many constituencies – where the candidates are genuinely part of the labour movement (in the broadest sense). They will seize on  Tory plans to savage public provision, and introduce even more illiberal social measures (though it’s hard to see how Cameron could be more of a straight-faced religious authoritarian than Brown). This obviously is not enough. The policies this appeal raises, on union rights, opposing cuts in public services, ending military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and so on, are tools to bring to their attention better ideas than those that a Labour manifesto will hold. 

    Perhaps the emphasis on fighting the BNP will help set some political minds thinking about the Cabinet actions that have helped fuel this party’s more visible presence. Though one can always exaggerate its importance and get bogged down in hysteria. That often provides a convenient outlet for anger to Labour members who otherwise have done nothing to oppose Brown and Blair.

     But where candidates stand for precisely this market state, then they cannot be supported. These are elements of the bourgeoisie (or more simply, tired careerists) living off the heritage of the unions, and the party. Those, for example (I do not choose this case by chance) who back Welfare Reform and Workfare, are enemies of the poor and working class in the most intimate way.

    They cannot be campaigned or voted for.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 15, 2010 at 11:25 am

    Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste: The Movie.

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    C’est parti is a documentary that covers the launch of the NPA.

    It has had good reviews.

    Perhaps someone will get the idea of doing a film about recent intrigues and deering-don’ts  in the SWP/Respect etc.

    Chronicle of a Death Foretold?

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 16, 2010 at 12:35 pm

    New Left Review at Fifty.

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    New Left Review at Fifty: Is There Life in Their Politics?

    Halcycon Days for the New Left

    New Left Review is a “left intellectual project”. What is the nature of this undertaking? On its fiftieth anniversary can a balance sheet, and future prospects be drawn? The British New Left, respectively the original New Left from E.P.Thompson and John Saville’s New Reasoner and Stuart Hall from the University and Left Review, that combined in 1960 to found the Review, and the Second New Left, whose chief theorists, Perry Anderson and Tom Nairn, as well as Robin Blackburn, ran the journal after 1962, is often the object of intellectual biography. Assessing the value of the individuals’ work. Or on the magnificent set-piece battles between Thompson and the later NLR’s editors. Here there is a different object: the transition from the original New Left’s aim to “make socialists” to New Left Review’s (1962)  Editor, Anderson and his  more ambitous plans. That is, to his ultimate goal, to produce a fresh layer of left intellectuals who would help end British anti-theoretical “exceptionalism” and pave the way for socialism. History, careers, and disputes, should be seen in the light of these objectives.

    Susan Watkins in the Editorial to the 61st Edition (Second Series) of the Review, talks of its launch in 1960 as “one of a myriad of small harbingers of left renewal”. Its early enthusiasm for “anti-colonialism”, Third Worldism in general and Latin American guerrilla activity and Cuba in particular, were causes championed by a much wider international New Left (notably American and French). They were succeeded by “intensive debates within Marxism” of the end of the decade. But what really brought the New Left prominence, and shaped the journal’s frame of reference, was 1968. Leading up this was the movement against the Vietnam War, whose British wing, the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (VSC) had a decidedly New Left tinge. This, as we are frequently told by veterans, was a tumultuous period, at its most spectacular in May, marked by student revolts, the counter-culture, the democratic and humanist socialist resistance to Stalinism, and, above all, the stirrings of mass workers’ action in Europe. Even in ‘sleepy London’ the London School of Economics saw a student occupation – which displayed solidarity with French protests. In the VSC held a mass demonstration in September ’68, causing manufactured panic in the media, and, saw a ‘Maoist-Anarchist’ splinter faction (several thousand strong) march on Grovesnor Square. Violent clashes with the police ensued. A Revolutionary Socialist Students’ Federation (RSSF) came into being, with encouragement from the New Left’s publications. Its influence, split and reformed into various factions, rippled through British campuses in the years to come.

    New Left Review engaged in theorising these events, and, also to Watkins, “helped pioneer work on women’s liberation, ecology (? There are so many claims to have been a proto-Green), media, film theory, the state.” Not that theory smothered action. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 19, 2010 at 11:47 am

    Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste at an Impasse.

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     Not Articulate in Defence of Secularism.

    The Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste was founded just over a year ago (Wikipedia – in English - here). Its origins and general character do not need rehearsing on this Blog. Suffice to cite two elements.

    Firstly, the NPA is not just an ‘anti-capitalist’ party, but claims to be a ‘revolutionary’ as well. Secondly, its ideology is a mixture which includes, apart from the said hostility to the bourgeoisie, Trotskyism, Marxism, Ecology, Anti-imperialism, Feminism and Guevarism.

    The latter remains a bit of mystery. One suspects it’s something to do with wanting the support of those types who put up Che posters in their flats, back Venezuela’s ’Bolivarian Revolution’, and wear groovy Cuban T-shirts. As for feminism, we shall see.

    The NPA’s  revolutionary creed is now confronting the less lyrical world of the March French Regional Elections. This, as we have noted here before, has involved the NPA is a compromise. Local NPA branches can decide on their alliances with other left groups (or  to ‘go it alone’) - as long as they “totally independent” of the (rightward moving) Parti Socialiste. That is the largest political left party in France. When it comes to the second round of these elections …this will be a matter for the same local groups to decide if they will support the leading force on the left. In all certainty the Socialist Party lists, will often be remade to include others, such Greens and, the Left alliance, (Front de Gauche) which the NPA will have difficulty actively supporting. More probably they will simply call for “blocking the way to the right”.

    The NPA’s programme, Tout Changer, rein lâcher (change everything, don’t let anything go), is, as one might expect. Maximalist demands (in Trotskyist terms, they are transitional - ones that capitalism cannot concede), such as a prohibition of  redundancies and absolutely free public transport appear. As do minimum proposals for equal pay, sustainable, local, agriculture, public banking. And, specific to the Regional Assemblies, they call for plans to raise taxes, sustain budgets, and develop publicly run training schemes. In brief, to oppose the present drift towards private provision, and built a decent public democratic sector. Further democratic principles include opposition tot he Sarkozy repressive ‘security’ legislation. On international issues, the  withdrawal of French involvement in Western interventions is prominent.

    One can say that – watching the videos of their campaigning , and meetings – that the NPA manages to put on  an honest, inspiring (and frequently really touching) operation. More like the Right to Work Conference, speaking from the heart,  than the bombast of Respect leader George Galloway, or the velvet evasions of Salma Yaqoob.

    But political problems loom large. There appears to be diminishing ’ompf’ in the left’s camp. The NPA – and the non-PS generally (including the Front de Gauche) do not appear to be taking off. Opinion Polls give the non-PS left lists national percentage points under  5 % (though locally this varies considerably).This has something to do with the morose political and social climate – which France shares with the rest of Europe.  The difficulty of presenting a credible alternative to Sarkozy – beyond calls for yet more ‘struggle’ – lies in the absence of the left of the PS’s ability to unite around a different national political project.

    But the NPA’s specific, self-inflicted, problems, stem from another source.

    The decision to  feature a veiled woman on one of its South of France  lists has created an immense furore. (Initial story Here.) The candidate has a good background in militant democratic activism. But her open support for religious dress overshadows this.

    She  claims – for reasons which are unclear - to be a feminist. That is, beyond this assertion and backing for abortion rights, there is no exploration of the link between her Moslem beliefs and ‘feminism’  in the ‘Interview with Ilham Moussaïd’ (republished by an anglophone living in France here.)

    If she is a feminist why does she accept a rule – said to protect women from male lust, or at the very least an instruction from god to keep women pure – which does not apply to men? If Islam is in any way feminist, why does it permit polygamy and polyandry?

    These contradictions led three of Moussaïd’s fellow NPA list candidates to resign. Nationally NPA web sites have been buzzing with hostile exchanges on the matter – with a  substantial part of the organisation outraged at the attack on secular public values it represents.

    The NPA is caught in a contradiction. It criticises the veil (in any form -  a symbol and reality of oppression). Yet it accepts this breach in its principles. Efforts to wriggle out of by stating that the decision in supporting the reactionary dress was  decentralised are hardly convincing. The Parti de Gauche has openly accused the NPA leader, Olivier, of “racolage” – touting for business – in religious constituencies. When he offers a justification of this action (or lack of it)  Besancenot looks frazzled and disingenuous to the rest of the left.

    In the UK the left will generally welcome giving a religious ‘pluralist’ dimension to politics. In Britain the multiculturalist and religious left not only accept the veil, but makes a virtue out of its embrace of ‘diversity’. Most think that the veil is a matter of pure individual choice – ignoring the religious ‘law’ which enforces it, and the bullying of the zealous to extend its use.  

    One should look at the origins of this ‘anglo-saxon’ attitude. One cleverly exploited by the ‘soft’ Islamist Salma Yaqoob who claims the veil is a “woman’s right to choose” (here). And hypocritically ignores the violent, murderous, recent history of its imposition under waves of Islamisation across the world.

    In the United Kingdom this ‘liberalism’ is a modern adaption of the ‘tolerance’ of British imperialism for the faiths and customs of those they ruled over. Specifically, it is a legacy from the Raj – of imperial sanction for religious ‘personal law’. Today this stand is transferred to Islamic dress. It can be extended to any ‘cultural’ practice – judge not or ye shall be judged, one might say. A kind of liberalism that ends up in the Stanly Fish argument that religious censorship is no great deal, since people always have different ‘preferences’. And don’t we ‘censor’ too. Or, in this case, is not encouraging women to dress as sex objects just as bad.

    Well, they don’t harass women or stone them for not dressing up as Pole Dancers.

    As far as I am aware.

    The hard-line secularism of the Parti de Gauche on this, opposing religious dress codes (though not ‘bans’ on the Burka) is attractive  - you know where you stand with them. Religion should be fought in left politics – not by law but by political struggle. One day maybe even the British left will recognise that.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 22, 2010 at 11:29 am

    SWP Descends to Threats.

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    Gerry Healy: Gone but Not Forgotten!

    Just been threatened by the new  Suffolk SWP cadre.

    This individual cancelled a meeting of the ‘Right to Work’ campaign – at very short notice. So short I only heard of it half an hour before it was due. Too late to inform one person, who was busy walking from the Chantry Estate (he is suspended from the Dole, bus costs £1.80 each way). A long trudge through the drizzle. I had to go and meet him at the arranged place to say it was cancelled.

    Naturally I was angry.

    Next day saw said ‘cadre’ flogging paper outside College.

    Expressed said anger.

    Just now ‘cadre’ came up to me in Library. Seething with rage. Not welcome at Right to Work (bye-bye that!). Groans about my talking him in such a way. Brief explanation. Face contorts. Apparently I am a ‘bittter (heaven forfend)) sectarian”. Then suggests that I “come outside” for a “full and frank discussion” of this. “Are you threatening me?” “No” Body language says otherwise.

    One cannot help but think that their little recent contretemps has affected the way the Party behaves.

    SWP…WRP here we come!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 24, 2010 at 1:55 pm

    Posted in SWP, Sectarianism

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    Bangladesh Set to Become Again a Secular State.

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    Justice at Last?

    Glory to the Great Bangladeshi People!


    News just in:

    Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government plans an attempt to turn Muslim Bangladesh into secular state, a minister said.

    Nearly 90 percent of the population is Muslim and Bangladesh ranks fourth after Indonesia, Pakistan, and India by the number of Muslims, with over 130 million.

    Earlier this month, the Supreme Court upheld a lower court decision declaring the Fifth amendment, which dropped secularism as a guiding state principle, as null and void.

    The opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jamaat-e-Islami party had appealed against the High court judgement.

    “In the light of the verdict, the secular constitution of 1972 already stands to have been revived,” Law Minister Shafique Ahmed said late on Saturday.

    “Now we don’t have any bar to return to the four state principles of democracy, nationalism, secularism and socialism as had been heralded in the 1972 statute of the state,” he said.

    Bangladesh gave up the word “secularism” in the 1975s.

    (from here) (Reuters here)

    Background here.

    There are also the forthcoming Tribunal and Trials of War Criminals (here)- those who stood with Pakistan in its mass slaughter during the 1971 War of National Liberation (here).

    Many of the alleged crimes were committed by  members of the Jamaat-I-Islami or related Islamist groups. In Britain these political forces are closely aligned with George Galloway’s Respect Party. They have also enjoyed close relations with the SWP and Ken Livingstone’s advisers.

    The principal link, through the East London Mosque, is claimed  here . The contents of this site, Bangladesh Genocide Archive,  are well worth looking at. If you can stand weeping at suffering and the indifference of the world today  to the plight of the Bangladeshi people.

    It will be interesting to see, as the legal process unfolds, how the above UK groups and individuals  justify their alliance with war criminals.

    We await Islamophobia Watch’s wriggling.


    Facebook Group here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 26, 2010 at 11:25 am

    Posted in Islamism, Secularism

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    Tendance Coatesy on Secularism: a Short Guide.

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    In Defence of Militant Secularismhere.

    So What is Secularism? Ian Birchillhere.

    A rely to Ian Birchallhere.

    Religion (General).

    Against Marxist Messianism - here.

    Review of Terry Eagleton, Reason, Faith and Revolution - here


    Burka: French Propositionshere.

    Review of  Tariq Ramadan’s What I Believehere.

    Review of Kenan Malik From Fatwa to Jihadhere.

    Rushdie Affairhere.


    Review: The New Anti-Semitism. Denis MacShanehere.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 27, 2010 at 11:22 am

    Posted in Religion, Secularism

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    Tariq Ali: Vichey to Blame for French Left Secularists.

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    Foe of the Enlightenment and French Secularists.

    The assault on Illhem (here)

    By TARIQ ALI (who “comes from an old, crusty, feudal family” - here)

    Ali’s comment on the controversy about the NPA candidate with the veil (a subject posted on here frequently), and the recent row over wearing the  Burka, starts reasonably,

    Patriarchal traditions, cultural habits and identity are what is at stake here and they vary from generation to generation. Pushing people back into a ghetto never helps.

    Pushing people into ghettos by subsidising religious communalism is a bad idea. Such as the British state’s sponsorship of multiculturalism and state funded ‘communtiy’ eladers. Or pandering to religious customs which clearly oppress people -as with all other “cultural habits” (from British sexism) that are against universal human rights. But one suspects this is not what Tariq  has in mind.

    This is what he is referring to, 

    The Algerian women who fought in the resistance against French republican colonialism did so as anti-imperialists. Some were partially veiled, others not. It did not affect the way they fought or the methods used by the French to torture them. Perhaps the torturers should have been more brutal to the hijabed freedom-fighters to help integrate their progeny better in the Republican tradition.

    Well, that’s clear: critics of the veil are the progeny of racist French imperialist thugs. Indeed we are the offspring of torturers.

    Apparently no-one has a right to criticise the NPA having a veiled candidate because the world is such a  bad place:

    The anger against Ilhem and the NPA is completely misplaced. The real state of the world leaves the defenders of the Republic completely unaffected: the million dead of Iraq, the continuing siege of Gaza by Israel and Egypt, the killing of innocents in Afghanistan, the US drone attacks in Pakistan, the brutal exploitation of Haiti, etc. Why is this the case?

    Several years ago I noticed that French protests against the Iraq war were muted compared to the rest of Western Europe. I don’t accept that this was due to Chirac’s opposition to the war [after all de Gaulle had opposed the Vietnam war even more strongly], but to Islamophobia: an increasing intolerance of the Other in French society, reminiscent of the attitude towards Jews in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The conformism of that period explains the popularity of Vichy during the early years of the war.

    Ah yes, them Frenchies are anti-Semites. Criticism of Islamism is in a direct line with the ravigns of Édouard Adolphe Drumont’s La France Juive. Having transferred this loathing to a new Other, they hate Islam so much they (including the conformist secualrists) backed Bush.Or at least were happy to see him invade Iraq without their help.

    A pretty long chain of non-sequitors. But what can you expect from a man who called for a Liberal Democrat vote in the last election on the grounds that they were opposed to the War on Iraq. Not sense at any rate.

    Islamophobes and anti-Semites share a great deal in common.Islamophobia: an increasing intolerance of the Other in French society, reminiscent of the attitude towards Jews in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The conformism of that period explains the popularity of Vichy during the early years of the war.

    Now we know where we’re going. Frenchies (always secret defeatist fascists), French secularists, are, well French, thus: secularist Left = Vichy.

    Ali is never shy of showing off his wider intellectual culture:

    How many Western citizens have any real idea of what the Enlightenment really was? French philosophers undoubtedly took humanity forward by recognizing no external authority of any kind, but there was a darker side. Voltaire: “Blacks are inferior to Europeans, but superior to apes.” Hume: “The black might develop certain attributes of human beings, the way the parrot manages to speak a few words.” There is much more in a similar vein from their colleagues. It is this aspect of the Enlightenment that appears to be more in tune with some of the Islamophobic ravings in sections of the global media.

    Doddery old Tariq obviously doesn’t know much about the Enlightenment either. Such as Condorcet’s appeal against slavery and for equality. Or the Society of the Friends of the Black People. Or the abolition of slavery under the First French republic (rescinded by Napoleon).

    Most people would say that racist comments are against the Enlightenment, whether the Philosophes said them or not. That is, that they contradicted their won principles. As did the occasional racist or homophobic remarks of a certain Karl Marx.

    Le Monde on February 20, 2010.


    Tariq Ali’s wrong-headed and unwelcome comments neglect the central point: Islamist attempts to enforce dress codes are part of their political programme. Since he so fortiche in Algerian History he might profit from following what happened when this programme was attempted -to the  misery and terror of Algerian women. Which is a central reason why the French secularist left is hostile to the veil and religious symbols in the equal public domain – though not in favour of a ‘ban’ by law of the, say, the Burka. Or remark on the fact that Sarkozy is very pro-religon, and would like to adopt – to a small degree it’s true – elements of ‘multiculuralism’ that Ali admries so much.

    As someone who admires Islamist ‘anto-imperialists’ Tariq Ali is now at the end of his political trajectory: mouthing insults against the Englightenment and French Secularism. Let;s hope he doesn’t go even further and defend Jamaat-I-Islami War Criminals.

    There’s no fool like an ageing old New Leftist Fool.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    February 28, 2010 at 12:01 pm

    Hitchens and Amis: A Marxist Dismissal.

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    Marxist Study Group Reading?

    Boulevardiers and flâneurs such as Tendance Coatesy have been entranced by recent spats by the country’s leading cultural figures. That is, Martin Amis and Anna Ford. Now we have Christopher Hitchens’s mémoires, Hitch 22,  to contend with. Marxists will be asking: what is the political significance of these rows? What do they show about the contradictions amongst the (self-styled) contrarians. The enchantment continues.

    Or maybe not.

    Amis we can dismiss with an adjective: he’s a poor writer. His muffled voice (London Fields – can anyone remember the plot?). His slack, truly cack-handed,  style, “the awful human colourlessness of South Wales, the dully flickering whites and greys, like a Pathe newsreel, like an ethnic Great Depression”. And his  risible attempts at ‘profoundity’  about Stalinism and the left (Koba). Even Britain’s leading Christologist, Terry Eagleton’s attack on Amis, over some sweeping and commonplace remarks about Islam, failed to inspire any sympathy for its object. At least not from me – and that really tells.

    Now we have Hitch 22. Christopher’s friends. P.G.Wodehouse meets Tony Cliff . Some scabrous allusions to sleeping with two future Tory Ministers to pepper it (is that moaning or boasting?). Some tales of long-distant leftist days. No doubt we will hear some whingeing as well as bragging. Will there be any justification of Hitchens’s turn to the right? As he finally gave in to Jeeves and got rid of his friends in the Heralds of the Red Dawn.

    So far not on the evidence.  Or rather yes. In a sense. Hitchens provides probably the definitive account of his drinking strategy,

    It’s the professional deformation of many writers and has ruined not a few. (I remember Kingsley Amis, himself no slouch, saying he could tell on what page of the novel Paul Scott had reached for the bottle and thrown caution to the winds.) I work at home, where there is indeed a bar room, and can suit myself. But I don’t. At about half past midday, a decent slug of Mr Walker’s amber restorative, cut with Perrier water (an ideal delivery system) and no ice. At luncheon, perhaps half a bottle of red wine: not always more but never less. Then back to the desk and ready to repeat the treatment at the evening meal.

    Personally I find this hard to believe. G.K.Chesterton once described the size of an average full bottle of wine as fit for one person’s consumption. This is hard to fault. Note to self: submit Hitch, above, to Pseuds’ Corner asp.

    Unlike Hitchens’ other political stands. Ramblings about Islamic fascism and support for the invasion of Iraq. the former, a complete failure to recognise that the real fight against Islamism passes through the secular left of the countries where the battle is being waged. Not through the good offices of the US-NATO military.

    As for his atheism - fine as it goes, but even Coatesy finds it a bit shallow. Lacks depth. Lacks profondeur. As we flâneurs say.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 1, 2010 at 11:20 am

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    Response to Islamophobia Watch.

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    Bob Pitt’s Islamophobia Watch has a take on Bangladeshi secularism – and Tendance Coatesy’s “ultra-secularist” site. (here).

    Regarding moves to reintroduce the secularist principle of the Bangladeshi Constitution he notes,

    the government has shown little enthusiasm for such a change. Following a meeting last month between the ruling Awami League and its coalition partners, one of whom urged that the constitution should be amended along those lines, prime minister Sheikh Hasina stated firmly that the words “Bismillah-ar-Rahman-ar-Rahim” would be left unchanged in the constitution, as would the declaration that Islam is the state religion.

    This is indeed the case. Not one to be celebrated either.

    It is not difficult to identify the motive behind this decision. During the 2008 election campaign the Bangladesh Nationalist Party and its Islamist ally Jamaat-e-Islami accused the Awami League of hostility towards Islam, and Sheikh Hasina no doubt reasons that if her government were to abolish the religious elements in the constitution this would be exploited by the opposition. So an entirely justifiable change that would restore the secular principle to the constitution has been rejected on pragmatic, not to say opportunistic, political grounds.What, then, are the “secular foundations” of the 1972 constitution that the Bangladesh government wishes to restore? Well, crucially they want to reinstate a provision, subsequently removed, which declared that “no person shall have the right to form, or be a member or otherwise take part in the activities of, any communal or other association or union which in the name or on the basis of any religion has for its object, or pursues, a political purpose”.

    Indeed, following the Supreme Court’s verdict, Shafique Ahmed was quoted as saying that all religion-based parties should “drop the name of Islam from their name and stop using religion during campaigning”, and he went on to announce that religion-based parties are going to be “banned”. In short, what the government of Bangladesh is planning to do is to amend the constitution in order to illegalise Jamaat-e-Islami.

    Here we pause. The Jamaat - unnoticed in the UK where its supporters are free to run the East London Mosque – has engaged in systematic violence against leftists and secularists in Bangladesh. This continues on a daily basis. The latest outrages and their outcome (today) noted here.

    Pitt continues,

    What does this have to do with secularism? Nothing whatsoever. If a secular constitution required the suppression of faith-based political parties, then secularism in Germany would require a ban on the Christian Democrats. And nobody, not even a secularist ultra like Andrew Coates, is calling for that.

    Quite a few constitutions ban political parties that based on religious, other communalist or racist  ideologies. There are provisions in, say the Turkish Constitution to that effect. The German Constitution bans the resurrection of the Nazi Party – and its laws are extremely harsh towards Holocaust Denial. Political Parties under the Grundgesetz must have “internal organisations that conform to democratic principles”. In general the idea of calling political parties by religious labels is not particularly democratic since it suggests that they have a special role in representing that religion rather than electors. German or other Christian Democrats face the problem that  in today’s  Europe  Christianity is not the only religion of its citizens, and that vast numbers of people are secular. In countries with a majority Moslem population this is particularly acute since it is usually synonymous with a call for Islam (and the Sharia) to be the basis of the Constitution and not democracy.

    In that context, groups like the Jamaat seek to impose a narrow vision of Islam. Nor is this just a matter for Bangladesh. As Andrew Gilligan’s Channel Four documentary last night (here) demonstrated beyond controversy how the Islamic Forum of Europe is implementing its reactionary segregationalist agenda.  In this they are aided by generous State and local government subsidies. All the  better to throttle opposition and any Bangala culture – secular or religious – they dislike. That a land, which has one of the richest and most glorious cultural legacies in the world – Bengali –  is threatened by such thugs is of prime importance to progressives across the world.

    One would wish to combat such parties – something Islamophobia Watch singularly fails to do.

    In this case we would not accept that say the Jamaat should be banned but ought to be politically confronted. Something Respect, the SWP and Livingstone, because of their alliance with the Islamic Forum of Europe, will not do.

    Abdul Hamid of the Spitoon notes that the Jamaat and its much larger ally, the Bangladesh National Party (BNP), are at present denying the rights of the Pahari people. (Spitoon)

    This is in a long line of their sponsorship of pogroms against non-Muslims, ‘tribals’, and secularists.

    Something Bob Pitt fails to register.

    We leave the last word to a Bangladeshi secularist, Rasel Pervez,

    Awami League, as a political party, claims it upholds secularism, and most of the Awami inclined intellectuals simply wants Awami league to follow this secular path. All the intellectuals of Bangladesh wish and want Awami league to become a party that leads the fraction of Bangladesh population which supports secularist view; but, in essence, this particular party never moved further away from its roots and always in practice has nurtured the Muslim sentiments as its party policy.

    In fact, Awami League has never really overcome their religious roots. In practice, it uses the religious sentiments of people to stay in power. And, this is precisely the point where it looses its idiosyncrasy from Jamaat e Islami and other non-secular parties.

    Actually the spirit of 1972’s constitution was to establish a secular state which would have no state-religion, which aimed for the state not to patronize any religion and should not use religious sentiment of people politically. But Awami League is failing to follow that course of secularism and using the religious sentiment of people to justify its misdeeds. Instead of being called Awami League, we should at least recognize their effort of Islamizing this country by renaming it as “Allama Awami League” and also to respect the believes of  our countrymen start a political movement of having a Islamic name of our country.

    (More Here)

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 2, 2010 at 11:09 am

    Front de Gauche Slightly Up, Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste Disappears: Opinion Polls.

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    French Socialist Party Likely To Do Well.

    Opinion Poll, Le Monde, 4th march, for the March French Regional Elections. (Relayed Here.)

    These are figures that relate to the first round of the elections. The second round – where further agreements and alliances are possible – is crucial.

    Lists (right-wing) of the  UMP-Nouveau Centre-MPF-CPNT remain at  30%, plus  1%, of other fragments of the right make  31%. Parti Socialiste for the  PS lists  (28%), adding 2% for  Divers gauche (diverse left) lists  (Frêche in Languedoc-Roussillon, Liste Giacobbi in Corsica…). That is a total of  30%, a rise of two points.

    Les Verts-Europe-Ecologie, à 12%, lose a point.

    The Front National at 8% loses a half point.

    The  Front de Gauche à 7% has gained a point, while the MoDem (centre)  are unchanged at 4% (Note a lot lower than they expected).

    The Extreme Left is clearly losing support:  2,5% for  Lutte Ouvrière (-0,5) and 1,5% for the  NPA (-2).

    From this one can assume that the Socialists are well poised for the second round. They can make deals with other parties of the left, and are likely to win in most (if not nearly all) regions). The Front National will probably damage the right further.

    The left of the Socialists and the Greens is therefore not making a great impression. At 1,5% the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste risks effectively disappearing electorally. Its inability to defend secularism clearly and its ambiguity towards reactionary religious dress codes (Islamic veil), have doubtless played a part in this dramatic drop in support (3,5 to 1,5%). Added: LO critique of NPA’s stand on the religious issue here.

    The fact that the Parti Socialiste has been able to prove its capacity in local government (municipal and regional) seems to help them. They remain, nevertheless, well short of a convincing national political strategy. Hovering around alliances with the Greens or the Mo-Dems further confuses their profile. In these conditions the Front de Gauche (Left Front – grouping together electorally left socialists, Communists, Greens and radical leftists ) may be able to present a more radical programme, based on the wave of social and industrial discontent that is stirring. It may have a longer-term impact – that is up to the next Presidential and national elections. How the NPA reacts to this will be an important for the future of the French left.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 4, 2010 at 1:28 pm

    Pabloism: A Serious Biographical Sketch of Michel Raptis.

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    We are often asked about Pabloism (well not very often but it has happened). Well the Pablo is one, of many, party names of a revolutionary usually called Michel Raptis. The most reviled Trotskyist of the post-war period, the father of lies, liquidationism, and revisionism of all stripes and spots.  With this in mind it is no surprise that Tendance Coatesy, as with many other leftists, owes a political and ideological debt to this outstanding individual.

    There is more. Hearing that his principal orthodox Trotskyist enemies were Gerry Healy, Pierre Lambert and James Cannon – all po-faced right-wing authoritarians – one cannot but help but like Pablo.

    Then there are heavyweight political and ideological reasons to be interested in Pablo, and the Tendency around him (which, if it ever was, was certainly not reducible to his personality). For an introduction, Wikipedia here. More texts are beginning to appear on the Marxist Internet Archive – here. These help give some portrait for anyone interested –  to make their own minds up, not rely on worn-out judgements on ‘Pabloism’.

    But  the best biographical introduction to Michel Raptis: on the Lubitz Trotskyanet –  here  The account cannot be cut and pasted so go to the – extremely useful – site.

    Lubitz effectively debunks a host of myths about Pabloism. The biography outlines the complex early period of his political life – including important episodes - such as the Second World War and his participation in the Algerian Revolution - where documentation is of necessity not always easily available. The rows in the Fourth International – - in the 1950s – between the figures cited above and Pablo and Mandel – are given fair attention. The article covers the later politics of the Tendance Marxist Révolutionnaire (TMR), and wider aspects of the later period of Pablo’s political career - the primacy of self-management. There is a solid bibliography. In short, the highest standards are met.

     This provides a window into how the TMR embraced the project of a ‘self-managed’ republic, took up themes such as feminism, supported anticolonial revolutions (without neglecting as their consequences unravelled, the necessary critique of ‘anti-imperialist’ national bourgeoisies), and defended democratic politics against Stalinism and orthodox Trotskyism.

    By the 1980s the TNR, which operated on a collegiate rather than a ‘Leader’ basis (and numbered outstanding figures such as Maurice Najman), had returned to some position of influence. It helped keep alive the ideas of workers’ control during the political triumph of neo-liberalism. This heritage continues. Not to mention its close relations with modern movements, that place ecological issues within the context of popular control. Those influenced by these ideas are today active in the French ‘alternatifs’, left social- republicanism, and the (left-wing of) the  Front de Gauche. As well as in other countries where the TMR’s impact was wider than its formal membership.

    For its contemporary relevance then this sketch of a biography  is therefore highly recommended.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 6, 2010 at 11:56 am

    Posted in Left, Marxism, Trotskyism

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    Iceland Votes No.

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    Manifestations devant le Parlement à Reykjavík (AFP)

    Happy Days Are Here Again!

    Early referendum results showed that 98 percent of Iceland’s 230,000 voters had voted “No” against the deal to repay the UK and Dutch governments who compensated Icesave 340,000 customers in 2008 – the outcome came as no surprise to the Reykjavik government. (From here)

    Or “ En þegar talin höfðu verið yfir 130 þúsund atkvæði höfðu 93,3% kjósenda hafnað Icesave-lögunum en 1,7% samþykkt þau.”( here.)

    IceNews reports that 1,5 %voted yes (Here) and that, “Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir said following the referendum that negotiations will likely restart next week with all three nations as committed as ever to finding a fair solution to the repayment of money lost in the failed Icesave savings accounts.”

    No doubt ways will be found to ignore this result.

    For all that, it would be tempting to say that Icelanders are to be congratulated. That by saying ‘stuff it’ to the bankers and fund-managers, and rich individuals who tried to benefit from finance capital, they are well within their rights. That the misery - wage and social cuts, unemployment – they have suffered should not be made worse to curry favour with these rapacious thieves. That this shows a people united in their ability to say “No”.


    And entirely right!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 7, 2010 at 12:23 pm

    Posted in Europe, Iceland, Imperialism

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    Against Communitarianism.

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    Against Communitarianism.

    A Critical Review:  Justice. What’s the Right Thing to Do? Michael J. Sandel. Allen Lane. 2009.

    Michael Sandel is a ‘communitarian’. A critic of political and economic liberalism and its building block, the private “unencumbered individual”. An advocate of the common good based on “situated” selves. In the Reith Lectures of 2009, Sandel threw caution about transposing a version of US history to a different European context to the wind. He announced that, “renunciation of moral and religious argument in politics in the decades following World War ll, prepared the way for the market triumphalism of the past three decades.” This must be remedied. In place of a framework of neutral law and secular politics we should engage in substantive debate about the good society – including within this those who argue in terms of the sacred. Or as he puts it in Justice, “a politics of moral engagement”. One that, in contrast to the liberal and secularist hostility to religion, is “more capacious faith-friendly form of public reason.” Issues such as same-sex marriage, abortion, patriotism, stem-cell research, the ‘moral limits of markets’, and redistributive taxation, imply, inevitably, “moral and religious controversies” that should not be kept out of the civic domain. Indeed they reveal “moral ties” that are bound up with the striving for a better life.

    In many respects Justice is an expanded version of Sandel’s best known book, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice (1982). This – an extended critique of John Rawls’ egalitarian liberal A Theory of Justice (1972) – put forward the notion of justice as “constitutive”. That is, made up by people’s “shared self-understandings” of their “attachments”. He concluded that with this type of politics, “we can know a good in common that we cannot know alone.” The present text, which “accompanies” his “legendary” Justice course at Harvard University, is directed at a less specialist audience. As such it often resembles the curriculum of those Great Thinkers DVDs one sees advertised in the New York Review of Books. There are chapters on Utilitarianism (Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill), neo-liberalism (Milton Friedman), market-libertarianism (Robert Nozick), political liberalism (Kant, John Rawls), and an interpretation of Aristotle, associated with fellow communitarian (Catholic and one-time New Leftist) Alasdair MacIntyre. Along the way, he spins folksy anecdotes or as he calls them, from MacIntyre, “story telling” (about, amongst others, car repair-men, and baseball players) to make his case. Whose tendency to run to blandness is enlivened by a dose of some Tabasco Sauce – a plea for citizenship beyond the logic of the market, and for the pious to play an important role in defining our “sense of community.”

    With its appeal to religious ethics seriously, it is hardly surprising that Justice has found admirers in faith communities. These range from enthusiasts for ‘social’ Christianity to Islamists, desperate to find someone who recognises the value of their calls to divinely grounded Justice. Some former leftists flaying around for support for their claim that key alliances must be made with believers on issues of communal injustice might be equally seduced. No doubt there will be also Third Wayers who are drawn back to Tony Blair’s brief flirtation with another – much more woozy – communitarian, Amitai Etzioni. And whatever it was is he said about mutual obligations in “responsive communities”. Much of Sandel’s “exhilarating journey” (blurb) is more wide-ranging. As already described, it is a History of Great Ideas: of Freedom, Ethics and the Good Life illustrated by Burning Issues of the Day. It is by examining them that Justice attempts to demonstrate that the “demands of solidarity” raise topics where religious, and other heart-felt, moralities’ voice should be heard. They should be part of the “narrative conception of moral agency”.

    Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 8, 2010 at 12:23 pm

    Taslima Nasrin: The Wandering Victim of Islamism and Multiculturalism.

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    The Book That Still Upsets.

    Taslima Nasrin has been under a cloud since 1994 (more here). In exile from Bangladesh for her secularism. For writing such as Shame  (Lajja) – which criticised religion, and particularly political Islam. The cause of her reaction? Bloodshed. Those who were not followers of the Prophet were driven out of the country. Not just in the period of the partition of the sub-Continent. But in waves afterwards. In her own land the far-right parties of God continued to terrorise slaughter non-Muslims. In particular pogrom drives, “In the Hindu eviction drive, village after village was burned to the ashes” A Hindu was “a two-legged animal which had become a foreigner in his own land” Threatened, “You will be cut to pieces to be given to the cows as fodder.”

    Brave Nasrin would not remain silent. She wrote. She fight. For “the disease of religious fundamentalism is not restricted to Bangladesh and..must be fought at every turn.”

    Pogroms – Jamaat and other Islamist  inspired – remain a threat.

    Nasrin was and is not afraid to attack the failure of Bangladeshi left parties to defend Hindus. “Which party could be trusted after even eminent Communist Party leaders  didn’t feel secure with their Hindu names?” Ignored by British press she remains in serious risk of attack by Islamists.  Under sentence of death.

    Yesterday Le Monde (here) gave a full page to Nasrin’s plight. 

    Taslima Nasreen, 48 ans, est ne apatride trimbalant sa valise de pays en pays, de villes en villes, séjours fugaces en des havres provisoires.”

    “She has no nation, who carries her suitcase from country to country, from city to city, hidden stays in fleeting havens.”

    At present in India her refusal to stop criticising religion means her present home is increasingly provisional.

    Since Nasrim criticised the burka. She suggested women take this “symbol of oppression ” off and burn it. As a result  she has been again the target of a violent Islamist campaign. Last March two people were killed in  demonstrations in Karnataka demanding her death. the Indian left accuses her of fomenting hatred against an already oppressed religious minority. She replies that she also attacks hard-line Hinduism. To no effect.

    It looks probable that her stay – even under such restrictions she is barely free at all – in India will not last. They are already talking about a new exile, a new search for refuge.  (More here).


    It is hardly surprising that Nasrin’s case has not been loudly heard in Britain. By the ruling religiously inspired Establishment or by more liberal multiculturalists and much of the left. Lippy Bangladeshi atheists - a woman to boot – do not fit into the narrative of oppressed Islam. Nor any possible consensus about the role of faith in finding ”social justice’.  She must be ‘nutty’. She is a pain. No doubt an ‘Islamophobe’. Better keep quiet about her. Just watch.

    By contrast it is the duty of every revolutionary to stand shoulder to shoulder with Nasrin.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 10, 2010 at 5:14 pm

    Downbeat End of Campaign for the NPA.

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    All is not going well for the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste. launched to great fanfare as a potential leading force on  the French Left it is now facing up to the potential of a poor election result in next weekend’s regional elections. Its failure to take a clear secularist stand against the veil has contributed. As has its inability to decide clearly on a national line – though tending to a ‘go it alone’ position in most place in others it has entered alliances with the rest of the non Socialist Party left.

    Mercredi 10 mars, devant quelque 800 personnes – une petite “Mutu” pour le facteur révolutionnaire –, il a tenté une nouvelle fois de reprendre son antienne sur “la crise sociale profonde” et “la répartition des richesses” qu’il préconise, discours qui a fait son succès.

    Mais les dirigeants ont du mal à cacher leur difficulté à faire campagne. “C’est compliqué cette fois-ci”, admet Basile Pot, un proche de M.Besancenot. Malgré une campagne militante ”à l’ancienne” axée sur les mots d’ordre nationaux classiques et la revendication des “transports gratuits pour tous” en Ile-de-France, le leader du NPA reconnaît que “c’est difficile”.

    Avec des prévisions donnant le NPA entre 2 % et 3,5 % des voix, les sondages ont traduit à leur manière ce ressac.

    I would put its likely score lower, at below 1,5%. This is because NPA supporters tend to come from layers that are less likely to cast a  ballot than the average  – youth, and protest voters. But then I well may be wrong.

    Le Monde here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 11, 2010 at 1:12 pm

    Ben Gummer Plays the Race Card.

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    Is Ipswich Worth a Bit of Racism?

    “A Message on Immigration from Ben Gummer to residents of…….(Ipswich Street).”

    This came through the door yesterday. “Immigration – it’s time to Act”.  ”I have been recently in your area, knocking on doors”. Not that I noticed.  A Window sign saying “Death to the Fascist Insect that Preys on the People” may have put Benjy off. Him being a bit of tick  that it.

    It goes on “everywhere across the town people are concerned about immigration”. 

    So concerned that is that Benjy has to “address ” these “concerns“. Not that it’s about ”race or colour” – since we all know the “concern” people feel about the large numbers of Americans, Australians, Canadians and Kiwis here.

    So: we get Conservative promises for an “annual limit” on people let in here, a “point-based” system for those with skills, “limit immigration from new EU counties”. I am getting bored. He mentions the asylum system, Border Police, greater integration and a British Bill of Rights in place of the Human Rights of Act. Obviously not all humans are good enough to be British.

    There’s even some stuff about “myths” about Asylum Seekers. Apparently they don’t get free cars! This reminds me of the campaign against Ben’s Dad, “apparently he doesn’t get free champagne breakfasts every day” (when does he get them?).

    The culmination is the claim that “No fit person, British or not, should live on benefits as a way of life”.  A big  thank-you to full-time Careers and their meagre benefits.

    This clearly means: Workfare. That is replacing people working for real pay with those on the Dole – work for benefits as it’s known. Which will reduce wages in ways unseen in this country  since pay cuts in the Great Depression. The unemployed with eat into full-time salaries, and they will take over the work of council and private companies. A prospect no doubt wished for those with full-time jobs.  And sure to deal with immigration (?) and its ‘problems’.

    All in all a disgraceful case of stirring up fear – of “immigrants”. If Ipswich Spy reckons it’s “quite tame” then he (or she) fails to see what blowing a dog-whistle does: it gets the mutts frothing.

    This glossy leaflet was financed by a certain non-domiciled Vice-Chair of the Conservative Party. This foreign-based individual has poured funds Tories fighting into marginal seats. Ipswich for example. The text is centrally generated. Then slightly adapted. Benjy benefits from the profits of a foreign based millionaire – I underline this point to illustrate the double standards of these xenophobes. Ashcroft has plenty of other points against him. Such as being a rapacious exploiter.  Which is nothing to do with where he lives.

    This funding issue is ignored by Bridge Ward News who seems only interested in Ipswich Labour Party’s  cash sources.

    As for being a populist…

    Ben Gummer is the author of the Scourging Angel (2009). A scholarly, throughly researched, study of the Black Death. Showing some talent as a historian Gummer promotes the optimistic view that the Catholic Church was a force for good during this plague. It, he asserts, tried to fight anti-Semitic and other scapegoat-searching persecutions that followed its progress. He enlivens otherwise rather ponderous chapters with citations from Middle English literature, including Langland and Chaucer. Showing some signs of genuine appreciation. True the book lacks  any serious analysis of the – overarching -  processes – accelerated by Bubonic death – to the dissolution of feudalism, or indeed of any generalised class structure. But it is serious history.

    If Gummer choses to add the theory that the word “job” stems from the medieval scribes’ way of writing “unun opus”, he is entitled to crank etymology. It shows an agreeable propensity – growing with age – for all kinds of odd-ball theories.

    Stick to the medieval history Benjy.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 12, 2010 at 11:59 am

    Ex-SWP Left Platform (Rees and German) Mount a Counterfire.

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    Rees, German and Friend: Happy Days are Here Again?

    The former SWP Left Platform has launched its own web site, Counterfire. Or rather a Blog - here. Or at least have a presence there.

    Nothing about the world-historical reasons for their break  with the SWP as yet. Under theory some pedestrian stuff about Gramsci, Climate Change, Peasants Revolting and Trotsky on the United Front (Part 331). Most is ‘reporting’ in the Socialist Workers style (that is, always check out the facts for yourself before believing any of it).

    If their coverage of the failure of the state to ban BNP members from being teachers is anything to go by: they are profoundly confused and illiberal.

    This contains this claim by Tony Dowling,” a National Union Teachers (NUT) activist in Gateshead ”

    “Schools need to be safe, inclusive places where every child is valued. This is ABC for teachers – and I know the overwhelming majority of parents feel the same way. Teachers who are signed up to a party with diametrically opposed values – values of intolerance and exclusion – cannot possibly support the sort of environment we need. Last week we took a group of pupils to a mosque in Newcastle, where they had a tour and learnt about the Islamic faith. Such educational opportunities broaden children’s horizons, but are despised by the BNP.

    The new report claims that existing measures to protect pupils from discrimination are adequate. Those who have lobbied for new restrictions, by contrast, argue that a teacher’s membership of the BNP is incompatible with values like respect for diversity and a commitment to schools as inclusive communities (from  here.)

    This utterly misleading scare-mongering.

    Once you set up “values” like diversity and commitment to “inclusively” as the criteria to be a teacher without further qualification, you do two things. Firstly, you lay down a ‘test’ for them on the basis of what you take their values to be. Secondly, you fail to distinguish between what people think and what they do. Since only the latter are visible, you can make all kinds of judgements about their ‘hidden’ ideas. In this way, you lay the ground for an Inquisition into personal beliefs.

    Singling out the BNP evades the problems this creates.

    Diversity and tolerance are challenged by a  variety of groups, including Islamists, extreme nationalists, various religious sects, and cults. To make all of these groups fit into the ‘values’ you see lay down is impossible. Rees and German have worked closely with Islamists from the Muslim Brotherhood and the Jamaat-I-Islami who violate all the basic notions of tolerance and diversity. Do they still maintain links with the shadowy IFE? If they couldn’t see these people for the intolerant racist bullies they are, what chance has a School Tribunal – motivated by the pressure Counterfire and other more substantial lobbyists for a purge of the BNP  would exert –  of reaching just decisions on who to ban?

    By whipping up fears about the BNP Counterfire and those with the same views fail to fight the racism present in  mainstream political parties, beginning with the Labour and the Tories.

    A poor start for the former SWP leaders’ new project.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 13, 2010 at 12:58 pm

    Posted in BNP, Left, Racism, SWP, Trotskyism

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    Slavoj Žižek: First as Tragedy. Then as Farce. Review

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    Communist Explosion

    Review: First as Tragedy. Then as Farce. Slavoj Žižek. Verso. 2009.

    Slavoj Žižek came to the left’s attention in the 1990s. Initially he was called a “‘right Hegelian’ masquerading as a ‘Left Hegelian’ with a dubious neo-liberal past. (Peter Dews 1995) A few years later he was heralded as a “welcome recruit to the anti-capitalist struggle”. Blending “rarefied Lacanian themes” and Classical Marxism resulted in a “highly suggestive theory of the revolutionary act” (Alex Callinicos. 2001). More recently he has become a fixture. Someone who “defends an iconoclastic Marxism against ‘conformist liberal scoundrels’.” (Göran Therborn. 2008). Not without critics. To some on the left the Slovak theorist’s “critique of capitalism has little to do with Marx’s” (Andrew Robinson and Simon Tormey. 2006). With such contrasting assessments it is not surprising that Wikipedia has detailed pages on Žižek’s critics and defenders. This will probably multiply them. A prolific author it is near impossible to keep up with all of his writings, but this seems certain to be his most politically engaged and politically relevant book – for what that’s worth.

    No doubt First as Tragedy Then as Farce will still startle a few. We rapidly forget its laboured “IQ Test”. Marx’s well-worn phrase is taken and applied to the collapse of the liberal-democratic political utopia on 9/11” (did you notice that?), and the ‘repetition’ in the ‘farce’ of financial meltdown (is that still going on?) But this is not the main thesis. Fortunately. The central objective of the book is to “take the ongoing crisis as a starting point”, examines the “utopian core of capitalist ideology”, the nature of the “real” is mystifies, and attempts to unravel its central contradictions. That the text’s efforts to “locate aspects of our situation which open up the space for new forms of communis praxis” will have some echo is certain. Well-attended public appearances and media coverage underline Žižek’s present popularity (videos here). Though one has little evidence that his audience is doing much to “re-actualise the communist Idea.” Or to resolve the Left’s dilemmas – either to struggle for state power (what is normally called Leninism) or to reject capturing the state altogether (a line associated at the moment with John Holloway’s writings) – by adopting his own ‘Leninist’ project of “to make the state itself work in a non-statal way”. Is this the way forward for “communist praxis”? Many people will probably already think of a few objections here. What this implies for governments and civil services is not explored beyond reference to “radically changing” state power, “and its relationship to its base” “and so on”….

    This review will not try to negotiate all of the “so ons”. They lead us to the inner alcoves of Žižek’s maze of concepts. Just for theory: Lacanian psychoanalysis, theories of the ideology and the subject, Kant, Hegel and subsequent German idealist philosophy, not to mention Marxist dialectics, are there in abundance. With plenty of by-ways into Badiou (star turn – here), Laclau, Saint Paul’s universalism and Walter Benjamin’s “divine violence”. Not to mention more empirically based writers picked up along the process of churning out the present pages, such as Jean-Pierre Dupuy and his warnings about potential catastrophes – commonsense advice that we should anticipate disaster before it happens that Žižek manages to render into Latinate profundity. Or musing on “humanisation” in telling stories about people that “emphasise the gap between the complex reality of the person and the role he has to play against his true nature” There is reference to Jonathan Littell’s aridly formal novel Les Beinveillants (2008), a “fictional-person account of the Holocaust form the perspective of a German participant, SS Obserturmbannführer Maximilan Aue” From thence to psychology and politics of ‘Toxic subjects’ (‘the Two-Faced Sneaky Back-Stabber’ for starters), and then the Italian Government’s use of the State of Emergency. A hotchpotch of High Theory and journalistic commentary. All of interest, but hard to keep within the boundaries of the narrative we are busy constructing out of the pages of First as Tragedy.

    Invariant Communism.

    We are concerned however with one, if often over-egged, dish. How Žižek’s mixes the ingredients to explain the way “invariant communism” – a “concrete universality”, “universal features that may be applied everywhere”- “has to re-invented in each new historical situation.” If the ‘Real’ of the global market mechanism, a limit on representation, how can we speak of communism today and how can it become actual? The new Spirit of capitalism for Žižek fills the symbolic dimension. A world not run by traditional hierarchy but by “post-modernism”, a flat decentred world, where the “master-Signifier” is multiple consumerism, or rather, a kaleidoscope of enforced choice. A world in which we buy for “experience”, consume for pleasure and meaning, where companies promote their “ethical values”, and politics are fragmented by our (multiple) “identities” A world that by its very permissiveness foments fundamentalist – puritan – reactions. And the populist-racist mobilisation around its own version of “fear of the toxic Other” (Žižek rarely misses a helping hand from the clichés of the academic left even when he turns round and tries to maul them). An environment, in short, which the capitalist ‘real’ – operating beyond the ken of most people – throws up a vast array of misleading images and ideas that smother radical challenge. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 15, 2010 at 12:31 pm

    French Regional Elections: Socialists on Course, but Massive Abstentions.

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    With a total of 50% (29% for the Socialist Party) the left won a historic score.  The elections were marked by record abstentions ( 54% ) This was nevertheless a slap in the face for Sarkozy’s Party, the UMP, (which he openly campaigned for – violating Presidential neutrality). They were down (with their allies) to  26,18%.
    The election results will not alter the existing leadership of Regional Councils, which are all under Socialist control, except for Alsace and Corsica. In the latter the right may lose. Only the situation in Languedoc, where the Frêche list (organised by a loud-mouthed ex-Socialist  populist) came out ahead of all left lists. The Parti Socialiste is calling for a vote for him to stop the UMP gaining power.
    Europe Ecologie, an alliance of the Verts and Green ‘notables’ from all sides, got, 12,46% – a reduction on the European election result., 16,2% They will be a position to negotiate positions of strength inside new regional council. Their politics on ecological issues, are not expected to cause difficulties, though the self-importance of some of their candidates may be more of a problem.

    To general surprise the far-right Front National did well. They has a high vote in the Nord de Calais (Le Pen’s daughter Marine - now coming Party leader)  and 20% in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur where Le Pen stood. In many places they will be able to stand again in the next round – thus undercutting the traditional right, and effectively helping the Socialists retain power. The FN ascribes its success to the debate on French ‘identity’ – where their xenophobic message has seemed to be part of the mainstream.  

    The Front de Gauche got over the limit of  5% – up to 6% . The Nouveau Parti Anti-capitalist (NPA) got around 2,5% (it is not clear whether this figure includes the minority of regions where they were allied with the Front de Gauche or not). This defeat (they had hoped for 5%) was expected. Commentators account for it, partly from their perceived sectarian stand, and partly from their failure to stand up for secular principles on the issue of the Veil.

    All of these left forces call for a vote ‘against’ the right. But only the Front de Gauche will actively negotiate with the Socialists and campaign for their victory.

    The  Mouvement Démocrate (MoDem), the ‘centrist’ opposition to Sarkozy declined to 4,35%.

    High abstentionism is said to be due to the feeling that regional councils are not relevant to everyday  life, and to the failure of any party to convince people that they will make a difference.


    (From here) Perceptive analysis, Rue 89 here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 15, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    Green Chahārshanbe-Sūri.

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    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 16, 2010 at 11:04 am

    French Regionals: Where the Left now Stands and What it Means.

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    French Regional Elections Results of the  14th of  March 2010
    POLITICAL LISTS. Make-Up First Round
    # %
      Extrême Left NPA, LO 662 199 NPA 3,4%LO 1,10 %
      Front de gauche et alliés, Communists, Left Socialists,Ex-NPA and Altenative Greens and others.  PCF, PG, GU, Les Alternatifs 1 137 153 5,84 %
      PS et alliés PS, PRG, MRC 4 579 807 23,52 %
      Europe Écologie (Green Party with  political personalities and allies) Les Verts, F&S 2 372 340 12,18 %
      Divers gauche Variables 594 947 3,05 %
      Union de la gauche (Socialist Party, Left Radicals,Republicans, some Communists) PS, PRG, MRC, PCF 1 094 111 5,62 %
      Other listes Variables 366 422 1,88 %
      Listes régionalistes, from Bretons to Corsican nationalists. RÉG 146 104 0,75 %
      Mouvement démocrate et alliés (Centrists) MoDem, alliés variables 817 608 4,20 %
      Majorité présidentielle: President Sarkozy;s right-wing UMP and its allies. UMP, NC et alliés 5 066 826 26,02 %
      Divers droite. Odd-ends. Variables 241 153 1,24 %
      Front national FN 2 223 760 11,42 %
      Extrême droite (Identity Bloc and dissident FN) EXD 173 283 0,89 %
    Abstentions 23 407 608 53,64 %
    Voters 20 232 451 46,36 %
    Spoiled and Invalid Ballots. 756 738 3,74 %

     Three Main Issues from these results for the French Left:

    • The Rise of the Green Vote. Europe Ecologie (Official Site here) is an alliance of the Green Party a few  political refugees (or opportunists)  from other parties (Socialists and Communists) and well known Ecological personalities (such as José Bové). It is headed by Daniel Cohen-Bendit. This result contrasts startlingly with their Presidential score in 2007 (1,7%). Danny le Vert’s  aim now is to create a new platform for ‘political ecology’ – to become a major player. The Greens (les Verts) are a small group of around 5,000 members. More than fifth hold elected positions, from the lowest levels  of municipal politics to the Senate. With their present allies they are likely to become even more top-heavy. Their politics, opposing for example, regional rapid train projects, are not without ambiguity. Allied with the Socialist Party they will do well in the next round of elections – in terms of seats. Their political future looks more and more conventional - in the direction of the German Greens that Cohen-Bendit is determined to push them. One will follow of itnerest their ability to sustain these voting levels in sharper more crucial elections .
    • The Front de Gauche (in English here) did reasonably well – eclipsing the Nouveau Parti Anticapitalist (NPA) where the latter stood apart from the rest of the non-Socialist left. In Limousin, where the NPA stood with them – they scored their best result (over 13,13%). This indicates the benefits of working together. Even if it now posing problems with the Socialists for the next election round – they will not accept NPA candidates hostile to their party(here).  LO – who really went it almost alone – got nowhere. In the Vaucluse, where the NPA succumbed to multiculturalist  opposition to secularism, by standing  a veiled candidate, their vote dropped by a half to around 2%. Internally NPA critics of this inability to stand up to religious oppression were numerous. As they said, here is a  difference between  defending people’s right to wear oppressive religious dress and conniving in it politically. The future of the Front de Gauche as an electoral alliance looks probable, though how far there will be future candidates for Presidential Elections (already Jean-Luc Mélenchon is spoken about) or – improbable – a joint organisation remains to be seen. The weight of the Parti Communist Français’s past remains heavy.
    • The Parti Socialiste did well. Both the Greens and the Front de Gauche appear to have gathered support as perceived pressure groups on them rather than full-blown alternatives. How far they will be able to operate – within the limits of Regional Government – remains to be seen. The Socialists are still without any clear nationals strategy. Their proposed alliance with the centrists of the Modems appears up in smoke, and the centre party is already imploding.

    The Second Round on the 21st of March promises to consolidate the pattern of left – PS-led – advance. Whether the left will have a ‘grand slam’ and win every region is of little interest outside of the hexagon

    The Parti de Gauche says:

     Le Front de Gauche s’enracine. Nous sommes les seuls à avoir progressé en voix tout au long du cycle qui s’achève. Nous entrons donc dans le suivant en dynamique ascendante. L’adhésion est bien présente, souvent au-delà de nos électeurs

    The Left Front has put down roots. We are the only force to have seen our votes go up in the political cycle which is now ending. We are entering, therefore, on an rising wave, into the next cycle. Support and backing is really there, often well beyond our electorate.

    Internationally we may reflect on the positive results of unified political campaigns. To begin with the French left has avoided the ‘Italian’ disaster of being dragged to the centre and impotence - though Europe Ecology remains a threat which may yet do the same as the Mo-Dems once menaced. Equally it shows the importance of standing up to social democratic compromises with market-liberalism from the left, by open new organisations. The NPA’s inability to ‘jump over’ the rest of the left has left many of its members openly disappointed. The NPA’s declaration, that the Elections showed a rejection of Sarkozy and massive abstention, failed to face their own responsibilities.  But the fact that some local NPA groups co-operated with the Front de Gauche (not to mention a  whole tendency – the ‘Piquet’ tendency – which joined it) is a good sign for the future.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 18, 2010 at 11:10 am

    Review: The Idea of Communism. Tariq Ali.

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    Not a Totem?


    Review: The Idea of Communism. Tariq Ali. Verso. 2009. 

    Communist spiders, capitalism as a nervous disease, the triumph of liberal capitalism, when “utopia, together with all notions of collective activity and its misshapen Communist children, was buried safely in the family vaults..” the Flying Machine of the Tailor of Ulm… The opening pages of The Idea of Communism are full of confusing metaphors and allusions. We steady around the motif that, “the idea of ‘Communism’ grew out of the need to challenge wage-slavery of workers during industrial capitalism of the nineteenth and twentieth century”. From Europe and North America as wage slavery spread, resistance to it developed – the twin sides of the “first wave of globalisation”. It was the analysis of this process, of its “longue durée”, that Marx and Engels offered. “Because of its lasting value, it will last as long as the planet”. Tariq Ali has not published a memorable, well-researched or even well written book, (in comparison with his The Duel, 2008, on Pakistan and Afghanistan). But its 126 pages have great ambitions to say something of value. 


    The Idea of Communism is not so much an exploration of Communism, as an account (cobbled together from historical insights of varying quality, and his own published writings of decades past ) of the fate of one type of Communism. This begins with the Communist Manifesto (1848) and concludes, as the “light is dim” with a call for “new forms” of combat “between the possessors and the disposed.” An evocation of William Morris’s A Dream of John Ball (1888) Where “fellowship shall be established in heaven and on the earth” completes the elegiac tone. An unfortunate reference. Perhaps Ali imagines himself as the Lancelot in Morris’s The Defence of Guenevere (1858). Mounted on the “roan charger” who comes to rescue Communism “at good need”. 

    The history of the “idea” of communism it is not. Nor does it explain its Ali’s claim that as long as capitalism exists so will a communist challenge. It never specifies why resistance to markets and private property have to be communist as such (Interview here, rhetoric in full flow here). It is an account of the views of “Communism’s founding fathers”, Marx and Engels, their appropriation by the leaders of the October Revolution, and a balance-sheet of that event and its consequences for today’s left. That is, there is nothing about pre-capitalist communist utopians, the communism of Moses Mendelson, Wilhelm Weitling and Étienne Cabet, anarchist communism, or contemporary communist thinkers such as Michael Hardt and Toni Negri. The “practice” is that of Marxist parties, post-1917 that followed the Leninism codified and (transformed) by Stalin and their (largely) Trotskyist or former Trotskyist, critics. It is a story of the “divorce of theory from practice” – a promise of social equality and freedom that would come with the abolition of wage labour, and a bureaucratic reality. Repressive dictatorships – founded on other waves, of terror. There is plenty on the search for a true “praxis” that unites the two realms. Pre-Lenin the 1870 Paris Commune comes close to the ideal. Apparently in opposition to the ‘social’ republic that its leaders supported. Or as Marx stated, the “vital elements” which “frankly avows ‘social emancipation’ as the great goal of the republic” (First Draft of ‘The Civil War in France’ 1871). The author of Capital saw in it the germs of a transformed state. The future lay, not in rejecting ‘republicanism’ . It was in the way it went beyond it through its “organised power” and its role as “the vanguard of working men of all nations”. But then Ali’s image of the Commune has more in common with the vivid (c more essential) novel by Commune participant Jules Vallès in L’Insurgé (1885) than a thought-out, critical, historical inquiry. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 21, 2010 at 11:39 am

    French Left Victory. Europe Écologie: Cracks Start To Open Up.

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    The Sunday Second Round of the French regional Elections were a success for the Left.  56% of votes on a national level for the joint-lists of the Parti Socialiste, Europe Écologie and the Front de Gauche (in  a few regions, such as Brittany - for the Greens, and Limousin for the Front,  they stood separately). Sarkozy’s supporters got  37% . The far-right Front National got  7% This leaves the left running all the regions, except Alsace. Negotiations  with Corsican nationalists over a regional government are continuing. (Summary here)

    The left clearly benefited from disillusion with Sarkozy’s main promise. That if people worked more they would get more (more jobs, less taxes). Economic growth remains modest and unemployment high. Proposed reforms of the welfare state affecting retirement and pensions frightened many. Yet the left has no attractive central objective,  apart from defending existing rights and a dose of ‘green’ politics for the environment. Ecologists were able to gain support partly because they appeared to offer ideas on the latter in elections for the bodies (Regional Super-Councils) that initiative and run the infrastructure (transport and planning) that touch these concerns.  The Parti Socialiste hope to integrate many of those elected on the Europe Ecologie slate. But their own internal disputes continue: the saga of the fight between Socialist leader Martine Aubry and Ségolène Royale.

    The future of  Europe Écologie is now capturing media attention.

    This electoral alliance is made up of the Green party (les Verts) and a gamut of personalities, ranging from left wing figures like José Bové, radical intellectuals, notables, activists,  to “neither right nor left” ecologist pioneer, Antoine Waetcher.

    Daniel Cohen-Bendit, the ‘liberal-libertarian’  leader of Europe Écologie wishes to create a new structured organisation out of this alliance. On Sunday he called  for a new “political co-operative” formed around «collectifs Europe Ecologie-22 mars». (here). The reference to Cohen-Bendit’s May 68 (very much) past, is underlined by his critique of ‘obsolete’ political machines, adapted to the industrial past. A new form of political organisation, (inevitably) held together by the Web, with full plurality, should be created. “Il est nécessaire de «repolitiser» la société civile en même temps que de «civiliser» la société politique et faire passer la politique du système propriétaire à celui du logiciel libre.”  “We have to repoliticise civil society while, at the same time, civilise political society, passing rom the political system based on proprietors’ ownership to that of a free radical.” (literally from property to free software). Opines Danny.

    Others are less keen. Martine Aubry, former Green Presidential candidate, says it’s all  “too early” for such a project. Rhetoric of a new ‘co-oeprative’ politics hides more than it reveals.  (here). Is the political axis of a new formation to be clearly on the left? Or, as Cohen-Bendit’s practice in Germany and the European parliament indicates – open to the Centre and centre-right? Another issue is the internal organisation of this proposed body. How would these groups operate? The not-too-distant experience of the anti-liberal ‘collectifs’ during the Referendum on the proposed European Constitutional treaty did not result in any new political organisation. They split over the formation of the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste - many backing Bové for his marginalised Presidential bid, others supporting Bescancenot and the NPA.  Europe Écologie contains potential divisions from this period: José Bové invested a lot in this campaign, Cohen-Bendit actively backed it. Not to mention the widespread suspicion of Cohen-Bendit on the left, including left-of-centre social-ecologists.

    With these problems in mind another thought must have occurred to activists on the French left,. Cohen Bendit speaks increasingly in terms of “je” (I) rather than “nous” (We). Have not the newly elected Greens seen that the real issue they face is not to create a “new” party but to come to grips with the Parti Socialiste’s embrace? This reality – a hard fact they will confront in their Regional Council rather more than Cohen-Bendit’s effiorts to drag them away into his own personal project.

    As strains over this proposal are emerge the prospect of the 20012 Presidential elections is concentrating  minds. But in which direction?


    Update: last night over 300 people crowded into a meeting organised in a Parisian café to hear Cohen-Bendit argue for a “metamorphosis” of the Green movement. Present were important Parti Vert members, with several leaders notably absent (here).


    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 22, 2010 at 12:17 pm

    Gauche Unitaire: Unity Pays!

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    The comrades from the Gauche Unitaire (ex-NPA) contributed to the score of the Front de Gauche. They stand  for a new democratic socialist party.

    They deserve their success.

    There was one unfortunate exception to the push to join the left together.

    In Limousin the Socialist Party refused to integrate the Front in the second Round of regional Elections. This was because of the presence of Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA) candidates. In the event the joint list went from 13,1% to 19,1%. 3 Communist Party (PCF), 2, NPA and 1 Parti de Gauche councillors were elected.

    This shows the positive benefits of unity (more from NPA here)

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 24, 2010 at 5:18 pm

    The Red Army Faction, A Documentary History. A Notice.

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    Important Book

    The Red Army Faction, A Documentary History. Vol 1. Projectiles for the People by André Moncourt and J. Smith (Here)

    The history of the Red Army Faction (1970 – 1998) is important for the European Left. The group did not just take up arms. From the “Urban Guerilla Concept” (1971) to its final declaration of dissolution, the RAF produced justifications for its strategy and actions.  The film, the Baader-Meinhof Complex, has stirred up interest in the organisation. Based on Stephan Aust’s book it gave a version of the RAF”s best-known leaders’ lives, Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof, which is widely accepted. That is, that these underground militants were deluded and isolated. They killed needlessly, and ended their own lives in despair. The  picture is shrouded with a doomed glamour.

    Smith and Moncourt (two pseudonyms) have produced a hefty alternative version. It extends far beyond biography, and the Baader-Meinhof band. It provides an introduction to the West German New Left from which the movement emerged. Unlike many who toyed with the romance of Latin American Foci, the RAF were serious about their project: to establish an outpost of Urban Guerilla action in the First World. To the authors, they were far from indiscriminate: their targets were institutions and players in imperialism.

    The book offer a detailed narrative history of the RAF’s development (up till the mid 1980s)  backed up with contemporary documents.  Projectiles for the People also offers an account of lesser known armed bodies, such as the Revolutionary Cells (RZ) and the Second of June Movement. The list of actions is placed in a wider political context, including the intense state clamp-down that went with rising media hysteria against the Baader-Meinhof Gang (as they became known).  Moncourt and Smith claim that the RAF took great care to avoid hurting civilians. The controversial heart of the book is soon apparent.  That Meinhof’s death in 1976, and those of Andreas Baader, Jan-Carl Raspe and Gudrin Ensslin in Stammheim in 1977, were not suicides. In all these cases there is “compelling evidence” that the State and Prison authorities were involved. That these were, in effect, murders. All of this is supplemented with numerous references and a clear chronology (at the end of the book).

    We discover how the rest of the West German left interacted with the armed struggle. For example,  the present leading European Green, Daniel Cohen-Bendit and future German Green Foreign  Minister, Joshka Fisher initially sympathised with the armed struggle. Their ‘sponti’ (non-dogmatic left) organisation (Revolutionärer Kampf) proclaimed, after the hunger strike to the death of Holger Meins in 1974, “unambiguous solidarity with the guerilla“. After Meinhof’s death, and rioting in the streets, they backed off. But only to support “mass militancy” against armed action. Fisher called for them to “put down the bombs and pick up the stones”.

    The authors do not shy away from confronting difficult issues. These include anti-Semitism, or at best, callous ’Anti-Zionism’ and the crimes of the hijack that ended at Entebbe. They demonstrate at least one point. That Horst Mahler, a former member now on the Holocaust-denying far-right, was expelled from the RAF in 1974. His trajectory, they assert, was an isolated one. However this bears little on the problem that during the 1970s the group and its allies were slow in “recognising or rejecting antisemitism”.

    There is much in this throughly argued and documented book that will cause a pause for thought. Many of us on the European left, who had sympathy for glamorous guerillas, were turned away by former combatants   ’Bommi’  and Klein’s accounts (June the 2nd and RZ) of what was wrong in this strategy. German leftists told us of how the repression against the RAF and other armed groups had turned against the whole left. They made us consider the moral issues at stake, though I would not exaggerate this too much. Perhaps, more significantly, the spiral of more and more isolated violence turned people off . Those who backed the  RAF after Stammheim turned from anti-imperialism, Smith and Moncourt state, to an obsession with imprisoned guerillas.

    Today the idea of a united ‘anti-imperialist’ movement, let alone an armed struggle in Europe, appears impossible,  politically and ethically dubious . What would such a  strategy be based on?  What ‘anti-imperialist’ countries are there, and what movements? North Korea? Jihadists? The area of dispute is limitless. In Europe the dying embers of nationalist armed combat, in the Basque Country, and in Corsica, are overshadowed by the horrors that went with the break up of Yugoslavia – a real armed conflict.  What happened there, which was sometimes presented as a fight for national liberation, had effects that linger in Europe. The actions of the erstwhile ’anti-imperialists’ of the German Green Party, Cohen-Bendit, and Fisher, have not fared better. Their backing for military ‘humanitarian interventions’ in the Balkans, is said by many to have paved the way for US intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan. After  these developments it is not surprising that many on the left today are sceptical about any use of force. That they prefer mass struggle to an armed one.

    Nevertheless,  Projectiles for the People should open a debate about what the RAF meant, historically and politically. It should be widely read.  

    This volume will be followed by a further one. More information here.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 25, 2010 at 12:32 pm

    Work for Your Benefit Coming to East Anglia.

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    Pilots are due to begin this autumn.

    Succesful tenders for Norfolk, Cambridgeshire & Suffolk.

    The information below identifies the suppliers who have been successful at PQQ stage of the Work for Your Benefit competition and the Contract Package Areas they have been invited to tender in.

    1 – A4E

    2 – Consultancy Home Counties

    3 – Ingeus

    4 – Intraining

    5 – Reed in Partnership

    6 – Seetec

    7 - Suffolk County Council

    8 – TBG Learning

    9 – TNG

    From DWP, Here.

    Usual suspects. Chancers, Millionaires (are they not the same thing?), dubious recruitment agencies, ‘learning’ (what?) and ‘Consultants’.

    With a new face – Suffolk County Council.

    The Chancellor Alistair Darling is calling for radical cuts to public expenditure (here). The Tories agree. How is this going to go with the duty to provide services? Answer: make the unemployed carry out public sector work for well-below the minimum wage, with no labour rights, and under the constant threat of destitution if they disobey. Cheap. Problem solved.

    Wondered how Suffolk County Council  is going to make savings without massive cuts (no service reductions here)? See above…

    Criticisms of Workfare on the Ipswich Unemployed Action site – here

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 26, 2010 at 12:26 pm

    How Not to Fight the BNP.

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    Today sees a Hope not Hate Day of Action against the BNP. This is just one initiative amongst many. Unite Against Fascism organises opposition to the BNP and the English Defence League (EDL). There are regular skirmishes. Last week’s demonstration against an EDL rally in Bolton was met with brutal police action. Emotions are rising.

    What are the ideas and strategies behind these campaigns?

    That all democrats should act to “expose” the BNP and the EDL. To show that they are far-right racists, out to attack non-British ethnic groups. That they hold a neo-Nazi agenda.

    The UAF writes, “We aim to unite the broadest possible spectrum of society to counter this threat.” This alliance includes the labour movement, the left, liberals, religious and ethnic groups.

    Those involved are motivated with genuine anger at the BNP’s public declarations, and, limited,  election presence.

    Why are some people voting BNP? Why was the party able to get MEPs elected? What are its roots? How has the EDL  got the means to bring football supporters and casuals out on the streets to shout about Islam?

    Is the best way to answer them to “expose” their real aims by door-to-door and media campaigns? To bring out anti-fascists when the far-right is in the street  to say “No Passaran!”

    Eddie Ford argues in the Weekly Worker (here) that,

    The EDL is but a symptom of the alienation engendered by the decaying system of capital, defended and promoted by the whole bourgeois establishment and its state. And to take on the latter we need to begin by uniting the existing organised left around a partyist perspective and hence take a decisive step towards what the working class really needs – a mass Communist Party of hundreds of thousands and millions.

    The profound problem being, of course, that this is almost the exact opposite of the approach adopted by the SWP/UAF and others. Deliberately, and with a certain degree of cynicism, such groups constantly present the threats and dangers posed by the EDL and BNP in such an exaggerated way as to justify the construction of the widest possible popular front – which turns out to be the SWP and assorted liberal personalities, vicars and trade union officials.

    Eddie is on the right track. Neither a popular front nor streeting-fighting will get anywhere.

    • The fury at the BNP and the EDL is displaced resentment. The left is unable to offer a cedible alternative to Gordon Brown. Encouraged by members of the Labour Party and Trade Union officials it united  against what seems a far easier target. The left can feel warm, self-righteous and active without having to confront its own weaknesses. The Labour Party equally avoids  its own responsibilities.  
    • Far-right parties have grown across Europe. Why? What is the alienation Eddie Ford talks about? Political scientist Eric Maurin explains the French Front National support as a response to a “fear of the future” (here). Despite its claim, this is not just high in France. A ‘factured’ society where there’s a loss of faith in tommorow, is emerging across the continent. What is it based on? It is a division inside both the working and middle class between those who are still ‘safe‘ in their work and careers, and those exposed to the ‘flexible‘ labour market. The fear of being turned out from a job and having to face competition for employment means that people blame the last arrivals on the market . In Britain, migrant workers take the brunt of these anxieties. Whether deliberately or not, employers take advantage. 
    • In these conditions, the far-right can get people to blame ‘foreigners’ for everyone else’s difficulties,  even when they are not even in the running for the same work. Anyone anxious about keeping their job and salary (mortgages, debt and high private utility prices make most of us on the edgy about our income) can vent her or his frustration on this convenient object.
    • In-fighting extends to  state provision (housing, education and health). Those protected ‘in’ the system are worried about being cast into less protected. The government’s programme of privatisations and outsourcing increases the difference between private welfare and public. It makes a whole swathe of people nervous about their position. Unemployment looms. Anyone forced onto the Flexible New Deal and other dole schemes (hundreds of thousands) is made to feel that they do not have benefits as a right. They have duties to the state. It, and its private contractors) have rights over them. Many people loathe this condition. This is another source of frustration.
    • The government’s multiculturalism has encouraged this process. This is not by its welcome promotion of mutual understanding. It is by its political strategy of supporting ”community leaders’  of ethnic and religious groups the recipients of local power and money. It contributes a further level of frustration and competition over resources. Multiculturalism, in this  sense ,  is a factor in fostering racism.
    • The far-right can concentrate all the resentments and insecurities of people together into an  ’anti-system’ programme. This can slip from anti-foreigners, British nationalist, to virulent anti-black or Moslem propaganda. But its hinge is a reaction to the market-state. That is Labour’s commitment to keeping its consistency ’safe’, promoting their interests. With its idea that the state should equip us to compete in a global market, people are left vulnerable  to the gales of insecurity when economic crises arrive. Their own policies inflame the atmosphere in which the far-right thrives.

    UAF and Hope Against Hate have not tackled these problems. They tend to reduce the source of BNP backing to ‘anti-Islam’ inflamatory speech. They have tried to create the view that nobody should criticise religious belief.  But opposition to religions, such as Islam, and Islamist politics, should not be confused with dislike of Moslems. By putting these together they are unable to pursue an  anti-racist agenda. In Tower Hamlets, for example, Ken Livingstone, Galloway, the SWP and other’anti-BNPers’ , are allied with the supporters of the far-right Jamaat-I-Islami  a well-funded  Islamist group responsible for massacres in the Bangladesh War of National Liberation and the slaughter of leftists, Hindus and other minorities ever since. By failing to answer those who criticise this link they expose a weakness that undermines their own credibility as anti-fascists.

    Nevertheless, one should not exaggerate either this factor, or the importance of the BNP. Much more serious, is, as Eddie claims, the inability of the left to develop a “partyist” perspective. Only a densely networked left, present in the community, can begin to fight the BNP and the EDL. This would have to be one that confronts the legacy of Blair and Brown – the market state to start with – that is the real cause of what popularity the far-right  has got.

    This does not mean ignoring the BNP, or the need for a street presence against the EDL. But it’s an issue of different priorities.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 27, 2010 at 12:38 pm

    Italy: Right Holds on, Northern League Surges.

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    Idol of the BNP.

    The Weekend’s Italian regional elections did not bring good news for the left. According to the BBC (here),

    The coalition of Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi has made gains at the expense of the centre-left in regional elections, partial results suggest.With most votes counted, the coalition has a lead in six of 13 regions where voting took place. It previously controlled only two. The gains came despite Mr Berlusconi’s recent personal  and political scandals.

    Le Monde comments that of the political forces,

    un seul a vraiment triomphé : la Ligue du Nord, alliée au PDL, obtient pour la première fois de son histoire les présidences régionales de la Vénétie et du Piémont.

    Only one has really triumphed: the Northern League, ally of the PDL  (Party of Liberty – Berlusconi’s rally), has got for the first time in its existence the regional Presidencies of Veneto and Piedmont.

    Bossi, the League’s leader, speaks of “tsunami della Lega Nord” – a “Tsunami” in their favour. (here)

    This is very bad news. It means that an outright xenophobic party is in a position of real power. The Lega Nord’s appeal is straightforward. It raises fears of foreigners (non-Italians) and the Italian South, on the kind of dog-in-manger defence of the relative regional prosperity of the North. It is a good illustration of a side of regionalism that many British leftists are usually keen to avoid, since they assume that decentralisation is always a good thing.


    The abject failure of the Partito Democratico, (Democratic Party) is heart-rending. It  shows the futility of trying to model a European centre left party on the US Democrats.  Forces to their left have  Partito della Rifondazione Comunista, (Communist Refoundation) are divided.  (here) The marginalisation of the left indicates is partly a result of their own internal fragmentation. This has been helped  by the Sinistra critica (Critical Left)  allied to the French Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (itself in crisis as a result of its own ‘stand alone’  strategy).

    For the European left Italy is a source of great sadness.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 30, 2010 at 10:03 am

    La Ballade de Jim.

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    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 30, 2010 at 11:17 am

    Posted in Culture

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    Burka and Niqab To Be Banned In Belgium?

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    Le Monde reports today that,

    Les députés belges membres de la commission de l’intérieur de la Chambre ont approuvé à l’unanimité, mercredi 31 mars, une proposition de loi visant à interdire le port de la burqa dans les lieux publics.

    Belgium deputies (MPs), in a Parliamentary Commission, have unanimously approved on Wednesday the 31st of March, a proposal  that would mean the Burka (voile integral) will be banned in public places.

    (More here.)

    Le Soir, Belgium’s  foremost daily, states that only the Francophone Greens had, some,  reservations (here), and that,

    La Belgique est vraisemblablement le premier pays d’Europe occidentale à adopter une loi qui bannit le voile facial de l’espace public. Une interdiction générale et absolue que le Conseil d’État français vient d’estimer peu tenable, juridiquement.

    Belgium is probably the first Western European country to adopt a law banning face-veils in public spaces. A general ban which the French Council State has said is not tenable in legal terms.

    In France there is a growing realisation of the potential for arbitrary and heavy-handed action if any full ban is made. It is extremely unlikely that France will do more than make prevent wearing the full face-veil (Burka and Niqab) in certain public conditions - where it would prevent equality. Such as in state and municipal services.

    In Belgium the proposal still has to go to  the Parliament to be approved. It is likely to be challenged in terms of its compatability with the state’s constitutional law (notably Title 2, Article 11 on freedom of religion). 

    It seems a hasty over-reaction. In France the whole nature of the debate has been criticised. Many welcome the affirmation of public equality and are opposed to all forms of religious covering up, the target. But when there are many government measures that attack people’s rights (over pensions to start with) it looks as if the issue is artificially inflamed to divert attention away from them. Such ‘culture wars’ have a tendency to distract from more significant problems.

    Even if we considered this a key topic these measures steer away from challenging  the strength of religious institutions.  Islamism is not just a galaxy of  far-right political movements based on the pious Moslem bourgeoisie. It is bound up with efforts to establish the power of Islamic jurisprudence , Fiqh, (here) .  The combination of religious ‘scholars’ and bigoted activists is the source of the oppression.  Not individuals. No prohibition of the full veil addresses this seriously. Probably because many of those worked up about the Burka are not just on the extreme right themselves – or on the right generally – but because they too favour religious bodies (Christian). In other words they are not secularist to begin with.


    Can anti-racist secularism can deal with this delicate subject?

    This is far from clear.

    What is certain is that one has to start from a secular state. This is something which does genuinelly not exist in Belgium. Although, unlike England, there is no official  Church there is an institutionalised system of “recognised religions(here). This gives subsidies  and power to faith organisations, including Moslem ones.  In this way the country’s religious policies resemble British ‘multiculturalism’ . They have helped foment communalist identities. Banning the full veil will not deal with the problems this causes, not least the divisions between Flemish and Walloons, and their inability to give ‘immigrants’ (many of second and third generations) real equality.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    March 31, 2010 at 12:31 pm

    Posted in Feminism, Islam, Islamism

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    Notes on Why I am Not a Muslim.

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    Notes on Why I am Not a Muslim. Ibn Warraq. Prometheus Books. 2003. 

    First published in 1995 Why I am not a Muslim was part of the blowback at Ayatollah Khomeini’s Fatwa against Salman Rushdie. It is a searing assault on Islam, seen as fostering “religious fascism” and a defence of intellectual liberty. Against those who, at the time, were (and are) openly calling for Rushdie’s death he affirmed his right to “criticise everything and anything in Islam”. Yet despite common ground over defending democratic values, for the secular socialist left Why I Am Not A Muslim goes against the grain. Appeals to Karl Popper, and Arthur Koestler, and sallies at “fellow travellers” with “totalitarian Islam” seem to place the author on one side of a religious Cold War.  More recently he has torn into Edward Said and the concept of Orientalism (here). However the book’s title is taken from the free-thinking writings of a hero of the left, Bertrand Russell (Why I am not a Christian). This suggests that we should look at it in terms of another tradition; one, which has increasing importance in European, left politics, secularism. Warraq indeed concludes with his readiness to oppose “fascism and racism in the West”. That is, if need be, to defend the value of universal freedom and openness against the West itself. 

    Today there is unreasonable hostility in Europe to Islam, not just towards Jihadists or aspects of the religion, but to all Moslems. At the moment proposals to restrict the right to wear full-face veils (Burka, Niqab) in Belgium and France, are grabbing the attention. Some say that we are seeing a full-scale campaign against Muslims. But this is not the whole picture. These reactions meld into a far more generalised prejudice against ‘foreigners’, migrant workers and long-established non-Christian groups. By contrast Governments and states try to institutionalise Islam and other religious communities within a multiculturalist consensus. In Britain the main political parties stand for an ever-growing role for ‘faith communities’ in determining and carrying out public policy. Some liberals and leftists appear to welcome this process. There are those preaching a dialogue between “Western and Islamic ‘civilisations’” on the basis of an assertion of Islam’s progressive values. (Tariq Ramadan).” Others, ‘alter-globalisers’, seeking interfaith unity around global ‘social justice’. In the guise of opposing prejudice they would help support state sponsored influence for all supernatural creeds. 

    But fighting against stigmatising Muslims on the basis of their religion is not the same as embracing religious institutions. In fact putting Islam on an equal footing with other state endorsed faiths is a recipe for greater intolerance. The Rushdie affair has been followed by a string of other cases where believers have asserted their right to censor critical voices. Local politics have been opened up to competing religious groups, not just to influence-seeking Islamic organisations but also to Christian lobbies and the Christian People’s Alliance. All have their own agenda, yet tend to coalesce around conservative moral principles. In this sense Warraq’s writing should be considered as not just as a rationalist attack on one doctrine, but as part of a broader critique of the social influence of religion. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 2, 2010 at 12:18 pm

    Democratic Centralism. Origins of the Slate System.

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    This is a Guest Post by  Dave Parks

    The article below is from karlmarx.net. Some key points briefly – the slate
    system was NOT operated by the Bolsheviks or even the early Communist Party -
    it was introduced in 1921 along with the ban on factions and this was
     two years prior to Stalin first getting control of the party. This was then
    combined with the massive expansion of the CC so that it could be filled with
     loyalists – that way bureaucratically outnumbering any opposition. The slate
    system was introduced into the Trotskyist movement in 1950 by Gerry Healy -
    he was also having problems with the awkward squad(s) at the time. the rest as
    they say is history … all of today’s sects have a slate system.

     Dave Parks

    On to Victory!
    With the Slate: On to Victory!

     A link to the article The Origin of the ‘Slate System’: here.

    The Importance of this article and the issues Dave raises are fundamental to any balance-sheet of the democratic Marxist left. Starting with the nature of democracy.

    Pat Byrne   March 2010

    The Origin of the ‘Slate System’ used in elections for the leadership of Leninist Groups.

    The leadership-recommended slate system for internal elections to the national leadership is used in most Leninist groups. It is not a natural system arising from the workers own experiences and democratic instincts but something artificially imported into the workers movement. In theory, the slate system can be used to recommend a list that consciously includes a good balance of talents and personalities. In practice, it gives the existing leadership a tremendous advantage in elections and experience has shown that it has allowed leaders to secure their continuous re-election along with a body of like-minded and loyal followers.


    Let’s examine how the ‘slate system’ arose. As the Leninist movement supposedly bases itself on the example of the Bolshevik Party, we need to start our process of discovery here. The following information comes mainly from a study made on how Communist Party internal elections were carried out in Revolutionary Russia. The study, ‘The Evolution of Leadership Selection In The Central Committee 1917-1927’, was written by the well-known sovietologist and academic Robert V. Daniels who drew most of his information from the official records of Bolshevik and CPSU party congresses. His essay was published in a fairly obscure academic study of Russian Officialdom which covered Russian society from the 17th to the 20th centuries. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 3, 2010 at 10:21 am

    Criticism does not exclude Muslims from the political process.

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    This letter (Here. )  caught my eye in Saturday’s Guardian – a paper that normally never publishes anything critical of Islamicist politics. Amongst all the good comrades  I was particularly pleased to see Amanda Sebestyen’s name on it.

    We are disturbed by the visible rise, in some parts of the country, of anti-Muslim bigotry resulting in sporadic attacks on Muslims and their places of worship. We deplore this and condemn it unreservedly. However, the authors of the letter you published (Islamophobia is a threat to democracy, 25 March) are quite wrong to equate legitimate concerns about the leadership of the East London Mosque and the Islamic Forum of Europe with anti-Muslim bigotry. To do so betrays those who have genuinely suffered discrimination. The East London Mosque has frequently allowed intemperate clerics to speak on its premises, some of whom have promoted values antithetical to those required in a tolerant and progressive society.

    They intimidate and bully other Muslims into accepting their contested theology as undisputed truth. Their allies and associates across south Asia have encouraged discrimination against minorities, opposed the reform of family laws and supported laws on blasphemy.

    How can it be right for those of us who believe in liberal democracy to leave unchallenged those who would discriminate against religious minorities, women, homosexuals and Muslims with dissenting or heterodox views?

    Criticism of incitement to religious hatred has nothing to do with excluding Muslims from the political process, as the supporters of the East London Mosque and Islamic Forum of Europe suggest. There are many impeccably non-sectarian Muslims active in political life, including in parliament, who are capable of opposing both racism and fundamentalism.

    The greatest threat to democracy comes from reactionary and sectarian political groupings. We are disturbed by the rise of confessional identity politics in this country. Those who would promote such politics deserve robust scrutiny. To combat them is a moral duty.

    Ansar Ahmed Ullah Nirmul Committee Gita Sahgal Women Against Fundamentalism Monjulika Jamali Cultural activist in east London, Denis MacShane MP, Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui Trustee, British Muslims for Secular Democracy, Nigel Fountain, Saikat Acharjee Lawyer, Amanda Sebestyen, Tehmina Kazi Director, British Muslims for Secular Democracy, Sandra M Kabir BRAC UK, Tahmima Anam Novelist, Amina Ali Gender equality campaigner in East London, Murad Qureshi London assembly member, Aisha Shaheed Women Living Under Muslim Laws, Dr Ahmed Zaman President, Communist Party of Bangladesh UK Branch, Harunor Rashid President, Soytten Sen School of Performing Arts, Darren Johnson London assembly member, Green party parliamentary candidate, Lewisham Deptford, Keith Angus Lib Dem parliamentary candidate, Hackney North and Stoke Newington, Rayhan Rashid War Crimes Strategy Forum-WCSF, activists’ coalition, Waliur Rahman Workers Party of Bangladesh, Peter Tatchell OutRage, Syed Enamul Islam Former MEP candidate for London with the NO2EU: Yes to Democracy coalition, Dr Irfan Al Alawi International director, Centre for Islamic Pluralism, Dr Rafikul Hasan Khan President, Bangladesh Udichi Shilpi Gosthi UK Branch based in east London, Prof Tom Gallagher Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, Prof Nira Yuval Davis Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging, UEL, Cassandra Balchin, Sujit Sen Bangladesh International Foundation, Syed Neaz Ahmad Academic and author, Harunur Rashid JSD, Zoe Fairbairns Novelist, Carolyn Hayman, Brigitte Istim, James Bethell Nothing British about the BNP, Jenny Harris Theatre administrator, founder of the Albany, formerly of National Theatre, Marieme Helie Lucas Secularism is a Women’s Issue, Victor Sebestyen, Syeda Nazneen Sultana Gender equality campaigner in east London, Dr Nowrin Tamanna University of Reading, Pragna Patel Southall Black Sisters

    From a letter calling for support for this:

    Dear Friends
    Ansar Ahmed Ullah, whose anti-racist and Bengali cultural history work I greatly admire, participated in the making of the recent C4 film criticising the East London Mosque .
    Some of you may know that this mosque is run by the same religious extremists who collaborated with the Pakistan Army during the Bangladesh war ,and were involved in the mass murder of Bengali intellectuals.
    Clearly the socialist lawyers and other progressives who signed the letter in the Guardian this morning, roped in by George Galloway and Respect to denounce any attack on the East London Mosque and Islamic Forum of Europe as an incitement to Islamophobia, may not have known all the facts. 
    Personally I don’t  dispute that the C4 film might have been followed by  even further racist attacks, on people who go to the mosque without knowing the full story, and on ordinary muslim people. If so it is horrible that the remedy is seen to be denying other muslims the right to speak out or have any democratic debate. 
    I think this is a good and brave letter – I don’t know the other people who will be signing and I don’t want to find myself stranded in a sea of Andrew Gilligans and Melanie Phillipses, so I hope that at least as many progressive people will sign this letter as mistakenly signed the earlier one. 

    Now we await a foaming Bob Pitt of Islamophobia Watch to make a reply.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 5, 2010 at 12:14 pm

    Posted in Free Speech, Islam, Islamism

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    Ipswich General Election Line-Up: A Bad Start.

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    Ipswich Line-Up for General Election in the Evening Star: (Here)

    The BNP has selected ex-RAF serviceman and former Ipswich publican Dennis Boater as their candidate and he will also be standing in the Stoke Park ward at the annual Ipswich Borough Council elections.

    Mr Boater said: “I go out leafleting and get a very positive response. Voters are pleased to see us and ask why we haven’t stood before.”

    Mr Boater said that if invited, he would take part in hustings meeting with other candidates.

    “Some may say they will not share a platform with the BNP – that’s their choice, but it will not look good in the eyes of the electorate.”

    Asked if he would take part in a candidates’ debate with Mr Boater, Ipswich Labour MP Chris Mole said: “While I am instinctively disinclined to give the BNP any credibility, they have to be defeated by argument.

    “I regret the BNP will be standing in Ipswich – it’s sad to think they can win votes here. The concerns the party says it has on immigration have been addressed by the Labour government.”

    This is very unfortunate phrasing (if correctly cited).

    What ‘concerns’? The BNP wants to get rid of ‘foreigners’. To enter in an “argument” when one “addresses” their “concerns” is to have conceeded more than is needed.

    Ben Gummer, Tory candidate, said: “I am very sad that the BNP will be spreading its lies and disinformation around Ipswich.

    “I can understand the concerns that people have over immigration, but the BNP is playing on that for its own wrongful ends.”

    More “understanding” “concerns”. What exactly do they “understand?

    As the French expression goes, “tout comprendre, c’est tout pardonner”.

    To ‘understand everything, is to forgive everything.” (Here)

    The General Election has already got off to a bad start in Ipswich.

    Do we really have to be reminded of what the ‘concerns’ of the BNP are

    See here.


    Update: Ipswich Spy (here) says, “ we leave our comments section open, and we welcome all sections of society, (but) this site will not give any publicity to the BNP or their candidate Dennis Boater beyond this post”.


    Bridge Ward News, which has showed plenty of “understanding” for the BNP’s “concerns” has yet to comment.

    Sarkozy, Those Rumours, Dati, Those Denials, Finance, Those Plotters.

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    Going Their Own Way.

    The saga of Nicholas Sarkozy’s infidelities, corruption, abuse of power and persecution mania continues.

    Ex-Minister,  Rachida Dati, has been forced to reply to claims she has been stirring the boiling cauldron. (Here).

    Contrary to myth the French media has covered the story.

    Its best-known investigative journalist, Stéphene Guillon (here), has poured revelation after revelation out on France-Inter every morning. Under the cunning disguise of ‘humour’ Stephy has revealed the truth: that there exists a vast web of conspirators out to ‘get’ France’s beloved Monarch.

    Even so, progressives have a duty to publicise that truth will out like a dammed spot.

    We can reveal that Sarko regularly dresses up as “Madame Frou-Frou”  for trysts with a foreign political leader, known only as “David C”.

    Meanwhile Carla Bruni has made an “Eminence Rousse”, with the pet-name of  ”Benjy”, her devoted “love slave”. They were spotted on Ipswich’s glamorous Neptune Quay yesterday evening.

    The forces behind publicising this, in the financial world, are too mysterious to mention (Yet more here).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 7, 2010 at 11:15 am

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    Mélenchon Mounts a Stout Defence.

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    Jean-Luc Mélenchon is a leader of the Parti de Gauche. The PG, is part of the Front de Gauche (in English here) , did well in the recent French Regional Elections (Results here).

    Recently Jean-Luc had a ‘few words’ with a French (student) reporter. Style Ken Livingstone at his most acerbic. Choice words, “lame brain” and “rotten head” (tête pourrie – it sounds odd to me in French as well). And so forth. This got in all the French media (Le Monde made the wholly false claim that politicians in the UK never behave like that).


    Jean-Luc reacts – in pages and pages. Against the “hydras” and “gorgons” of the bourgeois media. ( Here.).

    Well Done Comrade!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 8, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Malcolm McLaren and Situationism.

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    Juvenile Respect for Authority.

    Malcolm McLaren’s death was unexpected.

    He made a great contribution to radical culture. The Great Rock and Roll Swindle, that is.  It was mixed with a greater boost to his own personal inflation. Frankly, who cares about that? Punk was a much needed shock. We liked it in the late 70s. A real thrust in the guts.

    One thing made him real him for me. Not long ago he was on a Radio Two programme about  Serge Gainsbourg (here). McLaren really loved and understood the poetry and music. Really. That chimed a lot with me.

    A useful account of his relations, or not,  with situationism is here . I’ve always heard that Jamie Reid was the real situationist. That is the account I had from a few Warwick Uni people who got into King Mob, not that they, nor Jamie (more here), were actually members, (the people I spoke to were too late on the scene anyway). 

    Some  say that McLaren never got beyond the ”détournement” of  the ‘spectacle’ bit. Or that he fell in love with it.

    There’s a useful entry on Punk and Politics on Wikipedia - here.

    We could do with some of that anger and energy in politics and culture today.

    Ian Bone notes funeral here.

    Splinty has a Video-Fest here.

    French Tribute here. French radio here. Le Monde trying to be ‘tendance’ (which apart from being the name of a well-known revolutionary group means ‘trendy’ in French) – here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 9, 2010 at 9:18 am

    On Soundings and Reinventing the Left in Britain.

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    After the Crash: Reinventing the Left in Britain. Edited by Richard S. Grayson and Jonathan Rutherford.

    As the General Election approaches the left is hesitant. Support for Labour, the few score candidates endorsed by the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition (TUCS) or the handful of other left candidates, is debated. On Saturday the 10th of April activists have been demonstrating to defend the welfare state. What would be a re-elected Labour government be like? How can we fight a Conservative one? What would a Coalition mean? There is little clarity about the left’s future course of action faced with any of these possibilities. A post-election conference is simply called “Join the Resistance!” In other words, continue to do what we’ve done up till now, but try a lot harder to do it better.

    In an effort to bring some strategic sense to the left Soundings, has published an E-Book (here). It is a collection of essays around the theme of ‘reinventing’ the left.  This claims to think beyond the election to where forward-looking politics could stand on a different basis. It calls for “ New kinds of transformative political alliances.” The Editors announce, “we need to create a common ground for a progressive coalition of ideas and action.” “We need to rediscover our capacity for collective change. Our task is to reverse the decades-long transfer of wealth and power from the great majority of people to the financial sector, global corporations and a tiny rich elite.” For this, “We believe that now is the time for a new coalition of ideas and action on the centre left, working together to find common ground for change. At the heart of such a coalition is the belief that social democrats, liberals, greens and civic nationalists share a wide range of concerns. The processes by which we negotiate our alliances with one another will define the democracy of our movement, our acceptance of pluralism and our recognition of difference. It will be our commitment to a plural and democratic politics that will make us truly radical.”

    What does this imply for the General Election? To put it simply, Soundings is thinking in terms of hedging its bets. The issue of what an incoming government will do is less important than establishing “common ground” for these forces. For the 6th of May this reduces to a hope. The signs of the times indicate, they claim, that a realignment of the left is emerging. If any part of this hypothetical “progressive coalition” does well in the ballot box this is to be welcomed.

    Transformative Alliances.

    The model here is not centred on affirming traditional labour movement politics against the Conservatives or New Labour. The new fault lines are broader. “On one side are those who continue to believe that the market and individual choice are the most effective means of governing people and maximizing individual freedom. On the other side are those who believe that individual freedom must be rooted in greater equality, social relationships and the democracy of public action.” Straddling the categories may be both ‘compassionate conservatism’, with its own ‘social’ dimension (strong communities) and New Labour, which had/has is own vision of how to equip people for the market-place, public sector reform, and if not equality, then equal opportunity. But Soundings would like, if rather indirectly, to set both in the former camp and itself and its (wished-for) allies in the latter. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 11, 2010 at 10:56 am

    Jean-Luc Mélenchon “feels capable” of Presidential Candidacy in 2012

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    Jean-Luc Mélenchon “feels capable” of being a Presidential candidate in  the French elections of 2012.

    The leader of France’s Parti de Gauche (Wikipedia – in English – here) says in a period of crisis “characters” stand a better chance than  “pasturised cheese or  freeze-dried fish” (“des fromages pasteurisés ou des poissons lyophilisés”.) (Here.)

    What his allies in the French Communist Party think is not clear.

    More on Senator Mélenchon (in English) – here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 12, 2010 at 1:55 pm

    Labour Misleads Over Jobs ‘Guarantee’.

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    Faith-led Job Placement.

    Labour to guarantee a job for anyone unemployed for over 2 years?

    To hear the media and read the press apparently so.

    Channel Four News even did a special ‘report’ .  On the 11th of April it claimed,

    “Labour is to fight the election on a manifesto pledging to offer jobs but cut long-term benefits to anyone who has been unemployed for more than two years.”

    Ahead of Labour’s manifesto launch tomorrow the party said its proposals would be “ambitious but affordable” as the prime minister stakes Labour’s claim to a fourth consecutive term principally on securing the economic and social recovery.

    Under Labour plans public jobs would be offered to anyone over 25 who has been unemployed for two years or more and everyone under 25 unemployed for 10 months or more. If the job is turned down they will lose benefits such as jobseeker’s allowance.  ( here.)

    The Independent repeats this today, Labour plans to

    “Create 200,000 jobs through the Future Jobs Fund, with a job or training place for young people who are out of work for six months. Benefits cut at 10 months if they refuse a place; and anyone unemployed for more than two years guaranteed work, but no option of life on benefits.” ( here)

    But the Labour Manifesto says,

    All those who are long-term unemployed for two years will be guaranteed a job placement, which they will be required to take up or have their benefits cut.

    A ‘plecement’ then, not a job. People on the ‘Flexible New Deal’ get placements. They get no extra money than the standard JSA. A £15 a week extra allowance for placements has been abolished. So, one pay cut already and it doesn’t  look as if there are plans to pay people real wages for these new posts.

    People on these schemes have few rights and plenty of obligations. Labour’s Welfare Reforms increases these to “work for your Benefits”. It looks as if this proposal is a way of disguising Workfare.

    This promise of work (that is paid at a reasonable rate at least) for anyone unemployed for over 2 years is then misleading.

    To put it bluntly, it is a lie.


    Will this be different from the Tories’ “Work for Dole” scheme for a “Community Work Programme” ? (here)

    We have our doubts.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 13, 2010 at 12:52 pm

    French Greens Fall Out.

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    French Greens Battle Elements.

    As exclusively predicted here the French Greens have fallen out amongst themselves.

    Fresh from their recent electoral success in a broad electoral alliance, Europe Ecologie, Daniel Cohn-Bendit wanted to form a  post-party movement  corresponding to the novel stage of cyber-capitalism. But his ship had barely begun to sail before it ran aground at the reefs. Or rather the rocky coves of a structured Green Party, a Parti Vert. Known as Les Verts.

    Their leading figures took ill the suggestion that they should dissolve into a information highway-network under Danny’s captaincy (here). Cécline Duflot, the Party Secretary (here - in English)  has written her own, maturely pondered, response to this utter drivel (which barely hides a wish to move the Greens rightwards). To put it simply she wants the French greens to remain aligned to the left (that is, the Parti Socialiste). With a few nasty remarks about the Nouveau Parti Anti Capitaliste (NPA) to broaden her polemic, not to mention the Socialists moves to gather other allies on the centre, this is a call for a future Green-Socialist Party agreement for government. Cohn- Bendit has clearly over-reached his ambitions with his plans to ‘skip over’ such an accord. The wild claims made for the post-materialist post-party ‘political co-operative’ he promotes can’t have helped suppress already well-known tensions between Danny and anyone on the serious left of centre political scene. No one can doubt that despite its quicksilver image his project gives power and authority to Notables, not members. And certainly weakens the position of activists. That’s just to add to  widespread scepticism about Cohn-Bendit’s “reformist utopia” (latest version here).

    Anyone interested in the future of the European Green movement should follow these developments closely.

    At stake is a dispute between two models. Cohn-Bendit’s ‘immaterial‘ ecological centrist alliance is pitted against the greening of social democracy.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 14, 2010 at 9:51 am

    Benedict Gummer: Dad’s Dosh.

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    Would He Bless His Namesake?

    Terrible bad form and all that. But perhaps we ought to be reminded of the background prospective Tory Ipswich MP Benedict Gummer comes from. That is, his MP dad. These God-botherers do after all believe in sins of the fathers, or something or other. He did finance Benjy’s time at Tonbridge Public School.

    Let us be reminded that Benedict’s father, John Gummer M.P, was one of the worst offenders in the Parliamentary Expenses scandal (Here).


    John Gummer, the former environment secretary, used the parliamentary expenses system to claim more than £9,000 a year for gardening.

    Mr Gummer also received hundreds of pounds to meet the costs of “treating” moles, removing jackdaw nests, tackling insect infestations and an annual “rodent service” contract. He claimed more than £100 a year for the mole treatment alone.

    Not content with killing innocent wildlife Gummer ‘earns’ (we use this word loosely) his living by touting himself around a vast array of companies.

    Here are a few examples of how John Gummer earns his hefty crust : here. Note Valpak. It would be interesting to know more details about Valpak’s (or other Gummer interests) and the Suffolk Incinerator and the (Tory-run) County Council. This has yet to be covered in the highly interesting Ipswich Spy and  by Bloater Bridge Ward News (no surprises there, he can barely manage a key-board).

    1. Remunerated directorships
    Chairman, Sancroft International Ltd.; consultants providing advice and monitoring in corporate responsibility and environmental, social and ethical issues. Address: 46 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9AP.
    Received £13,750 (gross) quarterly salary for chairing company meetings and giving strategic global advice on corporate social responsibility. Hours: 42.75 hrs. (Registered 22 October 2009)
    £9151.25 quarterly salary(gross): chairing company meetings, strategic global advice on corporate responsibility, 89.75 hours (Registered 27 January 2010)
    Chairman, Veolia (formerly Vivendi UK); water companies. Address: 5th Floor, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London, N1 9AG.
    Received £3,562.50 salary (gross), 2 hrs, board meeting by phone plus preparation, and attendance at office opening (unremunerated). (Registered 14 August 2009)
    Received £3,562.50 salary (gross), hrs: nil. (Registered 21 September 2009)
    Received £3562.50 (gross) salary for chairing a board meeting. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 22 October 2009)
    Received £3562.50 (gross) salary: no board meetings in November. Hours: nil. (Registered 21 December 2009)
    Received £3562.50 (gross) salary. Hours: nil. (Registered 20 November 2009)
    Received £3562.50 (gross): board meeting and strategic advice. Hours: 3.5 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2010)
    Received £3562.50 salary (gross): no board meeting in February. Hours: 0 hrs. (Registered 23 March 2010)
    Chairman (non-executive), Valpak Ltd, Stratford Business Park, Banbury Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7GW; not-for-profit organisation for compliance with packaging waste directive. Salary paid alternative months. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 15, 2010 at 12:17 pm

    Iranian Regime Links-Up With European Far-Right.

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    Far-Right Likes Iranian Theocrats; Theocrats Like Far-Right.

    Hat-Tip to Enty.

    From Iran en Lutte (Here)

    Seyed Mehdi Miraboutalebi, l’ambassadeur de la République islamique d’Iran à Paris ne fait pas les choses à moitié. Mardi 13 avril, “pour approfondir les relations entre les deux peuples” et “parce que les médias injectent des idées préconçues dans les opinions publiques”, il s’est prêté à un jeu de questions-réponses dans un bar à vin parisien du 5e arrondissement (qui, pour l’occasion, ne servait pas d’alcool) tenu par un ex-militant du Renouveau Français (groupe pétainiste et antisémite), ex-colistier de la liste antisioniste de Dieudonné, très proche des hooligans du PSG et des ultranationalistes serbes. Bref.

    Seyed Mehdi Miraboutalebi, Ambassador of the Iranian Republic in France, doesn’t do things by halves. On Tuesday the 13th of April “to deepen ties between the two peoples” and because “the media spreads preconceptions amongst public opinion” he offered himself to a question-and-answer session in a Wine Bar in the Parisian 5th arrondissement (which, for the event, served no alcohol). The bar is run by a former member of  Renouveau Français (a Petanist and anti-semitic group), a member of the Dieudonné electoral List, who is also close to the Football hooligans of PSG (paris saint-Germain), and Serbian nationalists….

    This little chat was organised by the journal Flash -  the  magazine of the “altermondialiste” (anti-globalisation)  extreme-right (site here). It publishes well-known rightist racists (from a Front National background), 9/11 Truthers, and ‘identity’ theorists such as such as  Christian Bouchet, Philippe Randa, Alain Soral and Alain de Benoist (the key Intellectual of the Nouvelle Droite). Oh,  and Dieudonné.

    Clearly Iran’s Islamists knows where  their real friends lie.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 15, 2010 at 3:15 pm

    Posted in Fascism, Iran, Islamism

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    Socialisme: Godard’s Last Film?

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    Screening at the Cannes’ festival – here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 16, 2010 at 11:10 am

    Benedict Gummer and Dad.

    with 3 comments

    Criticised by Ipswich Spy  for ‘familism’ Tendance Coatesy points this out:

    Address of Benedict Gummer’s Web sites: Registrant:
    Benedict Gummer
    46 Queen Anne’s Gate
    London, London SW1H 9AU

    Domain name: BENGUMMER.COM

    Administrative Contact:
    Gummer, Benedict
    46 Queen Anne’s Gate
    London, London SW1H 9AU

    Note Dad’s Main Business Address: 46 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9AP.

    This appears to contain a minor misprint as the correct post code for Sancroft is SW1H 9AU.

    John Gummer is Chair of Sancroft (more here). On the 21st of June 2009 the News of the World reported that

    “(In Context of Expenses Scandal)

    In total Gummer claimed at least £9980 in payments to Sancroft. …”

    The right-wing Taxpayers’ Alliance stated (here),

    The former Environment Secretary, already under fire for claiming to remove moles from his country estate, handed in a raft of invoices from a company called Sancroft.

    Gummer is founder and chairman of Sancroft, based a stone’s throw from Parliament in posh Queen Anne’s Gate.

    It is one of the astonishing revelations from the millions of controversially blacked-out MPs’ expense submissions published by the Government this week.

    The heavily-censored receipts show Gummer made at least 16 claims for Sancroft’s services from 2004 to 2008.


    They included repeated claims for the use of laptop equipment, many at hundreds of pounds a time. He also claimed thousands towards the recruitment and wages of a diary secretary who works out of Sancroft’s offices and who he admits dealt with both his private and parliamentary work.

    Gummer submitted at least two claims – £2,400 and £1,808 – for recruiting the aide. He also put in an invoice from the firm for a £46.50 train fare.

    Some of the invoices were for thousands of pounds. But one scrawled handwritten note submitted to the Commons Fees Office said simply: “Please pay Sancroft £4.86 VAT.”

    In total Gummer claimed at least £9,980 in payments to Sancroft.

    The firm describes itself as providing “Corporate Responsibility Solutions” – giving advice on environmental, social and ethical issues.

    Gummer yesterday insisted he had done nothing wrong, telling the News of the World: “I try to do things as cheaply as possible for Parliament. I am very careful about being extremely rigorous about the way in which I behave.”

    Benedict Gummer “is currently operations director at the corporate responsibility consultant Sancroft.”

    Hey op!

    Benedict works for Dad’s company.

    Don’t expect Bridge Ward News to mention this.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 16, 2010 at 1:56 pm

    Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste, Nouvelle Crise.

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    Message not Received.

    The Nouveau Parti Capitaliste (NPA)  created just over a year ago – the rising left force in Europe.

    How long ago it seemed…

    Le “camarade Olivier” caracole alors dans les sondages, apparaissant comme le seul opposant à M. Sarkozy face à une gauche à la peine. Le facteur alterne plateaux de télé ”punchy” et visites dans les usines. Fini ”la vieille gauche défaillante” - un PS englué dans ses querelles, un PCF moribond et des Verts qui se cherchent -, place à la “vraie gauche qui résiste”.

    Comrade Oliver climbed up in the opinion polls, appearing to be Sarkozy’s only real opponent – facing a left wasting away. The Posty popped up “swinging punches” on television shows and factory visits. It was the “end of the failing old Left” – a Socialist Party stuck in in-fighting, a moribund Communist Party and the Greens naval-gazing. It was the moment for “the fighting left”.

    L’atterrissage est douloureux. Le NPA s’est vu distancé électoralement par le Front de gauche, l’alliance entre le PCF et le Parti de gauche de Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Avec Martine Aubry, le PS est redevenu crédible. Et pour la nouveauté en politique, c’est Europe Ecologie. “On s’est auto-intoxiqués en disant qu’on était les seuls à gauche à résister à Sarkozy et on a oublié de faire de la politique”, reconnaît Pierre-François Grond, numéro deux du parti.

    Coming down to Earth has been hard. The Front de Gauche, the alliance between the Communist Party and the Parti de Gauche of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, overtook the NPA in the (regional) elections. With Martine Aubry the Socialists have become credible again.  As for political novelty, they have been replaced by Europe Ecologie. “We were intoxicated when we said we were the only ones fighting Sarkozy and forgot how to act politically” – recognises Pierre-François Grond, deputy Party leader.

    (More Here.)

    The NPA will hold a congress to discuss its future direction in November. There has been a  drop of membership (last week Libération alleged the decline was around 10%). Criticisms of the NPA’s decision-making process – allegedly confined to a group around  Oliver Besancenot - are rife.

    In the Vaucluse there is more or less open war by the majority of the local NPA who opposed the decision to accept a candidate (for the regional elections) wearing the veil. The Congress, it is said, “réaffirmera sa laïcité et reconnaîtra son “erreur” sur le voile.” (will reaffirm its secularism and recognise its ‘error‘ on the veil).

    This will no doubt please British supporters of an alliance with Islamism – not. (here and here)

    As Pete Shield says, there is a general crisis of political parties in France. The left, and now, the right, have not been succesful in reforming society for the better (in their own terms). The most obvious failure is that mass unemployment has not gone away for two decades. There is rising electoral abstension and (as across Europe) a decline in mass memberships. From Sarkozy’s UMP, to the (difficult) formation of a new grouping out of the Greens, not to forget the Socialists, all are trying to re-define their role and strategies.

    But for the NPA sobering up after their go-it-alone binge is proving particularly difficult.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 17, 2010 at 10:16 am

    Yvonne Ridley and George Galloway: Why Socialists Should Never Vote for Respect.

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    George Galloway, Salma Yaqoob and Yvonne Ridley: Best of Friends.

    Yvonne Ridley is a prominent member of Respect. So prominent in fact that she has a special section on their official site (here).   

    Respect claims to left-wing and anti-imperialist. What kind of ‘left-winger’  and ‘anti-imperialist’ is Yvonne Ridley?   

    Wikipedia notes (here),   

    After the Chechen rebel leader Shamil Basayev  (accused of the Moscow theatre hostage crisis and blamed for the Beslan school massacre) was killed, Ridley wrote an article referring to Basayev as a “shaheed“, despite a noted Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad where the deaths of ‘enemy’ children were denounced, and that all children who have yet to reach maturity are considered to be on the natural path (Fitrah) in Islam. The article however does not state her views on who was responsible for the deaths since there has been contradictory accounts regarding those events, with Basayev writing in particular that the Beslan School Massacre was “a terrible tragedy” and, in reference to then President Vladamir Putin, “Kremlin vampire destroyed and injured 1,000 children and adults, giving the order to storm the school for the sake of his imperial ambitions and preserving his own throne”. She went on to refer to Basayev as leader of “an admirable struggle to bring independence to Chechnya”.   

    This is of interest, 27th December 2009   

    The activities of the rent boys who parade up and down Al-Shawarby Street in Cairo provide a good metaphor for the relationship the Egyptian Government has with Israel and the US. Both are quite shameless and ruthless; prepared to do whatever it takes to please … in order to secure a fistful of dollars. But at least the man whores of Al Shawarby are honest about their trade as they eagerly hustle potential customers. (here.)   

    Not many socialists would use expressions like “man whores” and compare politicians to “rent boys”. Still fewer would speak like this : 12/04/2010,  Ridley stated (here),   

    For too long have we allowed the long, poisonous tentacles of Zionism and Islamaphobia to twist and weave their way into British courts. Ordinary, law-abiding citizens of faith and no faith have had enough of seeing our courtrooms hijacked by those who believe some are more equal than others when it comes to freedoms and liberties.   

    Ridley famously claimed that,   

    “[Respect] is a Zionist-free party… if there was any Zionism in the Respect Party they would be hunted down and kicked out. We have no time for Zionists.”    

    Which sums up her view of Respect’s politics.   

    One should add that Ridley runs a programme on Press TV: The Iranian Theocrats’ propaganda arm (here). 

    George Galloway naturally has another show on the same station (Here). 

    Anybody thinking of voting for Respect should think long and hard. 

    Should they back a party deeply entangled in support for the Iranian regime? That as a result has the blood of our martyrs on their hands? 

    Even so Galloway has a “sense of humour“.

    This is from an esteemed column and Blog  in the Daily Record,  in which he muses (here) – Hat-Tip Enty.

    Danni in M&S knicks and pyjamas as part of the new advertising campaign will surely help the store. Alongside the past adverts featuring Twiggy and Mylene and my favouriteNoemie Lenoir – the ad campaign of the high street warhorse has begun to get it back on its feet.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 19, 2010 at 10:13 am

    Johanna Kaschke: A Plea For Help.

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    The libel action brought by Conservative Party activist Johanna Kaschke against Dave Osler looms nearer (here).

    Ol’ Black Forest Cherry Gâteau (Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte) has been at the end of her tether, (Blog  Here. )

    Her Blog is märchenhaft, phänomenal, prima, sensationell, sondergleichen, spektakulär, staunenswert. Not at all written by someone sternhagelvoll.

    An  attempt at American almost succeeds,

    Even when the council was liberal they could only make those delightful improvements to our area because they gotten plentiful supplies of money to do so. Imagine a Liberal council under a Labour government today could not make any more improvements to the area in respect of maintenance for lack of money. 

    But it is Libel cases that are a main preoccupation. (here)

    I have dcided to publish the orders made in those legal cases that are currently ongoing at the High Court.

    You can view them and if you wish to provide legal support to me please get in touch at once.I need you urgently.HQ08X01628 Kaschke v Osler

    this case is set to go to jury trial on 27 April 2010. Mr Joel Bennathan QC is representing Mr Osler on a pro-bono basis, I urgently need pro bono representation or the case is doomed under ECHR Article 6 if I loose.
    HQ08X00922 Kaschke v Gray, Hilton, Pressdram
    HQ08X00921 Kaschke v Der Spiegel, this case was thrown out of the English court but is now filed with the ECHR
    Please look under links for a link to the folders with the orders on MSN as I cannot put public PDF files on Google docs but can do so on MSN spaces. I am unable right now to embed an iframe to show the folders here.

    Johanna clearly needs help.

    Of a kind that, one suspects, the Courts cannot provide.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 20, 2010 at 10:36 am

    Ipswich Election Odd-Bods.

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    It is commonly, and ridiculously, asserted that we on the left have more than our share of odd activists.

    I refute, rebut  and categorically deny this.

    If we once wore the ‘looney left’ label with pride we have long been dethroned.

    Benedict Gummer is a promising crank. He claims to find the origins of the word ‘job’ in some obscure Latin phrase (it has no such source). I can confidently assert (though no doubt the Order of the Templars will expel me for this) it does not. Not, not, at all.

    The local Tory Party contains – in order  of looniest - supporters of the Richard the 3rd Society, Christian bampots, and – need I mention this? – Judy Terry. Now frazzle-em up Bridge War News is making an electrifying stab at joining their ranks.

    Yet it is the Liberal Democrats who win the prize for outstanding nutty-barking maddest political party in Ipswich. They range from embittered former Labour members, former Communist Party supporters with a cute vein in abuse of the disabled, greenies, those interested in UFOs, more Bible thumpers, and 9/11 Troofers.

    I was reminded of them yesterday evening. I was coming back from my Job placement waiting for a bus. A woman approached me. Wild-eyed and starting. Would I sign her election nomination form? What for? Reply: I’m either a Liberal or an Independent.


    She did not get my signature.

    It may interest Ipswich Spy that this women has been spotted in past elections.

    He ought to find out more.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 21, 2010 at 3:40 pm

    Belgium Moves Today To Ban the Burka (Voile Intégral).

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    Belgium looks likely to see some kind of ban on the voile intégral (total veil). As it stands it seems that the Burka, Niqab will be prohibited  in all public spaces. (Le Soir. ) (BBC here)

    Doubts remains about the constitutionality (state and European) of such legislation. Neverthless, with the support all the country’s political parties (including the Greens, despite some reservations) this look set to move a stage closer.

    It is not clear how such a law – as opposed to one limited to public services - could be enforced without gross interference in people’s private lives.

    It may well be that this will not get afoot because continuing disputes between the land’s Dutch speakers and the French will cause the government to fall apart – on unrelated issues here. STOP PRESS: Belgium Government falls over federal question – here.

    Meanwhile moves are proceeding to devise a similar law in France.

    La présidente de Ni Putes ni soumises (NPNS), Sihem Habchi, a salué comme une «victoire des femmes» l’annonce mercredi à l’issue du Conseil des ministres d’un projet de loi  visant à une interdiction générale du port du voile intégral dans tout l’espace public.

    The President of Ni Putes ni Soumises (Neither Whores Nor Door-mats - background in English  here. ), Sihem Habchi, hailed Wednesday’s announcement of a Cabinet White Paper  that plans a law introducing a general ban on wearing the total veil in public spaces, as a “victory for women”

    «C’est la victoire des femmes, c’est le début d’une nouvelle page pour l’émancipation des femmes des quartiers populaires à qui on va proposer autre chose que l’enfermement ou la mort sociale», a déclaré Sihem Habchi.«Aux législateurs, je demande du courage politique pour voter une loi de protection et d’émancipation des femmes. Qu’on entende la voix de celles qui luttent contre le fascisme vert!» a ajouté la présidente de cette association qui revendique 6.000 adhérents dont 20% d’hommes.

    “It’s a triumph for women, and the beginning of a new chapter in the struggle for the emancipation of women in working class quarters. We are going to offer them more than the choice between social imprisonment or being spurned.” declared  Sihem Habchi. “I ask legislators to have the courage to vote for a law to protect and free women.” To listen to the voice of those who fight against green fascism.” added the President of the association, which has 6,000 members (20% men).


    Two observations.

    Firstly it is a point of principle for those who stand for freedom, and women’s rights, to  campaign against the total veil. As the feminist libertarian Rebecca West described it, (Black Lamb Grey Falcon 1941), its use stems from the horror that masculine tyranny feels at female sexuality.

    Secondly, this fight is not best carried out by the state. Certainly, not by laws which will prove invasive, and require the use of considerable surveillance and repression. Or that could create support for Islamists and their fellow-travellers on the religious left. However, where the veil is worn by instruments of the state and law, and where it enters into legislation by its presence, it is a problem. One that creates a basic inequality between the ‘purity’ of the hidden female and the ‘impurity; of any woman not so clothed. In these conditions (state public services it ought l therefore to be restricted. That is, anyone with power, should not be allowed to impose their horror of females publicly displaying their bodies.

    One thing should be clear: for the Islamic defenders of the total veil it is not a matter of  human rights.

    It is divine law versus human legislation.


    This illustrates what is at stake (here),

    The telephone has not stopped ringing at the offices of “Insoumise et devoilée” (Defiant and unveiled),” located in Verviers, in southern Belgium. “In the past two weeks, sixteen young women have reached out to us,” says Karima, who is visibly overwhelmed by her work. When in 2008 she founded the organisation, named after a book she published the same year, Karima never imagined things would evolve so quickly. “It’s proof my story is not an isolated case, as some politicians suggested,” she jokes.

    Born in Belgium to a large Moroccan family, Karima was forced to wear the veil from the time she was nine. “They ended up sewing it to my hair,” she confides. Treated like a maid by her family, she was cloistered, mistreated and forcibly married in Morocco; an existence she managed to escape from, and recount in her autobiography. She says she wrote her story for the girls and women who face the same ordeals.

    Today, Karima’s organisation strives to provide women who are seeking a fresh start with a network of host families. “When we receive a call for help, we respond immediately, because often the courage doesn’t last,” she says. Her work also takes her to schools, town hall meetings and television programmes.

    Her long-term goal is to achieve a ban on headscarves in public institutions.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 22, 2010 at 10:13 am

    St George’s Day: Why I Hate it.

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    Let’s Hear it For the Dragon!

    Reasons to loathe St George’s Day:

    Events were planned in many areas to honour England’s patron saint from Morris dancers in Loughborough to costumed stilt-walkers handing out silk flowers in Tameside. In London, the English flag will be raised at City Hall .Mayor Boris Johnson said: ”As well as marking the extraordinary life of a Cappadocian merchant, Saint George’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate our country’s many achievements.

    ”Our small island, sitting at the confluence of European cultures, has a rich heritage whose influence on language, art, learning, and politics – to name but a few – has been felt right across the globe.

    ”Gguitarist Joe Brown and singers from the Players’ Theatre who will reprise Victorian music hall songs such as ”Let’s all go down the Strand”.

    Chairman of the Local Government Association Group Dame Margaret Eaton said: ”St George’s Day provides people with an opportunity to come together in community spirit and enjoy themselves

    Plus the Daily Telegraph, here. 

    And there is also English Heritage  here.

    But most of all there is former leftist Anthony Barnett’s call for English ‘Home Rule’ – here.

    I have just seen Jerusalem, the hit play that takes place on St George’s day in Wiltshire. It summons up the spirits of England to return to the aid of a forsaken land of suburbia and regulation. It got a standing ovation. It’s Dionysian central character, an outsider living on the inside of a lost identity. Its wonderful assortment of the young. Its broken, rural self-confidence. Its rendition of the slavishly imported yet at the same time ‘up yours’ defiance of life here. It’s confident use of Shakespearian violence.  All suggested it is a play for an epoch – with a future energy just being released.

    On this St George’s day, Our Kingdom carries a statement from Mark Perryman in praise of modern England and a marvelous projection of the Cross of St George onto the Houses of Parliament by Power2010.

    At least some past English nationalist warblers and spiritual wanderers, like G.K.Chesterton, were often witty

    The Rolling English Road

    by G. K. Chesterton

    Before the Roman came to Rye or out to Severn strode,
    The rolling English drunkard made the rolling English road.
    A reeling road, a rolling road, that rambles round the shire,
    And after him the parson ran, the sexton and the squire;
    A merry road, a mazy road, and such as we did tread
    The night we went to Birmingham by way of Beachy Head.
    I knew no harm of Bonaparte and plenty of the Squire,
    And for to fight the Frenchman I did not much desire;
    But I did bash their baggonets because they came arrayed
    To straighten out the crooked road an English drunkard made,
    Where you and I went down the lane with ale-mugs in our hands,
    The night we went to Glastonbury by way of Goodwin Sands.
    His sins they were forgiven him; or why do flowers run
    Behind him; and the hedges all strengthening in the sun?
    The wild thing went from left to right and knew not which was which,
    But the wild rose was above him when they found him in the ditch.
    God pardon us, nor harden us; we did not see so clear
    The night we went to Bannockburn by way of Brighton Pier.
    My friends, we will not go again or ape an ancient rage,
    Or stretch the folly of our youth to be the shame of age,
    But walk with clearer eyes and ears this path that wandereth,
    And see undrugged in evening light the decent inn of death;
    For there is good news yet to hear and fine things to be seen,
    Before we go to Paradise by way of Kensal Green.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 23, 2010 at 9:48 am

    David Harvey’s ‘A companion to Marx’s Capital’ : A Review.

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    Not just a study aid

    Andrew Coates reviews David Harvey’s ‘A companion to Marx’s Capital’ Verso, 2010, pp320, £10.99

    Weekly Worker – here.


    “Of course, we have all read, and all do read, Capital.” Louis Althusser’s opening words to Reading Capital (1968) were improbable to most Marxists then, and even more unlikely now.

    Forty years on, in the wake of the worldwide financial crisis, anti-capitalism and Marxism have seen a modest revival, it is true. As the Communist manifesto observed, capitalism is “like a sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells”. But going through Marx’s critique of political economy ‘to the letter’ to find the bourgeoisie’s grimoire remains a minority taste. As David Harvey states, “a whole younger generation has grown up bereft of familiarity with, let alone training in, Marxist political economy”. This is not just an academic loss.

    To Harvey movements that oppose capitalism need an “alternative vision”.[1] If The enigma of Capital (2010) tries to show one, A companion to Marx’s Capital is its essential partner. The book explores the factory where Enigma is manufactured. Harvey’s aim is to “get you to read a book by Karl Marx called Capital Volume I, and to read it on Marx’s own terms”. Honed by years of lectures to an American graduate audience (replete with ‘gottens’), it is of greatest interest to those whose “practical engagements” demand a “strong theoretical base”.

    Left readings

    There are two main left approaches to Marx’s Capital. The first, largely academic, is taken by his critics. Theorists have taken Marx’s works to pieces so thoroughly, as in the writings of Jon Elster, Barry Hindess and Paul Hirst,[2] that little remains but the concepts of forces and relations of production. From these, we get ‘post-Marxist’ theories of the total autonomy of politics, largely beyond any of the categories of Capital.

    A second approach is that of a ‘return to Marx’. But it is of a very particular type. The ‘capital-logic’ school, which owes debts to the analysis of value by the early Soviet writer, II Rubin, is influential on the non-academic left. One theorist, John Holloway (Change the world without taking power, 2005), has his own reading of Marx. He maps the theory of commodity fetishism onto politics and states (‘form process’). The realm of “fetishised social relations” enwrap us in capital’s power to the extent that opposition has to begin (as the book does) by one big “scream” against the entire system. Anything less ends up propping up capitalism.

    Harvey therefore does not write in a vacuum. Companion is not just an invitation to read Marx. He is obliged to defend some basic Marxist positions against the radical critics. The labour theory of value is justified as a necessary “material base” of production. Harvey states (repeating some classical views): “We need the concept of value as socially necessary labour-time” to stop us imagining that the economy of the market “arrives magically”, “facilitated by the magic of the money”.

    Against analytical Marxists, who criticise Marx’s ‘flirtation’ with Hegelian terms, he is less forthright. There is no widespread use of Hegelian language or reliance on Marx’s (metaphorical) concept of the ‘negation of the negation’. While Harvey admires Marx’s ‘dialectical’ method, this largely refers to their ability to capture social development ‘in motion’, within an interlinked “totality”. Dialectics, he observes in the first chapters, enabled Marx to go beyond the surface or “appearance” of capitalism to discover its inner workings. We get a sense of the way the labour process is dynamically organised, how the circuits of capital are interrelated, how “space and time get set up and understood”, how machinery is deployed and the contradictions of commodity production develop. That lets us see the major contours of the modern capitalist world.

    But this (loose) dialectics is only a tool. As for the analytical theorists, it is the capacity of Capital to offer accurate diagnoses of how capitalism operates that matters, not, as Harvey states in his concluding chapter, the “dance of dialectic”.

    The ‘autonomist’ reading of Marx and its ‘great refusal’ of capital’s capacity to abstract is also addressed. Labour and technology are part of ‘metabolic’ processes bonded to nature. By their intrinsic character they imply hard effort. A demand for autonomous free play is not the pivotal point from where capital can be challenged.

    Workers’ resistance takes a different form. It is directly related to conditions inside work. Class struggle may (by preventing destitution and preventing its tendency to throttle demand) help capital reach a better equilibrium. But such conflicts (for example, over the length of the working day) “can go beyond trade union consciousness and morph into more revolutionary demands”. Left unresolved, however, is exactly how class struggle can be related to politics, and can avoid being absorbed or quashed by the state and the bourgeoisie.

    Piloting a voyage

    In the journey through Marx’s work there can be few better pilots than Harvey. He unravels the most difficult chapters of Capital, on commodities, on the labour theory of value, to expose with clarity the process of surplus value extraction.

    There is a constant effort to retain a critical awareness. So, in discussing the origins of money, Harvey casts doubt on Marx’s own historical beliefs (that they emerged directly from commodity exchange). Companion equally makes good use of modern theory to indicate the continuing importance of Marx’s fertile suggestions. Harvey claims (perhaps optimistically), for example, that Foucault’s works on ‘Panoptic’ labour discipline are compatible with Marx’s description of the regimenting of wage-labour in the first factories. The book equally sparkles with Marx’s literary allusions (from Balzac to Shakespeare), historical illustrations (such as the British 19th century Factory Acts and Chartism), philosophical debts (Hegel), political and ideological context (utopian socialism, Fourier, Proudhon, Owen, Cabet, Saint-Simon). Harvey gives due attention to the political economists Marx critiqued – Adam Smith, above all, though also Ricardo, Malthus and John Stuart Mill, whose writings are important for anyone wishing to go further into what Marx meant.

    Readers of Companion (and Enigma) should be aware of the context. A radical geographer and critic of postmodernism, Harvey has become increasingly concerned to link his theoretical work to political conclusions. This appears throughout Companion. One central theme is how the crises of capitalism work out. While he adopts a multi-causal approach on this (considering underconsumption as well as the decline in profit rates), a central problem for capital is “overaccumulation” (a theme of the Communist manifesto). In Capital’s pages there are only indications of this problem, as the work stretched into further volumes (capital is reproduced generally though recurrent devaluations and crises of disproportionality continually upset the system). The important point is that overaccumulation means a lack of internal effective demand for products, and a reserve of idle capital. Rosa Luxemburg saw a resolution external to the existing circuits of capital reproduction. This lay in “the existence of some latent and mobilised demand outside the capitalist system”. Its use implied “the continuation of primitive accumulation through imperialist imposition”.

    Harvey extends this insight into even wider economic and political arenas. Whether every feature of classical pre-great war imperialism defines the ‘highest stage’ of capitalism or not, these mechanisms, Harvey argues, still operate. He asserts that modern business continues to resolve its difficulties through seeking external outlets for its surplus goods and capital. It seeks to “solve its capital-surplus problem through geographical and temporal displacements”. This implies both a continuation of imperialism (through capital export), and the internal colonialisation of formerly non-market social institutions.

    The process we call ‘globalisation’ is thus more unsettling than a networked world market, ‘immaterial’ (technological) production or other aspects of the transnational economic and political flows described in Toni Negri’s and Michael Hardt’s Empire (2000) and Multitude (2004). Classical colonialisation has been succeeded by endless economic and political shocks. Repressive political or directly military means are still used to open up new markets and dispose of people.

    In The New Imperialism (2005) Harvey described the battering down of barriers to capital through the “enclosure of the commons”. Naturally he develops – from and beyond Marx – a host of forms relating to how the contradictions of capitalism develop and are (in phases) resolved, not to mention the spiralling complexities of the different “limits and barriers” of capital. But this element of his theory, extending the life of primitive accumulation to contemporary capitalism, is probably the most politically significant. It is the basis for both oppression and resistance. Or, as Companion indicates, “political struggles against accumulation by dispossession” are “just as important as more traditional proletarian movements”. Nor are the western heartlands unaffected: in Baltimore people are losing their homes because of the subprime mortgage crisis – “a vicious class war of accumulation by dispossession”. In these conditions, political strategies are needed “around the notion of class war”.[3]

    Today, while we see capital turning inwards to cannibalise formerly publicly owned and administered assets, the process is, Harvey has argued, helped by political means. A brief history of neoliberalism (2005) describes a similar process of dispossession at work. “The reversion of common property rights won through years of hard class struggle (the right to a state pension, to welfare, to national healthcare) to the private domain has been one of the most egregious of all policies of dispossession pursued in the name of neoliberal orthodoxy.” Neoliberal politics – Thatcher in Britain, Reagan in America – were about “the restoration or reconstitution of naked class power, locally as well as transnationally, but most particularly in the main financial centres of global capitalism.” Capital is turning in on itself, as ‘unproductive’ state functions are turned over to private contractors for private profit (though in Marxist terms this creates a conceptual difficulty – are they still ‘unproductive’ when all the surplus value comes from diverted taxation?).

    We might also note that the neoliberals’ success in creating a permanent ‘reserve army of labour’ (the out-of-work or causally employed) is now accompanied by coercive dispossession of existing welfare rights, and forced labour (Workfare) to provide a flexible pool of employees and push down wages. This reminds us that primitive accumulation was accompanied by forceful measures to make those without property toil.

    Class struggle

    Companion is, then, not just a study aid. It has political ambitions. To illustrate how Marxist politics could operate Harvey focuses on Capital’s account of struggles over the working day. He updates this discussion of the tendency of employers to extend as far as possible the working day with descriptions of conditions in plants producing Wal-Mart goods today, and the loss of “class power” to alter them. But we are not clear – as we indicated in discussing autonomist thinkers – how far sufficient class power, if it reappeared, could be exerted to shape the legal framework of society or the state’s internal make-up.

    Marx apparently never fixed an “equilibrium point” for class struggle that could tell us how far we can proceed in this direction. In which case Capital is a political route-map which indicates clearly the starting point (class struggle), but fails to signpost most of the paths (against or through the apparatus of the public power) through which the working class has to travel.

    One example makes this difficulty plain. Harvey asserts that capitalist exploitation cannot be fought by appeals to human rights or “rights talk” generally. Exploitation and dispossession are acts of class power, which can only be met with class action. Yet when he discusses the struggle over the length of the working day and wages he cites accepted living standards as socially established ‘givens’ capitalists have eventually to accept. They evolve, as a wider, more prosperous standard of life is accepted as the absolute minimum.

    Can we not see that ‘human rights’ are part of the independent ‘moral economy’ of the masses, which is the bedrock of movements for better conditions? If neoliberalism is based on markets and the norm of legal equality, what is there to prevent people from asserting their own moral universe in opposition? Marx may have been right to observe how the existing notion of rights corresponded to the apparent equity of (normal) exchanges in a capitalist society, while ignoring the underlying inequalities behind them. But the system cannot impose itself over all what Harvey calls our “species-being”. From that source come new demands that reach beyond existing society. ‘I know my rights’ may be a more intelligible starting point than Jon Holloway’s scream.

    Marx and, influentially, Engels believed in forming mass working class parties. The classical Second International perspective is that the cause of labour proceeds by steady democratic expression. Is this fundamentally flawed by the existence of capitalist states ‘internally related’ to the process of accumulation? Is the state largely (as in Capital) concerned with maintaining certain essential functions of capitalism (law, money, communications and so on)? Are successful workers’ demands for a more active role (welfare, education, pensions, health) just doomed to make capitalism more stable? Are these ‘gains’ or half-victories – half-self-interested concessions that may be lost?

    Clearly the main British political leaderships think that neoliberalism has won for the foreseeable future. In which case how and at what point will more radical class struggle be able to go beyond such a framework? Harvey explores in other writings the alliances beyond labour this may require, but more significant may be the way in which parties can be constructed.

    This is a good point on which to conclude. A companion to Capital is more than excellent company. It makes us consider that it is not identities – national, religious or cultural – that primarily define how we live. It is capitalism. Its ever-present form is crystallised in money as a “radical leveller”. This “indicates a certain democracy of money, an egalitarianism in it; a dollar in my pocket has the same value as one in yours”. But revenues are not democratically distributed. Capital stands against labour; rents and surplus are extracted from the workers. Thus the “concept of class, in all its ambiguous glory, is indispensable to both theory and action”.

    I want more money, I want my rights!


    1. T Cutler, B Hindess, A Hussain, P Hirst.  Marx’s Capital and Capitalism Today London 1978; J Elster Making sense of Marx Cambridge 1985.
    2. For discussion on these views see ‘Symposium on David Harvey’s ‘The new imperialism’, Historical Materialism Vol 14, No4, 2006.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 24, 2010 at 9:21 am

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    Anti-Communist Figes Versus Anti-Communist Service (and Others).

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    On to Victory!

    No Anonymous Criticism!

    Robert Service, author of Comrades and Trotsky complains,( here.)

    Today I awoke to find that my fellow academic Orlando Figes had admitted responsibility for anonymous negative reviews of my three most recent books posted on Amazon. It’s been quite a fortnight. Last week I heard from Rachel Polonsky, whose book had also been negatively reviewed. The strong suspicion, strengthened by a survey of the Amazon data, was that Figes was the author. I sent out an email about this to leading Russian and European historians without specifically naming who I thought was the culprit. Figes loudly objected, claiming to want to mend relations. Then quietly came the letters threatening legal action, and the assertion that Figes’s wife, Stephanie Palmer, had admitted responsibility.

    Now we know it was Orlando Figes - the author of the The Whispers and A People’s Tragedy. Both works are historical criticisms of Stalinism and more widely, Communism. As are, er, all of Robert Service’s books.

    Now all this fluttering of legal threats is clearly very vexing, Totally misguided. Wrong, wrong wrong.

    Fine, praising your own books is OTT (more here). But what exactly is there against Figes being rude about Service  anonymously? A bit stupid. Callow even. But hardly a midnight-call to a sterner critic.

    Times Literary Supplement reviews were all anonymous up a couple of decades back.

    More on the background, Orlando’s vexacious litigant past and so on  (here).

    Service remarks that,

    “This is a matter that has broad implications for the public interest..” and “For nearly two weeks we’ve been sustained by two-way mega-splenetics about the waste of time and money and about the psychic cost to our families.”

    He notes, “Still, you have to laugh. This winter I’ve been picketed by Trotskyists at public talks. While they may be bitter, they do at least deliver their denunciations in the open. They confirm my belief that there’s a genuine public need for Ol’ Man Trotsky to be looked at with a clear eye.”

    Tendance Coatesy’s  been rude about Robert Service’s book on Trotsky here. He hasn’t picketed – rather infra dig we would have thought. Yet we reserve our right to publicly repeat the odd sneering comment.

    Isn’t criticism awful!

    Again what’s afoot when the press makes this out to be some big affair?


    On Figes perhaps he’ll look at this: here.


    Monday: Apparently many others seem to dislike Service’s ‘crap’ – here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 25, 2010 at 10:48 am

    Good Riddance to New Labour? Or, Not?

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    No Future! No Future! No Future for You! (?)

    Tony Wood has written what may be one of the most significant political articles in New Left Review  (here. ) It is devoted to British politics. Here and now. Wood,  known for writing on Chechnya, grapples with the central issue of this election. That is the future of New Labour.

    At  times Good Riddance to New Labour is marked by the vapid theory that Britain is a ‘prison of the nations’ (Ukania) – a strange gaol where prosperous Scottish Nationalists eat at their fill. Fortunately this gestural belief that regionalism and sovereigntist fervour  in Scotland and Wales are the wave of a better tomorrow, and a tendency to see ‘democracy’ in constitutional terms rather than, say, industrial or social, is not the principal message. Wood presents a brilliant overview of British politics, a ‘conjunctural’ portrait of all the factors that are concentrated in this election. Where he really hits all the right notes is through focusing on what exactly is wrong with New Labour.

    As Wood begins,

    The UK elections of May 2010 will mark a watershed in British politics. After thirteen long years, New Labour’s economic model lies in ruins, but a reckoning has been delayed until after the vote.

    He concludes,

    The specifics of New Labour’s record—one murderous war after another; slavish devotion to finance; promotion of rampant inequality; repeated assaults on civil liberties; fragmentation and privatization of public services; outrageous corruption—make plain that they have fully merited being turfed out of office. Good riddance; this execrable government deserves to go.

    That is a balanced judgement. Not much more to loathe in the list. Whatever marginal improvements there’s been (such the much exaggerated minimum wage – a feature in plenty of other countries where I don’t notice it getting cited as a historic victory) they’re undercut by this catalogue of disasters.

    Brown does not deserve anything other than a humiliation. Whether we also merit the punishment a Tory victory would bring, or the uncertain prospects offered by a variety of Coalition possibilities, is another matter.

    How have we  got to this point? Wood’s analysis melds political science, political economy, finance, social surveys, high politics, international relations, and ideology.

    For us it’s the meeting point between ideology and Blair and Brown’s government strategy that matters most. To begin with, New Labour claimed to be a new hegemonic project. That is, one with deep roots, able to channel the votes of the aspirational working class, the middle class concerned about their futures, and dynamic business forces, into a ‘new’ (always that adjective)  progressive alliance. One once called the Third Way, between socialism and neo-liberal capitalism. Though very soon (as it was no longer ‘new’) that expression got dropped. It became er….No-one has yet named ‘it’ properly, and perhaps never will, but let’s say Christian social marketism.

    They might conveniently forget it now but many on the centre-left (a very New Labour phrase) accepted that the labour movement was no rising power. That the New Labour constituencies and voicing of their concerns was the way to gain, and maintain, a powerful reforming government. The media and ‘progressives’ decked this out with their concerns, from constitutional reform (a New Left Review hobby-horse), to tax and welfare changes to lift up the deserving and improve the listless. Above all there would be a massive expansion of state funding for public services – where all types of Labour supporters worked in or depended on.  

    To Wood there never was a hegemonic ‘moment’. That is a time when New Labour joined up its vision with the voices of the masses, and became the dominant common sense of society to the point where all other views were subordinate. The above constituencies were there to be captured, and their votes were not the expression of a new regime of truth. They won in the face of division, not over real adversary.

    “New Labour’s remarkable longevity has largely depended on the unprecedented eclipse of the Conservative Party, which after its ejection from power in 1997 disappeared for a protracted bout of internal blood-letting; it only began to re-emerge as a contender after 2005. Within Britain’s two-party system, a decade without serious competition left the field empty for Labour, which—thanks also to the distortions of first-past-the-post—secured commanding majorities with declining levels of popular support.”

    In terms of ideas and inner-party Tory politics, it’s hard to fault this. New Labour got Conservative backing precisely because it appealed with similar ideas. Blair (sometimes called by the Right, ‘the best Conservative PM we’ve got’)  went with the Conservative grain; he did not strive to establish a different set of political and economic opinions (on anything from markets to international relations) He, and Brown, are meritocratic, not egalitarian, Christian believers in charitable help, defenders of reconciliation. In short, conventional thinkers well in the mainstream of European Christian democracy.

    Yet there needed to be a certain momentum behind New Labour. If in voting terms who can doubt that,

    “If Tory absence provided the negative foundations of Labour’s ‘weightless hegemony’, its positive basis was supplied by the long economic boom that began under the Major government, and from which Downing Street continued to benefit until 2008. This record-setting period of expansion was premised on the inflation of a series of asset-bubbles, above all in housing, which, together with the spread of more complex debt-based financial products, permitted the creation of significant wealth effects for UK homeowners and property speculators..”

    This indicates a more deep-rooted base – the hard-nosed homeowner, the hard-working family, the hard-minded individualist – right up to the financier. Who are hardly ‘weightless’ social agents.

    Blair and Brown have  built a state in this image, the ‘market state’. One that hives off for private profit public assets and revenues. An extremely heavy, cumbersome, regime, riddled by  the typical inefficiencies and profiteering  of private enterprise applied to public ends. Thus,

     ” from the 1990s onwards, rather than assets being sold outright into private hands, it was now streams of public revenue that would be handed to shareholders as guaranteed profits. This has taken two main forms. Firstly, subcontracting: under Major, public enterprises were encouraged to contract out provision of services to private companies, opening the way to a new realm of commodification. This trend was rapidly expanded under Labour, now reaching from local refuse collection to the administration of welfare, from dentistry to prisons. These immense subsidies to private profit have occupied a significant, and rising, proportion of government outlays: in 2007, subcontracting alone, at £68bn, accounted for 20 per cent of current public expenditure.”

    Joining this are even more leaden instruments,

    “The second modality has been the Private Finance Initiative (pfi)—of all the Conservative policies which New Labour has adopted and then accelerated, perhaps the most damaging in its long-term impact on public services.ce infrastructure, which would then be leased back from them under 25- to 30-year contracts. Large portions of public funds would now be mortgaged ..The real justifications for the scheme lay rather in accounting legerdemain and neoliberal ideology: delegating ever more of the state’s functions to capital.”

    The third pillar of the market state (not described as such by Wood) is equally important. That is its reshaped  ‘training’ and disciplining functions. These are carried out by market-oriented public educational bodies, and, for the unemployed (over 2 and a half million people) by private companies funded by state largesse. Several billion pounds of public revenue flow into these bodies, which range from highly selective Universities to sink schemes for the out-of-work. These apparatuses are both meant to equip people to sell their skills on the ‘global’ marketplace, and to reform the recalcitrant poor and workless. In reality the encroaching private sector has profited without delivering results. The introduction of workfare - forced labour – for the long-term unemployed will seal the nature of the market-state. That is it will explicitly demand  duties  to work for  quarter of the minimum wage.

    Rather than summarise the rest of the Tony Wood’s article we will concentrate on its conclusions. That is, what can be done to tear the party and government from its support for the market-state? Not to mention changing its  other policies (a long list, including above all,  foreign adventures and the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan).

    Wood notes,

    “What of the argument that Labour might still be persuaded to return to its better, social-democratic self? As noted, the party made its social-liberal turn much earlier than its European counterparts, seeking to reverse the catastrophic electoral defeats of the 1980s by accepting the Thatcherite settlement and dropping any redistributive programme. Kinnock marked the first stage of this shift, Blair its culmination. The dominant impulse behind it was not so much ideological as instrumental: a quest for electability rather than a Damascene conversion. This produced a progressive hollowing-out of the party, under the sign of a ‘modernization’ led from above. Under Blair the party conference became an echo chamber for pronouncements from on high. The void at the party’s core has been filled by conformism and careerism, hunger for electoral success distancing it ever further from its origins in the labour movement.”

    Anyone who has been active in the Labour Party knows this is the case. In the mid1990s I wrote a lengthy article for Tribune describing the new system of Policy Forums, at their inception, in these terms. Others did as well. If anything the blockage of democracy has got worse since. From patrician disdain at the Bennite upsurge (how dare these people tell us Parliamentarians what to do!), to general dislike of any radical rocking-of-the-boat, we have a managerialised hysteria well satirised (though not by much) by the series In the Thick of It. The real left is wholly marginalised. The ‘centre-left’ of Compass is a wistful presence, reduced to a pale version of 1950s social-democracy. Enfeebled local parties, whose activists are often reduced to those seeking election, are no counterweight.

    This is the result,

    “ Labour’s steadily declining share of the vote, and even more by the rate of abstention in the party’s industrial heartlands. Here Labour has been buoyed by the lack of electoral alternatives. But still, one of the striking features of the last decade has been the extent to which the party’s longest-standing supporters now refuse to vote for it—including many who had been party members. This is another index of the party’s degeneration: its membership halved in the decade after 1997, and has now reached a historic low of 166,000. To be sure, the phenomenon of declining party-political membership is not confined to the UK. But even within the broader landscape of decreasing partisanship, Labour seems in worse shape than its European analogues: the French ps, notorious for being a collection of notables, currently has around 200,000 members; in Germany, the spd is rather larger, at 500,000, while the Italian pd claims over 800,000 iscritti. The actual influence any of these members have over policy is open to question, but it is clear that the Labour Party faces a comparative lack of cadres…”

    We would add that this lack of activists is equally visible inside the trade unions, where even formal memebrship is becoming rarer. The generous and disinterested (since rewards are meagre for the unionised) use of union political funds in a last-ditch campaign for Labour’s re-election will have little efffect. 

    So what does this imply for the May ballot-boxes ?

    I feel, from going campaigning against the BNP and whatever political activity a left-winger can presently undertake, that something important has changed. That not only are people not enthusiastic about New Labour (for a vast variety of reasons) but they no longer care about appeal to loyalty. That they are determined to vote for those they choose – not those they are told to support. For the left this means that if we vote for the left, left Labour and Left socialists (as I would at least hope) we should really be thinking about new mechanisms that can effectively represent us on the political landscape . That we should not vote for those in the Labour Party who took us into the market state is another aspect we should consider. That our long-term projects need to be brought forward for yet another effort at creating a serious left organised alternative. Meanwhile…

    As Wood states,

    surely the clinching argument against New Labour is one of simple democratic principle. Any government with a record as appalling as this one’s deserves to be punished at the polls, if accountability to the voting public is to have any meaning.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 27, 2010 at 10:59 am

    Burka: French Socialists Against a Sweeping Ban.

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    Are these Chains a Sign of Freedom?

    Controversy in France over the proposed ban on the full face-veil (voile intègral) steps up,

    “France’s Socialist Party has come out against a potential law forbidding women from wearing the burqa. The party argued that women should instead be discouraged from wearing the head-to-toe-veil.” (France 24 Here.)

    However Martine Aubry (PSA General Secretary and Mayor of Lille) states,

     Selon la maire de Lille, le port du niqab ou de la burqa est “un réel problème” dans notre société et il convient de s’y opposer, comme n’ont cessé de l’affirmer les socialistes. ”Le Conseil d’Etat, consulté, a donné un avis qui remplit ces conditions. Que le gouvernement se donne le temps de la concertation au lieu de diviser et d’opposer, et qu’il suive cet avis. Alors nous serons d’accord. Sinon, qu’il sache que nous proposerons notre propre loi”, a ajouté la première secrétaire du Parti socialiste.”

    According to the Mayor of Lille, wearing the niqab or the burka is a “real problem” in our society and we have to oppose it, as the Socialists have constantly re-affirmed. “The Council of State (Constitutional watchdog) has given its opinion, which fulfils our conditions. The Government has to give over enough time to consider seriously  their advice. Instead of sowing division they should follow the Council’s recommendations. If they do, we will be in agreement with them. Without this they should know that will propose our own law.” Added, the Socialists’ General Secretary.   (Le Monde Here. )

    The Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste notes (correctly)  both the manipulation of this ‘debate’ by the French right and that this hastily-cobbled together law will stigmatise Muslims, (here) -

     ”le gouvernement cherche à détourner l’attention des conséquences de la crise et de sa politique sur la population ” “Pratiquant l’amalgame, il cherche à diviser le monde du travail en désignant comme principal bouc émissaire les musulmans, assimilés en bloc à des intégristes.”

    The government is looking for scapegoats to distract attention from the effects of its policies on the population, and the crisis. By smearing and by sticking all in one bag called “fundamentalists”  they are attempting to make Muslims the main scape-goat.”

     ”…interdisant le port de la burqa dans l’espace public : elle interdira de fait à ces femmes de circuler librement et les assignera à domicile, ce qui renforcera encore l’oppression qu’elles subissent.”

    “Forbidding wearing the Burka in public spaces will prevent these women’s from moving around freely. It will confine them to their homes, under virtual house arrest, and will reinforce the oppression they undergo.”

    “Tout en s’opposant à ce projet de loi liberticide, le NPA réaffirme sa solidarité avec les femmes qui luttent contre toutes les formes d’oppression, dont le voile intégral, mais c’est d’abord en luttant toutes ensembles pour le droit à disposer de leur corps que les femmes s’émancipent.”

    “While affirming our opposition to this liberty-killing law, the NPA reaffirms its solidarity with women fighting against all forms of oppression – which the full face-veil is – we strive above all to struggle together for women’s emancipation and the right to do what they will with their bodies.”


     The NPA regards the Burka as an oppression?

    Surely the British left  knows better!

    It’s a precious sign of the religious struggle for liberty….

     This is barely exaggerated.

    It is interesting to contrast the NPA’s stand with that of the increasingly religious rightward drifting  ’Socialist Resistance’ group, which apparently belongs to the same ‘Fourth International’ – here. According to them a ban on Burka is “It is all about denying freedom to be confident in what you believe in and to take part in society under equal terms.”

    Misogynist dress codes are all about ensuring being “confident in what you believe in”.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 28, 2010 at 11:09 am

    Brown, Bigots, the Left and ‘I’m not Racist, But…’.

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    Fight Bigots!

    Most of it’s been said. Gordon Brown, Gillian Duffy, “bigot”, apologies, and a heavy bow to people “immigration concerns”.

    So it went, and goes and goes. (here and here).

    The PM is a man of overweening arrogance, a sociopath. The left owes him nothing.

    Hubris struck.


    But there remains the issue, immigration.

    Let’s be clear. The question for the left is not just the ‘problems’ which migration is said to ’cause’. Competition over housing (alleged),  a scramble for jobs, tussles over scarcer public services,  are ideal conditions for anyone to end up blaming ‘others’. The most visible being well, ‘other’ – migrants and immigrants. Rich people with plenty of resources tend not to get nasty over these things. They don’t jostle and shove, they just have.

    We should be implacable in opposing the whole ‘debate’. A discussion that’s one-sided concession after concession to those who blame foreigners for their woes. From lack of money or poor public services to pub closures. Rtaher than the real culprits – not to be seen on the street -the top-paid managers, CEOs and state decison-makers. Basic socialist stuff.

    I’ve had some furious rows about this. Those people always begin, ” I’m not racist, but…”

    If this is not ‘racism’ it is clearly its closest ally, xenophobia – fear of foreigners.

    But who are the Eastern Europeans Gillian Duffy was moaning about? They are, in the immense majority, migrant workers.

    Many seem unable to grasp what this means. The British left has indulged itself for too long in nationalist dreams (Scotland, Wales and now England), and multiculturalism to seize on this point. They’ve put priority for their ‘nations’ (which they claim are ‘oppressed’). Or they’ve  translated backing for ethnic equality into support for religious groups, above all Islamists. This section of the left has lost sight of the fact that the rule of money and capital trumps ‘identity’ of any kind.

    It ought to be simple good sense that the left offers ideas to bring people together to fight oppression and exploitaiton – a cliché but bleedin’ obvious. On the basis of shared interests. Does this exist?  It is happening in the food processing industry, where migrant workers have begun to get unionised and engage in our common struggle.

    Anyone in close contact with ordinary people is well aware that ‘immigration’ is a big issue. In Ipswich this focuses on the visible presence of migrant worker and ethnic minorities near the town centre. That is, the area around Norwich Road which people say is ‘no longer England’, or my district.

    The answer is not only to ‘understand’ such  ’concerns’ . After all some people dislike change – though others like it. Multicultural tolerance is not the main thing at stake. It is despair and a lack of political vision for the future. A result of the New Labour and Tory market state that throws everyone back on their limited resources. The  answer? Well, at least an attempt at one is to offer a way forward. to make all our lives better. For equal rights!

    The alternative is to engage in a rush to a Dutch auction (if I may permit myself the term): politicians outbidding each other in demanding stricter and stricter control over immigrantion.

    This will not halt the movement of people across countries. It will make our lives more and more ruled by having to prove our nationality, and stigmatise migrant workers.

    But then those demanding this are “not racist”.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 29, 2010 at 11:45 am

    Ipswich Tories, Foreigners and Workfare.

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    In Favour of Starving Unemployed into Work?

    Ipswich Tory Candidate Benedict Gummer is best known in the town for spending time in pubs and home wine-tasting parties.

    What else does he do? No doubt emerging reluctantly from a busy schedule of hostelry visits and trips to the Off-Licence Benedict  has found the odd moment to propagate Conservative Policy on foreigners. That is, there needs to be a “limit” on them.  For reasons which remain obscure a Tory Ipswich leaflet linked this to the workless. Who are another problem that must be tamed.  Benedict Gummer  announced that, “No fit person, British or not, should live on benefits as a way of life”.  No doubt benefits should be rather a way of death. Or rather, forced labour – Workfare.

    Advanced business thinkers are already contemplating how they will make this happen.

    Ipswich Unemployed Action reports,

    “This week the former head of the CBI, Lord Digby Jones, told Panorama that he thought the time was right for the introduction of workfare – as the plan is often called.

    Lord Jones actually took a step further than most in claiming that if he were a viewer at home, Panorama’s report on the young unemployed would make him so angry that he would want to starve some of the long-term unemployed back into work.”

    Something ol’ jowelly blubber-guts is unlikely to do in the immediate future.

    Digby Jones after a Good Feed.

    “He added that he thought he was in step with the British public’s thinking on the subject.”

    Lord Digby, a former Minister of State for Trade in the Labour government, is moving closer to the Conservative Party (here).

    That Party is busy “addressing” public “concern” about immigration. Will the  Tories address Digby Jone’s  ”concerns” as well?

    They already have…

     More Local News:

    Guardian report on hell-hole created by Ipswich Liberal-Tory Junta – here.

    Feel on local pulse – Labour Councillor Alasdair Ross’s Blog here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    April 30, 2010 at 10:43 am

    First of May in France: Numbers Down from Last Year.

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    1er mai : des défilés moins fournis

    All reports conclude that despite largely unified First of May marches  there were fewer out on the streets of France than last year. Saturday saw around 350.000 demonstrators, according to the left-union federation the CGT. This contrasts with a  union estimation of 1,2 million in 2009. In Paris about 45.000 attended, as opposed to 160,000 in that year. The same smaller turn-out  was repeated elsewhere.

    It should be noted that the – exceptional – 2009 mobilisation was driven by a wave of protests and days-of-action against Sarkozy’s policies. This First of  May was only the beginning of a campaign against proposals to ‘reform’ the pension system. Today Olivier Besancenot (NPA) asked Martine Aubry of the Parti Socialiste to engage in a joint-campaign to protest against plans to reduce payemnts and raise the qualifying age (here).

    Manifestation le 1er mai 2010 à Strasbourg.

    Manifestation le 1er mai 2010 à Strasbourg. (© AFP Frederick Florin) (Here)

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 2, 2010 at 10:42 am

    Liberal Democrats, Harbingers of New Labour’s Death.

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    The strange rebirth of Liberal England is having an effect on the ‘centre-left’. It may well turn out to be a false pregnancy. For the moment, however, it seems to have grabbed the attention of all those political figures who have striven hard to destroy the left. The Guardian, which backed the ‘Alliance’ of Social Democrats and Liberals in the 1984 General Election, has returned to its roots. With the Observer it now calls for a Liberal vote – here. Their star columnist, Polly Toynbee, who spent the 1980s attempting to smash the Labour Party, urges people of both Labour and Liberal sympathy to vote “tactically”  If they don’t then, she writes this morning,  we will fail the Council Estate poor,

    ..if centre-left people don’t vote tactically in every seat for whoever best keeps a Conservative out – Labour or Lib Dem regardless of personal preference – it is Donna’s Clapham Park people who will be stricken by George Osborne’s first emergency budget.  (here).

    Poor Pet Poor.

    The ‘left-of’centre’ group Compass has got in the act as well. (here)

    The key issue now is denying the Tories outright power, but in doing so recognising that power is likely to be shared. However much the parties have converged on the same space, and however much people have been disappointed by Labour in government, clear differences still exist between progressives and the Tories. Clearly the best hope of progressive politics, of something better than this, lies first in keeping the Tories out. Only then can we start the process of building a new politics in which greater equality, sustainability and democracy take us on the journey to the good society.

    In the Independent today Peter Hain is cited offering a four-year ‘partnership’ to the Liberal Democrats.

    There are a number of causes this hands-across-the-ballot-box. Leaving aside the most obvious, a wish to cling to power, there has long been a confused sentiment that somehow the Liberals, “progressives”, are unjustly sundered from other “progressives”. That the split between Labour and Liberal parties was a historical error.

    However, the Liberals were a party of a section of industry, nonconformist respectability, reform from above, and (most importantly) visceraly hostile to wealth redistribution and the interests of the unionised working class. While Labour had a tradition of high-handed, well-meaning, but bureaucratic reform, it clashed with the Liberals on the latter point. Those within the old Liberal party who accommodated to the rising power of the unions transferred to Labour, and carried on the tradition of social liberalism there. Those who fixed on the beneficient market regulated by the judgements of the Wise and the Great, ruling municipally through philanthropic notables, stayed. No Governing Liberal, including Nick Clegg, has ever been anything but hostile to organised labour.

    It is hardly a coincidence that as New Labour favoured markets and the civic role of Lords and Lady Bountiful they opened the way up again for the true Liberal tradition. In this way the rise – yet to be confirmed in the Ballot Box – of the Liberal Democrats owes everything to Blair and Brown. If they get any power they will complete the transformation of new Labour into a US style Democrat Party – and hasten its death as an effective alternative to the Conservatives.

    The other source of sympathy for the Liberals lies in the idea that British political system is rent with a  fundamental undemocratic constitutional set-up that needs “reform”. On the left a whole theory is attached to this, that the ‘backward’ UK Monarchy and State – a system built on subjecthood - has to be replaced by a Constitution based on citizens. As the Liberal Democrats back this strongly then they are held to be particularly ’progressive’. None of these theorists has ever explained how all the principal faults of British politics and society are found in republican states, in the rest of Europe to start with. Nor that the whole process of globalisation has rendered this notion of a British ‘sonder weg’ (special route) to modernity irrelevant in the face of world-wide convergence around the model of a Market State. That the Liberals equally fervently back this Market State escapes their admirers’ attention. Their programme for change relies on strengthening local elites, not on democracy. Only Proportional Representation may offer some meagre comfort by opening up the political landscape to a more genuine electoral confrontation between different forces.

    The Liberal Democrats politics differ mildly from the more overtly right-wing programme of David Cameron’s ’big society’ Tories. They are, apparently ’nicer’. This might be true - in parts. The cabal of self-promoters, cranks, grudge-holders and genteel amateurs that make up Ipswich Liberal Democrats are not, however, generally thought of in these terms. Selfish and vain is how many would describe the Ipswich Liberals. Which holds true for the national party.

    If, a heavy if, there is any coalition with the Liberal Democrats after this election it will only be in the interests of the not insubstantial constituency of vain, self-regarding and selfish people.

    Not any step forward for the Left, however generously defined.    

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 4, 2010 at 11:23 am

    Icelandic Ash A Call to Vote Christian People’s Alliance: Religious Parties Gain Ground.

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    Even the Ash Votes Christian!

    Side-by-side with an assertive  ’Muslim’ vote is a rising ‘Christian’ political presence. With 150 Candidates in the General  Election the Christian People’s Alliance (here)  is making its way to the ballot box. It looks set to expand its total of 5 local councillors in the coming municipal contests. Membership figrues are hazy but there is no doubt that it involves a swelling number of Christians, predominantly from an Evangelical or revivalist background.

    In Ipswich the Christian Party – 71 candidates nationally (here and here) is standing a candidate, Kim Christofi. According to Wikipedia, “It aims to fill a void they say exists in the current political spectrum for the Christian Right in the UK. They are pro-life, have opposed moves towards legislation equalising the position of homosexual, bisexual and transgender people with heterosexual people and hold a sceptical view on the EU.”

    Their policies (announced in last Scottish Elections) include:

    • a proposed referendum on the reinstitution of the death penalty for severe crimes, where two or three witnesses were present at the crime scene and forensic science confirms involvement.
    • legislation to ban abortion.
    • increased taxation on alcohol and tobacco.
    • initiatives to bring personal responsibility to bear upon “self-inflicted disease” (such as alcoholism).
    • Zero tolerance on drug possession.
    • curfewss for under 11 year olds, with mandatory intervention of child protection agencies in relation to any child 10 years or younger that is found unaccompanied on the street after 9:00pm.
    • the reintroduction of the right of teachers to use corporal punishment in extreme circumstances.
    • greater observance of a weekly day of rest (Sunday).
    • limits around coastlines to preserve stocks of fish and sand eels.
    • promotion in school of chastityy before marriage.
    • re-instatement of Section 2A (also known as Section 28), a law to guard against the promotion of homosexuality.
    • the re-introduction of corporate readings from the Bible in all Scottish state schools.
    • provision of Christian religious education on a mandatory basis, with no obligation to promote other faiths, regardless of the wishes of those being instructed or their parents. There currently exists a level of compulsory Christian observance in all British schools,] so these policies are calling for this to be increased.
    • a science curriculum which should “reflect the evidence of creation/design” in the universe (see Creation-evolution controversy).
    • public health campaigns to discourage homosexuality  alongside excessive drinking and the use of addictive substances, whilst maintaining “God loves and we should love” such individuals.
    • the restoration of the right for parents to smack their children (as with prayer, this currently exists and the policy is a call for an increase).
    • “Mind Pollution Levy” on 18 Certificate Films, DVDs, CDs, Video Games and Top Shelf magazines.
    • a re-establishment of the principle of the innocent party in a divorce being acknowledged in any divorce settlement.
    • discouragement of the practice of addressing women as Ms.
    • opposition of the practice of altering birth certificates to reflect gender confirmation surgery.
    • promotion of Biblical alternatives to the current criminal justice system, including emphasis on the role of witnesses over forensic evidence.
    • Total privatisation of public assets, including the NHS and the public schools. Job cuts in the public health sector. All immigrants will be required to be covered by private health insurance.
    • Increased restrictions on immigration.

    The Christian People’s Alliance (more here) claims to be more  ’social’  (very sharply distinguished from socialism) and socially tolerant. It has these policies:

  • Recognition of Christ’ s sovereignty (supreme authority) over the nations and in politics.
  • Respect of [the Judeo-Christian]-God‘s law as the basis for constitutional government and a stable society.
  • Like the Islamists the Christianists base politics on Divine Rule. We can dismiss the below as blather:

  • Reconciliation among nations, races, religions, classes, gender and communities [with god]
  • Respect for human life given by God.
  • Social Justice to address wrongs and provide restitution to the wronged.
  • Peacemaking, by addressing the causes of wars.
  • Open, transparent government, which subjects itself to debate and critique.


    The CPA’s views on the sovereignty of God can be forthright, (here)

    John Manwell Chair of Liverpool City Churches network, Together For The Harvest, which brings together over 100 churches. He is also the Christian Peoples Alliance candidate for Liverpool Walton. He says that the volcanic ash from Iceland is a sign from God that Britain and Europe need to turn and confess their sin of unbelief and rebellion against the Gospel. He commented on the fact that the ash surrounded Britain at the same time as the three main party leaders had their first televised debate in front of the nation:

    “Ash is a clear Biblical symbol of repentance. The ash from Iceland brought our airlines to a halt for a week. As a sign from God it was gracious – no-one was killed. The standstill reminded us that with all our power and politics, the human race is powerless compared to God and His creation. It is right that judgement begins with the house of God and clearly the Roman Catholic church is taking steps to sort itself out, as the party leaders alluded to on Sky. However, our whole political system has hardened itself against God in rampant secularism. This has to change.”

    Like the ‘soft’ Islamists, and their toadies in the ‘Respect Coalition’, then, the CPA finds that religious progress is thwarted by secularism.

    Those damned secularists!

    More Ash Vicar?

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 5, 2010 at 10:26 am

    Benedict Gummer a 9/11 Truther? And Other Musings.

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    Ipswich Tory Thinks ‘Mickey Mouse’ Did This.

    Will Ipswich have a 9/11 Truther as its MP tomorrow? We don’t know for sure. What we do know is that Benedict Gummer, Conservative Candidate for Ipswich, has claimed that “Mickey Mouse” was behind the attack on the Twin Towers.

    When did Benedict make this claim? This Tuesday. Before eight in the morning the dapper Tory was standing outside Ipswich Railway Station. With a gaggle of cronies he was thrusting leaflets in commuters’ hands. No doubt he was hoping for ” the smiles and offers of good luck ” that his Blog claims he gets.

    Not this time. A comrade from Ipswich Against Racism and Fascism was there, giving out anti-BNP leaflets. He had a few ‘words’ with the man himself. Benjy came out with the just cited (and amazing) statement. Was he influenced by his readings of Noam Chomsky? Was Benedict still recovering from his heavy schedule of wine-parties and pub visits. Or was he  rattled at this?


    We shall never know. But we would like Benedict to answer this: what theory do you have about 9/11?

    Tendance Coatesy is open to all your speculations on this subject. Though not to your  lies ab0ut saving Ipswich Hospital – here.

    Now to another point.

    The impression we have is that a large swathe of voters have taken one look at David Cameron and do not like what they see. How they will cast their ballots is anyone’s guess. Obviously the Liberals will do much better than anyone expected a month ago. They will do even better in Alexandra Ward Ipswich since there is no Green candidate for the local election. Why? The Liberal candidate was one of the signatories for the inexperienced Green. He found that this autograph was invalid (not difficult to predict since the Liberal had already nominated another Liberal and you can’t do this twice). Exit Green from the election. Without even a vote!

    But for the rest - we await the results.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 6, 2010 at 9:52 am

    Ipswich, General Election: Bad Result.

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    Ipswich Result.

    Ben Gummer Conservative 18,371 39.1 +8.0
    Chris Mole Labour 16,292 34.7 -8.2
    Mark Dyson Liberal Democrat 8,556 18.2 -2.9
    Chris Streatfield UK Independence Party 1,365 2.9 +0.2
    Dennis Boater British National Party 1,270 2.7 +2.7
    Tim Glover Green 775 1.7 +1.7
    Kim Christofi Christian Party 149 0.3 +0.3
    Peter Turtill Independent 93 0.2 +0.2
    Sally Wainman Independent 70 0.1 +0.1
    Majority 2,079 4.4  
    Turnout 46,941 59.9 -0.2


    From Ipswich Spy - for best up-to–date reports. More from the BBC.


    The town was crawling with Tories all yesterday. I told one, obtrusively asking for cards at Zoar Baptist Chapel, that he was “Tory scum”.  The absurdity of a place like Ipswich getting a nasty Tory squirt elected is not lost on the Tendance cadres.  

    I had planned to go to sleep early and get up in the middle of the night. Just drifting off after 11.15  and heard phone ring – Anwar, who thought Exit polls not too bad. When I got back to sleep I kept waking up and going downstairs turning on the telly, hopping around radio stations. Great that McDonnell won so decisively Rest is, well rest.

    Benedict Gummer is a walking disaster. But then most readers of this Blog will know our views on Benjy. On what emerges from negotiations to form a Government we, like all politicos, will have ample time to comment.

    For Ipswich Against Racism and Fascism (which can be contacted via the E-Mail given in Sidebar ‘About Tendance Coatesy’), the 1,270 votes for the first-time BNP candidate, is an unacceptably high score .

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 7, 2010 at 9:40 am

    Galloway Bad Loser to the Last. Wither Respect?

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    George Galloway lost. ”Fantastic ” Salma Yaqoob lost. Abjol Miah Lost. - here.

    Respect admits to a “disappointing night” (here). Socialist Unity, their tireless cheer-leader says, “there is now some need for reflection about what happens next. I offer congratulations and commiserations to our brilliant candidates who deserved better results.” (here)

    Galloway didn’t even have the courage to turn up at the Count Result.

    A sad reflection on the waning standards of communalist politicians.

    One wonders if his Iranian state employers will continue to pay a very ex-MP.


     Tower Hamlets:  Respect: 1 . Newham Respect 1.  Birmingham: 3 Respect Councillors.

    No doubt Yaqoob will have time as well to campaign in favour of religious rights for Muslims in Europe. But perhaps she is now looking for something more solid to build her political career on. Labour? Liberals? Greens?

     Newly elected Labour MP Fitzpatrick (here) showed that once introduced communalism has not gone away,

    “The disrespect party has clearly suffered a huge defeat and that’s another major positive from yesterday,” he said

    Reflecting on a campaign which had been marred by negative publicity and claims of electoral fraud, he said: “I have recently been the subject of a number of smears, being accused of Islamophobia, of trying to ban traditional Muslim weddings, of trying to close the East London Mosque and other such nonsense.

    “These would be laughable if they were not peddled to try and poison the minds of the Muslim community.

    “That community refused to be conned and came out to vote for me,” he said.

    The Morning Star ‘reported’ (here) Ms Yaqoob saying that,

    “It is a fantastic achievement and testimony to a desire for a political alternative to the parties of bombing and big business. It is clear that many people’s fear of a Tory government boosted the Labour vote, puncturing the Lib Dem bubble but also squeezing my vote as well.

    “I am really proud of the campaign that I ran.”

    For our part we follow this little chap’s reaction,

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 8, 2010 at 10:24 am

    After the General Election….

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    Time for the Left to Shift Gear! 


    SATURDAY 15th of May
    10:30am – 3:30 pm
    University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY


    Entrance: Free
    (donations welcome)


    Whatever the outcome of the General Election, this Parliament will see the new Government savage public spending to pay for the crisis caused by the bank bailout.
    But how can we protect our services, and build a political alternative?
    This is a one day conference for the labour movement left across the UK to share experiences of the General Election and plan for the coming months.


    Speakers include:
    John McDonnell MP
    and Mark Serwotka, PCS General Secretary




    Co-sponsored by the LRC, CLPD, Convention of the Left, CWU, Labour Briefing, NUJ, Save the Labour Party, Right to Work and the Socialist Campaign to Stop the Tories and Fascists. 

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 9, 2010 at 10:51 am

    ‘Progressive Partnership’: Mon Cul!

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    The Future?

    Soundings and Compass must he well happy. A “ new progressive partnership” (here) is underway.

    We have lived under this ‘patnership’ in Ipswich for the last few years. ‘Nice’ people have got rewarded. The pathetic grudges of Andrew Cann (Liberal Leader) made public policy. Public services ruined. Looney Tory Bendict Gummer elected.

    Ipswich made into a rubbish bin.

    In this town even the crêpes are oppressed!


    Et alors, bientôt le pays!

    Vote Guardian, Vote Tory, Vote Ipswich Liberal-Tory Junta!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 13, 2010 at 9:43 am

    Fascist March Against Globalisation in Paris, 9th of May.

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    The Far-Right in Europe Remains a Threat.

    Fascists March in Paris, 9th of May, Against Globalisation.

    According to Le Monde (here) there were a maximum of 700 ultra-right fascists on the March. That is those to the right of the Front National in such groups as the  Nouvelle droite populaire (dissidents from the  FN); le Renouveau français (traditionalists), the néo-Gud (the name is from hard-line student fascist group of many years standing) and the  Nationalistes autonomes (anti-globalising far-right).

    These by no means exhaust the range of the French ultra-right. 


    The attempt to use leftist-sounding rhetoric and imagery (against the capitalist market, backing strikes and protests) is blatant.  

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 10, 2010 at 3:50 pm

    ‘Progressive Coalition’, a Millstone, McDonnell for Leader!

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    Millstone Waiting for Labour Movement’s Neck.

    Gordon Brown is going. But not gone. This has a momentum of its own.  Desperately trying to cobble together a ‘progressive alliance’ with the Liberal Democrats he is using the last of his Doctor Evil powers. But his strength is ebbing day-to-day. The popular masses are heartily sick of these manoeuvres. Labour MPs are thinking of the future Party leader elections. The Tories are waiting for their hour. Only the Liberal Democrats, flattered at the attention, are playing their moment as hard as they can.

    For the left the following are some important considerations.

    • The feeble score of  left of Labour candidates in the election illustrates the failure of various socialist combinations to create a clear alternative to the Brown government. It shows that socialism, and left ideas more broadly, have had little resonance in the electorate. The gap between our views and ordinary people’s is wide.   It is not just that groups like Respect have pandered to Islamism, or that the SWP has tried to put its own ‘party-building’ above the movement’s interests. The fundamental reason for the left’s impasse is the lack of a convincing popular message.
    • This has been helped by the succesful effort to shape the Labour Party in the image of the non-social democratic American Democrats. The policy-making process of the Party (Policy Forums onwards) are designed to exclude radical, labour movement and socialist, challenges. The unions have tried to adjust to this, by pursuing their own interests through Lobbying. They too have been unable to make an impact – despite The Thick of It media figures like Charlie Whelan.
    • The real political issue is not going to be reduced to who takes over the leadership of the Labour Party. It is going to be about the policies he or she offers. The crucial point is the response to the ‘inevitable’ massive cuts in public spending. From the BBC onwards every force of the British establishment is presenting a case for financial ‘rigour’. Nor is this just propoganda - similar to that carried out in the 1970s to  popularise Monterarism and the free-market on the state and private media. One only has to read the European press to see that the UK’s financial deficit is widely considered a massive problem.
    • ‘Inevitable’ or not financial austerity will clash with the interests of millions of people, in the public sector outwards. There is therefore a constituency – concentrated in the unions’ membership - which is opposed by its nature to such plans.
    • A ‘progressive alliance’ between the Liberals, the Labour Party and nationalists, will be sealed on a programme of financial cut-backs. Apart from the perception of thwarting the popular vote it will be anything but progressive in social and economic  terms. It will rapidly become a millstone around the neck of the parties involved. On the bright side it will show the political exhaustion of all the ‘centre-left’ attempts to remove socialism from the political agenda.
    • The left needs therefore, in the first instance, to offer a convincing alternative set of measures to the coming cuts. We have to have an economic narrative that can respond to this crisis. More than just ‘fight the cuts’ we should be concerned with strategies for the future, to not just oppose but to initiate a series of alternative propositions. This has yet to emergence in a popular form. The time to begin this is now.
    • If the left can align with Labour MPs and Union leaders who recognise the blockage we have the opportunity to emerge as a political force on the national stage. If we manage to get behind John McDonnell, a serious, well-liked, socialist MP, and campaign for him to become Labour leader, we may be doing something of greater use than boosting small left groups’ fortunes.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 11, 2010 at 11:55 am

    May Day, Review.

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    The West Bletchley Left Book Club Circa 1936

    By Andrew Coates. Published here.


    John Sommerfield, May Day, London Books 2010/1936

    April 29th, London, early 1930s, “In this whirlpool of matter-in-motion forces are at work creating history.” May Day (1936) sets out “a new world painfully fighting to be born from the filth, the rottenness, the miserable decay of capitalist society”. John Sommerfield’s ‘collective novel” of the London class struggle portrays and celebrates this struggle. It is full of high optimism. In a Postscript he calls it “early ‘30s Communist Romanticism.” A worker-writer and a Communist (remaining so up to the 1950s), this, his second novel, is red with the flush of Leninist enthusiasm. The Stalinist Zhdanov would call such committed literature, “a new type, revolutionary romanticism”. “Socialist realism” then is not just about showing how “things really are” or should be. Sommerfield, is concerned with love, with passion and despair; his characters’ souls are not engineered to react like cold automata.

    There are many of them; too many to pay close attention to them all. There is John, a unionised Carpenter at Langfier’s Carbon Works. He life is ruled by deep affection, for his young wife, Maritime, and their baby David. This craftsman, while pleased with the new employment his trade has won him, is revolted by conditions in the Works’ machine shops, and the lot of the hard-driven factory workers affected by speed-ups and a rising numbers of accidents. But when union brothers urge action he remembers his “long miserable months of unemployment” and Martine’s “little ambitions for a nice home with bright curtains and new furniture.

    The machinists, all women, are “silly girls with their synthetic Hollywood dreams, their pathetic silk stockings and lipsticks”. Yet, they are the “raw material of history” touched by “deep discontent” at the way the “automatic lathes” are to be operated on piece-work. Carbon Works is drawn into the conflict between bosses and workers. A Communist, Ivy Cutford, is there to bring them to class-consciousness. “The girls are beginning to take a good deal of notice of what she says because they like her.” While the bosses rear up at the prospect of conflict, aware that these “Communist elements” pose a threat. John equally comes to realise that “Life is a struggle for us, life is a battle under the long shadows of the factory chimneys.”

    The employers are changing; the firm is becoming part of a larger holding. Capital is being concentrated. Sir Edwin Langfier, the founder of Carbon Works, is now in thrall to Amalgamated Industrial Enterprises, and their agent, Dartry. In Park Lane the Cabal of Monopolists behind the Corporation meet to decide on the future, “they are scheming to close down factories and speed up others, to consumer their lesser rivals. They making their class an ever-smaller and more exclusive society: control of production passes into the hands of an ever-shrinking group.” Below, there is a shout, “Workers, all out on May Day. Demonstrate for a free Soviet Britain!”

    The Bus Drivers are out on strike. Mr Raggett Secretary of the Transport Workers; Union, “the owner of a fine house and car, a man of weight, with a large income and twelve-thousand pounds’ worth of securities” tries to break it.” May Day gets nearer. “The Communist cells have sprayed out leaflets like machines guns scattering bullets”. All out on May Day! It’s as if the world has become laid out in the columns of the Communist paper, the Daily Worker.

    Sometimes one follows this, other times words scuttle past like beetles (I nicked that phrase from Roberto Bolaño). The frequent clumsy metaphors and language don’t help, “colours of halted waterfalls”, “soft lights glow unaudienced” to cite but two at random. As for the Communist tracts, “like autumn leaves falling into running rivers” “dropped into the living torrents of the homeward-hurrying workers” all leftists have given out bits of papers that get swept away.

    But the narrative holds. On May Day an accident happens in the carbon Works Big Shop. A hand, Mabel, is scalped by the shafting, and the plant strikes. There is a fine description of how Sir Edwin Langfier is revolted by this result of speed-up. The callousness of the agent of the Monopolists, Dartry, who is only concerned about the hold up to orders, is heightened by his realisation of his ageing, and “the spectre of senility and impotence.” As a virile contrast the Monster Demonstration bursts forth, streaming out from the East End. A baton falls on one marcher’s head, “and the world exploded into a scarlet oblivion”. “Men and women who have never marched in a demonstration before are becoming revolutionaries in the course of a few hours”. Marble Arch is the destination, with the “flag-draped body is held up and saluted by a hundred thousand clenched firsts raised”…”Red Front!”

    You don’t read May Day waiting for an unexpected conclusion. The “party-minded” Sommerfield lays on the Daily Worker line with a trowel. But is not Proletkult ‘pure’ proletarian literature. There is a freshness that is hard to dismiss. Unsettling modernist techniques, of the “Camera-Eye”, collages of newspaper reports, a montage of scenes, interrupt the narrative. As important as the lives of May Day’s characters are the Carbon Works, the Docks, Charing Cross Road, West End cinemas and theatres, the powerhouses of Battersea and Lots Road, the Print, Bus garages, the March, newsbills, statistics on unemployment, industrial accidents and strikes. There is a genuine tenderness and complexity of feeling (John’s hesitations, Langfier’s scruples) at work. True, the revolutionary vortex they are all thrown into has more magic than realism about it. Yet its picture is not consoling. The energy at work is agitating, dividing. Sommerfield is not bent on drawing together people of “good will”. One could say that for these reasons, the 1934 novel would not have gone down well with the mixed liberal, communist and pacifist audience of, say, the West Bletchley Left Book Club circa 1936.

    Today, after May Day 2010, “everyone’s talking about politics”. But Nick Clegg, David Cameron and Gordon Brown, hardly represent the kind of new world that John Sommerfield (1908–91) would have revelled in. The present-day unions efforts at “mobilising the masses” have been singularly muted – the RMT (a donor for the book’s production, excepted). Only the routes of the London Streets, portrayed with great vigour, remain fixed in the same direction. But as foreign leftists sometimes say about the British Capital’s roads, they are wide and long enough for demonstrations to get lost in. Not, at any rate yet, highways filled with a swelling Red Front.

    Andrew Coates
    is long-standing socialist and trade union activist who lives in Ipswich, near the Sunshine Suffolk Coast. He owns one of the best collections of sectarian left literature in East Anglia and 540 Everyman Classics. To while away the long-days he posts incessantly on the Web, pursuing vendettas and the line of his international organisation, Tendance Coatesy. His pastimes include putting slug pellets down on his allotment and watching the creatures die.

    First published in 3:AM Magazine: Monday, May 10th, 2010.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 14, 2010 at 1:38 pm

    Posted in Culture, Marxism

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    Normal Service To Be Resumed – Shortly – After London Curry.

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    I was in London on Saturday.

    A really good meeting of the left.

    John is standing.

    So it was worthwhile.

    But I digress.

    Had a curry in the evening – a real feast with all the trimmings.

    I can still feel it.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 17, 2010 at 10:15 am

    Posted in Left

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    McDonnell’s the One!

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    John’s Programme.

    John McDonnell is trying to gather enough MPs to stand.

    Read more: here.

    It is the bounden duty of every socialist to support John.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 19, 2010 at 10:07 am

    Posted in British Govern, Left, New Left

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    Diane Abbott: Schmoozing with Portillo too Much ?

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    Stands Against Doughty Socialist Campaigner John.

    Dianne Abott’s best mate is Michael Denzil Xavier Portillo.

    That is only political fact that I retain about her.

    Oh apart from bumping into  her a few times a vaguely left meetings.

    Now she standing for the Labour leadership (here).

    No doubt ‘Sue R’ who posts her will tell us more Diane’s political, and indeed social background.

    Apart from her public school education her fling with Jeremy Bernard Corbyn springs to mind.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 20, 2010 at 11:11 am

    Dianne Abbot: Vote for the City of London!

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    City of London School.

    Rumours that Dianne Abbot  has been offered a place in David Cameron’s Cabinet have been vigorously denied.

    The dapper gal was educated at Harrow County Grammar School where she met her life-time sparring partner Michael Denzil Xavier Portillo.

    Her political trajectory from left to wealth  is not unprecedented.

    Meanwhile this (Hat  Tip to Sue R)

    Her leftwing credentials were dented in 2003 when she decided to send her son to the private £10,000 a year City of London school, after previously criticising Tony Blair and Harriet Harman for sending their children to selective state schools.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 21, 2010 at 11:24 am

    Posted in Labour Movement, Labour Party

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    Diane Abbott: Jonathan Aitken Gives his Backing in Labour Bid.

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    Abbott’s Street Creed Support is Growing.

    Jonathan Aitken has given his backing for Diane Abbott as leader of the Labour Party

    From today’s Independent on Sunday here

    Aitken was jailed for perjury in the late 1990s, so his endorsement might not have been the first Abbott sought. Still, there it is:

    “She has outstanding qualities. She’s a standard bearer for the left, and a good communicator. It’s what Labour needs. I wish her well.” 

    Given the former Tory minister’s bluer-than-blue background, the move might come as something of a surprise. Still, the pair have history: They worked together at TV-am and Abbott’s son is Aitken’s godson. And, who knows? If she gets Michael Portillo’s backing, she might overtake Ed Balls as the Opposition’s favourite candidate.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 23, 2010 at 11:36 am

    McDonnell: The Real Reason Why Some of the Left Oppose Him.

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    From Wikipedia:

    In 1981, McDonnell was elected to the Greater London Council (GLC) as a member for Hayes and Harlington. He became the Chair of Finance, responsible for the Greater London Council s budget, and was Ken Livingstone‘s deputy leader. In an interview with Ronan Bennett for The Guardian  newspaper, he described his role during this time as being, “to translate policies into concrete realities on the ground.” He further discussed his performance by indicating, “I was a fairly hard-nosed administrator. We set in train policies for which we were attacked from all sides but are now accepted as mainstream: large-scale investment in public services; raising the issue of Ireland and arguing for a dialogue for peace; equal opportunities; police accountability. We set up a women’s committee, an ethnic minorities committee”.[

    Livingstone removed McDonnell from the post of deputy leader in 1985, shortly after they came into conflict over the GLC’s budget. Margaret Thatcher’s government first cut central government funding to local government, and then introduced rate capping, preventing selected councils from raising local taxation beyond a set level as a means of reducing public spending. Encouraged by the success of the Liverpool City Council, which delayed issuing a budget in 1984 until the government agreed to restore some funding cuts, twelve Labour councils that had the cap imposed on them chose not to set a rate at all in the spring of 1985, demanding that the government lift the cap. The GLC also faced capping, and McDonnell headed a campaignn amongst Labour members to adopt this strategy in response. Unlike the local councils, however, the GLC faced a legal obligation to set a rate by mid-March. McDonnell contended that accepting the cap would lead to a reduction in spending and prevent the GLC, which had already lost all of its funding from central government, from honoring the manifesto pledges Labour had been elected on in 1981.

    In his book If Voting Changed Anything, They’d Abolish It, Livingstone outlines his belief that McDonnell presented exaggerated figures in order to support his proposal. Despite paying lip-service to the “no rate” campaign, the GLC set a legal rate on schedule, passed by moderate Labour councillors with the support of Conservative opposition members.

    Comment: I happen to think that McDonnell was right.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 24, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    Welfare Reform: It’s a-Comin’.

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     Frank Field’s Deputy For Welfare Reform.

    A bit more here and here.

    This is really serious.

    When I signed on yesterday the woman on the counter asked me of what things I’d done to seek work.

    I replied, “I am interested  in a career in the Civil Service.”

    Now apparently I will have my opportunity: volunteers to run the Job Centre!

    Only joking.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 26, 2010 at 9:58 am

    Posted in Welfare State, Workfare

    Cordelia Gummer Speaks Out.

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    Esteemed Comrade Abused Under Tory Misrule.

    Cordelia Gummer, a long-time sympathiser with Tendance Coatesy, has a view on her bro’s failure to get an  appointment as under-Minister for Paper-Clips.

    “The in angustiis pecuniae caused by the renovations at  Giles Corner are not there “pour rein”.

    Even the crows on the street in Ipswich know what a financial failure the Conservative-Liberal coalition has caused.

    How could they appoint Benedict with this local background?”

    So much for Ipswich Spy’s puerile accusations of nepotism and family loyalty!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 28, 2010 at 9:39 am

    Sex Workers and Brian Tobin: A Respectful Comment

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    In the Guardian yesterday.

    The murder of three women working as prostitutes in Bradford has reminded us of the terror that gripped the streets of Ipswich four years ago. During Steve Wright’s killing spree in the winter of 2006, many of the women I work with became acutely aware of their vulnerability and wanted to get out, there and then.

     We can introduce new legal measures, and various groups can keep spitting vitriol about decriminalisation, legalisation or whatever their preferred option is; but unless we as a society learn to deal with drugs more effectively, we will never see an end to what is a desperate and dangerous activity that destroys lives.

    More here.

    Now Brian is a person for whom I have the utmost respect.

    I really mean this.

    But what does this highlighted sentence mean?

    I know for a fact that yesterday in the streets of Ipswich that there were women with very obvious drugs problems. And men.

    Like really serious heroin and crack users.

    They have not gone away.

    Brian may recall our Trades Council Meeting to which he was invited (as he has strong links with the labour movement). We talked about this very issue.  I said that heroin use devastates people’s  lives.

    I meant  the case of two of my really closest friends. The beautiful Sue Tout (her brother from the group Renaissance – here) and her boyfriend Lawrence. Lawrence ended up throwing himself on the Tube line at Finsbury Park. Sue  died from heroin-related complications. Both from socialist and communist families. You can imagine how it affected their even nearer and dearer

    This was thirty years ago but what has changed to make people get off this poison?

    I do not think, Brian, will all due respect, that a programme of this

    acupuncture, aromatherapy, reflexology

    is going to do it.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 29, 2010 at 10:26 am

    Posted in Feminism, Ipswich

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    BBC: Deaths as Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ship.

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    This makes me cry.

    Really cry and cry.

    I have no other comment.

    More here and here

    Written by Andrew Coates

    May 31, 2010 at 10:35 am

    Posted in Imperialism, International

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    Mesrine: The Must-See DVD of the Year.

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    This truly is a world-class film.

    A  gangster-thriller with a difference.

    If the other great recent French film Un prophète is excellent this is something a bit higher in the ranking.

    It is up there with Chinatown, LA Confidential, the Goodfellas and Casino.

    But with an important difference: it is ultra-political in our European sense. And it’s all factually based.

    Mesrine fought for the French army, against the national liberation movement,  in Algeria. He then made the transition from  OAS  supporter (far-right pied noirs in North Africa) to, like many in the OAS, pure gangsterism. There are many passages showing just how violent all this was (and in fact, is).

    Then, via a passage in Canada (where he had links with the Québec French movement), he ended up near to the extreme-left. He killed a journalist from the far-right (and deeply Algérie française) Minute.

    There is much more detail embedded in the picture. The straight-forward, thrilling and hyper-violent scenario will keep most riveted to the screen.

    More in English here.

    I had to keep especially riveted during the bits about his time in Canada: the Joual (here) really is almost a different language to French!


    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 2, 2010 at 1:03 pm

    Liberal-Tory Coalition (Ipswich) elects Coco the Cann as Culture Czar.

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    Ipswich Liberal-Tory Coalition Culture Chief.

    Barking news: Andrew Cann just elected as Culture Supremo of Ipswich (here).

    Andrew Cann has a distinguished career.

    His dad was former Labour MP for Ipswich Jamie Cann.

    Andrew Cann managed the rare feat of getting turfed out of his position as Secretary for a Town Labour Branch after a year (normally once you’re the sec you stay – I did for seven years). He resigned from the Labour Party and joined the Liberal Democrats. Soon, teamed up with the local Conservative Party in the Liberal-Tory Junta, has made a name for himself. Particularly down the Dove. Perhaps fellow councillor, poor Louise (more here), would give him many names indeed.

    His cultural interests include Quiz nights with fellow ex-Labour renegade, Christopher Newbury (the man who, when he was a Labour councillor,  famously said of a disabled Lib Dem Councillor that ‘they used to put people like you down’) . Oh and picking his nose.


    Benedict Gummer BagMan BridgeWard News has yet to comment.

    Ipswich Spy remarks on Andrew Cann’s forgotten wizard plans to regenerate Ipswich.

    With the former Coop store (flogged off to some dodgy group) closing the  whole of Carr Street is falling into ruin.

    Onwards and upwards with the new progressive alliance!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 3, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    World Cup, Football and the Left.

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    Banned from my Gaff.

    Football don’t you get bored by it?

    It is compulsory in this country to follow football.

    The streets of Ipswich are festooned with emblems for the English team, white vans fly past with the flags, and everyone is talking about the World Cup. The media is full of it.

    Not chez Tendance Coatesy.

    The sight of some types running round with a ball fails to excite.

    We plan a mammoth session of watching our old Buffey the Vampire Slayer videos when the games start.

    Leaning hard lessons of the class struggle from the heroic exploits of the comrades in the Scooby gang.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 5, 2010 at 11:12 am

    Posted in Capitalism, Culture

    George Galloway: is he seriously ill?

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    With all the tenderness and affection we have for George Galloway, we feel deeply moved by his recent ailments.

    See here:

    Look at the heid.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 6, 2010 at 11:08 am

    Posted in Fascism

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    Galloway: Is He Dying?

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    A sad look for our esteemed comrade.

    Friends of George Galloway there are many. He apparently buzzed off to Hollywood to make the next LA Confidential and then came back to mouth off about Israel.

    Looking at the state of the beloved leader we  are very concerned about the health of the man who some call the helmsman of the European Left.

    That arse,  sagging, and the chops well soggy.

    Hard to imagine George in this state having a taxi running (and paid for by War on Want) while he shags some bint.

    We wish him the recovery he well merits.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 8, 2010 at 11:25 am

    Posted in Left, Multi-Culturalism

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    McDonnell Stands Down.

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    John McDonnell withdraws from Labour leadership race in favour of Diane Abbott

    The Guardian reports, “Leftwinger says he hopes he can make sure a woman gets on the ballot paper for the contest to choose a successor to Gordon Brown”

    (More here)

    This is a bad move. Probably inevitable given – as John McDonnell says – that he was never anywhere near getting enough nominations from other Labour MPs. But McDonnell did get support from across the movement, and stood with some clear socialist ideas. He launched his campaign by talking soundings from a wide spectrum of people.

    I was present at the initial London meeting where he began and there was some real enthusiasm there.

    I certainly feel no enthusiasm for Abbott. She is not going to get a socialist campaign off the ground.

    We need strong voices in the coming months to oppose the cuts. One cannot see Abbott being one.

    But there you go – she has just secured enough nominations to get on the ballot (BBC).

    Diane Abbott has gained enough nominations to get onto the Labour leadership ballot paper.

    The backbencher managed to reach the threshold after fellow left-winger John McDonnell withdrew from the race.

    Ms Abbott will go up against four former cabinet ministers – Ed Balls, Andy Burnham and David and Ed Miliband.

    Abbott’s campaign, such as it is, is on this basis here.

    “I am not just another man in a suit. There’s not a lot of difference between the candidates so far. I am standing because I represent ‘real choice’, not a return to the Blair/Brown politics of the past 13 years. I voted against the Iraq war which is the single biggest source of disillusionment with Labour. And I do not believe that we lost the election because of immigration, as some of my rivals seem to be suggesting. I am a truly independent candidate who will create real change out of the ashes of New Labour, and reclaim the true identity of the Labour Party. I want to provide a platform for debate about who should be the next leader, and that debate would not be complete without a candidate, like myself, who represents a more diverse choice.”

    We can at least agree that she is not a man in a suit.

    The issues however that are going to dominate British politics in the coming months will stem from the Lib-Tory programme of cuts. People are absolutely terrified about this. What are the Labour leadership candidates’ views?

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 9, 2010 at 11:50 am

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    Far Right Breakthrough in the Netherlands. Belgium Next?

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    More Sorrows for the Low Countries.

    Listening to a discussion on France-Culture about the growth of the nationalist Flemish movement in Belgium I just checked out the Dutch election results.

    By Mariette le Roux (AFP) – 2 hours ago

    THE HAGUE — The spectacular election breakthrough of the far-right anti-Muslim Party for Freedom shocked the Netherlands on Thursday as two mainstream parties braced for weeks of coalition haggling. 

    The pro-business Liberal VVD party had 31 seats and the Labour party (PvdA) 30, with 98 percent of the vote counted. But far-right PVV leader Geert Wilders demanded a share of government after his party came third with 24, more than doubling its seats in the 150 member parliament. 

    (more here and here)

    In Belgium there are federal elections this weekend. The background is growing demands amongst a section of  Dutch speakers for a near total breakup of the country. The far-right is very active in the country’s Flemish population. This summary of opinion polls (here) indicates that the  extreme Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest – here in English) is credited at between 10 – 17% of voting intentions.

    The background here is complex but one element is that the Flemish nationalists not only have thriven on asserting their linguistic rights. There is a very significant anti-immigrant strain they have exploited.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 10, 2010 at 12:34 pm

    Posted in Anti-Fascism, Europe, Fascism

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    Galloway Exposes Anti-Iran Trotskyist-Zionist-US Terror Centre.

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    Maziar Bahari, held and tortured in Iran after last June’s protests, tells Channel 4 News he has referred Iran’s Press TV to Ofcom after it sent a journalist to cover his interrogation.

    (Here ) More from Today’s Indy here.

    Prominent Press TV Reporter, former MP George Galloway, is said to be preparing a “thundering response“.

    George Galloway has just launched a new career (here) “The former Labour and Respect MP, whose 23 year tenure in the House of Commons ended last week, intends to launch a new career in Hollywood as a presenter of documentary films.He plans to emulate Michael Moore, the American left-wing film-maker.”

    Insiders report his first project is underway.

    Provisionally entitled, “The Anti-Iran Trotskyist-US  Zionist Centre” it will lift the lid on recent events in the country’s so-called “unrest”. Extensive historical research by Galloway reveals a continuous link between the right-blockists, anti-people spy centres and the Iranian ‘opposition’ (more on his model  here) And “Evidence of Leon Trotsky’s Collaboration with Germany and Japan.  Grover Furr”  here. (Hat-tip Roger).

    Galloway on Press TV.

    Sarcasm aside this is a major bloody disgrace.

    Shame on you Galloway, Ridley and other collaborators with the Iranian torturers.

    Shame, Shame, Shame!

    Back the Iranian Democrats to the Hilt! (More here)


    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 11, 2010 at 12:12 pm

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    Parti communiste français : Small Split.

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    Communist Split Says This Obstacle to Unity.

    Some of the Communist ‘rennovators’ have finally left the French Communist Party. They are around 200 and include 2 Deputies in the National Assembly and 1 Senator.

    These individuals,  include Jacqueline Fraysse, Roger Martelli, Lucien Sève (who is known internationally as a philosopher) et Pierre Zarka. There are various  reasons for their resignation from the balance sheet of Soviet Communism to the attitude of the Communists towards other parties. They are critical of Stalinism and share a liberal, democratic, socialist and green background with their own historical Communist loyalties and culture. All however centre their criticisms on the decades-long electoral decline of the Party and its inability to respond. (More Here)

    Interviewed in Le Monde their leading figure, National Assembly Deputy (and former Mayor of Saint Denis - an historic Communist municipality), Patrick Braouezec, estimates that one should act against the fragmentation of the left. But that the Front de Gauche (the alliance against fragmenting the left between the PCF the left Socialist Parti de Gauche and the Gauche Unitaire - the’ Piquet’ tendency formerly of the Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste), has not had the required impact.

     Parce que je considère qu’il n’y a pas de dynamique de Front de gauche, il existe un cartel d’organisations - le PCF, le Parti de gauche – qui a sauvé les apparences lors des deux derniers scrutins, mais n’a pas créé la dynamique souhaitée. Sauf dans des régions où la dynamique des militants de base a prévalu sur les logiques d’appareil. Je pense notamment au Limousin, à la Corse, avec les résultats que l’on connaît.

    Because I think that there has not been a dynamic of the Front de Gauche. There is a ‘cartel’ of organisations – the PCF, Parti de gauche – which has kept up its image during the last two elections, but has not created a real momentum. That is, except in the regions where grassroots activists have won out against the party apparatuses. I am thinking notably of Limousin and of Corsica where we know the results.

    He continues,

    convaincu qu’un projet de gauche de gauche devra faire l’articulation entre le socialisme, le communisme, l’écologie et le mouvement libertaire.

    I am convinced that a political project of the left of the left must bind together socialism, communism, ecology and the (left) libertarian movement. (More Here)

    Braouezec’ s opinion is that the ‘form’ of the Communist Party is outmoded (more in le Point). That not only the Front de Gauche but also the Nouveau parti anticapitaliste are ‘obstacles’ to the reconstruction of the left (Blog here). His own small group is the La Fédération pour une alternative sociale et écologique (here). Braouezec has expressed the wish that it should become “more structured”.

    Meanwhile the Front de Gauche has announced that it has found a new ‘dynamic’ in its unitary project (here).

    It remains to be seen if they can agree on a common candidate for the next Presidential elections.


    One should note that such splits from the French Communist Party historically tend to be drawn into the orbit of the Socialist Party. Though at present the Green Party – in the shape of the alliance Europe Ecologie rather than the Verts (Greens) alone  -  may act as another pole of attraction.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 12, 2010 at 10:52 am

    Belgium: From Federation to ‘Confederation’?

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    “Belgium really is made up of two countries” headlines La Libre Belgique (here).

    The victory of the centre-right Flemish separatist party the Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (New Flemish Alliance) is clear. On a national scale they won 17,40 %. In Dutch speaking areas this meant around  29 %. In the French-speaking areas the Socialist Party (Parti Socialiste) made gains – 13,71 %. In Wallonie they got up to 35%. Le Monde notes that the far-left went up in certain working class bastions (though not enough to win seats). The far-right Vlaams Belang lost votes, going down to 7,76 % – losing 4,23% They remain outside of any possible coalition agreements – the cordon sanitaire still holds.

    Without going further in the labyrinth of the results (Christian Democrats, liberals and Greens) three things are clear.

    Firstly, there is going to be some kind of break-up of Belgium in its present form. This is unlikely to take the form of the NVA’s demand (the first article of their constitution) for a Flemish Republic. The process of negotiating a coalition capable of carrying out the reform of the state means that those in favour of retaining at least a symbolic Monarchy are likely to succeed. Secondly, that the Socialist Party, despite its ‘affairiste’ background (that is, involvement in scores of financial scandals) has won the support of many French speakers. In a sense this is also an ‘identity’ inherited from the workers’ movement. The imprint of the unitary past remains in the Flemish areas, where the corresponding socialist party (Socialistische Partij Anders)  got 9,24 % – a minor fall in votes of just over 1% Thirdly, that Belgium rather than discussing the economic crisis will be plunged into debates about language and culture.

    The result, after endless negotiations, may well be a kind of ‘confederation’ between two states to replace the existing federal structure. There is, apparently, little desire for a merger with the Netherlands, on the one side, though on the other, some would not mind fusing with France. However the institutional weight of the existing political forces would be threatened by either move. This means that they are both unlikely to happen. The future of Brussels, which the Flemish nationalists lay claim to (it is officially a ‘bilingual’ region), is a crucial issue. In fact Brussels is massively Francophone. But then there are the suburbs….

    On the France-Inter this morning they called this a ‘repli sur soi’ (going back to one’s self).  In other words, identity politics. European nationalism, even its civic form, amounts in the end to this. It a terrible waste of time. And what is more, how does this relate to the problem of racism? What of the situation of the very large community in the country of a North African background? Where do they fit in? Oh, and then there’s the state finances – cuts . Nationalism will means a beggar-thy-neighbour fight rather than one uniting a potential majority of Belgium around the unions and left’s opposition to financial austerity.

    Nationalism, linguistic quarrels, one might say, are the opium perfume of the bourgeoisie.

     Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (N-VA) 1 135 617 17,40 % - 27 -
      Parti socialiste (PS) 894 543 13,71 % -2,85 26 +6
      Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams (CD&V) 707 986 10,85 % - 17 -
      Mouvement réformateur (MR) 605 617 9,28 % -3,23 18 -5
      Socialistische Partij Anders (sp.a) 602 867 9,24 % -1,02 13 -1
      Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (Open VLD) 563 873 8,64 % -3,19 13 -5
      Vlaams Belang 506 697 7,76 % -4,23 12 -5
      Centre démocrate humaniste (cdH) 360 441 5,53 % -0,53 9 -1
      Ecolo 313 047 4,80 % -0,30 8 0
      Groen! 285 989 4,38 % -0,40 5 +1
      Lijst Dedecker (LDD) 150 577 2,31 % -1,72 1 -4
      Parti populaire (PP) 84 005 1,29 % +1,29 1 +1
      Autres 316 108 4,84 % n/a 0 n/a
      Total 6 527 367 100 % - 150 -


    More here.

    Far left votes (Hat-Tip to Nico Via Leftist Trainspotters):

    “The Workers Party of Belgium (PTB/PvdA) almost doubled its votes and has the
    best result of its history:
    101,088 votes, 1.55 percent (2007: 56,167, 0.84 percent)
    The Front of the Left (Front des Gauches) an alliance of Parti Communiste,
    Parti Humaniste, Comité pour une Autre Politique (CAP), Ligue Communiste
    Révolutionaire, Parti Socialiste de Lutte/Linkse Socialistische Partij
    (PSL/LSP) and Vélorution in french speaking regions and the Region around
    Brussels got less votes than its components had in 2007: ): 20,734, 0.32
    percent compared to 25,511 votes and 0.38 percent in the same regions (4,729
    (CAP), 19,329 (PC) and 1,453 (Vélorution))
    In the flemish speaking regions the LSP candidated on its own and got 6.791
    votes (0.10 percent) compared to the 15,354 votes for the CAP in 2007 in the
    same region. The LSP was part of the CAP in 2007.”

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 14, 2010 at 11:06 am

    Posted in Belgium, European Left

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    Retirement Age: A European Issue in France.

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     Defend The Right to Retirement!

    Raising the age of retirement is a European-wide issue. Everywhere there are plans to raise it. In France this means plans to put the age to get a pension up from 60 to 62/63 (here). This is meeting great resistance.

    People often forget that such low limits were once welcomed as a means to help reduce unemployment. While no doubt many over-60s enjoy their work and should be encouraged to do so this may affect others, particualrly the younger, and block their careers. The unsightly attempt to cling to one’s post – and privileged position – appears widespread amongst highly paid professionals such as academics (including some well-known leftists). In less exalted realms most welcome their retirement. Postponing it effectively worsens their conditions. It, to repeat, will certainly help increase the level of unemployment. It harms the notion that you should have a real chance to enjoy a secure future without being pressed into lengthy toil.

    Such a measure is part of a wider attempt to cut public spending. That is, it fits into European ‘economic governance’ based on austerity. The savage measures used to ‘solve’ the Greek crisis in public spending are being introduced, in varying degrees of severity, across the continent.

    The French Unions, more strongly than their British counterparts, have vigorously resisted.

    Defending the age of retirement at 60 is a symbol of this fight. The unions have been untied on this, even the previously moderate and compromising CFDT. This has not lasted.  Unfortunately  they are already undergoing a split. In a brazen attempt to outbid the other trade union federations Force Ouvrière (a coalition of business unionists, paleolithic anti-Communists and ‘Lambertist’ Trotksyists – background in English here) has called for its own protests today (here). That is, on the eve of the expected announcement of  French government plans.


    The 24th of June will see a unitary day of action (with all the other union federations, from the CFDT to the CGT onwards)  (CGT here, CFDT here). It is hoped that this will be extremely well followed.

    Communiqué commun CFDT, CGT, FSU, Solidaires, UNSA

    Appel à une nouvelle journée de mobilisation le 24 juin

    Les organisations syndicales CFDT, CFTC , CGT, FSU, Solidaires, UNSA se sont réunies le lundi 31 mai 2010 pour faire l’analyse de la journée de mobilisation du 27 mai pour l’emploi, les salaires et les retraites et pour envisager les suites.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 15, 2010 at 11:55 am

    Belgium: Nationalism, Politics and Language.

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    Ancient Linguistic Dispute

    “We hope to have a government by September” La Première this morning.

    The biggest winners of last Sunday’s Belgium Federal Elections were the N-VA  Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie, New Flemish Alliance(in English here)  Bart De Wever’s (here in English) party has emerged as a moderate nationalist alternative to the far-right Flemish Vlams Belang. Some claim that it is a ‘civic’ nationalist grouping. That its demand for an independent Flemish state can be met through an amicable divorce - along the lines of the split between the Czech and Slovak Republics. I have suggested that some kind of ‘confederation’ will emerge, a loose alliance between two states, under a largely symbolic monarchy.

    Others note that De Wever has come from largely nowhere on the crest of wave of populist enthusiasm for blaming ‘profligate’ Wallonia. His self-publicising, such as the appearance on a Flemish game show, and his background as a historian preoccupied with claims about the wrongs inflicted by Francophones, do not bode well. Nor does the N-VA’s support for neo-liberal economic policies, such as cutting the civil service, and ending annual pay rises rewarding the length of service.

    Negotiations to form a Coalition government in Belgium typically take a long time. At present the Socialist ‘family, French and Flemish social democrats, (here in English) is led by Elio di Rupo. He may emerge as Prime Minister – becoming the first French-speaker for many years to get this position. Negotiating with the N-VA – the largest grouping – is going to be hard.

    Break-Up of Belgium

    The N-VA would like to see a break-up of the country. In the meantime they realise that such things in Belgium always proceed by ‘negotiation’ – in other words bids and outbids, deals and barely concealed rows, and reconciliations through gritted-teeth. Their two immediate demands concern the thorniest issues. The first is that they want the Health Service’s finances (and no doubt other federal funds) cut into two. This would mean that the more prosperous Flemish areas would cease ‘subsidising’ the less well-off Walloon ones. or to put it another way, the richer would stop helping the poorer.

    Secondly, Wever demands the abolition of Brussels as a region. That is, it  should be run jointly by Flanders and Wallonia. This claim rests on history. That  Brussels is ‘really’ Flemish. That its long and complex history is one by which a French-speaking aristocracy and (later,  bourgeoisie) took ‘their’ city over. That the honest Flemish people were dominated by this arrogant ruling class. In fact this is doubtful: Brussels has been linguistically mixed for a long time. There was even a unique dialect that mixed Spanish, Dutch, French and Walloon.   Today Brussels is French-speaking, surrounded on many sides by Dutch speakers. Some Francophones  want to construct a ‘corridor’ uniting them with the French-speaking Wallonia

     As a result  much of the population of Brussels is intensely suspicious of a party, the N-VA, that makes the use of Dutch obligatory in all citizens’ dealings with the municipalities it controls. The notion that they should have a hand in running their city is not appealing.

    Language and Nations

    Why is language so important in these disputes?

    It is a standard refrain on the left that nationalisms are constructed - largely by states. But in this case nationalism is interwoven with the difference between French and Flemish. Linguistic nationalism has deep roots.  It si about the most important part of people’s lives - the whole way we experience the world.  Gary Young in the Guardian explores this (here). Unfortunately he claims that Brussels is ‘multilingual’. This is only true in the sense that London is.  It is the clash between two languages, French and Dutch, that matters in this political dispute. It is worth noting that most of the population from an immigrant background is Francophone.

    Analyses of the link between nationalism and langauge tends to over-polticise it. To make it a side-aspect of the conflict between political and social groups. Or part of a narrative by which the State imposes ‘a’ national tongue over all others.

    Nicolas Ostler (Empires of the Word 2005) offers a different way of looking at this. He examines how exactly languages develop, spread, and maintain their power. Apart from the importance of political support Ostler notices that religions have carried and sustained languages (Arabic by the Qu’ran, Hebrew by the Jewish Bible, Sanskrit by Hinduism). Latin had a place in European history not only through the Roman legacy but through its use by the Church. Business and military needs can sustain language growth – needed for contact communication. Administrative structures can sustain special languages – enabling the earliest written language, Sumerian, to survive for a millennia after it stopped being spoken in normal conversation.

    The story of languages is also one of the entry into modernity, capitalism, and the development  of communities through education, and, at present, the various forms of mass media. (Here)

    These involve symbolic and cultural power. Ostler uses Benedict Anderson’s writings on nationalism to see the full range of these factors at play in the way that  speech forms part of  national ‘imagined communities’ as well as administrative ones. Demography is another factor in langauge growth and reach. This has an ancient history. Some modern linguistic archaeologists think that Indo-European languages grew throughout Europe not through conquest but through the spread of farming by an increasing population of  Indo-Europeans in pre-historic times. Even in the 21st century some languages without the might of say English are sustained by their large numbers of speakers.

    Ostler looks at the way languages interact, merge, or are replaced. One factor is the capacity, he speculates, of speakers from one linguistic community to absorb, or be absorbed, by another. One view is, fore ample, that Continental Celtic was replaced by Latin because it was similar form. Lacking the later celtic ‘lentitation’ its nouns declined in a not-too different  fashion (sometimes, he shows, using nearly the same forms and words). French Celts were able to adapt to Latin more easily because of basic similarities.


    The ethnic name Walloons  is Celtic. Or rather , the population in what is now Southern Belgium  were called this in the early medieval period by Germanophones - as the cognate word Welsh for Celts in the UK indicates. Today in Belgium we have two language communities whose speech is  different. Grammatically and in many other ways they are very distinct, though Dutch and French are hardly as different as say, Chinese and Icelandic. The clash between them, the struggles over their propitiation, are entangled with politics. Yet in some sense there is an underlying divergence over the one of the most significant ways we have of experiencing the world.

    Linguistic nationalism may be a lot less vicious than the purely ethnic variety. However, it’s worth thinking about Ostler’s emphasis when looking at Belgium. Because it’s not just politics and economics that’s involved here. Were one to take up some of his approach – and lay out the full weight of the different shapes language is connected to cultural, eocnomic and political factors – one might add something to understanding what’s at stake.

    These are, naturally, wider contexts. At the moment with the unfolding crisis in Beligum, the problem of Brussels shows that politics is the central issue. And that it is clear that the N-VA is in no way progressive. Its ‘civic’ nationalism is full of venom. This will lead to a series of dead-ends - pitting people into arguments of its own making.


    Meanwhile Bart De Wever wants Beligium to “evaporate” (here).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 16, 2010 at 11:51 am

    Posted in Belgium, Europe

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    In Honour of the Appel de 18 Juin.

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    In Honour of One of the Greatest Gestures in History (Here - in English).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 18, 2010 at 10:16 am

    The Class Struggle on Ipswich Allotments: Defend Comrade Renard!

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    Threatened by Liberal-Tory Coalition.

    It’s drizzling today – which at least saves me from having to water the allotment.

    The end of Spring and beginning of Summer are the busiest time for the oppressed Ipswich peasantry. After the early sowing and planting (potatoes – first early, carrots, broad beans, peas, shallots) there come the second wave – radishes, Oriental Salad mixture, Italian Salad mixture, other lettuces (four varieties of loose leaf), rocket, beetroot, turnips, spring onions. Then there is the planting-out of maize, courgettes, squashes, tomatoes (I am taking a chance on this – they often get blight here), ridge cucumbers, chilis, brocoli, and more sowing, runner beans, French beans (somewhat compulsory chez Coatesty), more lettuces (a further six types, including Merveille de Quatre Saisons, Batavia, Little Gem – heartening varieties), and the first endives (frisé, barbe de capucin).

    Soft fruit and rhubarb, not to mention fruit trees are a good investment on allotments. They need little attention and you can get fruits in abundance which cost a lot in the shops and market. From red currents, gooseberries, strawberries to black currents and raspberries there is nothing to compare with your own fresh produce. Later cooking apples and plums (I have a tree of both) are well worth having. I have planted a couple of eating apple trees this year (Cox and something whose name I forget – it is a pollinator for the Cox).

    I prefer Herbs in my tiny back garden Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Majoram,  (I have some, such as Chervil and Oregano, Parsley, Dill,  Borage and Savory, in pots) for immediate cooking use. But others, such as Angelica, Mint and Lovage,  need space. So they have a place next to the salad plants.

    Digging, weeding, watering, an allotment can take up a lot of your time.

    But every drop of sweat is a contribution in the struggle against the ruling class!  

    Which brings me to the scapegoating of Comrade Renard. A vicious campaign by the bourgeois media against Urban Foxes is underway. Allotments tend to be ideal lairs for our valiant vulpines. Renard is well-known and loved by all. He has a good dispostion  - I have seen him not long ago scampering up to the railway embankment with a cheery look on his face.  Spring Road allotments are equally the home of slow worms, voles, toads and frogs, not to mention bird life. A spinney has a few small deer in it. All this ten minutes from Ipswich town centre. Fortunately  these are not under threat – yet.

    All comrades must defend foxes against this latest attack.

    The Liberal-Tory Coalition will stop at nothing as it crushes everything under its iron boot.


    Update:  David Green in today’s East Anglian Daily Times makes my point – here.

    In a survey by the Mammal Society the fox was voted one of the most popular British mammals.

    Audrey Boyle, spokeswoman for the Suffolk Wildlife Trust, told me she was unaware of any complaints the organisation had ever received about foxes and people. “Many people regard it as a real treat to see a fox,” she said.

    Only a truly evil organisation, like the Liberal-Tory Junta that rules Ipswich, could wish to attack them,

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 19, 2010 at 10:13 am

    Posted in Allotments, East Anglia, Ipswich

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    34ème Congrès du Parti communiste français: New Leader Pierre Laurent.

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    Pierre Laurent has been elected as the National Secretary of the Parti communiste français on Sunday the  20 June with 80,7 % of the vote. He replaces Marie-George Buffet (here). The Communists call for a  ”pacte d’union populaire” and will continue to back the Front de Gauche (here).

    Laurent is said to be a “pure product of the party-apparatus”. He is an ex-Editor of l’Humanité.  He came to public attention in the recent regional elections as head of the list in the Ile-de-France. This was achieved only after an internal fight with the ‘refounder’  (the party’s opposition) Patrick Braouezec - who has since left the PCF (a decision covered on this Blog).

    Laurant has lost no time in announcing his backing for the strategy of the Front de Gauche. This got 6% of the vote in the regional elections earlier this year. However without a first-round agreement with the Parti Socialiste the Communists went from 178 councillors to 95. The party now has around 134, 000 members – a figure which signals a continuing slow but steady decline.

    In 1946 the PCF had 28,2% of the vote and sent 183 deputies to the National Assembly. In 1969 the General Secretary Jacques Duclos still got 21,3%. After the break up of the Union de la Gauche and in the late 1970s the Communists still had 15,3% in 1981. But since then the PCF score has not ceased to drop, Robert Hue (now the leader of a micro-independent organisation) had 3,3% in 2002. The nadir (to date)  was the result obtained by Marie-George Buffet in 2007 1,9%

    Critics (such as Braouezec) allege that the PCF has not been able to open itself up to new forms of struggle or discover a new reference point – to replace the ‘model’ of the USSR. It is true that history weighs heavily on the PCF. It was totally enamoured with the Soviet Union. Its record from the 1930s to the 1950s is thoroughly tainted.  It was intolerant of all opposition, and was organised by on  the most pyramidal forms of  democratic centralism. However ’openess’ is a harder issue to gauge. 1968 is said to have been the key turning point towards decline. That the Party effectively suffocated the May Revolt, particularly by its hostility towards the student movement. This ignores the he PCF’s brief second breath during the period of the Programme Commun - 1972 – 1978 (PCF details here). Its real problems came when Mitterrand became President in 1981, and the period of the Union de la Gauche (a government coalition Parti Socialiste, with the PCF as the junior partner along with the phantom  party, the Left radicals). The PCF was systematically outmanoeuvered,  and lost all sense of direction.

    To grasp how off-beam a general critique of the PCF’s hostility towards its left opponents during the 1968 events is  Louis Althusser (L’Avenir dure longtemps 1992) offers some suggestions. He distinguished  between the ‘gauchists’ (leftists) of the period and the ‘extreme-gauche’. That is, the mixture of spontaneists, Maoists and followers of a galaxy of fashionable gurus (Foucault, Lyotard, Baudrillard, Gauttari and Deleuze - though the latter two had a more serious committment to the left), and the non-Communist  left – from the Ligue Communiste Rèvolutionnaire (LCR – now the Nouveau parti anti-capitaliste) to the self-management current. The extreme-left, Althusser stated, was ‘part of the workers’ movement’, the gauchists were not. This is not to deny that many of their theorists were interesting and important,. But politically, as the episode of the nouvelle philosophie demonstrated, they were not really of the left. The present position of many of them  - pro-market liberal-libertarians (Daniel Cohen-Bendit), ‘anti-totalitarians’ (that is, pro-NATO and supporters of ‘humantiarian intervention’ who demonstrate how right the Marxist philosopher was. That the PCF now cooperates with Trotskyists in the Front de Gauche equally indicates his good judgement.

    There is no doubt that  long agony of the PCF accelerated after the collapse of Official Communism.  I recall visiting Le Havre in the late 1990s and there was still a vibrant (in appearance) Communist municipality. But in an interview with the PCF Town Hall aides one could almost physically feel the sense of impending loss. The film Petites Coupures (2003) centres on  the ebbing faith of Party cadre. It this feeling of great sadness that crept gradually throughout the membership that accounts for its terrible indecision and hesitation.

    There is a host of reasons to be wary of the PCF. But one should never forget their moment of eternal glory. The film L’Armée du Crime (2009) is a dramatisation of the events that led to the Affiche Rouge. This is a famous poster (shown in the clip posted here of Le Chant des Partisans) of  the first ‘terrorists’ who fought the German occupation in Paris. These were ‘immigrants’, Ashkenazi Jews, Anti-Fascist Spaniards and Italians, and Armenians. All were caught.

    After having been tortured for three months, the 23 were tried by a German military court. In an effort to discredit the Resistance, the authorities invited French celebrities (from the world of the cinema and other arts) to attend the trial and encouraged the media to give it the widest coverage possible. The Manouchian Group’s members were executed before a firing squad in Fort Mont-Valérien on February 21, 1944. The woman, Olga Bancic, who had served the group as a messenger, was taken to Stuttgart, where she was beheaded with an axe on May 10, 1944.


    The film shows their very real actions – of spectacular  courage, and imagines a scenario of their personal lives. The director Robert Guéduguian wished to show the profound courage and decency of these members of FTP-MOI (PCF-led resistance).

    I agree – I am sick to death of all the (once merited but long outdated) attempts to show the sordid side of French life under the Occupation. We need the ‘legend’. But there is the reality. There is incredible violence, not least in scenes of torture carried out by the Gestapo and their French collaborators. Ethical issues get raised. The Resistance figures refuse to attack a Bistro where German soldiers consort with French women. Unlike certain modern terrorists who would no doubt find an added bonus in killing ‘slags’. The film has real moments of pure beauty. As Guéduguian says, after his capture and facing impending death, one of the resistors announces, ” I refuse to hate the German people.”

    Never forget that for all the rest the PCF has this inheritance.

    And this:

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 20, 2010 at 12:08 pm

    French Satirist, Stéphane Guillon, Sacked by Sarkozy.

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    Booted Out By Sarkozy.

    French political satire can be some of the funniest in the world. It is also often one of the most vicious. G..K.Chesterton once said anybody not French who liked it was a cad. Cad I am.

    On the French Public Radio Station, France-Inter, there has been, up to today, a  ‘humeur’ slot. At around ten-to-eight (seven our time) in the morning they broadcast a monologue of searing satire. It worked, roughly half the time.  Stéphane Guillon was the star. He makes Rory Bremmer look like a gentle Benny Hill. To say that he was insulting about French politicians, Nicolas Sarkozy downwards, would be feeble. Better imagine throwing acid in their faces. That is, vitriol.

    Sarkozy did not appreciate this. Through the influence of Carla he had renegade leftist Phillipe Val appointed director of France-Inter. It took some time but  they have finally got rid of Stéphane Guillon, and his mate Didier Porte. (here )

    The Head of Radio France Jean-Luc Hees announced today that  “l’humour ne doit pas être pris en otage par des petits tyrans.” – (humour shouldn’t be a hostage of petty tyrants)  (here).

    So shut up and fuck off Stéphane and Didier.

    This morning Stéphane was on rare form. For his last broadcast he reached a peak of satirical frenzy. I have never heard the like of it, and no doubt will not hear the like on France-Inter for some time.

    Allez Stéphane! Fonce! On veut que tu continue!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 23, 2010 at 11:55 am

    France: Two Million in the Street Against Pension ‘Reform’.

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    As Britain prepares to raise the retirement age, and public sector workers face attacks on their pensions this is worth looking at.

    Yesterday’s Day of Action in France against ‘reform’ of their own retirement system drew up to 2 Million (organisers’ estimate – Police estimate 23 – actually I made that last bit up) demonstrators out on the street. The main union federations (CGT, CFDT, FSU, Solidaires) with the exception the go-it-alone FO organised the event. There were widespread, if uneven work stoppages. The leader of the Socialist party, Martine Aubry, came out strongly in favour of the protest – which got her criticised by the government UMP party for trying to take advantage of the unrest. Other left parties, NPA, Parti de Gauche, Parti Communiste, les Verts (Greens) and Lutte Ouvrière took part. (More here)

    Last night British television did not think this worth reporting.  

     Perhaps they thought it might give people ideas.

    Details  (in English) here and (in French)  here and here.

    More Videos:

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 25, 2010 at 10:19 am

    Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Renovation.

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    Innovative Marxist Leader.

    Tendance Coatesy is sometimes accused of “Euro-centrism”.

    But even the most Eurocentric person is stirred by this – just announced – news.

    Long Live Kim Jong-Il and  Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) (Chosongul: 조선민주주의인민공화국) !

    North Korea party to pick new leadership

    SEOUL (Reuters) – North Korea’s ruling communist party has called a rare meeting to elect a new leadership team, in a move analysts said could set in motion succession plans for ailing leader Kim Jong-il’s youngest son.

    For the first time in three decades, the dynastic state’s political elite have been summoned to a Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) convention in September, amid a series of military and political changes over the past few weeks.

    “The Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee decides to convene early in September … a conference of the WPK for electing its highest leading body reflecting the new requirements of the WPK,” the North’s official KCNA news agency reported on Saturday.

    By Jack Kim and Suh Kyung-min

    More Here and Here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 26, 2010 at 11:04 am

    Toronto Riots Against G20: More Important than England v Germany?

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    Some ‘left’  Blogs speak of little but the England-Germany Match Today.

    True revolutionaries like Tendance Coatesy are made of sterner stuff.

    This is much greater sport:

    BBC here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 27, 2010 at 11:56 am

    The New Old World. Perry Anderson. Review Essay.

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    Review Essay: The New Old World. Perry Anderson. Verso 2010.

    The European Union lies at the horizon of our politics. Like the sky’s limit it seems a distant prospect. Yet a major part of what we see of government is shaped by decisions in the Halls and Chambers of Brussels. How then can we grasp their workings? The New Old World begins with the observation that the EU has an “institutional framework of famous complexity, overarching the nations that compose it that sets this world off from any other” The Union is marked, moreover, by the “intractable sovereignty and diversity of the nation-states” that make it up. To write about this, Perry Anderson observes, is difficult. The difference between the national and supranational planes makes it hard to hold them together “within a single focus”. A causal reader might immediately shrink from reading further; fearing no doubt that the author is also talking about the tangled nature of his own book.

    They would be wrong to do so. Anderson, a leftist intellectual’s intellectual, is not about to get lost. If the pages of The New Old World are “makeshift” and made up of “discontinuous” efforts, it is full of critical political and theoretical insight about the European Union, and its member states. Readers of the London Review of Books and New Left Review will be familiar with many of these essays. But placed together, re-edited, and concluded with up-to-date Prognoses they repay re-reading as a whole. Few British commentators (Timothy Garton Ash being one, though from a standpoint close to power) have managed to link the national and the pan-European in such a stimulating way. Reviewers have praised Anderson’s ‘breath’, his ‘magisterial’ grasp of a vast range of material. He is one of the small number of people capable of describing this “impossible object”, and its successive historical, cultural, ideological, national and Continental levels. He does so from the vantage point of the left – a left however that is never clearly defined. (Page xi)

    The New Old World aims to “inspire curiosity about the life and thought of other nations”. That is, largely, through an account of ‘high’ national cultures, intellectual reviews, and the ‘quality’ arts of France, Italy and Germany, although, just outside the European marches, Turkey gets a broader ideological look, centred on Kemalism and Islam. There is little evidence of materialist cultural studies, that is, the attempt to make links between the elite-national and the ‘popular’. In a similar vein Perry Anderson’s famously erudite style – peppered with untranslated phrases from many European languages – staunchly resists Orwell’s recommendation in Politics and the English Language to always use “Everyday English” and short words. But it is none the worse for making readers consult a dictionary or Google. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 28, 2010 at 11:32 am

    Galloway Backs Ed Balls.

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    Galloway Likes Balls!

    Welcome backing from Britain’s leading Press TV Presenter:

    Labour must have Balls to succeed

    By George Galloway on Jun 28, 10 06:00 AM .

    Ed Balls did well on Question Time and it’s reported he clashed with Tory Philip Hammond in the Central Lobby after the cameras stopped rolling.

    The splendid spat between the two men, with Balls reportedly coming close to banjoing the Tory fact- ddler, showed at least Ed has, well … cojones.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 29, 2010 at 5:28 pm

    Ken Coates: a Eulogy.

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    A Flower of the Labour Movement.

    Ken Coates (Here) has passed on, at 80, on the 27th of June. (Guardian Obituary Here - letters about it here, Independent Here, Blog Three Score Years and Ten Here, Five Leaves Blog Here, Keith Flett in the Morning StarHere Socialist Worker Here. Left Futures  Here This is Nottingham  Here)

    He had had a heart attack a few years ago. This time one carried him off.

    Ken was one of the best and most influential socialist activists, politicians, and writers of the European Left.

    From the Institute for Workers’ Control, the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, European Nuclear Disarmament, the European Appeal for Full Employment, to Socialist Renewal, he played a leading part in the left and the labour  movement.

    Rare are people with such gifts: Ken combined a superb grasp of abstract economic and political issues, with the ability to organise within the board trade union movement and peace campaigns. His experience as a Coal Miner (never worn as a trump against ‘intellectuals’), his easy relations with ordinary working people, and his enduring commitment to grass-roots activity, earned him great respect.

    I came into direct contact with Ken during his period as a MEP (1989 to 1999). The European Full Employment Conventions (both held in Brussels at the European Parliament) had a wide echo. Attending them both made  you realise just how widely and deeply Ken was respected. The delegations to each  from Southern England (filling a coach from London) were made up of the kind of salt-of-the-earth left and union activists that keep our movement going. Ken name was part of the draw. The Appeal itself - which demanded decent levels of benefit and real job creation – is still relevant during the present economic crisis. It offers an answer to calls to slash-and-burn the public sector.

    Ken stood four-square in the tradition of democratic socialism and promoted the self-management principles of workers’ control with brio. He was evicted from the Labour Party (1998)  over his protests with Hugh Kerr against dropping Clause Four. Efforts to form an alternative through the Independent Labour Network, were not succesful. However, the steady stream of pamphlets from Socialist Renewal,  his articles and books,  and the journal-publishing house, Spokesman continued. They interested, and will keep interesting,  a wide public.

    Like many on the left with similar views I have scores and scores of letters from Ken (the most recent was a written reply to an E-Mail about a year back). Ken seems never to have really trusted the Web for writing. His ability to engage in constant dialogue pre-dated Blogs, Newsgroups and Facebook. It was just one of the aspects that made him so deeply rooted in the best sides of the European, and world, socialist tradition.

    Ken Coates was a flower of the labour movement.

    He leaves behind comrades with warm memories and a determination to build on his achievements.

    Condolences to his nearest and dearest.


    Update: Ken’s funeral will be on July 8,  14.00 at Chesterfield Crematorium.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    June 30, 2010 at 11:09 am

    Bonfire of Illusions, Alex Callinicos. Review: A Keeper of the Flame.

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    A Keeper of the Flame. Review: The Bonfire of Illusions.  Polity 2010.

    Was Autumn 2008 marked by “events of a genuinely epochal character”? The Bonfire of Illusions begins by announcing that it saw the “end of the post-Cold War Era.” 2008’s harvest months saw a war between Russia and Georgia. For Alex Callinicos, King’s College Professor of European Studies, and the Socialist Workers Party’s Maître à penser, it was defining moment. Moscow’s victory underlined its assertiveness, and American global weakness. This had a hefty economic counterpart. The “ collapse on Lehamn Brother on 15 September” heralded “the biggest global financial crash since the great Depression of the 1930s” (Pages 1-2) On a deep level, this “historic turning point” can be seen in terms of Alain Badiou’s concept of ‘event’, a radical turning-point, an eruption of the new, is “affirmed and proclaimed”(Ethics. 2001). Callinicos concludes by stating that a “huge hole” in neo-Liberalism that it’s created may allow a widening of the “boundaries of the possible” for those “prepared to seize this moment boldly.”(Page 143)

    How the changes now underway in states, markets, offer a spur towards socialism is another, more open-ended, affair. There is the “chronic political weakness of the radical anti-capitalist left on a global scale” to begin with (Page 143). The Bonfire of Illusions argues that the time has come to revive plans for “democratic planning” “democratically taking control of the financial markets, nationalising under workers’ control..” “extending social provision” and even a “universal direct income” (Page 141) What is it about the present ‘twin crises’ of the world economy and state-system, in the “immanent laws of capitalist production itself”, with all their contradictions, that brings these principles to the fore? Have they re-shaped the global landscape in ways that will allow the left to spring to life and “collective action”? This prospect, and the identity of the “anti-capitalist” left that could come to power, remain uncertain throughout the book.

    Markets turn to Governments.

    Alex Callinicos has nevertheless some steady vantage points. The US inability to influence the outcome of the conflict between Moscow and Tbilisi was the result of a widely commented “longer term geopolitical process of declining US power.” The punctured speculative bubbles, and the ‘credit crunch’, were, by contrast, for mainstream observers (trapped within the perspective of a benignly growing world-economy), a bolt out of the blue. Following two decades of unchallenged financial expansion, and speculation, the subsequent collapse invites, Alex Callinicos states, comparison with the 1930s Depression. He believes that the workings of market capitalism, set on “auto-pilot” to free the economy from political control, have unravelled. Both overtly right-wing governments and those following the market –states with a dose of social justice promoted by the Third Way of Tony Blair and Bill Clinton. Finance is humbled. A re-assertion of direct government involvement in the economy is underway. “We are likely to see both a stronger state and a more unstable state system (page 127)

    A turn towards “state capitalism”, through bank nationalisations (the “greatest nationalisations in world history” and the “apparent conversion of the capitals of Neoliberalism to Keynesianism” is underway (Page 9) It may well be that “rescuing the banks and increasing spending and borrowing” will “encourage yet another speculative boom followed by yet another crisis” (Page 134) But, as Callinicos notes in his Preface (better described as an Afterword), “illusions have survived the bonfire”. In fact “liberal capitalism attempts to steam ahead as if nothing has happened” (page x). At present we could argue, more affirmatively than the SWP leader, that we see instead a series of drifts. Across the globe, there are continuing ‘state-shrinking’ and wage-cutting measures (paralleling the 1930s in other ways): drastic cuts in public spending and simple salary reductions in the private sector. There are “strong state” policies, not to master the financial or industrial infrastructure, but the reserve army of labour, such as draconian efforts to discipline and punish the workless. The ‘enclosure of the commons’ – privatisation – is proceeding apace, in the United Kingdom, under the newly formed Liberal-Tory administration. Perhaps it would therefore be better not to talk of ‘state capitalism’ but of ‘market states’ that use a variety of instruments to support capital. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 2, 2010 at 10:23 am

    Ill Fares the Land and the Ill-Farer Lord Freud.

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    Example of Judt’s Lost Left  Tradition?

    Ill Fares the Land, by Tony Judt, (here) is the book of the month.

    A lot clearer and more direct than Perry Anderson or Alex Callinicos that is.

    In plain hard words it illuminates the darkness our present politics are plunged into.

    Judt argues that:

    • Letting loose ‘market forces’, privatising and outsourcing public services, has been vastly inefficient and expensive. In country after country it has enriched a few at the expense of the many. Essential common goods, from transport, utilities, and social  housing infrastructure, are  second-rate. We only have to look at the wretched state of the British railways to see what a cheap-jack companies – who cream off subsidies for their own benefit – have created.
    • That the wealthy and powerful have put their hands in the till to the extent that their standard of living is too high for ordinary people to imagine. They are increasingly barricaded off from the rest of the population  themselves in ‘Gated’ communities.  Far from being the source of creative energy, they are a drag on the rest of us.
    • The Welfare State provides fewer and fewer universal benefits (what larry Elliott calls a ‘safe home’ for those in difficulty). It is a grudging, means-testing, regime for the workless and sick. It is edging closer and closer towards the model of the Workhouse: a last resort, an interfering institution designed to force people into the lowest-paid jobs. Or, if these are not available to maintain them on (or just under) the bare minimum for survival.
    • The Left lost its way in the 1970s and 1980s The New left dropped class and equality for romanticised Marxism and individualistic identity politics. More significantly the mainstream left slipped, during the 1980s, into camp followers for market ideologies. New Labour bent to the market and bankers, and has sapped the foundations of social democracy.
    • What is needed now is a revival of egalitarian social democracy. To build a common egalitarian home for us all we should begin from first principles: for redistribution of wealth,  publicly owned services and a sense of a shared purpose and pride.

    This short book (it expands an article in the New York Review of Books)  is a must-read.

    I have problems identifying with Judt’s description of the 1970s left. the left I am from was always part of the broader, collectivists, labour movement. We had little truck for what we called ‘identity’ politics . For us causes like feminism, anti-racism and defending gay rights were part of the wider movement, not separate individual causes. If we were (and in some cases still are ) Marxists  it was within the wider European democratic  socialist current. In our eyes this movement, if not everything, is as important as our goals.

    But I have no difficulty whatsoever identifying with the simple, direct language of Ill Fares the Land.

    A person could walk upright if these egalitarian principles were followed.

    Which brings me to an invertebrate.

    Lord Freud former Adviser to the Labour Government on Welfare, and now Minister for Welfare Reform with the Liberal-Tory Coalition.

    He is visible  proof of Judt’s arguments.

    Let me cite one. Judt observes how outsourcing and privatising welfare makes people dependent on uncountable private companies. Like the tax-farmers of early modern times they rake in money, and run things their way, beyond democratic control. As with the old Workhouse system they create petty tyrannies.

    Freud is making sure this will happen.

    He recently  said (as Ipswich Unemployed Action reports)

    “But we will not tell you how to run your businesses and we won’t meddle in your operations.”

    “We are determined that the “black box” approach”… stop.


    Is that what the government has made  its ‘Work Programme” for the unemployed?

    Send the out-of-work to a dark hole…


    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 3, 2010 at 4:49 pm

    French Political-Financial ‘Affaires’ Explained to Children: The ‘Bettencourt’ Vintage.

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    Byzantine Bettencourt Business.

    This is everywhere in the French media:

    The resignation of two ministers from French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s Cabinet late yesterday over their expenses came as officials fend off criticism over potential conflicts of interest.

    An appellate judge is set to decide this week whether to permit a probe into secretly recorded tapes that were leaked to the French media linking Sarkozy and Labor Minister Eric Woerth to a tax probe involving the country’s richest woman, L’Oreal SA heiress Liliane Bettencourt.

    More here (Bloomberg)

    It is claimed that this is part of a clean-up of the abuse of Ministerial privileges and expenses. The two – UMP (Sarkozy’s ruling Party) Henchman were Alain Joyandet et Christian Blanc. Ostensibly this pair have been shoved out because of allegations about their abuse of state expenses. They make  UK Parliamentary claims look trifling . Joyandet liked his private jet flights to begin with (Here).

    But all is not as it seems. The French press estimates that these two ‘resignations’ (sackings) are to protect Eric Woerth and his wife Florence (who is the central person linked to Bettencourt) – Here. That is, they are being thrown to the wolves while the defence of more important people is strengthened.

    This is where the fun starts. The ‘affaire Woerth-Bettencourt’ ( Wikipedia special page, in French,  here).

    Eric’s wife Florence (as in the Magic Roundabout)  was Lilliane’s  financial adviser. Liliane was mixed up with dodgy money and tax deals. Her major-domo (Butler) was taping her every word (and some pretty unpleasant ones they were too) …..am I losing anyone? Anyway,

    Toujours selon les enregistrements, Patrice de Maistre assure avoir embauché Florence Woerth au sein de Clymène à la demande de son mari et « aurait fait accepter à Liliane Bettencourt un versement d’argent à Eric Woerth mais aussi à Valérie Pécresse et à Nicolas Sarkozy[9] », lors des élections régionales de mars 2010, d’un montant de 7 500 €[Note 1]. Selon Le Monde, « construire et maintenir de bonnes relations avec [...] le ministre en charge du budget et de la lutte contre l’évasion fiscale est le cœur de la stratégie de Patrice de Maistre[8] 

    According to the Tapes Patrice de Maistre hired Florence Woerth for Clymène (Bettencourt’s Business) at the request of her husband ,and made Liliane Bettencourt agree to pay Eric Woerth, and also to  Valérie Pécresse and Nicolas Sarkozy - during the 2010 regional elections - the sum of 7,000 Euros. according to Le Monde, “build and maintain good connections with the Minister in charge of the Budget and the fight against tax evasion,  was at the heart of  Patrice de Maistre’ sstrategy to avoid paying taxes.

    The tax evasion they undertook was massive.

    Agence France Press reports (Here),

    The taped conversations between Bettencourt and her financial adviser reveal that the 87-year-old allegedly hid 80 million euros in Swiss bank accounts while making big donations to friends in the UMP.

    It adds this:

    The butler’s tapes were the latest twist in a long-running family feud between the billionaire and her daughter, who claims Bettencourt is mentally unfit after she gave more than a billion euros to a photographer friend.

    So far all those implicated in wrong-doing are keeping to the line of stout-denial.

    We shall leave aside for the moment the mounting scandals surrounding other Sarkozy ministers, and his own vain attempt to cut back on the President’s ‘train de vie’ (expenses). Around 64 % of the French public estimate that their politicians are corrupt (really!).

    Followers of such ‘affaires’ be warned.

    • They start complicated, get twisted, and end up Byzantine.
    • We will never get to the bottom of this one.
    • You will bored with it before it comes to Court.
    • You will get tired of it during the Court case.
    • You will get really fed up with the books written about it afterwards.
    • What was all it all about?

    Just remember – as the Nouveau parti anti-capitaliste points out, – the sheer greed of the French political bourgeoisie:

    Christine Boutin ne voyait rien d’anormal à cumuler retraite parlementaire (6 000 euros), indemnités de conseillère générale (2 000) et rémunération d’une « mission » sur la mondialisation (9 500). Soit 17 500 euros mensuels quand même. Alain Joyandet, secrétaire d’État à la Coopération, s’indigne qu’on lui reproche de fausses déclarations afin d’obtenir un permis de construire illégal pour sa villa sur la Côte. Lui qui s’était déjà offert, aux frais du contribuable, un vol en Martinique à bord d’un jet privé pour la somme exorbitante de 116 500 euros ! Exorbitante… mais quand même inférieure au coût d’un des voyages de son collègue, Christian Estrosi : 138 000 euros !

    That’s Boutin while Minster for Housing, got, on top of this salary,  a pension, pay for a regional councillor, and extra for some ‘misison’ on globalisation – 17,500 Euros a month.

    ThaAlain Joyandet  got a permit to build a villa, fraudulently. That he got 116 500 Euros for a private flight to Martinique.

    That his mate Estrosi managed to spend 138 000 Euros for another private jet flight.

    So it goes.

    The Summer Holidays are coming up.

    So it’ll all dampen down.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 5, 2010 at 10:59 am

    Posted in Conspiracies, Europe, French Left

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    Full Body Veil (Burka, Niqab) French National Assembly Debate Today.

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    French Leftists Say, Oppose, But Not by Total Ban.

    Just in time to headline in the media - rivalling yet more revelations in the Bettencourt Affair - we have today’s debate France’s National Assembly on laws restricting the full-body veil – the Burka or Niqab. (Continuous reports in the Nouvel Observateur) (BBC). There is the distinct impression that the whole issue is inflated, and a prime case of ‘culture wars’ obscuring more important political topics.

    Le Monde reports that this law aims,  

     à interdire le port du niqab et de la burqa dans tout l’espace public, sous peine d’une amende de 150 euros et/ou d’un stage de citoyenneté.

    aims to forbid wearing the Niqab or the Burka in any public space – any violation of the law will result in a fine of 150 Euros and/or a course in citizenship.

    This will happen in the Spring of 2010, after a campaign of six months of government preparation and education.

    Anybody who forces a women to cover herself (with a Burka or Niqab) will risk a year of gaol, and a fine of 30,000 Euros.

    The main opposition, the Parti Socialiste, argues for a law forbidding the full body veil in more limited areas, “services publics et aux commerces” (public services and shops etc). However, they plan to abstain on the law as it is proposed.

    à gauche comme à droite, tous dénoncent le voile intégral, certains évoquant un “apartheid sexuel”, PCF et Verts continuent de refuser une loi spécifique, qui “stigmatise” les musulmans. Lundi, Amnesty International a appelé les députés à refuser une interdiction complète, qui “violerait les droits à la liberté d’expression et de religion”.

    On the left as on the Right, everyone denounces  the full body-veil, some calling it “sexual apartheid”. However the Parti Communiste Français and the Verts (Greens) are opposed to a specific law which they consider ”stigmatises” Muslims. Amnesty International is against any total ban, considering that this would “violate freedom of expression and religion.”

    Also to  the left of the Parti Socialiste there appears some controversy inside the  Parti de Gauche. There are those  who have criticised the Majority, Sarkozy-led law as a sop to the far-right and those who – correctly in this Blog’s  view who, see secular values uphold through better means than all-embracing legislation (Here).  

    The PCF and the Greens seem to have the right view. At least from a secular left standpoint. To defend human rights we should oppose this, the “voile intègral”. But law is not a good way of regulating dress codes. Except when the person is part of the public authority and in a position of power (teachers for example) this symbol and practice of oppression is best dealt with politically not administratively.

    It is, nevertheless, curious that Amnesty International France is so concerned as to issue public statements on this domestic issue. (Here. )

    We are against a general interdiction because under international human rights conventions, nobody should be prevented from wearing any kind of dress,” said Patrick Delouvin, a spokesman for Amnesty International France

    “Women should not be forced to wear the burqa or niqab in certain countries or forced not to wear it in others,” he told IPS. “How do the French authorities plan to implement this law? It will be hard even for policemen to enforce the restrictions. The ban will be counter-productive.”

    We await Amnesty International’s campaign on  the violation of personal rights that the Burka and Niqab represent in the countries where the full-body veil and other regimes of ‘female modesty’  are enforced by violent means.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 6, 2010 at 11:58 am

    France, Woerth Scandal Reaches Crescendo.

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    How this Began…


    L’ex-comptable des Bettencourt accuse: des enveloppes d’argent à Woerth et à Sarkozy.

    The former Accountant of Bettencourt accuses: envelopes of cash for Woerth and Sarkozy.

    From Medipart Here

    Selon Claire T., l’ensemble de la droite a bénéficié de largesses. En 2007, Eric Woerth, trésorier de la campagne électorale, aurait perçu 150 000 euros à quelques jours de l’élection présidentielle.

    According to Claire T (The Accountant), the whole of the Right benefitted from her (Bettencourt) generosity. In 2007, Eric Woerth, Treasurer of the (UMP) electoral campaign, allegedly received 150, 000 Euros a few days before the Presidential Elections.

    Rue 89 Here.

    French electoral law limits donations from individuals to 7500 euros per year for a political party, and  4600 euros for a candidate.

    More on the unfolding affair: BBC (English) here.

    Despite forecasts that all this would ‘dampen down’ (okay my predictions) the affaire Woerth is reaching a crescendo. By the minute the tensions  are rising.

    Is this the big one that will help bring President Sarkozy down?

    There are three principal points:

    • Anything that breaks the law on financing political parties, as this appears to involve, is very serious. The present French laws are the result of a whole series of scandals - which have touched the entire political class  – going back years. (Laws – in English – Here)
    • There are allegations, patently true, that Sarkozy’s Presidency has been marked by his party and Ministers treating the state as their private property. To be exploited at their will. Minister Christian Blanc, who resigned a couple of days ago, charged 12,000 Euros worth of Cuban cigars to the state. This unravelling affaire will only deepen the crisis.
    • Woerth (whose name I hear on the radio increasingly pronounced to emphasise its German origin) is in charge of the Pension reforms. As in Britain this is a major issue.  Being the top man, the Minister ministre du Travail, de la Solidarité et de la Fonction publique sits ill with his money-grubbing and dodgy dealing.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 7, 2010 at 11:27 am

    Posted in Europe, French Politics, Sarkozy

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    Co-op and USDAW Leave Workers in the Lurch.

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    Gone Forever.

    13th of May, (from Here.)

    Vergo Retail Ltd this week axed hundreds of jobs less than a year after clinching a takeover deal with the East of England Co-operative Society. A number of stores, including one in Stowmarket, now face closure as administrators seek another buyer.

    The Co-op signed off five department stores, six home stores and one jewellery store to Vergo in July last year to concentrate on the non-food market amid recession fears.

    With four stores threatened with closure, the deal was seen as a welcome reprieve for staff.

    Around 350 Co-op employees were transferred to the stores and Vergo was given a year rent-free in the Co-op premises as a sweetener.

    But this week, administrators announced 335 job cuts with immediate effect – including, it is believed, 25 at the Ipswich store in Carr Street.

    18th of June (from Here)

    FIVE stores owned by the Vergo Retail group, including three in Suffolk and Essex, are to close tomorrow, the company’s administrators confirmed today. 

    And the remaining 10 stores in the chain, including that in Ipswich, will also close in a week’s time unless a buyer is found. 

    Joint administrator Sarah Bell, from insolvency specialist MCR, said that negotiations with prospective purchases of the 10 remaining stores would continue. 

    However, she said the closure of the five stores due to cease trading tomorrow had become inevitable following a lack of any suitable offers. 

    “Since the administration began we have worked hard to secure a purchase of the Vergo business,” she said. 

    “However, given the tough economic climate and the financial challenges hitting the UK’s retail industry, certain Vergo stores can no longer be sustained.” 

    But she added: “I must reiterate that negotiations are still in progress on a number of stores still operating and can not rule out a sale of the stores until all avenues have been exhausted. We encourage any interested parties to come forward urgently.” 

    Unless purchasers are found, the final day of trading for the 10 remaining stores will be Saturday, June 26. 

    The stores due to close tomorrow are the Felixstowe homeware branch, the separate department and homeware stores in Clacton-on-Sea, the department store in Great Yarmouth and the separately-branded Joplings department store in Sunderland. 

    Vergo’s presence in East Anglia stems from its acquisition in July last year of department store and homestore business of the East of England Co-operative Society, which saw a total of 350 former co-op employees transfer to the new owner. 

    Before today’s announcement, four stores had already been closed by the administrators while one, in Hexham, Northumberland, has been sold. 

    A total of 482 employees across the company have been made redundant although the administrators have declined to give any breakdown of the jobs lost in East Anglia. 

    The East of England Co-op retains the freehold of its former stores 

    More (Wikipedia) on Vergo, Here).

    7th of July. In the Ipswich Carr Street Store they were flogging the remaining goods off cheap yesterday.


    The background is that the East of England Co-op decided to pull out of the Department Store Business. The Ipswich store, in Carr Street, had been a flag-ship for the Co-op with deep historical roots in the Movement. It is to be more than regretted: this has ripped the heart out of what has been a part of the British Left (with all its faults) since its 19th century origins .

    That said, as a commercial businessthere are no doubt reasons for the closures. It is a consumers’ , not a workers’ co-op. The Co-op trades in the capitalist market, and for all its ‘ethics’ this determines the way it operates.

    A number of issues, however, within this framwork,  remain unresolved.

    • The Co-op must have known the Vergo was unlikely to continue long trading from these outlets. Anybody with any nous could see this. The whole operation looked like an unloading fix, with Vergo xpected to rake fof as much profit as possible in a short-time before declaring itself insolvent.
    • The remaining staff have been left in the lurch. As claimants on the liquidated company they will only receive the minimum state redundancy pay – regardless of their years of service for the Co-op.
    • They will not get any pensions – something the Co-op always provided for.
    • USDAW, the shop-workers’ union which is very strong in the Co-op, has not made any real protests about the former staff’s plight.
    • The former Department Stores will soon become empty shells, a blight on the surrounding streets (already in Ipswich, affected by the closure of near-by Woolworth’s).

    This issue is of great concern to many people in East Anglia.

    Meanwhile all USDAW did (in May) was to urge Vergo to find ‘new buyers’ (Here),

    Usdaw has contacted the Administrators to urge them to leave no stone unturned in finding new owners for the affected stores.”

    The Union will be contacting all affected members when there are developments.

    Nothing has been heard, or seen On-Line since.

    So far the local media, notably the EADT and Evening Star, has reported the bare facts and regretted the loss of shopping ventures.  The hardship the former Co-op employees face gets no mention.No doubt it doesn’t fit with their endless ‘boosterism’ about the region’s fortunes.

    But former employees have spoken on more objective regional media (BBC Look East and Anglia News) of their growing anger.

    Otherwise well-informed Ipswich Bloggers so far seem oblivious to this: Here, and Here.

    Ipswich MP, Benedict Gummer, is too wrapped up in the wonder of being an MP  to care. In his maiden speech eh described Ipswich as “a significant service centre with a beautiful medieval centre. (Here) MInd you he hasn;t managed to update his Web site (Here) since the election so he must be very busy somewhere.

    Ho Ho. 

    Only Bob Russell, Liberal MP for Colchester, has made any Parliamentary intervention (Here)

    2 Jun 2010

    Vergo Retail

    Bob Russell: To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills if he will hold an inquiry into Vergo Retail Ltd.’s acquisition from the East of England Co-operative Society of the society’s non-food trading activities in 2009 and its subsequent operation of the business. [215]

    Mr Davey: Vergo Retail Ltd. went into administration on 11 May 2010. In view of the reporting duties imposed on the joint administrators of the company the Department would not normally duplicate their work by carrying out separate inquiries. However, my officials will ask the joint administrators to inform them of any specific matters that come to their attention in relation to the company’s affairs which might require further consideration by the Department.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 8, 2010 at 9:50 am

    Posted in East Anglia, Ipswich, Labour Movement

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    Agora: Sandals Against Religious Bigotry.

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    Agora is a unique film. A picture about Hypatia -  the 4th century  female mathematician-philosopher who taught in Alexandria’s famous Library (the Serapeum). She lived and philosophised  in the dying days of the classical world the power of monotheistic faith gripped the declining Empire. 

    The scenario is embroidered with love interest (her student admirer Orestes), humanist flashes (the inner turmoil leading to Christianity of her former slave Davus) and dramatic scenes where the remaining Pagans confront militant Christians. But it is  very different to a sword and sandals story or Pepulum; it is not an epic either. As far as one can tell Agora is the first overtly ideologically humanist film about the means used by the victorious Jesus followers to impose their faith that has been produced for a mainstream cinema audience.  

    Portraying free-thought in conflict with religious bigotry is a theme with obvious modern echoes. In this Agora offers a very different message to the pro-Christian films, from Quo Vadis to the Centurion, that have dealt with the conflict between Pagan pluralism and Christian monotheism. It is bolder politically than, say, Spartacus – attacking not the easy target of slavery but the harder object of the Church. The weight of the Chrsitians’ own beliefs is given its due: alongside the thugs mobilised by Cyril there are fine and noble faithful believers. But the thrust of their religion is clear. That is, the vicious hysteria of the Christians of the City  was raised to fever pitch by Cyril  of Alexandria. His hatred extends from pagans and jews, to ‘immodest’ women.

    We are told that subsequently Cyril became a Saint and a Father of the Church.

    The fact that what we know of Hypatia  is only her advanced research into mathematics, and her death, should not obscure the merit of the attempt to imagine her anew.. A luminous Rachel Weisz plays the heroine. She is portrayed, tenderly, as an assertive feminist, and deep intellectual. She refuses, literally to the death, to stop asking fundamental questions about the nature of the universe. Not through the dark nights of faith, but through rational enquiry.  At one point Hypatia is described by a Senator as someone who believes in “Nothing”. “I believe in philosophy” she replies. 

    In succesive waves, the murderous logic of religious hatred is unleashed.  From attacking the followers of the old gods, they turn to the Jews, drenching the streets in blood. Hypatia  meets her fate under the stones of the fanatics.

    Which made me think of the regimes which still murder people by stoning.

    In fact the bands of bullying fanatics in 4th Century Alexandra resembled nothing so much as the Islamists in numerous Moslem countries, or the Christians in Central Africa. It makes you wonder if there’s not some kind of enduring mechanism at work here: driving people into blind loathing of the religious ‘Other’, and, above all, the odium they pour on women.

    A fine film – a beautful film, a wonderful woman, Hypatia, the glory of Alexandria.



    Sources close to the Vatican tell me that this film has caused quite a rumpus. A Blog, which has the eye and ear of the Papal Curia (Splintered Sunrise) now trying to rehabiliate Dunce Scotus, is said to beside itself with rage.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 9, 2010 at 12:13 pm

    Flemish and Catalan Nationalists Rise Up.

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    Lest Flanders Forget: 11 Julie!

    Today is the Day of the Flemish Community – Belgium. That is,  De Feestdag van Vlaanderen. *

    As a forward-looking nationality,

    11 July is the National Day of the people of Flanders. On Flanders Day we mark the anniversary of the Battle of the Golden Spurs in 1302 when an army of Flemish townspeople set to the flight the knights of the king of France.

    The battle takes its name from the hundreds of knights’ spurs that lay on the battlefield, the Groeningekouter, outside Kortrijk afterwards.

    The victory was an important one as it prevented Flanders from being incorporated into the kingdom of France and allowed it to continue to develop as a separate entity.

    In his 11 July address the Flemish Premier is expected to speak of the need to press through state reforms and realise a Copernican Revolution under which powers are transferred from the federal state to the regions and gravity too moves from the federal government to the regional governments.

    (More Here)

    The Prime Minister of  the Flemish Region, Kris Peeters, speaks today.

    In his 11 July address the Flemish Premier is expected to speak of the need to press through state reforms and realise a Copernican Revolution under which powers are transferred from the federal state to the regions and gravity too moves from the federal government to the regional governments. (More Here

    In the French version this goes,

    Cette révolution selon Peeters s’articule autour de 4 principes: un gouvernement fédéral qui vient en soutien de la politique flamande, une réforme profonde de l’Etat qui doit donner aux entités fédérées des compétences homogènes, un renforcement du lien avec Bruxelles et une collaboration durable entre toutes les entités.

    To Peeters, this revolution will be elaborated around four principles. A federal government which helps Flemish policies and politics, a deep reform of the state, to make it have equitable responsibilities, a reinforced link with Brussels (that is, Flemish power over the capital’s administration, TC), and long-term co-operation between the different political institutions. (More Here)

    Briefly, moves towards a confederal rather than a federal state.

    Another nationalist movement is on the up. Yesterday around a million people demonstrated for the cause of Catalonia (Here).

    According to El País  the street protest was at the Spanish Constitutional Council’s decision to refuse recognition of Catalonia as a full-blooded ‘nation’, and to block any attempt to make the Catalan language legally predominant  in the region.

    Catalans have very good historical reasons to detest Spanish state centralism.

    However, Catalan nationalism of a more recent vintage is hardly of the left – as the career of Pujol demonstrates.  It is of public notoriety that, like the Flemish, one of the reasons for a revival of their national feeling is the widespread veiw  that they (a rich region) are paying for the poorer ones – the Spanish ‘African’ south.

    Many aspects of cultural autonomy, such as promoting people’s langauge rights, are fundamentally desirable. From the standpoint of equality and free expression they get a wide degree of support, and, for the left, are important . But political separation – fragmentation Europe into smaller and smaller states, run by a political cliques  that live off resentment at neighbours, is hardly the way forward for any kind of progressive.

    If you want to see how right-wing bourgeois nationalism infects otherwise reasonabel people look at,  Jill Evans Plaid Cymru MEP’s Blog here.

    * The Belgium Francophone national holiday on September the 23rd  commemorates the 1830 Uprising. The result was to throw the troops  of  the Dutch-headed Royalty out of the country, creating a separate state – Belgium. Which became a monarchy under strong British influence.  (Here and Here)

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 11, 2010 at 11:58 am

    End Stoning, End Sharia, In Iran, Across The World!

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    The international campaign to support  Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani has, it seems, led the Iranian regime to halt her stoning.  (French language leftist Iranian site, Here) The threat of executions still hovers over her, and others condemned under Islamic ‘law’. Perhaps this particular penalty will soon be shunted aside. But Sharia Law will continue to inspire the Iranian ‘legal’ system and that of many other states. It is a key demand of Islamists across the globe.

    One Law for All campaigns against Sharia law everywhere. It was created from within the Iranian democratic and leftist opposition. It is only one strand, amongst many, of secularist and democratic opinion. But it offers a very good explanation of why Sharia law, in any form whatsoever (including proposals to give tacit recognition of it in British law) must be opposed. See – Here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 12, 2010 at 10:24 am

    Sarkozy Goes for Bertie Wooster Strategy: Stout Denial.

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    A great political thinker, Bertie Wooster, is best known for the policy of “stout denial“.

    Nabbed by the Rozzers on Boat Race night  he would call himself  “Leon Trotsky“.

    The Beak would admit that he “strongly suspected” the name was not Bertie’s own.

    But Mr Wooster would stick with it.

    The same policy seems to have entered French political life.

    Last night, on French Television, his Highness,  Nicholas Sarkozy stated that everything he has ever been accused of is “mensonges” et “calomnies” (lies and calumnies). No fault lies with Woerth (at the centre of accusations about illegal funding for Sarkozy’s political campaigns). The man is as honest as the day is long.

    Poor old honest toiling Eric Woerth had just left his post as Treasurer (bag-man) of Sarkozy’s Party, the UMP (Here). Yet his Boss wants him to stay on to reform the French pension system.

    Not everyone has leapt to the President’s defence.

    Interviewed on the Belgium Radio La Première this morning (Here) former Le Monde Director, Edwy Plenel, chose this song (They hide everything from us..).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 13, 2010 at 10:47 am

    France’s Former African Empire: Human Rights Abusers on Parade Today.

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     See this Important Video (in English)  - Here.

    Today is the 14th of July.

    The traditional parade on the Champs Elysées.

    This year there are contingents from France’s former African colonies (with the exception of the Côtes d’Invoire) * (le Monde) There is plenty to say about france’s past role as an imperial power on the continent. And its present activities as a commercial and military player in Françafrique. Most of which is bad. That is, is starting from its failure to stem the forces that began the genocide in Rwanda  and its connivance in the rise of Hutu extremism, up to its actions in the rest of Central Africa.  

     There are many other dark chapters in the history of Françafrique – the ‘domain reservé’ of french presidents.

    But there is more.

    Radio France International says (Here.)

    This year, Presisdent Sarkozy has invited thirteen African nations to march alongside the French, not in celebration of the 50th anniversary of independence, but “to celebrate the strength of the ties that history has weaved between us”.

    This has caused somewhat of a fuss in human rights circles. Libération reports that various NGOs have complained that among the 13 ex-French colonies invited, there may be soldiers that took part in brutal repressions.

    Some 500 political opponents were killed by the armed forces of Congo Brazzaville in the 1990s, as was the case after 2005 elections in Togo. And 100 were killed in Cameroon in 2008 after food shortage riots in 2008.

    The Elysée Palace has been quick to point out that none of the participants are currently under investigation for anything illegal.

    The Nouvel Observateur reports concerns by the International Federation for Human Rights. Here).

    An Open Letter says, (Here),

    14 juillet 2010 : la fête nationale française, fête de l’impunité ?

    The authors note that “people who are” responsables de graves violations des droits de l’Homme” may be present. That these people (that is, from Central Africa, and many francophone countries under dictatorships) will be granted immunity from prosecution while they attend. They worry that France is becoming a country with “ de quasi-impunité pour les criminels contre l’Humanité.”

    In brief, that it is grotesque to celebrate the French Revolution with such individuals present.

    * - Note, Tunisia and Algeria were never colonies in the ‘legal’ sense. The former was protectorate and the latter - eventually – a Department)

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 14, 2010 at 12:05 pm

    Co-op Goes Some Way to Help Vergo Workers.

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    Ipswich Evening Star reports (with TC Comments -follow up to earlier story),

    Co-Op’s cash boost for Vergo workers

    The East of England Co-operative Society is to make an unprecedented financial gesture to nearly 300 former employees who were made redundant when their new employer, Vergo Retail, went into administration.Around 345 employees transferred from the Co-op in July 2009 under Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE) when Vergo took over the running of 12 Co-op department and home stores in Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex.

    Even though the staff left the Co-op’s employment a year ago, the Society’s board of directors has decided that an exceptional discretionary ex-gratia payment should be made to former employees who had worked for the Co-op for at least two continuous years and who were subsequently made

    There are still hopes that another retailer will bid for Vergo – although there is nothing firm on the horizon. Mr Samson added: “We would welcome a government investigation into Vergo’s collapse and I have already written to Vince Cable, Business Secretary, offering our full support for any such investigation. We will be writing to him again to take up the issue of how employees can be better protected under the Law as this has clearly highlighted how inadequate current legislation is when a business failure takes place.” The Society’s President Gillian Bober said: “Our Society’s ethos revolves around

    (Full story Here.)

    Now what has USDAW to say? Not a dick-bird on the Web so far. The redundant employees still are without their pensions (as transferred they are the responsibility of Vergo and therefore – Zero). Why does the Co-op want a government investigation? Wasn’t there something fishy about the deal in the first place?

    Finally, can the Ipswich Evening Star stop using the word ‘Boost’ in half its headlines? It’s getting on people’s neveres.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 15, 2010 at 10:41 am

    Posted in East Anglia, Ipswich, Labour Movement

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    Vincere: Mussolini’s Cast-Off Wife.

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    Mussolini’s regime  is still a live issue in Italy. There have been repeated attempts to rehabilitate him. As well as efforts to put the Italian Partisans on the same level as the Fascists.

    Vincere is a film that is based on the life of the first wife of Benito Mussolini. It stars Giovanna Mezzogiorno as Ida Dalser and Filippo Timi as Benito Albino Mussolini. Teh director  Marco Bellocchio, who has made a documentary about the Red Brigades and the Moro kidnapping. Although he does not have a high political profile one can assume he is not favourable to Mussolini. Vincere, from its opening, is on the side of those determined to shed light on the sordid history and legacy of the dictatorship.

    A montage of the feverish development of pre-Great War Italy, thrusting factories, turbulent crowds, begin the film. We cut into the intense agitation of the new socialist movement (a late birth in the country). In a meeting, chaired by a Priest, to debate religion, Mussolini challenges god to strike him down. Strangely he is not (god must have got pretty weary of attending so many atheist debates).

    In the audience Ida Dalser falls for Mussolini the violently anti-clerical socialist and republican.  His intensity, or rather love of intensity, burst forth as War is declared. As is well-known Mussolini switched from international socialism to the National Revolution. Ida is portrayed as so star struck she barely notices the change. Without any indication of ideological turmoil or even feeling, she throws all her money and adoration at his feet.

    Ida  bore Mussolini a son before the outbreak of the War. The rising National Revolutionary fought for the allied cause (identifying with the ‘civilised’ Latin races against the ‘Tuetons’). In a hallucinatory scene, while a silent film about the Crucifixion is projected on ceiling, she bumps into his recognised official wife. The spouse  screams with venom against her. From that moment her fate is fixed: Mussolini does everything to get rid of her, and shut her up.

    Iha protests. She becomes a Lady of Letters – to every authority in sight. Which causes annoaynce at the very least. Mussolini’s authority, unspoken but clearly present, is used to get the ‘matta’  confined to a Psychiatric Hospital. She is treated with the casual cruelty of the time (and standard medical practice). Underlined by the Sisters in charge.

    Vincere melds  historical drama with a harrowing personal descent from ‘un amour fou’ to madness. To Ida’s immense chagrin her son, Benito, is carried off  and educated away from her – under strict supervision. His parentage is however known, if never formally recognised. In revenge he is shown performing searing imitations of Il Duce in full rhetorical flow. They are in a class beyond the traditional buffon-ruffian routine.

    Dalser continued to claim to be married to Mussolini, but we are informed at the end,  no documentation of the marriage has ever been found. Dalser later died in an asylum in 1937. He son also perished in a similar institution, perfecting his Mussolini mimicry - now mirroring the Duce’s fluent German address to his Teuton allies.

    The film has a strong aesthetic angle – blending futurist imagery with the claustrophobia of the institutions Ida is confined in.  In parallel to the better known  ’expressionist’ influence on 1920s film-making, this slices violent snaps of war with urbanity, industry, and, above all, violent combat. The  proto-Fascist glorification of war by Futurists, above all their leading figure Filippo Tommaso Marinetti existed in the same period as a different leftish Futurist ultra-modernism  in Russia and the early Soviet Union.   Just in case you missed the references the leader of the Blackshirts visits an exhibition of Futurist paintings. Later, as a  counterpoint, there are close-up shots of Ida, during a hospital film-showing, displaying  deep emotion at the beautiful humanist conclusion of Chaplin’s The Kid.

    The end is brutal – and historically true. Ida was never recognised. Her sad fate just one amongst thousands discarded and sent to their deaths by Il Duce. If not a major study, and to histrionic at times,  the film is strong on narrative, and manages to show Italian Fascism through a new prism. As for history, if I knew that Hitler was a good ballroom dancer (thanks to the Producers), now I am aware that Mussolini was a dab hand at the violin.

    Vincere is still showing at Ipswich Film Theatre.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 16, 2010 at 10:49 am

    Posted in Anti-Fascism, Fascism, Films

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    Burqa and the Left, from Secularism to Religious Right.

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    Should the French law banning the Burqa and Niqab (that is, full-body veils) from public spaces be “resolutely fought” (David Osler) ? That, “No ban, but no obligation either. Sounds just about right to me.”  

    Liam (for the British section of the Fourth International) says (endorsed by the mystical left-wing of the Green Party),  

    •    Oppose the ban on religion or custom specific dress as a form of racism and anti-minorityism.
    •    No legal sanctions for following particular religions.
    •    Politically combat the oppression of women using religion as an ideology.

    The Morning Star carries an article today which announces (Here.),  

    “the labour movement must reject all attempts to hijack and misuse our republican principles of secularism and gender equality to fuel an anti-Muslim witch-hunt.”  

    The French group Lutte Ouvrière puts the emphasis rather differently,  

    “la loi de Sarkozy, d’Hortefeux ou de leurs pairs n’est pas une loi émancipatrice pour les femmes les plus opprimées. Et si nous faisons nôtre le combat contre le port de la burqa ou contre le port du voile que mènent des femmes jeunes ou moins jeunes, originaires de pays où la religion musulmane est dominante, nous ne mêlons pas nos voix à celles de dirigeants politiques dont les objectifs ne sont pas l’émancipation des femmes, mais une politique de concessions vis-à-vis de préjugés sécuritaires et antimusulmans.  

    So this law is not one that will lead to emancipation for the most oppressed women. If we make our own the fight against wearing the burqu and the veil (NB what British leftists call the hijab), waged by young women and not-so-young women who come from countries where Islam is the dominant religion, we will not mix our demands with those politicians who aims are not female liberation, but a policy of making concession to prejudices about insecurity and against Muslims. (More Here)  

    The Parti de Gauche carries a post (not an official ‘line’) stating that while the Burqa and the Niqab are clearly contrary to republican values of any kind, the law is not a just way of carrying out these aims (Here).  

    Communists and Socialists largely abstained on the vote in the National Assembly. They are generally, however, opposed to the law (Here).  

    The Nouveau parti anticapitaliste says (Here)  

    “Tout en s’opposant à ce projet de loi liberticide, le NPA réaffirme sa solidarité avec les femmes qui luttent contre toutes les formes d’oppression, dont le voile intégral, mais c’est d’abord en luttant toutes ensembles pour le droit à disposer de leur corps que les femmes s’émancipent. La loi de Sarkozy ne les aidera en rien, bien au contraire.”  

    While completely opposing this anti-freedom law, the NPA reaffirms its solidarity with women who struggle against  all forms of oppression, such as the fully-body veil, but it is above all through fighting together for rights over their own bodies, that women will free themselves. The Sarkozy law will not help them – it will do the opposite.  

    The major difference them is that the French left begins from the premise that the Burqa and Niqab are oppressions.  

    The British Left tries to defend them as some kind of religious ‘right’.  

    The concluding words should go to a former Muslim, and now feminist leftist, Women’s Rights vs. Political Islam. Azar Majedi. (2007)  

    “when dealing with the burka or the niqab, we surpass the sphere of individual right. Here we enter the sphere of what I call societal rights. The person under this kind of veil has not identity in the fellow citizens.” “the question of trust and identity goes further than the workplace. It is just as important on the bus, in the park in the recreation ground, etc, that you can see the face of the person in your immediate surrounding, here it is the question of individual rights, here are instances where the society rightfully decides to deprive certain individuals of certain rights for the benefit of society as a whole.”  

    I do not agree with her view that the “Burka or the niqab must be banned for the benefit of society.”(P 172 – 3) Society is not best represented by the state. Or, on such issues, truly democratically transformed by its regulations. It is changed  by direct campaigning in the streets and the communities concerned. Though fo coruse, it woudl eb absurd to have anyone with any power using  the voile intègrale (face-veil). That would send a signal that it is endorsed.  

    But the judgement that,“the veil is a symbol and a tool for women’s subjugation and degradation.” seems right.  

    The issue that the British left completely ignores is how to deal with this fact. Concentrating as Liam does, on ‘women’ using Islam as an ideology of oppression, is particularly wrong.  

    Islam is rich. Muslims are, in the UK, generally, poor. As the Mosques swell in wealth, and Salafism and other hard-line ideologies grow, how are the left, and women,  going to ‘politically fight’ reactionary misogynist Islamic ideologies  when they are defending the instruments of oppression? We need to link up with secularists opposing socially oppressive religions in general, and Islamism in particular. That there are young women (as LO indicates) In France waging this fight is a welcome fact. That there appears fewer in the UK may be due to the connivance of the liberal left and left generally with Islamism in Britain.  

    Against the law and against the Burqa and Niqab! 

    Interesting to see an American Leftist reaction (or rather, hesitation to make one) here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 17, 2010 at 4:03 pm

    Burqa Ban: Tories Say ‘Unbritish’, Liberals and Left Explode with Joy(?).

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    Secularism is also UnBritish Threat to Freedom.

    If a Tory Minster had supported a ban on the full-body full-face veil the debate on the subject would be drowned by the sounds of anguished liberal, and outraged leftist, howls.

     There would not be much nuance.

    Those of us who are opposed to a sweeping law on the ‘voile intègrale (full body veil) but support campaigns against this reactionary practice would be tarred with the label: Tories! Racists! Islamophobes!

    Yet when the Conservative Minister for Immigration, Damian Green calls such a law “unbritish” (Here and here)  you have no need of ear-plugs to hear the sound of silence.

    This apology for doing-nothing:

    The Environment Secretary, Caroline Spelman, agreed saying: “I take a strong view on this, actually, that I don’t, living in this country, as a woman, want to be told what I can and can’t wear.

    “That’s something which both myself and (community cohesion minister Baroness) Sayeeda Warsi have argued very strongly, that one of the things we pride ourselves on in this country is being free – and being free to choose what you wear is a part of that.

    “So actually banning the burka is absolutely contrary, I think, to what this country is all about.”

    Let’s, for the sake of argument, assume that some women consider that cutting themselves off from the ‘impure’ gaze of men and conforming to the Word of God (which cannot err – though we know that there are many interpretations on this issue), is a good thing.

    But what of others, subject to Islamicist bullies? If they are told what to wear, who is going to tell them otherwise, or let them free from intimidation? Or the fact that in countries where far-right Islamic groups  has prospered unchallenged such dress codes, part of wider moral ones, are the fer-de-lance of reactionary Islamism.

    Certainly not the Tory-Liberal-Islamophile Popular Front.

    I thought I would just mention this.

    Oh, and the fact that said Minister supports all manner of racist legislation.

    Makes you wonder why he backs the ‘right’ to wear the niqab or burqa.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 19, 2010 at 10:44 am

    Koestler: The Indispensable Intellectual. Review: The Search for the Absolute.

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    All Gods Fail.

    Koestler. The Indispensable Intellectual Michael Scammell. Faber & Faber 2010.

    The Search for the Absolute.

     (This Review is also on 3 Am Magazine – an interesting on-Line review of fiction, poetry and non-fiction “Whatever it is, we’re against it”   here)

    The Indispensable Intellectual has been widely reviewed. A thoroughly researched study of Arthur Koestler, it portrays an immensely complex personality and politically entangled actor. The author of the anti-Stalinist classic, Darkness at Noon (1940), was, Scammell says, a “Casanova of causes”. Koestler passed through Revisionist Zionism, militant-Communism, he was active in Germany and was an anti-fascist involved  in the Spanish Civil War, before settling down for a long period as an anti-Communist pillar of the Cold War Congress for Cultural Freedom. In-between he found time in 1954 to help found the admirable National Campaign for the Abolition of Capital Punishment (NCACP).

    The thorny issues raised by Koestler’s close co-operation with the USA’s militant anti-Communists, may help explain why there have very few left-wing responses to Scammell’s biography. During his 1950s public hey-day many would have challenged the claim that Koestler, “ was undoubtedly a man of the left but, given the vehemence and strength of his anti-communism” But that, “he had ended up in a sort of no-mans’ land with very few sympathisers for company.”(Page 385) After this decade Koestler political presence also shrank drastically. The ’anti-totalitarian’ herald had a lengthy subsequent career as a seeker after inner light. Deciphering the “invisible ink” of ultimate, cosmic, reality, or exploring the way religion and spirituality trump science, studies on ESP, UFOs and psychedelic mysteries, or claims about the Khazar origins of the Ashkenazi Jews, are acquired tastes. These two aspects of his work mark out a gamut of difficulties for a leftist reader of this biography. Any form of assertive anti-Communism is a mined location where the left has to tread gingerly. That, is many of us are as much “anti-anti-Communists” as are anti-Stalinists. One also hopes that most on the left remains sceptical about the kind of bad-science Koestler indulged in.

    That said, this is a life. Those of a less political bent would concentrate on what the book, accompanied by painstaking detail, calls Koestler’s “lust” and “frenetic love life”. This will not be discussed at length. Koestler’s career was littered with promiscuity, often fuelled by heavy drinking, and Scammell’s accounts of his forceful adventures take up too many pages. Nor is the language used in these passages always the most nimble. Women are invariably described as “attractive” “pretty” and “irresistible” (though not – a one-night fling – Simone de Beauvoir..). This becomes tedious. Whether he raped Jill Cragie (Michael Foot’s wife) or not, it’s a feeble excuse to talk of the “likeliest explanation” being that “that behaviour that wasn’t at the time seen as rape has since come to be regarded as such”. (Page 408)

    Despite this, The Indispensable Intellectual shows with enormous clarity Koestler’s actions and thinking in the framework of the most crucial topics of twentieth century history. The dilemmas he faced were both personal and of wider intellectual resonance. The time and place shaped the man. From Koestler’s birth and upbringing in Mittel Europa, Hungary and Austria, to several decades of physical and intellectual voyaging, he stood at the heart of the events and ideas that shaped the twentieth century, Fascism, Nazism, Zionism and Stalinism – and then, Anti-Communism. From the beginning these mingle. Scammell argues that one cannot understand the biography without drawing out Koestler’s inherent capacity to respond in extreme terms, ‘absolutitis’, to the world. Koestler had an early taste for the Absolute, a vision of an “arrow in the sky”. This was not just a personal rapture. “It was the same quest and the same all-or-nothing mentality which drove me to the Promised Land and into the Communist Party”. (Page 19)

    Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 20, 2010 at 11:23 am

    Derek Wall (Green Party) Goes God.

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    By the Rivers of Babylon….

    Derek Wall has ”a vision of faith and hope”. (Morning Star - Here.)

    That is “even as a firm non-believer, I think religion can be a source of real good.”

    But, “is it possible to argue that religion generally fuels oppression, hatred and is based on irrational authority.” (No Question mark in Web text).

    His answer is that religion can be a force for good.

    That is while it can rest on absolute authority, be sexually oppressive, “At its best religion does two important things. It calls for justice and it asks big questions about the relationship of humanity to the rest of the universe, including the non-human natural world.” 

    It can be a source of liberation as well as sometimes being used to justify oppression.


    This extends far back in time. We get the usual clipped references to medieval millenialist movements. They were socialist inclined.


    Engels said so.

    I wouldn’t fancy the chances of  a non-believer, a sinner, or a doubter,  in a Hussite city myself.

    Qu’ranic expert Wall states that, “Islam, so derided and attacked, has social justice at its very heart. Mohammed was a great reformer who challenged what he saw as backward attitudes and, more than any other monotheistic prophet, he drew wisdom from contemporary women, especially his wife Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, a powerful businesswoman.”

    Good ole Mohamed. There was no doubt a great deal of social justice in persecuting anyone who would not accept the “Great reformer’s” message. Hey, and all socialists support “powerful businesswomen’s” fight for social equity.


    “For every bin Laden there is a Rumi – the great Persian mystic poet who preached tolerance. For every Inquisition, there is a group of Quakers calling for a non-violent struggle for justice.”

    So nicely balanced!

    Like Ying and Yang,

    Today we have (and this is indeed the case) inspiring people from a religious background helping indigenous people in South America fight for their rights.

    Why they should get special praise because they are religious is not explained.

    But lo and behold.

    There are,

    “Two of the most inspiring leaders I have come across – Britain’s Salma Yaqoob of Respect and the Brazilian Green Party presidential candidate Marina Silva – are both attacked by their opponents because of their respective religions.

    Yaqoob is Muslim, Silva is from an evangelical Protestant background. Both are powerful voices for the liberation of women and against neoliberal attacks on society.”

    Yes a Brazilian anti-abortionist who supports Creationism is Wall’s tribune of the oppressed. The member of a British Party whose leaders are linked the Iranian State funded Press TV – a mouthpiece and executor of opposition - is another worthy Saint.

    Derek Wall claims not have a religion.

    This is news to us who have followed with interest his enthusiasm for ‘Italism’,  ”the peaceful principles of Zen Buddhism and the localism of Rastafarian..” (He practices Zazen, More on this ‘lifestyle’ here)

    He ends by claiming that, “Both Marx and the Buddha adhered to the same phrase – “doubt everything.” I think it is one we should continue to practice, but it should not blind us to what can be good about religion.”

    So don’t doubt that.

    See Derek Wall’s Blog

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 22, 2010 at 12:08 pm

    Hungary: Conservative Christian Purges.

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    Viktor Orbán With Back-Drop Of Friends.

    Hungary does not normally figure much in the news media of other countries.

    But the stench coming from Hungary after the sweeping election victory of Vikor Orbán reached the le Monde this week. A couple of days later and the Financial Times followed suite.

    His Fidesz party came to power with a two-thirds parliamentary majority. He has tried to present an image of national pugnacity, resisting the more outrageous pressures from international financial institutions for austerity. They have “no right” to meddle with internal affairs, he has declared (Here) This has caused some bad-blood with the IMF – but it is unlikely he will long hold away from cutting back on state expenditure, like the rest of Europe. Hungary’s present efforts to avoid this, through a  levy on financial sector  is , in the long-term, not likely to cause a deep fracture in capitalism.

    Orbán has attacked the central bank’s Governor, capped his pay, and all but forced him to a corner. Not much wrong with that in principle,  especially as the man in question, Andreas Simor  has  overseas investments that cast doubt on his priorities (more here). But the PM’s  aim is to install a party puppet.  Even more significantly Orbán has attacked  media freedom. He intends to bring  all the main broadcasters under his wing, and has proposed the compulsory registration of bloggers.

    Countless officials associated with opposition parties have been sacked and replaced with Fidesz supporters.

    All state-institutions display, in pride of place,  a 50cm by 70cm notice that states that a  “revolution in the polling booths” took place on April 11, restoring Hungary’s self-determination.

    The far-right. Jobbik party is outbidding him. The Prime Minister claims to oppose them root-and-branch.

    Orban has declared June 4 a national day of unity, in commemoration of the Treaty of Trianon that forced Hungary to surrender large areas of its territory after the first world war. Anyone familiar with Hungarian history knows that this is to loudly launch claims for the restoration of a Greater Hungary.

    Le Monde summaries his mix of patriotic chauvinism and authoritarianism as,

    “il entend faire voter une loi de contrôle des médias publics. Au nom de la lutte contre l’extrême droite, ce chrétien conservateur flatte sans vergogne le nationalisme hongrois. ”

    He intends to pass  a law taking control of the public media. In the name of the fight against the far-right, this conservative Christian flatters without shame Hungarian nationalism.”

    Hungary is set  take over the EU’s rotating presidency next year. We face the prospect of a right-wing demagogue as the formal head of the Union.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 24, 2010 at 11:02 am

    Posted in Anti-Fascism, Europe, Nationalism

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    Burqa: Weekly Worker, Sometimes Right and Sometimes Seriously Wrong.

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    Jacobin Statism to Weekly Worker.

    The latest Weekly Worker carries an important article by Peter Manson on the issue of the Burqa (Here).

    Unlike most of the British liberal left it does not start from the absurd premise that the full-body veil is “empowering”. Religious practice is, for the comrades of the CPGB Provisional Committee, defined in a  secular way. That it, it is not the business of the public authority to define what people should believe, or how they should carry out the obligations of their faith. That is the principle of non-interference  in individuals’ religious activities.

    This is a good starting point.

    However, its limits are pretty great. Peter Manson then goes seriously wrong on a number of counts.

    To begin with Peter Manson claims that “We demand that women have the right to wear the hijab, the burqa or the niqab.” That, “I would not for a moment wish to understate the dehumanising effect of imposing the burqa. It reinforces the notion that women may not assert themselves on an equal basis to men; that they should be regarded as a man’s possession, not even to be looked at by other males. “

    This confuses a number of issues. Is there a human right to be ‘dehumanised? There is no such thing as a ‘right’ to be regarded as a man’s possession. One may tolerate (that is negatively) sexism, but one never gives this the status of a  claim that has to be respected.  

    In this context the ‘right’ not to wear the ‘voile intègrale’ (the unambiguous French term referring to the ‘total’ extension of veiling) is meaningless.I have just as much a right not to support the BNP and not wear a Swastika T-Shirt. But do I have the right – that is a demand that this clothing be accepted and protected? Who, then has the obligation to make sure this right is a reality? The law? Or what?

    The assertion is confused: either it means that there should be a legally protected ability to wear certain types of religious clothing – however ‘dehumanised‘ -  and an instrument to enforce this claim against anyone opposing it, or this is one of those ‘rights’ that exist in very rarified aether.

    It is in the same vein that the idea that the “state should not decide what people wear”is advanced. True, in generala good basic principle. But this is another abstract claim which soon runs into obstacles. What, to start with,  if it is the state’s institutions that are involved? Who then decides on what the state does? And what should this be?

    Peter Manson accepts that “certain jobs – the teaching of young children or the welcoming of guests at a hotel – cannot in general be carried out satisfactorily by people who completely cover their face.” I would say that any position in why a person has power over others should not be occupied by somebody loudly proclaiming that anyone who does not dress as they do is impure.  In other words, public functions. If  we have state – or wider public – institutions they need rules, and these should not tolerate anti-equality practices - like the burqa and niqab. Democracy rests on egalité.

    Next, the French context is that the republic is not just secular in a negative sense, but positively aspires to the values of equality, fraternity and liberty. This implies that activities against this are, in a  deep sense, anti-republican. the burqa, is one such practice. Racism is equally anti-republican. The Islamists combine both a  quasi-religious racism (drawing boundaries between the pure believes and the impure non-believers) in a noxious anti-republican cocktail. It is hardly unlikely that the far more serious problem of marginalisation fo the poor in the banlieues can be fought without equally offering a strategy against their exclusion. This Sarkozy does not do, to say the last.

    The French left (from the PCF, LO, PG, to the NPA) therefore tends to concentrate on wider issues of social inequality and oppression (which affects much larger communities than Moslems, as recent rioting by Rom in Saint-Aignan indicates). This is not a result of their Jacobin DNA but a perfectly justified reaction to present-day French conditions. The republican tradition brings people back to equality and not to the brief, anti-clerical, Age of Reason.

    Finally, socialists “strive to empower oppressed minorities, and oppressed women in particular. We do this to unite and strengthen the working class, to weaken the power of the state and the system of capital. And part of that fight involves breaking the grip of the mosque and the Muslim establishment over their flock.”

    But Peter Manson offers no account of  how exactly how this can be done. Some on the British left, like the ill-fated Respect coalition, have a actively collaborated with the ‘Mosque’ – or rather a far-right and right-wing  fractions of Islamism. They have no authority to talk about Islamophobia – when they, and the SWP, have collaborated with such reactionary forces.

    These are quasi-state institutions in their own right - with close links with would-be (Moslem brotherhood, Jamaat-I-Islami) or actual  state-powers (Iran) in other lands. Many ‘moderate’ Moslems receive generous funding from the theocratic dictatorship of  Saudi  Arabia.

    Peter Manson does not outline any immediate political conclusions from his analysis. Does he support the campaigns of groups like Amnesty International  to defend the ‘right’ to the burqa?  Or Liberty’s most recent efforts (such as here)? It is noteworthy that neither of these organisations even raises the issue of whether veiling may be oppressive.

    There is not the slightest prospect of the veil in any form being banned in the UK. But religious remains a problem – as a state institution, and as a source of oppressive ways of life. Obviously these embrace much wider issues. In Britain religion has a privileged place in public authority. It is likely to grow with the ‘Big Society’. Multiculturalists have sought to extend this to all faiths, including Islam. The political influence of these institutions is growing, filling a vacuum in society left by the absence of mass working class movements and the fracturing of the left. In these conditionswill Peter Mason  back any campaigns for secularism? If so, what?

    The defence of the Burqa is part of a general trend to assert special privileged protection for religious claims. It is root-and-branch against any form of equality. The assertion of religious rights, of which the ‘right’ to wear the burqa is just one, should be opposed not embraced. Secularists should engage in activities against this – though one hardly needs reminding that, faced with many other urgent issues,  this is not a top priority.

    Despite a justified hostility to settling matters of religious faith by state decree, if we are engaged in politics we cannot  avoid trying to influence what the state does. Fighting against Islamicism, and political expressions of the moral codes that endorse the full-body veil, is only aspect of this combat. But as a hard case it is an important test of secularist principle

    More background: The Eyptian feminist Mona Elthaway here. Tendance Coatesy on French left’s own views here.  An argument that any criticism of the veil is reactionary, here.


    I mention in passing that the following translation of the Nouveau parti anticapitaliste’s (NPA) position, “While completely opposing this freedom-killing law, the NPA reaffirms its solidarity with women who struggle against all forms of oppression, such as the full-body veil. But it is first and foremost through fighting together for control over their own bodies that women will free themselves.” could have been acknowledged to Tendance Coatesy. Which goes, “While completely opposing this anti-freedom law, the NPA reaffirms its solidarity with women who struggle against  all forms of oppression, such as the fully-body veil, but it is above all through fighting together for rights over their own bodies, that women will free themselves.” Um…

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 25, 2010 at 12:07 pm

    Ill Fares The Land: Review. Living Social Democracy?

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    Social Democracy's Base

    Ill Fares the Land. Tony Judt. Allen Lane. 2010.

    Social Democracy on the Return?

    Toby Judt is suffering from a severe neurological disorder. “I am fast losing control of words even as my relationship to the world has been reduced to them.” (New York Review of Books. July – August 2010) But he has found the energy and the will to write a splendid defence of equality against the “extremes of private privilege and public indifference”. The British think-tank Compass, stands for “solidarity and social justice” to restore trust. Judt equally vigorously argues that for the need for a reinvigorated social democracy. Ill-Fares the Land is an expanded version of a lecture given at New York University in October 2009. There the Director of the Remarque Institute stated that social democrats should defend what is living in the left’s reforming tradition and to “speak more assertively of past gains”. (New York Review of Books. December2009-Juanuary 2010). That is, of the “social service state” that offered welfare and redistributed wealth. His present work both outlines the threats that this faces, the “eviscerated society” of market states, and the need for social democracy, which has “lost its way”, to return to these roots.

    To Ill-fares the Land the post-war Consensus, the ‘corporatist’ class compromise (including the trade unions) around the ‘Keynesian’ “social security state” beneficially reduced inequality and uncertainty. The predictions of classical economic liberals, like Von Hayek, and Milton Friedman, that this was the “road to serfdom” were falsified. People were happier the economy grew, liberal democracy flourished, and a sense of wider equity held societies together over much of the Western world. In these times, “everyone believed in the state.”(Page 48)” In this context American liberalism, that is the Democratic Party, that believed in equality of opportunity rather than equality, but was still committed to welfare, developed similarities with European social democracy. This unravelled in the 1970s. The story of how this ended is perhaps too well-known to be retold at length. For its New Right critics it was responsible for creeping statism, and failed to deal with swelling inflation, rising unemployment, and labour militancy. Judt admits failures such as faulty town planning or poor quality social housing. But its goals were fundamentally sound.

    Il Fares the Land does not describe in any detail how the consensus fell apart amongst its own supporters. The more assertive class demands of unionised workers and public employees, notably in Britain, persuaded many on the centre-left that they had too much power. The electoral pool of the New Right was not just naked self-interest in, say, tax-cutting and authoritarian populism. The feeling that an erosion of deference for one’s natural leaders, and, a fear, at the time not wholly misguided, of radical socialism, helped many ‘social democrats’ go along with the free-marketers who offered to end not just inflation, but to restore a competitive edge to the social fabric. Explanations of how social democracy went off course, from the literature of the time, concerned with the “profit squeeze” that union pressure created – or, in more recent accounts, the claim that the “baby boomers” perused their own interests to the determinant of the general social good, are not discussed. Nor are left-wing views, that the New Right successfully advocated capitalist class benefits by melding their ideas with the electorate’s wider frustrations with the ‘state’ into a hegemonic project. To Judt people simply elected politicians pledged to halt ‘creeping socialism’ – to demolish the consensus. We then move straight into the “deregulation” of the structures underpinning the consensus under Thatcher and Regan. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 26, 2010 at 10:13 am

    ‘Big Society’: Volunteers To Replace Paid Public Service Staff.

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    Volunteers Help Out After Railway Cuts.

    Some weeks ago the Bookseller reported that (Here. )

    Public sector trade union Unison is to ballot its Southampton City Council library members about strike action, following plans to replace full-time staff with volunteers.

    The Conservative-run council announced in its 2010/11 budget plan that it intends to replace six full-time staff with volunteers, with at least one of the city’s libraries set to be run entirely by
    volunteer staff.

    Unison regional organiser Andy Straker said: “There is real anger from our members over this issue. They feel that management and councillors are devaluing their skills and experience.”

    This has developed into a full dispute. Librarians struck on the 21st fo June. Reports from UNISON – Here. The BBC states that the most recent strike has been postponed for further negotiations to take place (Here).

    The key point is that,

    The council plans to recruit members of the public to carry out unpaid work in the libraries to cover seven librarian posts and save money.

    PM David  Cameron’s Big Society has been described by Labour Leadership Contender Ed Milliband as,

    a return to Victorian philanthropy, with little role for the state. “This is essentially a 19th-century or US-style view of our welfare state – which is cut back the welfare state and somehow civic society will thrive,” he said. (Here)

    The Big Society means shoe-string public services that is clear. Outside of  prosperous middle-class areas it hard to see many people ‘volunteering’ for these roles.

    But there are other sources of unpaid labour.

    Ipswich Unemployed Action has frequently pointed out that Workfare (backed by New Labour as well as the Liberal-Tory Coalition) will be used as a source of ‘volunteers’ to plug gaps in public provision and help drive wages down.

    We await the Government’s Work Programme with interest.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 28, 2010 at 10:31 am

    Jamaat Leaders Arrested For Genocide.

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    Bangladesh 1971: One of the Worst Genocides of the 20th Century.

    The International Crimes Tribunal yesterday issued arrest warrants against already detained four Jamaat-e-Islami leaders on charges of committing genocide and crimes against humanity and peace during the Liberation War.

    “Warrants of arrest should be issued against these four people to ensure effective and proper investigation,” Tribunal Chairman Justice Nizamul Huq said allowing the prosecution prayer after submission of Chief Prosecutor Golam Arif Tipu.

    The four Jamaat leaders are Ameer Motiur Rahman Nizami, Secretary General Ali Ahsan Muhammad Mojahid and senior assistant secretaries general Muhammad Kamaruzzaman and Abdul Quader Molla.

    More Here.  Hat-Tip to Enty.

    Jamaat Leaders Arrested for War Crimes

    By Faheem Haider

    Monday, July 26 7:18 pm EST

    The War Crimes Tribunal has issued arrest warrants for the 4 senior Jamaat leaders already in government custody.  The charges: committing genocide and crimes against humanity and peace during the 1971 War of Liberation.  The leaders wanted in connection with the crimes: none other than Motiur Rahman Nizami, the Jamaat-e-Islam chief and his Secretary General, Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid and two lower ranking assistant secretaries general.  Nizami and Mujahid are widely known to have been leaders in the Al Badr brigade, the militia that has been thought squarely responsible of murder and slaughter of a large number of young and promising intellectuals.

    This is a very important move.  These are the first charges brought against persons and citizens of Bangladesh for crimes committed under the International Crimes Tribunal Act of 1973. This act brought about a legal procedure to prosecute war criminal but was never used to in court.  Decades of maneuvering and indemnity saw to that.

    The sitting Awami League government returned to power in 2008 in no small measure from its promise to use just that law to prosecute those held responsible for collaborating with the (West) Pakistani military to commit murder and rape, destroy lives, unleash crashing waves of public and private torment.

    More Here.

    On the Genocide see here.

    In the UK,

    The full influence of Jamaati organisations such as the Islamic Foundation UK, East London Mosque, Muslim Aid UK, Dawatul Islam and the UK Islamic Mission is yet to be fully studied but these groups are known to be aggressively pushing Jamaat’s anti-secularism and anti-western literature and ideals – some of the backgrounds of arrested for terrorism ties in the UK such as Mozzam Begg and some of the 7/7 bombers show flirtations with Jamaat politics .

    (From Here)

    Noteworthy are the political links of these bodies, which are wide-ranging. They include local politicians in East London, and the Respect Party.

    We await with interest Islamophobia Watch’s response to these arrests.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 29, 2010 at 10:33 am

    Burqa: Weekly Worker Letter-Page Debate.

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    Secularism to its Enemies.

    The Weekly Worker is proof that the British Left doesn’t need to think in clichés about the Burqa. 

    After Peter Manson’s thought-provoking article (which was replied to on this site)  today’s letters page has a, mostly, excellent set of contributions – here. 

    All resolutely secularist I note. 

    Robert Wilkinson defends the PCF and its abstention on the National Assembly Vote. 

    The greatest omission in your analysis, however, was that it had an inadequate appreciation of the concept of la laïcité (secularism), something that means more than simply the separation of the church and state. Even the PCF deputy who voted for the ban, André Gerin, argued: “Our mission is not to demonise Islam. Far from it. We have to respond to a fundamental question: how best to integrate this religion into the heart of the French republic?” 

    For the left in France, then, the issue is more about how best to integrate Islam into French society than an expression of Islamophobia. La laïcité is a struggle against the separatism and privilege of any religion and a recognition that the ‘freedom’ of a few fanatical believers renders immense assistance to the far right in their demonisation of Muslims. 

    I am less than persuaded that it is just a matter of ‘religon’ . Islamism is a political force. Britain has tried to integrate this, and in France various state sponsored bodies have attempted the same. The left should respond by fighting these movement straightforwardly -to further  wider ‘integration” of people on political not religious grounds. 


    Jacob Richer suggests a wider secularist programme, 

    So, in between liberal secularism and the politically immature Society of the Godless of 1925-47 (with its public destruction of churches in the early 30s), I pose the conversion of all buildings of organised religion, from the Vatican and Mecca’s Masjid al-Haram to more local temples, into intercultural community centres. Various religious groups scheduling their worship and/or prayer services would be forced to engage one another culturally – hence the interculturalism and not multiculturalism – thereby promoting real religious diversity. Articles of worship and/or prayer could be kept in various storage rooms within the community centres, to be brought out during appropriate services. 

    Hopefully this potentially programmatic demand would make a huge dent in the megachurch business phenomenon, itself a display of unequal access to mass media. 

    I would add that, an end of religion’s quasi- automatic charitable status would be another useful reform. 

    Bill Cookson however adds some dubious ideas to secularism. I comment on his remarks in Italics.

    (Peter Manon’s) defence of the wearing of the burqa and niqab – didn’t go far enough to my mind. It comes over as highly weighted in defence of these two symbols of male chauvinism and female repression.Let’s be right – they have nothing whatever to do with religion. They have nothing whatever to do with Islam as such, and any Islamic scholar will tell you as much. This is a dress code imposed from the start on women, and in so far as some women today may ‘choose’ to wear it, it is a choice which is of the same nature of battered wives who stay with their husbands, or slaves who side with their masters.

    It has a lot to do with the reverance people have for ‘scholars’ who find in Islamic texts justifications for this, and religious institutions and political movements (Salafists) that spread the message of Isalmisim.

    Still, being libertarians, we can only demand the right of people to wear what they wish, even if that means causing offence – and deliberately causing offence, as these garments often do and are intended to do. They are a statement of non-integration, a statement of separation. Nobody who wears them is ignorant of the hostility they create, but we defend their right to be offensive.

    No-one defends the right to be a eprmanent state of offence: if we did we couldn’t even open our front door and speak to the neighbours.

    But let’s go beyond that. Do the English Defence League have the same ‘right’ to wear St George’s masks on demos, or folk to dress up in fancy dress Gestapo uniforms, or far-right idiots to march under the hood of the KKK? It would follow from defence of the niqab they must and we must defend their right to do so. What if I choose to wear the niqab, as a white, non-Muslim bloke? The truth is, in all three of these last cases I would be arrested for causing public offence, for conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace, for racial hatred, etc.

    Humm, and your point is..?

    Some bits of cloth, like those who wear them, are more equal and more protected than others, and that’s what makes the left look like such screaming hypocrites in the eyes of many working class folk when we don’t point up the double standards. It follows a decade of Islamic codes imposed on majority non-Muslim communities, non-observance of religious and cultural holidays which don’t happen to include Muslims, the removal of food off the menu at schools which isn’t halal, and forcing the majority population to conform to rules and codes acceptable to Muslims.

    Ah, that Muslims are privileged? There is no doubt a certain multi-cultural kow-towing to Islam but what are you going to do about this? Is it worse than deference to English nationalism during the World Cup? Does it mean anything that affects you?

    Those are facts, comrades. We choose to shut up about it, not mention and even support it, because we are scared shitless of being labelled ‘racialist’. The conclusion which many working people draw is that the left isn’t interested in equality, isn’t interested in defending common justice and fair play for everyone: just minorities. I know I’ll be howled down for this, in this paper at least, but I know and you know, I’d be supported on any street in the country, in any bar, in any workplace, and I’d be right.

    Until we start telling the whole truth, and seeing fairness and fair play as extending to white workers too, we will have no dialogue with anyone but ourselves.

    Let’s set aside the fact that many Muslims are ‘white’ – Arabs to begin with. Unless you have any specific gripe this seems like a good old moan in said bar and workplace. My own immediate moans tend to focus on something that casues  a lot more immediate problems: the local Liberal-Tory Junta that runs the Council, and effects of the coming cuts on my life. They also touch people regardelss of their religon, and minority status. Maybe we ought to be be about uniting people on a common class basis instead of dividing them – like multiculturalists and racists.  

    Then there is this (modesty stops me from singing its praises): 

    Unlike most of the British liberal left, Peter Manson does not start from the absurd premise that the full-body veil is “empowering” (‘French burqa ban has nothing to do with women’s rights’, July 22).

    Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    July 30, 2010 at 10:37 am

    Benedict Gummer’s New Column.

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    Ipswich’s MP on life in Suffolk, Westminster and Hades.

    Tendance Coatesy welcomes an old friend of our Blog as regular Guest Contributor: Benedict Gummer.

    Nigel Pickover, Mr Trimley, of the Evening Star, kindly gives Benedict pages of coverage in his advertising sheet. But has so far refused to print our MP’s opinions in full. Unlike our so-called rivals, the Conservative Ipswich Spy, and  Bridge Ward News, Tendance Coatesy practices a free-speech policy for anyone we agree with.

    Be prepared for some surprises!



    It’s that time of year again! Never a day goes past without me setting up, opening, or visiting, one of the many succesful projects I have initiated in Ipswich! In the words of Hannibal, of the A Team, “I love  it when a plan comes together!” So far I have built the new Suffolk University, brought down the price of cider, set up an exhibition of world-famous Saatchi art, run Ipswich Music Day and carved the new statue of Gilles’ Granny for the corner of Prince’s Street!

    It’s a busy life bringing austerity-proof fun to Ipswich!

    I read Chomsky you know.

    Lady Lane.

    A little gem in the heart of medieval Ipswich. A shrouded statue of our blessed Lady in a cobbled ally surrounded by beautiful gabled houses.

    Step over the discarded tins of Tennent’s Super and you can imagine yourself back hundreds of years.

    Whilholm pilgrims from as far away as Santiago de Compostela  would visit this spot to pay respects.

    In fervent devotion they would whip themselves. Then, after pints of Holywell’s White Wine, the crowd would be off to see the latest pyre of burning heretics!

    Nearby is the rupestre retreat of Saint Mary at Elms.

    I often visit this church wearing my Opus Dei  hair-shirt.

    I read Chomsky you know!


    Quo Vadis? One of our government’s top priorities is better public transport. It was  only through a Tory government that people had buses and trains! I have my own choo-choo set in my loft. So what could be finer than to inaugurate a new Benedict Express on the Ipswich to Manningtree line (a mere three hours journey these days!).

    The locomotive, powered by Work Programme Volunteers, is sleek and shiny. A special carriage, modelled on the Orient Express, can serve as a function room. The chandeliers are a joy!

    I like footer as well. Ipswich Town is the greatest team in Europe!

    Perhaps I will invite them for a day trip on the Ipswich to Aldeburgh line!

    I read Chomsky you know!



    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 1, 2010 at 10:57 am

    Suffolk Libraries To Be Run By Community Groups.

    with 8 comments

    Replacing Public Services Near You.

    As predicted on this Blog the ‘Big Society’ is coming. That is, getting rid of public services and replacing them with the ‘community’ and ‘volunteers’.

    In Suffolk the County Council is exploring ways of  fulfiling its statutory obligations at the utmost  minimum and hiving off as much responsiblity as possible to ‘community groups’. The first wave appears to affect branch libraries.

    Today’s East Anglian Daily Times reports,

    The county is keen that local community groups or parish councils should take over the running of library buildings.

    A county council spokesman said: “There is no suggestion that if a community group does not take on the responsibility for running the library that it will automatically be closed.

    “Clearly consideration needs to be given to the viability of a library but this is not about dismantling the library service and replacing all staff with volunteers.

     (More Here. )

    One can assume that in well-heeled areas ‘community groups’ of, er, the well-heeled, might do this.

    But what of the Branch libraries on Ipswich and Lowestoft estates?

    With the Big Society we can expect more string-and-sellotape public services.

    Held together by Lord and Lady Bountiful.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 2, 2010 at 12:38 pm

    Roma and Travellers (Gens du Voyage)Threatened with Explusion in France.

    with 4 comments

    The explusion of Roma and Travellers in France is a major attack on human rights.

    The state-financed France 24 reports (from Here).

    President Nicolas Sarkozy warned on Friday that France would strip foreign-born criminals of their French nationality if they use violence against police or public officials.
    Struggling in the opinion polls after his government was implicated in a financial scandal and in the wake of a spate of violent unrest, Sarkozy announced a headline-grabbing package of security measures.
    Top of the list, in a week when Sarkozy had already threatened to expel foreign Roma minorities who commit crimes back to Eastern Europe, was a vow to tighten nationality rules for other non-French-born criminals.
    “Nationality should be stripped from anyone of foreign origin who deliberately endangers the life of a police officer, a soldier or a gendarme or anyone else holding public authority,” Sarkozy said.
    Speaking in the eastern city of Grenoble, scene in recent weeks of clashes between police and armed rioters, Sarkozy said that foreign minors who commit crimes would henceforth find it harder to get citizenship on coming of age.

    The European Roma Rights Centre says (Here),

     In reaction to French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s plan to systematically evict French Travellers and migrant Roma from their homes and collectively expel Roma EU citizens from France, the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) today called for an end to plans which would lead to gross human rights violations of these marginalised groups.In a letter to the President, the ERRC stated that the French Government’s plan would worsen the housing conditions of Travellers and Roma and may breach legal protections on freedom of movement and against collective expulsion. The ERRC also noted that the President’s plan reinforces discriminatory perceptions about Roma and Travellers and inflames public opinion against them.

    In reaction to the President’s plan, ERRC Executive Director Robert Kushen stated, “Last year the European Committe of Social Rights found that France violated the European Social Charter by failing to provide adequate accommodations to Travellers and migrant Roma. If the Government wants to address the problem of illegal settlements, it should start by fully implementing French law that requires the creation of an adequate number of halting sites for Travellers with appropriate services. The scapegoating of Travellers and Roma is not going to solve the problem.” 

    The ERRC also called on the President to respect and protect the right of free movement for all EU citizens, including those of Roma origin, and to avoid the collective expulsion of Roma from French territory.

    This is part of a wider European wave of discrimination and intimidation. (More Here and, particularly well-expressed Here – in English).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 3, 2010 at 9:49 am

    Posted in Europe, Fascism, French Politics, Racism

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    Bob Avakian Tribute: Coatesy Goes RCP!

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    It would be a failure in the revolutionary duties of the Tendance Coatesy not to join in the people’s international campaign to make Bob Avakian a Household Name!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 4, 2010 at 12:05 pm

    French Human Rights League Calls for Protests Against Xenophobia and Scapegoating.

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    Republican Values Never Die!

    Face à la xénophobie et à la politique du pilori : liberté, égalité, fraternité!

    Faced with the government’s xenophobia and scapegoating the Ligue de droits de homme calls for a massive protest. For Liberty, Equality and Fraternity!

    Et nous appelons à un grand rassemblement citoyen à l’occasion du 140e anniversaire de la République, le samedi 4 septembre Place de la République à Paris, à 14h00, et partout en France, pour dire ensemble notre attachement à la liberté, à l’égalité et à la fraternité qui sont et qui resteront notre bien commun.

    (More Here. )

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 5, 2010 at 12:10 pm

    Suffolk Library Cuts: Evening Star’s Paul Geater Says Volunteers Replacing Staff, “Interesting”.

    with 12 comments

    Christian Volunteers’ New Library Index.

    Paul Geater is the Ipswich Evening Star’s Political Editor. The big feller (who ate all the Salmon en croûte?) has close contacts with the Tory Party. As is the nature of his job. Though some say he is closer to them than a thirsty lip to a pint of Abbott Ale.

    In his Friday Column for the local  paper (not yet available on-line) Geater takes up the issue of cuts to county council budgets. He observes, that they may cause “pain to some of the most vulnerable members of Suffolk society”. He then moots the opinion that “some of the ideas being proposed for the Library Service sound interesting”. (Plans covered Here and Here.)

    ‘Interesting can mean the kind fo thing you say about a bad painting. Here it appears to signify that while Geater likes to idea of a universal service” he has nothing against ”volunteers from the community”  working at the “desk” -. That is “especially if means opening the libraries during the evenings and the weekends”. Some reserves about handling fine-money apart the bulky bloke says that “I don’t see the idea of involving volunteers in running libraries as  the end of the world.”

    We will all see “how tight the council’s finances are”. What will really matter, it seems, is when budget reductions will hit “vulnerable members of society” and the “safety net” they rely on. Books and knowledge are a luxury, along with CDs and DVDs.

    Geater has apparently never heard of the expression, the thin end of the wedge.

    The Tory-led County proposes to give over entire branch libraries to “community groups“. Volunteers will replace paid staff. The busy-body tendency will be in charge of parts of a major public service. This will be template for other sectors.

    Some weeks back Geater stated that (Here

    So the next time you hear cuts are inevitable ask why – is it really out of necessity or for narrow political reasons.

    There’s nothing wrong with wanting to cut the size of the state in itself – but to push through painful cuts on the pretext that there is no alternative when there quite clearly is another way is plain dishonest.

    So this is the ‘alternative’.

    This is David Cameron’s Big Society in action.

    I mention, for the moment, one problem.

    Christian Churches and other religious groups are eager to get involved in running these parts of the state. Theymake up probably the largest collection of groups to welcome the Big Society idea. (Here)Will they get their hands on parts of Suffolk library service? These organisations are not known for the commitment to free-expression. Indeed nearly all religious groups strongly campaigned for the hardest versions of the Racial and Religious Hatred Act. That would have meant it illegal to make vicious fun or strong criticisms of their beliefs. They did not succeed in this aim, but not for lacking of trying (Here).

    I would not like to have any of them responsible for any part of the public library service.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 7, 2010 at 10:47 am

    Pope Welcome to Preach Without State Subsidies.

    with 7 comments

    Same Name as Ipswich MP! Spooky, eh?

    Britain faces, the Liberal-Tory Cabinet claims, a crisis of public finance.

    The Pope’s  coming visit is estimated to cost £10-12 Million of public funds (Here).

    It would be an indication of Christian compassion, and support for the “big society”, if the Pope made a gesture on this topic.

    The Catholic Church should offer to take these expenses over itself.

    To show even-handness he should also back the workers’ demands in this dispute,

    The Pope’s visit to Scotland could be disrupted by a day of strikes by council workers in an ongoing dispute over pay and conditions, the GMB union has said.

    Benedict XVI is to face picket lines at the venue where he is due to celebrate Mass before thousands of pilgrims in Glasgow next month.

    Workers employed by Glasgow Life are expected to walk out on September 16, the GMB said.

    (Morning Star Here. )

    We therefore endorse this moving appeal from quasi-official Vatican sources, and call for even more pocket digging.

    “So I am asking the faithful to have a good rummage down the back of their sofas, and see if you can find any spare change. Or perhaps you have a jar of pennies that’s just lying around doing nothing. At this point I recall what Our Lord said in the Parable of the Talents about how it is praiseworthy to put your change to work. So, instead of having your penny jar just sitting on the fireplace gathering dust, you may like to consider contributing to the common good by sending it to Mgr Andrew Summersgill. Every little helps.

    That way ole purple-socks, the creature of the Beast,* might get some understanding. 

    Though his stand on gay rights makes that unlikely, at least for this Blog.

    Though personally I couldn’t be bothered to Protest the Pope.

    * This is a joke: we are equal opportunity god-baiters (note addressed to here and here)

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 8, 2010 at 11:06 am

    Hitch 22: Review, The Loss of Faith.

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    Hitch-22. A Memoir. Christopher Hitchens. Atlantic Books. 2010.

    Review: Hitchens and the Loss of Faith.

    Christopher Hitchens is one of the most talented polemicists of the last decades. The former International Socialist, left-wing journalist “as someone who had spent much of his life writing for The Nation and the New Statesman” he became an enthusiast for Humanitarian Interventions, and assembled “an informal international for the overthrow of fascism in Iraq”. After calling for war on Saddam Hussein, he “stopped calling himself a socialist in 2002”. To most people of the left, Hitchens has been thereafter associated with Neo-Conservatism. There are others who still appreciate him, and are saddened at his present cancer, even while opposing liberal internationalism by force. For all how his “loss of faith” remains a striking, and in many ways unresolved, issue. In god Is Not Great (2007) he said his belief in Marxism could not survive the “onslaught of reality”. That its “intellectual and philosophical and ethical glories” “were in the past.” That it was “no longer any guide to the future” and, as a “total solution” had led to “the most appalling human sacrifices”. (Page 153) But is this all there is to say? In the New Statesman he has been cited as saying that he has remained in some sense a Marxist “but not Socialist”.  Hitch 22 concludes “Karl Marx was rightest all when he commended continual doubt and self criticism” (Page 424).

    Hitch 22 is more, then, than the memories of a conventional journalist. His defence of a range of public causes, books on Orwell, Tom Paine, and atheism, to cite a few, show a powerful voice in defence of dissent, and, a “violent sense of repulsion” at the anti-War left. If we disagree with that there is no longer any “authentic socialist movement” (Page 411)that does not mean we reject everything he has ever said, en bloc.  With the deep emotions expressed Hitchens deserves more than clamour at a ‘turncoat’. Critical respect, above all criticism, for this Life and Opinions is called for. Some have begun this. He has been described as “political romantic’ by David Runciman, and as a “man of faith” subjected to tender scorn by Ian Buruma. From the left, of the relatively benign, Tom Rainer from the AWL  has some understanding for his hostility to indulgence towards Islamism. Nevertheless Hitch 22 is not written by one of “us”. James Bloodworth admires his “engaged” position, and ability to keep “belligerently arguing a point”. Guy Rundle in Spiked On-Line gets nearer to our objective by asking how and when Hitchens began to drift away from the left – in the mid-1980s. They too have never explained clearly how the Revolutionary Communist Party became the libertarian rightist, Institute of Ideas. How Hitchens had a faith, lost it, and whether he has truly found a new one, is probably, for the left, both a mystery and of major interest to those who look into Hitch 22.

    Very Near and Very Recent.

    A leftist reader begins Hitch 22 with all this in mind. There is plenty to disarm the most hardened cadre. Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 9, 2010 at 11:45 am

    French Left Mobilises Against Sarkozy’s ‘Politics of Hate’.

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    Face à la xénophobie et à la politique du pilori : liberté, égalité, fraternité!

    There is no summer-holiday truce for the French left’s protests against President Sarkozy’s racist rabble-rousing. The Nouveau parti anticapitaliste has joined, with the rest of the left, unions, civil liberties and other associations, in this appeal.

    Il est urgent que l’ensemble de la gauche sociale et politique, les organisation syndicales, les associations réagissent tous ensemble pour stopper cette politique anti-sociale et de criminalisation des étrangers.

    It is urgent that the whole of the social and political left, trade unions, and other groups, act together to put a stop the these anti-social policies, and the criminalisation of the foreigners.

    Près de 50 organisations appellent à manifester, le 4 septembre, à partir de 14h, Place de la République et dans plusieurs villes de France.

    More than 50 organisations have called for demonstrations on the 4th of September, Place de la République, Paris, and in many other French cities and towns.

    Le NPA sera présent pour signifier son rejet de la politique raciste, sécuritaire et anti-sociale du gouvernement, son refus de toute législation d’exception inspirée de celle de Vichy sur la déchéance de nationalité …

    The NPA will attend to express its rejection of the racist, repressive and anti-social policies of the Government. We oppose attempts to employ ‘emergency’  legislation, inspired by the Vichy regime, such as removing (French) nationality (from those convicted by the courts).

    (More Here, National Appeal Here)

    The NPA links Sarkozy’s ‘security’ clamp-down (on travellers, foreigners, young people) to wider issues. These include austerity plans – affecting the pension system.

    In Britain the Liberal-Tory Coalition austerity plans have a different rationale. But they seem to involve a comparable level  of hysteria. In this case it’s against the unemployed. Migrants and tavellers are, nevertheless, also attacked.

    Will we see this increase?

    One wonders if Cameron and Clegg will look to Sarkozy for some helpful tips.

    It is worth mentioning that not only does Sarkozy’s UMP party contain ‘liberals’, and ‘centrists. Amongst his cabinet ministers there are individuals from the ‘diversity’ and the ‘left’ (Bernard Kouchner foreign affairs). Important as well is that  the UMP acts as a ‘coalition’ in the National Assembly with the ‘nouveau centre’ grouping (in English here).

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 12, 2010 at 10:44 am

    French Government “se frontnationalise”

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    How it Began…

    France on Thursday sought to fend off sharp criticism from the UN’s anti-racism panel after members highlighted a “resurgence” in racism and xenophobia in one of Europe’s biggest nations.
    French officials underlined the legal grounds for measures being taken against travelling Roma from central Europe as the UN’s Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination wrapped up its hearing on France’s application of international standards.

    The panel of 18 legal experts is due to issue its findings on August 27.

    On Wednesday, several of the independent experts began the hearing with unusually sharp comments about the state of racial discrimination in France.
    Despite legal safeguards, the country is experiencing a “significant resurgence of racism and xenophobia”, Kokou Ewomsan, a Togolese human rights official, told the French delegation.
    France’s treatment of Gipsy communities, the debate on national identity and immigration, minority rights and a hardening political discourse were all questioned.
    US lawyer and former State Department official Pierre-Richard Prosper, vice chairman of the committee, pointed to a lack of “real political will”.

    (More Here)

    More than 40 Rom camps have been dismantled in the last fortnight (Here).

    In an Interview published in today’s Libération leading Socialist Arnaud Montebourg comments, (Here)

    «Le pouvoir se “frontnationalise”»

    The Government is “Front Nationalising itself”.

    This seems fair comment.

    More informed analysis on Rue 89. Including this remark form one of the UN experts,

    Le carnet de circulation des gens du voyage « rappelle l’époque de Pétain », a déclaré l’un d’eux.

    The (special) licence-permit  for Travellers to move around “is a reminder of Pétain’s regime“, said one of them.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 13, 2010 at 10:55 am

    Harry’s Place: Stick to Your Last.

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    Michael Ezra’s Mate in Action.

    I have this comment to make: Harry’s Place stick to your last.

    En ce qui concerne le Blog vous , me dégoûtez.

    The  Fitz affair says it all.  

    I have nothing more to add.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 14, 2010 at 10:02 am

    Posted in Free Speech

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    Now For Something Different.

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    Bashung  tu nous manque déjà!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 19, 2010 at 9:56 am

    Posted in French Left, French Politics

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    Pope Defends Roma: Coatesy Goes Pro-Pope.

    with 7 comments

    Good On You My Son!


    CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy — Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday asked French pilgrims to welcome people of all origins, just days after France repatriated more than 200 Roma and Gypsies in a controversial crackdown.

    The pope said Sunday’s scriptures were “an invitation to know how to accept legitimate differences among humans, just like Jesus came to pull together men from every nation and speaking every language.”

    Amid fierce criticism from opposition politicians and human rights groups, France flew Roma and Gypsies back to Romania on “a voluntary basis” on Thursday and Friday in exchange for grants of 300 euros (385 dollars) per person.

    He deserves the support of all anti-racists.

    More in French here.

    Des hommes d’Église critiquent la “guerre” contre les Roms

    Meanwhile les pauvres hères are cast from pillar to post.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 23, 2010 at 9:56 am

    Posted in French Politics, Racism, Secularism

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    Michael Ezra: Hedge-Fund ‘Guru’ And Red-Baiter.

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    Michael Ezra’s Alternative to Marxism.


    Les limiers which we set on him found their man.

    Michael Ezra and Robert Salem of London-based Duration Asset Management *have launched two funds of hedge funds.

    The two funds are Duration Core Enhanced Fund, which is a multi strategy fund of hedge funds and Duration Focus Enhanced Fund, which is a fixed income focused fund of hedge funds.

    Duration’s CIO Michael Ezra said: “Hedge funds are becoming an increasingly popular asset class as investors realize the benefits of absolute return investments. At Duration Asset Management we aim to stay at the forefront of technological developments in the markets and use our unique market contacts to source the best hedge funds. We aim to deliver to our investors a steady stream of positive returns with low volatility.”


    A  Hedge-Fund manager giving lessons to Marxists!

    Did I just re-mention that Michael Ezra is a hedge-fund manager?

    Er I just did.

    *This  Duration Asset Management makes our Marxist Pary titles look sane!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 25, 2010 at 9:46 am

    Posted in Anti-Fascism, Marxism, New Left

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    Roma Expulsions Continue: La Honte de la France.

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    Are these Not Human Beings Who Merit Love, not Hate?

    Deux avions ”spécialement affrétés” ont décollé à destination de Bucarest en pleine visite de deux ministres roumains à Paris. 


    Archbishop of Paris concerned about Gypsy crackdown as expulsions continue

    By Angela Doland (CP) – 22 minutes ago 

    PARIS — The archbishop of Paris added to mounting criticism of France’s crackdown on Gypsies, referring to the operation as a “circus” and saying Thursday he would tell the government that there are lines that cannot be crossed. 

    Meanwhile, France expelled more Gypsies, or Roma, on Thursday, 


    This is a complete and utter scandal.

    Those of us who deeply  love France and its people are feeling something is going terribly wrong.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 26, 2010 at 4:19 pm

    Posted in French Politics, Racism, Sarkozy

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    Alle Menschen Werden Brüder: The Ideas of Hope and Liberty.

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    This Is The Ideology We Should Follow.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 28, 2010 at 11:13 am

    Posted in Left

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    Kang, Harry’s Place and Kodos.

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    Is this the True Political Agenda of Harry’s Place?

    I merely ask.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    August 31, 2010 at 11:55 am

    Posted in New Left, Religion, Secularism

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    Michael Ezra and the Falsification of History.

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    Michael Ezra’s Morning Tipple.


    World-famous Hedge Fund Manager and General Toss-Pot Michael Ezra descends to the hallucinatory depths.

    He reckons the SWP are some kind of Historical Revisionist Sect on the basis of a few ill-chosen words from one of their cadres.




    Shame on you Boney, Shame, Shame Shame.



    The Fourth International turns not to the governments who have dragooned the peoples into the slaughter, nor to the bourgeois politicians who bear the responsibility for these governments, nor to the labor bureaucracy which supports the warring bourgeoisie. The Fourth International turns to the working men and women, the soldiers and sailors, the ruined peasants and the enslaved colonial peoples. The Fourth International has no ties whatsoever with the oppressors, the exploiters, the imperialists. It is the world party of the toilers, the oppressed, and the exploited.

    Now Ezra, who is a tyro in politics, may eventually get to know that the ‘Trotskyists’,  as he calls them, were a minority of a minority of a minority of leftists in the 30s.

    But, j’en passe.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 1, 2010 at 1:46 pm

    Posted in Marxism, SWP, Trotskyism

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    Now or Never: The Tip-Top Tabloid.

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    From Here 

    The Magazine   

    “Twice as funny as Class war but only half as important”


    Issue 17 includes Binge drinking taste testing, female genitals, political nonsense and exorcism. Featuring Talibandy Capp and Gary Glitter’s. 
    Highly recommended by Pabloite Liquidationists of all countries. 
    Though I should point out that it comes from Norwich.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 6, 2010 at 1:47 pm

    Posted in Anarchism, Anti-Fascism

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    Burston’s Socialist Magician.

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    Burston this year was magical in itself.

    Seeing the little nippers of the Woodcraft Folk, Bob Crow in the crowd  (I shouted, Good on You Bob!), and literally every variety of the left – from the doughty warriors of the relaunched Country Standard, the New Communist Party, SPGB, CPB (M-L), Socialist Appeal, Anarchists, SWP,  Socialist Party, Communist Party of Britain, to the entire leadership of Suffolk Labour Party – was a treat.

    And Tony Benn – warmed the cockles of yer heart.

    But this act topped all.

     More info here.

    Former Labour MP Tony Benn headed a procession of more than 700 marchers for the annual Burston Strike School Rally yesterday to mark the longest strike action in history.

    The veteran politician was joined by leading union officials and Labour leadership hopefuls Ed Balls and Diane Abbott who dropped in on the village green event near Diss.

    The rally commemorates the struggles of teachers, Tom and Kitty Higdon, who set up a rival school in Burston in April 1914 after being dismissed from the Church of England county school because of their union connections. The strike lasted until August 1939.#Mr Benn, who joined the rally on a horse and cart, followed the protest route first adopted by school children 96 years ago, along with union branches from across the country.

    The socialist, who has called on people to revolt against the proposed spending cuts put forward by the coalition government, said it was a “really lovely” event and it was important to recognise the struggles and success of the Higdons.“We have got a government making big cuts in pay, pensions and jobs and people come here because when they hear about the struggles of the past, it inspires them to carry on. Every generation has to fight the same battles again and again and there is no final victory and no final defeat,” he said.

    Organisers spoke of their delight following a “fantastic” turnout for the annual procession, which has been running since 1984. Mike Copperwheat, trustee of the Burston Strike School, said there were many teachers at this year’s event and the attendance could be down to the Conservative-Liberal government.

    Len McCluskey, Unite assistant general secretary, added that the rally was “incredibly important” given the anger over “vicious” public sector cuts.

    “It celebrates the spirit of community and solidarity of people nearly 100 years ago and in the current climate we will need that spirit of resilience more than ever,” he said.

    Just on a personal note us Ipswich lot ended up in the Dove back in town.

    The leader of Ipswich Liberal Democrats, Andrew Cann, came up and made threatening noises about this very Blog.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 7, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    Posted in Labour Movement, Labour Party

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    France: The Street Speaks.

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    From the Telegraph:

    French strike brings trains and planes to halt

    Schools, trains, planes and public services suffered widespread disruption in France as demonstrations unfurled across the country to protest against President Nicolas Sarkozy’s plan to increase the retirement age from 60 to 62.

    The Paris crowd was so big it had to split into two to march through the capital.Unions, who claimed that 2.5 million people had taken part, insisted that Mr Sarkozy must give ground on his plan to raise the retirement age to 62 by 2018 from the current 60 for both men and women – the lowest figure in Europe.

    In French from Here

    Retraites : la rue “exprime une inquiétude qu’il faut entendre”Mais “ce n’est pas la rue qui gouverne”. Une déclaration, signée du secrétaire d’Etat à la Fonction publique Georges Tron, qui résume l’attitude adoptée par le gouvernement devant l’ampleur des manifestations contre le projet de réforme des retraites.

    And here

    Les dirigeants syndicaux tablaient sur une mobilisation plus importante que lors de la précédente journée d’action. Le 24 juin, entre 800’000 personnes, selon la police, et 2 millions, selon les syndicats, avaient défilé en France.

    Les premiers chiffres mardi midi confirmaient une mobilisation plus forte qu’en juin pour ce que la presse qualifiait mardi de “tournant” du mandat Sarkozy (La Tribune) ou de “journée vérité” (Le Monde).

    Just  to Pete Shield. Graham Bash from the Briefing phoned me last night and would be interested in contacting you.  He has a high opinion of you btw.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 8, 2010 at 10:18 am

    Wilebaldo Solano, dernier dirigeant du P.O.U.M., est mort hier à Barcelone à l’âge de 94 ans.

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    We salute thee beloved comrade!

    Who the POUM were here. (Wikipedia)

    The POUM or Partido Obrero Unificación Marxista (Catalan: Partit Obrer d’Unificació Marxista; English: Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification) was a Spanish communist political party formed during the Second Republic and mainly active around the Spanish Civil War. It was formed by the fusion of the Trotskyist Communist Left of Spain (Izquierda Comunista de España, ICE) and the Workers and Peasants’ Bloc (BOC, affiliated with the Right Opposition) against the will of Leon Trotsky, with whom the former broke. The writer George Orwell served with the party and witnessed the Stalinist repression of the movement, which would form his anti-totalitarian ideas in later life.[1]

    Wilebaldo Solano est mort.  Wilebaldo Solano, dernier dirigeant du P.O.U.M., est mort hier à Barcelone à l’âge de 94 ans. Secrétaire général de la Jeunesses communiste ibérique en 1936, incarcéré en 1938 avec les autres dirigeants du POUM, Wilebaldo s’était réfugié en France en 1939, y avait été emprisonné par Vichy, avait gagné le maquis, fut élu secrétaire général du POUM en 1947. Il avait travaillé à l’agence France Presse à partir de 1953. La traduction française de son livre Le POUM: Révolution dans la guerre d’Espagne (2002) a fait date et restera un incontournable des bibliothèques militantes.

    Wilebaldo Solano has died in Barcelona at the age of 94. He was the last leader of the POUM. After escaping Franco’s Spain he was imprisoned by the Vickey regime. He escaped again and fought in the resistance. He was elected to the POUM General Secretary post in 1947. Worked for France Presse from 1953. His book Le POUM: Révolution dans la guerre d’Espagne (2002) is indispensable.

    From the excellent site La Bataille socialiste here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 8, 2010 at 1:33 pm

    Posted in Anti-Fascism, European Left

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    Burn the Koran? Tendance Official Line: NO.

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    Excellent with Fish and Chips.

    “Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen”

    Where one begins by burning books, one will end up burning people”

    Heinrich Heine Almansor (1821)

    So that’s that.


    Story on this everywhere – eg here.


    But when I hear the likes of Tony Blair going about what a peaceful religion Islam is, worthy of great respect, and all the usual suspects crawling to the importance of religion and the wonders of the barely readable Qur’an (I have two translations both as full of garbled rubbish as the original)….

    For example,

    The Archbishop of Canterbury has joined UK politicians and Muslim groups in condemning plans by a small US church to burn the Koran on 9/11.

    In an Eid greeting to Muslims, Dr Rowan Williams said there was “no place… for violent response”.

    The US pastor later announced that he had cancelled his protest.

    He claimed the group behind a planned Islamic centre near Ground Zero in New York had agreed to relocate it, but the group denied this.

    A spokesman for the site developer said: “The Muslim Community Center called Park51 in Lower Manhattan is not being moved.”

    Downing Street had earlier also joined a chorus of international criticism about the Koran-burning plan, condemning any bid to offend a religious group.

    Ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair urged people to read the Koran, not burn it.


    That is here.

    I suggest by contrast that the Koran would make excellent wrapping for fish and chips.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 10, 2010 at 1:07 pm

    Posted in Islam, Islamism, Religion, Secularism

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    80th Fête de l’Humanité.

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    It’s all happening now. More Here

    Now we have had, er hum, major differences with the PCF. (French Communist Party) – though we’ve been at the Fête many a time. And we support the Front de Gauche (in American English here) as one of the best initiatives on the European left.

    Pierre Laurent, secrétaire national du PCF discute avec Cécile Duflot, secrétaire nationale des Verts au stand du Parti communiste le 10 septembre 2010, à La Courneuve.
    Pierre Laurent, National Secretary of the PCF in dicussion with  Cécile Duflot, National Secretary of the Verts (Green Party).
    From Le Monde  Here


    Happy Birthday Comrades.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 11, 2010 at 2:42 pm

    Claude Chabrol: Homage.

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    One of France’s best-known film directors, Claude Chabrol, has died at the age of 80.

    Chabrol is best known for 1960s and 70s thrillers such as The Unfaithful Wife, The Butcher and This Man Must Die.

    From BBC Here

    My favourite Chabrol Film

    From Wikipidia.

    La Cérémonie tells the story of a dyslexic illiterate domestic servant, Sophie (Sandrine Bonnaire) who has been hired by wealthy housewife Catherine (Jacqueline Bisset). Sophie becomes friends with an erratic post office employee, Jeanne (Isabelle Huppert), and their lives begin to spiral towards violence. Chabrol presents an ambiguous view of culture and class conflict in this film, which he jokingly called “the last Marxist film.”

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 13, 2010 at 11:38 am

    Posted in Culture, Films

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    Official Statement on Ratzinger’s State Visit. The Tendance Shows Love.

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    Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner.

    The Tendance finds itself in a quandary.

    Pope Benedict is no friend of progressives.

    It is clear that he holds many abhorrent views – which it would be hardly news to cite.

    As a political and social figure he is worthy of criticism.

    We watched Peter Thatchell’s documentary last night on Channel Four. It made some good points about birth control and the Catholic stand on gays. But we find ourself partly agreeing with the Bishop who said it smacked of a ‘hatchet job’ (Here).

    We have an intense dislike of interfering with people’s private religious feelings. It would be deeply offensive if any attempt were made to disrupt faith ceremonies.

    The strident tone of the secular protests  is also  a turn-off (here).

    As if Benedict were a Khomeini!

    We are also queasy when people try to raise the issue of Child Abuse in the Church.

    This is a question of private suffering. It’s up to those involved to work out how they should be helped to settle the matter with the Church.For secularists to interfere is distasteful.

    It smacks of 19th century salacious tales about Monks and Nuns.

    Our view is this: Goodness is too important a matter to be divided between the religious and the secular.

    Fellow secularists: show some love!


    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 14, 2010 at 11:44 am

    France, Pension ‘Reform’, Stormy Debate in Assembly, Opposition Mobilisation Next Week.

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    7th of September Demo Against Pension ‘Reform’.

    Yesterday’ s French Parliamentary debate on raising the Retirement Age was stormy.

    From France 24. (State Financed, and you can bet Sarkozy has his hand in there).

    Following a marathon debate that started Tuesday afternoon and continued all night, the French National Assembly prepared to vote on Wednesday on a law that would raise the legal retirement age in France from 60 to 62. Opposition Socialists had been planning to use delaying tactics to postpone the process, but the vote was scheduled to proceed at 3pm in Paris.

    The controversial bill that will require the French to work longer has been the centrepiece of one of President Nicolas Sarkozy’s key reforms. In the current French retirement system, a person can retire and receive a full pension at the age of 60 if he or she has worked 41 years, with the government redistributing citizens’ income tax money to the retired. Sarkozy’s centre-right Union for a Popular Movement party (UMP) has argued that if France doesn’t raise the retirement age by two years, the country will no longer be able to fund pensions, given the country’s growing deficits and the increasing life expectancy of its senior citizens. 

    Even at 62, the French retirement age will still be one of the lowest in Europe, where the norm tends to be 65.

    Note By Coatesy: To get a Full Pension most people have to work till 65 – these measures will raise this to 67.

    But Socialists and unions, who staged a massive strike on September 7, have opposed the law vigorously, with Socialist Party leader Martine Aubry calling the retirement issue “a question of justice”. 

    The debate in the National Assembly has been intense, with Socialists pushing back hard against Labour Minister Eric Woerth, who is in charge of drafting the law and getting it passed. Woerth’s credibility has been compromised by his involvement in the L’Oréal heiress scandal, in which he has faced accusations of accepting illegal donations for the ruling UMP party and helping France’s wealthiest woman evade taxes. 

    Note by Coatesy: this is the tip of the iceberg. Woerth has been exposed doing lots of dodgy deals (e.g. l’hippodrome de Compiègne, property deals involving a racecourse) including setting up phantom ‘micro-parties’ to channel funds to the UMP and Sarkozy.

    Sarkozy himself has seen his poll ratings flounder this summer and his administration has been the target of criticism, not only for the pension reform, but also for new security measures aimed at breaking up illegal camps of Roma in France. 

    The reform is widely expected to be approved by the National Assembly and then move on to the Senate for further examination next month. 

    What exactly happened during this Marathon Debate to make it so long? And then for it to be suspended?

    Spectacle inédit: les députés de gauche ont alors manifesté dans le Palais-Bourbon en hurlant “démission“. Le député Verts François de Rugy a dénoncé un “coup de force, qui représente ”un déni de démocratie”. “Cette façon de faire déshonore le Parlement”. Le député PS Philippe Martin a pour sa part évoqué ”une nuit blanche et une journée noire pour la démocratie”. L’ancienne ministre et députée communiste, Marie-George Buffet, s’est déclarée ”en colère”…

    Unprecedented scenes: the left deputies demonstrated in the Palais-Bourbon (Parliament) screaming resign”! The Green Deputy  François de Rugy denounced a “power grab” – part of the government’s “denial of democracy” and that “this behaviour dishonours Parliament.” For his part Philippe Martin of the Socialist Party called the late drawn out session, a “nuit blanche” , literally, a white night, and a “ journée noire” – black day, for democracy. The former Minister and Communist, Marie-George Buffet declared she was “enraged”.

    From Here

     Bernard Accoyer, the President (Speaker) of the National Assembly was responsible for this clamp-down on debate. The Socialist Party called this morning for his resignation. On France-Info this lunch-time he talked of having been ‘physically threatened’ by opposition deputies….

    The new session this afternoon was expected to take a vote. In theory that it. But the time for this keeps getting pushed back and back. Indeed it may not take place this week at all. Though one should not estimate the steam-roller effects of the UMP’s crushing majority and its determination to push these measures through.

    There are demonstrations taking place at this very moment. Meanwhile on France-Inter this morning it was said that the unions are planning a further day of action next Thursday. More information here.

    “Des syndicats français ont appelé à une nouvelle journée de grèves et de manifestations le jeudi 23 septembre partout en France contre la réforme des retraites. Force ouvrière et Solidaires ne se sont pour le moment pas associés à cet appel lancé par les six autres centrales (CFDT, CGT, CFTC, FSU, UNSA, CFE-CGC).”

    Some background:

    Record historique et absolu d’impopularité de la politique économique du gouvernement… 71% de mauvaises opinions.

    The unpopularity of the government’s economic policies have reached an absolute historic record, with 71% people having an unfavourable opinion of them.


    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 15, 2010 at 12:13 pm

    France, Roma and Travellers (Gens du Voyage): Not The Same Discrimination.

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    France’s expulsion of Roma continues to make waves. The state ‘circulaire’ which specially called for the removal of a specified ethnic group has caused outrage across the world. The EU has vividly criticised the action.

    Today Sarkozy at the Brussels summit will defend, in a very loud voice, his government’s actions (the idea that his PM François Fillon has any power is rapidly evaporating). Whatever he says, Sarkozy stands condemned and France may have to face European legal sanction (Here).

    But before we follow the route of Louise Doughty (here) and call for France’s expulsion from the Union some points should be considered.

    That is not just that discrimination against Roma is not a specifically French problem, as the Guardian rightly points out in its Editorial today (Here). It is that a lot of reporting is based on confusions.

    Firstly, the racism of the French action  has been roundly attacked…. in France.

    Secondly, there is a basic inability to think clearly  here.

    There is no general French action against ‘gypsies‘ – as even the Guardian sloppily asserts. There is a distinction between Roma (from Bulgaria, Romania) and ‘gens du voyage‘ (travellers). They are not the same, though obviously there are (often) ethnic links from the same stem.  The former are sedentary, the latter, voyage. In French law the latter term covers anybody who is ‘nomadic’ – including those with no Roma connections at all. Some travellers in the UK have an Irish origin, and some in France have a distant background in those who similarly ‘took to the road’ . 

    French state policy towards the the gens du voyage - who are overwhelmingly French – is not so different from that of other countries.

    There is an exception. The oddity of a special identity card (at the origin designed for fair and circus workers) this is related to such things access to education and other services, not a repressive move.

    French legislation obliges local municipalities to provide sites for travellers (aires). Exactly as in Britain there is often local opposition to them, and many councils find ways not to provide them. Exactly as in Britain there are ‘fears’ by locals, and, exactly as in Britain, a reluctance by councils to provide services (such as education) for travellers. Exactly as in Britain gens du voyage are often expelled from non-authorised camps.

    Prejudice, yes, discrimination, yes, explusions, yes.

    But this is not the same as the action against Roma. That is shoving people out of the country.

    Britain does not have a substanital Roma population. There are a few individuals. Nothing  comparable to France’s. That is a group of people installed in temporary sites resembling third-world ’shanty-towns’ (bidonvilles).

    France, more directly than in other European countries, has decided to deal with this by the worst kind of method: explusion.

    Why? Commentators seem to blame not just French governments (who are certainly at  fault) but French republicanism for its failure to deal with the needs of Roma. Apparently centralised states that lay claim to the device of liberty, equality and fraternity are incapable of dealing with ‘diversity’.

    Josie Appleton argues in Spiked-on-Line (Here)  that France lacks ‘intermediatory institutions’ to cope with minorities. This means they are not intergrated. The French state  has (therefore?) latched onto ‘Roma’ as symbolic others to attack.

    Her knowledge of France and this issue is illustrated by her claim that the gens du voyage in Saint Aignan are…Roma.

    One wonders what the wonderful British multicultural state would do with the installation of Roma settlements….

    Sarkozy is attacked by his critics on the left  for his anti-republican discrimination. Perhaps the ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity might be better at combatting racism than letting people fester in diversity.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 16, 2010 at 11:28 am

    Posted in French Politics, Racism, Sarkozy

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    Pope Links Atheists to Nazis; Coatesy Says, May We Forgive Benedict.

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     Those who trespass against us

    How many times shall I forgive a. Believer when she/he sins against me? Up to seven times?’ Coatesy answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven.’” (Tendance Coatesy. Collected Works Volume 11. Page 275)

    A speech in which the Pope appeared to associate atheism with the Nazis has prompted criticism from humanist organisations.

    From Here.

    Benedict XVI used the first papal state visit to Britain to launch a blistering attack on “atheist extremism” and “aggressive secularism”, and to rue the damage that “the exclusion of God, religion and virtue from public life” had done in the last century.

    The leader of the Roman Catholic church concluded a speech, made before the Queen and assembled dignitaries at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, with the argument that the Nazi desire to eradicate God had led to the Holocaust and a plea for 21st-century Britain to respect its Christian foundations.


    The Catholic Church has, naturally, an impeccable record of heroic opposition to Nazism and Fascism. Its role in promoting science, reason, equal rights, anti-racism during the Dreyfus affair, and more recently in promoting the overthrow of capitalism by donating its wealth to the poor, speaks for itself. Never anxious to grab political or social power the Church has meekly accepted a loss in its control of education and has always listened to contrary views - if not always accepting them, or indeed even giving them the slightest credence. .

    So we atheists should be wary of criticising it.


    But surely we cannot be but a bit miffed at the tone of this language?

    Our patience is further sorely tried by Baroness  Warsi’s claim that faith-motivated volunteers and charities (soon to play a major role in state-funded social policy) are of superior merit and worth than secular ones. (From Here.)

    Though one can see where she gets her confidence in religious volunteers from.

    She stood for Dewsbury at the 2005 General Election and lost by nearly 5000 votes. Yet here she is, telling us of the joys of religion as a Baroness, and an unelected government Minister.

    Proof that faith pays!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 17, 2010 at 10:55 am

    Death of Lutte Ouvrière Founder Hidden For a Year.his

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    Inouï: comment Lutte Ouvrière a caché la mort de Hardy, son chef occulte.

    Dirigeant historique de LO, Robert Barcia, alias Hardy, est mort. Avec lui disparaît l’une des figures de la politique française : il était le fondateur de la première organisation trotskyste du pays. Mais il n’est pas mort hier ; en réalité, il est décédé il y a plus d’un an. Et depuis, les quelques mille militants de Lutte ouvrière gardent farouchement le secret sur sa disparition… Enquête…(More Here)

    The Historic leader of LO, Robert Barcia, alias Hardy, is dead. So disappears one of the characters of French political life. He was the founder of the country’s  premier Trotskyist organisation. But he didn’t die yesterday. In fact he passed away more than a year ago. Since then the few thousand activists of Lutte ouvrière kept this disappearance rigorously a secret….Enquiry on….

    More Here Here

    He died in June last year.

    Nathalie Arthaud, the present public leader of LO, says,

    J’ai lu que nous avions tout fait pour cacher la mort de Hardy, mais c’est complètement faux! Si vous m’aviez appelé il y un an, je vous aurais dit la vérité.

    I’ve read that we did everything to hide Hardy’s death. That’s totally false! If you had called me a year ago I would have told you the truth.

    Elsewhere through these links we learn that not announcing the news was part of his ‘last wishes’.

    So LO would have told the facts if someone had asked about something that they didn’t know had happened…..

    Hat-Tip to Mariategui  Red

    On LO (in English) here.

    I knew they were odd.

    But this!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 17, 2010 at 11:55 am

    Benedict Gummer Goes Popery.

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    Benedict Gummer is the much respected MP for Ipswich. His book, The Black Death and the Big Society, is an international classic. Benedict’s latest pamphlet, “How Bubonic Plague could solve the Pension Crisis” is required reading in the DWP. A frequent Guest Contributor to Tendance Coatesy the Right Honourable speaks on local and international affairs.

    • Pope’s Visit Brings Joy to Ipswich.

    As a member of Opus Dei I have been very excited by the visit of my namesake, Pope Benedict XVl  to Britain. I’ve been wearing my hair-shirt all week! At Westminster Hall yesterday we heard how secularism brought the Nazis, Mussolini, the Khmer Rouge and Hoodies. Today I’ll be attending the beatification of Cardinal Newman. He didn’t like liberals, socialists or atheists either. In Ipswich they’re ringing the Church Bells in celebration. No need for an apologia pro vita sua for the Church!

    As Bridge Ward News says, Vive il Papa!

    • My good friend Paul Geater backs the Big Society in the Ipswich Evening Star.

    The film theatre, run by volunteers is his model. Paul suggests this is a model for running Swimming Pools, Libraries and Museums. Hum.. That’s what my Cambridge tutors would call “an interesting idea”. Will these places open only for three hours, three days a week?

    • The Past Teaches Lessons.

    The anniversary of the Battle of Britain reminds us of some real heroes. Later in the war Ipswich was bombed. It’s worth remembering that before this  our town was a jewel of medieval architecture. My close colleague Andrew Cann, Borough culture chief, tells me that his reasearch in the Dove has thrown up some photos of the area round Rope Walk. A monastery, apple orchards, and a vineyard, are visible. Plump-red faced burghers, their apple-cheeked wives,  and smiling children stand in front of their half-timbered mansions. While all this was destroyed we fought back and won.

    If atheists had been governing Britain we’d now be under a Gauleiter from Berlin!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 19, 2010 at 10:48 am

    Belgium: A Hundred Days Without Government, Europe’s Future?

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    The Sorrow of Beligum.

    100 Days after General Elections Belgium is still without a Federal government.

    The country is always ruled by coalitions, between, Flemish and French, and political parties (and ‘families’) of the centre, left, and right. The balance towards one side  is what matters. In the Federal Parliament and Senate this has been complicated by increasing support from Dutch-speakers for their own, separate, state. This year, the process of Cabinet Formation, always laborious, has dragged on and on.

    After his victory in Flemish territory the nationalist separatist Bart De Wever (N-VA) began negotiations with the Parti Socialiste. PS leader Elio di Rupo was thought likely  to become the next Prime Minister. He, after all, is part of a ‘family’ that spans both linguistic communities. Nevertheless, negotiations between free-market nationalists and federalist social democrats promised to be difficult.

    Wever’s  Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (N-VA) wants an independent Flanders. The unemployed  in the Francophone Wallonia are, they claim, subsidised by the hard-working  Flemish. The principal sticking point in Cabinet negotiations it the N-VA’s demand that the Federal Budget (relating to social security and health) be broken up so that the prosperous North does not contribute to the poor South.

    As with nationalists everywhere this is dressed up in foggy rhetoric about oppression. The French-speakers are accused of a range of faults. Some are true (the historic dominance of Francophones and disregard for the Dutch language and people). Others are  fantasies (such as the claim that their region was downtrodden to the level of a colony). From this range of ‘historic’ grievances (some going back to the Middle Ages) a poisonous cocktail has been mixed.

    Politics becomes centred on these issues. They have institutional effects. A long-term objective of the Flemish is to capture French-speaking speaking Brussels (officially bi-lingual) for its ‘historic’ rulers - the Flemish. A range of petty municipal authorities in the Flemish local districts that lie around part of the Capital increasingly impose rules against French. Unspoken is the fact that most of the high immigrant population in the urban areas are French and not Dutch speakers.

    There is talk of a ‘corridor’ to link Brussels to Wallonia to break out of this ‘encerclement’.  

    Today Le Soir reports that government negotiations have begun again. The main public Radio, La Première, carried interviews this morning with Francophone politicians. Most seemed to think that the NV-A was making the running. There is a continual drift towards a ‘confederal’ state – two effectively independent countries with symbolic unity under the Monarchy. Albert ll would remain King but little else would be held in common.

    There are the same fiscal pressures on Belgium as on Britain. Cuts in public spending loom.  The Flemish Bart De Wever will make sure that ‘his’ people will suffer less than the Walloons. Faced with similar pressures One can see similar nationalist and regionalist self-interest being asserted across Europe.

    Nationalism aligned to the free-market will ensure that efforts to fight fiscal austerity in Belgium will be thwarted.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 21, 2010 at 11:16 am

    France: More Mass Protests Thursday.

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    RÉFORME DES RETRAITES - Les syndicats condamnés au succès dans la rue

    La manifestation du 7 septembre a réuni 1,12 million de manifestants selon le ministère, contre 2,7 millions selon la CGT. ©SIPA

    France’s National Assembly voted last week to raise the retirement age. That is from a minimum of 60 to 62, and (for full pensions for most jobs) from 65 to 67.

    The law now has to be passed by the Senate. Thursday will see unions organise further mass protests. They hope to reach numbers near to the two and half million out on the streets on the 7th of September. 

    Annick Coupé, spokesperson for the radical union federation, l’Union syndicale Solidaires,  has called for a

    “un affrontement central avec ce gouvernement..”  Here

    A direct confrontation with the government.

    SUD clearly wishes to repeat the strike wave of 1995. Then mass protests centred against liberalising first work contracts made Jacques Chirac withdraw the plans. They led to the downfall fo Prime Minster Alain Juppé, (Here.)

    From the other end of the union spectrum, the ‘reformist’ CFDT, support for the protests is strong.

    François Chérèque, assure être “dans un mouvement durable” de contestation de la réforme des retraites , qui est “en train de gagner le soutien populaire”.

    François Chérèque (General Secretary of the CFDT) is certain that this is a “long-term movement” to challenge the retirement reform. It is “winning popular support”. (More Here)

    This is clearly true. The (formely) Communist and now simply left union federation, the CGT reports that,

    A majority of French people would like a ‘great debate’ on retirement. (63%)  That is, as opposed to the way the changes have been steamrolled through. A majority are opposed to the plans.  (70%) . (More Here)

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 22, 2010 at 12:05 pm

    Suffolk County Council Cuts Go Ahead: First Wave of Transfers Looms.

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    Suffolk for Public Services picket line outside Endeavour House. 

    Suffolk for Public Services picket line outside Endeavour House.

    No Coatesy, He Was On A  ’Motivation Programme’  Course.

    (Suffolk Coalition for Public Services: Facebook group Here).

     MEMBERS of Suffolk County Council today approved controversial moves that could lead to the authority selling off most, or even all, its services and the loss of thousands of jobs. More Here.

    From the Official Policy Documents (‘New Strategic Direction’) Given to Councillors:

    The lack of detail about the Big Society, and the pace at which some of the artefacts are developing (sic) , the Big Society Bank for example, has created a policy vacuum.The council is being understanding (sic) with this vacuum within the vacuum primary with the conversation about divestment (i.e. privatisation Note by Coatesy).

    Sources close to the Suffolk Labour Party indicate that ‘divestment’ will take place in 3 phases.

    The  first will mean that Registrars, Home First, the Records Offices, Independent Children’s Centres, Country parks, Hate Crime Services, and Youth Clubs will be hived off. That is, either to private companies, ‘social enterprises’  or will be ‘volunteer-run’ . Libraries are thought to be transferred to a ‘social enterprise’ with some branches also run by ‘volunteers’. A senior Labour Party figure indicated that he thought the use of volunteers may extend to other libraries.

    Several thousand County Council employees are set to lose their jobs.

    We are interested to know how private companies will make a profit out of hate crimes.

    Dear Councillor
    We understand that today the leader of Suffolk County Council will be putting forward proposals to the Council, which will enable the outsourcing of those Public Services currently served by the Council.
    We are most concerned by the detrimental effect this will have on jobs and actual services.
    This extreme course of action did not feature in any election manifesto received by the public in the recent County Coumcil elections and we therefore, demand that, if you consider yourself in support of such proposals, you should resign from your elected post and re-stand on a manifesto that clearly outlines the demise of Public Services in Suffolk.

    Bridge Ward news has yet to comment.

    Ipswich & District Trades Union Council.

    Members from this newly formed Coalition, following a meeting of local Public Sector Trades Unionists on September 9th, will be picketing County Councillors as they enter Endeavour House for a full County Council meeting, and will present them with the following message:

    UPDATE:  Our Informant proves accurate:

    By Neil Puffett
    Children & Young People Now
    24 September 2010

    Youth clubs, integrated youth support and children’s centres will be among the first potential pilot projects for outsourcing services at Suffolk County Council, it has emerged. More Here.

    Guardian Commentary by Patrick Butler  here,

    These changes are a mixture of inspiration and desperation. Some may lead to better, cheaper services. Others could lead to catastrophe. The consequences of this rapid, largely unstrategic shakeup – its effect on democratic accountability, its economic impact on areas where the council is the largest local employer – are unclear.

    Some experts say restructuring on this scale is hard enough at the best of times. Service transformation, the argument goes, happens most effectively when there is money to oil the wheels of change. Blair could have done it in the age of plenty seven years ago; now the piggy bank is empty. Councils are not yet allowed to raise money on the capital markets, and are prevented from putting up council tax.

    Change on this scale is hugely expensive. Redundancy payouts in local government – while not as generous as in the civil service – are typically equivalent to two years’ salary. In theory outsourcing transfers costs and risk to the private sector. Done badly, councils end up paying more, locked into costly, underperforming long-term contracts, or trapped in legal challenges brought by trade unions.

    Nor is there any guarantee that the private companies and charities will be queuing up to take the contracts. Transferred council workers by law keep their council terms and conditions and must be offered “broadly comparable” pensions – requirements that often end up as outsourcing dealbreakers.

    For Tory-run councils, such as Suffolk, the public spending crisis seems to offer an ideological opportunity to change the face of local government. Making it a reality will not be easy.

    If Patrick Butler knew the people behind this plan – the Tory Councillors to begin with , and had read the Strategic Plan cited above (gibberish and incoherence mixed with naked ultra-market ideology), he would be more than sceptical.

    He would be scathing.

    We should be out in Tavern Street tommorow (weather permitting) from 11.00 a.m.

    Well-known Suffolk Facts Number 1: Council Chief Executive, Andrea Hill’s salary is aprox £220,000 per year.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 23, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    Suffolk County Council: From Democracy to ‘Enabling’.

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    Leader of Suffolk County Council.

    (Suffolk Coalition for Public Services: Facebook group Here).

    From Suffolk County Council’s Site.

    Weasel words:

    At today’s Full Council meeting it was agreed that the future role of Suffolk County Council in delivering services will be different.  By changing the way council services are delivered, the county council will be able to reduce costs, reduce its size, cut out waste and bureaucracy and give the people of Suffolk a better say on how they receive services.

    Note: Agreed implies that everyone ‘agreed’. In fact the New Strategic Direction was voted through with opposition councillors opposing it – they did not ‘agree’.

    What ‘will’ happen is a claim, not a fact about the future

    In the future, the council will focus more on commissioning services and supporting other organisations, including the voluntary sector, private sector, and community groups, to deliver services.

    Note: Nearly every service will be contracted out. ‘Commissioning’ and ‘supporting’ means these private bodies will run them and decide on how they deliver the services – democracy will play little part in this.

    Councillor Jeremy Pembroke, Leader of Suffolk County Council, said: “This decision was made with consideration to the financial deficit in the public sector and the Coalition Government’s priority to reduce the deficit and the size of the state.  The Coalition requires lesser government and a bigger society, and Suffolk County Council has responded to this change.”

    Note: What on earth is a ‘bigger society’?  Is Suffolk going to expand into the North Sea? The assertion that this will reduce public spending mean either much worse services by a worse paid workforce, or much higher spending to make sure private bodies make a profit. With probably worse services to boot. Or all at the same time.

    Councillor Pembroke continued: “Now that Full Council has debated the issue and agreed with the future model for the county council, we can begin to talk with the people of Suffolk so they can be involved in the shaping of services for the future.”

    Note: Like Hell! Were we involved in deciding to contract everything out?

    Today’s decision now enables the leadership within the council to further explore different options for the future delivery of services, along with beginning discussions with those people in the county who will be affected. 

    Note: see above. Why didn’t they discuss with people before they inflicted their experiment on us?


    From Here

    What will happen?

    The first services to be affected are:

    Services planned for outsourcing in the first wave are:

    •    Transactional property
    •    Registrars
    •    Suffolk traded services
    •    Employment enterprises, learning and careers advice
    •    Libraries
    •    Home First
    •    A record office
    •    Independent Living Centres
    •    Highway Services
    •    Country Parks
    •    Economic Development
    •    Youth clubs, and Integrated Youth Support and Outdoor Education
    •    Early Years & Childcare, including Children’s Centres
    •    Home Shield Plus
    •    Hate Crime Service


    It is interesting that the Conservative Party’s Local Government Blog gives more information than Suffolk County Council’s public site.

    Well-known Suffolk Facts No2: Jeremy Pembroke, Conservative Leader of Suffolk County Council spent his working life ‘in the City’. 

    He  ”feels very strongly about those who are the most vulnerable in our community”.

    What he feels is not known.

     More Here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 25, 2010 at 10:27 am

    France: The Street Keeps Speaking.

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    Protests to Continue.

    A slightly edited version of the below appears in the latest (October) Labour Briefing. (It was written a couple of weeks ago).

    Across France more than two and a half million people demonstrated on the 7th of September. Protests organised by all the country’s unions (united in the ‘intersyndicale’) were directed against government plans to raise the general retirement age, from 60 to 62, in many cases, and 65 to 67 in others.

    Demonstrations have accelerated as legislation, pushed by the ruling right-wing UMP, is due to be passed this month. While it faces a host of amendments the strength of the majority means it will face few real obstacles in the National Assembly.  Opinion polls indicate that 63% of the population back opposition to these measures (Le Monde 7.9.10). There are few other vehicles than union mobilisations and few places but the street to express this resistance.

    The country has been plunged into a crisis in many areas. To begin with, it is galling that a Minister initially in charge of the pension change, Eric Woerth, is at the centre of a storm about illegal party finances. The complex ‘affaire’ Woerth-Bettencourt involved illegal funding for Nicolas Sarkozy’s electoral campaign.  Political influence for the rich is a long-standing feature of the UMP. In this case the matter is worsened by revelations about the creation of shadowy ‘micro-parties’ to get round rules limiting donations.

    Next, there is the ‘security’ and immigration policy of the government. The expulsion of Roma has become an international scandal. The government promises further hard-line measures.  These include allowing French nationality to be withdrawn from those naturalised (which include soem categories of those of immigrant descent). These policies have met fierce opposition from human rights organisations. The venerable Ligue des Droits de l’Homme, formed during the Dreyfus affair, has led them. Intellectuals, religious figures and left parties have expressed their horror at this scapegoating of a minority.

    Finally, in common with the rest of Europe, there are plans to reduce the public deficit. It is proposed to shrink it from 8% to 6%. This would mean making drastic savings in public spending (yet to be announced). While probably less extreme than, say the cuts we see in the UK, no doubt Sarkozy would like to follow a similar path. Projects about selling off the public sector (parts of the railway system, Postal services) are in their initial stages. The numbers of civil servants are already going to be reduced.

    By centralising power around the Presidency Nicolas Sarkozy has exposed himself to concentrated opposition. The leaders of the left, from Martine Aubry of the Socialists, to the Greens Cécile Duflot, the joint-leaders of the Front de Gauche (Communists, left Socialists and a Trotskyist minority), which did well in this Spring’s regional elections, and the far-left Nouveau parti-anticapitaliste (NPA) have backed the protests. The unions talk of a possible ‘radicalisation’ of the conflict. There are signs that the leader of the UMP may be forced to make concessions. Though at present nothing is less clear.

    Andrew Coates

    One result: this morning Prime Minister François Fillon (who?) was in the news. He appeared to be making a valedictory speech waving good-bye to his post. Fillon stated that Sarkozy was not his  ’mentor’ (here)  A government reshuffle is on the cards. With Presidential elections in the coming years some union leaders think that while they may not win their battle on this issue they will help defeat Sarkozy in the ballot box.

    There has been an argument about the numbers who came out last week. It is clear that a certain drop in strikers happened. But that a huge wave of protesters still demonstrated and feelings run high across the country. Though it looks unlikely that any serious concessions will be made this has only served to make some more resolute. Mobilisations opposing the pension reforms are continuing, and unions are indeed talking about a ‘radicalisation’. Further Days of Action will be held in October. Students, and their organisations,  are now involved (bringing no doubt other grievances into the protests). (Here.)

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 27, 2010 at 10:44 am

    Suffolk County Council Sell-Off At Labour Conference.

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    Even The Orwell Has Had Enough!

    ANGER over the proposed out-sourcing of services at Suffolk County Council reached the floor of the Labour Party Conference when the Tory administration was described as “a circus act with no safety net.”

    Former county council leader Bryony Rudkin told the conference about the county’s attempts to sell off – or divest – all its services leaving just a few hundred contract managers at Endeavour House.

    She said: “It is one huge experiment. The Conservative administration is behaving like a circus act with no safety net.

    “There are no contingency plans if their brave new world goes wrong. Nothing to ensure that vulnerable people continue to get the services they need.”

    She attacked what she saw as the complacency of Conservative councillors who were keen to involve the voluntary sector.

    She said: “At the council meeting last Thursday, one Conservative said his village had come together to build a new doctor’s surgery.

    “That might be fine in the nice comfortable villages but who’s going to come together to build the doctor’s surgery in my area of Ipswich where there are some quite serious deprivation issues?” She asked.

    More Here.

    We hope that Bryony will join the Leader of Suffolk Labour Group, Sandy Martin, in co-operating with the Suffolk Coalition for Public Services.

    We need maximum unity now!

    Country Standard says,

    Suffolk Tories vs Suffolk Partisans

    Despite Suffolk right wing Tories failure to secure the support of a majority of voters at the 2009 County Council elections (they secured less than 50% of the electorate).

    Suffolk County Council Conservative Councillors have agreed to support the Chief Exec’s (Andrea Hill (£250,000) – long time resident of Private Eye’s illustrious columns) “New Strategic Direction” – total divestment of all services.

    Apparently what none of us had realised is that contracting out all services (to who – they have no idea) actually increases democratic participation, delivers “better outcomes” for the people of Suffolk and costs considerably less. “A new era of people power” The Leader of the County Council, Jeremy Pembroke said.

    The small fact Jeremy forgot to mention is that seeking an early reduction of 30% in budget means thousands of jobs…Suffolk County Council is by far the largest employer in Suffolk with 26,000 employees: 30% of 26,000 = 7,800 jobs.

    Not much of an outcome for those workers, their families and the people they serve eh Jeremy? One irksome opposition Councillor asked of Jeremy: Why had there been no consultation with staff or their constituents? The answer “we are here to show leadership.” In other words, we won’t ask you what you want; we might tell you what you get.

    Unsurprisingly the usually laid back people of Suffolk showed that they don’t want this; lobbies of Council were maintained all day and TV cameras had real difficulties in finding anyone to support such a scorched earth policy.

    The Council says it needs to make savings but they haven’t looked in detail at the services they provide, they haven’t considered any alternatives, they are pursuing the Tory ideology of Public Bad, Private Good: So much for the Big Society?

    Helen Muddock, branch secretary of the Suffolk county branch of UNISON, said: “Over the following weeks and months we will be working to protect services we all value within our community and the jobs delivering them to the old, young and the vulnerable.

    “Today’s decision amounts to a blank cheque given to the administration of Suffolk County Council to dismantle local public services as we know it.”

    Country Standard Supporter Ann Cater of Leiston condemned the move as “Crass, short sighted and politically driven” Now the hard work begins, we need to challenge, to make links with the community; this is a fight we can’t afford to loose. Undoubtedly other councils will be watching, waiting to see if they too can get away with it.

    Sharpen the Sikle !

    Join the Suffolk Partisans – Fight the Cuts !


    The Suffolk Coalition for Public Services will be out in Tavern Street , Ipswich, 11.00 to 13.00 Saturdays.

    There will be a regional demonstration in Cambridge on the 23rd of October. We hope to organise transport.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 28, 2010 at 11:41 am

    European Protests Against Austerity: Analysis.

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    European trade Union Day of Action to say ” No” to austerity measures. (ETUC)

    Morning Star Report Here.


    Bernard Guetta On France-Inter this morning (Here),

    C’était, à la fois, une première et un signe. Jamais encore la Confédération européenne des syndicats, la CES, qui regroupe la majeure partie des centrales de l’Union dans une seule et même organisation, n’avait organisé, le même jour, hier, des manifestations simultanées à Bruxelles et dans douze autres capitales de pays membres ou candidats à l’adhésion

    It was, at the same time, a first and a signal. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), which links the majority of European National Trade Union bodies in the same organisation, has never before organised, on the same day, simultaneous demonstrations in Brussels and twelve other capitals of countries which are either members of the European Union or candidates to join.

    He concludes,

    Donnée pour morte il y encore peu, la gauche européenne se réveille.

    Thought to be dead only a short while ago, the European left is waking up.

    Further points – which may get ignored in the UK.

    The main Belgium Trade Union Federation, the General Federation of Belgian Labour (ABVV/FGTB), marched with slogans opposing the division of the country’s ‘social security’ budget and institutions being divided into Flemish and Walloon sections (Here). This covers key public services, from health, incapacity benefit, family allocations,  to payments to the out-of-work(Here). The separatist NVA and its leader, Bart de Wever, are demanding that it be broken in two, claiming the prosperous Flemish are subsidising the feckless French-speakers. They also want to restrict unemployment benefit to two years.  Beggering your neighbour is the strategy of many other similar nationalist groups now gaining support.

    Another developement is happening in Spain. The PSOE and its leader, Prime Minister Zapatero, has been criticised for giving in to IMF, EU,  and financial capital’s demands for austerity. The Izquirada Unida, an alliance of former Communists, left socialists and Greens, was until recently slowly declining. If not rotting away. Opinion polls now show them increasing from 4% to 7,8% of intentions to vote. El Pais says the government will not change course after this “Primera huelga general contra Zapatero” (first general strike against Zapatero) (Here).


    What should our reaction be?

    Slavoj Žižek says (New Left Review  No 64, 2010),

    “Ours is the very opposite of the classical early 20th century situation, in which the left knew what had to be done (establish the dictatorship of the proletariat) but had to wait patiently for the proper moment of execution. Today we do not know what we have to do, but we have to act now, because the consequences of non-action could be disastrous. We will be forced to live ‘as if we were free’. We will have to risk taking steps into the abyss, in totally inappropriate situations; we will have to reinvent aspects of the new, just to keep the machinery going and maintain what was good in the old  – education, healthcare, basic social services…”


    Quite right!

    Dreams Can Come True!

    Camarades Encore Un Effort!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    September 30, 2010 at 10:56 am

    Islamism and the Far-Right: David Hoile Surfaces Again.

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    David Hoile, From Apartheid to Islamism.

    David Hoile is an apologist for the Sudanese Islamist regime. He works for the European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council. The British ‘professor’ is noted for his defence of Khartoum actions in Darfur. In particular he stands up for the President Omar Al-Bashir  (critique of his views here). At present he is active in  opposing charges levelled against the dictator by the International Criminal Court. 

    Hoile’s  identification with Islamism goes further. He states that (here), “The fact is that within the Arab and Islamic world Sudan has led the way with regard to women’s social, political and economic rights.” Not surprisingly he has attracted the admiration of Respect Party notable, Yvonne Ridely (here).

    In Le Monde (29.9.10) it is revealed that he attended the Geneva building of the  ”conseil des droits de l’homme’ (human rights council) on the 16th of September. He claimed to represent an independent NGO under the name of ‘David Howil’.  At a meeting of the Hawa Society for Woman,  a ‘GONGO’ (Government Operated non-Governmental Organisation), he  attacked the International Court, calling it a “  European Guantanamo”. ‘Howil’ , defending Sudan against “propaganda” saw “positive developments” in its human rights record.

    In the 1980s Hoile was one of the leaders of the Federation of Conservative Students. He backed the Contras in Nicaragua, UNITA in Angola, and attacked the ANC. He is worse a badge saying “Hang Nelson Mandela”. Hoile equally enthused over Remano, the anti-Frelimo guerilla movement in Mozambique, financed by the South African apartheid regime.

    More background here.

    Funny that Tory racists should admire brutal Sudanese Islamism so much.

    Or perhaps the racists and misogynists of  Khartoum really are defenders of human rights.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 2, 2010 at 10:23 am

    Posted in Fascism, Islam, Islamism, Racism

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    France, More Anti-Pension ‘Reform’ Demos: War of the Numbers.

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    Unlikely to Happen.

    Demonstrations in France continue against Sarkozy’s pension ‘reform’.

    As the legislation passes from the National Assembly to the Senate next week the only possible venue for opposition is the street. The wave of revolt appears, however, to have reached its peak.

    To the left Saturday’s marches drew as many people as the previous ones (two Days of Action), attracting support from those unable or unwilling to sacrifice a day’s pay. A wider  participation of those in the private or un-unionised sectors, as well as younger people, has not meant bigger overall total of supporters marching.

    The limits of protest are becoming apparent. Without either a full-scale revolt, with serious industrial and administrative disruption, it is hard to see what signaling disagreement can achieve in the short-term. Sarkozy and his ministers can effect say “I understand your concerns” without changing their basic plans. Which will, without any doubt, soon extend to something approaching the ‘cuts’ we see looming in the UK.  

    In such an impasse debate seems to centre on the numbers of people demonstrating.

    A trois jours de l’examen du texte au Sénat, les syndicats ont estimé la participation aux cortèges (229 selon eux, 240 selon le ministère de l’Intérieur) “au même niveau” que le 23 septembre, date de la précédente journée d’action: 2,9 millions pour la CFDT, près de 3 millions pour la CGT.

    Pour le ministère de l’Intérieur en revanche, le nombre de manifestants s’est élevé à 899.000, soit 98.000 de moins.

    The unions estimate that there were 229 marches, the Ministry of the Interior, 240, and participation as the “same level” as the previous Day of Action (23rd of September). That is, there were , for the CFDT (union federation), 2,9 million people out, and for the CGT, 3 million.

    For the Ministry of the Interior, by contrast, there 8,99,000 marchers, that is, a drop of 98,000 people fewer.


    It is not a good sign that the main debate on this movement of protest seems, at the moment to be about the method of counting demonstrators (here).



    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 3, 2010 at 10:54 am

    Suffolk County Council Sell-Offs: The Tories’ Scandal Grows and Grows.

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    The New Suffolk Enclosures.


    (Suffolk Coalition for Public Services: Facebook group Here).

    The East Anglian Daily Times  reports today,

    In a survey of more than 20 town and parish councils and voluntary groups carried out by the EADT, the overwhelming majority said they did not feel they had been consulted properly on the Suffolk County Council proposals.

    (Note: Hardly surprising since they were not consulted. More interesting would be a list of those who dreamt that they were!)

    County councillors last month voted 52-11 to approve moves towards introducing a new strategic direction which could see county council services being provided by other organisations.

    (Note: Not surprising, these  Ladies and Knights of the Shire (or South-Folk),  vote as they’re told.).

    One of the visions of the new direction is for communities to do things for themselves and for volunteers to take on more responsibilities, like running vital services.

    However, the EADT has discovered that many town and parish councils – who will be given more responsibilities under the plans – have been left angry because they feel they had not been consulted before county councillors agreed on the new strategic direction last month. (More Here)

    (Note: Angry!  Localism is a fraud if it’s imposed on unasked, unconsulted people in elected positions. Let alone the unasked, unconsulted electorate.)

    Now we realise that not many lefties, even those of us who live in Suffolk, read the EADT print-copy. It has to be said that the daily has seen better days. This is not the journalists’ fault but part of a general trend to run down local newspapers  - as readers of Flat Earth News know. 

     But this story has been covered very thoroughly.

    In the print edition there is an article title, “Don’t take the voluntary sector for granted“.

    Cliff Horne of the Suffolk Pensioners’ Association is quoted as saying that, “They are taking a lot for granted in assuming that the voluntary sector will take up the slack, that we are ready and able to take on this extra work.” and “At the end of the day we are still volunteers and if it does get too onerous people will won’t volunteer.”

    Dr Wil Gibson rightly asks “if there is a  reference as to which voluntary organisation takes the lead or if there will be a formal tender process”.

    We confidently predict (since the Tories’ National Local Government site is better informed than Suffolk County Council’s one) that the Suffolk Strangulation of Services (SSS) will feature at the Conservative Conference.

    Meanwhile Suffolk County Council is run by a clique of ideologues. They interpret David Cameron’s Big Society to mean fewer publicly funded services, resposible to democraticaly elected councillors. Instead we will have most services provided by ‘volunteers’, ‘social enterprises’ and (more probable) private profiteers.

    We would ask some further questions:

    • By what criteria are voluntary bodies assumed suitable to take over County Council responsibilities? How are these organisations to be assessed?
    • Do voluntary bodies have to submit to minimum standards of internal democracy and accountability?
    • Who are they, and any ‘social enterprsie’ or private company, responsible to  during the period during which they carry out their  contractual obligations? To their CEOs, to their Management Boards, to their shareholders, or to the people of Suffolk? If they are in some way accountable to the electorate, how is this to operate?

    With the eye of a Suffolk Seer we can envisage that the process of hiving off  publicly owned property to private hands  will offer rich pickings for Private Eye in the months to come.  

    The Socialist Party have already begun – here.


    Update: some information has finally appeared on the County Council’s site – Here.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 4, 2010 at 4:59 pm

    Sarkozy Verses Unions and Left: Test of Wills Reaches New Stage.

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    Inching Towards a General Strike?

    Alors que le débat parlementaire sur la réforme des retraites se poursuit au Sénat, les initiatives en faveur de grèves reconductibles ont fleuri ces derniers jours, face à la détermination du gouvernement à reculer l’âge de départ en retraite.

    While the Parliamentary debate continues in the Senate, and the Government has shown itself determined not to back down on its proposals to raise the retirement age, initiatives in favour of a ‘continous series’ (grèves reconductibles) of strikes have blossomed in the last few days.

    Sectors affected include:

    SNCF (Railways). The  CGT-cheminots (railworkers),  the largest union, has proposed to other railway unions that from the 12th fo October there be ‘contunuous strikes). Other unions have already decided to strike.

    RATP (Parisain Regional Transport System).. The  CGT de la RATP, the leading unions in this public service, has indicated that it intends to begin an unlimited strike from Monday the 11th of October. FO (anti-Communist and Lambertist union group),  SUD (far-left) support the same move.  Update CFDT join in (here)

    In other Urban Transport Networks the a CGT calls for this movement to continue until the  30th of October.

    Total(Oil refineries). The  CGT-Total calls for a continuous strike (grève reconductible) from the  12th of October

    Ports et docks. The CGT Federation call for a continuous strike (grève reconductible ) from the 12th of  October

    Routiers (Haulage) . The CGT calls for the same wave of strikes from the 12th of October. .

    From today’s Le Monde  Here

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 6, 2010 at 12:05 pm

    Claude Lefort (Socialisme ou Barbarie to Anti-Totalitarianism) Dies.

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    Claude Lefort:  From Socialism to Anti-Totalitarianism.

    The French political theorist and philosopher Claude Lefort died on Sunday the 3rd of October at 86 years old (Here)

    For the left Lefort’s most significant political and intellectual activity was some time ago, in the 1950s hey-days of the libertarian socialist (and critical Marxist) French group, Socialisme ou Barbarie.

    Wikipedia summarises this,

    Claude Lefort (1924 – October 4, 2010) was a French philosopher and activist.

    He was politically active by 1942 under the influence of his tutor, the phenomenologistt Maurice Merleau-Ponty (whose posthumous publications Lefort later edited).  By 1943 he was organising a faction of the Trotskyist Parti Communiste Internationaliste at the Lycée Henri IV in Paris (Note: an elite institution of the Parisian intellectual bourgeoisie).

    Lefort was impressed by Cornelius Castoriadis when he first met him. From 1946 he collaborated with him in the Chaulieu-Montal Tendency, so called from their pseudonyms Pierre Chaulieu (Castoriadis) and Claude Montal (Lefort). They published On the Regime and Against the Defence of the USSR, a critique of both the Soviet Union  and its Trotskyist supporters. They suggested that the USSR was dominated by a social layer of bureaucrats, and that it consisted of a new kind of society as aggressive as Western European societies. By 1948, having tried to persuade other Trotskyists of their viewpoint, they broke away with about a dozen others and founded the libertarian socialist group Socialisme ou Barbarie. Lefort’s text L’Expérience prolétarienne was important in shifting the group’s focus towards forms of self-organisation. (Note: their views had something in common both with theories of ‘bureaucratic collectivism’ of Djilas’ critique of the ‘new class’ in Stalinist states). (From Here. )

    During the 1970s Lefort moved from his libertarian socialist, or ‘gauchiste’ origins, to develop a more general (and explicitly non-Marxist) theory of ‘totaliarianism’. This owed a debt to thinkers like Hannah Arendt (the importance of the plastic nature of politics, and its degradation by ‘totalitarian’ social power), and less to the concepts of a new bureaucratic class. 

    Lefort’s  theory of ’ totalitarianism’ developed, amongst others, these themes:

    • Totalitarianism abolished the distinction between the state and society. Political power ruled all human relations and created a hierarchy of power. That is between those who give orders and those who obey. The totalitarian ruling enclosed all the public and private space.  
    • Totalitarianism denied the principle of internal division in society ( « le principe de division interne de la société ») and affirmed the primacy of the totality – subordinating every social organisation to the state, and all personal life to its orders. Stalinism rested on the ’« identification of the people with the proletariat, the proletariat with the party, the party with its leadership and the leadership with the ‘Egocrate (on the model of Bureau-crat).  (Lefort 1981, p. 175) The totalitarian state was continuously mobilised against ‘enemies’.

    Lefort elaborated this ‘ideal-typical’ picture in greater detail over the years.

    Opposed to Totalitarianism was Democracy. For Lefort this was characterised above all by  institutionalised conflict. This recognised as legitimate divergent interests, different opinions, and clashing visions of the world. Its basic principle was created around an “empty place”, that disappearance of absolute sovereignty (both historically at the end of feudalism, and intellectually, as universal suffrage became a political norm. The grounding of society was axed on no unifying central principle. Democracy was “invented” in this constant stream of divergence.

    Democracy was founded on “désincorporation”, having no fixed body. It was bolstered by the separation between civil society and the state, though Lefort considered that alongside representative mechanisms social movement played a role in democratic creativity. (More, in French, here)

    A consequence of this ‘anti-totalitarian’ stand was that the world was regarded as divided between totalitarian  and anti-totalitarian states. That is, the Western democracies and the Soviet-Chinese spheres. As a  result Lefort, and his fellow thinkers often opposed the Left, considering them agents of totalitarianism. Outside of the fringes of the French ‘second left’, the left as such showed few signs of  interest in Lefort’s ideas - though he has had some influence academically, notably in  liberal American universities, amongst post-graduates.  


    Lefort texts (mainly in French) at La Bataille Socialiste - here.

    Dick Howard, Claude Lefort: From the Critique of Totalitarianism to the Politics of Democracy - here.

    Socialisme ou Barbarie texts (in English) – here


    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 7, 2010 at 11:55 am

    The Spirit Level: A Short Socialist Critique.

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    True Equality: a Tin of Baked Beans

    The Spirit Level. Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better. Richard Wilkinson, and Kate Pickett. Allen Lane. 2009.

    Ed Miliband takes charge of the Labour Party without any settled political narrative. A campaign call for a debate about ‘values’ and new ideas remains open. Roy Hattersley says that the leader “wants to see a more equal society” and that he knows that “equality and liberty” “go hand in hand”. Anchoring them, Kate Pickett, should be the “core values of equality and social justice” (Observer. 26.09.10). Pickett and Wilkinson’s The Spirit Level, has attracted attention for advocating the importance of “political will to make society more equal”(Page 264). Miliband may even be a fan of the book (here). But why and how exactly is this drive to equality to come about?

    Few people doubt that Britain today is a grossly unequal society. The evidence is before our eyes. We do not need statistics to see glaring divisions, from gated communities for the wealthy, to sink estates for the poor, from chocolate box villages for prosperous commuters, to crumbling urban areas. In a small country like Britain they are never far from each other.

    Equality, that is bringing the less well-off up to a higher living standard, and justice, that is ending the exploitation of powerful positions for material and social gain, are perennial themes of left-wing parties. The Third Way, or New Labour, famously advocated equality of opportunity, equipping the aspirational to compete on the global market. Since the banking bail-outs of 2008, these markets remain affected by long-term turbulence, leading to a new fiscal crisis of the state. During their terms of office both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown had undermined public services, by direct privatisations and outsourcing. Now, under David Cameron, and Nick Clegg, the state is ready to be further marketised, under the guise of the ‘big society’ as its core functions, nationally and locally, are hived off to private companies, ‘social enterprises’ and ‘volunteers’. In the process resources are transferred to those who exercise power, and the poor are reduced to a ‘safety net’ welfare state.

    In response to this some Labour supporters, and the left, in groups like Compass, have begun to coalesce around the need for equality and social justice. Social democracy appears to have ended its long retreat. Policy that might shape a future government’s actions is the crucial issue. Does this imply greater ‘fairness’ as, say Will Hutton advocates – “just deserts” not equality – in order to “unleash a flood of productive entrepreneurship” (Observer New Review. 26.09.10). Or is something more radically egalitarian needed? A focus on equal conditions of life? Perhaps, in a more directly socialist vein, a modern version of what the French Revolutionary Babeuf called, “l’égalitié des biens et des traveux” (equality of property and work)?

    Evidence Based Policy.

    Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson, in the Spirit Level introduce an empirical element to this debate. That is, not by just showing that inequality exists (which is standard fare of sociology courses) but what effects it has. They claim that, “The role of this book is to point our that greater equality is the material foundation on which better social relations are built.”(Page 265) It claims to appeal not to our sense of outage at inequality, or fears about the social unrest and degradation it causes. Rather it is, they assert, addressed to our reason, as “Evidence based politics”. As such Pickett and Wilkinson try to speak to everyone. That is, by showing how inequality saps away at all our lives, they can convince even those with the highest revenues that they would benefit from a more even distribution of wealth. So, “Not only do large inequality produce all the problems associated with social difference and divisive class prejudices which go with them, but as later chapter show, it also weaken community life, reduces trust, and increases violence.”(Page 45) A more equalitarian society would help us all be “creative, adaptable, inventive, well-informed and flexible” (Page 263)

    Read the rest of this entry »

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 8, 2010 at 10:07 am

    Suffolk County Council and the ‘Big Society’.

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    From Big Government to…. where?

    What is the Government’s idea of the ‘Big Society’? Ian Birrell, a former speechwriter for David Cameron writes (Here),

    At its core, the big society is an attempt to connect the civic institutions that lie between the individual and the state – and these range from the family and neighbourhood to churches, charities, libraries, local schools and hospitals. It is born out of recognition that our centralised state has become too big, too bureaucratic and just too distant to support many of those most in need of help, and that it deters people from playing a more active role in public life.

    This, then, is the theory. But how are individuals going to connect to these bodies  differently to the way they do now? How are their roles in our lives going to change? How are they going to be less “distant” and encourage people’s “active role in public life”?

    In political terms, this means passing power to the lowest level possible: radical public service reform, so that schools, social services, planning and even prisons are more responsive to the needs of those using them; and social action, to encourage more people to play a role in society. Not just charities, but neighbourhood groups, workers’ co-operatives, social enterprises and, yes, businesses.

    Let’s look at what is fast becoming a laboratory for the Big Society. The experiment in hiving-off public services to these groups, and…yes, business. That is Suffolk County Council’s plans to ‘divest’ itself of direct delivery of nearly all its functions.

     Jeremy Pembroke, leader of Suffolk County Council,  has written in the Ipswich Evening Star (24.9.10) of the “new philosophy”  Its based on

    • Greater personal responsibility.
    • Stronger society.
    • A smaller and less intrusive government - a government that works for us, not against us.

    He talked of increasing the “strength and number of bonds that link individuals in a  community”. This would mean we’ll be “happier and more fulfilled”. We will have to take “more responsibility for our own lives”. And “a public sector which does less, costs less.” So in the new big society is marked by  “people power”. It’s a place “in which we are more responsible, do more ourselves and for our neighbours”.

    The County’s New Strategic Direction, now being implemented, is, as we have noted before,  based on plans to hive off nearly all its services.

    The First Phase of transfers includes:

    •    Transactional property
    •    Registrars
    •    Suffolk traded services
    •    Employment enterprises, learning and careers advice
    •    Libraries
    •    Home First 
    •    Independent Living Centres
    •    Highway Services
    •    Country Parks
    •    Economic Development
    •    Youth clubs, and Integrated Youth Support and Outdoor Education
    •    Early Years & Childcare, including Children’s Centres
    •    Home Shield Plus
    •    Hate Crime Service

    There will be less funding, and one assumes any private company will provide a service at a lower cost only by lowering standards. People will have to more self-reliant, from those suffering from dementia, to the victims of Hate Crimes. Fortunately, Pembroke writes, there will a lighter ”burden of inspection” to monitor the outcomes of his plans.

    In the Evening Star again (1.10.10), Celia Hodson of ‘Choose Suffolk’, says these are “exciting times”. Apparently the new system will have to “accommodate a spectrum of opinion “(even those who oppose it?). ‘greater cotnrol’ will involve, “such activities as volunteers working in libraries to help keep them open.”

    A “real sense of empowerment” will be created by such path-breaking initiatives as “next generation broadband services for Suffolk”.

    No doubt the less well-off in Central Ipswich and the Housing Estates are already gearing up for such “innovative solutions” to their problems.

    Simon Ash, Suffolk Chef Constable, (Evening Star 8.10.10) is equally enthusiastic about the “opportunities to be seized” by the Big Society.  Less Whitehall interference, he writes, will by “removing interference from the centre” be a step forward. “The  use of volunteers in a  range of roles supporting frontline police will become increasingly more common.” “Strong and resilient communities” will sustain policing.

    One wonders what happens where communities are not convinced enough to join in with the Conservative idea of the Big Society. Will the Police still offer their full services to them?

    This experiment will create enormous inequalities in the County. The prosperous volunteering, business aware areas will maintain something near to the present of  public services. The rest will have to get what they can. voluntary groups and Charites - which are not, for all their merits democratically responsible bodies – will get resources. As will even less responsible private companies and so-called “social enterprises” (which if Housing Associations are to go by, they will  end up resembling the private sector structures).

     ’Distant’ and equal treatment will give way to highly individualised standards – underpinned by a restoration of traditional deference and hierarchies particularly in rural and districts dominated by the wealthier. People’s rights to services will be replaced by a  dependency on the good will of their neighbours.

    It is also highly unlikely that any of the sub-contractors from the private sector will prove cheaper or more efficient. After an initial wave of cost-cutting, cheese-paring and salary reduction for employees these companies will milk the public purse for what they can. Teh experience of the ‘welfare-to-work business – all privately provided – indicates how such privatisation fuels the growth of a parallel tax funded private sector with its own political agenda.

    But what of the Suffolk Voluntary Sector?

    It is just about to suffer a huge series of cuts! (Here.)


    Meanwhile Ipswich Tories remain quiet as mice about this: Here. and Here. The Suffolk Big Society Blog has precisely one post!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 10, 2010 at 11:01 am

    Blogging Notes: en Attendant la Grève Générale .

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    Famous Bloggers.

    While waiting for the results of this morning’s start of the  French Day of Action against Pension Reform here are some long overdue Blogging Notes.

    Phil, the Very Public Sociologist (whose site  covers with verve Theory, Politics and grass-roots activity) observed a few months back that many left Bloggers had got the taste from their time on the UK Left Network Yahoo list. The hard-fought wars played out on this forum have no doubt shaped us. Some predicted that Blogging would mean we ended up ploughing our own course, with ever-decreasing contact with reality. Has this happened? It is interesting that many of these Blogs successfully integrate activism, writing immediate posts, and articles for the socialist press.

    Amongst those which are always of interest are: Organised Rage – Mick covers of a wide range of issues, particularly Irish ones, and his obituaries of labour movement figures - the latter of great value. Harpy Marx writes of her London activism, with film reviews and wonderful photos. Her in-depth knowledge of welfare makes her a leader in the field. Stroppy, a collective Blog, is entertaining with a direct insight into the doings of the London RMT. Marashajane in Union Futures  integrates her work as a member of the Labour Representation Committee with East London left union and Labour politics. Anna Chen produces a professional Blog with wit. Her defence of China is carried  further by Socialist Unity. Dave’s Part, Dave Osler’s Blog, manages to directly address the kind of political issues a wider public talks about. Dolphinarium swims on, in-between month-long glasses of wine.

    Harry’s Place – whose founder believe or not originated on UKLN - has defended Israel more and more vociferously. Its Ezraitist phase, fighting the Cold War by re-heating Google left-overs, overshadows its continuing useful role as an exposer of Islamism and its apologists.  

    Other Blogs worth noting: Shiraz Socialist – for its against-the-grain attacks and good sense about Islamism. Rosie Bell, raising the cultural tone. Bob From Brockley offers an indispensable round-up of left Blogging, and recently wrote a superb history of the RCP/Living Marxism. Poumista covers with rigour the kind of left the Tendance comes from. The Spanish Prisoner does great film reviews, and – a real source of new information – explains life on the Dole as an American leftist. Entdinglichung covers such a range of European leftist news, history and theory, that one wonders how he manages it. Beyond the Transition is essential reading on the former Eastern Bloc.


    Locally the much heralded wave of citizen bloggers has largely failed to take off. On Suffolk County Council’s plans to flog off and hive-away all its services  Tendance Coatesy has been largely alone in providing information and comment. The two main Ipswich Blogs worth looking at (with noses held) are Tory ones: Riverside View and Bridge Ward News. Though Labour Councillor Alisdair Ross’s Blog shows potential. Poor (as in piss-poor) old Ipswich Spy seems to have been taken on a well-deserved trip to the Knacker’s Yard.

    Apologies to anyone I’ve missed for the moment.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 12, 2010 at 10:02 am

    France After Mass Demos: Oil Refinery Strikes May Lead to County Shut-Down.

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    This may lead to a country-wide transport seize-up (combined with rail and public network strikes) and economic shut-down.

    Two other areas indicating  a ‘radicalisation’ of the French protests.

    Strikes and demos (no-one contests that the latter have grown in size – here):

    Young People:

    French Presidents tremble when the French lycéens begin to march!


    Latest Photo:

     NPA Posters,

    Sarko Out!

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 13, 2010 at 10:24 am

    France: Mobilisations Accelerate and ‘Se Radicalisent”.

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    Devant le lycée Voltaire à Paris, jeudi 14 octobre.
    Devant le lycée Voltaire à Paris, jeudi 14 octobre.

    C’est la faute à Voltaire!

    France is undergoing a radicalisation of protests against the government’s reform plans. The screw tightens around striking Oil refineries. Not just university students but lycéens (secondary school students) have joined the movement against raising the Pension age in growing numbers. Here. Today there have been clashes between at high schools and police in Montreuil et Saint-Denis (la Banlieue) - here. The Green Mayor of Montreuil has just denounced “police violence” against the young protesters here.

    A violent confrontation took place yesterday in Caen between demonstrators and the police. (More here) A 19 year old , on the edge of a march against the pension reforms, was seriously injured (narrowly escaping brain damage) by a Police Tear-Gas projectile.

    The left backs continuing mobilisation. The Communist Daily, l’Humanité is one of the best sources of information – here. The Nouveau parti anticapitaliste (NPA) has more news from those who would like to radicalise the movement.

    Former Socialist presidential candidate Ségolène Royal is said to have called on young people to join the protests (which she denies – here). 


    The Parti de Gauche has published a comprehensive alternative programme for the future of pensions (here).

    The next Day of Action is on the 16 of October.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 14, 2010 at 12:01 pm

    The Cameron Delusion. Peter Hitchens. Mind at the End of its Tether.

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    Anti-Utopian Conservative.

    The Cameron Delusion. Peter Hitchens. Continuum 2010.

    Peter Hitchens is a Christian. A conservative Christian to boot. One who finds his ideas out of kilter with the modern Conservative Party. To him the real political divisions today are not between the nominally Left and Right. They are “between idealist, optimistic. ‘progressives’, and anti-utopian, pessimistic conservatives. “(P viii). The real contrast is between the “utopian reformer” and the “anti-utopian conservative”. Or more simply, between those who believe in the “perfectibility of man” and those who believe in “Original Sin” (Page 197)

    Where does David Cameron stand in this? The SWP’s Richard Seymour has noticed that, “The Conservative Party under David Cameron represents itself as a ‘progressive’ force in British politics, concerned with gender equality, civil liberties and the rising inequality of wealth.” (The Meaning of David Cameron. 2010) The same observation fuels Hitchens’s ire, “The Conservative Party is in any case just as committed as New Labour to fiercely egalitarian economic and social policy, combined with very high public spending, and dependent for its success on excessive borrowing.”(Page 8) That is, one assumes, they are out to prefect us all. He, by contrast, would wish us to live under proper Burkean conservatism “attached to liberty and limited government”.

    The Cameron Delusion goes to great pains to illustrate this point. That is, that there is a “new establishment” around “leftist and ‘progressive’ attitudes” that are the “ triumphalist orthodoxy”. By contrast it’s “faith, piety, chastity – and attempts to apply Christian belief in public life – which have become outrageous and likely to attention self-righteous derision and even the attention of the law.”(Page xi)

    New Labour is infected with this kind of derision (despite its pious leaders) – riddled with former Marxists it inherits the “the Spirit of 1968.”(Page xvi). But even the Conservatives bow before the consensus, a “centre-left party” (Page 43) Indeed “All three major parties share the same left-liberal policies.”(Page xxxv).the end result? A Labour defeat – in prospect as he wrote this cut-price Philippic – will nor reverse the trend. Hitchens asks, “When Britain dies, which seems likely to happen quite soon…”(P 196). One can feel the tears welling.

    Wounded Animal.

    The Cameron Delusion reads as if it’s written by a wounded animal thrashing around in gamekeeper’s trap, There are only a few interesting arguments made amongst the screams and yelps.

    Hitchens is revealing – unlike his brother chronicling his own move from the left – about his turn to visceral ultra-conservatism. he initially warmed to working class bluff good cheer.  But the former public school-boy found, during the 1970s, that it was outrageous that their bloody-mindedness led to unreasonable refusals to do what managers and employers told. He soon frankly loathed anything that disrupted the social order.  The source of this threat became clearer. A pattern emerged: workers’ organisations were influenced by Soviet Communism. So much so that they were hostile to workers’ movements in countries like Poland, that challenged the People’s Democracies’ tyranny. It was that which must be exposed.

    After direct experience, Hitchens, found life in Eastern Europe unbearable. Here again he began to have visions of encroaching Soviet power in Britain. There was a resemblance between the “concrete estates and the propaganda of the Warsaw Pact countries” something close to the “greyer, harsher parts of my own country” (page 59) Concluding that the greyness was the fault of Labour local authorities he reasoned that the shadows would further spread Warsaw Pact darkness over Britain if given the chance. The idea that anyone, whether a Stalinist or a British Labour Councillor, would want to have the best kind of public housing possible apparently does not occur to him. Instead we are left with the intriguing notion that the 1970s London local government may well have “supported the suppression of opposition parties, the secret police and the Gulag.” (Page 60) That is, to add his Question mark, answered by looking at what Hitchens claims is their admiration for Bukharin, Lenin, and, indeed Trotsky. All were no doubt models for County Hall leadership – an admiration carried, if one accepts this dodgy reasoning, by Ken Lvingstone to this day.

    For Hitchens the impression of menacing socialist gloom and tyranny was bolstered by his experiences of the British revolutionary left – notably the SWP. Here he miles more revealing than his brother Christopher Hitchens, largely because Peter has some direct grass-roots experience. His main objection to the SWP is that they pretended the USSR was nothing to do with them, when it was “the fault of people exactly like us, but we closed our mind to this with a web of excuses.”(Page 95) This interesting causal claim – identical in logical shape to the one through which one could bind Hitchens to every Christian atrocity in history as well – is linked to a more specific one. The SWP attracted nutters, often-violent ones as well. In village near to his base in Swindon he met a “misfit”, who had “something physically fearsome about him, not revolutionary at all” (Page 77)

    Apparently this way a sign of the “dark hole”, “opening up in the ground under my feet”. Or perhaps it was a sign that politics, of any stripe, attracts odd-balls. The 1970s were the time when conservatives and union haters  were mobilising in various tin-pot private armies. Some were quite seriosu, others, fantasists. As I can testify from my extensive knowledge, from Liberal to Tories, to Labour and the hard left, the political world is full of the strangest creatures. Some might suggest that Peter Hitchens is one of them. But I am too polite to do so.

    Against the War.

    Another series of points revolves around Blair’s backing for Humanitarian Intervention, from Kosovo to the invasion of Iraq. This led to a de facto alliance between neo-conservatives and some liberals on the left. The occupation of Iraq was justified as opposition to Sadam Hussain’s fascism, and bolstered by reference to Al-Qaeda’s atrocities, above all the attacks on the Twin Towers. Both encouraged “regime change” by force. Both held to some kind of belief “in human perfectibility and thinks its holy ends justify its unholy means..”(Page xiii). This section of the Left denounces Islam, breaking with the pro-Islamism of the anti-War left, and could “continue to condemn religious faith, as fiercely and as contemptuously as possible” (P 186). They could also be “warlike, patriotic and radical all at once.”(Page 179) As a portrait this fits some of the signers of the Euston Manifesto, but amongst them one can find people with more reservation about the war than its more publicly known cheer-leaders.

    Hitchens was against he war, on the grounds that Saddam Hussian did not threaten national sovereignty, and that the legal conditions for an attack on Iraq were not present. On Islam he point out, rightly that some of those opposed to the Iraq expedition have developed a political cringe towards all forms of political Islam, including the most reactionary types of Islamism. The Respect Party was surely influenced by the view of “Muslims” as “convenient substitutes for the white working class which had now ceased to support it, or vanished altogether” (Page 100)

    The idea that there is a ‘white’ working class exists or could ever be a political agent is pretty ropey. Nobody has yet defined such a group on clear ethnic or ‘racial’ criteria. Given the rise in the numbers of mixed race people it is unlikely they will ever do so. But the deeper fault here is the way Islamism gets treated. Islamist parties are led and structured by the pious bourgeoisie, which have nothing to do with the labour movement. From this it would follow that the left should not ally with them but with, for example, secularist parties of the left in the so-called ‘Muslim’ world and amongst ‘ethnic’ communities with this background. This would naturally reveal deeper differences, the very division between the left’s basic progressive principles and the religious conservatism of Islamism that parallels Hitchens’ own. He at least is aware of this. As the believer in Original Sin states, “I regard Muslims as allies against he current fashion for militant atheism, and against the moral chaos which it is creating.”(Page 97) Left-wingers of all varieties please note.

    But these moments of political lucidity are rare. Hitchens could not be further wrong than in his starting point: that the Tories are ‘left-wing’ in any meaningful sense. The Conservative-Liberal Coalition is wrenching out the last blocks of the Fabian state, in a drive to build a new Market state. It has just abolished a raft of unaccountable Quangos. By heavily cutting public spending and axing grey Warsaw Pact style services, it will let the Big Society flourish It is beholden to private outsourced companies and local oligarchies (from Free Schools to hived off municipal services). It is intent on boosting spiritual belief through segregated religious schools and the transfer of welfare responsibility to religious charities. It is, in short determined to realise the Burkean dream. The people of this country, the “thousands of great cattle, reposed beneath the show of the British oak” can chew the cud and be content again. The left, the “insects of the hour”, “little, shrivelled, meagre, hopping, though loud and troublesome” will be ignored. (Reflections on the Revolution in France. Edmund Burke).

    For all these wishes, just be sure, Peter, that you have not heard the last of  us, the “swinish multitude”,

    The Cameron Delusion

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 15, 2010 at 10:16 am

    Lib-Tory Big Society Drug and Homeless Strategy: Cut Off Help (Iceni and HOP).

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    No Help from the Big Society.

    The Ipswich Evening Star yesterday has an article wittering on about the importance of ‘social enterprises’ and the ‘voluntary sector Some type from  Housing Action , Jim Overbury, seemed to be licking his lips at the prospect of more cash and power flowing his way.


    He says, “Can libraries, care centres and the state of the roads be delivered not by county council employees, but by employees of a social enterprise? Of course they can but the process of the change may be difficult. Whilst the managers may see the logic, getting the hearts and minds of the workforce and training the volunteers is harder. “

    So not only libraries but roads and care services will be delivered by volunteers!

    Meanwhile the Government has cut all funding the Iceni Project.

    Award–winning charities such as Iceni Project – which gained nationwide acclaim for tackling street prostitution in Ipswich – and Focus12 – which has helped stars such as Russell Brand and Davina McCall to kick hard drugs – face possible cuts after it emerged that Suffolk Drug and Alcohol Action Team Partnership (Suffolk DAAT) could award funding to new tenders.

    The EADT believes that other services set to face proposed funding cuts include NORCAS and the Suffolk Mental Health Partnership Trust.

    (More Here.)

    We learn from reliable sources that Health Outreach Project (HOP) that provides medical treatment for the homeless, those with mental problems, and addiction issues is also for the chop. (who HOP is Here)

    The Evening Star has belatedly followed Tendance Coatesy and says it will be ”watching closely” Government and Suffolk County cuts and sell-offs.

    Our source indicates that one thing to look at is the rise in burglary, drug pushing and prostitution that will follow these cut-backs.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 16, 2010 at 10:05 am

    French Anti ‘Pension Reform’ Demos: 3 Million or 824,000 Strong?

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    One of Saturday’s Marches in France.

    Réforme des retraites: 3 millions de manifestants selon la CGT… 825.000 selon la police

    3 Million demonstrators to the CGT …825,000 for the Police.

    More Here.

    In any case the numbers are huge and not going down!

    More French Protests next Tuesday when we will be lobbying Parliament against the Cameron-Clegg Cuts.


    Monday: petrol running out (here). ‘Incidents’ between school students and the police (here). Lorry-Drivers Block Roads (here)


    Grève: les routiers entrent en scène 

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 17, 2010 at 11:00 am

    TUC Rallies Against Cuts, France, The Street Explodes.

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    We Need This Here.

    Nearly a dozen Ipswich supporters of the Suffolk Coalition For Public Services joined other East Anglian trade unionists and anti-cuts activists on a UNITE sponsored coach to the Westminster TUC Rally against Cuts yesterday. The Morning Star reports that around 3,000 people filled Westminster Central Hall -  high attendance for a workday.

    The All Together for Public Services event brought together a broad coalition of trade unionists, campaign groups and community leaders.

    Waves of colourful trade union flags rose and vibrated across the giant hall as public service union Unison general secretary Dave Prentis proclaimed: “Today the fightback begins. Hands off our public services.”

    Protesting that the government was “taking a chainsaw to our public services,” Mr Prentis pledged: “We will march in our thousands, and we will vote in our millions to ditch this coalition.”

    Urging a massive fightback against the cuts, general union Unite assistant general secretary Tony Woodley said: “Trade unions have got to lead, not be led. Let us lead.”

    The entire hall rose to give a standing ovation to 14-year-old school student Lizzie Louden, who told of the devastation at her school in Leytonstone, London, following cancellation of the Building Schools for the Future programme.

    Another thunderous reception greeted Sherlock Holmes actor Benedict Cumberbatch, who told how budget cuts were a body blow to the arts.

    Irish union Siptu vice-president Patricia King reported on the collapse of the Celtic Tiger and the damaging effect of swingeing cuts, which had pushed unemployment up from 4.5 per cent in 2008 to 14 per cent today.

    “If you want to know what Britain will look like in two years’ time, just look west across the Irish Sea to your closest neighbour,” she warned.

    National Pensioners Convention general secretary Dot Gibson condemned the coalition concept of the “deserving” and “undeserving” poor, which she said came straight out of the Victorian era.

    Other speakers included Child Poverty Action Group chief executive Alison Garnham, Friends of the Earth executive director Andy Atkins and End Violence Against Women Coalition director Holly Dustin.

    (More Here.)

    After this there was Lobbying. Our delegation to Ipswich MP Benjamin Gummer were told that he “understood” their concerns. But that the cuts were “Labour’s fault”. He was firmly told that the reductions in Public Spending were now his government’s responsiblity and that they would hit hard,  especially against women and the poor.

    It was noted by some that the TUC’s policy of a ‘board coalition’ of opposition to the Liberal-Tory spending Plans, while fine as it went, did not address the principal problems these cuts raised: how to fight effectively against them. NGOs and Charites have their place in opposing attacks on the poor and vulnerable  but how could they actually defend people’s jobs and public services?

    From the Irish TUC Patricia King pointed out that when push came to shove it was the responsibility of the unions to fight back. Tony Woodley, who made a fine sharp speech, gave indications that this was his approach as well. Will the TUC General Council move towards more dynamic mobilisation, or wait until a planned national demonstration next year?

    Meanwhile France seems to teeter on the brink of full-scale civil unrest (Here).

    The first signs of  cuts- which is what the pension reform is all about – have been met with fury.

    Much is made of the differences between the French attitude to protest  and the British one (as Newsnight yesterday revelled in).

    In fact the French union movement is many respects weaker than the UK one – split between rival federations, and with very many fewer members. |Nor are people in this country all the  forelock tuggers of the Mondo Man stripe (hard against the weak, servile against the strong).

    There is more in common between the ‘people of the left’ in Britain and the ‘gens de gauche’ in France than monolingual commentators in right-wing and liberal press give credit.

    We are of the same kidney.

    If the British unions were able to use their strength they could (and the Westminster Rally indicates this) turn out the troops, if not on the scale of France, at least in impressive numbers.

    Written by Andrew Coates

    October 20, 2010 at 11:21 am