Thursday, 28 October 2010

Lewes revisited.

I have just got back from a day trip to Lewes. Of course at this time of year the place is psyching itself up for the 5th of November when the town resembles a cross between the Wicker Man and the Gordon Riots. It's an odd little place and no mistake, but the couple of pints of Harveys in the pub next to the brewery went down rather well. Apart from the excellent beer Lewes also has a prison, a castle, lots of posh shops and a wonderful little printers called The Tom Paine Press. The town was also home to something called "Cloth Kits" that sold bit of material to the dimmer members of the 1970s chattering classes who would sew them together in order to make themselves and their kids look like nothing on earth. I am told that Lewes was also home to the very first Farmers Market. I can well believe it.
Returning home to the metropolis I stepped down from the train to discover that Boris Johnson has done the dirty on his Bullingdon Club chums and denounced Gideon's housing benefit proposals as something that might lead to a Kosovo type tragedy. Slightly over egged Boris, but we take your point. When it comes to our Mayor I tend to agree with Arthur Smith who said that he tried to dislike old Eton Boy as a mental exercise - but didn't always find it easy.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

The ends and means of animal rights.

The argument about ends justifying means goes back at least as far as Machiavelli. What interests me more is not whether or not ends justify means but the thought that perhaps means can justify ends. I frequently come across actions, means, that are inspiring, exciting, or just good fun but that are aiming toward ends that may leave me completely cold. Nowhere is this more true than in the, to my mind, murky world of animal rights. Not that I approve of all the things that animal rightists do, far from it, there is after all nothing particularly good about random anonymous attacks on people who are unfortunate enough to work for companies who happen to be associated with some other company that the activists disapprove of, but the inventiveness and disregard for the law has to be admired. It's just a shame that all that effort is not aimed at fighting for human rights.
Don't get me wrong, I like animals. There have been individual animals that I have been really fond of. We are animal free now but over the years have had the usual dogs and cats and have kept poultry, pigs and goats. I won't even begin to go into the various bizarre pets I kept as a kid and today leaning on a fence and contemplating livestock remains a favourite pastime. I'm sure that you get my drift by now - I'm OK with animals. It's just that I don't confuse them with people, or think that they have rights in the same way that people do.
One of the many things about New Labour that had me spitting feathers was the fact that they moved heaven and earth to ban hunting but did nothing to repeal the anti- working class and anti- trade union legislation that was a legacy of Thatcher. More parliamentary time was devoted to debating foxhunting than was spent considering whether or not to invade Iraq for God's sake. Vivisection, that other great animal rights battleground, is no doubt unpleasant. We would all rather not know about it. But we all quite like the benefits of it none the less.
The reality is that like all creatures, we interact with and have a relationship with, other species, and I think that that relationship will always involve suffering. Animal welfare (as opposed to animal rights) is about keeping that suffering to a minimum and that seems to me thoroughlly laudable both for the benefit of animals and for our own happiness. Animal rights? Love the bottle and the balaclavas but the ends I fear are nothing but a pile of the proverbial.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Not so astute after all.

In a scene reminiscent of The Navy Lark, the inaptly named nuclear submarine HMS Astute ran aground in a clearly marked channel of the Isle of Skye. If nothing else this confirms once again the long held belief amongst seamen that the two most useless things you can have on a ship are a lawnmower and a naval officer.

Orwell Prize 2011.

This from Gavin Freeguard of the Orwell Prize:

The Orwell Prize for Blogs 2011 is now open for entries. All work with a clear relationship with the UK or Ireland, first published between 1st January 2010 and 31st December 2010, is eligible. Entries close on 19th January 2011.

Entry forms and full entry details can be found on our new website, The Prize is self-nominating. Each blogger should submit 10 blogposts.

This year’s Blog Prize judges are David Allen Green (‘Jack of Kent’, shortlisted for the Blog Prize 2010) and Gaby Hinsliff (former political editor of The Observer).

The Orwell Prize is free to enter, and there is no charge at any point in the process. To promote as much political writing as possible, a full list of entries will be published on our website after the closing date. Entries are also open for the Book Prize and Journalism Prize.

In 2010 I think that Paul Stott and myself were the only two anarchist bloggers to enter. Let's improve on that this year and get a wider audience for our ideas. Blogging is not the most important political activity, it's not even the most important on the "not very important" list, but if we are going to do it we might as well try to get as much publicity as possible. Forward to an anarchist victory in the Orwell Prize.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

May and Rifkind in cyber attack.

I'm grateful to Theresa May and Malcolm Rifkind for giving us a heads up regarding the threat of cyber attack. This probably means very little to most of you but to someone such as myself who is at the cutting edge of information technology it is a real concern. At any moment the forces of darkness could take over this blog for example and just fill it up with irrelevant rubbish thus totally shafting both myself and my loyal and discerning readership. Fortunately the government have earmarked £500m for a cyber attack defence strategy. The savings made by shaving 50% of the social housing bill will be more than enough to cover this you will be pleased to hear. Of course I suppose it's just possible that the bodies of May and Rifind have actually been taken over by these cybers. How would we tell? We could be in a world of shit here comrades. Doctor! Doctor! Has anyone seen The Doctor?

The Long View is on the money.

I have just been listening to Radio 4's The Long View ( repeated tonight at 21:30) that this week centered around cricket's recent betting scandals and the parallels with old time prize fighting. The program broadened out to look at the relationship between sport and gambling in general and how the Victorian distaste for betting led to the establishment of amateur sport. It's unusual for the media to be so well informed about the Prize Ring but in one time Olympic athlete and now sports academic Peter Radford they found someone who is a genuine expert. One interesting comment from Radford was that the introduction of the Marquess Of Queensbury Rules had less to do with reducing the level of brutality in the ring and everything to do with ensuring that the punter could wager with confidence. Sport, class, and the relationship with gambling is a fascinating subject and one that needs to be given a bit more of an airing if our opinions on straight and crooked sport are to get beyond tabloid journo level.

Monday, 18 October 2010

A taste of France required.

Apart from their total inability to make proper gravy, you have to admire the French. I mean they don't muck about do they? When in 1968 the Paris students called everything into question and almost toppled the government, us Brits shuffled along behind Tariq Ali calling for the end of a war that we absolutely had no control over and even less understanding of. On the other side of The Channel people seem to have an inbuilt determination to take matters into their own hands. In the past we have looked on with admiration as French fishermen blockade ports, farmers threaten to plough up the Champs Elysees and workers and students kick off at the drop of a hat. A proposed two year increase in the retirement age is enough to bring millions out. What Central London will look like on Wednesday afternoon I don't know but I just hope that we can be a bit more lively than the usual "what do we want?" bollocks. For once perhaps we can show the Frogs that there is more to us than a full understanding of Bisto.