The Bolshevik Left and Workers’ Power

(The essay we are publishing here is a translation of the “Présentation” to “La Gauche bolchevique et le pouvoir ouvrier 1919-27” written and published by Michel Olivier as one of three pamphlets which collects together in French many of the documents of the communist left in Russia. The first of these will shortly be published by the Smolny publishing house along with the previously unpublished translations of the four issues of Kommunist, the Moscow review of the left Bolsheviks (April-June 1918). Most of the texts in “La Gauche bolchevique” are already available in English [see note 13 at the end of the article] but the Présentation, or introduction, has value for underlining some of the key strengths and weaknesses of the communist left in Russia.

In Austerity Britain

The First Step Forward is to Unite and Fight · The Crisis is Global · Now the election is over nobody is denying that capitalism faces a global crisis. In fact we are now being prepared by our rulers for an “era of austerity”. There was an initial shiver of panic amongst the ranks of the capitalist class as the financial meltdown of two years ago dramatically revealed the prospect of complete economic collapse. We’ve all heard the comparisons with 1929 and the Great Depression. Suddenly media pundits began to wonder if, after all, there was something in what Karl Marx had said about capitalism’s inherent tendency to crisis and self-destruction.

Beyond Greek Resistance We Need International Solidarity

In Britain the election is over, and to no-one’s surprise the new coalition will “Con-Dem” us to austerity measures which were not mentioned before the vote (see The First Step Forward is to Unite and Fight in this issue). The pattern is the same across the planet. · Amongst the major industrial areas nowhere is worse affected than the Eurozone, the causes of whose woes we analyse in this issue in Financial Crisis Engulfs the Eurozone. As the article explains, Greece is at the centre of the misery and at the same time it is also the scene of the widest resistance. The fact that widespread sectors of the Greek working class have chosen to fight back should be an inspiration for all workers everywhere.

Financial Crisis Engulfs the Eurozone

Since early February the crisis, which has been developing over the sovereign debts of some of the weaker countries of the Eurozone, has brought the Eurozone countries in particular and the EU in general to a crossroads. · The Eurozone is now faced with the choice of either going forward to real economic federation or seeing the Euro collapse as a shared currency. · If the currency were to collapse the entire European project would be placed at risk. · A Minor Greek Debt Crisis Explodes · Initially the crisis was considered a fairly minor one affecting Greece, which is only a small country in the Eurozone.

Gaza: Why so Much Violence?

The Israeli commando operation off the Gaza coast could have been carried out in a thousand different ways. Instead the Netanyahu Government decided on a show of force to the extent where nine activists are dead. They were on a small fleet of 6 ships with 600 participants in a mission to carry humanitarian aid to the inhabitants of Gaza which has been under a unilaterally-declared blockade by the Tel Aviv Government. All this took place in international waters far from both the Gaza and Israeli coasts. · Going beyond the differing versions of what actually happened, what took place in that area of the sea was not just an accident due to the “inopportune” Turkish provocation (the ships belonged to a Turkish company and had set out from the Turkish port of Antalya with the blessing of the...

Berlin: workers report on the strike at TEKEL

Our comrades in Turkey at the previously state-owned tobacco and alcohol concern have been in struggle for months, despite massive repression, against wage-cuts, the loss of contractual and social rights and the loss of jobs. Two of the strikers report on their struggle. · Monday 21st June, 19:30 · Galerie Kraftwerk - Rungestr. 20 - 10179 Berlin - Mitte (S-Bahnhof Jannowitzbrücke or U-Bahn Heinrich-Heine- Straße)

From Poland, a letter to FIAT workers

(Very gladly we publish below a letter - appeared - written by a group of workers of the Fiat plant in Tychy in Poland. We do not know the source, but the message content is positive. We agree with the denuonce of Marchionne's maneuvers and we appeal to class solidarity at the international level - a prerequisite to overcome this production system that, after dividing us by nationality, imposes conditions of worse and worse wage slavery to us all.) · Fiat is playing games with the workers. First, it moves production to Poland and tells its employees that they must work hard, be flexible and exceed all production norms to keep their jobs. All is done very well in Tychy - there can be no complaint of the management (...

BP’s Deepwater Horizon: Capitalism is the Disaster

As we go to press it has been announced that 7 Indian executives have been found guilty of “criminal negligence” over the Bhopal gas leak which killed between 8 and 15,000 people, and left a further 500,000 suffering from its toxic effects in 1984. They will face a maximum of 2 years in gaol and a fine of £2,100. It is a reminder of just how little capitalism cares about the consequences of its actions in search for profit. The US Chief executive of Union Carbide at the time, Warren Anderson, remains free from prosecution in the US. Union Carbide gave a derisory $470 million in compensation against the $3.3 billions claimed by the Indian government. Today however environmental disaster due to the blind search for capitalist profit has come home to America.

Chinese Workers Show Their Class

Suicide is Dangerous… for Capitalist Profit · The New York Times announced on 6 June · "The body of a 19-year-old worker named Ma Xiangqian was found in front of his high-rise dormitory at 4:30 a.m. Police investigators concluded that he had leapt from a high floor, and they ruled it a suicide. His family, including his 22-year-old sister who worked at the same company, Foxconn Technology, said he hated the job he had held only since November - an 11-hour overnight shift, seven nights a week, forging plastic and metal into electronics parts amid fumes and dust. Or at least that was Mr. Ma’s job until, after a run-in with his supervisor, he was demoted in December to cleaning toilets. Mr.

Class War at BA: Solidarity not Legality

It is class war at BA. Unfortunately, on our side, the war is being lost because the Unite union calls the shots for the workers. · BA cabin crew, currently striking as we go to press, are under enormous pressure to cave in to the BA management’s demands for job and wage cuts. The capitalist press is constantly attacking them for refusing to see sense and bow to the inevitable or lose their jobs. And yet, until the last few years, this was a group of very non-militant workers. Today they keep on voting for strike action in massive numbers. No worker actively seeks out a strike for the sake of it; all strikes mean less money while the strike is going on, and threats and intimidations from bosses are generally increased. And so it has been with the BA dispute.

Greece: A Valuable Struggle

It’s not the Greek debt crisis which has shaken the finances of the Eurozone. The main cause is the international crisis of wild speculation started by the profits crisis. Putting to one side the technical facts of the crisis itself, which we deal with elsewhere, what we are left with is the state of collapse that parasitic capitalism has reached in the final phase of its crisis. Parasitic speculation, falsification of state budget sheets, the idea that value can be created by multiplying fictitious capital, the systematic recourse to debt and the financial criminality pursued scientifically by the great speculative financial centres, all show just where the intensified contradictions of international capitalism have brought it.

Unions - Whose Side Are They On?

(Talk from Manchester meeting 23 Jan 2010) · Introduction · The title of this meeting is “Unions - Whose Side Are They On?” If you were to ask that question to any worker passing this building now it is likely that they would think you were being stupid as the answer is so obvious. · After all the unions are the only organisations in capitalist society which can claim to be mass workers bodies with millions of members. · They have been the target of capitalist laws restricting their ability to defend their members and the worst firms in Britain, from Asda to Orange, to Eddie Stobart, all have no union policies in order to impose their own rates of pay and conditions.

CWO Public Meeting in Manchester

On January 23 2009 the CWO held its first public meeting in Manchester for some years as a result of requests from local readers. The text which follows was given as the introduction to the meeting. Its basic framework was broadly accepted by the meeting, despite the apparent attendance of sympathisers and members of a number of different currents (including the Anarchist Federation, the International Communist Current (ICC), the Commune, and members of the Midlands Discussion Forum (MDF), as well as individual libertarian and left communists). · Given this measure of agreement most of the subsequent discussion focussed on the significant features of the recent struggles at Visteon, in Royal Mail (where a former postman who is a member of the ICC gave some interesting insights into...

Reply of The Commune to the ICT

(At their most recent congress, the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party (IBRP), changed its name to Internationalist Communist Tendency (ICT). The ICT is an international grouping which places itself in the tradition of elements in the post WW2 Italian communist left. In the last issue of their periodical prior to adopting their new name, the group published a brief article on The Commune, and invited us to reply. Joe Thorne responds, discussing our politics in several areas.) · Comrades, Thank you for taking the time to review the politics of The Commune in issue 50 of Revolutionary Perspectives, and thank you in particular for your positive comments.

Afghanistan - Graveyard of Imperialist Ambition

The Famous “Surge” · In mid February the US, together with their British auxiliaries, launched an assault on the town of Marjah in Afghanistan’s Helmand province. · This town and the surrounding area have been in Taliban hands for several years. This operation, which US forces announced well in advance and publicised by dropping leaflets on the town, was the first major move in a new strategy following the socalled “surge” in US and NATO forces which President Obama ordered in December 2009. · The surge, under which a further 30,000 US and 5000 other NATO troops are being sent to Afghanistan, will bring the total number of US and other NATO troops to approximately 100,000 and 40,000 respectively.

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