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Sumoud :: Resource page on Robert Seth Hayes
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» Grey
» Black
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Resource page on Robert Seth Hayes
tom | 04/19/2004 - 23:45
» Sumoud Newsfeed, Robert Seth Hayes

Robert "Seth" Hayes is a political prisoner supported by Sumoud and members of Autonomy & Solidarity. Seth, a former member of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army has been incarcerated for over 30 years. He is currently being held in Wende Correctional Facility, in Alden, New York. He can be reached at the following address: Robert “Seth” Hayes #74A2280, Wende Corr. Facility P.O. Box 1187 (3622 Wende Road) Alden, New York 14004-1187, USA

Sumoud has compiled the following resources on this page.


Click here for all articles about Seth archived on the Sumoud web page. There are a whole number of articles here, with the most comprehensive background on Seth's situation.


The following are interviews with or about Seth and his medical and political situation. All the audio are stored on the servers of the ainfos radio project.

April 7th 2004 Interviews

March 20th 2004 Interview

September 29th 2003 Interview

May 31st 2003 update about Robert Seth Hayes

August 17th 2002 Interview


The following sites have information about Seth Hayes and do work to support him.

Anarchist Black Cross Federation (Montreal)

Get Involved!

If you're interested in getting involved in the campaign to support Seth, please get in touch with Sumoud by clicking here. There are lots of things you can do to support Seth's struggle, and we'd love to hear from you and network with you.

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Recommended Web Site

Addameer Prisoner Support Group, based in Ramallah, West Bank have recently redesigned and updated their website. Definitely worth a visit at http://www.addameer.info
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·Sumoud Newsfeed (1266)
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Activities and Events
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Activist Resources
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Palestinian Political Prisoners
·Incarceration in Israel (311)
·Prisoners of the Gaza Massacre (26)
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·Information about Israeli Prisons (40)
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Native Prisoners
·Indigenous Peoples and the North American Prison System (73)
·Leonard Peltier (10)
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Canadian Prisons
·Political Prisoners and Detentions (29)
·Prison Industrial Complex (21)
·Repression Against Indigenous Communities (48)
·Arrest of Activists and Organizers (13)
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Occupation Prisons in Iraq
·Incarceration in Iraq (13)
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·Resistance to the Occupation Prisons (6)
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·Images (2)
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·Activist Resources (3)
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Detention & Deportation of Refugees and Migrants
·Canada: Deportations (62)
·Canada: Detention (45)
·Canada: Security Certificates/Secret Trials (45)
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·United States (18)
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Haiti Prisons
·Conditions in the Prisons (17)
·Haiti Actions/Campaigns (69)
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Occupation Prisons in Afghanistan
·Prisoner Abuse / Torture (14)
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US Prisons
·Ending the Death Penalty (6)
·Prison Industrial Complex (75)
·US Political Prisoners (65)
·War on Terror/Guantanamo Detainees (84)
·Robert Seth Hayes (9)
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Internal Repression (Other Countries)
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·Sri Lanka (1)
·Turkey (4)
·United Kingdom (2)
·Western Sahara (2)
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Palestinian Prisoner Organizations and Campaigns
North American Prisoner Organizations
Prisoner Organizations - International
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Who's new
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Browse archives
« August 2010  
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**Set of seven fact-sheets, covering: Introduction to the Detention and Imprisonment of Palestinians, The Arrest and Detention of Palestinians, Stories from Interrogation, Palestinian Child Prisoners, Palestinian Women Prisoners, Israeli Prisons and Detention Centers, Solidarity and Resistance.Available for download here.

**17-slide Powerpoint presentation on Palestinian political prisoners. Available for download and use by activist groups: here.

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User login
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Latest Articles
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Support PP Robert "Seth" Hayes

Robert "Seth" Hayes is a political prisoner and former member of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army. He has been incarcerated for over 30 years. He is currently suffering from medical neglect, and needs your support now!

For more information about Seth, please click here
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Global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Campaign
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Intercontinental Cry Newsfeed