South Side Chicago ARA Reportback on July 31st Day of Action

Posted in Uncategorized on August 2, 2010 by southside chicago ara

Chicago-area anti-racist organizations came together for the July 31st Day of Action Against Racism and Fascism, organizing a variety of actions and events.

During the day, South Side Chicago ARA hosted a meet-and-greet barbecue event with like-minded anti-racists. We ate awesome vegan food, played games, and distributed literature. In attendance were members from Bring The Ruckus, North Side ARA, Four Star Anarchist Organization, Iowa City’s Wild Rose Collective, and a handful of other anti-racists and antifas. After the barbecue, folks supported a local punk show benefitting Anarchist People of Color (APOC) and tabled with literature and an updated “Know Your Illinois Nazis” posters.

Additionally, we released detailed personal information on several Illinois area nazis including members of the National Socialist Movement(NSM) and “White Boy Society”, reminding them that they will no longer be able to organize and spread their hate in secrecy. In the week prior to the 31st, we also flyered the neighborhoods of several nazi scum to inform their neighbors of their involvement in hate groups.

On July 29th, members of ARA participated in a national day of action against SB1070 and rallied at Cook County Jail, where hundreds gathered to demand a moratorium on deportations. Cook County Jail has frequently been found violating prisoner’s human and civil rights resulting in numerous lawsuits and criminal investigations, and is also the major place in Chicago where ICE and local police collaborate to deport immigrants using “immigrant holds“.

Other Chicago revolutionary groups participated in the July 31st Day of Action by organizing several actions throughout the day. In the morning, members of Four Star Anarchist Organization distributed flyers and spoke with community members near the CVS at 26th and Pulaski where Anthony Kyser, an unemployed person of color and father, was murdered by the hands of a CVS manager for stealing crayons and toothpaste while a Cook County Jail Correctional Officer (CO) pointed a gun at Kyser. In the evening, members from Bring The Ruckus flyered Rogers Park informing neighbors about Soren Renner, a white supremacist who lives in the area and actually spotted and confronted the creep while he was slinking around the Heartland Cafe.

Finally, we also released a zine documenting much of the work we’ve done over past year. We hope that this publication will start a larger discussion in strategizing ways we can more effectively combat all forms of oppression in our city. (View the zine online or download the printable PDF version).

We are satisfied about how folks came together in Chicago for the Day of Action – both taking the offensive against known white supremacists while also organizing against broader forms of racist injustice in society. We are also excited to hear reports coming in from other ARA chapters about how their actions went . We expect great things throughout the year.

Fascists beware, we are here to stay. Always on the prowl, South Side ARA!

Protests against “Americans for Truth About Homosexuality”

Posted in Uncategorized on August 2, 2010 by southside chicago ara

This week, the homophobic hate group “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality” is launching it’s “Truth Academy” in an attempt to legitimize hate-filled bigotry against LGBTQ folk. A coalition of organizations including the Gay Liberation Network is organizing a demonstration on the first day of their conference.

August 5 Protest Against Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
7:30 PM in front of Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL.
For those traveling from Chicago, we will be meeting in front of the Ogilvie Transportation Center, 500 W. Madison, at 6 PM sharp

The opening banquet / lecture that was to have kicked off the anti-gay “academy” of “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality” (AFTAH) has apparently been cancelled. All references to the banquet, originally scheduled for Wednesday, August 4th at the AFTAH headquarters in Carol Stream, have been removed from the AFTAH website.

Therefore AFTAH’s anti-gay “academy,” scheduled to begin August 5th, will now be the target of our protest. We are changing the time, date & location of our protest to 7:30 PM sharp, Thursday, August 5 in front of the Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, to coincide with the “Special Thursday evening presentation” that AFTAH is holding on the first day of their “academy.”

For those of you traveling with us from Chicago to the protest, we will be meeting at 6 PM sharp, Thursday, August 5th in front of the Ogilvie Transportation Center, 500 W. Monroe Street, Chicago, to take the Metra train to the protest – just look for the rainbow flag!

As many people had made arrangements to attend our protest at the old date / place / time, please spread the word about the new info for the protest!

For more information, email the Gay Liberation Network at


Beginning August 5th a group which calls itself Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is organizing what they call an “academy” to “train young people (as well as older pro-family advocates) how to answer ‘gay’ activist misinformation and fight the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda.”

AFTAH has a long history of telling lies about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people and recently was designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center. AFTAH’s literature about their forthcoming “academy” calls the LGBT rights movement “destructive to America” and invites people to donate money to fund scholarships for people as young as 14-years-old to attend.

Youth should not be taught to hate their peers and thus fuel the cycle of self-loathing, depression and suicide which too many LGBTQ youth experience. Bigotry must be vocally and publicly opposed, especially when haters try to recruit young people.

In difficult economic times, the message of hating any minority is especially dangerous and must be forthrightly opposed.

The protest is co-sponsored by the Gay Liberation Network, DuPage NOW, Woodstock/McHenry County PFLAG, La Voz de los de Abajo and Join the Impact – Chicago.

For more information, email

  • WHY we are protesting vs. “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality”
  • CHANGED Time, Date and Place for the Protest vs. AFTAH
  • West Suburban Anti-Gay Group’s Website Labeled a “Hate Group” By Southern Poverty Law Center
  • July 31: Outing Illinois-area White Supremacists

    Posted in Analysis, Intelligence Report on July 31, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    UPDATE August 3rd: The racist biker gang White Boy Society has filed copyright complaints trying to get their bylaws taken off of even though it is already in the public domain. So their bylaws are now mirrored in several places here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

    We believe that one part of a strategy in fighting fascism is exposing and targeting key leaders of right-wing extremists on an individual basis – where they live, work, and frequent. In the past we have exposed and confronted a number of neo-nazis. For the July 31st Day of Action Against Racism and Fascism, we once again took the offensive against several white power organizers in the Chicago area by releasing their information and pictures.

    We have released an updated “Know Your Illinois Nazis” poster with some new info and faces we have uncovered. Here are a few other white supremacist profiles from our intelligence files, many of which have recently organized and attended recent racist gatherings such as the Hitler birthday celebration, Nordic Fest held in Mokena, IL, and “Illinois United” barbeque events.

    We’ll start with a 10 year veteran of the National Socialist Movement(NSM), a former military man who is active in organizing racist hate gatherings both locally and nationally:

    Michael J. Schloer
    (alias Mike Schmidt, Mike Schloer, harleyrebel88) Download his Flyer
    Current address: 1332 Sugar Ct. / Naperville, IL 60563 (Lives with Jennifer M. Brower)
    Former MN Addr:  420 S Lake Street Apt 8 / Forest Lake,  MN   55025 651-335-8814
    Home phone:      630 946 6861
    • 10 year leader for the National Socialist Movement(NSM)
    • Was in the Navy from 89 to 93, recently worked overseas for KBR / Halliburton, communicates with other nazis in the military
    • Organized and attended dozens of major white supremacist rallies, concerts and other gatherings including the recent April 17th Los Angeles NSM 2010 national conference and rally and the 9/26/09 Belleville courthouse Nazi rally protesting “black on white hate crimes”

    Now moving along to another NSM member and former Klansman who was one of the four boneheads defeated at the 2010 “White Pride World Wide” march in Chicago:

    Tim Durkan
    (alias: “Sgt.” Sean Finnerty, hoodedstormtroop)
    Phone: 312 504 7201  (formerly 630 709 6446)
    Birthday: December 09, 1979
    Address: (verified March 2008) 6301 N Sheridan Rd / Chicago, IL 60660

    • Was arrested at the failed 2010 “White Pride World Wide” march in Chicago
    • Attended numerous Christian Identity(CI) meetings, Wisconsin NSM anti-gay protests, former member of Church of the National Knights KKK
    • Went to Willowbrook H.S. in Villa Park, Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago

    Now looking at an old-school nazi who was convicted of multiple hate crimes who is trying to get active again with other Illinois-area white supremacists:

    Patrick L. Langballe (30s, male) 1936 Schiller Ave / Wilmette, IL 60091-2322
    (Former address: 1494 Asbury Ave., Winnetka, IL)
    (847) 920-9791

    And finally, the leader of the racist motorcycle gang “White Boy Society” which has chapters in several states:

    Bill DeBoer
    Alias: William, localwhiteboy, maddog316
    16584 N. IL. HWY 37 Lot 90
    Mt. Vernon, IL. 62864
    Phone: 618-315-8508

    Other attendees of the Mokena Fest and the Hitler birthday celebration include Patrick Logan and girlfriend Lisa(both organized the Mokena Fest), Ragnar and his ex-girlfriend Juliet from Grand Rapids (who recently broke up cause Juliet hooked up with several other white supremacists), John Alexander (Aryan Terror Brigade, C-18, also humiliated at the failed 2010 Chicago White Pride march), David Loki, Michael Marcink and his children, Philip Anderson(Peoria Heights, INSF), Steve (Arlington Heights, INSF), and the band “Major Disappointment” (Pontiac MI). Also since James Logsdon was at the Mokena gathering distributing new prints of nazi trash propaganda, folks should be aware that he has since moved back to Bloomington at this address: 101 Tanner St, Bloomington, IL 61701 .

    Don’t let the number of these various factions mislead you: it’s usually the same handful of boneheads in each of them. And despite their claims of dedication to the preservation of their race, there is more than one snitch in their ranks. But whenever they try to organize – in public or in secrecy – we will be there to expose and confront them.

    “Secrets” Has a Dirty Secret: They Employ Known Nazi Susan M. Lenner

    Posted in Uncategorized on July 31, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    We have discovered that an active Neo-Nazi works at the store “Secrets”, a head shop in the Boystown neighborhood of Chicago that is supposed to be safe and friendly for LGBTQ folks. Despite the fact they have been informed that the employee Susan M. Lenner is a known member of the National Socialist Movement(and even attended the 2007 NSM homophobic protest of Milwaukee Pridefest), they stand by their employee while making all sorts of excuses and rationalizations (including “she’s not a nazi”, “the pictures were photoshopped”, “her ex husband set her up”, ”shes having a baby, give her a break”).

    Because they continue to lie and cover up Suzie’s history, we are calling for a boycott of Secrets, and ask that people contact their owners – by phone and in person – to voice disapproval of their support for known Neo-Nazis. (Secrets is at 3229 North Clark, Chicago, (773) 755 0179). Download the flyer for Suzie / Secrets.

    Susan M. Lenner
    (alias “Suzie Pincushion” or “Vicky”)

    Announcing the 17th Annual Anti-Racist Action Network Conference: September 2011 in Chicago, IL

    Posted in Uncategorized on July 28, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    Chicago ARA is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the 17th Annual Anti-Racist Action Network conference in 2011. The conference will include workshops, speakers, caucuses, network plenaries, and social events and will be bringing a diversity of anti-racist and anti-fascist activists from across the continent. As time draws near we will announce more detailed info such as the exact dates, workshop topics and schedule. We hope all individuals and chapters within and outside of the ARA Network will join us. Mad props and thanks go out to Rose City Antifa for hosting the 2010 conference.

    July 29th Rally at Cook County Jail for Moratorium on Deportations

    Posted in Actions & Events on July 18, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    End the Deportations! Moratorium Now!
    No to SB 1070! No to the Polimigra!

    Rally at Cook County Jail
    July 29th – 4:00pm – 26th and California

    Every day, 1,100 families are torn apart.
    Every day, 1,100 men, women, and children are deported.
    Every day, 1,100 human beings are criminalize
    Every day, 1,100 Dreams are truncated
    Every day, We must take action for this to stop, we must raise our voices, we must come out to the streets and demand Moratorium on all Deportations

    *County Jails are the main source where ICE gets hold of our Immigrant Community!
    Cook county is the place where ICE and the local police collaborate to deport our immigrant community with the so call “IMMIGRATION HOLDS” which occurs 24/7 all year round!

    Two things, Obama said in his speech: one, the system is broken, and two, his administration will not kick the can down the road. If we want a fair and just immigration reform, Undocumented immigrants need to be part of the debate. But that will be impossible as long as the ax of the deportations, and all the broken immigration system, hangs over the heads of immigrant working families.

    Help us to gather 1,100 and more people this July 29th (Thursday) outside the Cook County Jail on 26th St. and California Ave., to show the public of this country, and the government, how much humanity is one thousand plus.

    Not to mention the thousands of sons and daughters, and many hundreds of families whose lives are disrupted every day by the deportations.

    The Moratorium on Deportations Campaign will distribute a visual to the first thousand to arrive.

    Obama is challenging Senate Bill 1070 in the courts. We must help mounting pressure from below to ensure the defeat of the racist law, but we must also demand an end to the deportations, and to all forms of immigration enforcement that destroys immigrant families, particularly the 287 (g) program, the Polimigra.

    Join us on Thursday, July 29 at 4 pm, in front of the Cook County Jail, on the corner of 26th Street and California Avenue.


    ¡Alto a las Deportaciones! ¡Moratoria Ahora!
    ¡No la SB 1070! ¡No a la Polimigra!

    Cada día, 1.100 familias se encuentran destruidas.
    Cada día, 1.100 hombres, mujeres y niños son deportados.
    Cada día, 1.100 son los seres humanos criminalizados
    Cada día, 1.100 sueños se terminan
    Todos los días, Debemos tomar medidas para que esto deje de suceder, debemos levantar nuestras voces, debemos salir a las calles y demandar la suspensión de todas las deportaciones!

    *Las cárceles del condado son la principal fuente donde ICE (Inmigracion) se apodera de nuestra Comunidad Inmigrante!
    El Condado de Cook es el lugar donde el ICE y la policía local colaboran para deportar a nuestra comunidad inmigrante con los famosos “IMMIGRATION HOLDS” cuales se producen 24/7 todo el año!

    Dos cosas dijo Obama en su discurso: una, el sistema está quebrado, y dos, su administración no pateará el bote. Para una que haya reforma migratoria justa, los indocumentados necesitan ser parte del debate. Pero eso será imposible mientras el hacha de las deportaciones, y todo el roto sistema migratorio, aun se cierne sobre las cabezas de las familias obreras inmigrantes.

    Ayúdanos a juntar 1.100 y más personas este 29 de julio (jueves) afuera de la cárcel en la 26 y California, para mostrar al público de este país, y a su gobierno cuánta humanidad es mil y mas.
    Eso sin contar los miles de hijos e hijas, y muchos cientos de familias, cuyas vidas a diario son obstruidas por las deportaciones.

    La Campaña para una Moratoria a las Deportaciones distribuirá una visual -anunciada más adelante- a los primeros mil que lleguen.

    Obama está retando la SB 1070 en la corte. Nosotros debemos ayudar montando presión desde abajo para asegurar la derrota de la ley racista. Pero también debemos demandar un alto a las deportaciones, y de toda forma de aplicación de la ley de inmigración que sólo destruye a las familias inmigrantes, en particular el programa 287 (g), la Polimigra.

    Únetenos el Jueves 29 de julio a las 4 pm en frente de la cárcel del Condado de Cook, en la esquina de la calle 26 y la avenida California.

    Open Letter to the “Gacy Hole”

    Posted in Analysis on June 26, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    The following statement is being circulated amongst Chicago-area punk scenes encouraging bands to boycott the venue  known as the “Gacy Hole”:

    Open Letter to the “Gacy Hole”

    For the past six months the Gacy Hole has been throwing shows in Pilsen and at nearly every show people have been harassed with acts of racism and sexism. When the people who live there were confronted, they made it clear they have no interest in keeping their space safe for women, LGBTQ folks or people of color. People at the Gacy Hole made all kinds of familiar liberal privileged arguments defending “freedom of expression” with no content or context for what this freedom is. At a time when the people of Pilsen are targets of gentrification, being displaced by white artists and hipsters who move in neighborhood and raise property values; the Gacy Hole is not only gentrifying but helping create unsafe spaces by not addressing oppressive behavior in their space.

    In the most recent incident a belligerent crew of skinheads spent the night badgering women and making homophobic comments while brandishing white power tattoos, a “Skrewdriver” shirt, an S.S. pin and a Swastika patch. Below is a testimony from a witness:

    “June 19th, 2010, there was a show at the gacy hole … non-racist skins showed up along with some older scum punks. What i mean by scum punks is: they were womanizing and and instigating fights. Both “groups” I mentioned were violently instigating people and saying sexually oppressing words towards females. numerous reports and complaints were exchanged to the attendance but few action was taken within attendance. this is what i am talking about. this apathetic attitude of “who cares, they didn’t say anything to me” needs to be changed…

    here are some reports on what i heard: “i’d like to go wherever that drunk girl is going.” “you’re fucking hot” “how much?”

    some actions included: over friendly help with intoxicated females. what i mean by this is they were acting as if they were helping an intoxicated female get around but they were really just “copping a feel”. talking to intoxicated girls that clearly weren’t interested and wouldn’t stop harassing… yes, i spoke up, along with the help of very few. i expected more help from but no one seemed to care. most didn’t seem bothered by all of this. there was a report of a skin head getting beaten towards the end of the show. you may say “no one deserves to get beaten.” try to talk in a civil manner to someone with this mentality and see what happens.”

    The testimony above is not merely an isolated occurrence; it is the general atmosphere of every show thrown at the Gacy Hole. The all too familiar liberal take on “freedom of speech” creates a powder keg, creating an unsafe space that fosters sexual assault, queerbashing and other forms of oppressive violence. They are willing to stand against those confronting bigotry yet they refuse to ever question those actively engaging in chauvinistic, racist and sexist behavior. Their ambivalence shows that the the Gacy Hole is more concerned with making sure that Nazis, racists, homophobes, misogynists and other bigots are safe in expressing or acting on their fucked up politics than they are in making sure that people of color, women, LGBTQ people and any of the other people targeted by many Gacy Hole regulars feel safe even being in the venue.

    Attempts at discussion have been made and never met by the tenants of the Gacy Hole. The show must not go on. Because of this We hereby DEMAND that the shows at the Gacy Hole end and that the people who live there move out of Pilsen. White, middle class, suburban bros have no place in Pilsen or the Chicago punk community, especially when they show their lack of principles by putting people in danger. Additionally we demand that all Chicago area punk bands and venues refuse to support the Gacy Hole in any way. Do not play at the Gacy Hole and do not play with any of the bands that play with “Sex Bunker” or the “Shitheads” whose members live at the Gacy Hole until they stop throwing shows and move out.

    July 31st, 2010: Call to Action Against Racism and Fascism

    Posted in Actions & Events on June 25, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    South Side Chicago ARA is endorsing the following call to action:

    July 31st, 2010: Call to Action Against Racism and Fascism

    During the early morning hours of March 27th, a Portland, Oregon anti-racist activist was shot in what appears to be a well orchestrated attack. It is suspected that the attackers were members of the neo- Nazi movement. The victim is a member of the anti-racist skinhead movement, a son, a friend and has dedicated the past ten years of his life to fighting white supremacist organizing.

    The Portland Police Department has suggested that the shooting is “gang related.” Already facing mass protests over numerous recent cases of police brutality and murder, the police treatment of this case is not surprising, and fits into a pattern of downplaying racist violence while targeting anti-racist activists.

    Although police and politicians attempt to portray cities like Portland as welcoming safe places, Portland and the Pacific Northwest has a violent and dangerous history. For 30 years Portland and the surrounding region has been targeted by white supremacist and neo-Nazi movements. Groups like White Aryan Resistance (WAR) and Aryan Nations waged an ongoing and underground campaign to both recruit young whites and to terrorize people of color, GLBTQ people, and others who were seen as enemies of their racist order. The 1980’s were an especially violent period in which neo-Nazi skinheads with ties to WAR beat Ethiopian immigrant Mulugeta Seraw to death.

    But this racist terror has not gone unopposed. Coalitions of anti-racist youths, militants from the GLBTQ communities, and individuals fighting for justice and dignity organized to beat back the racists and neo-Nazis. This organizing was often opposed and criminalized by the authorities who sought to disrupt independent anti-fascist organizing. This situation led organizers to rely on themselves and their own communities.

    The organizing by anti-fascists in Portland was a positive example and has been part of a broader, long-term campaign across the country. From NYC to LA, from Minneapolis to New Orleans, there is a history of peoples organizing to both defend themselves against racist terror, as well as come together to build multi-racial coalitions to discuss and plan forms of action to address conflicts and crisis in our various communities.

    The shooting in the context of growing reaction

    The March 27th shooting occurred within a backdrop of growing Right wing, racist, and emerging fascist organizing and activity. There has been a dramatic escalation of rhetoric and action from the broad Right. While all sectors of the working classes and poor face economic and social uncertainty, the racists, the Right wing, and the smaller but significant sections of the neo-Nazi and fascist movements are looking to divide our class and peoples. Where there should be united class anger against a system that is continually grinding people down, the Right openly demonstrates its contempt and hatred for our people. Fascists and neo-Nazis are looking for these moments of division in which they can move in, recruit, and carry out their own organizing.

    Call to Action

    We propose Saturday July 31, 2010 as a Call to Action Against Racism and Fascism. We want to use the CA to both engage the broad, independent, and radical anti-racist/anti-fascist movements.

    We want mass and varied forms of protest and action. These actions can range from: music and DJ shows; educational events; outings of known Right and fascist organizers; street protest; immigrant solidarity and anti-minuteman action; and so on. While we want collaboration and coordination when possible, we also want to maximize the impact of this CA and thus argue for the greatest degree of creativity and initiative.

    We encourage individuals and organizations to determine what best works in their localities.

    We support the incorporation of any existing and ongoing anti-racist/anti-fascist action into this CA and imagine the CA as a way to bolster already active organizing.

    We propose a poster/graphic to be used to announce the CA with endorsers.

    To reiterate, we argue for a maximum of creative and independent initiative and ask only that a) individuals and organizations endorse the call b) any public actions and events be promoted. We would not necessarily seek to publish details of planned actions unless requested to do so.

    We want to use the CA as a means to increase collaboration between our forces and work in a popular manner to highlight the need for a mass, radical response to racist and fascist organizing.

    Confront Racist “Illinois Minutemen” and “Naperville Tea Patriots”

    Posted in Actions & Events, Intelligence Report on June 7, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    On June 12th the Naperville Tea Patriots and the Illinois Minutemen Project are demonstrating against “illegal immigration” and in support of Arizona’s racist legislation SB1070:

    City Hall/Municipal Center (400 S. Eagle, Naperville, IL)

    Rally begins at 3 PM with speakers and “reading of the bill”
    Special Scheduled speaker: Rosanna Pulido, Illinois Minutemen Project

    Following the rally, those who are interested in supporting an AZ business are invited to walk to Cold Stone Creamery and purchase a “scoop in support” of AZ (Cold Stone is headquartered in Scottsdale).

    Immigrant Solidarity DuPage is calling for a counter-demonstration against the right-wing bigots:

    In Dupage we are Arizona! Counter-protest the Minutemen! Justice for Immigrant Workers and their Families!

    Elements of the anti-immigrant Naperville “Tea Patriots” and Illinois Minutemen Project will be hosting a rally in Naperville on June 12. The purpose of the rally is to express solidarity with the far right-wing ‘buycott’ Arizona campaign, that is, to support SB 1070 and other racist proposals that are coming out of that state.

    Keynote speaker Rosanna Pulido is chair of the Illinois Minutemen Project and supports a “war of attrition” against undocumented immigrants . After the rally the tea-baggers and minutemensos will march to Stone Cold Creamery in Downtown Naperville (23 W Jefferson Ave) to purchase a “scoop in support” of the Scottsdale-based corporation.

    Join Immigrant Solidarity Dupage along with allies and special guests from Aurora and Chicago as we energetically counter-protest this action en masse in downtown Naperville. We stand for the suspension of Arizona’s SB 1070 and the ethnic studies targeting HB 2281 initiatives and call on the City of Naperville to immediately boycott the state of Arizona for their racist, Latino-targeting policy.

    The “special scheduled speaker” at this rally, Rosanna Pulido, has a history of anti-immigrant activism and was publicly disgraced last year for making a number of racist comments on right-wing extremist website But she still hasn’t called it quits, holding a June 3rd “Pro-SB1070″ rally at Chicago City Hall, giving a Fox News TV interview, and organizing people to come see her speak on June 12. So here’s her profile complete with phone and address from the white pages:

    Rosanna Pulido – 773-250-3399
    2525 W Foster Ave / Chicago, IL 60625-2514

    Exposing Rogers Park White Nationalist Soren Renner

    Posted in Intelligence Report on June 7, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    Soren Renner, known for speaking at the 2009 Hitler Birthday celebration in Chicago and recently chased out of the 2010 tax day tea party, has once again crossed our radar. Soren Renner, who supposedly used to be an anarchist, is a third postion White Nationalist living in Rogers park. He is currently hoping to organize under a variety of names including “Chicago Area National Anarchists” and/or “Rogers Park National Front”, attempting to mimic the California-based Bay Area National Anarchists (BANA), which has nothing to do with Anarchism and much more to do with white supremacy. So Soren, you were paranoid before, but things are only getting worse:

    • Home Address: 1409 W Greenleaf Ave, Chicago, IL 60626-2883
    • Phone: 1 773 508 0562
    • Email:
    • 46 years old, married to Judith Renner, attended University of Chicago
    • Eats at Carmen’s Pizzeria (6568 N. Sheridan Road, 773 465-1700) and the Heartland Cafe, a popular liberal cafe (7000 N. Glenwood, 773 465 8005)
    • Posts racist blog posts at and Vanguard News Network forum
    • Frequently attends public demonstrations with video equipment in an attempt to document the Left

    Some of his greatest quotes: “War starts in the mind”, “I’ve been intimidating people since I was five”, “I’m gonna pop your white nationalist Cherry”, “Rise against the enemies of god”, “I’m pretty important”, “Im kind of a big deal”, “You have a lot to learn from me”.

    Soren is trying hard to recruit (brainwash) young people to do his dirty work for him, but all his attempts have seemed to be a failure. He has no real followers, except for maybe his tea party buddy Scott Irving, and we don’t see that changing any time soon. What we do see changing is that now that folks in Rogers Park know who he is, he will no longer be welcome in public places like the Heartland Cafe.

    White Supremacist “Nordic Fest” Event Held in Mokena, IL

    Posted in Actions & Events, Intelligence Report on June 7, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    “Nordic Fest” is a white supremacist gathering held every year in Dawson Springs, KY at the Imperial Klans of America headquarters drawing neo-nazis, skinheads and Klan from around the country to see white power bands and burn crosses. We were surprised and angered to hear that this year’s gathering was moved to Chicago suburb Mokena, IL. But this year was significantly more pathetic than usual: only 1-2 dozen people came and the event was crawling with feds. Why? Because a week before the fest, the IKA headquarters was raided by federal authorities who arrested IKA “Imperial Wizard” Ron Edwards, his girlfriend Christine Gillette, and Jeremy Katro for dealing methamphetamines, marijuana, and hydrocodone. So much for “family values”! Plans for Nordic Fest was not looking good and started looking even worse after Blood & Honour / Combat 18 publicly withdrew all support from the IKA :

    Unfortunately, two days ago now, Ron Edwards of the International Klans of America, a group that has been long and staunch supporters of Blood and Honour; was arrested and charged with manufacturing and distribution of methampethamine as well as other pharmaceutical drugs. The article may be found here.

    After discussions among the various crew heads in the US that make up Blood and Honour USA, we have collectively decided that at this time, given the amount of evidence- not only that which led to his being charged- but also that of individuals that have witnessed behaviours of this type- that Blood and Honour USA is pulling any and all support from the Nordicfest music festival and also any and all support of the IKA. We are planning to reschedule the event on the following weekend to be held in Chicago, Il.- the details of which will be announced shortly.

    Drugs, drug users, and those that market them cannot and will not be tolerated- regardless of who the persons are that are involved. Indeed it is even worse when someone that has held themselves up as a standard of white nationalism becomes caught up in this ****** nonsense.

    Further, we would request that any persons that may have planned to attend the event that are not associated directly with Blood and Honour also respect our decision and avoid supporting the IKA and this event.

    As a friend said to me last evening, “You just have to keep moving forward”. Solid advice from a solid individual. This will not stop us. This will not deter us from working towards a final victory. It is simply one more loss along the way.
    Blood and Honour USA / Combat 18 secured a place in Mokena IL to host the festival but when police and the media approached the property owner about the gathering, he claimed he had no knowledge of the organizer’s racist affiliations and told numerous newspaper articles that the event had been cancelled. We were not convinced and soon reports were coming in from Mokena residents who spotted skinheads, confederate flags and ‘event parking’ signs suggesting the event was taking place after all. Eventually newspapers confirmed the rally actually happened :
    May 30, 2010   BY TONY GRAF, Sun-Times Media
    After reports that a “white pride” rally had been canceled, an informal gathering still was held Saturday at a property in Frankfort Township near Mokena, police said.
    The property owner was denied a camping permit for the event, Will County sheriff’s police spokesman Pat Barry said. But that denial isn’t enough to prohibit an informal gathering on private property.
    Nordic Fest, a white supremacist rally described by organizers as a three-day “annual white pride and music festival,” had been planned for this weekend. Deputies reportedly met with the property owner Thursday and urged him to cancel the event. He had been unaware of the group’s plans before that time, the Herald-News of Joliet reported.
    On Friday, Barry said the owner told police “he had made calls to the organizers that their event would not be welcome here.” But Barry later said a dozen to two dozen people attended the informal gathering on the property, near Wolf and Cleveland roads. He said extra patrols were added for the area Saturday.
    “Our main concern is that we keep the peace and that no laws are violated,” Barry said.
    Barry said there had been no calls or problems related to the gathering as of Saturday afternoon. He said people were at the site Friday night, when a giant Confederate flag was hung on a tree. Attendees declined Saturday to comment.
    Without permits, people at the informal gathering could not install restroom facilities or charge admission, Barry said. But because the property is private, a gathering can be held, provided no laws are broken.
    A video called “major disappointment in Mokena” posted to YouTube on May 31st, 2010 shows a very small and pathetic looking show taking place (the caption claims it was the 2009 gathering but evidence suggests it was this year’s gathering):
    During the weekend numerous calls were made to Mokena residents and businesses nearly Wolf and Cleveland Road to try to ascertain information on what Klan-affiliated bonehead would have the nerve to hold such a gathering on his property. Many people in the town said they knew about the gathering, had “no problems with it one way or the other”, and would not reveal the name of the property owner even though they claimed they knew who and where it was hosted. If you are a resident of Mokena and have information or opinions about the gathering, please contact us at

    Chicago Resistance Against SB1070

    Posted in Actions & Events on May 28, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    In the past month Chicagoans have shown strong resistance to racist immigration policies through civil disobedience and other tactics:

    On May 29th we will be marching in solidarity with the National Day of Action Against SB1070:

    When: Saturday, May 29 2010 at noon & 2pm
    Where: 18th St & Blue Island Ave & 1101 S. Canal
    What: Political speeches, cultural dances & protest
    Why: Petsmart is a Phoenix based corporation, we seek the company to officially denounce SB1070 or face boycott. And stand in support of pro-immigrant Arizonans.

    In the last month, local, national, and international pressure has grown with vigils, fasts, protests, high school walkouts, boycotts, and civil disobedience-all in repudiation of SB1070, a law that creates 21st century apartheid in the United States. From Phoenix to Mexico to South Africa-the eyes of the world are watching an atrocious human rights crisis while President Obama and his administration fail to act.

    On May 29, 2010, people of conscience from throughout the United States and Phoenix will march in the tens of thousands to the State Capitol to demand justice in the face of legalized discrimination and hate. They will demand that President Obama stand on the right side of history and take immediate and concrete action to stop SB1070.

    Our Demands:
    There are examples in the history of our country when the federal government has intervened to protect communities living under State sanctioned terror and unjust laws. This is why we urge President Obama to:

    1. Reassert the federal government’s exclusive control over immigration law by making clear that state and local police do not have the inherent authority to enforce immigration law.
    2. Immediately suspend and terminate all police-ICE partnerships, including 287(g) agreements and the so-called ‘Secure Communities Initiative.”
    3. Direct the Department of Homeland Security to refuse to take custody of anyone charged with violating provisions of SB 1070.

    What can you do?
    Join us in making history in Phoenix, Arizona on May 29th! March with tens of thousands of people from throughout the country as we collectively raise our voices to say: “We are All Arizona.”

    Jon Burge Faces Protests During Torture Trial

    Posted in Actions & Events on May 18, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    As notoriously racist and corrupt former CPD Detective Jon Burge goes to trial, community groups and the recently exonerated are organizing protests to give Burge a Chicago welcome:

    Jail Cops Who Torture! Retrials for Their Victims! Cut Their Pensions!

    Over 20 years of terror, Police Cdr. Jon Burge and his “Midnight Crew” tortured 200+ Latino and African American men and their children to obtain confessions. 20 of these victims are still incarcerated, hoping to be re-tried. Burge has been evading justice since ‘93 and the City of Chicago has spent over $10 MILLION in taxpayer dollars paying for his defense even after the Police Department Review Board ruled that he was guilty of using torture!

    Take A Stand Against Torture on May 24th, 2010*
    @ Daley Plaza (55 W Randolph St) 8:30-10AM
    *Trial date may change. Visit for more info.

    * Spread the word: Facebook event and Flyer: JPG or PDF

    Jail Jon Burge Committee Calls for Justice on May 24

    Taking a stand against torture, the Jail Jon Burge Committee urges the residents of Illinois to join in a cry for justice from 8:30 to 10:00am on May 24, 2010.  The event will signal the commencement of the trial of former Chicago Police Department Commander Jon Burge, accused of perjury and obstruction of justice during a civil suit related to torture.

    The event will feature appearances by victims who were tortured during Jon Burge’s tenure as commander, as well as their families.  Speakers will include Mark Clements, Marvin Reaves and Nick Escamilla, who are all victims of Burge’s torture regime.  Attorney Flint Taylor, renowned advocate for police torture victims, and 21st Ward Alderman Howard Brookins, fierce public advocate, will also appear.

    The group has three demands, which include new trials by all who have alleged they have experienced police torture; cessation of pensions of all those who engaged in torture, as identified by the Special Prosecutor’s review; and indictment, trial, and imprisonment for all those found guilty of perjury related to their role in torture.   United with organizations across Chicago, the Committee will advocate on behalf of these victims, their families, and Chicago taxpayers, who continue to bear the financial burden of Burge’s defense costs.

    In 1993, the Police Department Review Board determined that Jon Burge had used torture to obtain confessions between the years of 1972 and 1991, torturing an alleged 200 African American and Latino suspects.  Following an investigation by a special prosecutor that concluded in 2006, Burge was found to have committed torture in multiple instances. Due to the statute of limitations on torture crimes, however, Jon Burge and his “Midnight Crew” were never indicted for their offenses.  The trial of Burge for perjury and obstruction of justice related to the special prosecutor’s investigation marks the first time that Burge will be held accountable for even a fraction of the crimes that he has committed.

    The Committee urges all interested and concerned parties to join them in their cry for justice at the May 24 Event.  Groups wishing to endorse the event should contact the Committee by calling 312-939-2750 or by emailing contact (at)

    Chicago ARA Materials Available for Download

    Posted in Analysis on May 17, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    Also available are several old-school Anti-Racist Action zines published many years ago by Chicago ARA:

    • ARA Research Bulletin #1 May 2001 (No Tears for the Nazis, No Support for the State, The Enemy of Our Enemy: the Southern Poverty Law Center “Badjackets” Anarchists, The Third Position, The New Face of Resistance: White Music for White Sheep, Hale and Brimstone, and News from the Front Lines)
    • ARA Research Bulletin #2 Fall 2001 (Fifth Column Fascism: fascism within the anti-war movement, Reports from the “Homeland” Front, Know Your Enemy? Q and A about Osama Bin Laden, the Taliban, and the CIA, RAWA: Anti-fascists in Afghanistan, Repression after 911)
    • ARA Research Bulletin #3 Winter-Spring 2002 (Feedback and Discussion, Editorial: Notes on the Battle of York, National Alliance Mid-Atlantic Organizing Drive, Trends and Intentions of the National Alliance, Bill White: the Third Position in North America, Homeland Security: from Torture to Co-optation, Fascist Dirty Laundry, JDL Exposed: the Racist, Pro-imperialist Nature of the Jewish Defense League, Neo-nazis Return to Portland, Review of Nordic Front, Revolutionary Anti-Fascism: Some Strategic Questions, Interrogation of an Anti-Capitalist, The Anti-War Movement that Wasn’t, and News from the Front Lines)

    Another zine with various essays analyzing anti-fascist movements in Italy, Germany, the UK, Toronto, and Chicago: Beating Fascism: Anarchist Anti-Fascism in Theory and Practice (PDF) (edited by Anna Key)

    Finally, several ARA zines published by South Chicago Anarchist Black Cross in the late 90s:

    The Fight Against Fascism: Necessity and Misconception

    Posted in Analysis on May 17, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    To those with open eyes it seems that this is the building period for the fascists and hopefully the antifascists as well. Since Obamas’ election the Nazi movement has doubled in size and with that comes the necessity to examine the reality of the fascist potential. It is often said by many groups of the political spectrum that Nazis are a group that are to be laughed at and to some, only pose danger to the extent that they offend or that one may slip into a position of political power and have some influence. The latter being a scary thought, but only minimally in comparison to its contemporary “revolutionary” form. Revolutionary fascism as a term, as well as in its physical presence, is not something to be laughed at and more importantly is not something to be ignored.

    Revolutionary fascism is a term that describes fascism in its most dangerous element. A form that no longer seeks to gain its power unilaterally or by lobbying but from the ground up. A grass roots movement that preys on the frustrations of the “potentially insurgent workers” (Don Hammerquist, Fascism and Anti-Fascism, Discussion Documents for a militant movement, p.16). In what is called the third position Nazi groups abandon their traditional top down, Hitler style approach and appropriate stances typically voiced by the left. Stances such as anti-war, anti-globalization, and specifically anti-capitalism, are now being supported by revolutionary fascists. To some this may sound like a good thing, a progression or a platform to change minds, however, these positions have a very different interest and intention unique to those on the left. Their intention is to seek outside the reformist right in hopes to attract a new and larger crowd, specifically of the working class, the youth, and those aligning or sympathizing with ideals traditionally valued by the left. Their incentive however, is preservation of the white race, white rights and superiority. With that being said there are two important realities that must be understood in order to debunk this political appropriation. The first is, that these stances are only temporary and would change the second the interests of whites were at stake. Lets take Anti-globalization For example, if Nike’s outsourcing to china didn’t take jobs away from any white people than the fact that Chinese families are working 60 hour weeks in a hot factory for next to nothing wouldn’t be a problem. The second is, if these efforts to skew the lines that differentiate freedom from oppression are successful, then the threat of fascism maximizes greatly as does the need for anti fascism.

    Once we realize that the threat Fascism is real, we must then learn to critique some typical left notions on what to do and what not to do. The first being ignoring them; the argument has been made that the fascists pose no real threat and only seek attention, thus ignoring them will make them go away. The reality is that ignoring them will only allow them to organize more effectively and more rapidly and may minimize the radical left’s revolutionary potential by failing to visibly create physical and theoretical opposition, because not only will the un-politicized masses then be easier led to believe the lies but antifascist work in it’s self can be applied to the larger social and political dissent. The second is to respect their “freedom of speech”. This is the idea that “Everyone has the right to say what they believe” no matter what their rhetoric may be. This concept has been voiced time and time again by liberals as well as the fascists themselves, however, Freedom of speech is only to be taken serious in relation to the fascists and the state. Every day people must recognize the importance of eliminating a movement that seeks the genocide of people of color, Queer folk, Jewish people and the physically and mentally disabled. It should go without saying that the repression of that ideology is far more important than the liberal notions of free speech. The last, yet no less destructive notion, on what to do, is to outlaw the fascists, making being involved in their organizations punishable. This tactic has two very important reasons to be dismissed; One is, that outlawing them will actually increase their revolutionary potential, even simply by advancing their urgency or making their cause more sympathized with. The other is that it will only be so long before that government repression is further applied to us. We have already felt the blow of this in recent times, where the so called need to prevent terrorism on U.S. soil by foreign “enemies” has in the end been used against radical left movements and organizations as harmless as food not bombs.

    Militant anti-fascism has proved many times over to be concrete in its strategy. Some of its tactics may be debated under the concept of morality but never in terms of success. When we say militant anti fascism we speak of the ones who are not only willing, but understanding the need, to employ direct action against the fascists. Not only physically but mentally and technologically. From street battles to group infiltration radical antifascists seek to intimidate, confuse, misinform, expose and create paranoia within the ranks of the Fascists. We are also smart enough to keep as far from the state as possible since a great deal of this work is done not within the confines of the law. Although these tactics get the job done, and in both theory and practice they are sound, militant anti-fascisms’ more often than not physical and reactionary state causes some important obstacles to be overcome. First, it can be easy to attract and create a chauvinistic presence that is polarizing and oppressive to many groups of people and may also allow itself to overlook less risky yet more, situationally, successful strategies. Second, in regards to being largely reactionary, it sometimes creates a lack of pro-activity and depending on how active the fascists are, our momentum can be slowed down. We must create a more broad range of action than purely following Nazis and battling on the turf they decide. Lastly, the fact that we put so much weight in confronting Nazis carries the ability to make one more easily overlook deeper and less obvious facets of racism such as gentrification, white dominance and privilege that occur and exist in not only mainstream society but in the Activist community as well. For the latter it is important to realize that this work is currently more anti fascist rather than anti racist. Although racism remains a predominant factor in why we resist our enemy, realizing this can allow us to better understand that the spectrum of anti racist work is far broader and often less visible.

    Fascism is a realistic threat and must be challenged on all levels. We who understand this and struggle against fascism must critique its theory, its action, ourselves and, unlike the Nazis, be honest in our mistakes if we actually intend to win. Fascism plans to grow and so should we.

    Profile of “Illinois United” and 2010 Hitler Birthday Celebration

    Posted in Actions & Events, Analysis, Intelligence Report on April 23, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    Last weekend a handful of fascists gathered to celebrate Hitler’s birthday in an attempt to form a regional counsel of white nationalist groups called “Illinois United”. While their numbers are small and previous attempts to organize publically have fallen flat, some familiar names have resurfaced. Let’s take an in-depth look at some of the major players of this new organization.

    Speaking at this year’s Hitler gathering is James Logsdon who was just released from prison for the second time. He has been with imprisoned Matt Hale’s World Church of the Creator for many years and is currently the main contact for the “Creativity Movement” as it is currently named. Since he is trying to jump back into the game, here’s his full info:

    james logsdon

    James Logsdon
    Phone: 309-830-9485

    Current address verified on 4/20/2010:
    2330 Gabriel Apt #3 (2nd floor)
    Zion, IL 60099

    Full Name: James A. Logsdon, Jr.
    Date of Birth: 01-24-1980 Weight: 190 lbs. Height: 5 ft. 09 in.
    Tattos: “Thug Life” (chest), “FTW” (left arm), Skull and scorpion (right arm), tribal art(abdomen), and a dolphin on his right leg.
    His landlord in Zion: Bogda (847) 662-7172
    james logsdon

    Now looking at another speaker at last weekend’s birthday celebration Patrick Leyland from the northwest side of Chicago. He has been attending “Illinois United” meetings and suffered defeat at the four-man “White Pride World Wide” march last month. From our intelligence files:

    Benek, Murtin Garey, Steve, Patrick Leyland, Ron, AnthonyPatrick Leyland
    Home address(Verified 4/20/2010):
    3520 N. Rutherford
    Chicago IL, 60634

    Phone: 773-875-4556
    Email: hamburgsv88@YAHOO.COM

    Pictures 1, 2, 3 and 4

    We’ve already humiliated Philip Anderson of the Illinois National Socialist Front a number of times but since Bill White’s main man is still propping himself up as a prominent organizer of “Illinois United” here’s his info once more:

    phil anderson at belleville nazi protestPhilip Anderson
    804 E. Marietta Ave
    Peoria Heights, IL 61616-6316
    Phone: 1-309-370-3766  309-740-1433
    Email: or

    Then we have the old and washed up racist Arthur Jones who once proclaimed “Homosexuals have to realize they have a place in society, and that place is back in the closet”, describing his group “America First Committee” a “patriotic, anti-Communist, white racial idealist organization”. After decades of racism and homophobia, this proud Vietnam veteran is still on the nazi speaking circuit so here’s his info:

    arthur jones, washed up neo-naziArthur J Jones
    Born January 4th, 1948 from Beloit, Wisconsin
    Phone: 773 586 1433

  • Ran failed campaigns for Illinois 3rd Congressional District in 2006 as a Republican,  Mayor of Milwaukee as the National Socialist White People’s Party, and other electoral offices
  • Organizer for “America First Committee”,  ”National Socialist White People’s Party”, and most recently Bill White’s American National Socialist Worker’s Party.
  • Protested the 1982 Chicago Gay Pride Parade with other neo-nazi groups
  • A member of “Illinois United” and a speaker at the 2009 and 2010 Hitler birthday celebration
  • Bringing us to another relic of racist history is Eli James, “pastor” of the Christian Identity(CI) movement. We hoped he would have called it quits after antifa shut down their attempted conference in New York but he popped back up on our radar having attended “Illinois United” meetings:

    Eli James
    Cell phone: 312-852-4441

    • Main organizer for the “Church of Anglo-Saxon Israel”
    • Attends “Illinois United” meetings and spoke at the 2009 and 2010 Hitler Birthday celebrations
    • Affiliated with other neo-nazis from Aryan Nations and National Alliance who were responsible for shooting up a Holocaust museum and various murders, assaults and robberies

    Also we can’t forget Soren Renner, a self-described White Nationalist who runs the racist blog calling to “RISE AGAINST THE ENEMIES OF GOD”. He spoke at the 2009 Hitler Birthday celebration (which was held at P.J. Klem’s Restaurant at 8000 Ogden Ave in Lyons, IL 60534 (708) 447-4343). Soren lives and hangs out in Rogers Park in Chicago and was recently spotted at the April 15th 2010 Tax Day Tea Party.

    Other attendees for this year’s Hitler celebration include “Tim” from the Imperial Klans of America (, “Matt” and other members from the Chicago National Socialist Movement(,, the Illinois “Aryan Terror Brigade” (, and “Josh” from Blood & Honour (

    Although we are not responsible if anyone acts on any of this information, we want to remind people how effective militant confrontations are in disrupting white power groups and driving the racists out of town. A warning to those who would follow the footsteps of imprisoned Nazi leaders Matt Hale and Bill White, you are not anonymous and you will not be able to organize in our communities.

    If you have any other information on these or other active fascists in your area, please contact us at

    Racism and the Tea Party Movement

    Posted in Analysis on April 7, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    tea party pictures documenting racism and bigotry

    As the crisis of capitalism intensifies and more and more people are not able to meet basic human needs such as health care or housing, people are looking for solutions outside the established political parties and politicians. There is a danger that right-wing fascists will attempt to take advantage of people’s disenchantment with the political process and try to push people farther to the right into racist hate, scapegoating immigrants and people of color for the crisis that the rich ruling classes themselves created.

    The “Tea Party” movement was engineered by right-wing strategists and pundits at Fox and other “news” corporations and has managed to stir people into a flag-waving frenzy of wingnuts including religious ultra-conservatives, Ron Paul supporters, anti-choicers, greedy free-market capitalists, nazis, libertarians, Alex Jones conspiracy nuts, and anti-immigrant Minutemen vigilante types. While it is possible that many people within the Tea Party are well meaning and just plain ignorant, there is a explicitly racist and homophobic element that must be confronted. Being an overwhelmingly white populist movement It is no surprise that nazis and white supremacists have attended and even organized Tea Party events around the country. Even here in Chicago nazis Paul Alfich(Volksfront, Oak Lawn), Renae Rachelle DePerio(Portage, IN) and Melissa Jordan(Stormfront Meetup, north side) attended last year’s April 15 Tea Party.

    Here are some articles that document racism in the Tea Party movement:

    On April 15 the Tea Party is demonstrating at Daley Plaza and Chicago-area organizations are planning counter-protests:

    Protest The Tea Party Bigots on April 15. This is OUR City — not Glenn Beck’s or Sarah Palin’s.

    On April 15, tea party activists will rally at the Daley Plaza. Incited by Fox News goon Glenn Beck and failed vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, these fake grassroots activists are useful tools for corporate America’s political agenda – including opposition to public funding of any kind for human needs, from health care to education.

    While claiming to be for “small” government and limited spending, they cheer on U.S. war spending at the current rate of $2 billion dollars a day – almost 60% of the federal budget. They support the Obama administration’s wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. They have no problem with spending even more to expand war into Somalia and Yemen, threaten war against Iran, or interfere in Latin American countries such as Honduras and Venezuela.

    Bigotry saturates tea party protests. In March, tea partiers called Georgia Rep. John Lewis a “n****r. Lewis, a civil rights movement veteran viciously beaten by a white mob in 1961, was outside the  U.S. Capitol building as protesters began chanting “Kill the bill, kill the bill” at him. When Lewis told them “I’m for the bill,” people chanted, “Kill the bill, n****r.” “It was a chorus,” said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.), who heard the chants. “In a way, I feel sorry for those people who are doing this nasty stuff — they’re being whipped up.” Another protester spat on Cleaver, who is also Black.

    Tea partiers have called gay Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) “f****t” and taunted him with “lisping” chants. They have systematically hazed sick and disabled people trying to testify at healthcare meetings, and their anti-immigrant and anti-Latino signs cross the line into open racism. Sarah Palin herself has referred to indigenous people as “Arctic Arabs,” and said “So Sambo beat the bitch” when Barak Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Party presidential primary.

    Chicago is a city of African-Americans, immigrant workers and union members. Large and politically active Mexican, Puerto Rican, Arab, Muslim and LGBT communities make their homes here. We have a long tradition of fighting for progressive political change — from the Underground Railroad and the Haymarket Martyrs to massive marches for immigrant rights and undocumented people. Let’s stand together on April 15 against these right-wing extremists.

    The M20 coalition calls on all progressive-minded people and organizations to join us to protest the tea party bigots on tax day. Don’t let the bigots take over our city.

    11:45 AM, April 15 Daley Plaza | corner of Dearborn and Washington
    For info or to endorse the counter-protest, please email

    “White Pride” March Annihilated by Chicago ARA

    Posted in Analysis on March 21, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    It was a beautiful Sunday Spring afternoon where the Illinois National Socialist Front were supposed to march for “White Pride World Wide”. But for the few Nazis that dared show their face in the city of Chicago, there was nothing but a barrage of blows raining on their parade.

    Southside ARA had been scouting in the downtown area early on, watching out for neo-Nazi skinheads and other white supremacists. Within minutes of their pathetic march of four boneheads waving white pride flags, clandestine anti-fascists took formation and confronted them, successfully delivering U-lock justice to the unsuspecting Nazi trash with trained precision. In broad daylight on Michigan Avenue, Nazis helplessly had flags ripped from their hands and were beaten down as pedestrians watched in awe. Later, a police car pulled up and arrested the bewildered and injured boneheads while the anti-fascists swiftly disappeared into thin air. Showing up seconds later, the pro-diversity / anti-hate rally laid the final icing on the cake by  surrounding the humiliated and obviously defeated boneheads and taunted them with chants, holding a rally directly in the path of their march.

    With only a handful of white supremacists willing to publicly show their faces, it was evident that local neo-Nazis were not willing to get behind the NSF. In fact, the NSF didn’t even show up to their own march; intelligence gathering showed that they had dropped out of participation just before the march and had handed it over to other local neo-Nazis, unwilling to complete what they had started.

    Several months ago Chicagoland anti-fascists launched a campaign against the NSF utilizing a diversity of tactics including face to face confrontations, flyering the neighborhoods and schools of individual members, posting their home addresses and phone numbers, initiating phone campaigns focusing on key Nazi organizers, and multiple cases of successful infiltration of their ranks.

    These tactics have achieved successes in that the NSF has become ineffective: six months ago they were openly organizing barbeques, protesting “black on white hate crimes”, and the opening of a Holocaust Museum in Skokie, etc. Their most recent attempt to march in Chicago was a complete failure, their recruitment gatherings have dwindled, their website went down for a month at a crucial time for promoting the White Pride March, and they have not responded to phone calls or emails from people asking about public information concerning their events.

    While it is easy for us to see a neo-Nazi march as an intrusion of racism into our community, we must also address the way that racism affects our city on a daily basis.  Two weeks ago, a homeowner in Mt. Greenwood posted a sign in his front yard stating “No to the Ghetto … White Power”, and if you read recent newspaper headlines you can see the aftermath of Jon Burge and the inherent racism of the Chicago Police Department. Confronting neo-Nazis and other white nationalists is only the beginning of eliminating racism, and we intend to align with other organizations to further combat forms of racism that exist in extremist groups as well as in sectors of society that are less blatant yet no less important.

    We effectively came together as a city to successfully kick the Nazis out of town. Fierce resistance was delivered and everyone got away without arrest or injury. To the defeated Nazi scum reading this, give it up! ARA is everywhere.

    South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action

    Upcoming Marches and Actions

    Posted in Analysis on February 28, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    South Side ARA encourages people to participate in the following actions:

    March 10th: March for Immigrant Rights: National Coming Out of the Shadows Day

    Wednesday, March 10, 2010 2:00pm – 6:00pm  From Union Park ( Ashland & Lake ) to Federal Plaza ( Dearborn & Jackson)   (See Flyer and Facebook)

    Chicago will come out of the shadows for a mass mobilization on March 10th, 2010

    The Immigrant Youth Justice League is working with community organizations for a mass youth-led immigrant rights mobilization in Chicago, and national coordinated actions by youth and students starting on March 10th, 2010 in support for a path towards legalization.

    IYJL members have been “coming out” or openly identifying as undocumented immigrants, and speaking about our stories, as a strategy to get the issue of immigration in people’s minds, and on the national agenda. In collaboration with the national youth-led network United We Dream, students and youth from around the country will be organizing “coming out of the shadows” actions between March 10th and March 21st, starting right here in Chicago.

    We live everyday in fear and we are tired of it. We want to be able to talk about our lives and our stories without fearing persecution or deportation. We are not free to travel, go to school, work, live, but we refuse to be helpless.

    In Chicago on March 10th , 2010 youth are calling for a community mobilization from Union Park to Federal Plaza, ending with a mass coming out direct action demonstration by undocumented youth. This “coming out of the shadows” is meant as a call for leadership from Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), who has been supportive of immigrant youth, but has not taken action to pass immigration reform this year. IYJL has also extended an invitation for a place at the table to the Senator, as well as President Barack Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, so that they can hear the proposals for immigration reform from the people that are affected the most.

    “I’m going to the march because I’m tired of being oppressed. I’m just like everybody else, with dreams and goals. I’m marching because I am fighting for my rights.”

    • March 18, 2010: Chicago Actions to End the Wars and Occupations Now!

    ENDLESS WAR: Seven years ago, the US invaded Iraq — a war that continues with no end in sight. In December, President Obama began to escalate the war in Afghanistan — when only 100 Al Qaeda members remain in that country. Scheduled Iraq troop withdrawals still leave thousands of contractors and mercenaries behind as occupiers. In the face of a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the US continues to finance Israel’s war on Palestine.

    Now, the Obama administration has introduced a budget that includes the largest amount for “defense” spending ever — while freezing domestic spending for human needs. There is no health care bill, no action on climate change. All Washington can agree on is to feed our tax money to big banks and an endless war.

    Politicians’ excuses for these failures have ranged from blaming immigrants and other working people to scaring us with ‘terrorist’ threats. These same politicians will not end the violence until we force them to. With rampant job losses and cutbacks in social services, it’s time now more than ever to oppose costly wars that rob precious public resources from housing, healthcare, education, and a host of other public needs.

    Join us — and thousands throughout this nation to mark the grim anniversary of seven years in Iraq.

    End the Wars & Occupations Now! Fund People’s Needs, Not Corporate Greed

    March 18: 5:30 PM, short rally at Federal Plaza (corner of Adams & Dearborn Streets), followed by permitted march on Michigan Avenue. And join us in mobilizing for a united march on Washington, DC on Saturday, March 20th. Buses available from Chicago.

    A Balance of Theory and Action

    Posted in Analysis on February 16, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    Props to the fierce resistance against the 2010 Olympic games in Vancouver and the massive fascist march in Dresden. With this and more in mind, there is the need to tone our analysis as we gear up to confront the upcoming “White Pride” march. Here’s what’s been on our reading lists:

    Challenging White Supremacy

    Fighting Rape Culture

    Anti-Fascist Strategies

    “Evil Incarnate” Fails Again

    Posted in Analysis on February 7, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    Neo-nazi band “Evil Incarnate” tried to play again last Saturday but thanks to the efforts of the Gay Liberation Network and ARA they were kicked off the show once again. Read this article published by the Windy City Media Group:

    CHICAGO — For the second time in three months the neo-Nazi heavy metal band “Evil Incarnate” was canceled after protests initiated by the Gay Liberation Network ( GLN ) and its allies in South Side Anti-Racist Action (ARA).

    The band was to have performed tonight, Saturday, February 6th at “Memories Bar,” 4358 N. Cicero, Chicago, until the bar’s management received a flood of protest phone calls and pulled the plug on the show. Last December another Chicago performance by the Chicago-based band was also canceled after community protests initiated by GLN and ARA.

    Evil Incarnate explicitly calls for the murder of African Americans and gays in the lyrics of its songs and employs fascist imagery.

    Here is a sample of the lyrics from the song, “Killer of Faggots,” which was recently released on the “Smashing Rainbows” label:

    N—er lovers and faggots
    Bullets in your head
    N—er lovers and faggots
    Now your dead

    Luftwaffa nazi arial assault
    Pounding from air never to halt
    Flak 88′s and panzer divisions
    Bombing the faggots into oblivion

    ( repeat )  Bombing the n—ers into oblivion

    GLN wants to note that once again, community activism has won an important victory over the forces of hate and violence. We wish thank all who called Memories Bar and explained to them why they should cancel the show. Finally, we want to thank Memories Bar for not helping promote hate and violence.

    Details of Midwest Volksfront “Race Over All” Gathering Exposed

    Posted in Analysis on February 4, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    The midwest Volksfront chapter is having a private gathering in Chicago on February 6th for “white racialists of good character”. We are releasing details of who will be attending the meeting and where they will be staying. Philip Anderson and others from the INSF are also attending this event most likely to try to recruit VF to participate in his upcoming “white pride world wide” march. Folks are encouraged to call the Budget Lodge and Key Motel (numbers listed below) and demand to know why they are hosting a racist hate group. Also feel free to call up the racist scum who are attending the event at their numbers listed below.

    Volksfront is an international neo-Nazi skinhead organization that has existed since 1994. They call themselves “The Voice of the White Working Class” and use phrases like “Race Over All” and “One Front, One Family”. In the US, they are primarily based on the west coast particularily in Oregon and Washington and are attempting to purchase land to set up autonomous white-only space called the “Northwest Territorial Imperative”. Additionally, the midwest Volksfront chapter owns land in or near Fredericktown, Missouri where they held a 2007 VF gathering of white power bands for “brotherhood, solidarity and family”. More information about Volksfront here, here, and from their website here.

    Paul T. Alfich, the primary contact for the midwest chapter of Volksfront and the organizer of the Feb 6th gathering, lives in Oak Lawn just outside of Chicago and sells white power records and t-shirts while collecting VF dues. Besides looking over pictures of him attending a recent international Volksfront gathering in Spain, we were also fascinated to find that he had campaigned for Ron Paul and attended several Chicago “Tea Party” events and was even invited back to help organize future events! Download the flyer for Paul.

    Paul’s attempt to ensure any sort of privacy or security for the racist scum attending his secret gathering has failed miserably. He will have a lot of explaining to do to prospective members why he violated and betrayed everybody’s personal information. But this is what you get when you join a racist national socialist organization. Hate has consequences!

    From our little birdies: “Midwest Volksfront Social. Hello everybody, the motels recommended for the social are listed below, we ask everybody to meet at the Budget Lodge motel at 630 for final directions to the social. If you can not be there at 630 call the event phone number @ 219 510 7915 for directions. The event phone number will not be turned on until friday night. Food will be served at 730. If there are any other questions feel free to email me back, hope to see everybody there!

    Budget Lodge 11840 S. Cicero Ave. Alsip, IL 60803 1-708-597-3214

    Key Motel 11910 S. Cicero Alsip, IL 60803 1-708-388-6151″

    Main Midwest Volksfront Coordinator:

    Paul T. Alfich
    Oak Lawn, IL 60453 near 111th and Cicero
    From Mt. Greenwood
    Cellphone: 1-773-612-4849
    PO Box 557884 / Chicago, IL 60655
    Birthdate: October 29 1981
    Stormfront: “PrideOfANation”

    People attending the Volksfront gathering:

    Jason Lenz Phone: (219) 916-3830 Location: Portage, Northwest Indiana Emails: or Pic:

    Keith Mccann “VF Keith” Email: Phone: 636 466 1216 Location: St. Louis Area

    William Cerney, 27 Phone phone: 847-344-1837 Profile: Location: Elk Grove Village or Desplaines IL Picture: Email:

    Renae “freyjasdottir” Northwest Indiana / Chicago or

    Lindsey Vinsonhaler Jeffrey Vinsonhaler Email: Myspace: Location: Omaha, Nebraska

    Justin Mccauley Email:

    Rob Mohrendolin(moore) “WarWolf88″ Phone: 630-290-4572 Location: Lombard IL Email:

    Ed Lazwell “Big Ed” Email: Southern Illinois

    Steve Verrx Email: “FriendofRPO” on Stormfront

    Damian Wiertek Chicago area

    John Quinn Phone: 715-797-3125

    Donna Patterson Email:

    Patrick Logan 40 minutes north of Chicago

    Michael Saults

    Rob (“Ufilas”) Phone: (574) 533-4389 ask for Rob Email: Location: Goshen Indiana / “upstate Indiana near the Michigan border”

    Eric S. Norling (kinsmen88) cellphone: 815-519-3742

    Callout to Confront INSF ‘White Pride World Wide’ March in Chicago

    Posted in Analysis on January 29, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    UPDATE: Download the flyer: (English JPG, Spanish JPG, or Quarter-page Printable PDF) and also call the hotline at 773-980-6013 for day-of updates about the action.

    On March 21st, 2010 the Illinois National Socialist Front is planning to march in Chicago for what they call “White Pride World Wide”. South Side Anti-Racist Action is making plans to confront the march to let them know that they are not welcome in our city.

    March 21st is recognized as International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination because of the massacre of demonstrators demanding an end to apartheid in Sharpesville, South Africa in 1960. However in 2000, neo-nazi and white nationalist organizations came together to attempt to reclaim March 21st as “White Pride World Wide” day against “multi-racial supremacy”.

    The Illinois National Socialist Front is a neo-nazi organization primarily based in Peoria and the suburbs of Chicago, some of which are former members of Bill White’s American National Socialist Workers Party. Over the past year they have organized a variety of events including nazi barbeque recruiting events, a speaking event celebrating Hitler’s birthday, a rally against the opening of Holocaust museum in Skokie, a Belleville protest of “black-on-white hate crimes”, and more. They have shown efforts in working with other hate groups such as the National Socialist Movement and are attempting to gather regional support for the White Pride march in Chicago by posting information to websites such as Stormfront and Vanguard News Network.

    Besides the activity of neo-nazi hate groups, fascism is still alive in many forms across the US from attacks on immigrant communities to homophobic hate crimes. Even in Chicago, racist graffiti has been seen very recently – an indication that even in Obama’s America, racism is far from being over with. The INSF’s intention to march in Chicago shows that they are growing bolder and aren’t go away unless we take a stand.

    South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action is calling out for other groups inside and outside of Chicago to stand with us against fascism. Join us to confront the National Socialist Front’s march on March 21st!

    South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action
    Gay Liberation Network
    Four Star Anarchist Organization
    News & Letters
    Bash Back
    North Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action
    Progressive Labor Party
    sort sol collective

    Get in contact if you are interesting in endorsing and/or helping organize this action:

    The INSF has not announced the location of the march yet – but check back at the above websites for additional information as the date approaches. You could also call our update hotline at 773-980-6013

    More information on the INSF: PO Box 9714 / Peoria, IL
    The self-proclaimed Leader of the INSF is Philip Anderson former member of American National Socialist Workers Party and associate of Bill White. His phone 309-370-3766, his email is, and his address is 804 E Marietta Ave / Peoria Heights IL 61616-6316.

    Este es un llamado para confrontar al INSF “frente nacional socialista de illinois” y su manifestación “orgullo blanco en todo el mundo” planeada para el 21 de marzo en chicago, el grupo de Acción-antiracista del sur de chicago esta planeando confrontar a esta marcha para dejarles saber que no son bienvenidos a nuestra ciudad.

    El 21 de marzo es considerado como el día internacional de la Eliminacion de la Discriminación Racial debido a la massacre de manifestantes demandando el fin del apartheid en sharpesville, en sur Africa en 1960; sin embargo en el 2000,grupos blancos nacionalistas y neo-nazis se unieron en un intento de reclamar la marcha del 21 de marzo como el “día del orgullo blanco”.

    El frente nacional socialista de Illinois es una organizacion neo-nazi primordialmente ubicada en Peoria y los suburbios de Chicago, algunos son ex-miembros del grupo Partido obrero socialista nacional americano de bill Whites, durante el ano pasado organizaron una variedad de eventos y comidas para reclutar nazis, celebraron con platicas el cumpleaños de Hitler, hicieron una protesta encontra de la apertrua del museo del holocausto en skokie, y también una en Belleville de crímenes de “odio de negros contra blancos” y muchas cosas mas, ellos han hecho esfuerzos por trabajar con otros grupos de odio como el movimiento nacional socialista y están intentando juntar apollo regional para la marcha orgullo blanco en chicago por medio de información puesta en paginas de internet, como stormfront y la red de noticias vanguardia.

    Aparte de la actividad de grupos neo-nazis, el fascismo todavia esta vivo en muchas formas en todo estados unidos, desde ataques a comunidades inmigrantes, a crímenes de homofobia, de hecho recientemente en chicago se ha visto graffiti racista, una indicación de que ni en la america de obama, el fascismo esta muy lejos de que se acabe, la intención del INSF de marchar en chicago demuestra que están creciendo y no se iran alamenos que nos levantemos contra ellos.

    El grupo Acción Anti-racista del sur de chicago esta haciendo un llamado a otros grupos dentro y fuera de Chicago para unirnos encontra del fascismo, unite a nosotros para confrontar al marcha del frente nacional socialista en marazo 21.

    Si estas interesad@ en ayudar a organizar o promover esta acción ponte en contacto:

    El grupo INSF no dicho la locación de la marcha todavía, pero
    espera información adicional mientras se hacerca la fecha

    Para mas información acerca del grupo INSF: PO Box 9714 / Peoria, IL
    The self-proclaimed Leader of the INSF is Philip Anderson former
    member of American National Socialist Workers Party and associate of
    Bill White. His phone 309-370-3766, his email is, and his address is 804 E Marietta Ave /
    Peoria Heights IL 61616-6316.

    Chicago Nazis poster January 2010

    Posted in Analysis on January 17, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    South Side ARA has put together a poster with pictures and info from Chicago-area Nazis. This list was compiled and published on 1/17/2010 and is just a small sample from our intelligence files. If you were spared from this edition, it does not mean we don’t know everything about you.

    These beautiful subjects before you are some of the many self-proclaimed Nazis in Illinois. Some are from Chicago and some are from the surrounding suburbs. A few are members of such groups as the National Socialist Movement, the Creativity Movement, the Illinois National Socialist Front and Volksfront. If you see these mindless bastards at a show, on the streets or anywhere else, please make sure they are met with hostility and/or confrontation!

    Fascism, Democracy, and the Struggle Against Capital

    Posted in Analysis on January 5, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    An excerpt from an article published at the Chicago Chapter of the Imaginary Party documenting recent Chicago antifa activity:

    … Following the imprisonment of Bill White and the disbanding of the American National Socialist Workers Party (ANSWP), Illinois remained relatively quiet after the ANSWP’s last event, a protest against an Elie Wiesel speech at St. Xavier University. But during the current crisis, neo-Nazi elements have been gaining in strength. Some former ANSWP members regrouped to form the Illinois National Socialist Front (NSF). The Illinois NSF has been having monthly barbeques throughout Illinois, drawing as many as thirty attendees to each barbeque. They held a rally with the NSM and Klan members at the end of September outside of St. Louis, one in Skokie in April, and a couple of flyering events on St. Patrick’s Day and Easter. In Chicago, local Nazi punk gangs have been attacking people of color, immigrants, and queers. Even though they remain quite powerless within the current situation, they are organizing always with the intention of becoming a constituting force that posits law.

    In September of 2008, a counter-demo was called against the ANSWP’s demo against Elie Wiesel. A shouting match ensued, there were a lot more anti-fascists then fascists, and in the end, the Nazi’s van had its tires popped.[2] All in all, liberals and the police neutralized any revolutionary Anti-fascist efforts; free speech won the day, and a message of anti-hate prevailed. Perhaps the Nazis were influenced by the vandalizing action of some person(s), but more likely left with a sense that they can safely demonstrate in Chicago. Over the summer, the NSF attempted a demo at the International Socialist Organization’s national socialist gathering, Socialism 2009. With only a few members present, and a crew of hooligans ready to meet them, the Nazis simply went home.[3] In November, some anti-fascists convinced Phillip Anderson, leader of the NSF and another member to come visit Chicago on the grounds that they were interested in starting a Chicago NSF Unit. Naturally, the NSF members got the shit beat out of them, and even better, because they were seen pulling a knife, they got arrested and everyone else got away. And finally, also in November, David Irving, a Holocaust denier and Nazi sympathizer, attempted to arrange a speaking event in the Northwest Suburbs, and fell victim to hooliganism as he so frequently has throughout his speaking tour. Having had so many previous encounters, he had a cop (who was quite literally a Nazi) present,[4] but was unable to stop the disruption. Almost a dozen people burst into the restaurant; masked and clad in black, they began to throw chairs, scream, ruin his merchandise, and even scuffle with attendees before exiting.[5] Unfortunately, in the anti-fascists efforts to pick up a comrade left behind, a car circling the area was stopped by police, and the passengers were taken to jail and given disorderly conduct charges.

    These efforts are to be applauded to the extent that the content of anti-fascism was not an appeal to an alternative of more democratic values or a more capitalist capitalism, but that the gestures alone revealed everything necessary; a commitment to stomping out fascism at any costs, and more importantly, no desire to appeal to its democratic sister system of management. But where to go from here? A storm lurks in the distance. On March 21st of next year, the NSF is planning a “White Pride World Wide March” in Chicago.[6] This event is sure to draw Nazis from across the Midwest and perhaps even the nation, and will undoubtedly become a giant spectacle within a stream of spectacles. Perhaps the recent “Inglorious Bastards Bloc” in Phoenix provides an example of how to proceed.[7] Any events that involve anarchists publicly packing heat, let alone when Nazis are around, perks our interest. But more importantly (to the extent it influences conditions materially), the discourse surrounding the demo was framed in terms of “Anarchists/Fascists”, ”Proletariat/Capital”, and “Racism/Anti-racism”. It was many things, but it was never “Democracy/Fascism”.  When the confrontation here ensues, the police could simply prove too much of an obstacle for us – unless we are incredibly diligent in recruiting comrades locally and from around the country. By framing the discourse in the same manner as Phoenix, we can immensely aid our local efforts by not only striking against Fascism, but weakening and defaming the counter-revolutionary monolith that is Chicago’s established left. A direct assault against their ignominy will take the form of exposing the poverty of their discourse. Their narcissistic rage will form smiles across our lips, if we can manage it.

    More critically, there have been limitations that we would like to see transcended concerning local anti-fascist hooliganism. The hostilities to this point have been waged in a private manner; like two gangs competing for power, can we instead find methods for a more inclusive hooliganism or collective forms of violence? Imagine not just ARA chapters that fought the NSF, but old women throwing vegetables and kitchen utensils as they walked down the street, bus drivers refusing to transport them etc. By making it a public affair, we can also eliminate the suicidal tendency implicit in taking them on alone, and perhaps even increase our power by generalizing social conflict. But the militant form, similar to the ELF and ALF, has not necessarily transformed the content; nor has it amplified hostilities across the social terrain. Perhaps if we are conscious of this limitation, such affective gestures between friends can allow them to realize it’s not just the INSF and other street fascists that these tactics can be applied too; banks, police stations, or wherever one locates the flows of capital can be attacked just as easily as Nazis by friends sharing interests and complicities. But this link is tenuous, at best. Anti-fascism may be doomed to run aground the same rocks as identity politics and single-issue struggles.


    Posted in Analysis on January 5, 2010 by southside chicago ara

    Download the flyer: nazi-alert-philip-anderson.pdf

    Philip Anderson is the self proclaimed leader of the Illinois National Socialist Front, a racist White power organization, which is based out of Peoria, IL. Phil and those involved with the INSF schedule protests to try and spread their message of hate throughout IL. Core beliefs of the group members along with many of the messages they spread branch off from the writings of Adolf Hitler.  Their most common phrase “88” (the letter H being the 8th letter in the alphabet, “HH” or “Hail Hitler”) is almost always signed after their names, or worn on their clothing. This organization supports nothing but segregation, racial violence, and outright hatred and intolerance of anyone who is not like them. Lets make it clear to Phil and his hate organization that they are not welcome in our communities. You can even tell Phil in person.
    His last known address (current?) is 804 E Marietta Ave / Peoria Heights IL 61616-6316
    You can send him an email at or
    You may be able to catch him at his PO box he uses: PO Box 9714  Peoria, IL 61612
    You can call him on the phone and yell at him his phone number is 1-309-370-3766
    Or if you see him in the hall at school let him know what you think, he is currently attending a local Peoria community college.

    White Star Cancels Neo-Nazi band “Evil Incarnate”

    Posted in Analysis on January 5, 2010 by southside chicago ara
    Posted by our comrades at the Gay Liberation Network:
    White Star Night Club CANCELS Performance by Neo-Nazi Band “Evil Incarnate”!
    Band had boasted that “N—-r lovers and faggots, Bullets in your head”

    Activism – getting involved in your community – has once again won an important pro-gay victory.

    Yesterday the promoter of a multi-band show scheduled for this Saturday at the White Star Night Club confirmed with the Gay Liberation Network that he has canceled the performance by neo-Nazi band “Evil Incarnate.”

    Therefore our protest, previously scheduled for 6 PM this Saturday, December 19th, is CANCELED.

    Our thanks to White Star management for agreeing not to provide a venue for a group that calls for the murder of African Americans and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans people.

    Our thanks to all of you who called the White Star Night Club and generally spread the word about the neo-Nazi “Evil Incarnate” heavy metal band.

    And our thanks also to our partners in Chicago Anti-Racist Action, who eagerly agreed to join us in protest.

    “I myself am Mexican,” said concert promoter Renato Brieno. “I don’t appreciate that kind of racist or anti-homosexual b.s.”

    “I have removed EVIL INCARNATE from the Festival, they have officially announced that they are NOT playing this fest. Their ideology … DOES NOT represent the views and opinions of ANYONE at White Star or any of the other bands.”

    Brieno told GLN that Evil Incarnate members had tried to divert the concerns he relayed to them about their “kill gays, kill blacks” lyrics by saying that the song was 20 years old. When he learned that the song was part of a months-old compilation CD called “Smashing Rainbows” on the “Fetch the Rope Records” label, he concluded that they were lying to him.

    “They say one thing and then they do another.”

    But if they’re willing to call for the deaths of whole groups of people, what’s a little lying on top of that?

    Thank you again to all who participated in bringing this important victory over racist and anti-gay hate!