A selection of 'Canadian' and International News

Keep the cells empty!

Canada's New Democratic Party and the Jewish National Fund: "Progressive" Support for Israel

By YVES ENGLER - Counterpunch

Ten days ago, Greg Selinger, the New Democratic Party (NDP) Premier of the Province of Manitoba, and two of his ministers visited Israel. Among other things, the official delegation strengthened the longtime "progressive" government's ties to the Jewish National Fund (JNF)...Manitoba's ties to this openly racist institution are shocking, but also part of a decades-old pro-Israel policy of the NDP that must be challenged by real progressives.

The Impotence of Elections

By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS - Counterpunch

Today both [Democrats and Republicans] are dependent for campaign finance on Wall Street, the military/security complex, [the Israel lobby], the oil industry, agri-business, pharmaceuticals, and the insurance industry. Campaigns no longer consist of debates over issues. They are mud-slinging contests.

Take That You Smug Bastards!

By DAVE LINDORFF - November 4, 2010

The Democrats deserved to lose because they have long since abandoned whatever principles they had, and more important, they’ve pissed on their most important supporters--the left, real liberals, African Americans, women, unionized workers, and workers in general...[T]he voters have told Obama, the Democrats, and their oh-so-smart political advisers, “Fuck you!”

Dissent in the Age of Obama

By Cindy Sheehan - October 08, 2010

I have observed that it was one thing to be anti-Bush, but to be anti-war in the age of Obama is not to be tolerated by many people. If you will also notice, the only people who seem to know about the [Minneapolis FBI] raids [on anti-war activists] are those of us already in the movement. There has been no huge outcry over this fresh outrage, either by the so-called movement or the corporate media.

Despite Economy, Right Still Blames Poor for Being Poor

Syndicated from Common Dreams
by Marjorie Valbrun

Sunday, October 31, 2010 - New America Media

...[P]olitical conservatives [continue] to blame poor African-Americans and Hispanics for the very act of being poor even as 43.6 million Americans of all racial stripes...are living in poverty and collectively struggling to survive the fallout of an economic downturn — widespread layoffs, massive home foreclosures and loss of retirement savings and other assets.

What's Happening in Europe?

By VINCENT NAVARRO - November 2, 2010

...[T]he European Union...is not “worker friendly.” Rather, it is “employer friendly.” To summarize: since the late 1970s we’ve seen a decline in workers’ income, an increase in salary inequities, an increase in fiscal regressivity, a decrease in social benefits, and a decrease in social protections. Meanwhile, capital’s income has soared. This situation is at the root of the enormous increase in social inequalities in Europe.

Any Hope I Had in the Ballot Box Bringing Change in Afghanistan is Gone

By Malalai Joya - Tuesday 2 November 2010

The only change that can make us hopeful about the future is the strengthening and expansion of a national anti-fundamentalist and democracy-loving movement. Such a movement can be built only by Afghans. And while we want the world's support and solidarity, we neither need nor want NATO's occupying forces.

Jon Stewart and the Left

By WILLIAM BLUM - November 3, 2010

[Jon] Stewart...appears to dislike the left, perhaps strongly. In the lead-up to the [Million Moderate March] rally he criticized the left for various things, including calling George W. Bush a "war criminal". Wow! How immoderate of us. Do I have to list here the 500 war crimes committed by George W. Bush?

Ford's Win Opens the Gates of Pro-Development Hell

By Elizabeth Littlejohn - November 2, 2010

Regional developers footed 60 per cent of the bill for Ford's campaign to ensure their future victory in contesting the Places to Grow Act in 2014. The Places to Grow Act was enacted in 2005 by the Liberal government to protect 1.8-million acres that form the Green Belt, including the Oakridge Moraine, and its freshwater aquifers feeding into Lake Ontario, from aggressive subdivision development. This act will become in jeopardy as Conservatives consolidate and contest its growth restrictions to pay back their Ford campaign supporters.

Los Angeles: Demand Release of Immigrant Rights Activists

Tuesday, November 02 2010 - Infoshop News

The growing atmosphere of bigotry and hate that lead to Arizona’s SB1070 is also fueling an unprecedented increase in the deportations of undocumented immigrants, increased police/ICE collaboration, border militarization, ethnic cleansing disguised as “attrition through enforcement”, and the push for a constitutional amendment removing birthright citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants.

Justice for First Nations Deaths in Police Custody

Syndicated from Media Co-op

By Sandra Cuffe - November 2, 2010

The exact numbers of First Nations men and women who have died during their arrest or while in police custody in [British Columbia] are unclear. Conservative lists include more than one hundred names, while others estimate the total to be in the hundreds..."We have to change this society's attitude about who we are as First Nations people..."

French Worker Struggles for Justice

On their own with no union support, French workers press on.

Why Liberal Justice is Not Justice for Oscar Grant

By Nick Theodosis - November 03, 2010

There is something dangerous about the pervading view of justice for Oscar Grant...[I]t remains steadfastly committed to preserving the authority and power to control and coerce...It’s a view distinguished from conservatism only in that it does not grant the state an outright license to kill. It is the liberal view, the dominant paradigm of justice in our society, and we would do well to find an alternative.

Anti-Defamation League Demagoguery and Islamophobia

A sham organization fronting for Israel.

Creative Destruction and "Repealing the 20th Century"

Syndicated from Common Dreams
by Roger Bybee

Friday, October 29, 2010 - In These Times

It's between those who seek to proceed with "creative destruction" of the U.S. productive base and the reforms for which working families successfully fought, and those who seek to protect and extend democracy and justice. At heart, this election is about whether or not we will continue to effectively repeal the economic gains of the 20th century.