Kosta Harlan of Freedom Road on building movement against FBI and Grand Jury repression

The following talk by Kosta Harlan of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization is from the regional conference of Workers World Party that took place recently in Durham, North Carolina:

For more info see StopFBI.net

Jon Stewart vs. the Left

The following article by William Blum is from CounterPunch.org:

The left in America is desperate; desperate for someone who can inspire them, if not lead them to a better world; or at least make them laugh. TV star Jon Stewart is sometimes funny, especially when he doesn’t try too hard to be funny, which is not often enough. But as a political leader, or simply political educator for the left, forget it. He’s not even what I would call a genuine, committed leftist. What does he have to teach the left? He himself would certainly not want you to entertain the thought that Jon Stewart is in any way a man of the left.

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SDS Holds 5th National Convention, Lays Plans to Build Student Movement

The following article by Mike Gold is from Fight Back! News:

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) 5th National Convention, October 2010, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. (Fight Back! News/Staff)

Milwaukee, WI – On Oct. 23-24, around 100 student activists from across the country converged here for the fifth Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) National Convention.

From Diablo Valley and Los Angeles, California, Dallas, Texas, Gainesville, Florida and College Park, Maryland, SDS chapters came together to share their experiences organizing locally and to discuss the two major campaigns – education rights and anti-war – that SDS has been leading nationally and to talk about the next steps for the student movement in the U.S.

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The Curious, Mysterious, Obsolete and Dangerous Federal Grand Jury

The following commentary by Bernardine Dohrn is from Fight Back! News:

I was subpoenaed to a federal grand jury in May of 1982 in New York City. It has left me as something of a specialist in an arcane, secretive and obsolete area of the law – one that has just reappeared with FBI raids, seizures of private papers, computers and subpoenas to compel testimony in Chicago, Minneapolis and other cities across the country.

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FBI intimidation and harassment continues: two articles

The following articles are from Fight Back! News:

FBI Harassment of Anti-War Activists Continues in Twin Cities

Minneapolis, MN – FBI agents in Minneapolis went to several homes, Oct. 6 and 7, continuing their campaign of harassment and repression against anti-war and international solidarity activists.

These visits come on the heels of massive Sept. 24 raids in Minneapolis and Chicago, which involved more than 70 agents of the FBI and other federal agencies. The raid targeted activists involved with many groups, including the Palestine Solidarity Group, Students for a Democratic Society, the Twin-Cities Anti-War Committee, the Colombia Action Network and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. 

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CPGB-ML: Study of Mao Zedong’s ‘On practice’

The following is from the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) See also the CPGB-ML’s related study of Mao’s “On Contradiction”:

An introduction to Comrade Mao Zedong’s seminal article on the role of practice in the development of human knowledge, and the relationship between theory and practice.

Mao Zedong began his famous article on practice by stating that “man’s activities in production determine all other activities”. Mankind, he explained, is defined by its relationship, through activity, to the means of production. In today’s society we are proletarian or bourgeois, exploited or exploiter, etc.

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Fidel Castro: Piedad Córdoba and Her Fight for Peace

The following is from Reflections by Comrade Fidel. Though The Marxist-Leninist does not agree with Fidel Castro’s criticisms of the FARC-EP, this is very helpful analysis of the developing situation in Colombia:

Three days ago, there was news printed that the Attorney General of Colombia, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado had removed the prestigious Colombian Senator Piedad Córdoba from her post and disqualified her from carrying out political office for 18 years, because of her alleged promoting and collaborating with the FARC (the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia).  Faced with such an unusual and drastic measure taken against an elected post in the highest legislative body of state, Piedad has no alternative other than appealing to the very Attorney General who produced the measures.

It was logical that such arbitrariness would cause a mighty rejection, expressed by a wide range of political personalities, among them former prisoners of the FARC and relatives of those who had been liberated, thanks to the senator, former presidential candidates, persons who had held that high office, others who were or still are senators or members of the legislative power. 

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