A critical time in US-Pakistan relations Print E-mail
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By Sabina Khan


The make-or-break moment between Pakistan and US relations has arrived. While Pakistan plunges deeper into the midst of uncertainty, one thing is for sure: Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential bid has been given a significant boost. Peter Bergen, CNN’s security analyst announced “killing Bin Laden is the end of the war on terror”. The highly publicised death of Bin Laden is inspiring for some, but al Qaeda still exists and has spread throughout the globe.

Ed Miliband’s three pillars for Labour: can they carry the party? Print E-mail
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By Sunny Hundal


It’s important to understand the context of Ed Miliband’s speech yesterday at Progress: it wasn’t to lay out policies or even reach out to the public. It was instead to signal to party members his direction of travel and explain why it would win Labour the next election.

Sexual violence: the healing imperative Print E-mail
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By Jessica Horn


How far do our post-conflict reconstruction efforts go when it comes to addressing the trauma and loss that women and girls experience during conflict? Jessica Horn reports ahead of the Nobel Women’s Initiative conference on ending sexual violence in conflict.

Saudi Arabia, UAE financing extremism in south Punjab Print E-mail
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By Qurat ul ain Siddiqui


A US official in a cable sent to the State Department stated that “financial support estimated at nearly 100 million USD annually was making its way to Deobandi and Ahl-i-Hadith clerics in south Punjab from organisations in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates ostensibly with the direct support of those governments.”

Looking at those immigration stats beyond the hysteria Print E-mail
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By Ruth Grove-White


Wednesday's release of statistics about Britain’s ethnic diversity have provoked yet more bellowing about “the changing face of Britain”. But these soundbites are a cheap distraction from the real story – that immigration policy should be looking to respond better to the vast differences in immigration patterns across the UK in recent years.

The dangers of satire Print E-mail
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By Emily Butselaar


Russian rock journalist Art Troitsky’s caustic tongue has landed him in court in four separate libel cases. Leading Russian music critic Art Troitsky, 55, goes on trial tomorrow in criminal proceedings brought by rock star Vadim Samoylov.

‘Statesmanship important in post-Osama scenario’ Print E-mail
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A vast majority of Pakistani Americans say they felt relieved that Osama bin Laden, America’s most wanted terrorist, was killed as he posed a threat to both countries while maintaining that the American action should not become a norm justifying violation of the country’s sovereignty.

Conservative MPs insist Hamas must respect the State of Israel's right to exist, and accept Quartet Principles Print E-mail
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By Matthew Barrett


On Monday, William Hague opened a debate about the Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Questions about Libya, UN and NATO involvement came up initally, but events in Israel and Palestine - especially the new agreement between Hamas and Fatah - were also raised, with Conservative members firmly advocating that Hamas should accept Israel's right to exist.  

Is an EDL-BNP tie up on the cards? Print E-mail
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By Rumbold


After their electoral disaster in last year’s elections, the BNP have increasingly faded from view. As the author of a new book on the BNP, Matthew Goodwin, points out, the BNP has only really been focused on electoral success for the last decade or so.

Our faulty radar Print E-mail
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By Ayesha Tammy Haq


As the Osama bin Laden story unfolded, it became the staple of the news, television talk shows, social media, dinner party conversation — in fact it was the only thing that everyone, everywhere was talking about. Amazed but largely not disbelieving, the conversation rapidly moved from Osama — there was a sigh of relief that he was gone — to how the radar (and take that to read the military) had failed us.

Education for all: A global imperative Print E-mail
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By Natan Doron


This week we saw the gulf that lies between the values of the Left and Right get even wider. Through a leaked letter, the public was made aware that Tory frontbencher Liam Fox is angry about so much of the British taxpayers money going to help those in the world’s poorest and most vulnerable nations.

Ken Clarke's unfortunate remarks on punishing rape gift Miliband victory at PMQs Print E-mail
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By Tim Montgomerie


Cameron had a few good moments at PMQs today. He blasted Dennis Skinner for living in "Dinosaur Land" and was able to quote today's encouraging employment news. He was able to talk about the Coalition's very popular benefits cap after a question from Anna Soubry (who, incidentally, put in an excellent performance on last week's BBC1 Question Time). And, thirdly, he embarassed the Labour benches by noting that a health expert who recommended NHS privatisation advised the last Labour government, not this Coalition (watch a video of the clip).

Why is the UK failing Bahrain’s people? Print E-mail
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By Peter Tatchell


The international community has failed in its duty to protect the civilian population of Bahrain from arrest, detention without trial, torture and murder by the regime of King Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifa.

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