Serge Katz

Tax Avoidance – who do you know doing it?

by Serge Katz | house of learning,news

What we should be doing about the Philip Greens in our midst

4 December, 2010 | 1 Comment


Are there any good chanukah songs?

by BaruchTrotsky | news,nonsense/meshugas

Tired of seeing yet another lame comedy channukah video in your inbox? Finally, a guide to what is and isn’t acceptable for the festival of lights.

2 December, 2010 | No Comments

Geoffrey Cohen

Surf, kishke, shteyt oyf

by Geoffrey Cohen | news

FIRST THE BACON BAGEL, now a Jewish neo-Nazi movement straight out of Mill Hill! Could the Messiah be any further away? Will he arrive on jet skis? Will an ‘ooo the fuck is alla?!!?!’ brigade help usher in the biblical era of peace? Yes says a real-life surfer rabbi from California, who’ll be joining the [...]

23 October, 2010 | 4 Comments

Geoffrey Cohen

Oi! East London Sukkah

by Geoffrey Cohen | news

For latest details, go to East London Sukkah Sukkah: * a temporary, fragile structure, built at the end of harvest in the autumn. * a structure built of natural materials, a house of plants and branches. * a  home for 7 days, where, you eat, sleep, party and make love. * a parody of a [...]

17 September, 2010 | 3 Comments

Geoffrey Cohen

Jonathan Hoffman – Anti-Zionist Hero

by Geoffrey Cohen | news

As part of a hilarious spat, the Zionist Federation spokesperson calls for the creation of a Jewish inquistion. There must be more to this than meets the eye.

10 August, 2010 | 15 Comments


The Talmud, The Tallit and the One State Solution

by BaruchTrotsky | house of learning

On the extraordinary rise of settler bi-nationalism

28 July, 2010 | 7 Comments

Dov Neumann

The State as a Social Relationship: Gustav Landauer Revived

by Dov Neumann | house of learning

Germany’s foremost anarchist (Jewish of course . . . ) for anglophones

25 June, 2010 | 2 Comments

Dov Neumann

The ironies of the Gaza flotillas

by Dov Neumann | news

The Exodus, Gaza and the Mavi Marmara

1 June, 2010 | 15 Comments


United Synagogue cold calls against Labour

by Gwendolen | news

North London synagogue scandalously abuses its membership list

6 May, 2010 | 6 Comments

Geoffrey Cohen

Chief Rabbi rules voting ‘un-Jewish’

by Geoffrey Cohen | news

Shock ruling from the Chief brands democracy ‘utterly goyish.’

4 May, 2010 | No Comments

Geoffrey Cohen

Forget Joe the Plumber, enter Joel the Jew.

by Geoffrey Cohen | news,nonsense/meshugas

Don’t be fooled by Nick Clegg. Jewdas has identified the real story of this election campaign

20 April, 2010 | No Comments



by evan411 | news

A new online documentary series following the fringes of the Jewish world

19 April, 2010 | 1 Comment


Nationality – the key to Israeli Apartheid

by Anti-Racist | house of learning,news,nonsense/meshugas

Why is it that the Israeli High Court refuses to accept the concept of Israeli nationality yet Israeli passports have a category for Israeli nationality?

12 April, 2010 | No Comments


What is it about Jewish Identity?

by evan411 | news

Identity and all its Meshugas……..

9 April, 2010 | 5 Comments

Geoffrey Cohen

Passports Were Only the Beginning

by Geoffrey Cohen | news

Leaked documents reveal shocking “donation program” extent

7 April, 2010 | No Comments

Dov Neumann

Why on this day Matzah?

by Dov Neumann | news

a recipe, a rant, a rusty cracker bread.

30 March, 2010 | 4 Comments

alta kocker

Aint Nothin’ Like a Big Jew Row

by alta kocker | nonsense/meshugas

Dershowitz vs Finkelstein and Shabbes dinners lost.

22 March, 2010 | 4 Comments

Dov Neumann

A Bagel Recipe

by Dov Neumann | food

Enough of the round bread rolls, this is how to make bagels.

21 March, 2010 | 5 Comments

Dov Neumann

Chollah recipe

by Dov Neumann | food

My vegan platted Jewish bread recipe

13 March, 2010 | 2 Comments

someone on the net

Judith Butler: As a Jew, I was taught it was ethically imperative to speak up

by someone on the net | news

Israeli filmmaker Udi Aloni interviews Judith Butler

24 February, 2010 | 3 Comments