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"This revolution is the child of culture and ideas."

Welcome to the CubaNews list

PURPOSE: To bring to the attention of people concerned with Cuba a wide range of news and information about the island, the Cuban community abroad, Cuba's international relations, and related topics. The list provides many resources to assist you in learning about Cuba, its politics and society. The primary language of this list is English, though some Spanish material is sent from time to time.

PARTICIPATION: Your participation is welcome. This is primarily an information service for people who support Cuba's right to self-determination. The first step needed to secure Cuba's sovereignty is an end to Washington's numerous policies and laws against the island and to normalize relations between the United States and Cuba, both economically and politically. Such discussions as take place on this list are usually conducted within these goals as their framework.

MODERATION: This is a moderated list. The moderators decide who can subscribe and post. However, anyone concerned about U.S. policy toward Cuba, such as activists against the blockade, is welcome. This list can be high-volume at times, so be aware of the option to receive the daily digest version of the list.

LEAD MODERATOR: This list is moderated by Walter Lippmann, an author, editor and Cuba solidarity activist based in Los Angeles, California. You can learn about his views on Cuba through the writings at his website:

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MH: Wenski to host delegation of Catholic leaders from Cuba
MIAMI HERALD Posted on Mon, Nov. 01, 2010 Wenski to host delegation of Catholic leaders from Cuba Archbishop Thomas Wenski will host a delegation of Roman
Posted - Tue Nov 2, 2010 1:02 am
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AFP: Cuba to set free three political prisoners, 50 since July
Cuba to set free three political prisoners, 50 since July 01/11/2010 Cuba has approved the release of three political prisoners who will leave for Spain, which
Posted - Tue Nov 2, 2010 12:57 am
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CP: Cuba to release 3 more prisoners into exile in Spain
Cuba to release 3 more prisoners into exile in Spain, none from '03 crackdown on dissent By Paul Haven (CP) â€" 6 hours ago HAVANA â€" Roman Catholic
Posted - Tue Nov 2, 2010 12:56 am
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REUTERS: Cuba to release longest-held political prisoner
Cuba to release longest-held political prisoner 4:59pm EDT HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba will free its longest-held political prisoner, jailed since 1985, and send
Posted - Tue Nov 2, 2010 12:54 am
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FIDEL CASTRO: An Uprising at the United Nations, Part I
Reflections by Comrade Fidel AN UPRISING AT THE UNITED NATIONS (PART I) The session of October
Posted - Mon Nov 1, 2010 11:01 pm
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