Rethinking Education


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White Paper


How Not To Bore The Pants Off Our Kids!

Children’s Laureate Michael Rosen

 Mike Rosen

will present a public event on this topic in Ealing Town Hall, London W5 2BY, at 6pm Thursday 28 February.

Click here for details of this FREE event.


More testing madness. The Guardian's Jenni Russell asks why we persisit with the current regime.


Read the government's Children's Plan yet? Have a look at this critique and then ask yourself if it will address the real problems in our schools.


Could there be such a thing as a productivity deal for schools and education?


Raising the leaving age to 18? A good idea or not?


Education by numbers book cover

Click here for a review of this important new book about the tyrrany of testing

A new school year - and a time to show that testing has had its day.

Look out in school for the new rethinkinged logo

pamphlet, with a foreword from children's laureate Michael Rosen, explaining why the testing regime has had its day. For a preview of the pamphlet, click here and to order copies, click here.



Statement from the North of England Rethinking Education Conference, Bolton. March 2007


Welcome to the site that says that there must be more to education than government initiatives, tests, prescription and league tables.

We want your ideas, resources, articles and news in order to make this THE site for an alternative view of how education works.  Contact us at : rethinkinged