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Welcome to the ultimate 70's and 80's nostalgia site.
(My apologies to all surfers who got here searching for "wave pictures" go here for EXCELLENT waves & surf photos by Chuck Babbitt)

Ultimately, you will find here my entire collection of concert and candid photos of popular and not so popular "rock", "new wave" and "punk" groups from the 70s, 80s and 00s
Check back often for new additions as this project will be developing for the next 3 or 4 years.
Clicking on the links below will bring you to individual photo sessions / concert pages.

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ENJOY! and come back often...

1,783,941 visitors since April 4, 2002
ABB (12 pics)
à;GRUMH... (159 pics)
A Certain Ratio (24 pics)
A Casual Effect (3 pics)
Acrobats of Desire (8 pics)
Acid China X (59 pics)
ACtion in DC (32 pics)
Admiral Freebee (10 pics)
Adolina (36 pics)
Adverts (50 pics)
A Flock of Seagulls (20 pics)
Agent 5.1 (17 pics)
Alley Gators (20 pics)
Altered Images (170 pics)
Antenna (14 pics)
AQME (41 pics)
Ari Up (of the Slits) (139 pics)
Arno (38 pics)
Artery (6 pics)
Ashes (10 pics)
Asta (62 pics)
Atomic Leaf (64 pics)
Athletico Spizz 80 (30 pics)
Au Bonheur des Dames (16 pics)
Au Pairs (68 pics)
Aztec Camera (15 pics)

Back of Sea Dogs (104 pics)
Bacon Caravan Creek (27 pics)
Balimurphy (22 pics)
Bambole di Pezza (139 pics)
Martyn Bates (125 pics)
Bienvenu'n'Sonar (167 pics)
Big John Bates & the Voodoo Dollz (187 pics)
Bauhaus (37 pics)
B-52s (56 pics)
Mark Beer (7 pics)
Belgian Stars in Duo (218 pics)
Belle Stars (30 pics)
Pat Benatar (57 pics)
Laurence Bibot (63 pics)
Big Country (10 pics)
Bikini Machine (59 pics)
Blah Blah Blah (14 pics)
Blancmange (34 pics)
Blondie (289 pics)
Blue Velvet (20 pics)
Blurt (18 pics)
B-Movie (21 pics)
Bombshell Crew (98 pics)
Boogie Boy (29 pics)
Boots for Dancing (10 pics)
Adrian Bouldt (13 pics)
Bowling Balls (74 pics)
Bow Wow Wow (100 pics)
Glenn Branca (38 pics)
Brian Brain (9 pics)
Brooklyn (14 pics)
Elkie Brooks (70 pics)
Steven Brown (46 pics)
The Burning Red's (33 pics)
Kate Bush (27 pics)
Butcher Boogie (48 pics)
Buzzcocks (35 pics)

Cabaret Voltaire (10 pics)
John Cale (15 pics)
The Call (14 pics)
Cars (55 pics)
Carton (54 pics)
Casino Music (? pics)
Casual Sanity (22 pics)
Catarrhal (101 pics)
Nick Cave (29 pics)
Chameleons (10 pics)
Championship Manager (169 pics)
James Chance & the Contortions (16 pics)
Chilly Pom Pom Pee (21 pics)
The Clash (78 pics)
Chris & Cosey (30 pics)
Anne Clark (114 pics)
Classics Nouveaux (12 pics)
Clock DVA (37 pics)
Cocktail Slippers (90 pics)
Cocteau Twins (77 pics)
Lloyd Cole & the Commotions (35 pics)
Colour Box (12 pics)
Cox (47 pics)
Cramps (183 pics)
Crowded (40 pics)
The Cure (106 pics)
Cyanhide (43 pics)
Czechomor (40 pics)

Dada-Pâte (62 pics)
Da Familia (85 pics)
The Dallas Explosion (17 pics)
The Damned (46 pics)
Danse Society (12 pics)
Darling Buds (75 pics)
Dead Can Dance (24 pics)
Death Cult (13 pics)
Deep Purple (63 pics)
Delta 5 (27 pics)
Depeche Mode (142 pics)
Deutsche Americanische Freundschaft (D.A.F.) (47 pics)
Mink DeVille (17 pics)
Devo (72 pics)
De Volanges (24 pics)
Howard Devoto (27 pics)
Digital Dance (26 pics)
Diagram Brothers (8 pics)
Dirty Washing (27 pics)
Distributors (11 pics)
Dogmeat (110 pics)
Thomas Dolby (20 pics)
Dollsex (111 pics)
Domgue (24 pics)
Dunlop Devils (40 pics)
Duran Duran (40 pics)
Durutti Column (24 pics)

Earth, Wind & Fire (48 pics)
Echo & the Bunnymen (140 pics)
The Eastern Lights (110 pics)
Edgar (animo) (144 pics)
Dave Edmunds (36 pics)
8 Red (38 pics)
Einsturzende Neubauten (11 pics)
Elvis' Ghettoblaster (50 pics)
Erato (50 pics)
Essential Logic (15 pics)
EP-4 (38 pics)
Eté 67 (83 pics)
Gabriel Evan (48 pics)
Experience (60 pics)
The Experimental Tropic Blues Band (75 pics)
Eyeless in Gaza (323 pics)

Jan Fabre (38 pics)
Fad Gadget (100 pics)
F.A.K.E. (174 pics)
The Fall (74 pics)
Family Fodder (8 pics)
Fischer-Z (6 pics)
Five or Six (56 pics)
Fleetwood Mac (75 pics)
Fleshtones (23 pics)
Flower Pots (8 pics)
Flowers (13 pics)
Flowers of Throe (11 pics)
Folcore (82 pics)
Ellen Foley (39 pics)
Fourth Face (65 pics)
Frantic Elevators (3 pics)
Freaks (28 pics)
Front 242 (93 pics)
Functionnaries (139 pics)
Funeral Dress (61 pics)
Fun Lovin' Criminals (16 pics)

coming soon(?) probably!

23 Skidoo
Adam & the Ants
Allez Allez
Angry Voices
Arbeid Adelt
Aroma di Amore
Athletico Spizz 80
Balaam & the Angel
Batfish Boys
Betsy Ball
Birthday Party
Karl Biscuit
Bollock Brothers
Bomb Party
Angelo Branduardi
Gavin Bryars
Bucks Danny
Bush Tetras
Cactus World News
Cassandra Complex
Christian Death
Clan of Xymox
Cold in the Head
Colourful Society
John Cooper Clarke
Crispy Ambulance
Dead Kennedys
Dead Kops
Death Cult
Mink Deville
Die Unbekannten
Dif Juz
Disneyland After Dark
Die Doraus & Die Marinas
Dream Syndicate
Eric Random
Executive Slacks
Flying Pickets
Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Robert Fripp
Funeral of Flowers

Gang of Four (48 pics)
Les Garçons (11 pics)
Gargaryss (27 pics)
Les Gauff' au Suc' (186 pics)
Ghinzu (54 pics)
Girls In Hawaii (119 pics)
Gomm (64 pics)
Guerilla Poubelle (94 pics)

Paul Haig (67 pics)
Peter Hammil (10 pics)
Pearl Harbor & the Explosions (3 pics)
David Harrow (9 pics)
Harakiri (102 pics)
Hank Harry (23 pics)
Hawaiian Astro Boys (83 pics)
Richard Hell (4 pics)
Hellfish Commandos (21 pics)
Kevin Hewick (41 pics)
Hollywood Porn Stars (92 pics)
Hooverphonic (106 pics)
Steve Houben (8 pics)
Household Name (7 pics)
Hulk (61 pics)
Human League (83 pics)

I Am X (78 pics)
Iggy Pop (38 pics)
Ignition (196 pics)
IMIDOV (50 pics)
I'm So Hollow (11 pics)
Indochine (25 pics)
Indoo (26 pics)
Inmates (31 pics)
The Invisible Frog (47 pics)
Isabelle et les Nic-nacs (21 pics)
Isola (136 pics)
Isolation Ward (28 pics)

Jah Wobble (2 pics)
Jam (34 pics)
Jeronimo (137 pics)
Richard Jobson (5 pics)
Joseph K (13 pics)
Joy Division (56 pics)

Keaton (40 pics)
Keep It Deep (54 pics)
Kid Creole & the Coconuts (38 pics)
Kid Montana (14 pics)
Kill My Drummer (45 pics)
Killing Joke (131 pics)
Kläng (26 pics)
Kowalski (3 pics)
Kreuners (11 pics)
Kyo (35 pics)

Cindy Lauper (38 pics)
Lavvi Ebbel (14 pics)
Jo Lemaire (8 pics)
Jo Lemaire + Flouze (8 pics)
Lio (9 pics)
Anita Lixel (101 pics)
Lizard Smile (136 pics)
Liz Teria (66 pics)
Lords of the New Church (70 pics)
Lounge Lizards (2 pics)
Lous (5 pics)
Lene Lovich (56 pics)
Nick Lowe (36 pics)
LO5 (2 pics)
Lunar Tikis (13 pics)

Machiavel (113 pics)
Mad Men's Team (72 pics)
Madness (187 pics)
Mad Virgins (17 pics)
Magazine (13 pics)
Major Deluxe (6 pics)
Malaria (41 pics)
Malibu Stacy (94 pics)
Alec Mansion (26 pics)
March Violets (91 pics)
Marka (211 pics)
Marquis de Sade (32 pics)
Marthajane (48 pics)
Medium Medium (17 pics)
Melies (29 pics)
Mensen Blaffen (24 pics)
Miam Monster Miam (26 pics)
Mindscape (10 pics)
Minerale (99 pics)
Minimal Compact (29 pics)
Minny Pops (12 pics)
Mirrorball (28 pics)
Mirror Boys (8 pics)
The Mission (131 pics)
Mistral (3 pics)
Mekanik Commando (18 pics)
Lizzy Mercier Descloux (7 pics)
Modern English (190 pics)
Mo-Dettes (81 pics)
Moe Greene Specials (50 pics)
Monochrome Set (40 pics)
Montevideo (47 pics)
Moon Fish (58 pics)
Moon Invaders (55 pics)
Moonkeys (16 pics)
Moonpie (27 pics)
Mud Flow (120 pics)
Music For Pleasure (10 pics)

Naked Lunch (7 pics)
The Names (45 pics)
Nasmak (7 pics)
The Nebulas (625 pics)
Bill Nelson (25 pics)
Neon Electronics (26 pics)
Nervous Chillin' (35 pics)
Nervous Shake (55 pics)
New Concept (9 pics)
New Order (210 pics)
Nico (23 pics)
Nid and Sancy (35 pics)
Niente (76 pics)
Nineties Buddies (25 pics)
98% Maximum Soul (28 pics)
No Lokost (31 pics)
Not Sensibles (20 pics)
Gary Numan (13 pics)

O.M.D. (189 pics)
OK Jive (3 pics)
Orange Juice (11 pics)
Original Mirrors (5 pics)
Out (58 pics)

coming soon(?) probably!

Gavin Bryars
Ghost Dance
Glacier Georges
Gun Club
Nina Hagen
Harvey & the Wallbangers
Heavenly Bodies
Die Krups
La Muerte
La Strada
Steve Lake
League of Gentlemen
Leather Nun
Luna Twist
Martha & the Muffins
Mc Naires
Mon Cheri
Pauline Murray & the Invisible Girls
New Concept
No Mask
Not Sensibles

Pale Fountains (27 pics)
Parade Ground (36 pics)
Parondo (12 pics)
Passions (27 pics)
Pere Ubu (37 pics)
* Plan K *
Pop Group (24 pics)
Prefab Sprouts (26 pics)
Pretenders (38 pics)
Psychedelic Furs (67 pics)
Psychic TV (36 pics)

Quando Quango (15 pics)
Queen (36 pics)

Eric Random (5 pics)
Pierre Rapsat (3 pics)
Ramones (69 pics)
Lou Reed (33 pics)
Reef Rider (228 pics)
Blaine Reininger (138 pics)
Rinôçérôse (20 pics)
Perry Rose (60 pics)
Roxy Music (58 pics)
Runaways (46 pics)
Ruts (27 pics)

S.P.K. (98 pics)
Scars (14 pics)
Scavenge (58 pics)
Jennifer Scavuzzo (116 pics)
Searchers (8 pics)
Seasick (81 pics)
Secret Affair (37 pics)
Section 25 (SXXV) (138 pics)
Senser (85 pics)
Set The Tone (39 pics)
The Selecter (82 pics)
Shiny Two Shiny (9 pics)
Schlaflose Nachte (20 pics)
Peter Schlager (7 pics)
Shah-Mat (435 pics)
Sham 69 (65 pics)
Sharko (114 pics)
Showstar (148 pics)
Shriekback (25 pics)
Siglo XX (5 pics)
Simple Minds (149 pics)
Siouxsie & the Banshees (1,244 pics)
Sisters of Mercy (52 pics)
Skating Teenagers (111 pics)
Skeletal Family (264 pics)
Skeptical Minds (64 pics)
The Slits (25 pics)
Patti Smith (61 pics)
Soft Cell (59 pics)
Soldout (526 pics)
The Sound (39 pics)
Specials (48 pics)
Spine Chilling (81 pics)
Spiral of Silence (152 pics)
Spizz Energi (7 pics)
Squeeze (16 pics)
Starving (71 pics)
Rod Stewart (22 pics)
Stockholm Monsters (20 pics)
Stockyard Stoics (67 pics)
Richard Strange (5 pics)
Stranglers (46 pics)
Suicide Romeo (28 pics)
Superlux (223 pics)
Superspy (27 pics)
Rachel Sweet (53 pics)

Talking Heads (83 pics)
Tank of Danzig (14 pics)
Teardrop Explodes (30 pics)
Tears for Fears (18 pics)
Tecnoville (13 pics)
Television (18 pics)
Tena (73 pics)
Theatre of Hate (43 pics)
13K (61 pics)
Trisomie 21 (33 pics)
Tuxedo Moon (252 pics)
Twee Belgen (6 pics)

U2 (120 pics)
The Ugly Buggy Boys (57 pics)
UK Decay (5 pics)
UK Subs (119 pics)
Tracey Ullman (18 pics)
Ultravox (24 pics)
Die Unbekannten (13 pics)
Undertones (48 pics)

Luc Van Acker (76 pics)
Cherry Vanilla (49 pics)
Alan Vega (16 pics)
Vegomatic (88 pics)
Vincent Venet (560 pics)
Venus Fly Trap (44 pics)
Gilles Verlant (13 pics)
Versus Club (18 pics)
Vibrators (65 pics)
Vice Versa (28 pics)
Violent Femmes (17 pics)
Virgil (20 pics)
Virgin Prunes (71 pics)
Vitaphase (58 pics)
Vive la Fête! (642 pics)
V.O. (32 pics)
Vox Populi (30 pics)

Wall of Voodoo (40 pics)
Wash Out Test (49 pics)
Wasted Youth (16 pics)
Watcha (42 pics)
Waterboys (17 pics)
Kim Wilde (103 pics)
Wire (37 pics)

X-Mal Deutschland (181 pics)
X-Possibles (63 pics)
XTC (61 pics)

Yel (222 pics)
Young Marble Giants (44 pics)

Zanzara (28 pics)
Zev (5 pics)
Zop Hopop (60 pics)

coming soon(?) probably!

Parking Meters
Patrick Fitzgerald
Play Dead
Poésie Noire
Poison Girls
Polyphonic Size
Iggy Pop
Pseudo Code
Psychedelic Furs
Psychic TV
Rain Parade
Red Guitars
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
Red Zebra
Viny Reilly
Revolting Cocks
Rhythm of Life
Boyd Rice
Jonathan Richman
Stan Ridgway
Scritti Politti
Secret Affair
Feargal Sharkey
Shop Assistants
Skinny Puppy
Sneezes in China, Deaths in Paris
Soft Verdict
Sonic Youth
Spandau Ballet
Status Quo
Stray Cats
Subway Sect
Swell Maps
TC Matic
This Heat
Throbbing Gristle
Les Tueurs de la Lune de Miel
Urbanus van Anus
Tom Verlaine
James White & the Blacks
Zodiac Mindwarp