TUDA Trade Union Disability Alliance

Welcome to TUDA, the Trade Union Disability Alliance

TUDA – the Trade Union Disability Alliance – is an organisation of Disabled Trade Union Members. We are a campaigning group with individual members from over two dozen different Trade Unions. TUDA aims to:Drawing of a group of disabled people lobbying Parliament for equal rights

On 25 May 2006 TUDA launched the Trade Union Charter for Disability Equality. First to sign up were the Communications Workers Union and the broadcasting union Bectu, followed by the NASWT and NAPO. Speaking on behalf of the Disability Rights Commission, Bob Niven said: "We think the Charter is a good piece of work and agree that it will be of great help to trade unions in their role in ensuring disability equality. We wish the Charter well." Click here for more details.

As a Disabled Trade Unionist, what are my rights?
As a Disabled Trade Unionist, what can I do to support TUDA?
As a Trade Union, what can we do to support disabled members?
As a Trade Union, what can we do to support TUDA?

Click here to buy our merchandise.

Click here for details of our 2010 Annual General Meeting/Conference, to be held in London on 24th April.

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Image courtesy of the Change Picture Bank

Webmaster: ju90