Socialist Appeal 190 out now!


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Unite election: Message from Jerry Hicks Print E-mail
By Jerry Hicks   
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
jerry-hicks2.jpg"Please can I take this opportunity to convey a massive thank you to all those who contributed in our campaign and produced a result that the media and political parties said was not possible. To our great credit we always believed and knew otherwise"
Right wing trounced in UNITE election Print E-mail
By our industrial correspondent   
Monday, 22 November 2010
The right wing suffered a big set back in the election for the new General Secretary election of Unite, Britain’s biggest trade union with 1.4 million members. After an excellent campaign rank and file candidate Jerry Hicks came second beating the main establishment candidates of the right wing.
IRELAND - EU medicine on the way: A generation of austerity Print E-mail
By Fightback (Ireland)   
Friday, 19 November 2010
News that the Coalition are in discussions with the EU and IMF won’t come as a  shock. Reports have been circulating for days now that the EU and the Finance Ministry have been locked in discussions and some have even claimed that the IMF have been briefing the heavyweight financial bourgeois press internationally in an attempt to pressurise the coalition and the opposition parties into seeking a deal.
Another Royal Wedding - how convenient! Print E-mail
By Our Royal Correspondent, Cde Cromwell   
Thursday, 18 November 2010

In ancient Rome, when things got a bit tricky, the Emperor would splash out on a series of games complete with gladiators, mock battles, lions eating Christians and other fun for all the family, The idea was to distract people from the realities of life and keep them happy - at least until the Goths arrived for their annual  bout of pillaging, sacking and raping. Nowadays, such carnage is not possible - even on X Factor. So we have the next best thing, yet another royal wedding.

Fianna Fáil: Off Malin Beg without a paddle Print E-mail
By Tony Healy   
Thursday, 18 November 2010
IRELAND: The Soldiers of Destiny are floundering out to sea far from the coast of Donegal; or at least they don’t seem to be in the same place as the voters. A report in the Irish Times today quotes a RedC poll carried out on behalf of Paddy Power which indicates that FF support in Donegal South West has collapsed from 51% to around 19% since 2007.
Landmark legal victory for blacklisted workers Print E-mail
By Blacklist Support Group   
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Trade union member Phil Willis has won a landmark legal judgement (Wed 10th Nov), that massively boosts the chances for other blacklisted workers seeking justice in UK courts and may open up construction employers to millions in damages.
Pakistan: The Economic Catastrophe Print E-mail
By Lal Khan   
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
The biggest crash in the history of capitalism in 2008 has created a new “normality” across the planet. This has led to vicious cuts and severe attacks upon the workers in most countries. The welfare states in Europe and elsewhere are being aggressively dismantled. After the failure of Keynesianism the neo-liberal model of capitalism, known as trickle-down economics, Thatcherism or Reaganomics, has been an even bigger disaster.
Biggest student demonstration in decades ‑ and this is just the beginning Print E-mail
By Ben Peck and Adam Booth   
Friday, 12 November 2010
Events have taken a turn in Britain as the first mass reaction took place this week against the programme of vicious cuts being introduced by the Tory-led coalition. On Wednesday, November 10th, London witnessed an overwhelming response from the students as a demonstration of over 50,000 marched in protest at the attacks taking place in Higher Education.
Nov 10th demo: Even more pictures Print E-mail
By Steve Jones (Pictures)   
Friday, 12 November 2010
pb100313.jpgHere are even more pictures from the demo called by the NUS and UCU on November 10th in london against cuts in education
Nov 10th Demo: More Pictures Print E-mail
By Steve Jones (Pictures)   
Friday, 12 November 2010
Here are some more pictures from the Nov 10th demo against cuts in education.pb100408.jpg
Over 50,00 demonstrate in London against education cuts Print E-mail
By Steve Jones. Georgios Diakogeorgiou (Photos)   
Thursday, 11 November 2010
nov-10-demo1.jpgYestersday's NUS/UCU demo in London against attacks on further education attracted over 50,000 mainly students, who came in their numbers from all over the country. Many of these were young people demonstrating for the first time ever. It will not be the last. As the attacks start to bite, more and more youth will come into activity and draw the political conclusions.
Fight Cuts in Education and Public Services! Nationalise the Banks! Print E-mail
By Darrall Cozens, UCU and Coventry Trades Council.   
Thursday, 11 November 2010
If anyone still had any illusions that “we are all in this together”, the Browne Report and the Comprehensive Spending Review quickly shattered them. By their actions this Coalition has shown it is a government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.
BA Cabin Crew: Jerry speaks out! Print E-mail
Tuesday, 09 November 2010
Running simultaneously and arguably as crucial as the election for Unite’s General Secretary itself is the BA dispute and a proposal to ‘settle’ it. 12 months ago British Airways cabin crew on an 80% turn out, voted by a brilliant 92% to take strike action to defend their hard won terms and conditions. The dispute started as a result of the imposition and erosion of ‘Terms and Conditions’ but has been diverted by British Airways and is now being defined by staff travel and the disciplinary process. But with scores of cabin crew suspended and a dozen sacked, the proposed ‘deal’ is already unravelling.
Jerry Hicks Campaign: 8 posting days left Print E-mail
Tuesday, 09 November 2010
Here is the latest from the Jerry Hicks campaign with just 8 posting days left to get those ballots in to elect Jerry as the new GS of Unite.
Irish Students Fight Back! Print E-mail
By Declan Connolly   
Monday, 08 November 2010
As we look towards this Wednesday's march of students in London, here is a report from the Irish Marxist site Fightback on how students in Ireland are fighting back against the cuts.
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Pamphlet: What We Stand For

Socialist Appeal Fighting Fund appeal 2010


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This volume covers the period 1938-42 and is titled "Trotskyism and the Second World War."

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History Of British Trotskyism

Reason In Revolt

Lenin And Trotsky



New Book - 'Reformism or Revolution' - now available


Marxist International Review


School Students' Union


In Defence Of Marxism

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"In Defence Of Marxism"

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Forthcoming Events

Sat, Nov 27th, @10:00am - 05:00PM
National Conference Against Cuts
Sat, Dec 4th, @12:00pm - 05:00PM
Climate Change Demo
Sat, Dec 4th, @7:30pm - 11:00PM
Xmas benefit party
Sat, Jan 15th, @10:00am - 04:00PM
LRC Annual Conference 2011


marxecon.jpgMarxist Economics

Marxists approach economics from a particular perspective. We have to accept that wealth is concentrated in the hands of a very small number of people, the capitalist class. The overwhelming majority of people have no wealth. All in essence they have is themselves and their ability to work, which they have to sell on the open market. Marx called these people the proletariat. Steve Jones, of the Socialist Appeal editorial board, talks on the basics of Marxists economics.

Listen to  part 1 and part 2. To download the audio file click with your right mouse button and select "Save Link As" or "Save Target As".