John Passant

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February 2011
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From the Middle East to the US?
Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Syria… With 30,000 workers demonstrating against budget cuts can we now add Wisconsin, and after that New Jersey and California? (0)

The Online Opinion debate - Gregory Storer's response
Gregory Storer has written on the Online Opinion controversy explaining his role and making the point in a calm and convincing manner that this was always about vilification. His very astute and sensible article is called On Line Opinion and me. (1)

Canberra Egypt solidarity demo

11 February · 17:30 – 19:30 

Location Egyptian Embassy, 1 Darwin Pl, Yarralumla, not far from State Circle

Created by:  

More info The people want the regime to fall: free EgyptDemonstrate to support millions of Egyptians who are struggling for democracy against Mubarak’s vicious police state. Next organising meeting 5:50 pm Tuesday 15 February. Room G09 Moran Building, Australian National University (walk beyond the end of Kingsley St, up the ramp, into the quadrangle, turn right) There will be a further protest at the Embassy at 11:30 on Saturday 19 February. Email:

Solidarity demo Canberra
Rally in support of the Egyptian revolution in Canberra Australia. 4:00 pm Tuesday 1 February (today!) Egyptian Embassy, 1 Darwin Place, Yarralumla (not far from State Circle) (2)

Some chants against the Egyptian dictator
yasqot yasqot hosni mubarak – down, down, Hosni Mubarak; erhal, erhal, Hosni Mubarak – leave, leave, Hosni Mubarak; Masr! Masr! – Egypt! Egypt!; Aish, Horreya, Karama Insannayia – Bread, Freedom, Human Dignity wenta ya masri eih akhbarak? yasqot yasqot Hosni Mubarak!! – Oh Egypt how are you doing? Down down with Hosni Mubarak! (0)

One week to comment
I cut off the ability to make comments after a week because the comments section was getting filled with spam otherwise. So you have one week to comment on articles. (0)

Revolution in Tunisia: Canberra talk
Revolution in Tunisia: Socialist Alternative Public Meeting Canberra 6pm Thursday 27 January Room 10 Moran Building, Australian National University. All welcome. (0)

Economic rent article
The editor has told me that I will have an article on economic rent and taxation published in the Australian Financial Review tomorrow (Wednesday 12 January.) (0)

The market for cricket
As you all know I am a market kinda guy. So I suggest the test cricket selectors use the Indian Premier League money ranking to pick the next test team. Here’s the 12, starting from the most well paid: Warne, Watson, David Hussey, Christian, Gilchrist, Symonds, Warner, Bollinger, Nannes, Hodge, Mike Hussey and Brett Lee. (0)

Tax the rich
Rich Australian retail bastards want more tax. I agree – tax them not us. (0)



Archive for 'Alistair Hulett'

Alistair Hulett – a celebration of his life

PAY TRIBUTE TO AND CELEBRATE THE LIFE, SADLY PASSED, OF ALISTAIR HULETT, REVOLUTIONARY SONGWRITER AND PERFORMER A memorial for Alistair Hulett will be held on Sunday February 14th 3.00-6.00pm at the Gaelic Club in Sydney. Everyone is welcome, we will have video of Alistair’s performances, photos, posters from the struggles in which Alistair played a [...]


Alistair Hulett – friend and comrade

This tribute by Diane Fieldes to my comrade of song Alistair Hulett is re-posted from Socialist Alternative. Alistair Hulett – comrade and friend, socialist, songwriter, activist, singer, guitarist and much more – has died. His passing at only 58 has come as a shock to the great many who valued him, his talents and the uses to [...]

Alistair Hulett – another great socialist dies

Alistair Hulett - singer, songwriter, socialist – died overnight. Chris Harman, Daniel Bensaid, Howard Zinn and now Alistair. Farewell comrades.

Traditions of Resistance with Alistair Hulett

I can’t do justice to Alistair Hulett’s live concert called Traditions of Resistance. Alistair mixes background discussion (eg on the song, the artist, the context) with the actual songs.  All I can say is, having seen him in Sydney, go to his Melbourne gig if you have the chance. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 20 7.30pm, University of Melbourne Bar, 1888 [...]

Alistair Hulett Traditions of Resistance

Alistair Hulett is playing tonight (Saturday 24 Oct) at Hermann’s Bar (cnr City Road and Butlin Ave near Sydney Uni) in a gig he calls Traditions of Resistance. It is to raise money for Socialist Alternative’s Marxism 2010 in Easter.  For a night of left wing political entertainment, come along.

Alistair Hulett – fundraiser in Sydney for Marxism 2010

On Saturday 24 October in Sydney Alistair Hulett will present a night of songs & stories from Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger and other radical folk singers.