Sunday, September 05, 2010

Getting back into gear

We've had a couple of people express interest in hosting a Carnival of Socialism so we're going to give it shot getting the old girl back up and running.

As part of that I've set up a Carnival of Socialism discussion group open to all leftwing *bloggers* with the aim of a) getting the Carnival back up and running and b) bringing the socialist blog-o-sphere closer together.

If you'd like to join send me your email and blog address and I'll add you to the list. Once I've worked out how it's done I'll add something to the site so people can sign themselves up without having to go through me.

Email me at jimjepps at hotmail dot com. Looking forward to hearing from you all!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

New Carnival out over at Third Estate

And we have lift off with a Jacob special over at the Third Estate. Great to see the Carnival of Socialism up and running again - now who wants to go next?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Carnival of Socialism out this Sunday

After a long absence the Carnival of Socialism is back this Sunday at the excellent Third Estate. If you have suggested posts please send them to...

If you fancy having a go at the Carnival yourself we're opening up the calendar again, but having learned the hard lessons of the past we'll only book three Carnivals in advance so we don't book people so far in advance they forget they're a blogger, let alone that they are doing the Carnival!

Leave a comment below if you want to book yourself into either the 30th May or 13th June.

It's good to be back.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

New Carnival now out!

A new Carnival of Socialism (47) is ow up over at Rivers Stream, check it out!

Friday, January 22, 2010

New Carnival of Socialism is go!

Carnival of Socialism number 46 is now up down by the Rivers Edge. Go check it out!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Carnival of Socialism: Copenhagen special

Dave Semple has taken the bull by the horns and just got on and done a Carnival of Socialism on Copenhagen because one was sorely needed - well done!

I think it's time we invited a couple more admins onto the site to ensure that the Carnival keeps moving even when the current admins are too busy!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Carnival #44 out today!

New Carnival of Socialism over at Harpy Marx - check it out!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Reminder: next carnival this Sunday

Post your submissions over at Harpy Marx.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Carnival of Socialism Halloween Special!

Go and check out the Halloween Special over at Ten Percent - fantastic!

In two weeks time, on the 14th, the carnival will be hosted over at Harpy Marx. Do send her your submissions.

Friday, September 18, 2009


The Carnival seems to have been derailed (you can derail a carnival, right?) over the last month - normal service will return asap. Thank you for your commendable proletarian patience.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Carnival out today

New Carnival of Socialism out courtesy of Trotfinder. Excellent stuff.

I particularly like his opener;
I had to think a bit before accepting the task because the SPGB is, of course, well known for its clause 7 and views that stand in direct contrast to most left politics, such as: workers shouldn't vote Labour; leninism isn't a development of marxism; state ownership is state capitalism; and Russia et al did not establish socialism nor were/are they "degenerate workers' states". However, I did promise PhilBC that I would refrain from calling everybody else a bunch of non-socialist reformists. So I shalln't!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

New Carnival out at the Wombat hole

Excellent new Carnival of Socialism out over at the Red Wombat Hole. Good stuff, go check it out.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Next week's Carnival of Socialsm

... is over at The Red Wombat Hole.

Send your suggestions before Sunday to

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Carnival of Socialism 40 over at Renegade Eye

The fortieth Carnival of Socialism is out now over at Renegade Eye.

Good posts, even better pictures - enjoy!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Carnival this sunday at Renegade Eye

This Sunday Renegade Eye is hosting the Carnival of Socialism. If you have posts from around the left of the blogosphere you've seen in the last week or so please do let them know.

Email Renegade Eye at mrmarvin2000 at juno dot com

Sunday, July 05, 2009

New Carnival at Infantile and Disorderly

Excellent new Carnival out at Infantile and Disorderly - check it out!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Carnival this Sunday at Infantile and Disorderly

This Sunday's Carnival of Socialism will be over at Infantile and Disorderly.

If you've spotted some good lefty posts over the last two weeks let Vicky know at;

vicky.thompson at

The carnival is what we all make it so don't be shy!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Iran Special over at Stroppyblog

Go visit Stroppyblog's Iran special. Go! Go now!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sunday's Carnival is at Stroppy's place

Send your suggestions to Stroppybird in this thread. Thanks for stepping in at late notice!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Carnival over at New Direction

Highlighting this a little late (sorry!) but Tom over at New Direction has compiled an excellent edition of the Carnival over at New Direction.