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Look who's coming to Western Sydney


Thursday 1 October, 2009

In a sign that it has stopped listening to the community, the NSW Government has announced it will hand over the Parklea prison keys to US-based company GEO Group.

This misguided decision will be bad for prison inmates, bad for prison officers and bad for the entire community.

» Read the Public Service Association's media release here.

Prisons are an important element of the justice system and should not be privatised. To find out more about what will happen if Parklea is privatised, » Click here

A message from NSW prison officers

The NSW Government has announced it plans to privatise Parklea Prison. The Government also wants to privatise vital prison functions across the state, including prisoner transport and court security.

NSW prison officers oppose these plans because we do not believe corporations should be trusted with a fundamental part of the justice system.

Join us in our campaign to keep prisons in public hands.

matt BindleyMatt Bindley
Chairman of the Prison Officers Vocational Branch, PSA NSW