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International Viewpoint, the monthly English-language magazine of the Fourth International, is a window to radical alternatives world-wide, carrying reports, analysis and debates from all corners of the globe. Correspondents in over 50 countries report on popular struggles, and the debates that are shaping the left of tomorrow.

International Viewpoint Online magazine

Current Issue: IV429 - October 2010 - Full contents here

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The strategy of the European stability plan, imposed by Angela Merkel, the European Commission and the other governments of the Union, was welcomed with enthusiasm and submission by the Portuguese government. The Socialist Prime Minister, Jose Sócrates, aspires to be recognized as the best pupil of the European Union and for that he counts on the support of the entire Right. - read article...
The violent repression aimed against the Red Shirts which took a dramatic turn in April and May has not put an end to the Thai crisis, even if it has put an end to the popular mobilisations in the capital, at the price of at least 89 officially recognised deaths, some 2,000 wounded, hundreds of incarcerations, generalised censorship and so on. - read article...
The first round of the Brazilian presidential election was held n the 3rd of October 2010. Despite her long lead in the polls, Dilma Roussef, the PT candidate, described by Lula as "by voting for her you are voting for me" did not achieve a first round victory. The second round will be held on the 31st of October. Commentators are questioning whether the PT candidate will in fact win. In this reslution adopted on the 15th of October the PSol outlines its position for this second round. - read article...
Since last May, the situation in France has been marked by the mobilisation against the pension law. Days of mobilisation succeed days of mobilisation, the movement against pension reform continues to develop and put down roots. It is the confirmation of a profound movement massively rejecting not only the pension reform but more broadly Sarkozy’s anti-social, racist and authoritarian policies as a whole. But also the injustices accumulated and accentuated by the crisis, whether among the young or among wage earners. - read article...
A series of conflicts and strikes have affected a large number of manufacturing plants in China since May and June 2010. In a country whose labour force is the largest in the world (estimated at about 300 million people) and which represents a huge market, labour disputes are quite frequent, though they rarely get attention from the western media. According to the official Chinese magazine “Outlook Weekly”, there were 280,000 labour disputes in 2008 and they increased by 30% during the first half of 2009 compared to the previous year. The new attention focused on the conflicts of May and June is undoubtedly not fortuitous. These conflicts may be indicative of changes that should be analyzed. - read article...

...and the rest of the current issue


Recently posted Debate

What are the social origins of queer? Does this current have a vision — whether implicit or explicit — of sexual liberation, and if so, what is it? What is its relationship to such emancipatory projects as feminism, antiracism, global justice and socialism? - read article...
I will begin my intervention on the subject of the long-term solution with some rapid remarks about the last savage war in Gaza. It is a coincidence, tragic, certainly, but at the same time useful, considering that this war took place only a few weeks before the holding of this seminar which brings us together today. - read article...
A reply to Michel Husson
Chris Harman, leader of the British SWP, accepted an invitation to participate in the Economists’ seminar organised by the IIRE, bringing together leading economists and members of the Fourth International. On that occasion he gave this contribution. - read article...

Recently posted Theory

The re-emergence of feminism in the 1970s, itself the product of a whole generation of militants imbued with Marxism - at least in Europe - contributed to the development of two types of currents: those advocating a pure and simple rejection of Marxism, others the surpassing of Marxism through some methodology supposed to be better suited to the new subject matter. This paradoxical phenomenon can be explained by factors both internal and external to Marxism. - read article...
Sex seems to play a key role in the Dutch politics of belonging. Sex – especially homosexuality – is instrumentalized by the nationalist right who uses it to represent immigrants as ‘strangers’ who threaten tolerant, modern, Dutch society. Tolerance, power, and xenophobia come to be increasingly entwined in the Netherlands. A plea against ‘tolerance’ as the foundation for political and social struggle. - read article...
The ’crisis of the working class subject’
The crisis of working class representation is a familiar theme in the left internationally, the idea that because of the shift to the right of mass social democratic and Stalinist parties, or because of their collapse, the working class lacks a political force that can defend its interests in the national political domain. - read article...

Recently posted Documents

The resolutions, reports and motions adopted are published in the March 2010 issue of International Viewpoint Online magazine. - read article...
A contribution to the discussion with some amendments to the proposed report. - read article...
Proposed by the SAP, Danish section, adopted by the Preparatory Convention of SAP. - read article...

News from the FI, the militant left and the social movements

Global Justice School in three cities
October 2010
The International Institute for Research and Education’s new campus in Pakistan has just run its its course. This year the Global Justice School will be in three cities: Amsterdam, Manila and Islamabad. - read article...
September 2010
A great initiative to help the flood victims has been taken by comrade Toni Usman in Norway. He is a professional actor of television, film and stage in Norway. He has been able to organize a special theater performance in Oslo on 19th September. - read article...
August 2010
Our articles on the floods in Pakistan have given details of how to send financial aid to the Labour Relief Fund. If it is more convenient for you, you can also send funds through the Europe Solidaire Sans Frontieres account. - read article...
Please donate to Labour Relief Campaign to help people of Pakistan
August 2010
Pakistan is facing worst ever floods of its history. Torrential rains have unleashed flash floods in different parts of the country since last three weeks. Water levies broke leaving the people exposed to flood water. More than 12 million people have suffered due to these floods. More than 650,000 houses have collapsed, mainly in villages. Thousands of acres of crops have been destroyed due to flood water. Houses, live-stock such as cattle’s and goats, household goods, clothes, shoes and other items have been destroyed. Residents of villages are currently without drinkable water, food, shelter and in need of clothes. In particular, the situation is dire for children and women and they are in desperate need of food and clothing. Disease is spreading fast in the areas affected due to lack of drinkable water. In particular, flu, fever, diarrhea, cholera have been noted and are spreading. - read article...
August 2010
An unexpected, unthinkable, yet - concerning current circumstances - quite expectable and natural thing has occurred yesterday night. Three public social activists that have always expressed a consistent antifascist attitude and shunned civil indifference have been detained. - read article...
       ISSN 1294-2495              International Viewpoint, produced under the auspices of the Fourth International