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Campaign for choice

Women and their partners don't deserve to be treated like criminals for their reproductive choices, but Queensland politicians have failed to alter laws which deem abortion a criminal act.

We have a tv ad ready to go. Can you help us tell our politicians to reform these offensive laws? Click here to check out the ad and chip in

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Thanks to your support, we won 98,000 additional Australians the right to vote, spoke with 1.1 million voters on the ground and ran over 700 TV ads this election.


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Thursday, 21 October 2010

A historic agreement has been made this week between the forest industry, timber communities, unions and the conservation movement in Tasmania, to protect high conservation native forests  and make the timber industry environmentally and economically sustainable. But it will all fall apart unless the Commonwealth signs up. Click here to show the Commonwealth your support for the agreement and ensure Tasmanian forests are protected. 

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The missing voters: 1.4 million eligible Australians couldn't be bothered

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ANZ hit with $50m suit over fees

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