
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

500 streikende Foxconn-ArbeiterInnen in Tamil Nadu inhaftiert

Geschrieben von entdinglichung am 17. Oktober 2010

Quelle: LabourStart, wo auch eine Petiotion unterschrieben werden kann:

India: Over 500 workers jailed in dispute with Foxconn
Over 500 workers employed by Foxconn have been arrested and jailed in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The jailing follows a dispute with the company, which signed an agreement with a union belonging to the ruling party in the state — a union which had no support at all among the workers.

Meanwhile, the strike continues and the union is holding solidarity demonstrations and rallies all over the state. They have called for international support.

mehr zum Hintergrund von der WSWS:

On October 10, police imprisoned 320 striking workers who had been occupying the Foxconn factory in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu. Two officials of the Confederation of India Trade Unions (CITU) were also arrested when they intervened on behalf of the arrested workers. The striking workers want reinstatement of 23 suspended colleagues, higher wages and recognition of their union Foxconn India Thozilalar Sangam (FITS), which is affiliated with CITU.

FITS, which claims a membership of around 1,500 out of the 1,800 regular Foxconn workers, told management on September 8 that it wanted wage negotiations. Management refused to negotiate and entered into an agreement with Foxconn India Thozhilalar Munnetra Sangam (FITMS), a union affiliated to the Labor Progressive Front, which is aligned with the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam or DMK. The DMK is part of the Tamil Nadu coalition government and has openly sided with management in all workers’ disputes in the state.

FITS members walked out on September 23. Management immediately sacked 23 union delegates and called in police who arrested over 1,000 striking workers. Striking FITS members reoccupied the factory on September 27.

Veröffentlicht in Gewerkschaft, Indien, Klassenkampf, Menschenrechte, Repression, Streik | Kommentar schreiben »

Karl Marx zur Zeit

Geschrieben von entdinglichung am 17. Oktober 2010

„Die einzig praktisch mögliche Befreiung Deutschlands ist die Befreiung auf dem Standpunkt der Theorie, welche den Menschen für das höchste Wesen des Menschen erklärt. In Deutschland ist die Emanzipation von dem Mittelalter nur möglich als die Emanzipation zugleich von den teilweisen Überwindungen des Mittelalters. In Deutschland kann keine Art der Knechtschaft gebrochen werden, ohne jede Art der Knechtschaft zu brechen. Das gründliche Deutschland kann nicht revolutionieren, ohne von Grund aus zu revolutionieren. Die Emanzipation des Deutschen ist die Emanzipation des Menschen. Der Kopf dieser Emanzipation ist die Philosophie, ihr Herz das Proletariat. Die Philosophie kann sich nicht verwirklichen ohne die Aufhebung des Proletariats, das Proletariat kann sich nicht aufheben ohne die Verwirklichung der Philosophie.

Wenn alle innern Bedingungen erfüllt sind, wird der deutsche Auferstehungstag verkündet werden durch das Schmettern des gallischen Hahns.“

Karl Marx: Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie. Einleitung

Veröffentlicht in BRD, Frankreich, Klassenkampf, Kommunismus, Marxismus, Philosophie, Revolution, Sozialismus, Streik | Kommentar schreiben »

Musik zum Sonntag … The Members

Geschrieben von entdinglichung am 17. Oktober 2010

Solitary Confinement

Sound Of The Suburbs

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Veröffentlicht in Musik, Punk | Kommentar schreiben »


Geschrieben von entdinglichung am 16. Oktober 2010

Veröffentlicht in Jazz, Musik | Kommentar schreiben »

Radical Women (RW) und Freedom Socialist Party (FSP) zum Angriff von Obskuranten auf den feministischen Kongress in Paraná/Argentinien

Geschrieben von entdinglichung am 15. Oktober 2010

das nachfolgend dokumentierte Statement fand sich auf der Webseite der FSP:

Radical Women and Freedom Socialist Party condemn ultra-right attacks at the XXV Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres, Paraná, Argentina

October 14, 2010

As participants from the U.S. at the 25th National Gathering of Women (XXV Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres) in Paraná, Argentina we denounce the attacks by rightwing Catholics on feminists at the workshops on „Women, Contraception and Abortion“ which resulted in a number of injuries and the hospitalization of one activist.

This gathering is an historic victory by Argentine women and is a crucial place for the sharing of experiences as well as for strategizing on how to advance the fundamental rights of women as full human beings. The infiltration of the huge meeting by religious fanatics, a provocative and dangerous assault on freedom of speech, was an outrageous violation of women’s right to engage in much-needed discussions on how to win the basic right to control their own bodies.

Over the last four decades, Latin American women have won great advances in access to contraceptives and abortion. The ultra-right Catholics apparently consider it their mission to turn back the clock and reverse women’s hard-won victories.

Rightwing religious fundamentalism increased internationally in the 1970s in reaction to the worldwide revolutionary upsurge. Today, it is spurred on by the global economic crisis and the reliance of capitalism on women’s free labor in the home and cheap labor in the marketplace for super profits.

The seemingly ever-growing number of religious reactionaries often has the full collusion of bourgeois governments, including that of Argentine President Cristina Kirchner. Through women’s sweat and sacrifices in the home, where they produce and care for the next generation of workers, and due to their drastically under-paid status in the workforce, untold wealth and global profits flow freely to keep capitalism and its crony governments afloat.

We stand with women all across Latin America who refuse to back down in the face of rightwing repression. At the enormous assembly in Paraná, feminists said „No more!“ to the provocation of church-backed infiltrators and physically ousted them from the building where the workshops on „Contraception and Abortion“ were being held. That same night, thousands of women mounted a march that stretched over 10 blocks singing chants against the dictatorship of the church and for women’s right to make decisions about their own bodies, including the right to abortion. The massive presence of police and military forces, posted in front of churches to „guard“ them from protesters, was a display of government support for the anti-abortion fanatics.

As socialist feminists from the U.S., we are inspired by the militancy and tenacity shown by Argentine women this past weekend. We are engaged in a similar fight against the ultra-Catholics and evangelical Protestants on our own soil and are defending abortion clinics from attacks nationwide.

For forty years Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party have organized united fronts with other groups and individuals against similar campaigns by the right wing that target women, lesbians and gays, Blacks, Jews, and radical activists.  We have learned that feminists, leftists, unionists and racial and ethnic minorities, representing wide-ranging political perspectives, can and must work together to defeat our common enemies.

We support the call of Argentine feminists for legal, safe and free abortion and for the separation of church and state.

No more rightwing assaults on the Gathering of Women!
Long live global feminism!

Issued by:

Laura Mannen
Freedom Socialist Party, U.S. Section
4710 University Way N.E. #100
Seattle, WA 98105
Emily Woo Yamasaki 
Radical Women, U.S. Section
625 Larkin St. #202
San Francisco, CA 94109

Veröffentlicht in Argentinien, Feminismus, Kirche, Kommunismus, Menschenrechte, Patriarchat, Religion, Repression, Sozialismus, Trotzkismus, USA | Kommentar schreiben »

… ein wenig Philosophie …

Geschrieben von entdinglichung am 15. Oktober 2010

Den Rest des Beitrags lesen »

Veröffentlicht in Britannien, Film, Fundstücke, Philosophie | Kommentar schreiben »

مرضیه/Marzieh (1926-2010)

Geschrieben von entdinglichung am 14. Oktober 2010

eine schöne Stimme verstummte am gestrigen Tage

Veröffentlicht in Iran, Musik, Nachrufe | 1 Kommentar »

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen (und nicht so radikalen) Linken

Geschrieben von entdinglichung am 14. Oktober 2010

ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika“ und im Download-Archiv … weitere Lese-Hinweise bei Poumista, das IISG ereinnert an die Bund-Gründung am 7. Oktober 1897 in Wilne, syndikalismus.tk an Waleri Tarkowski (1903-1919, anarchistischer Aktivist, Bruder von Arseni Tarkowski und Onkel von Andrei Tarkowski) und ESSF an Vinayak Purohit (1927-2009) und Anne Seeck berichtet auf trend über die Jugendopposition in der DDR:

Rassembler, diffuser les archives des révolutionnaires (RaDAR):

* Opposition communiste: Contre le courant, 9. März 1929
* Parti ouvrier internationaliste (POI): IVe internationale, März 1938

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* Barbara Ehrenreich: Што е социјалистичкиот феминизам? (1976)
* Dora Montefiore: The Class War at Sea (1911)
* Dora Montefiore: Barricade. By Paul Bourget (1911)
* Dora Montefiore: Emigration (1911)
* Friedrich Engels: Конспект на Првиот том на „Капиталот“ од Карл Маркс (1868)
* Walter Benjamin: Liten fotografihistoria (1931)
* Leo Trotzki: Vart går sovjetrepubliken? (1929)
* Ted Grant: Perspectives for Britain (1968/1970)
* Steve Hamilton: Summation of Experience in Revolutionary Union and Bay Area Communist Union (1976)
* The Guardian: Atlanta wildcat strike ends (1972)
* The Guardian: Plant organizers meet in Atlanta (1972)
* The Guardian: Communists meet to discuss labor (1972)
* Revolutionary Youth Movement II (RYM II): Why We Carry the N.L.F. Flag! (1969)
* Chris Harman: La révolution perdue (1982)
* Mullvadennr 5 1971
** Solidaritet med den indokinesiska revolutionen!
** Repressionsvåg i Frankrike
* Revolutionära Marxisters Förbund (RMF): Fjärde Internationalen 2/1973
** Redaktionell inledning
** Den europeiska socialdemokratins utveckling
** Revolutionär strategi och kampen för arbetarkontroll, RMF:s tredje kongress
** Parallellmakten i Chile
** Livio Maitan, Argentina under nyperonismen
** Ernest Mandel, Konjunkturuppgången, inflationen och den kommande nedgången
* Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis: De geschiedenis van het socialisme (1901, erweitert)

Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO):

* Fahrpreiserhöhungen bei der BVG
* Regensburg: Fahrpreiserhöhungen 1970-1973
* Eisenbahnen
* Roter Morgen (Juni 1970 bis Dezember 1974) (1974 ergänzt)


* Antonio Gramsci: An Address to the Anarchists (1920)
* Big Flame: What future for Zimbabwe now? (1980)
* Socialisme Ou Barbarie (SoB): Open letter to members of the PCI and the “Fourth International” (1949)
* London Edinburgh Weekend Return Group (Jeanette Mitchell/Donald Mackenzie/John Holloway/Cynthia Cockburn/Kathy Polanshek/Nicola Murray/Neil McInnes/John McDonald): In and against the state (1979)
* Pierre van Paassen: In Barcelona. Meeting with Durruti and the taking of Sietamo (1939)
* Processed World #26-27 (1991)

The Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* The Ripening of Time, No. 4, The Capitalist State, 1976

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores – Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (PRT-ERP): Desaparición del Capitán Jorge Carlos Molina „Pablo“ (1975)
* Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN): Acuerdo del ELN y el Comité Operativo Preparatorio de la Convención Nacional (1988)

Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières (ESSF):

* Perhimpunan Rakyat Pekerja (PRP): Brief profile of The Working People’s Association (PRP) from Indonesia (2007)
* Perhimpunan Rakyat Pekerja (PRP): Socialism is the only true path to liberate the working class (2008)

Workers’ Liberty:

* Leo Trotzki: Jacob Sverdlov, Organiser of the Bolshevik Party in the Russian Revolution (1925)

The Irish Election Literature Blog:

* Democratic Left: “..Substance and policy are more important than style and performance”- Eamon Gilmore 1992 Letter to Voters (1992)
* Ógra Shinn Féin (OSF): Recruitment leaflet (2005)
* Irish Socialist Network (ISN): Leftline, Juli 2006
* Socialist Workers Party (SWP): John Carty – Gorey Local Elections (2004)

The Militant:

* 25, 50 and 75 years ago (1935/1960/1985)
* Jack Barnes: Black struggle transformed working class (1987)

Espace contre ciment:

* Michael Löwy: Kafka und der Sozialismus (2004)
* Karl Korsch: Crise du marxisme (1931)
* Karl Korsch: Über einige grundsätzliche Voraussetzungen für eine materialistische Diskussion der Krisentheorie (1933)
* Karl Korsch: Thèses sur Hegel et la révolution (1931)
* Karl Korsch: La fin de l’orthodoxie marxiste (1937)
* Karl Korsch: Dix thèses sur le marxisme (1950)
* A.R. Giles-Peters: Karl Korsch, ami marxiste de l’anarchisme (1973)
* Georges Bataille: Die Aufhebung der Ökonomie (2001)
* Jan Waclav Makhaïski: La science socialiste, nouvelle religion des intellectuels (1905)
* Jan Waclav Makhaïski: Le marxisme en Russie (1900)


* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 11. Oktober 1919
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 18. Oktober 1919
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 25. Oktober 1919
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 29. Oktober 1919
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 6. Dezember 1919
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 13. Dezember 1919
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 20. Dezember 1919
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 3. Januar 1920
* League for Industrial Democracy (LID): Thirty-five years of educational pioneering; L.I.D. celebrates past achievements and asks „Where do we go from here?“ (1941)
* JARRAI: Manual ideologico (198?)

The Commune:

* Jean Léger: The conspiracy of equals and the birth of communism (1949)

Luxemburger Anarchist:

* Albert Jay Nock: A little Conserva-tive (1936)

CPGB/Weekly Worker:

* Provisional Committee of the Communist Party: The communist unity convention/A call for a Communist Party (1920)


* Christian Enzensberger: Die Erfindung des Königs (1982)


* Cornelius Castoriadis: Το Περιεχόμενο του Σοσιαλισμού (1952-1978, pdf-Datei, 16,5 mb)


* Soma Marik: History and the politics of Hindutva (199?)

Regenbogen/Alternative Linke:

* Archiv: Studiengebührenboykott an der Universität Hamburg (2007-2008)

Veröffentlicht in 1968, Anarchismus, Antifa, Argentinien, Australien, BRD, Britannien, Chile, DDR, Euskadi, Feminismus, Frankreich, Gegenkultur, Gewerkschaft, Hamburg, Indien, Indonesien, Internationales, Irland, Italien, Kapitalismus, Klassenkampf, Kolumbien, Kommunismus, Kunst, Linke Geschichte, Litauen, Literatur, Maoismus, Marxismus, Menschenrechte, Migration, Nationalismus, Nordirland, Patriarchat, Philosophie, Rassismus, Religion, Repression, Revolution, Russland, Schweden, Seefahrt, Sowjetunion, Sozialismus, Sozialistika, Sozialpolitik, Spanischer Staat, Stalinismus, Streik, StudentInnenbewegung, Trotzkismus, USA, Ukraine, Verkehrspolitik, Vietnam, Zimbabwe | 1 Kommentar »

„… wir sind gekommen, um mit Dir über Bob Avakian zu reden …“

Geschrieben von entdinglichung am 13. Oktober 2010

Die Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, Mama-Organisation der Revolutionären Kommunisten BRD/RIM (gibt es die überhaupt noch?) schickte zwei ihrer Missionare zum diesjährigen Burning Man-Festival in die Wüste von Nevada um das Wort ihres grossen Vorsitzenden, seiner göttlichen Heiligkeit BOB AVAkian zu verkündigen:

„There is a great need for people who are yearning for a different, better world to be introduced to Bob Avakian and his revolutionary vision of the most radical rupture with traditional property relations and traditional ideas, and a vibrant, exciting communist world in which people would really thrive—the unleashing of art and science, awe and wonder, ferment and imagination in mind-boggling dimensions.

Two of us went to Burning Man art to popularize Bob Avakian among 50,000 people.“

wie bei vergleichbaren Missionsvereinen soll niemand eine Chance haben, der Botschaft zu entgehen:

„Before the event, I got permission to install a number of 3′ by 4′ enlargements of the image of the Chairman along a 90-mile stretch of highway (between Wadsworth, Nevada and the Black Rock Desert or „the Playa,“ as it is known to „Burners“). Virtually everyone attending the event must travel this route.

The signs were double-sided. People could see them going to and coming back from the festival.“

heilige Bob Avakian-Ikone, eine Berührung kann bei wahrhaft Gläubigen eitrige Pusteln heilen

und auch ein Altar zwecks Anbetung wurde errichtet und Heiligenbildchen verteilt:

„We installed a large flashing neon version of Bob Avakian’s image in the midst of the art on the playa. Although only visible at night, it looked great! Hundreds of image cards were distributed at the festival itself—left at camps, many of the numerous free bars and parties, and stuck in the spokes of participants’ bicycles.“

beim nächsten Festival in San Francisco wurde das Missionarsteam wiedererkannt:

“ Another young Latina ran up to a person wearing the image shirt. Poking him in the chest, she demanded, „I’ve got to know, you’ve got to tell me, Who Is This?!“ The three enlarged images along the highway to Burning Man had seemed hundreds to her. She saw the cards everywhere. Then, she and her friends were walking on „the playa“ at night when they came across the image of the Chairman flashing brightly. „We were so frustrated! We all sat down right there for a half-hour, trying to figure out who it was.“

The image had been imprinted on her brain since Burning Man. She said she had kind of forgotten about it, but „when I saw it again, it all came back to me and I had to find out.“ It took her a full week, but she finally got her answer. She, and two young men, volunteered to be part of a revolution crew at Burning Man next year.“

have you let Bob Avakian into your life? … und verpflichteten sich, dem grossen Avakian ihre Seele und ihr erstgeborenes Kind zu übereignen

„A total of 3,500 of the Message and Call were distributed at the Power to the Peaceful Concert, and on another level, we all got a deeper appreciation of the power of the image to generate interest on a grand scale, and getting out the name Bob Avakian as a Revolutionary Communist leader, and the Message and Call for all to dig into.“

und schon naht der nächste Missionseinsatz:

„Needed: $10,000 for Publication
Coming soon from the Revolutionary Communist Party:

(Draft Proposal)

The RCP, USA announces with great enthusiasm the upcoming publication of the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal).

This Constitution will be a historic and visionary model of the future revolutionary socialist society and government. At the same time, it will give people a very concrete sense of how the new power would be constituted and exercised in the new society. People will get a feel, and an in-depth understanding, of how that new, revolutionary state power could work to truly usher in a new world, a world in which people would want to live and could flourish.“

wer mit „grosser Begeisterung“ einen Verfassungsentwurf publiziert ist entweder kurz davor die Macht zu übernehmen oder tut im Märchenwald leben

nicht Slavoj Žižek 2010 sondern Bob Avakian (Praise the Bob!) 1981

Veröffentlicht in Keine Satire, Maoismus, Religion, Sekten, Stalinismus, USA | 12 Kommentare »

Zwei Solidaritätsaufrufe

Geschrieben von entdinglichung am 13. Oktober 2010

Quelle: LabourStart

* Colombia: Free jailed university lecturer and trade unionist

Miguel Ángel Beltrán Villegas, a Colombian university lecturer and unionist was tried in 2009 by Álvaro Uribe’s government, on charges of „rebellion“ and „breaking the law for terrorist purposes“. One year after his imprisonment there has been no evidence to support the allegations against him. During his teaching career, Dr. Beltrán has published various articles and academic papers questioning the official version of the Colombian civil war. He has also criticised Colombia’s education policy and human rights abuses in the country. Education International is deeply concerned that professor Beltrán has been imprisoned for his political beliefs, like so many other teachers in Colombia, without having committed any crime.

* Thailand: Migrant workers have the right to workers’ compensation

At least 2 million migrants from Burma work in low-skilled, dirty and dangerous jobs in Thailand from which they frequently incur accidents and disease. Since 2001, Thailand has discriminated against migrant work accident victims from Burma by denying them access to the Workmen’s Compensation Fund (WCF), even though all workers regardless of national origin are legally eligible for access to this fund. These work accident victims are denied access to work accident compensation from the WCF, rehabilitation assistance and are also denied the right to register as disabled if they suffer permanent disabilities at work. This denial is on the basis that most of these workers were smuggled into Thailand “illegally,” despite more than 1 million of them registering to legally work. The State Enterprise Workers Relations Confederation (SERC), an affiliate of the ITUC, has since 2007 demanded an end to this systematic discrimination against all migrants in Thailand to ensure their access to the WCF equally with Thai workers. The ILO’s Committee of Experts in February 2010 responded to a SERC complaint on this issue stating denial of access to the WCF to migrants from Burma breaches ILO Convention 19 on equality of accident compensation. Thailand then announced plans to set up an insurance scheme managed by private insurance companies to provide compensation to migrant work accident victims. SERC disagrees with this proposal as it is discriminatory and unlawful, but despite our protests, the Government continues to push ahead with this scheme.

Veröffentlicht in Birma, Burma, Gewerkschaft, Klassenkampf, Kolumbien, Menschenrechte, Migration, Myanmar, Rassismus, Repression, Thailand | Kommentar schreiben »