Saturday, October 16, 2010

FFA Cup? A modest proposal indeed...

The recent announcement that the FFA would be introducing a Cup competition from the 2011-12 season hit me with no small sense of bemusement, as it's something that I (as well as countless voices in the footballing community) have been advocating for years. These are some of my first reactions to the announcement.

Based on past form, of course, there is every chance that the FFA will stuff it up spectacularly, unless the new “FFA Cup” is genuinely pitched at building football in Australia – at all levels. For it to work, it must link the different levels of the game, not just act as a tokenistic add-on to the A-League season.

The obvious advantage of such a competition is that it allows for the inclusion of what in my mind is the “real” heart of football in Australia – the State Leagues. I would, however, advocate that once established the competition should be further expanded, getting not only the state leagues involved, but also the best of the regional leagues.

A competition that not only allows South Melbourne to play Melbourne Victory, but that also gives a team from rural NSW, South Australia or Queensland the chance to pit itself against the best of Adelaide FC or the Brisbane Roar, would finally give football the level of permeation and community support to make it a challenger to the title of Australia’s main code.

Of course, how such a cup should work is still open to discussion and debate. The most convincing proposal I have seen so far is one that pitches the top one, two or three teams from the state leagues into a form of elimination round (or rounds) with A-League teams.

The cup-winner should also be given an automatic place in Asia, alongside the winner of the A-League.

But an FFA Cup alone is not enough to fix the fatal flaws in the FFA world-view, and which will continue to kill the game unless they are addressed.

Some more modest proposals...

First and foremost, there is no need - especially with a Cup competition - for a 30-round season. 20-odd rounds (that is, one home and one away game) are more than enough, would fit better within the constraints of the competing codes' seasons, and would allow for a genuine cup competition to flourish.

Secondly, it is long past time to abolish from football the ridiculous "finals series" that infects so much of Australian sport. In most of the civilised world - where "football" is called "football" and is "the" main code - the winner of the most points at the end of the season is the Champion. End of season? End of story.

Thirdly, introduce a system that allows the promotion and relegation of teams between the state leagues and the A-League. The current malaise of new clubs being created from scratch as FFA “franchises” does little or nothing to really help build the game in the one place where it needs to grow – local communities.

The franchise system is about a corporate outfit trying to "buy in" to a local "market". Football should be - first, foremost and in the final instance - about football, and the communities it is played in. Where we already have existing, functioning and popular clubs, why set up new ones?

The effect that this total separation of divisions has had on the state teams is palpable. Quality players, trained up from childhood at considerable expense by state teams with genuine community connections, are regularly pilfered by A-League clubs for compensation that amounts to little more than peanuts.

This is not to blame the players. When you can't play in the big league for the big bucks with your club - not for lack of talent but because you're not allowed - then naturally you'd consider the switch.

But I'd be willing to bet money that - were the good NSW or Victorian league teams allowed into the A-League - they would put most of those over-hyped and over-marketed teams to shame.

Of course the ugly bug-bear of an argument most often made against including many of the state or old NSL teams in the A-League is the ethnic tensions between clubs that helped to bring the old competition undone.

However, these ethnic divisions - where they still exist - have largely vanished, or have diminished to the point that they are negligible in the scheme of things. What little exists would, I believe, be largely overcome by the popularity and following these teams would attract were they allowed the right to re-enter the national competition.

The creation of franchised "clubs" such as Western Sydney Rovers - if that walking disaster ever gets off the ground - remains both a slap in the face to the supporters of such quality and well-established teams as Marconi and Sydney United - who have provided many of Australia's best players - and is a recipe for eventual disaster for one or both tiers of the sport in the area.

It would be possible, if complicated, to create an effective divisions-based system that allows for regulation and promotion. Given the geography and demographics of Australia, a similar system to that introduced in a Cup would need to be put in place to protect some state representation in the A-league, and that could cause frustrations and complications.

But it would also help provide a genuine sense of club affiliation, support and rivalry within cities and states between teams - exactly what is needed to boost attendance and support - and would in turn boost revenue for clubs.

The other downside of the "franchise" nonsense is that the clubs remain essentially the playthings of the FFA - and Lowy in particular. The recent sale by the FFA of Newcastle Jets - who had been suffering financial troubles - from under the nose of its owner is a case in point.

Another frequent argument is that cup competitions - such as the FA Cup in England - are now "passé", and have lost their attraction. While I would actually contest that argument on its own merits, it actually misses the point.

Australian football is in a unique position in the development if the game both domestically and internationally. What might no longer work in Europe, may still work here. The point is relating these ideas to the current reality of Australian football, and working out if they will help or hinder. For the points already given above, I would argue that a Cup would be more beneficial than not.

Another - more complicated issue - relates to club finances and control. Football in Australia is suffering financial woes that are of a largely different nature to those in Europe, but some of the solutions being proposed could act to solve a number of Australian football's problems.

In particular, the question of fan ownership and control of clubs - in contradistinction to FFA control - could go some way to solving both the financial and the attendance problems in the A-League.

I'm under no illusion that Australian football and its fans are ready for full-blown cooperative ownership - not yet anyway. But a model along the lines of the Bundesliga's 50% + 1 would serve to allow corporate investment while increasing fan identification and input into how a club is run.

Obviously, the golden thread - money - runs throughout all of this speculation and wishful thinking. But with the losses the FFA - and by extension, Lowy - are making each year on an A-League that has clearly stagnated, throwing the game back to the people might not be such a bad idea.

The current situation - where crowds are falling and the FFA has been in charge of both the Fury and the Reds, has financial commitments to both Brisbane and the Mariners, and recently bailed out Newcastle when the Jets couldn't (or wouldn't) even pay their players - is clearly untenable.

The FFA Cup idea will cost money, and will probably need a sponsor before it takes off, but it could be the beginning of a revival in football's fortunes - much more than the nightmare effort hosting a FIFA world cup would likely be.

Then again, maybe the FFA would be better off actually properly funding and promoting the W-League. The skill is there, the grass-roots interest is there, but the dollars and cameras clearly aren't. But that's another story again.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Germany: Two party system unraveling

Coasting on the back of environmental protests and a hemorrhaging two-party system, the German Greens have sent shock waves through German politics, surging into the position of main opposition party for the first time.

The Greens, who were part of a coalition government with the Social Democratic Party (SPD) from 1998-2005 at the expense of many of the party’s principles, are benefiting from the unraveling of Germany’s tradition two-party system.

Nevertheless, the two major parties - the centre-right Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union coalition (CDU/ CSU) and the centre-left SPD - retain a monopoly over government in Europe’s biggest economy.

But the facade appears to be truly falling apart at last. Opinion polls in early October put the Greens on 24%, one point ahead of the SPD.

At the 2009 federal elections, the Greens scored 10% of the vote. The far-left Die Linke won 11.9%.

In recent polls, the governing CDU were at 32%, while their neoliberal fundamentalist Free Democratic Party (FDP) allies only reached 6%. Die Linke remained steady on 11%.

The Greens’ poll surge comes amid a rise in environmental and community protests.

Stuttgart 21 Protests

In Stuttgart, the wealthy capital of the state of Baden-Württemburg, the Greens have led community protests against a 4.5 billion euro rail project called “Stuttgart 21”.

The Stuttgart 21 project would see a huge new underground rail-hub and ultra-modernist suburb built in Stuttgart, connecting super-fast trains from Paris to Budapest and throughout Germany.

However, it would also lead to the destruction of a heritage railway station and iconic parkland.

A wide range of social groups are involved in the protests. In addition to a huge blow-out in costs, they are protesting the lack of consultation and the heavy-handed way the government has sought to silence dissent. Many are pointing out that the money could be allocated to much-needed social spending and local infrastructure.

On October 1, up to 100,000 people took to the streets in outrage. The day before, police had violently suppressed a peaceful demonstration, using batons, capsicum spray and water cannons.

A 66 year-old pensioner, Dietrich Wagner, was almost certainly permanently blinded when police hit him in the face with a water cannon at point-blank range.

Support for the Greens has surged in Baden-Württemburg as a result, polling 32% five months out from the March 27 state election.

The CDU - which has ruled the state since 1952 - seem set to lose the election. Its 34% support would not be enough to stop a Greens-SPD coalition.

The SPD is trailing well behind with only 19%, while the FDP and Die Linke are polling 6% and 5%, respectively.

No-Nuke Bavaria

In Germany’s largest state of Bavaria, about 50,000 people from community and environmental groups, and opposition parties including the SPD, the Green and Die Linke, staged an anti-nuclear protest on October 9.

They formed a 10-kilometre human chain through the centre of the capital, Munich, in protest against the decision by German Chancellor Angela Merkel to increase the life-span of Germany’s 17 nuclear power reactors - five of which are in Bavaria.

Merkel’s government claims the nuclear power stations will serve as a “bridging technology” - extending reactor life spans for an average of 12 years beyond the previous 2022 moratorium until renewable energy can meet Germany's energy demands.

The protest follows on from a similar outpouring of opposition to the announcement in Berlin, where 100,000 people took to the streets in September in anger and outrage at the decision to keep the reactors open.

Like in Stuttgart, the Greens have received support as a result of these protests, and their popularity - like the protests - keeps growing.

The Greens are unlikely to overtake the SPD in the next federal elections in 2013, but if these numbers continue, they could get close.

"Pragmatic" or opportunistic?

However, the Greens are politically vulnerable because of their “pragmatic” desire for power.

This "pragmatism" which led the party to support German participation in the wars on Serbia and Afghanistan, and to preside over vicious cuts to social security and workers' rights when they were part of the "red-green" coalition government with the SPD.

Underscoring this political opportunism, the Greens have already entered into coalition governments with the CDU in some German states, and they have not ruled out entering into a federal coalition with the CDU in 2013.

The Greens currently appear to be benefiting largely from the widespread dissatisfaction with the SPD, but their greater success brings with it the temptation for even greater compromises that could erode what left-wing positions the party still holds.

Ecuador: Correa vows to ‘radicalise revolution’

In the aftermath of a failed coup attempt on September 30, left-wing Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has vowed to deepen his “citizen’s revolution” in the small Andean country.

After the coup attempt by sections of the police and armed forces failed amid pro-government protests, Correa’s approval rate has surged as high as 75% in some polls.

In response, Correa, stating his government had not done enough to implement its pro-people program and would radicalise its project to build a “socialism of the 21st century”.

This call was echoed by Ecuador’s National Secretary of Planning and Development Rene Ramirez, who said after the coup: “We want to have a much more progressive government, more turned to the left.”

Correa, addressing the Fifth Congress of the Latin American Coalition of Rural Organisations in Quito on October 13, said Ecuador needed an “agrarian revolution” rather than small reforms in land ownership.

Addressing hundreds of peasant leaders from across Latin America, Correa said his government would either directly expropriate unused and unproductive agricultural land, or raise taxes on those properties to force its owners to sell.

Other measures proposed to deepen agricultural reform include allotting state-owned fallow land to poor farmers and a program of selective import substitution and incentives to increase local production.

The government is also moving to break the monopoly control of Ecuador’s media by the big banks. The government will force banks to reduce their ownership of media outlets to 25%.

The government also said it would assist former employees of businesses that collapsed in the banking crisis of 1999 by directing the Ecuadorian Central Bank to buy those businesses.

The state of emergency that was declared during the coup attempt was extended indefinitely on October 9, as the government continues to investigate those responsible for the coup. The police force remains under investigation.

Thirteen members of the police force, including seven colonels and four captains, have been suspended from their duties due to their role in the coup attempt.

At least one of the coup leaders has been identified as a member of an elite unit – the Operational Support Group – that was sanctioned in 2009 for gross human rights abuses.

Between 1984 and 2008, the group was responsible for at least 68 extra judicial killings and a large number of disappearances.

Some opposition and social groups, however, are concerned the state of emergency could also be used to silence critics and deflect attention from the failings of the Correa government.

The powerful indigenous federation CONAIE, which is the main body representing Ecuador’s 40% indigenous population – remains sceptical of Correa’s rhetoric and policies.

While CONAIE supported Correa’s election in 2006, they have grown critical of what they term his “extractionist” (pro-mining) approach to development – heavily reliant on the mining and oil production that has caused massive damage to indigenous communities and the environment in Ecuador.

As a poor, underdeveloped nation, Ecuador is heavily dependent on revenue from mining. Correa’s government polices that have increased state revenue from the sector have been used to increase social spending, but have caused friction with communities affected by the mining industry.

During the recent coup attempt, the CONAIE, which played a key role in the overthrow of three presidents in the past 12 years, remained largely passive.

The CONAIE released a statement condemning the coup, but also criticised Correa for demonising the indigenous and environmental movements, for ignoring provisions of the new popularly written constitution, and for not carrying out his electoral promises.

It remains to be seen if the “radicalisation” of Correa’s government policies can succeed in rebuilding its alliance with the CONAIE and other social movements. Certainly if Correa’s “citizen’s revolution” is to succeed, it will need the active support of these sectors, rather than their hostility.