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October 28th, 2010

Tell It to the Judge

"These documents provide additional evidence for why victims of torture should have their day in American courts." – Anthony Romero, American Civil Liberties Union

Republican Senator Can't Handle the Truth; "My legislation will ... prevent an organization such as Wikileaks from hiding like a coward behind a computer mainframe while putting lives in jeopardy." – Sen. John Ensign

Australia: Lives Not Put in Jeopardy; "The investigation found that the leaked documents have not had a direct significant adverse impact on Australia's national interests." – Australian Defence Force

October 26th, 2010

Pentagon Finally Gets It

"... we have reason to believe they have other documents as well." – Pentagon spokesman Col. Dave Lapan on WikiLeaks' arsenal

The Politics of Fear; "There are groups out there that have said they are indeed mining this data to turn around and use against us." – U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn

October 26th, 2010

Sound Familiar?

"The nature of the crimes is willful killing, torture and the enforced disappearance of persons." – Mohammed Abdul-Sahib, a spokesman of the Iraqi High Tribunal

Punishable by Death, Apparently; Saddam Hussein aide Tariq Aziz sentenced to hang

Not So Fast; Vatican urges halt to execution

'A Theatrical Performance'; "This is just Maliki trying to avenge the WikiLeaks allegations." – Aziz's son, Ziad

October 25th, 2010

'I Don't Recall'

U.S. Army General George Casey doesn't remember if U.S. downplayed Iraqi civilian casualty figures

October 27th, 2010

Surge Fail

"The insurgency seems to be maintaining its resilience." – Senior Defense Department official in assessment shared by CIA, DIA

'21-Year-Old Man that Loved God' Meets His Maker | 'Fine Kid' Who 'Was Very Involved in the Church' Killed | Another One Down | Another One Down

FLASHBACK: 'Another One Bites the Dust' (VIDEO)

October 26th, 2010

United Nations Calls for Investigation into WikiLeaks Revelations

"The US and Iraqi authorities should take necessary measures to investigate all allegations made in these reports and to bring to justice those responsible for unlawful killings, summary executions, torture and other serious human rights abuses." – UN human rights chief Navi Pillay

Amnesty International
| Gulf Co-operation Council | Human Rights Watch

Coalition of the Willing: British Government Vows to Investigate Torture Allegations | Denmark to Investigate Possible Wrongdoing By Its Forces in Iraq; "I take these allegations very seriously and I only have one interest: to shine all light on this matter as quickly as possible." – Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen

October 26th, 2010

U.S. Troop Found Dead in His Room in Baghdad

Pvt. David Jones found with a gunshot wound to the head

VIDEO: Brother: 'They Say That He Got Murdered'; "... just a gunshot to his head, and it's just so hard to explain." – Bernie Jones

Girlfriend: 'Problems with Somebody'; "I think he knew he was going to die."

UPDATE: Congressman Calls for Investigation

October 22nd, 2010

'Juan Williams Is Right: Political Correctness About Terrorists Must End!'

...an open letter to Juan from Michael Moore

October 21st, 2010

'Burning Down the House: A Crime Beyond Denunciation'

...by Michael Moore

October 19th, 2010

'Michigan Blues'

...by Michael Moore

October 12th, 2010

'How to Fight Fred' (VIDEO)

...by Michael Moore

October 7th, 2010

'A Senseless War Begins Its 10th Year'

...an address to the nation from President Barack Obama (as reported by Michael Moore)

October 6th, 2010

'Dems Come Alive!'

 ...a follow-up from Michael Moore


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