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Chair and Senior CLD worker covers up fraud

When the treasurer of a Charity goes to a senior Council official and informs him of fraud by a member of the council's staff, we here at EdSucks believe that it is up to that official to immediately take action. We also believe that the same charity's chair, when informed, should ...............

The foul odour of moral decay

Following the première of a friend’s video highlighted on this site’s front page today, an email with the following document arrived this morning from a co-conspirator. Seems the dirt is flying – if any others have info, do let us know. “The foul odour of moral decay hangs over the Management Committee of Magdalene Community [...]

SNP Education Minister effected

Fiona Hyslop, the person in charge of education for the whole of Scotland, today proves that rather than being in charge of education, she should be availing herself of the stuff. Using an op-ed piece to make a party political broadcast in the Evening Chip Paper about apprentices, which is cannily close to the same shyte [...]

Edinburgh Labour’s silver lining

Labour got a damn good, well-deserved thumping in the European elections as a party. It is also hoped in lots of corners of the land that their bullying leader, one dark night, when he is dumped by the public and is back to being Mr. Brown of North Queensferry, gets a real good kicking [...]

Mere Snippets


Alasdair Morgan Alex Neil Alex Salmond Alistair Darling Alistar Frater Allan Wilson Alyn Smith Andrew Burns Andrew Holmes Andy Kerr Annabel Goldie Anne Moffat ASH Asides BBC BNP Brian Fallon Brian Monteith bz8 dot biz Cammy Day Capacity Building Project Cathy Jamieson Catriona Grant Chamber of Commerce Children & Families Christine Mackay Church of Scotland City Council City Development Cleansing Dept. Colin Fox Communities Scotland Conservative Corporate Services COSLA Council Departments Councillors Council Official Craigmillar Daniel's Bistro David Baird David Beckett David Begg David Hillson David McLetchie David Walker Deidre Brock Dept. Work & Pensions Derek Suttie Des Browne Des McNulty Dibndab Donald Anderson Donald Gorrie Donald Wilson Duncan Thorp EDI Edinburgh Districts Edinburgh Leisure EdSucks Exclusive EdSucks Works! Education Dept. Elaine Morris Elizabeth Maginnis Elspeth Attwooll Environment Minister Eric Milligan European Elections Ewan Aitken Featured Finance Dept. Fiona Hyslop Former Politicians Forth Ports Authority Frank Phelan Frank Russell Fred Mackintosh Gillian Tee Gordon Brown Gordon Jackson Gordon Mackenzie Gordon Munro Green Party Guest Haywired Health & Safety Executive Help The Aged Historic Scotland Home Office Housing Dept. Hugh Henry Iain Whyte Ian Murray Ian Perry Independent Candidates Jackie O'Donnell Jack McConnell James Gray Jenny Dawe Jim Inch Jim Lowrie Jim Wallace Johann Lamont John Barrett John Longstaff John Prescott John Swinney Karen Gillon Kate MacKenzie Keith Raffan Ken Harrold Ken Macintosh Kingsley Thomas Labour Labour Leadership Race Lawrence Marshall Lesley Hinds Lezley Cameron Lib-Dem Licensing Department Lord George Foulkes Lord Provost Lothian Buses Lothian Buses Strike 2005 Lothian Police Board Mac Wilkinson Magdalene Magdalene Comunity Centre Malcolm Chisholm Margaret Smith Margo MacDonald Marilyne MacLaren Mark Ballard Mark Lazarowicz Maureen Child Members of Parliament MEPs Michelle Miller Mick McNulty Mike Anthony Mike Bridgman Mike Drewry Mike Pringle Mike Rosendale Mike Watson MSPs Murdo Fraser Murray Tosh Napier University NHS Lothian Nichol Stephen Nigel Griffiths Norma Cuthbertson Norma Hart Pamela Armstrong Parc Patricia Ferguson Patsy King Paul Eadie Paul Nolan Pete McDougall Peter Grabitas Peter Hain Peter Peacock Phil Attridge Phil Wheeler Pilton Planning Dept. polls Portobello Post Office Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Rab Byfield Rab Hogg Readers Letters Richard Holloway Richard Lochhead Ricky Henderson Rogue Companies Ross Finnie Roy Jobson Scottish Arts Scottish Arts Council Scottish Education Scottish Government Scottish Health Scottish Parliament Scottish Tourism Scottish Transport Shami Khan Sheila Gilmore Shona Robison Sleaze SNP Social Work SSP Stephen Izatt Steve Cardownie Struan Stevenson Susan Gemmell Tavish Scott TIE-Transport Initiatives Edinburgh Tom Aitchison Tom McCabe Tommy Sheridan Tom Pontin Tom Wood Tory Bliar Trading Standards trams Transport Dept Trevor Davies UK Parliament Uncategorized Unison VisitScotland Waterfront Wendy Alexander William Fitzpatrick


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The site that screws councillors more often than their partners


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