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WFTU Publishes "Reflects #2"
wuftu2.jpg The preparations for the 16th World Trade Union Congress which will be held in Athens on 6-10th April 2011, have already started to have a dynamic pulse.
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The Empire from the Inside
  – Fidel Castro (Español)
US Administration Disregards Congress on Honduras
– Alex Main

Ignoble Nobel Prizes  
A Prize or a Bad Joke?
   – Zoltan Zigedy
Nobel Prize for Capitalism
– Stephen Gowans

Australian Unions Debate Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
–  Patricia Karvelas
Unions Hail Government Decision to Boycott Israel Conference
Catholic Bishops Condemn Israeli Occupation
– Morning Star, UK

The Cuban Five
Amnesty Weighs in
– W. T. Whitney, Jr.
Text of Report on Cuban Five
– Amnesty International

US Midterm Elections
Blacks Losing Faith in Obama
– Al Jazeera English (video)

The Crisis in Portugal 
– Jerónimo de Sousa 

Germany, Then and Now
Life was Better under Socialism Say Eastern Germans
  –  Kimball Cariou
The Assault on Eastern Germany
– Portuguese CP
German Communists Change Leaders
  – 21st Century Manifesto

Labor Movement
US Labor Opposition to FBI Raids Grows
  –  Fightback News

The Legacy of W.E.B. Du Bois in the 21st Century
Monteiro to Give Du Bois Lectures at Temple University 
– Editors

Letter to the Editors
Letter from the US Peace Council
– Al Marder et al.

Review of Red Plenty by Francis Spufford
  – Paul Cockshott
Socialism Betrayed
is in Print Again - Editors

Recent Postings

Had Enough?
– Zoltan Zigedy

Cuban Economic Changes
We Stand with All Who Resist
– Elisseos Vagenas (En Español)
Is Cuba’s Revolution Over?
– Dr. Tomás Mac Síomóin
On Cuba’s Internal Economic Situation
– Gloria Riva

Debate on People’s China
China - Capitalist or Socialist?
– Bob Treasure

Who is on Uncle Sam’s Payroll in Cuba?
Itemized List of Grantees in Cuba
– National Endowment for Democracy

Foundation of the CP of Puerto Rico
– Juan Zapata

One Nation Rally October 2, 2010
What’s Behind the One Nation Rally?
– Jack A. Smith
On Harry Belafonte’s Speech
– Cheryl Biren

After October 2, 2010
A Split in the Peace Movement between Opponents and Objective Supporters of the Wars
– Bill Preston

An Open Letter to the Washington Post
– Ambassador Bernardo Alvarez- Herrera

Social Reformism
Does Social Democracy Have a Future?
– Immanuel Wallerstein

Is Barack Obama Bad for Racial Justice?
– Paul Street

Labor Movement
Billionaires Unite! (Against Teachers, Public Schools)
– Shamus Cooke

A Revolutionary Life
Luis Corvalan, an Appreciation
– People’s Voice, Canada

Films Show Human Element in Palestinian Struggle
– Bill Meyer
Il Postino, Communism at the Opera
– Eric A. Gordon
Leon Rosselson Sings for Palestine
– Wally Brooker


Last Updated ( Saturday, 30 October 2010 )


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