Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Aug 18th: Year Of The Horse (with Tam Dean Burn)

There's so much on in Edinburgh in August that's its hard to choose what to go see. This show should be top of anyone's list. And a wee birdy tells me that if you buy The Scotsman tomorrow (Wed 19th) there is a voucher for half prce tickets to the show...

(From The List)

The cartoonist, Harry Horse presented a haunting, gothic vision of contemporary Britain in the Sunday Herald in the year before his tragic and early death in January 2007. These bare facts and a few more are communicated by Tam Dean Burn before he launches into a slide show of the artist’s work, reading Horse’s own text as each piece appears before us.

What emerges is a frightening vision, accompanied by Keith McIvor’s disturbing electronic score of a vacuous consumer society, fuelled by war and brutality and reified by the bromide of affluence.

Horse’s work is stunningly effective, both beautiful and ghastly in its exploration of the blood money appropriated in the Iraq war, and the grim moral vacuum of the spectacle that masked it. For him, our culture sleeps, glutted with the smug righteousness of its media, as an environmental and moral apocalypse approaches. It’s all strikingly presented by Burn, who in a white ‘hoodie’ voices the primal rage of the artist with a theatricality that contrives to arrest you long after the show, but never overwhelms the breathtaking visuals.

Assembly Rooms, 623 3030, until 31 Aug (not 24), 6.05pm, £10–£12 (£8– £10).


Blogger KW14Ultra said...

Although I previously stated I would no longer post to the blog I really could not let this item go by without passing comment.
As someone who has appreciated Harry Horse’s work as both a cartoonist and a children’s author I was shocked and saddened by the death of “Harry” and his wife Mandy. This has of course been brought back recently in media reports of the horrific circumstances and events of that tragic night, whatever happened, and whatever drove him to such despair and unimaginable frenzy one can never truly imagine. The fact that such a talented and gifted person could have capacity for such violence is disturbing, this is tempered with photographs which of him with Mandy, where it is obvious they are very much in love.
I wish I was able to attend the show, but being out here in the Middle East for the foreseeable future I fear I will not get a chance.

11:13 AM

Blogger Kevin Williamson said...

Yr always welcome here!

I'm no exactly sure what happened at the end but HH had an amazing life thats for sure.

It was a pleasure to work with him and know him for a wee while.

9:27 PM


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