OryCon 2010 Convention Report, Sunday Day 3 & Powell's AuthorFest
I'm at SteamCon in Seattle this weekend starting this evening. I hope to see some of you there.
But first Sin Alma, cute little cards!
And I keep getting questions about men's fashions in the Victorian Era. Here's a good resource, but it's too late being only from the turn of the century on, and American. There is a great gaping hole waiting to be filled with a book here, people.
Lastly, I am head over heals in love with Oscar de la Renta's Spring/Summer 2011 collection for NYFW. I'll take one of everything, please. I bet my bottom dollar we'll see at least three of those dresses at the Academy Awards and a few others on Dita over the coming months - I think he designed the show for her.
And now back to OryCon.
What I wore . . .
What I did . . .
Steampunk: Victorian marvels of science fantastic: Discuss and learn about the marvelous world of steampunk. What's new and what's classic in books, movies, art, toys and even music!
What we actually talked about: sexy men, some film, a lot of literature, how we got into steampunk and why we love it. Why we think it is coming to the fore right now.
Turtle or Bunny: Does writing speed matter? Should anyone care about writing speed? Where should writers spend their time? Are fast writers always hacks? When to spend a lot of time editing, when to write 'raw,' when to slow down and when to speed up, and why.
What we actually talked about: Jay Lake. How we defined writing fast or slow. How many books a year would make a living wage. What we would really write if we could. What would be the best kind of arrangement. Our different writing processes.
Powell's Authorfest
Sat next to the lovely Devon Monk. Between signings managed to pick her brain about what to expect from a romance convention (I have 2 next year) and various other things. Delightful companion. After, went out with big group of authors for much shop talk. Or I should say, one table talked shop (contracts, the fate of the industry, and Really Important Matters) my table talked about shopping and food (to my mind even more important matters).
Final Tally
Pairs of Shoes: 6
Panels: 6
Hats: 4
Tribute: 12 (included a chocolate bar, a pen, octopus pencil sharpener, a ring, and a necklace)
Costume Awards: 2 (which is odd for someone not wearing a costume)
Cups of tea: 11
Cups of coffee: 2
Discovery of a very cute shot-glass for my impossible to find presents for step-dad: 1 (victory is mine!)
Blisters: 2
Mysterious alcoholic drinks: 2
Arguments with Brent Weeks over wine: 1
Your moment of parasol . . .
Gail's Daily Dose
Your Infusion of Cute:
Your Tisane of Smart:
Prehispanic Decapitated Ballgame Player Sculpture Discovered
Your Writerly Tinctures:
All about the very important Options Clause in a writer's contract.
Secret Project F:
CAKE in Space: Trunked.
Quote of the Day:
"Fashion is something that goes in one year and out the other."
~ Denise Klahn