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PoCo. PoMo. Homo

  • Chapter 27 — Interlude between Decades

    A few months later, and welcome to 2011.  I’ve decided that the really important bits of this year are those in which I make it a point to write. I’m sitting in London right now.  The weather is cold and grey, and it’s constantly raining…not a hearty kind of rain, but a light drizzle that blocks out the [...]


  • Chapter 26 (Or, Being Sensitive)

    I don’t really want to get into thinking about my professional life right now, since it’s not the best mental place for me, so perhaps it’s best to stick to what I really know, versus what I’m perceiving.  In other words, back to basics: the personal saga (yet again).  As always, I think I prefer–massively [...]


  • Chapter 25 (Or, Taking Back the Ghost)

    Since my life took a 180-degree spin into what I can only assume is the gutter (because I don’t even want to think about what else could possibly encapsulate the general shittiness currently wafting through my every day), I’ve had a lot of time to think.  Not much time to actually do, but a lot [...]


  • Chapter 24 (Or, Wherein Happiness is Made Evident)

    If you haven’t seen Beautiful People yet, please go forth and do so at once.  I’ll even burn you a copy of the episodes, if you don’t have them. Based on (“inspired by”) the book of the same name by Simon Doonan, the Creative Director of Barneys New York, the show follows Simon as he [...]


  • Chapter 23 (Or, When We Were Young[er])

    I’ll turn 30 this year, and while many people have made it a point of telling me exactly how wonderful things are going to be in my third decade of life, I can’t help but be something of a cliché and clutch my pearls in horror.  This has less to do with the age (which, [...]


  • Chapter 22 (Or, How Not to Live)

    I’m not depressed.  Nothing suicidal here.  I’m not being ironic, so in case anyone out there is starting to hyper-ventilate about my emotional state, don’t.  It’s all good.


  • Chapter 21 (Or, In Which Our Hero Returns, Abashed)

    I discovered, during the course of a conversation with a friend, that I haven’t actually written anything here in almost a year.  While I mewled and thrashed about in shame at the thought of this, said friend did his best to reassure me that failing to update a blog with approximately 4.92 readers did not [...]


  • Chapter 20 (Or, How Life Sometimes Bites Your Behind)

    Four years ago, I met someone.  Someone interesting, with a personality and able to perform enough in the way of mental gymnastics to pique my curiosity, unlike the vast majority of gay men in Pakistan.  And we talked.  We exchanged phone numbers.  He–like many of the people in whom I find myself interested–was living in [...]


  • Chapter 19

    Breaking up with Curfew Boy was surprisingly uneventful, with a lack of drama that I almost–but only just, mind you–found to be dull.  At the very least, I was hoping for tears (on either side), but we happened to be really mature and prosaic about it, which is, I suppose, a good thing. Less so, [...]


  • Chapter 18

    So, yes.  I’ve been on something of a hiatus, and there are many, many, many reasons for that.  They range from the mundane (I’ve been working a lot) to the somewhat exciting (I was travelling for about a month, on business, sadly enough), and ultimately wind up at the somewhat basic (I didn’t really have [...]


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