Dave Lamont


Audio: Football Announcer Goes Utterly Insane (This is What it Sounds Like, When Doves Cry)

Recently, helmet-to-helmet hits have been a sensitive topic on the football field. Read More

Google Surfboards

British Officials Fume Over Google Street-View Gaffes

One political voice in the United Kingdom revealed his fury over recent waves of the company's rough practices toward its web surfers. Read More

Jon Stewart

"For one moment, the moderates will be the news."

—TRACIE LEWIS KINARD, who is spending about $750 on airline tickets and hotel rooms to attend the "Rally to Restore Sanity" this weekend in Washington, D.C. (via the New York Times)

Conan O'Brien on the "Legally Prohibited From Being Funny On Television Tour"

Late Night Wars, Exposed: New Book Reveals Why Conan Lost, How NBC Fawned Over Leno

Now all it needs is a Ken Burns documentary! Read More


Gucci Creates $225 3-D Specs

3-D technology just got a whole lot sexier. Read More

Mexican Coke

Study: Hey, Hipsters, Mexican Coke Might Be a Myth

Don't be fooled by that sense of soda superiority. For years, Mexican Coke was viewed more highly than American Coke because of its use of real cane sugar over high fructose corn syrup. Head over to Healthland for more on the recent findings that dig deeper into why the drinks trigger different reactions from our palates.

China Supercomputer

China's Supercomputer Sets Record With Help of American Parts

When it comes to the need for tech speed, manufacturers in the Far East have captured that crown. China's Tianhe-1A supercomputer has turned in a groundbreaking performance of 2.507 petaflops. Perhaps the most tantalizing feature for Westerners is that it used Intel parts to race to that new mark. Head over to Techland for more details.

A protester runs through a cloud of tear gas thrown by Israeli riot police during clashes in Umm el-Fahm October 27, 2010. Israeli police on Wednesday fired tear gas and stun grenades to disperse Arabs who were protesting against a rally by ultranationalist Jews in the Israeli-Arab town.

Reading While Eating for October 28: Care Bears and Bad Crafts

Thursday's links talk baseball, magic and cartoons. Read More

Karl Rove promotes his book "Courage and Consequence" in Alabama on April 27, 2010

"Being the vice-presidential nominee on the ticket is different from saying 'I want to be the person at the top of the ticket.' There are high standards that the American people have for [the presidency] and they require a certain level of gravitas."

—KARL ROVE, arguing that Sarah Palin is not suited to be President of the United States (via The Telegraph)

Christine O'Donnell

Have the Crazies Finally Taken Over? The Atlantic Seems to Think So

The inmates may not be running the asylum -- yet, but the nutjobs have taken over. At least that's what the Atlantic Wire says in its list of 16 Signs the Crazies Are in Control. Read More