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The Future of Fresh Water
In an October 27 panel at The Atlantic Green Intelligence Forum, RFF Fellow Sheila M. Olmstead and other assessed the prospects  
Quantifying Nature’s Value
In the October 21 edition of USA Today, RFF Senior Fellow Jim Boyd explains the challenges of valuing natural resources  
Tax Carbon, not Fossil Fuels
Taxes must be thoughtfully levied in the lifecycle of fossil fuels to avoid choking out incentives for new energy innovation,  
Climate, Trade, and International Interconnectivity
A new RFF Discussion Paper takes a closer look at the intersection of domestic climate change policies and international trade.
Need Reliable Data and Analysis? Get the New RFF Directory
The latest edition of the RFF Directory of Experts for Policymakers and the Media is now available online, providing contact information and background on researchers and their areas of expertise.
Saving America’s Land and Ecosystems
Some 30 million acres in the United States comprise the federal land preservation effort known as the Conservation Reserve Program. An RFF First Wednesday seminar panel discusses the impact of this policy on ecosystem services, agriculture, land use, and more.
Banking Emissions Allowances: A Checkered Legacy
The treatment of banked emissions allowances under a series of cap-and-trade systems to curb major air pollutants has produced mixed results.
Revisiting the Commons—and Climate Change
A new paper by RFF University Fellow Robert Stavins asserts that economics is poised to help resolve concerns about the carrying capacity of Earth’s environment, especially regarding climate.
Ian W.H. Parry
Parry assesses the economic efficiency of fuel taxes on transportation concerns, including air quality, traffic congestion, and mass transit.
Watch this video
Building Codes and Energy Policy
Grant D. Jacobsen and Matthew J. Kotchen
October 29, 2010
With Cancun Approaching, is it Time to Change Focus?
J.W. Anderson
October 27, 2010
The Case of the Chinese Trawler Captain: What’s the Price of Rare Earths?
J.W. Anderson
October 21, 2010
2010 Gulf Coast Oil Spill
Evaluating Recent Changes to Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards
First Wednesday Seminar
November 3, 2010
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