Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So Now it Becomes Clear(er)

That incredible bubble headed misanthrope Huhne has been pontificating (yes, it does give you hairy palms and send you mad) at the CPRE.

It's much as one would expect - climate change will eat our babies and unless we sacrifice the young women of the village to the Earth Goddess blah, blah, blee, blah ad nauseam.

However, one of his remarks exploded off the page, to wit-

"For the first time since the 18th century, we have a chance to return to a true sustainability."

So, three hundred years of human progress is to be consigned to the bin in pursuit of what exactly?

The majority of us reduced to toiling peasantry, while Huhne and his filthy ilk live like The Sun King?

Fuck you Mr. Huhne. My ancestors sacrificed and toiled to drive the gears of civilisation through each agonisingly slow notch forward.

That's why we still live in a century replete with marvels. The 21st. The 18th. can remain in the history books, where it belongs.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dear BBC...

Smith and Blears, pictured in the BBC Green Room, earlier today

...please, please will you stop taking the fucking piss! I don't mean the usual catalogue of egregiosities, the lying by omission with regard to the EU, 'climate change'; the sickening Obama worship etc. etc. ad nauseam.

No, these are more than adequately documented by the excellant Biased BBC, anything I could add would be merely to gild the lily.

I refer to the attempt to rehabilitate thieving, troughing Noo-Laybah scumbags as valid political commentators, and worse, funnel our license fees into their overstuffed pockets.

The sight of Hazel Blears on The Politics Show, and that buggering bloody Smith woman on the execrable This Week, Thursdays is just bloody insupportable.

Just fuck off, and take them with you.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Dear Barry...

This is just for you. Enjoy the midterms, you puffed-up Anglophobic prick.

Kindest regards,

Mac the Knife.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Stirring Tale...

...of one idiot against the system!

'Paint' is a blunt instrument

Tomorrow morning I get out this bloody hospital! Home again! Woo-hoo!

Normality (or at least my version of it).

I'm going to have a bacon roll.

And then beer.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Strange Days Indeed

The Samizdati seem to share my feelings of unreality over remarkable events transpiring at Al-Jabeeba - formerly the BBC - the climate alarmist's propagandist of choice.

Sick renegade madman Paul Hudson (environment correspondent and possible P45 candidate) asks the incredibhly loaded super-pregnant question What happened to global warming?

Brian Micklethwaite punts some speculations as to why the Beeb has mysteriously rediscovered balanced reporting, albeit on a pitifully limited scale, and while these are interesting, I suspect Occam's razor may be whispering through the air.

The public won't buy this particular pup, and perhaps there's sufficient sanity (or cynicism) at the Beeb to recognise that their ultimate paymasters are starting to get just a little teeny-weeny bit fucked off with relentless eco-preaching and related bullshit.

I await developments with interest.

One thing's for certain. That egregious eco-harridan Jo Abbess who managed the cyber-castration of Roger Harrabin* a few months ago will have her work cut out (again). Ho ho.

* Regular habitués of Blogistan will know all about the BBC's environment hack/prostitute Roger Harrabin, and his spineless pandering to any ecoid who stamps their sandals hard enough. I can't be arsed to dredge up the links, but a soupçon may be enjoyed here.

ADDENDUM: I found time for a trawl after supper, and the incident to which I refer is detailed here.

Oh, and this is what the scurgy little fuck calls journalism.

PS: Isn't The Bishop a clever teddy?

Friday, October 09, 2009

And While We're on the Topic

Someone who's had 'a call to action', earlier today

Tom Paine skewers the essential irony of the situation.

There is no other explanation. 1964's laureate - who famously dreamed of men being judged by the content of their character not the colour of their skin - must be spinning in his grave. He wanted to eliminate discrimination, not reverse it

And as someone else observed...

"One does not applaud the tenor for clearing his throat"

La Marquise de Merteuil, 'Dangerous Liaisons'.

And the Winner Is...

A paragon of human achievement, earlier today

...abso-fucking-lutely nobody. Certainly not the Nobel Prize committee. What a collection of shit-for-brains, gold-plated, ocean-going, rectal discharge mongers.

I thought they'd jumped the shark with last year's piece of nauseating eco-pandering, but clearly I was wrong. They had more to show me.

It's very difficult to marshal my thoughts when so much searing vitriol is flying around my poor little brain. I really don't know what it is about this execrable piece of stupidity that pisses me off the most. The naked Barry worship? The devaluation of the institution itself? The implied insult to past recipients?

Seriously, where the flying-dancing-unicycling-all-singing-all-dancing-full-colour-totally-naked FUCK do you START? Really. I need to know, because I am at a total loss.

Let's start with drivelling dickhead number one. Step forward Mohammed ElBaradei...

"I cannot think of anyone today more deserving of this honour. In less than a year in office, he has transformed the way we look at ourselves* and the world we live in** and rekindled hope for a world at peace with itself***."

Is that a fact? Well sorry Mo, but if that's the case you must've been living in a fucking cave on Pluto for the last ten years. The Times mentions two hot prospects right off the bat, and they can't even be arsed to use Google half the time (cf this shite, ably arse-raped here).

Luckily, not everyone in the world has mentally imploded...

"Obama? So fast? Too fast - he hasn’t had the time to do anything yet"

Thank you Lech Walesa. I was beginning to think I'd been hoovered up into some ghastly parallel universe for a second. Mikhail Gorbachev, Desmond Tutu, people I had a degree of respect for are in onanistic transports of delight over this travesty; and there is simply no other word, travesty of a decision.

I'll have it next year. Seriously, why not? I'm quite a nice bloke. Sometimes. I've even said nice things occasionally, and peace might be quite pleasant all things considered. There, that should be enough to clinch it.

Admittedly, I haven't actually done anything.

But then neither has Barry.

* Has he arse-candles changed the way I look at myself. I'm still the same booze-sodden, nicotine-infused scrotum I was last year, and thoroughly intend to be next year come to that.

** Where? What? How? Talk fucking sense man.

*** Ditto.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Yes, I'm a Lazy Fucker But...

...watcha gonna dooo?

Al Jahom related the horror of feline transportation logistics, and it set me off looking for an old 'Who Dares Wins' sketch about cats and vets. I failed miserably, but thought you might enjoy two of my all time favourites instead...


And this:

We shall not see his like again...