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engineer is Terminator

Determine whether the ordered pair (1, 7) is a solution
of the equation: y= 2x+5



Can honor exist among those who dishonor their country and
its citizens?

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RosieGHM Jetpacker

Why are bedbugs taking over New York? Is it a terrorist
plot? Why New York and not L.A.?

New York City


What's your favorite old horror film?
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quack is whack

Do you consider yourself smarter or dumber than the
average person?

Life and Society


If users are losers and losers are users, then are
programmers and IT professionals superior?

Life and Society

quack is whack

Girls, does closing your eyes when kissing make you more
attuned with your loved one or the universe?

More Human behavior

engineer is Terminator

The # of international usa each year can be estimated and
projected by the formula V = 2.18t+46.46,where t is the #
of years 2004. # 2007.


Im Alec

Is hyper inflation, from over printing of money, bad for
everyone that has any wealth at all?

More Economics


what causes bleeding in the ear

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