Coelford Festival Of Words

By admin

Was Warren James Right To Protest?

Friday 13th August, 7pm, Coleford Baptist Church. £3

In 1831 Warren James led 3000 Foresters to tear down the enclosures that prevented their livelihood….

In 2010 300 people gathered at Hopewell Colliery at an event to remember Warren James and this history…

A talk by Simon Sandall historian, lecturer and author. The free-miners of Dean and the defence of Forest custom during the seventeenth century ‘I want to say a few words about the history of protest in the Forest of Dean, this lecture will provide historical context for the Warren James uprising of the early 1830s.’

This will be followed by a debate on the relevance of Forest rights to those living in the Forest of Dean Today. Free mining and common rights, ownership, privatisation,.. And asks ‘Was Warren Right to Protest?’

Come along and share your views….


All tickets are available at: The Forest Bookshop, 8 St John Street, Coleford

01594 833334 9 am–5.30 pm or on-line, post free, at

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