Pomegranate — Poetry with bits in!

Welcome to Pomegranate

Hello! This is a free UK-based poetry ezine showcasing young writers through the various media of writing, sound, telepathy, and interpretative dance (we’re kidding about those last two). We also keep you up to date with poetry news through the PomBlog, and when we’ve got a spare minute between cups of tea we have a chat and workshop new poems on the forums. We’re a network, a broadcaster, a lifestyle, a phenomenon. And we’re just getting started: Pomegranate poets, bloggers and writers are all under 30. Get stuck in!

Latest Edition

Edition Eleven: Bust

So, the economy, huh? It’s pretty bad. But hey, we’ve had a great idea – to kickstart spending (well, maybe) and cheer everyone up, we invited some brilliant young writers to versify the recession and let us know what creative juices can be extracted from the theme of BUST. Of course, as always we encouraged alternative interpretations of the theme as well, and welcomed submissions that ignored it altogether. The result is a slightly delayed issue of Pomegranate (we blame the volcano!) that takes in freight trains, puppets, swimming, and politics. While Pomegranate is not going to take an official stance on the UK General Election coming up on May 6th, our poets (and satirists – well, mostly Dan Hitchens) have decided they’re more than happy to take you through it in their own individual ways. Poetry and politics have always been close, and this issue of Pom helps to keep it that way.

This site receives funding from Arts Council England