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  • Archive for August, 2008

    Monkey Business

    Written by Nicky Getgood on Sunday, August 31st, 2008 ( Start discussion )
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    Although artist Alan Cheeseman’s Chameleon Gallery is in Walsall, you’ll often find him bashing bits of metal and rock at the W.M. Hawkes Ltd Blacksmiths on the Digbeth High Street. That’s where I saw him today, putting the finishing touches to this little model monkey and getting started on building two bigger brothers.

    The monkeys are made from Barbados coral stone, which Alan tells me is a dream to carve with, so are a long way from home. They are set to return to sunny Barbados when they’re finished to stand guard in front of the Heron Bay Hotel.

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    LTD Edition at Sunday Flea

    Written by Nicky Getgood on Sunday, August 31st, 2008 ( One response )
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    Today’s Sunday Flea at the Custard Factory had a different feel today thanks to LTD Edition artists selling their wares. By far the most eye-catching stall was Steve Rack’s pictured above. His cheerful pictures really brightened up the rainy day. More artists should work with wax crayons. And, because unlike some other affordable art fairs the work here was actually affordable, I managed to walk away with Mazy is a Daisy for a cool £5.00.

    Also intriguing were these books on sale by James Bourne:

    James bought the unopened letter on the cover in a car boot sale and, rather than opening it, created a series of work of what might lie inside. Possible contents range from the mundane to the hilarious to the heartbreaking. Apparently he’s still not opened it and is making more art around it. I really admire his willpower, I’d have had it open before I’d gotten home.

    LTD Edition art sales seem to happen at the Sunday Flea on the last Sunday of the month.

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    Brum Punx Picnic

    Written by Nicky Getgood on Sunday, August 31st, 2008 ( Start discussion )
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    Another Byte Of Banality: Brum Punx Picnic 2008 – The Digbeth Slacker, whom I had the pleasure of meeting today, reports on his attendance of the Brum Punx Picnic 2008 at The Wagon and Horses in Digbeth this weekend. Looks like a hot and hearty time was had by all. To see more photos of the event visit Midge Diabolik’s Flickr set.

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    The week ahead in Digbeth

    Written by Nicky Getgood on Sunday, August 31st, 2008 ( One response )
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    It seems there’s no rest for the wicked. I’m only just back off holiday and already my week ahead is full to bursting. Here’s me diary:

    • Monday – Time to get angry and shout loudly about street litter and the like at the Digbeth Residents’ Association meeting, 7pm at the Paragon Hotel.
    • Tuesday – okay so there is some rest for the wicked. After a hard day’s work at ACE dance and music, I’ll get to spend the evening at home, which I’ll undoubtedly spend blogging.
    • Wednesday – The Irish Heritage Group conduct their monthly meeting at The Irish Club. I keep intending to go to this and never make it, so now I’ll say I will on the internet to make it happen. I will, I will, I will. By the way, if you fancy becoming the Irish Heritage Group’s new Chief Executive, you’ve got until this Friday to hand your application in.
    • Thursday – The preview of the new Andy Warhol exhibition at the Ikon Eastside The Eternal Now: Warhol and Film ’63-’68 is at 7.00pm-9.00pm. The exhibition carries on until 19th October.
    • Friday – Melinda Schwakhofer comes back to Birmingham to do Digbeth. Sounds like she fancies a visit to The Spotted Dog to check out John Tighe’s junk record-player collection.
    • Saturday – back to Ikon Eastside for an evening of films by Len Lye: Individual Happiness Now.
    • Sunday – Think me and Melinda may head down to Sunday Flea at the Custard Factory before exploring deepest, darkest Digbeth.
    • Monday 8 Sept – Heading to The Spotted Dog at 8pm to talk Irish culture and Filum before watching a bit of high-brow telly.

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    Last night was Outersight

    Written by Nicky Getgood on Sunday, August 31st, 2008 ( 2 responses )
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    And very good it was too. Whilst the last screening was creepy crawly, this one was cute and cuddly. The theme of ‘French fancies and freaky kid’s flicks’ meant that the sweet shorts were a lot easier on the eye, ear and brain.

    The main feature was Jean Tourane’s bizarre Une Fee Pas Commes Des Autres (The Secret of Magic Island), none of which I understood as there were no subtitles but who cares when fluffy ickle animals are being all endearingly human? Watch this extract from his earlier film Saturnin Et La Fee Pas Comme Les Autr and you’ll see what I mean:

    I was happily cooing throughout until the grumpy guts sitting beside me suggested some animals may have been harmed during the filming of this programme, which really ruined my fun. Killjoy.

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    Melinda Schwakhofer’s return to Digbeth

    Written by Nicky Getgood on Sunday, August 31st, 2008 ( Start discussion )
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    • Digbeth is Good « Inspiraculum – Yay, I have a Digbeth convert who’s coming back soon for a return visit. Can’t wait for some one-on-one lessons in exploring from the intrepid Melinda.

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    Links for August 30th

    Written by Nicky Getgood on Saturday, August 30th, 2008 ( Start discussion )
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    What a lot I found waiting for me in my in my Googlereader after a week in the wilderness! Here’s my picks:

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    Outersight Tonight

    Written by Nicky Getgood on Saturday, August 30th, 2008 ( Start discussion )
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    Only just picked this up in my inbox, so will get dressed and head down in a bit. Text mobile number above or email outersight@live.com for updates on future Outersights.

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    Capsule’s call for volunteers

    Written by Nicky Getgood on Saturday, August 30th, 2008 ( Start discussion )
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    Digbeth Is Good goes quiet

    Written by Nicky Getgood on Friday, August 22nd, 2008 ( Start discussion )

    Digbeth Is Good will be a bit quiet for the next week, as I’m off on a National Trust holiday in Castle Ward, Northern Ireland. I must say I’m strangely looking forward to the prospect of a weeks’ worth of scrub clearance in the rain.

    I’m not sure what, if any, internet access I’m going to get whilst I’m over there as I’m not taking my laptop. But I will be back with bells on in the first week of September and will get posting then.

    Happy bank holidays people!

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