Sunday 17 October 2010

More transport for 6 Nov antiracist demo

We now have departure details for coaches from all over the country the national demonstration against racism, fascism and Islamophobia on Saturday 6 November.

>> See our updated transport page

The demo has been called by UAF and our sister campaign Love Music Hate Racism, and is backed by the TUC and the Muslim Council of Britain.

More coming soon…

Already, local organisers in cities including Manchester and Birmingham have confirmed they will be running more than one coach. Please book your seat now, so we can put on as much transport as needed!

>> Let us know about new coaches organised from your area

March and carnival

The march will assemble at 12 noon, Malet Street, London WC1 on Saturday 6 November. There will be a range of speakers from our supporting organisations, and we will have bands and DJs from LMHR playing on floats during the march as well as at the rally at the end

Artists who have already confirmed include Kid British, Jerry Dammers, Mumzy, Missing Andy, Abbas Hasan, Tasha Tah and DJ Rugrat, with more acts to be confirmed soon.

What you can do

>> Pass this model resolution through your union branch or community organisation
>> Add your name to the statement supporting the demo
>> Download leaflet
>> Find transport from your area

Help UAF's campaign against the EDL and BNP –€“ donate now!


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