
Blondes Make Better T-Shirts Giveaway

I think I’m going to move to Norway.

Not since I backpacked Europe alone and met lots of handsome toe-headed Norwegians who insisted on braiding my hair have I felt this desire.

I blame all this on Blondes Make Better T-Shirts, to their easy going sense of humor in the face of some pretty terrible global issues like clean water and global warming and making light of it on a simple t-shirt (not to mention I’d just love a trip to Norway).

The line is actually co-designed by two women, one based in …

Moss Talking

I’ve rarely been accused of being ‘at a loss for words,’ except when it comes to small talk. Inane chit-chat serves a purpose, I understand, but I’d rather just hear the silence in between. Call me anti-social, aloof or just plain boring, but my shutting up leaves plenty of room for observing, which has made me a better writer. So be it.

Many things are better in black and white than spoken out loud. For one, they last longer. A message worthy of repetition should stay around for a while so it …

Halloween Harvest: Tips, Ideas and Recipes

I never think of Halloween until the last possible moment and then I end up with no costume, no plans, and no food ideas. I think it’s my form of rebellion after living in San Francisco for so many years (many of them in the Castro).

I don’t want EcoSalon readers to suffer the same fate so I scoured the web for ideas that involve good food without artificial colors, flavors, or other food additives. You’ll find plenty of tasty treats, a fun cocktail idea, and some general green party tips.

Enjoy a …

Calling on Sunshine

The electric blue is kind of cool. White’s got the Apple look going for it. Black is still the new black. No comment on the sea foam green.

The iPhone 4 accessory wagon continues its quick ramp-up with this new solar-powered battery charger/case available from SimeniBiz. (Read: “Direct Wholesale from China.”) It comes in not-exactly-rainbow colors, but its non-toxic, protective soft silicone sheath is “environmentally friendly” – whatever that means these days. I’m also digging on their marketing line: “Free solar power.” Um, okay. …

Why Our Fantasy Lovers Don’t Exist

A hint: when someone who has self-identified for years as a singleton gets married, don’t ask her, at the wedding, if her Prince Charming has come. This will take her completely out of the moment, which is a good thing since her left foot has gone suspiciously numb from high heels. What does Prince Charming really mean? (And why is my left foot still numb?)

There’s lots of advice out there about dating and marriage. Some think you should settle after a certain age if the right fella hasn’t come along. After …

The Best of the Best: Weekly Highlights

Sandblasting Be Gone

Over the past few years, there has been a growing number of sustainable denim brands on the market, including Levi’s Eco, REUSE, Good Society, Loomstate Organic and the now (sadly) defunct Del Forte Denim.

Traditionally speaking (if you can call it that after only three short years), what makes denim sustainable is the use of 100 percent organic cotton and plant based indigo dyes. Some brands use recycled denim and Del Forte had a great recycling program where they would take your old jeans and recycle them into new …

Rays Redux: After 30 Years, White House Once Again Amps Up for Solar Power

The White House is going solar (again). Two weeks ago, Nancy Sutley, chair of the Council on Environmental Quality, and Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced at a “GreenGov” symposium plans to install solar panels and a solar hot water heater on the roof of the executive residence next spring. This, they say, is “a project that demonstrates American solar technologies are available, reliable, and ready for installation in homes throughout the country.” Nice. But while the Obama administration’s promotion and support of alternative energy is encouraging, if not exactly …

Luscious Lushlee

One hundred and twenty bicycles mounted on the external facade of a New York City building is just one of the lovely things that will take your breath away at Lushlee, a luscious little place of beauty created by Ange May. Ms. May has created a space in the blogosphere that balances ideas, inspiration, and aesthetics and offers endless inspiration. No matter your vice, Lushlee has something to satisfy your cravings for anything handmade, photography, fashion, inspiration, culture, vintage charms, product design, and interiors styled to perfection….

How to Make Perfectly Clear Ice Cubes for Cocktails

clear ice cube

Clear ice is all the rage. When you’re a foodie, every detail counts. And what could be more attractive than stylish, unusual hunks of clear ice in your fancy cocktail?

So what’s the secret to clear ice, anyway? The answer is two-fold: pure water and slow freezing. You need to start with filtered or distilled water. Then, for extra insurance, boil the water before pouring it into trays. (Some recommend boiling the water not once, but twice, for extra, extra insurance. Seems like overkill to me. But then again, you …
