The Blog of
Nadine Dorries
She writes fiction..
Posted Sunday, 10 October 2010 at 11:03

But not very well..

Interesting comments by Sue Cullen, the candidate the local Labour party has selected for the forthcoming local elections. She is also the Bedfordshire Labour party organiser who attends meetings in the Jubilee room in the House of Commons with Kerry McCarthy MP, the Labour party Twitter Tsar and whom Kerry McCarthy visits at her home. Apparently, according to her Labour party bio, she also writes for Bella and the Guardian. Obviously put on the party web site in order to impress and win votes. Or is it con votes? Because it implies she is a fully paid up journalist, or has been for both publications, which is interesting, as when writing a blog post recently, the only writing achievement she referred to was one where she won a competition at the age of sixteen? Conned blog readers?

The adult web site she writes for is not specifically for disabled people in any way whatsoever, or claims to be. Wordejaculation is on Wordpress.  It is sexually graphic in terms of images, even containing a photograph of Sue Cullen herself. The writing is also sexually graphic and again, the site makes no pretence of this. It is an erotic fiction web site. It appears Sue Cullen, who writes as Ms Cushion, conned the Beds on Sunday journalist into thinking it was a provision for disabled people. Ms Cullen also once tweeted that she was on disability benefit, but told the Beds on Sunday journalist she wasn't and that she is not registered disabled. She claims her agency is paying her long term whilst she is off sick. And the journalist believed her.  I am sure every carer would like to know the name of the agency, so good that if you are off work for months they keep on paying. So, who's being conned there? The tweeters or the journalist?

She has twittered that her disability is due to the Coalition Government cancelling operations she is waiting for on both of her feet.

Really? An operation on both feet for arthritis? Let’s put aside that surgeons never operate on both feet at the same time. This is a medical breakthrough. Hips and knees, yes, now feet! Amazing.  Twitter followers conned again.

Sue Cullen is also absolutely not disabled, although she clearly gives that impression on her twitter account. Indeed, half of twitter was conned into thinking she was a poor disabled wretch, not the local Labour party organiser, under attack from a bad Tory MP. Not the case. Ms Cullen attended my local hustings. She stormed around the hall after me, shouted a great deal and even followed me outside, pacing up and down whilst I chatted to constituents. Odd that she has never mentioned once on twitter that she was the Labour party organiser. And believe me, she can walk pretty fast and shout very loud.

She also tweets that legislation prevents her from visiting the local people she used to care for, who apparently miss her as much as she misses them. Does it really? Legislation prevents you from visiting people in their home in your own time? I'm going to overdo the 'con' word here.
Which brings me onto my former Lib Dem opponent, Linda Jack, who until the past week talked to Ms Cullen on twitter every day. They even go to the pub together on a regular basis, making the arrangements via twitter.
Did she know Ms Cullen was the Labour candidate who writes sexually graphic literature and posts hard porn images, easily viewed by children with access to a computer, in her spare time? Or was she conned too?

That would be the same Linda Jack who was caught with handcuffs in her bag at security during her conference. 

The biggest con Sue Cullen has perpetrated is the one that I am 'disablist'. I have so far resisted the temptation to refute this and to reduce myself to the level of those making the accusations. It is tempting to rerun the blogposts of the day I arranged at Woburn Safari Park, having persuaded them to give me the whole park to myself in order that I could host disabled children and their carers for the day and give them a day out the cost of the venue would normally prohibit. 

Or to mention that the reason why I visit 8-10 locations in my constituency once every six weeks is that rather that those who are terminally ill or disabled treck to my surgery, I go to them.

In conclusion, I feel for the local Labour party supporters. As I said in the article, the majority are decent people. I may be a Conservative MP but between elections I represent everyone. In fact, odd as it may seem, I think I may go the extra mile for those who walk into my surgery and begin with," I didn't vote for you, but".. 

Labour voters must be pretty shocked to realise the local party think a 'porn fiction writer' is just the person they need to sort out their local problems. She can certainly write fiction!

I would also like to thank the hundreds of constituents who have emailed my office in support of my earlier blog post. Especially the disabled constituent who asked to speak out on my behalf.

This is my last comment on this as I am sure the voters will have their say at the ballot box.

Many thanks to the local voluntary student researcher who just happens to live in Harlington and  last night made me laugh when he commented “I’m all porned and twitterd out".

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Nadine Dorries MP
House of Commons

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Andrea Gordon on 01462 811449
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