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Recently a number of governments have threatened to ban Research in Motion's BlackBerry services if the company does not make encrypted BlackBerry data and other content available to state authorities . A major concern of these regimes is that BlackBerry data can be encrypted and routed through servers located outside of their jurisdictions. Unconfirmed reports have circulated that RIM has made data sharing agreements with India, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates. Other countries are also requesting the company locate data centres within their jurisdictions.

This Web site is a research project designed to gather information on how traffic exits the BlackBerry network depending on the country in which the user is located. The findings from this project will be published and made publicly available. This project is being conducted by the Information Warfare Monitor and the Web site is maintained by the (Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto).

For further reading see:

Ron Deibert, Cyberspace Confidential, August 6 2010, Globe and Mail

Danny O'Brien, Why governments don't need RIM to crack the BlackBerry, August 3, 2010, Committee to Protect Journalists

Full RIM customer statement on BlackBerry security issues

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