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cllr_robbins: Great to meet with James Robinson, the excellent Head of Immanuel & St Andrew. Big thanks to Martha and...

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Anna signed up to the Economy Matters Campaign for the campaign 'Economy Matters'...

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UKLabour: Browne review response - Denham:

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Browne review response - Denham

Browne review response - Denham

John Denham MP, Labour's Shadow Business, Innovation and Skills Secretary, said in response to Lord Browne’s report into High Education funding and student finance: more

Labour Vision

We're asking supporters to give £5 month to support Project Game Plan, a new plans to build a new generation of well-trained, empowered members who can put Labour in government again. Click here to donate

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Ed Miliband Acceptance Speech

"A new generation leads our party, humble about our past and idealistic about our future. It is a generation which thirsts for change. This week, we embark on the journey back to power"

Harriet welcomes new members

A welcome from Harriet Harman to new members that have joined Labour since May from a new members event in East Ham, London.

Labour's New Generation


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