All over the world, trafficked women and girls are forced into sexual exploitation in hotels right in front of the staff. The global Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children From Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism, compels hotels to train their staff to detect and assist the victims. The Code works, but so far Hilton has not signed up.

Hilton is a market leader in the hotel industry. Let's build global pressure on Hilton to protect the victims of this brutal trade. When we reach 250,000 signatures, we'll take out ads in newspapers in McLean, Virginia - where Hilton CEO Chris Nassetta lives and works and shame him into action.

Sign the petition to call on Hilton to combat sex trafficking in its hotels:

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Right now, negotiators at secretive talks are working on a deal that would cut off people from life-saving medicines.

Millions of people rely on generic medicines to treat diseases like malaria and HIV. If the so-called Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) goes forward, they could find themselves unable to afford the drugs that keep them alive.

Negotiators are trying to rush through the talks in response to mounting opposition. Our voices can prevent a bad deal being struck when no-one is looking.

Sign the petition now for an open process and justice on essential medicines -- Avaaz will deliver it to the key negotiatiors.

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The past few weeks have been incredible -- together we built the biggest whale-saving petition in history, signed by an extraordinary 1.2 million of us, and delivered it directly to key delegates at the International Whaling Commission meeting.

And we've just succeeded in beating a proposal that would have legalised commercial whale hunting!

This is an important victory for whales. But winning this battle won’t guarantee the whales’ safety yet -- Japan is already set to continue killing whales for "scientific" reasons. To win for good, we’ll need to campaign to strengthen and reform the IWC, and to mobilise in countries with pro-whaling governments like Japan.

We can do it, if enough of us chip in just a small amount a week. We’ve now reached 6,000 regular weekly donors -- if we get to 10,000 we can start funding campaigning in Japan and other key nations now.

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The father of a victim of the rape trade has sent a moving appeal to Avaaz:

"My daughter Oxana was a beautiful, wonderful girl, gifted in languages. She left our home when she was 20 to take her dream job as a translator in Europe. We were so happy for her. 3 weeks later the police told us she died falling from a 5th story window, trying to escape men who fooled her with the job and forced her into a sex club. I died when she died. Now I live only to stop this from happening to other girls. Please, help me."

A powerful new treaty is our best weapon against the global rape trade in women and girls. If Russia signs it, it will put a major dent in this horror - let's get 1 million voices to appeal to Russian PM Putin to sign the treaty and help protect girls like Oxana:

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Avaaz.org is a community of global citizens who take action on the major issues facing the world today. The aim of Avaaz.org is to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people shape global decisions. Avaaz.org members act for a more just and peaceful world and a globalisation with a human face.

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