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Human Rights Activism for Youth - Overview

Student Power!

get involved

There are over 400 groups and 150 individual members of the Youth & Student Program across Canada. There is no better way to become involved in human rights and global issues. Check out the different membership opportunities. MORE

Human Rights College 2002

news and special events

This is the place to look for information specifically relating to the Youth and Student Program; you'll find information on action opportunities, our featured Idea of the Month, special events that are happening across the country, and links to any contests that are running. MORE

March at the AGM 2002

youth activist toolkit

Organizing tips and ideas, a group leadership guide, suggestions on how to take effective action, advice on bringing human rights into your school, it's all here and more. MORE

get connected with other young activists

This section is still under construction. Check back later on how you can join in discussions, share ideas and find out what other activist are doing across Canada.

Subscribe to our new Youth & Student Enewsletter
Just enter your email address and you'll be signed up for Amnesty's new Youth and Student Enewsletter.



Links to other Amnesty sections, other human rights organizations and MORE.