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Sun Shines Bright for NREL's Energy Execs

Leadership program grads are taking great strides to implement ideas fostered at NREL. Solar energy is offering them many opportunities.

New Schools in New Orleans, Sunnier, Greener

Five years after Hurricane Katrina wrecked the city's classrooms, New Orleans is taking advantage of the opportunity to build green schools that could save millions on energy bills. NREL is lending a helping hand.

Solar System Tops Off Efficient NREL Building

A rooftop solar electric system on NREL's new office building embodies the ideals of energy efficiency and renewable energy advocated by the Lab for years.

Entrepreneurs on the Clock at Growth Forum

Cleantech ventures are sharpening their business plans, polishing their presentations for NREL's 23rd Industry Growth Forum.

Sun Shines Bright for NREL's Energy Execs

Leadership program grads are taking great strides to implement ideas fostered at NREL. Solar energy is offering them many opportunities.

New Schools in New Orleans, Sunnier, Greener

Five years after Hurricane Katrina wrecked the city's classrooms, New Orleans is taking advantage of the opportunity to build green schools that could save millions on energy bills. NREL is lending a helping hand.

Solar System Tops Off Efficient NREL Building

A rooftop solar electric system on NREL's new office building embodies the ideals of energy efficiency and renewable energy advocated by the Lab for years.

Entrepreneurs on the Clock at Growth Forum

Cleantech ventures are sharpening their business plans, polishing their presentations for NREL's 23rd Industry Growth Forum.

NREL is the only federal laboratory dedicated to the research, development, commercialization and deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Backed by 33 years of achievement, NREL leads the way in helping meet the growing demand for clean energy. Learn more.


National Minority Supplier Development Council Conference 

October 24 - 27, 2010
Miami Beach, FL

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